Norms for the use of different types of numerals. Numeral name and norms of its use

1. There are variant forms of the instrumental case of simple and complex numerals and combinations with them:

A) eight - eight(the second form has a bookish character and a touch of obsolescence); Also: eighty - eighty, eight hundred - eight hundred;

b) fifty - fifty, sixty - sixty etc. (the first options are normative for a literary language, the second are found in spoken language);

V) with three hundred rubles - with three hundred rubles(the first option, in which the numeral, in accordance with the rule, agrees in case with the noun, is bookish; the second option, in which the complex numeral two hundred, three hundred etc. controls a noun in the genitive case, treated as colloquial);

G) thousand - thousand; For example, expenses are estimated at more than one thousand rubles(word thousand with a preceding numeral one treated as a noun and controls the genitive of the following word) – came here with a thousand rubles(as a numeral word thousand usually agrees with the following noun); Control communication is also possible in the form of a thousand, for example: a thousand expensive trinkets(Mamin-Sibiryak); with a thousand violent and fiery voices(L. Andreev); a thousand small pricks(Korolenko); "The Man of a Thousand Faces"(title of the movie).

At normative form type with six hundred seventy-two rubles(in a compound numeral all the parts forming it are declined; this position is obligatory for book and written speech) in oral and colloquial speech there is a simplified construction “with six hundred and seventy-two rubles”, in which only last word(sometimes also the first: “with two thousand six hundred and seventy-two rubles,” which is explained for the first words by the influence of the preposition, and for the last - by agreement with the subsequent noun).

When connecting a compound numeral ending in two, three, four(22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34... 102, 103, 104, etc.), with nouns having only forms plural (day, sleigh, scissors), syntactic incompatibility arises: it is impossible to say either “twenty-two days”, or “twenty-two days”, or “twenty-two days”. In such cases, depending on the context, either lexical editing is carried out (replacing a word, inserting another word), or grammatical restructuring of the sentence (replacing one construction with another).

For example: instead of “22 days” you can say: twenty two days(if the text is not related to the terminological use of the word day, for example in the medical history), within twenty two days etc. In business style: twenty-two pieces of scissors; purchase twenty-two sleighs.

4. IN normative speech The use of the words both and both is strictly differentiated in all cases: both brothers - both sisters; That's why: on both sides, on both sides etc.

The combinations “at both gates”, “at both clocks”, which do not answer grammatical norm, since the oblique case form is formed from a non-existent initial form (there is no nominative case form “both – both gates”, “both – both hours” due to the lack of a gender category for nouns used only in the plural form). Possible edit: at both gates and clocks.

5. Use of the word pair in the meaning of “two” is inherent in colloquial speech, for example: buy a couple of apples, a couple of pears. The use of the specified word in the meaning of “several” has the same character, for example: a couple of days, a couple of trifles, a couple of words, a couple of lines.

6. In combinations two (three, four) or more... the controlled noun is placed in the genitive case singular: two or more options, three or more difficult forms, four or more valuable proposals, i.e. the noun is made dependent on the numerals two, three, four, not from the word more(cf. the possibility of rearrangement: two or more options).

7. Pretext By in the so-called distributive meaning, it controls the dative and accusative case of the numeral.

For example,

A) one ruble, a thousand books, a million inhabitants, a billion rubles(with numerals one, thousand, million, billion);

b) two pencils, three notebooks, four sheets of paper; two scissors; one hundred tickets, three hundred rubles(with numerals two, three, four, two, three, four, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred).

Other cardinal numbers ( five, six... ten, eleven, twelve... twenty, thirty, forty, fifty...) allow two forms in the construction under consideration: with the dative case (book version) and with the accusative case (colloquial version), for example: ten times - ten times, forty places - forty places, seventy rubles - seventy rubles.

The same options are possible for numeral compounds: twenty-five rubles each - twenty-five rubles each etc. But if a compound numeral contains words two, three, four, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, then the entire counting combination is put in the accusative case, for example: two hundred thirty-five rubles each.

All should be noted greater distribution constructions with the accusative case: combinations like fifty kilometers per hour, twelve hours a day, two tickets for thirty-five thousand rubles etc. become predominant.

This especially applies to numerals five hundred – nine hundred, in which, in combination with the preposition po, an unusual form of the dative case is formed ( five hundred), and special – five hundred each(the first part of a compound word is in the dative case - five, and the second retains the initial shape - - hundred); it brings us closer together possible options, and the form clearly dominates five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred etc.

8. The designs are correct 35.5 percent(not: ...percent), 12.6 kilometers(not: ... kilometers), i.e. at mixed number the noun is governed by a fraction, not a whole number. Also: 45,0 (forty-five point zero) seconds, 6 7/8 (six and seven eighths) meters etc.

9. In pairs with one and a half dozen people - with one and a half dozen people the first construction is normative: numeral one and a half in all cases except nominative and accusative, it is combined with the plural form of the subsequent noun.

The design is correct one and a half hundred kilometers from the regional center (not “one and a half hundred kilometers...”); numeral one and a half hundred combines with nouns in the same way as one and a half, i.e., consistent in all cases except the nominative and accusative (cf.: one and a half kilometers).

Use of collective numerals

1. Collective numbers two, three, four(other numerals of this type are rarely used; cf. usual five days instead of “five days”) are combined:

1) with masculine nouns and general kind, naming persons: two friends, three orphans;

2) with nouns that have only plural forms: ;

3) with the nouns children, guys, people, with the noun person meaning “person”: two children, three boys, three young people, four strangers;

4) with personal pronouns we, you, they: there are two of us, three of you, there were five of them;

5) with substantivized numerals: two entered; three in gray overcoats; seven do not wait for one.

In spoken language and in common parlance, the range of compatibility of collective numerals is wider. They are combined:

a) with names of female persons, for example: The 3inenko family consisted of a father, mother and five daughters(Kuprin); He would not have had enough money to educate his many children - five girls and three sons(Paustovsky); IN[military] I went to school to ease the worries of my father, who had three more of my sisters(V. Peskov). As examples show, such use is more often found in the forms of oblique cases, less often in the form of the nominative case, for example: Three women in the house(G. Nikolaeva); combinations like “three dressmakers”, “four students”, etc. are not recommended even in colloquial speech;

b) with the names of young animals, for example: two bear cubs, three puppies;

c) with the names of paired objects, for example: two mittens, three boots in the meaning of “so many pairs”; the combination is normative two trousers(and not “two pairs of trousers,” which evokes the idea of ​​four objects, since trousers are counted not in pairs, but in pieces); combinations a pair of trousers, a pair of scissors are conversational in nature;

d) with other words in stylized speech: “Three border guards. Six eyes and a motor launch” (Bagritsky); three horses(Paustovsky).

2. When constructions are synonymous with cardinal and collective numerals such as two friendstwo friends You can choose one of the options.

It is preferable to use collective numerals:

1) with substantivized masculine adjectives: two passers-by, three sick people, four guards;

2) with masculine nouns having nominative case singular ending -A : two men, three grandfathers.

In some cases, on the contrary, collective numerals are not used, since they introduce a reduced connotation of meaning, for example: two professors, three generals (not: “two professors”, “three generals”).

3. In combination with animate nouns, collective numerals are used in both the nominative and indirect cases: three children, mother of three children.

In combination with inanimate nouns, as a rule, only the nominative-accusative case form is used: two sleds, three scissors, four days. In oblique cases, the forms of the corresponding cardinal numbers are used: to two sleds, with three scissors, about four days.

At the word watch(device) the collective numeral is used ( one watch, two watches) or the word piece is added ( five watches are missing). The expression “a couple of hours” has a colloquial character.

Numerals in compound words

1. It is possible to use words in parallel that contain the element two- – two-, for example: two-voice song - two-voice song, double-bottomed suitcase - double-bottomed suitcase, two-class school - two-class school, two-year-old plant - two-year-old child, double bed - double bed, double-trunked birch - double-trunked birch.

However, in most of the words with the specified element, one variant is fixed: in terms, special and book words, formations with the element predominate two- , in everyday words – formations with the element two- .

For example:

A) double-headed(eagle), diphthong(sound), two-humped(camel), dihedral(corner), double-breathing(fish), double-horse(rogue), two-hoofed(animals), Diptera(insects), duplicity, dioxide, bisexual(flowers), two-field, two-handed(saw), double-decker, dicotyledonous(plants), bisemyanka, two-syllable(word), ambiguity, two-footed(iamb) bicarbonate(soda), I-beam(beam), binomial, bilingualism;

b) two-bucket(samovar), two days(stock), semi-detached(house), two-wheeled(cart), two-room(apartment), two-liter(jar), two months(salary), two-week(vacation), two-shift(Job), two-day(moving), two-stroke(engine), two-hour(riding).

If both options are available, the first one is more often used, for example: gable roof, bilateral agreement.

However, such differentiation is not categorical: in book words there may be an element of two ( two-field system, two-wool products) and, conversely, in everyday colloquial words – the element two- (double-barreled shotgun, double-light flashlight).

The phonetic-orthoepic aspect plays a well-known role: as a rule, it is used before vowels (including iotated ones). two- to avoid overlap of two vowels, for example: two-act, two-atom, two-axial, two-tier, two-story, two-element(however, there are deviations: dioxide, bicarbonate, bilingual and some others).

2. Numeral floor- , meaning “half”, in modern literary language not used as an independent word.

As part of compound words, the numeral floor- , with a noun in the genitive case, in indirect cases (except the accusative) takes the form semi- , For example: in half an hour - half an hour's walk, in six months - within six months. In the nominative and accusative cases the numeral floor- as part of complex words it agrees with the predicate (verb or short participle) in the plural or neuter form: six months have passed - six months have passed, half a century has been measured - half a century has been measured.

In words like 2500th anniversary two methods of forming complex words are used, the first element of which is the cardinal numeral: the form of the genitive case of the numeral, without a connecting vowel (cf.: biennial, quincentenary) and a form with a connecting vowel (cf.: millennium); the result is two thousand five hundredth anniversary.

According to the semantic features, grammatical properties and nature of use, the following categories of numerals are distinguished: 1) quantitative: three, ten, thirteen, thousand, million etc., 2) collective : two, three, four etc., 3) fractional: three quarters, one point five sevenths, one eighth etc., 4) indefinitely quantitative: a lot, a little, a lot, several etc., 5) ordinal: fifth, one hundred twenty-third etc.

Genus category have numerals: one– m.r., one– woman of birth, one– s.r.; two– m.r. and sr.r., two– female birth; both– m.r. and sr.r., both– female birth; one and a half– m.r. and sr.r . one and a half– female birth; thousand– female birth; million, billion, trillion–m.r.

All numeral names have case category.

Declension of prime numbers


M.R. Wed. Zh.r. Pl.

AND. one one one alone one one alone one one one

IN. one,one one, one one alone alone

T. one one one alone

P. (about) one (about) one (about) one (about) some

Two, three, four

AND. two two three four

R. two three four

D. two three four

IN. as I. or R. as I. or R. as I. or R.

T. two three four

P. (o) two (o) three (o) four

Numerals 5...29, 30 change like nouns of the 3rd declension. In numerals from 50 to 80 and from 200 to 900 both parts bow.

AND.five fifty two hundred nine hundred

R.five fifty two hundred nine hundred

D.five fifty two hundred nine hundred

IN.five fifty two hundred nine hundred

T.five fifty two hundred nine hundred

P.five fifty (o) two hundred (o) nine hundred

Numerals 40 , 90 , 100 in oblique cases they have an ending -A.

Forty Ninety One Hundred

AND.forty ninety hundred

R.forty ninety hundred

D.forty ninety hundred

IN.forty ninety one hundred

T.forty ninety hundred

P.forty ninety hundred

U composite of numerals, all their constituent words are declined.

AND. four hundred sixty eight

R. four hundred sixty eight

D. four hundred sixty eight

IN. four hundred sixty eight

T. four hundred sixty eight/eight

P. about four hundred (about) sixty eight

In ordinal When declension of numerals, only the last part, the last word, changes; endings are like adjectives. For example:

T.twenty-five thousandth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-third

P.about twenty-five thousandth, about one thousand nine hundred and forty-three

For fractional numerals, the 1st part is declined as a simple numeral, the 2nd – as an adjective in plural.

AND.four sevenths (fields - R.p. units)

R.four sevenths

D.four sevenths

IN.four sevenths

T.four sevenths

P.about four-sevenths

Collective Numerals are declined like plural adjectives. Both - m., Wed. gender (and m. and. f.: both they, husband and wife...); both- and. genus.

AND. four; both, both

R. four; both, both

D. four; both, both

IN. =I.p. (inanimate); = R.p. (shower)

T. four; both, both

P. about four; about both, both

Numerals thousand, million, billion etc. declined like nouns.

Units Pl.

AND.thousand thousand

R.thousands of thousands

D.thousand thousand

IN.thousand thousand

T.thousand/thousand thousand

P.(o) thousand (o) thousand

Note: In Tv.p. This numeral has two variants. Both are normative, however, in cases where this numeral is used in the meaning of a noun, the first option (by a thousand) is preferable, for example: left with one thousand in his pocket, a store called a thousand little things opened.

Standards of use different types numerals

In comparison with other parts of speech, numerals are represented in modern Russian by a rather limited group of words. However, despite the small number, the use of numerals causes certain difficulties.

1. There are variant forms of the instrumental case of simple and complex numerals and combinations with them:

Normative colloquial

eight eight

eighty eighty

fifty fifty

sixty sixty

The numeral eight hundred in T.p has options: eight hundred And eight hundred. Both of these options are normative.

2. Numerals one and a half, one and a half and one and a half hundred have only two forms: in the nominative and accusative cases - one and a half(M. and Wed. R.), one and a half(f.r.), one and a half hundred; in indirect cases – floor at tora, floor at toast.

3. When connecting a compound numeral ending in two, three, four(22, 23, 24 ...102, 193 etc.), with nouns having only plural forms ( day, sleigh, scissors), syntactic inconsistency arises.

4. In normative speech, the use of words is strictly limited both And both in all cases: both brothersboth sisters. Violation of this rule is undesirable even in oral speech.

5. In combinations two (three, four) and more the controlled noun is placed in the singular genitive case. numbers: two or more options, three or more difficult forms.

6. Words two, three, four, used with animate nouns, have an accusative case form similar to the genitive: met two friends And three friends, advised four students.

7. The designs are correct 35.5 percent A (Not: percent), 12,6 kilometers(Not: kilometers), that is, with a mixed number, the noun is controlled by a fraction, not a whole number. Also: 45.0 (forty-five point zero) seconds, 6 7/8 meters.

8. Collective numbers two, three, four(other numerals of this type are rarely used) are combined:

a) with nouns husband. and general genders that name persons: two friends, three orphans;

b) with nouns denoting paired objects and used only in the plural form. numbers: two sleds, three tongs;

c) with nouns children, guys, people, with a noun face in the meaning of "person": two children, three boys, four unfamiliar faces;

d) with substantivized numerals: two entered, seven did not wait for one;

d) with personal pronouns we, you, they: there are two of us, three of you, there were five of them;

f) with nouns denoting young animals: seven kids, four kittens.

9 . When constructions are synonymous with cardinal and collective numerals such as two friends - two friends You can choose one of the options. It is preferable to use collective numerals:

a) with substantivized masculine adjectives: two passers-by, three sick, seven playing;

b) with masculine nouns ending - A: two men, three elders.

On the other hand, it is preferable to use a cardinal number:

a) with some m.r. nouns naming persons by profession, occupation, position, etc.: three professors, six majors;

b) with inanimate nouns in indirect cases: to two sleighs, about three days.

However, in combination with the word clock, the choice of a collective or cardinal number is semantically distinctive: six hours are missing - six hours are missing.


1. What are the features of the declension of quantitative, ordinal, fractional and collective nouns?

2. What are the distinctive features of combinations of numerals with nouns?


Task 1. Decline the numbers:

4652; 1941; 688; 795; one thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine; two men; three days; one and a half kilograms of oranges; one point twenty-four hundredths; 105 meters 53 centimeters.

Task 2. Pay attention to the use of collective and cardinal numerals and counting nouns. Edit the sentences, motivating changes in the text.

1. Five girls from our group worked in a construction team in the summer. 2. So many journalists, tourists, and guests have entered the capital of the championship that its population will increase by a couple of thousand. 3. Among the students in our group, four were excellent students. 4. The snowstorm did not subside for three days. 5. Two wolves were shot in the barnyard. 6. The sports club has been in the forefront of the major leagues for a dozen years. 7. Three boys and three girls performed a beautiful dance. 8. The hunters caught four hares and two foxes. 9. Two new heroines are involved in the play. 10. The certificate was presented to I.A. Ivanova: she is turning eight years old. 11. The village is located one and a half kilometers from the station. 12. There are about a month and a half left before vacation. 12. Wallpaper of female students receiving scholarships. 13. This is how we live: seven in one room.

Task 3. Find semantic or stylistic differences between parallel forms of numerals. What phrases are associated with violation of the norms of using numerals?

Three soldiers - three soldiers, four girls - four girls, two professors - two professors, to both friends - to two friends, about a thousand little things - about thousands of little things, with a thousand soldiers - with a thousand soldiers, one and a half hundred meters - one and a half hundred meters.

Task 4. Read the sentences, putting the numerals in the correct case. REMEMBER: numerals are the business card of the general speech culture speaker.

1. Napoleonic army consisted of about 134 thousand soldiers and officers with 587 guns. 2. About 120 thousand people lived in the city, managing 572 acres of arable land, 257 of hayfields, 735 of forests, 528 of water. 3. In 1917, the Russian army needed to be replenished with 1850 fighters. 4. The most developed tram network in the world is St. Petersburg, with 20,402 cars and 64 routes. 5. Of the 4,803 London buses, 4,120 are double-decker. 6. Almost 3 million works of art are stored in more than 350 halls of the Hermitage. 7. Approximately 845 languages ​​and dialects are spoken in India.

Task 5. Using the data provided, compose texts (or sentences) on the topics of the surveys. Consume prepositions: from, to, more, over, about; nouns: amount, number, share; verbs: achieve (what?), be calculated (by what?), equal (what?), exceed (what?), amount to (how much?).

Sample: Number citizens who consider the fight against crime a priority problem, amounts to more than eighty-one percent.

Survey of Russian citizens


What specifically do you think needs to be done to improve living conditions in our city? What problems require priority solutions?


– maintaining order, fighting crime – 81%

– trade organization – 38%

– public transport operation – 31%

– assistance to the elderly, children, disabled people, low-income people – 31%

– ecology – 30%

– city improvement – ​​29%

– state of medical care – 29%

– housing problems – 21%

– school education – 12%

- children's work preschool institutions – 8%

– activities of cultural institutions – 7%

1. Vvedenskaya L.A. Russian language. Workshop: textbook. allowance / L.A. Vvedenskaya, M.Yu. Semenov. – M.: KNORUS, Rostov n/ Don: Nauka-Press, 2006.

2. Graudina L.K. Grammatical correctness of Russian speech. Stylistic dictionary of variants / Institute of Russian. language them. V.V. Vinogradov RAS; OK. Graudina, V.A. Itskovich, L.P. Katlinskaya. – 3rd ed., erased. – M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2004.

3. Culture of oral and written speech business man: Directory. Workshop. – 6th ed. – M.: Flinta: Science, 2001.

4. Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of the Russian language. Practical stylistics / D.E. Rosenthal. – M.: Publishing house “ONICS 21st century”: Peace and Education, 2001.

5. Russian language and speech culture: textbook. for universities / A.I. Dunev, M.Ya. Dymarsky, A.Yu. Kozhevnikov and others; Ed. V.D. Chernyak. – M.: Higher. school; S.-Pb.: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, 2002.

The Russian language course in the school curriculum provides for the study of all auxiliary and significant parts of speech. To study each of them there is its own section of the language, which is given a certain amount of time. One of the extensive topics is “Numerals”. It contains many sections. This is also the structure of this part of speech, in which there are quantitative, ordinal, integer, fractional and collective numerals. As well as ways of using words denoting numbers in a sentence, their change by gender and declension by case.


The study of the section on begins in third grade and continues throughout the school course. In a textbook on the Russian language, the definition sounds approximately like this: this is an independent part of speech, which is formed by a non-replenishable group of words indicating the quantity and number of objects, as well as their serial number when counting and answering questions Which? and how much? The initial form of the numeral is the nominative case.

Morphological features of the numeral

Like other nouns, a numeral has variable and constant characteristics. The first includes gender, number and case form, and the others include belonging to the category and type in the system of numerals. It is these morphological features that are the basis for recognizing this part of speech as independent.

Number places

According to their meaning, all numerals are divided into two categories:

  1. Quantitative. As a rule, words belonging to this category denote the quantity and number of objects. Among cardinal numbers there are three types: integers ( five, eight, twenty), fractional ( one fifth, three fourths) and collective ( two, both, five). It should be noted that some types of cardinal numbers can be used simultaneously, forming mixed numbers. For example: two whole and three quarters, one whole and one second. Collective and fractional numbers cannot be used together.
  2. Ordinal. Words that belong to this category indicate the serial number of an object or person when counting. For example: fifth, seventh, thirty-third, one hundred and fifty-eighth. As can be seen from the example, such numerals can consist of one word or several.

Structure of numerals by composition

Depending on how many words the numeral name consists of, it can be simple ( one, forty), complex ( sixty, seventy) and composite ( twenty five, two thirds). It should be noted that complex numeral names are those that are built on the basis of simple ones, for example, five and ten - fifty.

Collective numbers and their signs

Collective numerals are a special group of words that indicate a collection of objects or persons. Quite often, schoolchildren confuse simple numbers with collective numbers. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to distinguish between them. For example: two fishermen- simple numeral; two fishermen- collective numeral. This type is formed on the basis of a cardinal number by adding a suffix -o- or -er- and endings -e or -o. For example: two - two, three - three, four - four, five - five, six - six, seven - seven, eight - eight, nine - nine, ten - ten.

Declension of numerals

As already mentioned, one of the inconsistent features of this part of speech is the change in cases. This topic is quite difficult to master, and many people make mistakes when declension of numerals by case, even as adults. And the reason for this is the special forms of declension of some words. Each type of numeral is declined according to certain rules:

  • Declension of collective numerals is done in the same way as in the case of plural adjectives.
  • When changing the case form of a fractional number, the first part is declined as a simple integer, and the second as an ordinal, in the plural.
  • Cardinal numerals have their own characteristics during declination: the number “one” is declined according to the type of the pronoun “this”, and the remaining numbers should be considered with an example. It is also worth noting that when declining, all parts of the number are declined.

Examples of declension of numerals

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Instrumental Prepositional
Who? What?whom? what?to whom? what?whom? What?by whom? how?about whom? about what?
twotwotwotwo, twotwoabout two
oneonealoneone, oneoneabout one thing
five hundred twentyfive hundred twentyfive hundred twentyfive hundred twentyfive hundred twentyabout five hundred twenty
fourtymagpiemagpiefourtymagpieabout forty
thousand fourthousand fourone thousand fourthousand fourthousand fourabout one thousand four
three hundred threethree hundred threethree hundred threethree hundred threethree hundred threeabout three hundred three
fourfourfourfour, fourfourabout four

It is also worth noting that cardinal numbers such as little, a lot, can only be used in the nominative and But the words a little, a lot, several And How many when used in, they acquire endings similar to plural adjectives.

Syntactic compatibility of numerals

Another ode important topic in the section on the numeral name is the use of this part of speech. Quite often in everyday life deal with collective numerals, and therefore you should know how to pronounce and write them correctly. And in order to avoid mistakes, you should study not only the declension of numerals by case, but also a topic that reveals what the collective numeral can be combined with. A noun is the main syntactic compatibility partner of a numeral. And there are a lot of features that every educated person should know.

Use of cardinal integers and ordinal numbers

If a numeral in a sentence is used in the nominative and accusative cases, then the noun must be in the genitive case. For example: d nine notebooks, twenty roses, five people.

It should also be noted that numerals such as one and a half, four, three And two, are combined only with singular nouns, and all others - in the plural. For example: two notebooks, three roses, four people.

The examples discussed above show syntactic compatibility, which is called control, since the case of the noun depends on the numeral.

Another type of compatibility is agreement, when both one and the other parts of speech are used in the same case. The only exception in this case is the word one, which agrees with the noun in all cases.

When agreeing ordinal numbers with a noun, they behave in the same way as adjectives. For example: eighth week, tenth day, fourth day. When declining such a numeral by case, it should be taken into account that only the ending of the last word changes. For example: one hundred fifty-fifth paragraph.

Use of collective numerals

Collective numbers are combined with nouns only in the genitive case. The exception is the word both, in which the companion should only have For example: seven kittens And both are friends.

In comparison with other parts of speech, numerals are represented in modern Russian by a rather limited group of words. However, despite the small number, the use of numerals causes certain difficulties.

1. There are variant forms of the instrumental case of simple and complex numerals and combinations with them:

Normative colloquial

eight eight

eighty eighty

fifty fifty

sixty sixty

Numeral eight hundred in T.p. has options: eight hundred And eight hundred. Both of these options are normative.

2. Numerals one and a half, one and a half and one and a half hundred have only two forms: in the nominative and accusative cases - one and a half(M. and Wed. R.), one and a half(f.r.), one and a half hundred; in indirect cases – floor at tora, floor at toast.

3. When connecting a compound numeral ending in two, three, four(22, 23, 24 ...102, 193 etc.), with nouns that have only plural forms, syntactic incompatibility arises. Misuse: twenty two days, twenty two days, twenty two days. In such cases, either lexical editing or grammatical restructuring of the structure is carried out: twenty two days or within twenty two days.

4. In normative speech, the use of words is strictly limited both And both in all cases: both brothersboth sisters. Violation of this rule is undesirable even in oral speech.

5. In combinations two (three, four) and more the controlled noun is placed in the singular genitive case. numbers: two or more options, three or more difficult forms.

6. Words two, three, four, used with animate nouns, have the form V.p., similar to R.p.: met two friends And three friends, advised four students.

7. The designs are correct 35.5 percent A (Not: percent), 12,6 kilometer A (Not: kilometers), that is, with a mixed number, the noun is controlled by a fraction, not a whole number. Also: 45.0 (forty-five and zero tenths) seconds, 6 and 7/8 meters (six and seven-eighths of a meter).

8. Collective numbers two, three, four(other numerals of this type are rarely used) are combined:

a) with masculine and general nouns naming persons: two friends, three orphans;

b) with nouns denoting paired objects and used only in the plural form. numbers: two sleds, three tongs;

c) with nouns children, guys, people, with a noun face in the meaning of "person": two children, three boys, four unfamiliar faces;

d) with personal pronouns we, you, they: there are two of us, three of you, there were five of them;

e) with nouns denoting young animals: seven kids, four kittens.

9. When constructions are synonymous with cardinal and collective numerals such as two friends - two friends You can choose one of the options. It is preferable to use collective numerals:

a) with substantivized masculine adjectives: two passers-by, three sick, seven playing;

b) with masculine nouns ending - A: two men, three elders.

On the other hand, it is preferable to use a cardinal number:

a) with some m.r. nouns naming persons by profession, occupation, position, etc.: three professors, six majors;

b) with inanimate nouns in indirect cases: to two sleighs, about three days.

However, in combination with the word clock, the choice of a collective or cardinal number is semantically distinctive: six hours are missing - six hours are missing.

Pay attention!

Words are written:

a) single-digit cardinal numbers, if they do not have units of measurement ( seven cases, five machines);

b) multi-valued cardinal numbers with which the paragraph begins. (In this case, it is better to construct the phrase so that the numeral is not the first word of the paragraph).

Written in numbers:

a) multi-valued cardinal numerals (with the exception of numerals with which the paragraph begins);

b) numbers with abbreviated units (single-digit and multi-digit).

After listing homogeneous numbers (quantities and ratios), the abbreviated designation of the unit of measurement is placed only after the last digit. For example: 5, 15 and 30 l. When written in Arabic numerals, cardinal numbers do not have case endings. For example: in 30 groups(it is forbidden: in 30 groups).

Ordinal numbers are usually written in words. When written in Arabic numerals, ordinal numbers have case endings.

Increasing the case ending in ordinal numbers indicated by Arabic numbers, according to established tradition, is carried out as follows:

a) one letter is added to the numeral if last letter preceded by a vowel sound, for example:

b) a two-letter increment can be added to numerals if the last letter of the numeral is preceded by a consonant, for example:

If two ordinal numbers follow one after the other, separated by a comma or a connecting conjunction, then the case ending is increased for each of them, for example: 1st, 2nd rows; 9th and 10th grades.

Ordinal numbers do not have case endings: a) after the noun to which they refer ( in ch. 2); b) when written in Roman numerals ( XX century; it is forbidden: XX century); c) in the bibliographic description except for the edition number ( v.3, issue 4) However, if the generic word comes after the numeral, then it is necessary to act according general rule, For example: in volume 6; on page 85. Word year or the name of the month in the date follows the number, for example: In 2014, May 9, 1945(it would be a mistake to write In 2014, May 9, 1945). However, if the word year or the name of the month is omitted, or placed before the number, or separately from the number in another word, it is recommended to build up the case ending, for example: in May, on the 20th; year 1993; 1941 struck; the concert was moved from May 20 to the 29th.

Numeral is an independent part of speech that denotes the number of objects ( five, twenty) or the order of objects when counting ( fifth, twentieth) without regard to the objects themselves. Therefore, in speech they are used in combination with nouns ( two students, third floor). In sentences, numerals are usually used before nouns ( thirty kilometers). Changing word order ( thirty kilometers) gives the meaning of the approximate quantity. Numerals have a complex declension system. It depends: 1) what category the numeral belongs to; 2) what is the numeral in composition (structure).

According to their meaning and grammatical features, all numeral names are divided into quantitative And ordinal .

Cardinal numbers answer the question how much? and denote the number of items ( three movie) or number ( ninety, one hundred and one). Cardinal numbers can be called:

a) integers ( six cases , twelve months);

b) fractional numbers ( two thirds plot, two point six hectare) is fractional numbers ;

c) the number of two to ten objects as a whole (four peers, seven brave) is collective numerals .

It should be remembered that collective numbers do not combine:

1) with nouns denoting female persons;

2) with nouns denoting the names of animals, including young ones.

Collective numbers are most often used:

1) with masculine and general nouns naming male persons: two friends, three orphans;

2) with nouns that have only plural forms: two hours, three sleds, four days;

3) with nouns guys, children, people;

4) with personal pronouns: we, you, they: there are two of us, there are five of them.

Ordinal numbers answer the question which? and have a countable ordinal value ( third, seventy-sixth, four hundred and forty third).

In terms of composition (structure), quantitative and ordinal numbers can be:

1) simple , i.e., consisting of one root ( six, one hundred, thousand);

2) complex , i.e., consisting of two bases ( seventy, seven hundred);

3) composite , i.e., consisting of several words ( thirty three, one hundred twenty nine, thousand two hundred fifty six)

Features of declension of numerals

1. Numeral one changes according to gender and number, and therefore it is declined according to the type of adjectives, only in the nominative and accusative cases it has noun endings:

I. one, one A, one O, one And

R. one Wow, one Ouch, one Wow, one their etc.

2. Numerals two (two), three, four has a special system of case endings

R. dv wow, tr eh, four eh

D. door mind, tr eat, four eat etc.

3. Simple cardinal numbers from 5 to 20 and 30 are declined as nouns of the 3rd declension, i.e. in the genitive, dative, prepositional cases they have an ending -And: until seven And about seven o'clock And for hours, about this And hours.

4. The numerals 40, 90, 100 have two forms:

I., V. – forty, ninety O, st O

R., D., T., P. – forty A, ninety A, st A

5. The numbers from 50 to 80 and from 200 to 900 are compound words, and when they are declined, both parts change.

50 – 80

AND. heels b ten

R. heels And ten

D. heels And ten

IN. heels b ten

T. heels yu ten

P. (o) heels And ten

200 – 400

AND. two hundred And

R. dv wow hundred

D. dv mind stam

IN. two hundred And

T. two me hundred

P. (o) dv wow stakh

500 – 900

AND. heels b hundred

R. heels And hundred

D. heels And stam

IN. heels b hundred

T. heels yu hundred

P. (o) heels And stakh

It should be remembered that for numerals denoting whole tens from 50 to 80 and round hundreds from 500 to 900, in the nominative and accusative cases a soft sign is written after the first root.

6. For compound cardinal numerals denoting whole numbers, all the words from which they are composed are declined

AND. seven hundred sixty eight

R. seven And hundred pole And ten eight And etc.

7. When declension of fractional numerals, both parts change: the first part is declined as a numeral denoting an integer, the second – as a plural adjective: to tr eat heels th (D.p.), with tre me heels mi (T.p.).

If a fractional number denotes the number of objects, then the noun with it is always in the genitive case: one second hectare(I. p.), to one second hectare(D. p.).

Fractional numbers one and a half (one and a half) And one and a half hundred when declined they have two forms:

I., V. – one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred

R., D., T., P. – one and a half, one and a half hundred

8. Collective numerals in oblique cases have the same endings as plural adjectives:

AND. four cubs

R. four s cubs

D. four th to the cubs

The collective numerals oba (both) in the masculine and neuter gender in oblique cases have a stem ‑both‑, and in women's -both-. Wed: with about O them boys, But: with about e them girls. With nouns feminine only numerals are combined both: both friends, both desks.

9. Ordinal numbers are declined according to the type of adjectives, since they also change according to gender, number and case. Wed:

AND. fourth th– new th

R. fourth Wow– new Wow

In compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes during declension:

AND. th year

R. one thousand nine hundred ninety-four Wow year

It should be kept in mind that ordinal numbers -hundredth, ‑thousandth, ‑millionth, ‑billionth written together: six hundredth kilometer, two thousandth copy.