Can people read minds? How to make people think you can read minds

Can you really read people's minds? Of course yes. Psychologists use this knowledge in their work every day. Psychotherapist Ekaterina Ignatova* tells how an ordinary person can learn this.

Let's agree right away. Mind reading is a completely pointless activity. Not a single self-respecting psychic, not a single fortune teller, and certainly not a single professional therapist reads other people's thoughts. They all focus on more reliable sources of information—people’s emotions and impulses. If you chase the ticker of a person’s stream of consciousness, you can get lost in the jungle of his bizarre logic, read – self-deception. Stupid thing to do. Let him get confused. And we will figure out what he feels here and now, analyze it nonverbal cues and, based on this, we will draw conclusions about how he will act in five minutes, a week or a month. In general, we will read people and enjoy it.

Trap for the catcher

Most often they want to know the thoughts of others because they experience wild anxiety, they are afraid: they will be deceived, let down, abandoned, not respected, despised, not loved. It should be noted: through the veil of doubt and uncertainty it is impossible to discern a person. Moreover, in such a state, you can easily demonize your interlocutor: see in him something that is not there, and be afraid of the ominous shadow of your own unconscious fears. Psychologists call them projections.

Projection is the main trap for the thought catcher. This simple mechanism works as follows. A person attributes his own unconscious feelings to another. For example, if he is afraid of being deceived, he will be sure that they want to deceive him. He will see a catch in the most favorable offer that will be made to him. Most often, our psyche plays this trick on us if the interlocutor resembles one of our close relatives - dad, mom, sister, brother, grandmother or grandfather, who in our childhood clearly showed that people should not be trusted. Similarity with them can manifest itself in one detail, for example, in the habit of squinting in a certain way, smoking, or addressing us with feigned coldness. After we have projected the behavior of a relative onto our interlocutor, we are automatically thrown back to childhood. We begin to communicate not like two adults, but like a little girl with her dad or mom.

Calm , just calm!

To truly see your interlocutor, you first need to think carefully about whether he reminds you of one of your relatives. Exhale and quietly mutter: “This is not my mother, this is Zhanna Ippolitovna Kryzhovnikova.” And then think about what kind of anxiety this citizen can cause in us. After which you should begin to calmly study your interlocutor. Or the interlocutor.

In order to understand what is happening with another person, you need to learn to listen to him correctly. Let's take the same story with a friend. For example, she tells a sad story: the betrothed did not call. What do we usually say? “What an idiot! Let him look for such a beauty again.” Although instead it would be worth saying with an affirmative intonation: “You are upset.” At first glance it may seem that nothing more banal can be imagined. However, it is precisely this reaction that makes it clear to a friend that she is heard, understood and not judged. It will be much easier for her to open up, so much so that she won’t have to read any thoughts - she will tell you everything herself. All that remains is to guess from time to time, to voice the feelings of your friend that will arise during her sad story. And also repeat the most important phrases she utters. For example, a friend says: “And when I called him for the fifth time, he spoke to me as if I were nobody and there was no way to call me.” In this case, you can answer: “You had the feeling that you were nobody and there was no way to call you.” And don’t descend into an angry sermon. The psychotherapeutic technique is called paraphrasing. Just like the first, it gives the interlocutor the opportunity to understand that he is being heard.

Of course, reading a friend’s thoughts and feelings is not too difficult. However, it is in communicating with her that it makes sense to train. Another person may take the place of a friend - a boyfriend, a colleague, or even a boss. They will all reveal things about themselves that they would otherwise prefer to hide.

Find ten differences

After we show the notorious empathy to the interlocutor and begin to listen correctly, he will relax. Now you can safely move on to reading and studying his non-verbal signals. In principle, this is not a very tricky science: all the body movements that a person makes are quite simple. The difficulty lies only in seeing the entire set of non-verbal signals - paying attention to the pace of speech, timbre of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and at the same time do not forget to listen to what he says and also respond. By and large, learning this skill is similar to mastering the science of driving. At first we see only the steering wheel, then the steering wheel and a piece of the road, then we manage to notice traffic lights and pedestrians, road signs and - lo and behold! - cars driving behind! You can easily guess that a person with a view no further than the steering wheel cannot be called a good driver. Just like someone who can notice a couple of non-verbal signals cannot be called a great specialist.

To understand what another person is thinking, you need to learn to listen to him.

It should be noted that a signal taken out of context is generally not very informative. Let's take for example a very common gesture - stroking hair. In the first situation, a man talks to a girl and runs his hand through his hair, rubbing the back of his head. What does this mean? Don’t go to a fortune teller - he likes the girl, he seduces her and sends an unambiguous non-verbal signal. Now imagine this person behaving in exactly the same way when talking with his boss. A neophyte can easily conclude that our hero is gay or bisexual, trying to seduce the boss. And he will be completely wrong. The same gesture can contain different messages. In the second situation, the man is simply nervous, encourages himself by stroking his head, and in a very broad sense “seduces” the boss, that is, in other words, trying to please him. There is no sexual connotation.

Yes? No!

Nonverbal signals are very different, for the most part they inform others about a certain feeling that a person is experiencing (see Without words. - Ed.). However, there are also signs indicating his agreement or disagreement. Moreover, it often happens: a person claims one thing, but with the help of facial expressions and gestures he conveys something completely different. This behavior does not mean that the person wants to deceive. It is likely that he sincerely believes in what he is talking about, and in at the moment deceives himself. For example, if the interlocutor says the phrase: “Of course, I will definitely come,” and at the same time barely noticeably turns his head to the right and left, and also leans back in his chair, he most likely does not intend to do this. If the person with whom we are communicating begins to speak faster or otherwise increases the distance - moves away half a step, moves away - this, apparently, means: he non-verbally disagrees with us. Although in some cases this shows that he wants to change the subject, the subject of the conversation is unpleasant to him. If the interlocutor’s body leans forward, he nods - he is interested in the conversation and is likely to agree to the proposal.

These are the pies

Why do people often act inconsistently? Why do they need this? The fact is that each of us has different subpersonalities that cannot always come to a compromise. Those of us who want to read people as an open book must certainly take this fact into account. American psychologist Eric Berne wrote that the Child coexists within a person - our idea of ​​what we were like in childhood. The Parent is a collective image, a kind of identikit of the parents, and the Adult is a calm and reasonable manager of our lives. When, for example, we promise someone to come to a party, we start from the position of the inner Child who wants to have fun. However, at some point, our Parent takes the reins and prohibits us from going anywhere on the eve of the exam.

When studying your interlocutor, it is very important to see the inner Child in him, that is, the direct part of him responsible for emotions, spontaneity and vitality. To cope with the task, you can simply try to imagine what this person was like as a child. Or ask him a few questions on this topic. And then imagine how his parents treated the interlocutor, how attentive, understanding or strict they were. A person will relay the derivative of precisely this attitude—to others and to himself—for the rest of his life.

Start with yourself

Be that as it may, anyone interested in reading thoughts or emotions should start by studying themselves. Become aware of your own non-verbal signals, feel different subpersonalities, observe them. Only by thoroughly studying himself can he understand what is happening to others. And, of course, in this matter it is impossible to do without love. If we don't love what we are going to study, there is unlikely to be a result. In general, misanthropes are prohibited from entering this area of ​​knowledge.

Any Anyone interested in mind reading should start by studying himself

Without words

Basic nonverbal signals and their interpretation.

  • Seduction- nose, hair, area around the lips.
  • Anxiety- any repetitive movements of the same type: tapping the foot, snapping the fingers.
  • Strong emotion, in particular fear- swallowing.
  • Aggression- clenched fists, clenched teeth, tension in the nerves, narrowed eyes.
  • Uncertainty- shrugging shoulders, fast pace of speech, higher-than-usual voice timbre.
  • Lie- eyes up and to the left, a hand covers the mouth or clasps the neck from behind, the pace of speech accelerates, the timbre of the voice becomes higher, a large number of unnecessary details appear in the story.

What to watch?

Paul Ekman, "The Psychology of Lying"
First-hand theory of lies. It was the works of Paul Ekman that formed the basis of the famous TV series “The Theory of Lies,” and the psychologist himself became the prototype of the main character.

Yu.B. Gippenreiter, “Communicate with a child. How?"
Of course, this is a book about parent-child relationships, but some of the tips and techniques apply to adults as well.

Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages
Each of us knows one of the five love languages. Conflicts arise due to a misunderstanding of one of them; they can be avoided. If you become a sensual polyglot.

Everett Shostrom, "The Manipulator"
From the title of the book by the American psychologist it is clear: it is about how to recognize a manipulator and be able to escape from his tenacious clutches.

Photo: Fotobank(1), East News(1)

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Hello everyone! If you want to learn how to read people's thoughts and emotions by their gestures, then first of all you must be a very observant person. The most the best option there will be a place where a large number of people are present within sight. It is there that you can analyze facial expressions, analyze human gestures, and also pay attention to the interaction of people. The best option is any place of public recreation.

In this article, you will learn what you need to know in order for your observations of a person to be extremely informative.

How to learn to read people's thoughts: where to start?

But you need to start small, don’t try to immediately get into your head and start digging there. Be observant and discover a few of the most simple rules human behavior. Gestures, facial expressions and movements can tell about a person’s emotional state and intentions. Therefore, visit large crowded places more often. Let's use the example of an airport to see what people can tell us about themselves. You don’t have to go there and train; coffee, a park or a supermarket will do just fine.

If you arrive at the airport, you will immediately find a large crowd of people with a variety of emotions and behavioral traits! With this lab, you can study the vast array of nonverbal messages that convey people's feelings, thoughts, and attitudes.

With the help of body language, you can determine a variety of human experiences, for example, the fear of missing a plane, the joy of a pleasant meeting with relatives, or the worry that you might miss the right person.

For example, a woman is sitting in the waiting room waiting for her flight. At this moment, her body is quite tense and straightened. She has a straight back, ankles crossed, palms clenched. These signals indicate that this woman is very nervous and very concerned about something! Maybe she's just afraid to fly, or maybe the flight is delayed and she's afraid of being late for an important meeting.

Not far from this woman you can meet three men, each of whom is talking in mobile phone.

The first man is looking at the laptop screen, and his posture is tense. Most likely, he wants to look good in front of his interlocutor, or maybe he is talking to his boss.

The second man sits without any tension, one ankle of his leg rests on the knee of the other leg, one arm is thrown behind his head, and with the other hand he is talking on a mobile phone. His body is slightly tilted back, and a smile is visible on his face. It is immediately clear that he is now talking to his wife or good friend.

The third man is also talking on the phone, but his voice is deliberately reduced, he tries to isolate himself from the people around him and slouches. His left hand as if it covers his face, and his gaze is directed strictly downward. This suggests that this person is definitely hiding something! Most likely, he has some kind of deal or secret scheme in mind!

In a long baggage claim line, you can easily spot a family because all its members stick together and have similar facial features and gestures. Try observing this family yourself.

It is best to use intuition to determine what these people are thinking about now? Perhaps they are in a joyful state, or perhaps they feel tension, since the trip is caused by some negative events.

At the airport, you can witness a meeting of close friends or relatives (most often such meetings are observed on weekends). Usually such meetings are accompanied by repeated hugs and kisses.

You can also watch passengers who are not greeted by anyone. After they have collected their luggage, they take a taxi. Assess the pace of their walking as this reflects the importance of this trip. Those passengers who will be picked up from the airport by car look at their watches and pay attention to every car passing by, they can also hold their mobile phone in their hand and wait for the call!

As you have already noticed, at the airport you can learn and understand a lot of interesting things about a person, as well as gain initial skills that will help you learn to read people's thoughts. So the next time you find yourself in this place, instead of reading a newspaper or magazine, try people watching. Through their movements and gestures you will understand what they are thinking and feeling! If you see a whole group of people at once, then try to analyze how each of them interacts with each other, guess who they are like to each other. All the time you spend observing and deciphering human body language will not be wasted, and you will learn to read people even better!

Gestures and words in understanding thoughts

Verbal communication is a complex process that includes a variety of intentions and scenarios. Every person from birth has the ability to determine by behavior and appearance a man of his intentions. Therefore, if you see that a person says one thing, but gives non-verbal signals that are completely inconsistent with the words, then it is best to listen to your own inner voice!

For full communication, it is very important that certain words are supported by appropriate gestures. For example, in an election campaign, success depends on a prepared speech, on the honesty and sincerity of the words and on gestures that correspond to the words. Naturally, almost all politicians undergo special training courses before their speeches so that their nonverbal and verbal messages do not contradict each other. But even after such training, sometimes they make inappropriate gestures. For example, few people will believe a politician who says that he will listen to young people, but at the same time shakes his finger at the audience. It is also not entirely clear to those people who are trying to talk about their good intentions, emphasize their interest in the life of every citizen, and at the same time make chopping movements with their palms!

In some literary works writers too great value pay attention to gestures and language human body. For example, if a person wants to hide something, then gestures give him away! For example, Sherlock Holmes often uses knowledge of human body language to solve the most complex crimes.

As you know, it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. Therefore, don’t rely too much on what the person says. It is best to follow his gestures, by which you can understand his true “I”.

The role of gestures in the ability to read people's minds

In fact, a person has a great variety of gestures. If we compare human gestures with writing texts in literature, then 1 individual gesture is like 1 word in a sentence. That is why you cannot immediately draw a clear conclusion about a person and his true desire to do something after seeing only 1 gesture. When communicating with a person, you must pay attention to his gestures, and after that draw conclusions, then you will have a lot of information to analyze his behavior.

With such an analysis, you must understand that perhaps your words or behavior have changed the gestures of another person (your interlocutor), so first of all you must analyze the current situation well.

When you communicate with a person, it is very important to combine all his gestures into a certain structure. If a person simply uttered a certain gesture, then this does not mean anything. For example, if a seller talks about the advantages of a certain product, then he must back it up with several gestures, otherwise we can conclude that the person himself understands that the product is not that good and just wants to deceive you!

To competently learn to read minds, you must pay attention only to groups of gestures, because each subsequent gesture can cancel out all the previous ones. Therefore, you need to train yourself to be observant and patient if you want to learn to understand people well and read their thoughts!

If you see 1 gesture from a person, then you don’t need to immediately draw conclusions. This is just a gesture, and the final conclusion can only be drawn on the basis large quantity gestures, and nothing else!

Mistakes of novice observers

If you are talking to a certain person, then interpreting gestures, in principle, will not be difficult. All this comes with a little practice. But let's look at an example: a person in front of you covered his mouth with his hand. According to general description gestures this means some uncertainty, you might even think that the person is lying to you. And beginners very often grab the first such explanation and don’t dig deeper. But perhaps this person was recently deleted front tooth, and because of this he covers it with his hand. Or his breath doesn't smell very nice. Therefore, when analyzing gestures, you must take into account other possible options before making a final decision on this person!

Absolutely anyone can learn to read minds, but many people have serious problems observing a person’s gestures and posture. This is especially clearly manifested in beginners who are not yet very good at reacting and interpreting this or that gesture or sign.

In this case, you can use another technique that is sometimes used in studying foreign languages– just look at your interlocutor or stranger. There is no need to immediately try to decipher his every gesture, just look at him and study!

If you are a beginner, then it is best to start your development from public places. These could be airports, train stations, parks, discos, and so on. All of these events have large crowds and will give you a good chance to practice your skills.

In addition, you can pay attention to television shows (reality shows, interviews, TV debates, discussions, crime films, etc.), where the actors simply radiate a huge amount of gestures and emotions. For example, if you are watching an interview with someone famous person, then you can easily respond to his reaction, to questions received from viewers, and so on.

It’s best if, when watching a TV show or talk show, you pay attention to people’s gestures and write them down in a notebook, and decipher them after the show is over. You can watch the same video several more times, and at the end make a final conclusion!

Reaction to nonverbal messages

In some rare cases, a reaction to your interlocutor can be formed on an intuitive level, that is, you will simply feel it in your subconscious without special conscious thought!

A study was conducted at Harvard University in which 4 videos were made (short, 30 seconds each), the sound was removed from the video and only gestures and non-verbal messages of teachers were left. This video was shown to students who had never attended lectures by these teachers and their opinions agreed with those who had attended lectures by these teachers! It turns out that non-verbal messages play a more significant role than the words of a person!

If you analyze a person’s gestures, then, first of all, perceive them in their entirety and think logically about what could have caused these gestures. For example, if a person is sick and has a nervous tic, then this should not be taken seriously.

If you speak in public, then first of all you need to pay attention to the gestures and behavior of a person or even a group of people. If you see that the audience is losing the desire to listen to you, then it is best to switch the topic of conversation to something more relaxed or interesting in order to relieve tension among the listeners.

To summarize: how to learn to read minds

Newbies usually have a lot of trouble with this, so below is a short list of the first things to look for when meeting someone new:

  1. General facial expression of a person. Pay attention to the mouth, eyebrows, lips, forehead and so on.
  2. The position of the human head.
  3. General position human back and shoulders.
  4. Pay attention to how the person's arms and hands move.
  5. On a person's gait, how he moves his legs and the position of his feet.
  6. Pay attention to how the person speaks, with what speed, confidence, perhaps there are some extraneous sounds, for example, coughing.
  7. Think about the relationship between all of these elements.

If you put all these elements together, you can easily find common language with this or that person, find new friends and acquaintances, and also learn to read people’s thoughts and understand them deeper!

People have always strived to learn how to read the thoughts of people around them. This is still relevant in our time. For example, a jealous wife would really like to read the thoughts of her beloved husband. Many people have a desire to read the boss’s thoughts. In this case, this article will be very helpful. Every person has telepathic abilities, you just need to develop them. Some people need several months to do this, while others may need years of training. It depends on the person’s natural inclination, perseverance, and regularity of exercise. Success can be achieved through hard work.

How to learn to read other people's thoughts

There are various psychological techniques that allow you to capture a person’s mood:

  1. The eyes can tell a lot, so they need to be given the most attention if you want to learn how to read minds. Look closely at the pupils of your interlocutor. If a person is in a positive mood, when he is excited or happy, his pupils are dilated. You need to pay attention to a person's pupils if you want to know whether he likes you or not. If the pupils dilate, this is a sign that he likes the subject of conversation. This means your point of view will be received positively.
  2. To learn how to read minds, you need to study body language: the movement of arms and legs, the tilt of the head, gestures, timbre of voice, etc. If the person you are talking to agrees with you, but fidgets and twitches, he probably does not like you conversation, or he is worried about something else. You can easily understand the mood of the interlocutor during a conversation by the tone of his voice.
  3. To learn how to read minds correctly, you need to use projection. If you know your interlocutor well and his individual characteristics, you can easily predict his reaction to a situation or some objects by imagining yourself in his place. Try asking yourself what you would do if you were in his place, and you will be able to read his thoughts.

Mind reading technique

Reading thoughts at a distance or telepathy is an energetic exchange of information. People who have mastered telepathy skills have developed many training programs. If you study all the recommendations and systems, you can conclude: by mastering a few principles, you can learn to read minds. The main thing is the ability to feel the energy of the Earth’s information field or prana.

The method of training to receive prana is as follows:

  1. You need to relax, take your mind off things, forget about everything that worries you.
  2. Sit in lotus position. With this pose, internal energy is concentrated.
  3. It is necessary to imagine the energy that is floating around, then let this energy in, absorb it, merge with it. You can imagine energy in the form of heat that penetrates inside, or in the form of bright rays of the sun.

As soon as you can accept information energy, you can begin to train telepathic abilities, which will help you learn to read minds. This will require an assistant who will have to convey the thought to you, and you must accept and read it. It is necessary to enter into a telepathic connection when you are feeling well and emotionally calm. Do not consume caffeine or alcohol before your session.

Mind reading training looks like this:

  1. You and the assistant should sit opposite each other and assume the lotus position.
  2. Tune in to accept the information energy into which the assistant’s thoughts will be transformed. If you practice persistently, the energy of the assistant will easily penetrate your mind, then transform into words.

By developing insightful observation and using these techniques in practice, you can understand the psychology of people and learn to read other people's thoughts.

Why do you think some people have very developed intuition and can read other people’s thoughts almost unmistakably?

They feel the phone ringing a few seconds before it rings, they accurately guess who is calling, they win the lottery more often than others.

One of the reasons for such high insight may be Delta waves (more about them in the article "")

L Every person experiences the power of their influence, plunging into deep sleep(it is at night, with the participation of Delta waves, that the most powerful processes of self-healing of the body and activation of the production of growth hormones and the hormone of youth occur).

But for some, Delta waves remain highly active even during wakefulness.

How can you characterize such people?

These people are "Feelers". When they “get into the field” of another person, they can perceive his emotions and mood on an unconscious level.

It is about these people that they say: “They feel other people’s pain as if it were their own.”

Many people have Delta wave brain activity do not realize the value of their Gift, and treat it like a Curse.

Plunging into the general field of the Unconscious, they often experience a feeling of being overwhelmed by both their own and other people’s emotions. Their vulnerability and emotionality looks strange in the eyes of others. And they themselves experience discomfort, not being able to cope with it.

And at the same time, it’s not in vain that they were given an Amazing Gift - to subtly feel people and be able to read their thoughts!

They make wonderful psychologists, doctors, psychotherapists, and priests. In one-on-one work that requires openness and trust, they show their talent at its best.

Any contacts with people that require understanding, acceptance, care, treatment, healing can become a point of application of their strength.

Their abilities will manifest themselves remarkably in activities that require good intuition.

True, due to increased sensitivity, the energy of the crowd and places with large crowds of people are contraindicated for them. In this huge Emotional Field they may experience discomfort.

When finding themselves in too busy places, such people can mentally imagine themselves surrounded by a white, durable cocoon, through which no other people’s energies and emotions penetrate. A similar defense can be created when communicating with unpleasant people.

Feelers (or empaths) are capable of very deep relationships.

They have the Gift of Unconditional Love. And if they find a suitable partner (and more often than not, opposites attract), they can make him very happy.

The “sixth sense” is a faithful assistant for such people. They have their own radar, with which they accurately tune in to the wavelength of other people, and their intuition leads them in the right direction.

Many psychics have high Delta wave brain activity.

The ability to read other people's thoughts is useful, but sometimes it can be detrimental.

He puts himself in the position of other people, tries to understand and justify their actions or requests. And he almost always forgets about his own interests. The more often he does this, the more they begin to “ride” him.

Sooner or later this leads to a sincere misunderstanding: " Why am I always being used?"

It is useless to take the position of the Victim and complain about life!

The people they meet are their Teachers! And they will receive these “Lessons” exactly until they learn healthy Egoism - for their own good!

Any quality has two sides!

Compassion for people can develop into Hatred towards them and Self-pity if a person does not learn to respect his interests and adhere to the “golden mean”. If you don’t love and value yourself, then you won’t be able to help anyone!

And if a person does not realize this, he is “treated”! Sometimes it's painful!

Everything in the world strives for balance.

Excessive stuckness in a habitual thinking position makes a person inflexible and frozen. And then situations come into his life that will force him to experience other experiences.

People with high levels of Delta wave activity It is extremely important to learn Dissociate from your own and other people’s emotions (more about this). And do this whenever you feel discomfort.

Their valuable Gift is given to them for their good! To help those who truly need Understanding, Acceptance and Compassion.

When they learn to dissociate and not confuse their own and other people's desires, their wonderful intuition will lead to the right people and to the right places.

Long and sound sleep, meditation, yoga, and self-hypnosis help increase the activity of Delta waves. The main thing, as always, is not to forget: each of us has a unique nature of brain activity!

“What is good for a Russian is death for a German”! So everything needs moderation! And your Body feels it best! So listen to him!

Constant and prolonged dominance of Delta wave activity leads to drowsiness, low concentration and inability to concentrate.

Long monotonous work that does not require mental stress contributes to the extinction of Beta waves and a similar state.

A severe imbalance causes more serious consequences!

Trance music in nightclubs can provoke an artificial epileptic seizure. Monotonous sound stimuli correspond to the frequency of the Delta wave rhythm.

If you stay in such conditions often and for a long time, the synchronous activity of a large number of nerve cells vibrating at this frequency begins to appear in the brain. Such prolonged pressure leaves its mark in the form of a “frozen type of thinking,” obsessive thoughts, detachment from reality and more severe consequences.

I would like to end this article on a positive note, with the words of Anna Weisz, who has spent a lot of time researching brain wave activity:

When a person simultaneously produces Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta waves in the right proportions , he has the heightened perception provided by Delta waves, the creative inspiration that is a product of the action of Theta waves, and is also in a state of slight relaxation (Alpha waves) and readiness for conscious thinking (Beta waves). Don't forget that everything described is happening simultaneously!

I wish you exactly such States!



Superpowers are something from the realm of science fiction, often comic books. When people are asked for fun which extraordinary ability they would like to have, there are a few common answers. We chose telepathy as the topic of our article. So how can you learn to read minds? Let's find out several approaches to this problem.

Telepathy: term and modern meaning

Reading people's thoughts is called telepathy. This term is of Greek origin and means “to feel at a distance.” Modern meaning concepts reflect ancient ideas about the methods and levels of information exchange between people.

So, telepathy is the ability to transmit and perceive the thoughts and feelings of people without their direct (material) manifestation. The ability for it was attributed to the Egyptian priests, sages of the East and other special segments of the population of ancient civilizations. People belonging to many sacred cults often chose this path of understanding the people by learning to read the thoughts of others.

Is it possible to penetrate the thoughts of others?

It is difficult to believe in the reality of telepathic capabilities. Manifestations of the ability to read thoughts are everywhere around us. Everyone at least once in their life has encountered a mysterious situation when the state of another person becomes clear to us without words or actions.

The most simple examples insights into thoughts are relationships between close people. The mother intuitively knows what her child needs and what he is doing now. Lovers guess each other's wishes in order to make pleasant surprise. Official science has recognized that married couples who have been married for a long time most effectively use the acquired skills to understand each other's thoughts. At the same time, there is no reliable real data on how to quickly learn to read minds. For now, such knowledge is part of mystical doctrines.

Ways to solve the problem

You can penetrate the thoughts of others, understand what they feel and think, in different ways. The path to knowledge lies through two roads: paranormal (mystical) perception and psychological interpretation

Of particular interest, traditionally, is the supernatural understanding of the thoughts of strangers. It is impossible to speak specifically about telepathy: evidence of it is difficult to record. People's faith in it is almost equivalent to children's faith in fairy tales and UFOs.

Theory about telepathy

People's knowledge about telepathic abilities has acquired some theoretical provisions. So, there is even a conditional classification of ways to read people's thoughts. In accordance with it, telepathy is sensual and conceivable.

Sensual telepathy is that which manifests itself involuntarily. It is not controlled by the “reader” and to a greater extent arises as a special emotional wave. That is, the main difference between such perception is the spontaneous feeling of the emotions of another person.

Mental telepathy is based on a directed desire to feel the sensations of a chosen person.

The science of learning to read people's minds

Researchers of the phenomenon of telepathy claim that many people possess this ability to one degree or another on an intuitive level. This concerns sensory telepathy: a person may not even imagine that at a certain moment he will understand what his work colleague or significant other is thinking about.

Scientists also delight those who are interested in learning how to read people's thoughts. You can develop your ability in both directions: sensory and mental. In order to master the skills of reading minds, it is important to be healthy physically and mentally. You will also need a powerful reserve of psychic energy.

How to learn to read minds: what to work with?

Reading other people's thoughts is based on the fact that brain neurons emit streams of positive or negative charges. They are essentially signals sent to the world around us. To understand what a person is thinking about, you need to catch these signals and decipher them.

Let's return to science again. Interestingly, according to Eastern scientists, a separate part of the brain, the pineal gland, is responsible for telepathy. It is also depicted in sacred drawings as the “third eye”. The walls of Buddhist temples are full of them.

To understand how to learn to read other people's thoughts, let's turn to the practice of Buddhists. They spend a significant part of the day working on themselves, meditating and studying spiritual works. Having gone through this, you can open that very “third eye”. However, you should not assume that such an activity is like a vacation. To develop paranormal, including telepathic abilities, you need to be prepared to work hard.

Psychology to help

In addition to understanding a person’s train of thought in a supernatural way, you can also learn about him by external manifestations. Over the course of its existence, psychology has accumulated an impressive stock of knowledge for the interpretation of facial expressions, gestures, and behavior of people. The results are sometimes simply surprising.

Physiognomy deals with the interpretation of a person’s emotions and thoughts by facial expression. It will help you both learn to read thoughts and hide your own, which is an invaluable skill. The position of the eyebrows, the curve of the lips, the expression of the eyes and many other features and movements of parts of the face express certain emotions. They can be bright and subtle. In the totality of all movements, facial expressions present a more or less complete picture.

Next to physiognomy there is always expressive body language. The movements of the hands, the position of the legs, the turn of the head - all these are signals sent by a person and indicate what he is thinking about at the moment.

Now we have a choice of how we can learn to read minds: by developing paranormal abilities or by studying psychology. Each method is effective and deserves attention. Telepathy, as is commonly believed, requires a special gift.


How to learn to read other people's thoughts? How to understand people without words and the slightest signs? This superpower makes us want to possess it and use it in everyday affairs. No matter how many omissions or problems would disappear with her help!

Telepathy, or as we have learned, the ability to sense emotions and understand the thoughts of other people, comes in many forms. It is customary to distinguish two types: mental and sensory. Their main difference is that the first occurs consciously, the second spontaneously.

By indulging in spiritual work and meditation, studying the meaning of facial expressions and gestures, you can come to the desired result: understand how to learn to read other people's thoughts and master this skill. All that remains is to wish you patience and enthusiasm!