Analysis of the surik's poem childhood. Analysis of the poem "Childhood of the Suriks" IV. Vocabulary work

Irina Spasennikova

GCD: « Memorizing the poem I. Surikov« Childhood» .

(educational field "Communication")

Target: Introduce children to a new poetic work.


2. To develop in children a poetic ear, the ability to understand and reproduce figurative language, and intonational expressiveness of speech.

3. Exercise children in the ability to classify, selecting words according to rhyme; choose words with diminutive suffixes.

4. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to pictures of winter nature and children’s relationships.

Materials: ball, Parsley toy, cards with syllable patterns of words and corresponding subject pictures, didactic manual "What's extra?" with subject pictures to match words to rhyme, portrait of I.Z. Surikov, mnemonic table for the poem« Childhood» , sun cards for reflection.

GCD outline plan:

1. Great ball game

"Say kindly"

Magic ball, help! Call us the sound!

Let's say it kindly, and the sound will come to us in the word.

Everyone must catch the ball

Say a word kindly.

The teacher puts a parsley toy on his hand

Hello girls and boys!

Do you recognize me? Who am I?

Hello, Petrushka! Of course we recognized you.

Guys, let's say hello to Petrushka in different ways, with different expressions, with different emotions!

Didactic exercise "Emotions"

Target: development of the emotional sphere of children, expressiveness of speech

What a great fellow you are!

I came to you for a reason

I want to play, friends!

Look at my pictures:

"What's extra?" find.

Didactic game "What's extra?"

Target: developing children’s ability to classify words by selecting them according to rhyme.


Rhyme, rhyme.

What is a rhyme, please explain to me! (children's answers)

Rhyme is very necessary to compose, write something poem, for example, about winter.


Do you know poems about winter? Please read me some poem. I love you so much poetry!

Children optionally read familiar poems about winter.


Well done!

I just forgot: what is the name of the person who composes, writes poetry? (poet)


That's right guys a poet writes poetry. And today I want to introduce you to one very famous and famous poet and teach him poem. You agree! I invite you to come to the literary drawing room. With these tickets (shows cards) you will find your place in the literary drawing room.


Oh, what is this written on the ticket and how will I find my seat?

Guys, please help Petrushka! (Children's explanations)

Didactic exercise "Find your place"

Target: exercise children in dividing words into syllables, working with syllable patterns and correlating the pattern with the desired word.

2. The teacher's story.

Here is a portrait of Ivan Zakharovich Surikov.

Ivan Zakharovich was born in the village of Novoselovka, Yaroslavl province. Self-taught poet. He loved to read books fiction, he especially liked to read poems by Russian poet A. S. Pushkin. And so Ivan once tried to write his own poem, and he succeeded. Of course, recognition and success came to the young poet Surikov not right away. But now poems by Ivan Zakharovich Surikov Both adults and children love to read. Here is one such work of this poet, known to your mothers and fathers, that we will learn today.

And this one will help us in this matter mnemonic table(puts it on the easel mnemonic table of the product) .

So, Ivan Zakharovich Surikov. Poem« Childhood»

I’ll read it to you now, listen carefully, and then please share yours. impressions: How did this make you feel? poem.

A short conversation with children about poem. Work is being done on words and expressions that children do not understand.

The teacher, reading the last quatrain, emphasizes in his voice the frivolity of grief and draws the children’s attention to this. Listens to children's opinions.

3. Physical exercise “It’s so cold, it’s frosty” (musical, Ekaterina Zheleznova)

1. It’s so cold, it’s frosty,

The nose stings painfully. The nose stings painfully.

To warm him up quickly,

You need to rub harder.

To warm it up faster, rub it harder.

2. Let's warm our feet,

Jump and gallop. Jump and gallop.

It was very cold to stand, my legs began to freeze.

It was very cold, they began to freeze.

3. The frost has become stronger,

We're freezing standing like this, We're freezing standing like this

It's time for us to run.

We can't walk.

It's time for us to run, we can't walk.

4. To keep your hands warm,

We'll wave them. We'll wave them.

And we will clap our hands.

And move your elbows.

And we will clap our hands and move our elbows.

5. We don’t stand still,

We're running, we're running, we're running, we're running

To warm up quickly,

We need to run faster.

To warm up quickly, let's run faster.

4. Unlearning poems based on mnemonic table.

Reading poems first in chorus, then individually. Parsley also tries to read it by heart expressively poem.

5. Summing up. Reflection.

Tell me, Petrushka, whose expressive reading poems Of the children, did you like it the most?

Petrushka shares her impressions and asks the guys to also determine whose recitation was more convincing.


Our literary lounge is closing. Did you enjoy staying here? If yes, then take the smiling sun, if not, then take the sad sun. Choose, too, Parsley, the sunshine of your mood!

Children make their choice.


Thank you guys for inviting me to the literary lounge. See you again!

Goodbye, Petrushka! Come visit us again!

Thanks to you guys too! You were attentive, polite visitors to the literary drawing room.


1. V.V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development in senior group kindergarten » Publishing house MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS Moscow 2010.


3. Audio recording of Ekaterina Zheleznova “It’s so cold, it’s frosty”

Checking homework

Fairy tale quiz

V. Odoevsky

"Moroz Ivanovich"

Ivan Zakharovich


1841 -1880

Ivan Zakharovich Surikov was born on March 25, 1841 in the small village of Novoselovo, located in the Yaroslavl province.

My father had a small shop in Moscow.

The family lived poorly, barely making ends meet.

Yaroslavl province

"Childhood past pictures!

Only you are bright:

You perform brightly

From the darkness of the heart."

Ivan Zakharovich Surikov


Working from the textbook

Page 143

- Which of the paintings painted by the poet do you especially remember? - Are they similar? winter fun peasant children to yours? - Read the lines that present a family on a winter evening.

I'm rolling head over heels peasant shoes woven from bast

Lapti quickly, swiftly

Hand spinning device

Stand for a torch that illuminated the home

I'm rolling head over heels - quickly, swiftly (head over heels - wooden children's toy, looks like a top.)

Rules for expressive reading:

- after each line you must take a short pause,

- pronounce words clearly and clearly,

  • What poem did you read in class?
  • How does your childhood differ from the one described in


  • What did you learn in class today?

And surikov's childhood story, make a plan


1. Alyosha Peshkov’s father dies. She and her mother move to Nizhny Novgorod. 2. The boy meets his many relatives. 3. Morals of the Kashirin family. 4. Alyosha learns the story of the Gypsy and becomes attached to him with all her soul. 5. One of the evenings in the Kashirins’ house. 6. Death of the Gypsy. 7. Introducing the boy to Good Deeds. 8. Fire in the dyeing workshop. 9. Death of Aunt Natalya. 10. The family is divided. Alyosha and his grandparents are moving to another house. 11. Grandfather teaches the boy to read. 12. Grandfather treats grandmother rudely in front of Alyosha. 13. Fights in the Kashirin family. 14. Alyosha learns that his grandfather and grandmother believe in God differently. 15. The boy is sad because he has no friends. 16. Moving to new home. Friendship with a Good Deed. 17. Alyosha makes friends with Uncle Peter. 18. The boy meets the neighborhood kids. 19. Alyosha’s mother returns to her parents’ family. 20. Difficult relationship between the grandfather and his daughter (Alyosha’s mother). 21. Alyosha goes to school. 22. Serious illness of a boy. Grandma tells him about his father. 23. Alyosha’s mother gets married again and, when leaving, does not take her son with her. 24. Mother and stepfather return, and then (already together with Alyosha) move to Sormovo. 25. Difficult relationship between mother and stepfather. 26. Alyosha, standing up for his mother, attacks his stepfather. 27. The boy again lives with his grandparents. They divided the property. 28. Alyosha, feeling sorry for his grandmother, begins to work. He gives her the money. 29. The boy successfully passes the third grade exam. 30. Alyosha’s mother dies. The grandfather sends his grandson to the people.

And Municipal budget educational institution

« Vyazovskaya secondary secondary school »

Elansky municipal district Volgograd region

Prepared by: teacher primary classes

Aravina Lyudmila Evgenievna

Lesson summary literary reading in grade 3a on the topic: “I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood.”

Subject: literary reading

UMK: “Initial school XXI century"

Class: 3a

Subject: Poems of Russian poets. I. Surikov. " Childhood".

Purpose of the lesson : create conditions for students to fully perceive literary work, understanding the text and the specifics of its literary form.

. Learning Objectives:

    learn to listen to poems about children by Russian poets;

    cultivate a sense of admiration for the pictures of native nature and the poet’s poems;

    learn to express your attitude to the listened work.

Study skills:

    express your attitude to the piece you listened to;

    name the poem, determine the theme;

Planned results:


Forming a sense of pride in one’s homeland;

Development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

Meta-subject results:

Formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task;

Mastering semantic reading skills; conscious construction of a speech utterance in accordance with the task;

Willingness to listen to your interlocutor, express your opinion and argue your point of view.

Subject results:

Formation of the idea of ​​​​the small Motherland, the concept of morality; developing the need for systematic reading;

Understanding the role of reading, use different types reading(introductory,.studying, selective, searching); the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of various texts, participate in their discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the actions of the heroes.

Equipment : multimedia installation for demonstrating presentations; books on the section “Poems of Russian Poets”, model cover, drawings on the topic of the lesson, cards with images of snowmen, presentation, textbook by L.A. Efrosinina “Literary reading”, workbook in literary reading.

Lesson progress

1. Organization of joint activities. Reflection.

a) Activation of attention;

the long-awaited call was given,
The lesson begins.
b) Optimistic attitude towards the lesson.

Inhale and exhale. Exhale all the anxiety and grief of yesterday, and breathe in the freshness and beauty of a frosty day. Let's smile at each other: you at me, and I at you, and say the following words:

We are calm and kind;

Friendly and affectionate.

Look out the window. There is snow, snow, snow all around. How pure and beautiful he is. How amazing and beautiful life itself and your childhood are.

Guys, we have guests at our lesson today. Let's greet them! Let this friendly atmosphere reign throughout our entire lesson.

2.Checking homework.

.– Name the topic of the section we learned about in the last lesson.

"Poems of Russian poets" Slide No. 1.

What works from this section have we already met, name them?

(I. Nikitin “Rus”, “Morning”.)

Let us remember them now.

2) Checking homework (differentiated work):

reading Nikitin's poem "Morning"
– reading by heart; (2-3 lessons. Children evaluate the expressiveness and correctness of reading)

. 3. Updating, motivation.

You had the task of drawing winter fun for children. You did a very good job on this task. Now look at your drawings “Winter fun” (drawings on back side boards.) How colorful and fun they are.

What works about winter have we previously become acquainted with?Slide No. 2

A.S. Pushkin “Here is the north, the clouds are catching up...”, “Winter Evening”, A. Fet “Mom, look from the window...”, N. Nekrasov “Frost the Voivode”, F. Tyutchev “Enchanted Winter”

4. Statement of the educational task.

Slide No. 3 - Why do you think I decided to remind you of this when working in this section? (We will read about winter)

Today in the lesson we will continue our acquaintance with the work from the section “Poems of Russian Poets” and get acquainted with the work of Ivan Zakharovich SurIkova.

Slide number 4.

Alina will tell us interesting facts from his biography, which she prepared for us at home.Slide No. 5, No. 6.

( Ivan Zakharovich Surikov is a self-taught poet. Born in 1841 in the village of Novoselovo. He lived in the village with his mother. My father had a small shop in Moscow. The family lived poorly, barely making ends meet. When Surikov was 10 years old, he moved to Moscow. Here he helped his father in the shop. Surikov fell in love with reading early. He read a lot and gradually developed a talent for writing. At the age of 16, his first collection of poems was published. He wrote for adults and for children. In his poems he showed the difficult village life and nature. His poems were distinguished by their melodiousness, sonority, and melody. Ivan Zakharovich Surikov lived a difficult life, short life. The poet died in 1880 from a serious illness, in poverty)

Slide number 7.

Read and name the topic of our lesson.

Topic: Poems of Russian poets. I. Surikov. " Childhood".

3) – What would you like to know and learn in class?

Slide No. 8, No. 9.

Why do you need this?

In order to speak beautifully and correctly ourselves and to listen pleasantly to others.

Physical exercise. Slide No. 10

5.Discovery of new knowledge and ways of acting.

So, let’s get acquainted with I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood”.

Listening to a piece .

Sit correctly and get ready, listen to a new piece.

6.Primary consolidation . Slide No. 11

Do you think this is a poem or a fairy tale? Prove it.

A poem, because there is a rhyme and a rhythmic pause.

What is it about?

What did you imagine when you listened to this poem? What pictures were presented?

- Let's split the text into parts .(Children read aloud and mark the parts according to the plan with a pencil)

Slide No. 12

Slide No. 13

Look at the picture to see if it matches the beginning of the poem.

This picture depicts winter nature, a village.

-Let's read that part of the poem that describes the fun of children.

Slide No. 14

What picture did you imagine when reading this part? Were you familiar with these lines before? (Studied in second grade)

How do you explain the meaning of the line: “And I’m on my side - clap!”?

How did the boy feel?

All face and hands

The snow covered me...”

I'm in grief in a snowdrift,

And the guys laugh!..”

Life is very complex, it consists of small and big events. Everything happens even in a child's life. And sometimes small sorrows seem little man grief, misfortune, the guys experience them very hard, but then everything passes, is forgotten, good memories remain. Childhood years are truly fun, golden years; they are spent next to family and adults who help children feel happy. This is exactly what Surikov wanted to tell us about.

Have you ever been in a similar situation: rolling down a mountain and falling into a snowdrift?

And that made you unhappy? And after the fall you never rode down the mountain again?

So we can conclude from this part? (that the boy was happy)

Read the lines that describe the change in weather (A blizzard has risen, it’s dark in the sky...)

Choose synonyms for the word “blizzard” (blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, storm, snow haze)

Physical exercise for breathing and vision

Slides No. 15, 16,17,18.-

3) Work in groups.

1 group. Directors and cinematographers.

- Imagine that you are making a film “childhood”. The lines of this poem are heard. What images will appear on the screen while reading? How many heroes are there in the poem? Describe them.

2nd group. Historians.

What words indicate that this was in the old days? Find in explanatory dictionary an explanation for them.

Vocabulary work:



Spinning wheel-


3rd group. Musicians and painters.

What sounds did you hear while reading the poem? What colors will we need to paint the pictures? What kind of music will be needed to sing this poem? (sad, cheerful, slow, loud, quiet.)

Slide No. 19. (splash screen)

4)Checking the results of the groups’ work.

7. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

1) Modeling covers and comparing it with the finished model. (work in pairs)

And now you will work in pairs, who sits with whom. Each pair must independently design a cover for this poem. Don't forget to include the author's name, genre, topic, and title. Get started.

Now let's check it out. 1 group will go to the board and defend their work.Slide No. 20

8. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

Remember what goal we set at the beginning of the lesson.

Slide No. 21

Do you think we managed to achieve the result? Why? Which of you thinks that he worked better in today's lesson than in previous ones? How do you rate the overallWhat is the class work in the lesson?Show your scores with colored chips .

Slide No. 22

Surikov's poems are very melodic and simple. Many of his works are distributed throughout the country in the form of new folk songs. One of them is “Why are you standing swaying, thin rowan tree...”

In the meantime, you are listening to the song based on the words of SurikovNo. Slide 23 I suggest you color the bunches of rowan berries that are on your table

Dear guys, today you showed your ability to understand and feel a work of art. We got acquainted with the poem “Childhood” by I. Surikov. And childhood is a happy time of life, in which snowball fights, sledding, school time, and children’s friendships remain in the memory forever. Wherever you are, you will always return to your childhood, to your small homeland, to our village of Vyazovka.

Slide number 24.

9. Homework:

2) learn the poem by heart;
3) complete the tasks in the workbook;
4) make drawings for the poem and sign with words from the text.

I want to end the lesson with a wish:

You will have everything: mistakes, failures,

Don't give in to them

Starting from scratch, otherwise

Don't change your childhood dream. Strive for happiness, for kindness.


Full name of the certified teacher: Romanchikova Olga Mikhailovna.

Place of work: Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 9 of the city of Serdobsk, Penza region.

Position: primary school teacher.

Subject: literary reading

Class: 4 "B"

UMK "Perspective"

Textbook L.F. Klimanova “Literary reading”, 4th grade, part 1

Lesson topic. I.Z. Surikov “Childhood”. Comparison of poetic and prose texts.

Objectives: to introduce students to I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood”; understand the poet’s mood; develop the ability to analyze text, highlight the main thing; teach expressive reading of poetry; developmentthinking, subjectivity and independence; develop the ability to compare poetic and prose texts on a topic, cultivate love for one’s small homeland; respect for older family members.

Planned results:

subject : usage various types reading (studying, selective, searching), the ability to distinguish between poetic and prose texts, consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of various texts, participate in their discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the characters’ actions;

meta-subject : regulatory - formation of the educational task of the lesson based on the analysis of the textbook material in joint activities, planning together with the teacher activities to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating one’s work in the lesson;educational – analysis of the text, highlighting the main idea in it ; communicative – discussion in pairs of answers to questions, proof of your point of view ; personal – show interest in studying the topic; instilling a sense of pride in one’s homeland. its history, people.

Equipment: souvenir bast shoes, S.I. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, multimedia projector, screen.

Forms of work: frontal, steam, individual.

Technologies used: ICT technology (Internet), health-saving technology, productive reading technology.

Interdisciplinary connections: Russian language, the world around us, fine arts.

Lesson steps

- Read the poem to yourself (pp. 108-111)-Who do you think is the main character of the poem?- What did you imagine while reading? Have winter children changed?- Try to explain it yourself lexical meaning words, compare with the definition in the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov S.I.Reading definitions in the dictionary.-Read the first quatrain. Why did the author use repetition of the word HERE?-Read why the boy fell.How did your boy friends react to the fall? Read it. How did he feel?-Have such troubles ever happened to you? And you no longer rode down the mountain and held a grudge against your friends for a long time?-Read when he went home. What does it mean to be over-chilled?- Can you say to yourself that you were cold when you rode for a long time?- What should you do to avoid getting sick? (life safety)- Read what the boy did.-What is the name of the place on the stove where the grandmother and grandson slept?-Who else do we see in the room? Read it. What are they doing? Look at the souvenir bast shoes, how they were woven, and whether it was comfortable to walk in them.

What was the name of the place in the house where grandfather wove bast shoes? Where did mother spin? (Information from the outside world for 3rd grade.)- Why does the poet call his mother MOTHER?- Read, is it light in the house?

What did the boy ask his grandmother for?- Why tell and not read?

What fairy tale did grandma tell?-What does it mean is your heart dying? - What personification and epithet did the author use when describing the wind and why?- To show the boy’s state of mind, the author strengthens it with a description of the state of nature.-Read the following quatrain. What is the relationship between grandson and grandmother?- How does the poet write about the old woman’s speech? Why?

Read the boy's entire dream. Who did he see himself in his dream? Why?-You know this fairy tale, and now guess why even Ivan, the prince, needed the firebird?-Many inventions appeared from folk tales: a flying ship - ...; magic ball...- How did the dream end? Read it.- What did he see in the hut? Guess why only grandma was in the house?

Read the last quatrain. What thoughts did I.Z. Surikov want to convey to you?

Who makes childhood happy?-Why is this poem included in the section “Living according to conscience, loving each other”?

The author himself described his childhood.-They imagined themselves rolling and falling. Explain lexical meaning of the words: village, head over heels, chilly, dilapidated, bast shoes, spinning wheel, light.

He showed how fast the sleds rolled, because the mountain was steep.- The sled tilted sharply.- He was offended, unpleasant that his hands and face were covered in snow.- Of course, they fell, it was a shame that others laughed, but from the outside it’s funny, so you shouldn’t be offended. Then our friends helped us get up.“He’s very cold, his mittens are wet, but he doesn’t want to go home.”-Yes, everyone came home wet. Mom swore that we would get sick.- Put on dry clothes, warm your hands warm water, drink hot tea.- He warmed himself on the stove near his grandmother.- On a sleeping ledge, a bed.- Grandfather weaves bast shoes so that in the summer there will be something to wear. Mother spins flax so that she can weave canvas and sew clothes.- -Men's, master's corner.-Women's corner.

With love and affection.- The light from the streetlight is weak, and it’s very dark outside due to the blizzard. In winter, the days are short and the nights are long.- Tell a story.- Previously, books were expensive and rare, and fairy tales were passed down from generation to generation orally - this is oral folk art.- Russian folk tale"Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf."- Freezes with excitement.- Epithet - evil, personification - sings to show how scared the boy was.

They love each other...- Compared to the murmuring of a brook, gentle, affectionate, soothing speech.-The boy wanted to be a prince, because he lived in a very poor family...- In those days, the light illuminated the house in the evenings, it gave little light, but from this bird it was light all around. Now we have electricity.-Airplane, navigator...- Woke up with fear.- The rest work around the house: they remove livestock, clear snow, chop wood...- Childhood is a happy time in a person’s life, it doesn’t matter whether the person is rich or poor.-His family, which takes care of him, his homeland, where he was born and lived.- You need to love your homeland, family and friends...

-What discovery did you make in class today? -What surprised you?-What could you tell your parents about at home after our lesson, or maybe ask about something?- You have paper “snowballs” on your desk; write on them the words that are important to you that you remembered during the lesson. Let's build a snowman out of them.- I will read out the words, and you explain why you wrote them down.- The snowman turned out wonderful. And thank you for your active and interesting work in class.Grading a lesson with comments.

Technological map for a literary reading lesson. Topic: “The image of childhood in I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood”


TOPIC “The image of childhood in I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood”

Text for research: I. Z. Surikov “Childhood”

Subject 1) Compilation of characteristics of the hero of the poem - the author. 2) Establishing the facts of the biography of I.Z. Surikov with the help of a poem and comparison with the biographical text. 3) Expressive reading of a poem excerpt as a variant of interpretation of the author’s vision of the topic. 4) Clarification of the commonality in the plan of I.Z. Surikov and J.-J. Rousseau. 5) Comparison with the concept of the previously studied work of the section “The snowball is fluttering, spinning...”, namely K. D. Ushinsky’s “Frost is not scary.” 5) Explanation of the meaning of the expression “Childhood is a golden time.” Task 6 (W) Textbook, p. 108, I. Surikov “Childhood”. Explain the meaning of the words “head over heels”, “you’ll freeze”, “light”. Name main idea I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood”. Name the epithets, personifications, comparisons that the author uses in the poem “Childhood”. Name the words and expressions that help to vividly imagine the fairy tale that the grandmother tells. Further conversation is conducted according to the algorithm for working with lyrical text. See TC No. 1 for 2nd grade.Task 7 (P) Is it true that the text of I. Surikov’s poem describes true friendship? Justify your opinion using the text of the work. Is it possible to say that the friends of the main character in I. Surikov’s poem sympathized with him? Justify your opinion. Is it possible to say that love and understanding of loved ones can make a person happy? Justify your opinion. Is it true that the hero of I. Surikov’s poem was not happy in his family? Justify your opinion. Task 8 (U) with mutual assessment.

Select an excerpt from I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood”, in which the author, in your opinion, is happy, and read it expressively, using appropriate intonation.

Summary of a literary reading lesson in 3rd grade