What profession to choose after 11. Which university is better for girls to enroll in? Tourism Manager

Choosing a profession is one of the most significant moments in a graduate’s life. The right choice determines interest in future work and training, income level, and career advancement.

For the correct choice of profession, the physiological and mental inclinations of the child and the demand for specialists in the labor market are important.

What influences the prestige of a profession:

  • Salary level.
  • Geographic location of the future place of work.
  • Additional bonuses (foreign business trips, reduced working hours, long vacations).

What must be taken into account when choosing a specialty:

  • Interest in the chosen activity.
  • Compliance of abilities and psyche with the characteristics of the profession.

The choice of profession is determined by the interest, prestige and gender of the person.

There are women's professions and men's professions. But most areas of education are suitable for both boys and girls.

Here is a list of professions that are equally interesting to men and women:

  1. Doctor.
  2. Lawyer, advocate.
  3. Teacher, trainer.
  4. Scientist, researcher.
  5. Bank employee.
  6. Journalist.
  7. Artist, musician.
  8. Designer, photographer, stylist.
  9. Manager.
  10. Farmer, gardener, agricultural worker.

List of specialties for girls

The female psyche is distinguished by the ability to show patience and perform routine work. Professions where they demonstrate appearance and attractiveness are considered predominantly female.

  • Primary school teacher and kindergarten, psychologist.
  • Nurse, pharmacist, nanny, caregiver.
  • Hairdresser, cosmetologist.
  • Secretary.
  • Accountant.
  • Seamstress.
  • Call center operator.
  • Dancer and actress.
  • Stewardess.
  • Model.

List of specialties for boys

Professions that require endurance and physical strength, as well as specialties related to mechanisms and technical devices, are considered strictly masculine.

  • Military, policeman, firefighter, sailor, rescuer, law enforcement officer.
  • Driver, diesel locomotive operator, pilot
  • Miner, oil worker.
  • Welder, turner, auto mechanic.
  • Butcher, chef.
  • Builder, loader.
  • Automotive engineer.
  • Computer assembly and configuration specialist, creator computer programs, network administrator.

Professions at the institute (at the university) after completing 11th grade

Higher education is necessary where a large amount of theoretical and practical knowledge is used:

  • Middle and high school teacher, university lecturer.
  • Doctor of any profile.
  • Engineer in any specialty - cars, materials, processing technologies, etc.
  • Lawyer.

College, technical school, school are middle-ranking educational institutions. They provide a lot of real skills and abilities. A number of professions are difficult to obtain without prior training at a college or technical school. The difference between a college, technical school and college is the quality of general education.

Professions in college after finishing 11th grade

College is a cross between a university and just a college. This is average educational institution with a request for a high culture of communication, an in-depth education program and an increased scholarship. Here is a list of popular colleges.

  • To study at a music university (conservatory), you must graduate from a music college. Many secondary musical institutions have the name of college, although in essence they are colleges.
  • Medical College - gives additional points for admission to medical school.
  • Acting College is often a stepping stone to becoming a director.
  • College of Education - provides many real-world skills in teaching applied labor and early childhood education.
  • Art College - provides useful skills in the field of artistic craft - fine arts, design, computer graphics, architecture.

Professions in a technical school for students who have completed 11th grade

The technical school is almost a college. It differs in that the high school course is not in-depth. Technical school and college provide a good basis for further education at a university. Most technical schools graduate technical specialists, give them real work skills and a decent level of education for future admission to college. We list the popular types of technical schools:

  • Building.
  • Engineering, industrial, electrical and radio engineering.
  • Aviation, electric locomotive repair, transport.
  • Commercial technical school (trains middle-ranking trade representatives - managers, sales executives, marketers).
  • Agrarian.

Specialties at school after 11th grade

A number of professional skills can only be given to a person by studying at a vocational school. Vocational educational institutions enjoy minimal prestige. The school provides knowledge of a craft for which there is no need for higher education. Only real skills and abilities.

  • Manufacturing and construction workers - welders and foundry workers, builders and painters.
  • Workers agriculture— tractor drivers, livestock breeding specialists.
  • Catering workers - culinary specialists, cooks.
  • Service sector workers - hairdressers, cosmetologists.

The training here is short. After a year, the graduate becomes a specialist.

The issue of admission should be decided not by parents and teachers, but by the graduate. Their advice and reasoning are invaluable, but the final decision is made (without offense from relatives and teachers) by the adult himself.

Continuation. . .

Most ratings suggest girls become hairdressers, flight attendants, sales consultants, etc. This information is especially dangerous when choosing a profession, when a graduate of the 9th or 11th grade with unformed priorities is plunged into a swamp of stereotypes. It’s dangerous not because these professions are not as good as others - a famous manicurist can earn hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. It is dangerous precisely because of stereotypical thinking, which drives ambitions and aspirations into rather strange frameworks.

Let's put the remnants of the past aside and talk about what profession a girl should choose in accordance with her desires, aspirations and abilities.

What to consider when choosing a profession

Your desires, genuine information about the profession and the realities of the surrounding reality. If you really love something and want to dedicate your life to it, if you are sure that you will not “burn out” in a couple of years, go for it. If in doubt, try to choose 4-5 professions that interest you most. Discard stereotypes, instructions from parents and teachers - this is only your choice and you are responsible for it.

Try to collect as much information as possible about each chosen profession. Clarify the specialist’s responsibilities, read reviews of people who are already working - find out about the real pros and cons.

Next, try this profession on the region in which you are going to live. Look for educational institutions where you can get a specialty, pay attention to potential institutions and companies in which you would like to work. Consider the choice from all points of view - only in this case will it be balanced and, possibly, correct.

TOP 10 specialties for girls

This rating cannot be 100% objective, because complete statistics on the work of the female part of the working population in Russia do not exist. We analyzed the demand for personnel and salaries based on data from popular job search resources and HR agencies, taking into account trends and expert opinions. Based on the information collected, ratings of the most in-demand, promising and highly paid professions in which women achieve success most often were compiled.

If we consider in-demand specialties as professions in which the most vacancies are offered on the market, then the clear leaders will be promoters, sales consultants and waiters. We decided to include in the concept the potential of the professions themselves, so we selected professions with an average wages in Russia above 33 thousand rubles.

Remember that unskilled labor is always in demand. But it does not require higher education or special ambitions. Therefore, try to pay attention to more complex specialties that offer high salaries for employees already at the start of their careers.

Sales Manager

If you do not suffer from excessive shyness and want to make large transactions, if you are sociable and have a fairly developed intellect, this profession will certainly suit you. Absolutely all companies that produce something or offer any services need to increase sales. And they are willing to pay huge amounts of money for your sales skills. The average salary of an experienced sales manager in Moscow is 110 thousand rubles, in the regions – 65 thousand rubles.


Chief in charge of beauty, image and creating an individual style. Sometimes a specialist is understood as a hairdresser-stylist, but usually the range of responsibilities is much wider. He creates the concept of a person’s image, his visual positioning, and helps bring it to life. For a stylist, not only skill and experience are important, but also a personal brand. It must be earned at exhibitions and professional competitions. The average salary of a specialist in the capital is 60 thousand rubles, in the regions – 38 thousand rubles.

Web designer

A modern and highly sought-after profession. At the same time, it is complex, with algorithms for obtaining education and achieving success that are not always clear. A web designer creates architectural layouts and visual shells for websites, web services, mobile applications and computer games. The key to a specialist’s success is an ideal portfolio, experience and the ability to adapt a design for further development. The average salary of a web designer in Moscow is 75 thousand rubles, in Russia – 40 thousand rubles.


The tasks of a marketer include creating a concept for a product or service, their positioning and promotion, studying the audience of buyers and customers, organizing beneficial communication with the target audience and regular customers. The specialist’s key goal is to increase the company’s profit, increase its brand awareness and expand its audience by implementing marketing campaigns within the organization and building communication with consumers. The average salary of a marketing specialist in Moscow is 64 thousand rubles, in the regions – 35 thousand rubles.


The optimal specialty is a cosmetologist. The easiest way to get it is at the base medical education by completing specialized courses in an accredited organization. Then you can get a job in one of the cosmetology clinics immediately after receiving your diploma. Interest in the profession will not dry up until science and robotics make sharp leaps forward. Today, people are increasingly showing interest in cosmetology, seeing it as an alternative to plastic surgery, which is why the demand for qualified specialists is extremely high. In the capital, cosmetologists receive an average of 93 thousand rubles, in Russia – 48 thousand rubles.


The only profession that is included in the rating only based on additional indicators. On average, Russian teachers receive about 28 thousand rubles, many teachers earn only 15-17 thousand. However, the profession is respectable, and it is quite possible to succeed in it. In addition, you can work in several educational institutions and tutor. The main thing is to have sufficient qualifications.


A profession that does not lose its relevance and is one of the highest paid in the medical field. It is no secret that dental services in private clinics are quite expensive. This cannot but affect the income of specialists. Experienced dentists earn good money, especially if they eventually open their own clinics. The profession is complex, you need to study and gain experience for a long time. But this is an extremely important, respectable job with decent pay. The average salary of Moscow dentists is 92 thousand rubles, in the regions - about 70 thousand rubles.


A relatively new specialty. Previously, copywriters were understood only as creators of advertising texts, today they mean almost everyone who writes for Internet resources. Despite high competition, a good copywriter will always achieve success and will be able to claim the maximum salary. The main thing is to get a quality education (philologist, journalist, marketer, etc.), and constantly develop. Moscow copywriters earn an average of 55 thousand rubles per month, employees of companies from the regions - 38 thousand rubles. Many specialists work on remote exchanges and in freelancing mode.

Specialist in loans

Loans are becoming the main focus of banks' work, and most organizations lack specialists working in the field of lending. This applies not only to managers who know how to work with clients, but also to professionals who are able to develop credit programs and monitor their implementation at the global level. The average salary of a loan specialist in Moscow is 73 thousand rubles, in Russia – 45 thousand rubles.


Stereotypical ideas about narrow-minded secretaries should not shape the image of the profession in your perception. In fact, the secretary-referent is right hand leader. The specialist works in conditions DC voltage and multitasking, often coordinates the work of several structures, develops daily schedules, works with the archive, and monitors many processes. The work of qualified secretarial assistants is well paid - the average Moscow salary is 67 thousand rubles, for specialists from the regions it is lower - 37 thousand rubles.

The most promising professions for girls

The most promising professions include those that will definitely not lose their relevance in the next 50-70 years. According to experts, they will become more and more in demand over time. Each of these specialties is ideal for girls, no matter how difficult their name may sound.

Designer interfaceov

Interface designer is the most paid profession in the industry; already today Moscow specialists earn an average of 110 thousand rubles, and employees from the regions - 80 thousand rubles. Every year, humanity spends more and more time online, and therefore interest in the specialty will only grow.

Software Engineer

A complex profession that combines technical programming and creative development of innovative solutions. A prestigious and well-paid profession. According to unofficial statistics, only 20% of university graduates with this specialty are girls. However, almost all of them work in their profession and achieve success. In Moscow, experienced software engineers earn an average of 125 thousand rubles, in the regions – 65 thousand rubles.


Do you think this profession is not for girls? Hardly. Hundreds of female university students from all over the world annually present concepts and prototypes of robots that can change our lives tomorrow.

Industry and production are being automated, robots are being introduced into medicine and even into everyday life. This specialty is one of the most promising and well-paid - in Moscow, the average salary of a roboticist exceeds 120 thousand rubles, in the regions - 90 thousand rubles.


This branch of science and one of its key areas, genetic engineering, are rapidly developing. Largely thanks to women scientists. Perhaps you will be the one to accomplish the first human cloning. While biotechnologists in Moscow receive about 60 thousand rubles, in the regions – 45 thousand rubles. However, these numbers are sure to increase.


The profession is in maximum demand now and will not lose its relevance in the future. Cities are being rebuilt, new objects are constantly being created that require modern architectural design. The work is complex, requiring professional skills and long training, but it is paid accordingly: the average salary of architects in Russia is 70 thousand rubles.

Blockchain Specialist

Can a girl understand blockchain? Practice shows that yes. This is evidenced by the experience of many projects that are in the ICO stage and many representatives of the fair half of humanity claim as team members. There are no statistics on average salaries in this segment, but it is obvious that they are significantly higher than average.


Without detracting from the importance of experienced specialists, it is important to note the need for a gradual renewal of staff medical personnel. Technologies are developing rapidly, and mastering them as part of advanced training is not so easy. New areas are emerging that require the work of specialized specialists. But with salaries, everything is not so rosy - so far the average salary of doctors in Russia is 33 thousand rubles.

IT Manager

These are mainly team leads, who are responsible for project management and communication with clients. The job requires not only management skills, but also knowledge of the industry in which the company operates. Moscow specialists receive an average of 102 thousand rubles, the average salary in Russia is 55 thousand rubles

Advertising Specialist

Advertising is changing and campaigns are increasingly being implemented online. Therefore, advertisers need specialists who keep up with the times. Today, advertising specialists from Moscow receive about 70 thousand rubles, the average salary in the country is 39 thousand rubles.


The specialist is responsible for investments, raising capital, issuing and selling shares, and sometimes for accounting and financial audit. Companies will always need investor money, which means this specialty will never lose relevance. The average salary of a financier in Moscow is 80 thousand rubles, in the regions of Russia – 55 thousand rubles.

The highest paid professions for girls

Let's make a reservation that we are talking specifically about average indicators. Stylist the highest level can earn 10-20 times more than an experienced surgeon. But this is the exception that confirms the rule. If we compare average salaries, they are highest in the IT industry.

The most popular professions among girls here are the following:

  • Web designer;
  • Team lead;
  • Frontend developer;
  • Sales Manager;
  • Tester.

Jobs with a good salary can be found in the field of cosmetology, advertising and marketing, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Huge money is circulating in the beauty industry, but there is an extremely uneven distribution here. Two stylists with the same qualifications can receive radically different salaries, for example, 25 and 250 thousand rubles per month - a lot depends on the professional brand, region and place of work, and on the positioning of their work. Key components of a high salary – right choice, good education and experience.

In your choice, try to include not only thoughts about prospects, but also your own desires. It is equally difficult to do a low-paid job you love and a high-paid job you don’t love.

It is difficult to achieve success in a profession that you hate with all your heart. Try to find among the lists of popular and promising specialties exactly the one that is truly interesting to you. Choose a good university or college to get a quality education. Don’t be afraid to change jobs and specializations - this is the only way to really achieve success.

Professions for girls after 9th grade

After 9th grade, you can enter a secondary specialized educational institution (school, college, technical school), or a lyceum (or the same college) at any university. In the second case, it will be easier to continue education, having received certain benefits upon admission. However, the very fact of leaving school after 9th grade is often associated with the desire to get a secondary education.

The most popular specialties among girls are:

  • Teacher.
  • Hairdresser-stylist.
  • Nurse.
  • Cook.
  • Pharmacist.

There are other options to consider. For example, enrolling in a pedagogical college in the field of physical education, then undergoing specialized training and obtaining the qualification of a fitness trainer is a sought-after, relevant and often well-paid profession. You can also continue your education, no matter what school you graduated from. If after graduating from college or technical school you realize that you have chosen the wrong profession or want to get higher education- Feel free to go to university. However, remember that not all accelerated programs will be available to you - only specialized ones.

Professions for girls after 11th grade

After 11th grade you can enroll in a higher or intermediate program special education to any educational institution whose criteria you meet. If you have sufficient knowledge of the language, you can try to apply to foreign universities, but in practice it is easier to enroll in master’s programs there after completing 4 years of study at a Russian educational institution.

As for the profession, you can choose any specialty from the list above or pay attention to traditional “solutions”: lawyer, economist, psychologist, accountant, and so on. More and more often, girls choose the profession of managers and HR managers, which until recently were not always present in large companies. Today, all reputable organizations are aware of the need to ensure responsible recruitment and offer vacancies with decent salaries and a large volume of work.

Remember that completing Year 11 is a conditional advantage. You can get a free higher education, and this opportunity is worth taking advantage of.

However, in the process of choosing a profession, you should not be guided by salary alone: ​​take into account a set of indicators, listen to your own desires. It is very important to make an informed decision. It's okay if you make a mistake. But it's worth doing everything you can to understand your desires, accept responsibility and not waste 4 years on training that you don't need.


When choosing a profession, girls are often guided by stereotypes. Little-understood “traditions” force them to choose between a hairdresser, a makeup artist, a flight attendant and a sales consultant. It’s great if you’ve always dreamed of one of these professions. What if not? Then pay attention to the girls who successfully test the latest machines, develop unique drug formulas, create robots and fly fighter planes.

Today we will present to your attention a list of professions after 11th grade. In general, after graduating from school, going somewhere will not be so difficult. But finding a job is already quite a big problem for modern schoolchildren and students. It is also important to choose a direction that will be prestigious and in demand in the future. This will help eliminate problems with employment. So, let's try to figure out what profession to choose after 11th grade.


The first option is to enroll in medical school and then study to become a doctor. Surgeons, pediatricians, and dentists are very popular now. True, for this you will have to spend about 7 years at a university and then undergo an internship.

If you are interested in in-demand professions after 11th grade, and at the same time, you understand biology and chemistry, then you can really study to become a doctor. There is a shortage of them now. To make your work profitable and prestigious, simply get a job in a private clinic upon graduation. And in this case, you will not have to worry about your earnings, as well as the popularity of your direction. At a minimum, the years spent at the university will not be in vain.


And we continue our list of professions after 11th grade. In fact, in-demand professions may not be the most prestigious. And, especially, not highly paid. This is exactly what management is now classified as. We are talking about the area that we are used to seeing - the lower echelon.

What is it? The thing is that all management is divided into 3 parts: top, middle and lower echelons. The first two are the real managers, the bosses. And the last thing is exactly what is so popular and in demand today in the labor market - the most ordinary, so to speak, junior managers. These include: sellers, cashiers, catering and fast food cafe workers, loaders, cleaners, and sales representatives. In principle, all those professions that a student or schoolchild can get a job in.

However, these are quite popular professions after 11th grade. You can study to be a manager, gain low-level work experience during your studies, and then move into a management position. So, don't be afraid of this specialty. Plus, enrolling in it is quite easy and simple.


Good professions after 11th grade, to be honest, should be decently paid. And just such places of work include engineering. Today Russia lacks personnel who will do this work. There are simple engineers and equipment installers here.

You can get such an education by enrolling in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. You will have to study long and hard in order to be able to find a normal job later. Unfortunately, this direction is not particularly popular among applicants. After all, engineers are often paid a rather small salary, which is not comparable with the responsibility and responsibilities in the workplace.


Our list of professions after 11th grade continues. To be honest, along with doctors and physicians, a teacher is a very popular position nowadays. Only among graduates this work is not particularly popular.

There are more and more people, including first-graders. Schools and kindergartens are growing before our eyes. But there is no one to teach children. In order to become good teacher, now you need to get a pedagogical education, as well as get a second “tower” in the direction in which you want to work. That is, if it is chemistry and biology - medical, physics - physics and mathematics, mathematics / geometry - mathematical, and so on. With all this, you will be loaded up to your ears with work, and teachers’ salaries, as a rule, are meager. Only being a teacher is a truly prestigious job.


After 11th grade, to be honest, they are more popular and in demand. And they often pay much better than any other direction. If you are a girl who doesn’t know where to go to study after school, but at the same time, you want to get a “purely female profile” education, then you can go to school to become a cosmetologist. Or a manicurist.

This is quite in demand after 11th grade. Yes, now there are a lot of such masters and cosmetologists. But clients are also arriving. Several masters will not have enough time for everything. So, cosmetology and manicure are quite popular and profitable areas. Especially if you are a private master, as well as in some private and nice salon. Training in this area is shorter than in any other area. And there is almost no competition - each client (and there are many of them) chooses his own specialist. Try it, you won't regret it!

Office worker

Now the list of professions after 11th grade that can only be called in demand continues endlessly. However, there is another very desired area, which always requires new personnel. This is an office job.

To be honest, many people want to work this way. However, to achieve this, you will have to obtain an economic or legal education. Sometimes students who have graduated from management also have the opportunity. And, congratulations, you will become the most ordinary office worker.

There are many such employees now, but there is a huge turnover of personnel in the labor market. And that’s why a new one is always needed. What will you have to do in your place? As a rule, work with documents, prepare reports, sometimes sell goods and services through telephone calls. In principle, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

But it’s worth warning right away - office workers are often burdened with someone else’s work. And they put pressure on us morally. Not everyone will agree to this. For this reason, after working in an office for some time, people move to another company. Or they quit altogether. So, when accepting a career as an office worker, you should prepare yourself for a lot of stress. If you can endure it, you will achieve heights in building a career, and will also begin to receive good wages. No? Then you will have to look for another job.

How to find yourself

If you cannot decide where to go to study, then the so-called profession test after 11th grade will help you. As a rule, all future school graduates take it. Around the beginning of the school year.

What will be in the test? Lots of questions that will illustrate your behavior in different situations, and will also show abilities, skills, emotional stability and ambitions. After a clear analysis, psychologists will make a verdict on who and what profession is more suitable. Unfortunately, test results and the wishes of future applicants usually diverge. In general, listen to yourself - this is the only way you can choose the optimal profession for yourself.

So it rang last call, all exams have been passed, and every eleventh grade graduate is thinking about it after school. Perhaps this is the most important choice in a person’s life, because it determines him future fate. Finding a profession you like is not an easy task.

D In order not to regret the wrong in the future step taken, it is now necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, thoroughly study everything that universities offer and compare your desires with the possibilities.

Which institute you end up enrolling in depends entirely on you. Please note that the more serious the establishment, the higher the points for crossing the threshold. When choosing a profession, it is important to take into account the amount of money for study that you can afford, the number of points received on the Unified State Exam, as well as your preparedness for entrance exams and competitions, which are established in many educational institutions.

Getting admission anywhere in Moscow is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. The minimum number of points scored should not be lower than one hundred and seventy, but the maximum number is four hundred.

Of course, the more prestigious and popular the university you have chosen, the easier it is to find a job after graduation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you start studying the structure of entrance exams and preparing for competitions as early as possible, because your future life depends on it.

The most popular universities in Moscow

So, the list of the most famous and prestigious universities in Moscow is as follows:

Of course, the above list of institutes where you can go to study both part-time and full-time is not complete, because our capital is full of first-class educational institutions. It’s quite difficult to enroll in all of them, but it’s worth it, because by doing so you not only strengthen your position and can hope to get a good and, importantly, desired specialty, but the program itself, subjects and highly qualified teachers will make your student life unforgettable and interesting.

Medical Universities

Doctor - definitely, a very important and useful profession for society. More and more people every year decide to become specialists in the field of medicine, guided by very different principles and desires: some want to help people, some are interested in studying human nature, some want to achieve financial well-being.

However, no matter what your goal is, it is worth considering that competition in the medical field is incredibly tough, and in order to get the best job possible, it is advisable to have a diploma stating that you are a graduate of a fairly prestigious educational institution . List of the most popular and best-in-class institutes in Moscow, preparing future surgeons, dentists and other specialists, is as follows:

Where to go to study after 11th grade if you want to acquire a creative profession?

Creative professions are still in demand and important, as are work in the fields of medicine, education and economics. Moscow is on par with St. Petersburg is full of a variety of educational institutions from which you can become an excellent designer, animator, artist, fashion designer or architect.

Each of us understands that the education we receive is in some way the foundation of our lives. Choosing a future profession is an important and responsible step that must be approached with the utmost seriousness. And, of course, our parents always want to take part in this process. The first thing you need to do when taking such a step is to remove relatives from this. Although they want the best for their children, this decision should be made on an individual basis and without outside pressure.

Carefully study all areas and faculties of the institute, where you would like to go to study after 11th grade. Their complete list is presented on the official websites of the educational institution. You can learn about student life on special forums.

The list of professions after 11th grade is huge, and some of them look very tempting and promise to be in demand in the future. But always balance your abilities with your desires. If you want to become a doctor, however, your Unified State Exam scores in biology are just slightly above the threshold, then this means that you simply do not need to enroll in medical universities. Always listen to your inner voice and know that it is not you who should adapt to your career, but, on the contrary, the rhythm of life should remain familiar and comfortable, and work should bring pleasure.

Every year, graduates around the world are faced with the question of where to go after 11th grade. Some people want to choose a more prestigious profession, others want to find something they like.

Study You can choose a full-time course of study in another city or even abroad, or receive knowledge by correspondence, enroll on a budget or study for a fee.

The world is open to graduates, but every year many say: “I don’t know where to go to study.” You can decide on a profession using tests.

Where should a girl go after 11th grade?

There are not many professions specifically for women; most professions today are suitable for both sexes. Among the many options, it is difficult for a girl to decide if she does not yet have specific preferences.

It is impossible to list all possible professions - in Russia the list of possible positions is measured in thousands.

The girl can choose the following options:

Direction Specialties
Economic Economist, manager of various areas, marketer, auditor, customs officer, state or municipal administration, accountant
Legal Legal consultant, lawyer, notary, prosecutor, employee law enforcement agencies, forensic economic expert
Pedagogical Teacher of any field, including preschool and primary education, psychologist
Humanitarian Journalist, linguist, philologist, documentarian, philosopher, sociologist
Medicine and Dentistry Pharmacist, dentist, specialist in a specific area
Creative You can study to become a designer and then choose any direction
Veterinary medicine Profession of veterinarian, pharmacologist, physical education

A girl can study to become a seamstress, cosmetologist, clerk, or flight attendant (special schools). The list goes on and on.

Where can a guy go to study?

A boy can choose many specialties. Most professions are suitable for both genders.

Just like the girls A guy can choose to specialize as a doctor, teacher, dentist, veterinarian, psychologist, lawyer, economist, or even designer.

A young man can study to become a programmer, go to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, decide on the life of a military man, or choose a technical direction:

  • Builder.
  • Heat power engineer or heating engineer.
  • Energetic.
  • Mechanical engineer.
  • Constructor.
  • Metallurgist.
  • Architect.
  • Engineer.

It is not necessary to have good grades to choose a profession. It is easier for a C student to go to a less in demand specialty, where there are a sufficient number of places, or to choose paid training.

If you don’t have a certificate, but you graduated from school with a certificate, then you can wait a year and retake the exams or enroll without the Unified State Exam in a college for a special program, and after a year choose a university.

Pay attention! A deferment from the army is important for young men. It is provided at universities and colleges, but only for full-time study.

Test to determine future profession

Children rarely can decide exactly which specialty they like. You need to focus on your hobbies.

For a lover of riddles suitable profession investigator, athletes need faculty physical culture, and a novice artist has a direct path to the Academy of Arts.

If you are passionate about literature, you can become a librarian, editor, proofreader or writer.

If If there are no obvious preferences, then you can take the test. According to the method of the famous psychologist E.A.

Klimov there are 5 types of professions. The test is based on 20 points, each with two options.

At each point you need to choose one profession:

Option 1 Option 2
1 Animal care Maintenance of machines, instrumentation
2 Helping sick people, treatment Drawing up tables, diagrams, programs
3 Monitoring the quality of book illustrations Monitoring the condition and development of plants
4 Material processing Bringing goods to consumers
5 Discussion of articles, popular science books Discussion of fiction books, concerts, plays
6 Raising young animals (animals) Training comrades in performing actions
7 Copying designs or customizing tools Cargo control
8 Communication and clarification of information Decoration
9 Repair of products, things, housing Finding and correcting errors (texts, tables, pictures)
10 Animal treatment Perform calculations and calculations
11 Breeding new plant varieties Construction, projection
12 Analysis of disputes and quarrels, explanation, persuasion, encouragement and punishment Analysis of drawings of tables and diagrams
13 Observation and study of the activities of art circles Observing and studying the life of microbes
14 Maintenance and adjustment of medical devices Providing medical care
15 Produce accurate reports and descriptions Artistic description of events, their depiction
16 Hospital tests (laboratory) Reception and examination of patients, conversation, treatment
17 Painting or painting walls or products Installation of buildings, assembly of machines
18 Organization of excursions and hikes Stage, concerts
19 Manufacturing of parts according to drawings, construction of buildings Drawing, copying diagrams, maps
20 Control of plant diseases and pests Working on a keyboard machine

This test can be taken online. Based on its results, points are awarded for each direction. This makes it easier to narrow down the possible options.

Based on the test results, a person may gravitate toward the following areas:

  • Nature.
  • Technology.
  • To people.
  • Iconic technique (images).
  • Artistic image.

Everyone has directions have psychological requirements and a list of possible specialties. There are other tests that make choosing a profession easier.

List of prestigious and in-demand professions

Every person wants his specialty to be prestigious and in demand. This means choosing a place to work, decent pay and recognition.

The following areas are prestigious and in demand for Russia:

  • IT specialization.
  • Pedagogy.
  • Engineering design.
  • Jurisprudence.
  • Medicine.
  • Marketing.
  • Work with personnel.
  • Beauty industry.
  • Ecology.
  • Working specialties (subject to high qualifications).

Orienting For prestige, you need to choose the appropriate educational institution.

Among the best are Lomonosov Moscow State University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, St. Petersburg State University, IME, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Schoolchildren need to focus their exams on their future profession. Humanists should not neglect social studies, engineers and technologists should not neglect physics, and future programmers should not neglect computer science.

You must enter the medical field with passed biology and chemistry, and the Faculty of Geography is directly related to geography.

To choose The future specialty must be approached with special care.

It is important to choose a suitable direction and educational institution so that the profession is in demand and loved.

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