What losses did the Russian armed forces suffer in Syria? Live. Beginning of Russian military operation in Syria

First of all, I wanted to talk in detail about this with the Chief of the General Staff - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Valery Gerasimov.

At the beginning of the conversation, I remembered an anecdote about a dirk and a watch, told by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a recent press conference. I told Valery Vasilyevich that such an anecdote probably warmed the soul of every military man.

— How did he seem to you, Valery Vasilyevich?


- Very relevant, good anecdote. With a deep meaning.


— Valery Vasilyevich, how did we manage to transfer our large group of troops to Syria so quickly and secretly in the fall of 2015? I then read in the American press that the generals there were almost in a panic. They did not expect such agility from our army. And they even complained that their intelligence was late...

VG: — The operation was carefully planned, all issues were taken into account, the necessary forces and means were determined. This refers to both the combat component and the support component. But we had virtually no experience in transferring troops and forces over such a distance, to the territory of a state that does not border our country. There was only one example in 1962 - Operation Anadyr, when the USSR transferred troops to Cuba. We also took that experience into account. The training our units received during surprise inspections also came in handy. During them, they practiced transferring over long distances, using all types of transport... aviation, rail, sea. The regrouping was carried out as secretly as possible, without involving special attention. 50 units of aviation equipment were concentrated at the Khmeimim airfield...

VB: — Over what period approximately? In a month, in a week?

VG: — All this took about a month... The supporting component required more time. We had to create an infrastructure, a comprehensive support system, including logistics.

VB: — Why, when planning the operation in Syria, did our General Staff initially not provide for the use of ground units and units, and the main emphasis was placed on aviation? What was the “trick” here?

VG: — We assessed the condition of the ground forces of the Syrian armed forces. Despite the fact that they participated in hostilities for a long time and suffered losses, individual units were still able to carry out their tasks. It was necessary to resolve issues primarily related to reconnaissance of targets, their destruction by fire, and disruption of the enemy’s control system. These are precisely the problems that our aerospace component could solve. And directly on the ground sectors, combat operations were carried out by Syrian units with the participation of our military advisers. There were also detachments of patriotically minded sections of the population.

Therefore, the deployment of a ground component was not initially envisaged.

Another important task is to organize the control of all troops and forces taking part in hostilities. For this purpose, a command post of our group was deployed in Khmeimim and control posts in the directions where hostilities are taking place.

VB: — How did our General Staff take into account the peculiarities of terrorist tactics? What was the first thing you paid attention to here?

VG: — We have experience in fighting terrorists, and we, of course, took it into account. In addition, with the beginning of events in Syria, the General Staff monitored the situation and knew the specific tactics of these gangs. We understood that in addition to terrorist actions, they also use tactical methods. At the head of these gangs were commanders specially trained by instructors from a number of countries in the Middle East and Western countries. There were also former Iraqi army officers. They captured during the period while the fighting was going on, a large number of weapons and equipment of the Iraqi and Syrian armies. They had up to 1,500 tanks and armored vehicles alone. Plus about 1,200 guns and mortars. It was actually a regular army.

VB: - Which one? maximum amount Do you remember terrorists from intelligence reports? At the moment when we started the operation?

VG: — As of September 30, 2015, there were about 59 thousand of them in Syria in all formations. Plus, over the past 2 years they have managed to recruit about 10 thousand more...

VB: — A full-fledged army, one might say...

VG: - But over these 2 years, according to our data, about 60,000 militants were actually destroyed, of which over 2,800 came from the Russian Federation.

VB: — The Americans reported that their coalition aircraft had carried out about 7,000 sorties by September 30, 2015. They bombed for two years. But why did it happen that before we entered the war with terrorists, they expanded control over the territory of Syria from 20 percent to 70 percent? What was the American coalition doing there?

VG: — It seems to me that the coalition did not set a goal at that time, and even now, for the final defeat of ISIS*. Look, the number of strikes by the international coalition all this time was 8-10 per day. Our aviation, with rather insignificant forces, carried out 60-70 strikes daily against militants, against infrastructure, and at their bases. And during periods of highest stress - about 120-140 beats per day. Only such methods could break the back of international terrorism in Syria. And 8-10 strikes a day... Well, apparently the coalition had other goals. Their main goal was to fight Assad, not ISIS.

VB: — For the first time since the creation of the National Defense Control Center, where we are now, the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense have fully utilized this structure. How did she show herself?

VG: — The creation of the National Defense Management Center radically changed the approaches to managing the entire military organization of the state. In particular, we felt this from the experience of conducting operations in Syria. When all types of communications are available, daily data collection and situation analysis are organized. It has become comfortable to work, and we do not feel a lack of information.

VB: — Were many problems solved in the “on line” mode?

VG: - Of course. The Minister of Defense and I observed strikes, for example, by our aviation, missile forces, and long-range precision weapons on screens in real time.

The drone transmits a picture, the commander at the command post in Khmeimim sees it, and we in Moscow see the same thing. But he controls, the commander!

VB: — Why, after more than two years of our operation in Syria, have we not been able to agree with the coalition led by the United States on a joint fight?

VG: — We tried to negotiate from the very beginning, and we succeeded. We concluded a Memorandum on compliance with aviation safety. By the way, this Memorandum is faithfully observed by both parties. We entered into an agreement with the Americans and with Jordan, according to which the Southern De-Escalation Zone was created. It became the first such zone in Syria. This was a major breakthrough. All our other proposals for organizing joint planning, conducting reconnaissance, destroying terrorists were met with misunderstanding, refusal... We saw no desire on their part to interact. Although, of course, this would be of great benefit. Joint planning, striking, conducting operations...

VB: - Nevertheless, the Americans put forward some claims to us... They say that our planes flew too dangerously close to their planes... What actually happened there?

VG: — With the deployment of hostilities and the approach of Syrian government troops to the Euphrates in eastern Syria, we, indeed, with the Americans established zones demarcating the actions of the aviation of our Aerospace Forces and the international coalition. What is it? Our aviation (VKS) operates west of the Euphrates, and American aviation operates to the east. But not along the entire length of the Euphrates, but along the de-escalation line.

VB: — Was it marked on the maps?

VG: - Yes, it is marked. If you imagine a map, then according to the level of Deir ez-Zor... And on we're going east... Suvar, Abert Laba, and the transition to the border with Iraq. This is about 120-130 kilometers from Abu Kemal to the north. Joint actions were planned in this triangle. Just the area where active hostilities were taking place. In this area, east of the Euphrates, the joint use of both aerospace forces and international coalition aviation was envisaged, with notification to the appropriate party. And there were no problems. One unpleasant incident occurred on December 13th.

VB: — And what is the essence of this case?

VG: — Two Su-25 aircraft of our Aerospace Forces performed reconnaissance and search missions in the western part of the Euphrates River valley. No one went to the east. Our Su-35 was also there. An American F-22 aircraft left the eastern part of Syria, simulated several approaches, indicated an attack, and fired heat decoys. He was at a high altitude, then dived to a lower one. There were less than a hundred meters left to our planes. He was a real danger. Our Su-35 arrived. The F‑22 immediately went east to its zone. About 20 minutes passed. The Su-35 went to carry out its tasks. The F-22 appears again...

VB: - The same?

VG: - The same. Same story again. The Su-35 comes again. As soon as he appeared, the F-22 left. The American was playing a dangerous game.

VB: — The Americans have established their base in Syria. Is she still there?

VG: Yes, there is. At-Tanf.

VB: — And according to your information, what are they doing there?

VG: — This base is in the south of Syria, it is limited to a section of terrain with a radius of 55 kilometers. This is the border of Syria, Jordan and Iraq. There is a base there. According to space and other types of intelligence, there are militant detachments on it. They are actually preparing there. Moreover, the British BBC television channel recently reported how the evacuation of militants from Raqqa was organized. Four hundred people were taken by the Kurds under American cover to the Shaddadi camp in northeastern Syria. This is Kurdish-controlled territory and there is also an American base there. In addition, about 800 more people arrived at the Shaddadi camp from the eastern bank of the Euphrates, from the area where the Kurds were advancing...

VB: - These are all shortcomings...

VG: - This is actually ISIS. But after the work done with them, they are repainted, taking a different name - “New Syrian Army” and others. Their task is to destabilize the situation. We know that about 400 people from the Shaddadi camp went to the al-Tanf area. After the main forces of ISIS were defeated, they tried to destabilize the situation by advancing from the eastern bank of the Euphrates. But they suffered losses. We think about 750 people are now in Shaddadi and about 350 in al-Tanf.

VB: - Do you mean militants?

VG: - Yes, militants. In Al-Tanf, the entire area is blocked by Syrian troops along the perimeter of this 55-kilometer zone. The most important thing is that for several months we have been observing the movement of militants from there. When control was weaker, even about 350 militants left the al-Tanf area. There was a threat of capture of the city of Karyaten in Syria. We took action in time... The defeat was inflicted, these forces were defeated. There were also prisoners from these camps. It is clear that preparations are underway there. Moreover, there is a Rukban refugee camp there, the largest in Syria.

VB: - Right there? In this zone?

VG: — Right in this zone, somewhere 25 kilometers west of At-Tanf. There are over 50 thousand Syrian refugees there. A Reconciliation Center has been created in Syria as part of the Russian military group.

He actually coordinates and manages the delivery of all humanitarian aid, humanitarian convoys, our Russian and UN ones. These convoys go everywhere, although there are enough problems that need to be resolved both with the government and with the UN, but it doesn’t work out in Rukban: the Americans don’t let them there - neither the Syrians, nor the other convoy. People are suffering. We say: the location of this American base defies common sense. Now it’s even more so - the territory of Syria has been liberated from all ISIS gangs, there is no one left there, there is no threat to you from the territory of Syria. What's there? For what purpose? So far the answers are unclear. But new terrorist groups may appear there...

VB: — You just said that new armed formations are being created, American instructors are training militants... But we won’t have to return to Syria those planes and helicopters, those personnel that are now being transferred to Russia?

VG: — As you know, we still have two bases there. One in Khmeimim, air force, and the second, naval, in Tartus. In addition, we are closely involved with the Syrian government troops; our advisers are located in almost all units. Over two years, officers and junior command staff of the Syrian army received a lot of practice. Now they are able to conduct military operations and defend their territory. With our strength, from our bases, we can provide assistance if necessary. These forces are quite sufficient to maintain the stability and territorial integrity of Syria.

VB: — I understood correctly that we are leaving these two of our bases to continue helping the Syrian government army, right?

VG: - Yes, because the situation is still unstable.

It will take some time to achieve complete stability, so the bases are there for good reason, they are necessary there. So that what happened before September 2015 does not happen again... On the other hand, we must not forget that Russia also has its own interests in the Middle East...

VB: — During the operation in Syria, how often both you and the Minister of Defense had to discuss the progress of the operation with the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Was this done face to face in the Kremlin, at the General Staff or by telephone?

VG: - In different ways. Usually, I report to the Minister of Defense every morning and evening about the state of affairs and the progress of tasks, and he reports to the President. 1 – 2 times a week, the Minister reports to the President personally, presenting the necessary documents, maps, and video materials. Sometimes the Supreme Commander-in-Chief contacts me personally, sometimes together with the Minister we go to report to him. The president determines goals and objectives, he is aware of all the dynamics of military operations. Moreover, in every direction. And, of course, it sets goals for the future.

VB: — The Information Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the General Staff informed the public almost every day after almost every missile and bomb strike against terrorists in Syria. Why, in your opinion, did the American coalition not act in the same way?

VG: — About 8 months ago they also started informing and providing reports. Of course, the difference is fundamental. They are from time to time, and we are daily mode. The Center for Reconciliation speaks out, gives summaries on all issues, and the Department of Information, the Main Operational Directorate... Why do people need to guess what is happening there? We need to tell you what happened that day, what your plans are...

VB: — What was the most difficult thing for the General Staff when planning a military operation in Syria?

VG: — The most difficult thing in preparation and in the initial period of an operation is organizing interaction with government troops, with all the various groups. There are many detachments from the patriotic population. They are armed, we are bringing them to the side of the government forces. It was not easy to establish interaction between all these detachments and our Aerospace Forces and organize all types of support. But we have already learned this. Everything is in order and working fine. A modern command post has been created in Khmeimim, which provides control over the grouping of our troops in Syria. The work is going smoothly.

VB: — What adjustments did the General Staff make to the actions of our troops in the fight against terrorism? Still, this was essentially the first clash in the history of Russia between our troops and such large formations of thugs.

VG: — Adjustments are made constantly. Because approaches, forms, and methods of action are changing. First in small quantities, then the use of jihad mobiles by terrorists became more widespread. And it was necessary to react to this...

Thus, during the battles for Deir ez-Zor and other settlements in the Euphrates River valley, the use of jihad mobiles became almost widespread. At first there were 2-3 jihad mobiles, and then 7-8 - this is in one battle. What it is? This is a car, infantry fighting vehicle or tank filled with explosives. There could be 300-400 kilograms of explosives or more. It is controlled by a suicide bomber. He chooses the shortest route to the positions of government troops. He moves towards them with great speed and carries out an explosion. There may be two or three such machines.

On this section of the front there were massive losses, many killed and wounded. This is a huge explosion. Panic... A gap is created - depending on the power of the explosive and the number of jihad mobiles used. In the summer of 2016, in the Aleppo region, three jihad mobiles managed to leave the city in exactly this way. Two Syrian government checkpoints were blown up. A gap 500-700 meters wide formed. The militants' actions were planned in advance; they struck on both sides of this corridor and broke through the encirclement. Then it took about three months to restore the lost positions, and with heavy fighting.

Naturally, this does not fit into the framework of, let’s say, normal military operations. But conclusions had to be drawn...

VB: - And what?

VG: - Firstly, constant surveillance is carried out. The road directions they can follow are determined. In these directions, barriers, minefields, and so on are built, and a fire destruction system is organized, starting from distant approaches. These are ATGMs, tanks, and, as they approach, grenade launchers. As a result, 2-3 jihad mobiles were destroyed at the advance stage, others - when approaching the front line. The troops learned to counter them. In addition, all populated areas were prepared by ISIS for all-round defense; apparently, the labor of the local civilian population was used there. In fact, a second city was being built underground: communication passages, all the necessary infrastructure. Assault troops must be able to fight in such conditions.

VB: — Where did ISIS get such a huge number of Toyotas?

VG: — All these years they have received a flood of help from a number of countries, including the Middle East... And through non-governmental foundations. It’s not just cars – it’s just the civilian component. And also modern weapons, new ammunition, modern means...

Reconnaissance equipment, binoculars, night sights, communication systems - everything is modern, not antediluvian.

VB: — There is information that some of the ISIS fighters are already in Afghanistan, in Jordan. Where else is this infection spreading?

VG: — Some are returned to the countries from which they came illegally. The bulk moves to Libya, to the countries of South-West Asia. Afghanistan cannot be ruled out either - the soil there is fertile for them.

VB: — How do you assess the state of the Syrian armed forces at the beginning of the operation and today?

VG: — The difference is big. During the war, by the fall of 2015, the Syrian armed forces had actually lost their entire territory. 10% of Syrian territory remained under government control.

VB: — This is at the moment when we started the operation?

VG: - Yes. The situation was very difficult. Both morale and fatigue. Lack of ammunition, necessary types of support, control. Our operation began, and after some time the first successes appeared. Any victories inspire, inspire, now the Syrian army has gained good experience. We helped them, repaired the equipment on the spot... Today, the Syrian army is capable of carrying out tasks to protect its territory.

VB: — How many of our military personnel went through the Syrian campaign?

VG: - More than 48 thousand soldiers and officers. Of these, every fourth was awarded or nominated for a government award. Everyone received departmental awards.

VB: — How do you assess the role of our military advisers who worked as part of the Syrian army?

VG: — I highly appreciate their role. Each unit - battalion, brigade, regiment, division - has a military adviser's office. It includes the necessary officials. These are operational personnel, reconnaissance officer, artilleryman, engineer, translators and other officials. They are, in fact, planning military operations. Provide assistance in managing units during combat missions. In all directions, actions are linked by a single concept, a single plan, and leadership is carried out from the group’s command post in Khmeimim.

VB: — Did the General Staff have a goal to test as many military personnel as possible in Syria?

VG: - Yes. And we did it. Not just military personnel - the most important thing is to test commanders and officers. The commanders of the district troops - they all visited there, and for a long time. Everyone commanded the group. All chiefs of staff...

VB: There were 4 or 5 of them changed, commanders?

VG: - Dvornikov, Kartapolov, Surovikin, Zarudnitsky, Zhuravlev...

VB: — You gave them the opportunity to manage at this level, right?

VG: - They arrived with the main staff of their administrative apparatus: the heads of operational management, intelligence, communications, missile forces and artillery, engineers...

VB: - So they took their staff and tested the whole apparatus?

VG: - In the same way, the command of armies is also all, 90% of divisions, and more than half of the regiments and brigades.

VB: — That is, we now have a command staff that is seasoned in these battles... Having real combat experience.

VG: - They have combat experience, yes.

VB: - Valery Vasilyevich, I would like to return once again to this question: we remain in Khmeimim, we remain in Tartus. You said this is to help the Syrian army, right?

VG: - Yes, for possible help.

VB: Yes. You didn't mention the naval component. Will some of the ships be in the eastern Mediterranean? Just like we are standing there now? The ships are ours. Or will we leave?

VG: — We’re not going anywhere. Our regular fleet of ships is now operating in the Mediterranean on a permanent basis.

VB: — It also remains, right?

VG: — It was operating there even before the events in Syria, since 2015.

And we will remain on a permanent basis...

VB: — You have been to Syria more than once, met with our soldiers and officers, looked them in the eyes... What impression do you have from communicating with these people, with your subordinates? ... With those people who carried out your orders, the orders of the Supreme Commander, the Minister of Defense.

VG: — The impressions are good, the most positive. What immediately catches your eye is the desire to complete the task - at any cost... Good combat coordination. And this is very good, because officers are sent there without additional training, but on a rotation basis... For three months. This means that the entire system of combat training of troops and command and control agencies is working, people are ready to carry out tasks, and there they demonstrate this in practice. Our officers and military personnel performed many heroic and courageous deeds, demonstrated resilience, and trained the Syrians.

Over time, we have come to the point where there are more Syrian units that are capable of attacking and have acquired combat stability... Brigadier General Hassan Suhel and his units have performed very well in offensive operations against terrorists.

But without our advisors such success would not have happened.

VB: — Will the General Staff have to learn the lessons of the Syrian campaign?

VG: — Studying and generalizing experience always happens. From the first day of this campaign, such work was carried out... All incidents that occurred, the experience of combat operations were carefully studied, communicated to all units and to the military personnel who were just about to leave there, so that all this was taken into account. We held several conferences to exchange experiences. A number of manuals summarizing this experience have been published.

VB: — A large number of our weapons were tested in Syria. How does the General Staff evaluate them?

VG: — We tested more than 200 types of weapons and equipment there, modern ones - those that were recently adopted for service, that were about to be adopted, that were already in service. It seems that all state tests have passed, and during the exercises everything is shown to be normal... But during the execution of a combat mission, some problems arise that were not noticed before. We have to improve something. Our officers and military personnel reported on the problems that arose. In Syria, continuous military-scientific support was provided during the use of all types of weapons and equipment.

VB: They say that our designers and engineers were there, right?

VG: — Engineers, designers, military scientists. The developers were all there. For each type of weapon, its positive sides what needs to be improved. Now the vast majority of these shortcomings have been eliminated. The fact that we tested equipment and weapons in combat conditions is a huge deal.

Now we are confident in our weapons.

VB: — During this time, did you often have contact with the Chief of the General Staff of Syria?

VG: — Often.

VB: Is this mostly done over the phone?

VG: — Both by phone and in person. I came to him, and he came to me in Khmeimim... We went together to separate destinations. Constantly.

VB: — Does he know Russian, does he already speak more or less?

VG: — He studied with us at the Frunze Academy.

VB: — Recently, the Minister of Defense, on behalf of the President of Russia, presented awards and expressed gratitude to everyone who ensured the security of Putin’s visit to Syria. Well, on the day when, you know, when he announced the withdrawal of the group to their homeland. Was this a special operation?

VG: — Such events are not held randomly. Careful preparation is required. The necessary forces and means were involved: on the ground, in the air, at sea, to ensure the safety of this visit. They coped with their task.

VB: - Can you make a forecast of further developments in Syria? Here, at least for 2018?

VG: — On the military side – completion of the destruction of the militants of Jabhat al-Nusra* and others like them. Some of the militants of this terrorist organization are in de-escalation zones.

There are many different formations there. Some support a cessation of hostilities. Jabhat al-Nusra is categorically against it. This means they will have to be destroyed.

VB: - Are these large groups?

VG: - Different. More in Idlib, less in other areas. Differently. I think that after a certain time they will be finished. Moreover, in the de-escalation zones the cessation of hostilities is maintained. Humanitarian aid arrives there, social issues, everyday issues are resolved...

The second task is to translate the military solution of the issue into a political channel. Into the mainstream of a political settlement. And she decides. Preparations are currently underway for the Syrian National Dialogue Congress...

VB: — Our long-range bombers, when they flew for combat work in Syria, they also flew through the space of Iraq and Iran. Were there any problems when you requested airspace?

VG: — We have well-established interaction with the military of these countries and there have been no failures.

VB: — The Russian army, in my opinion, has never used so many drones as in Syria. How do you assess the importance of this type of technology, given the Syrian experience?

VG: — In Syria now, on average, there are about 60-70 drones in the sky every day. They conduct reconnaissance, there are drones that carry out electronic countermeasures and solve other issues.

We have made big strides in drones in 5 years. Previously, we only had in service the old Soviet Reis type. Nowadays, it is unthinkable to conduct combat operations without a drone. It is used by artillerymen, reconnaissance officers, pilots - everyone. With the help of drones, reconnaissance-strike, reconnaissance-fire contours are created.

VB: — How did the Special Operations Forces perform in Syria?

VG: — Special operations forces, in fact, have gone through their formation and have shown themselves to be best side. We were engaged in directing aircraft to targets, eliminating gang leaders, and a number of other tasks. We are very pleased with the experience they had.

VB: — Will all our military personnel who went through Syria be recognized or have already been recognized as participants in the hostilities?

VG: - Yes, there is an addition to the law “On Veterans”, it has been adopted, they are combat veterans.

VB: “In some media there are “opinions” that the Russian army had nothing to do in Syria. How would you respond to this?

VG: — If we had not intervened in Syria, what would have happened? Look, in 2015 there was just over 10% of the territory under government control. A month or two, and by the end of 2015 Syria would be completely under ISIS. Iraq for the most part too. ISIS would continue to gain momentum and spread to neighboring countries. Several thousand of our “compatriots” went there to fight. We would have to face this force on our own territory. They would operate in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Volga region. Problems of a much larger order would arise. We broke the back of ISIS in Syria. In fact, our Armed Forces defeated the enemy on the distant approaches to the borders of our state.

VB: — What could the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces wish to the military and their families in connection with the coming 2018?

VG: - Who wants peace most? Military. Therefore, I would like to wish all military personnel and members of their families peaceful skies above their heads, good health, and further success in their service.

The Russian Aerospace Forces operation began 5 and a half months ago

The Russian Aerospace Forces began a military operation in Syria on September 30, 2015 at the request of the president of this country, Bashar al-Assad, whose army was retreating under the pressure of the armed opposition and terrorist groups, primarily the Islamic State (banned in the Russian Federation) under its control at that time two-thirds of Syrian territory was located. The main goals of the Russian military operation were declared to be assistance to the legitimate government of Syria and the fight against terrorism on distant approaches. It was especially emphasized that on the Russian side this is an exclusively air support operation; the war “on the ground” is being waged by the Syrian armed forces.

What changed during the operation

Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation: “In general, with the support of our aviation, Syrian troops liberated 400 settlements and more than 10 thousand square kilometers of territory... Plus settlements, more than 40 of them, that joined the ceasefire regime.”

According to the minister, during the operation of the Aerospace Forces, “it was possible to seriously stop, and in some places completely stop, the resource provision of terrorists by stopping the hydrocarbon trade traffic.” The militants lost supply routes, large oil and gas fields, and were driven out of strategically important points.

Sergei Shoigu: “Terrorists have been driven out of Latakia, communications with Aleppo have been restored, Palmyra has been blocked; military operations continue to liberate it from illegal armed groups. Most of the provinces of Hama and Homs have been cleared, and the Quires airbase, which had been blocked for more than three years, has been released.”

Capabilities of Russian weapons

Such impressive results were achieved with the help of 9 thousand combat sorties, during which Russian military aircraft based at the Khmeimim airbase carried out targeted strikes on command posts, bases, training camps and supply routes of terrorists, destroying their equipment and artillery. According to the military, about 2 thousand militants from Russia were eliminated, including 17 field commanders.

The VKS operation demonstrated the impressive capabilities of modern Russian weapons. Along with Su-24 bombers and Su-25 attack aircraft, the Syrian army was supported by Su-34 fighter-bombers - this is a 4+ generation aircraft. It operates in “free hunting” mode and carries on board, including the use of satellite guidance. As the pilots say, the accuracy of such ammunition is plus or minus two meters.

The Russian Navy was also involved in the operation. On the night of October 7, a naval strike group from the Caspian Sea launched a massive attack on the positions of ISIS (an organization banned in the Russian Federation) and Jabhat al-Nusra (an organization banned in the Russian Federation) in Syria. The accuracy of hitting targets at long range was no more than three meters. In addition, it has stood the test of time the latest technology Air defense: S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems and Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun systems, which were on combat duty at high levels of combat readiness.

According to military expert Lieutenant General Vladimir Sazhin, the military operation in Syria brilliantly demonstrated the new capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces.

Vladimir Sazhin, military expert: “The operation made it possible for the first time to test the latest types of weapons in combat conditions: aircraft, aviation ammunition, long-range air- and sea-launched cruise missiles, armored vehicles, remote-controlled weapons, and the latest electronic warfare systems.”

The military operation in Syria also demonstrated the ability of the military department to quickly and accurately convey news about the actions of the Aerospace Forces in Syria, which was especially important in the context of an information war. The Ministry of Defense reported on the airstrikes not only at numerous briefings, but also by posting dozens of videos on your YouTube channel.

A turning point in the Syrian conflict

However, the main thing Russian operation It was, perhaps, not the military successes, but their political result. The turning point in the conflict was the end of February, when, as a result of negotiations between the leaders of Russia and the United States, a ceasefire regime came into force in Syria. At the same time, weakened terrorist groups still remain outside the law, but the local opposition has the opportunity to end the armed confrontation with the Syrian army. US State Department in ceasefire negotiations. Since then, a truce has been reached, and a new round of negotiations between the Syrian authorities and the opposition began in Geneva.

The Kremlin press service issued a statement that the presidents of Russia and Syria, Vladimir Putin and Syria, Bashar al-Assad, have agreed to withdraw the main part of the Russian Aerospace Forces aviation group on the evening of March 15. At the same time, to monitor compliance with the ceasefire, the Russian side will maintain an aviation flight support point in Syria.

During the operation, three Russian soldiers were killed. In November, a Su-24 aircraft was shot down near the Syrian-Turkish border. The crew commander, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Peshkov, was shot from the ground by militants during the ejection. On the same day, at the crash site of the fighter, a Mi-8 helicopter made an emergency landing and was destroyed by militant fire, killing Marine Alexander Pozynich. A Russian military adviser who was helping government troops develop new types of weapons became a victim of shelling at a Syrian army garrison.

Events around Russian troops in Syria on September 30 are developing rapidly - in the morning, President Vladimir Putin received permission to use troops abroad, and a few hours later the media reported the first airstrike. Medialeaks is opening a live broadcast that will collect news, opinions and reactions of Russians to the official appearance of Russian troops in Syria.

20:15. The first day of official Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war is coming to an end, we will stop broadcasting until tomorrow. So far, the result is this: according to the Syrian opposition and Western news agencies, 36 people were killed as a result of the first airstrikes of the Russian Air Force in seven different regions of Syria. The US administration and the Syrian opposition openly point out that Russian planes did not attack Islamic State militants. Russia insists on its right to help the government of Bashar al-Assad, which it recognizes as the only legitimate one in Syria. The version of the resolution on Syria proposed by Russia, which proposes to counter IS and “other terrorist organizations,” is still being considered.

20:10. Turkish media write that Russia hit ISIS, al-Nusra, and SAS, in general, everyone except the Kurds and Assad.

20:00. CNN quotes an administration official trolling our military: Russian air force bombing in Syria does not serve a strategic purpose.

Another reaction from the USA:

19:30. The Americans are not far behind. ISIS is being bombed near Aleppo, Reuters reports. And Russian Jen Psaki - Maria Zakharova - tells everything about us, that is, about informational stuff.

“We had no sooner launched the operation than photographs of alleged victims were published on social networks. What can I say: we all know perfectly well how such shots are filmed and how they are made. The speed with which it was all prepared is amazing. The famous film “The Tail Wags the Dog” is a visual tutorial on how such stuffing is done, the scale becomes international.”

19:10. Reuters has video of the bombing. They write that this is amateur photography near Homs.

19:00. Spiteful critics report that Assad’s troops are also not wasting any time and are dropping cluster bombs on Daraya (a suburb of Damascus).

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem gave an interview to the RT Arabic Bureau and said that Syria trusts us.

“Without a doubt, we have full confidence in the position of Russia and President Vladimir Putin, who has made the country's intentions clear in the fight against terrorism.”

The BBC, by the way, has a clearer map of who controls what in Syria. Pink - Assad, red - Hezbollah, green - opposition (SAS, including), purple - Kurds, yellow - ISIS.

18:55. Still, France did not like the start of Russia’s Syrian campaign. Strikes in Syria should be carried out only against the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations, all these actions must be verified, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said at a briefing.

18:45. We haven't had any photo materials on our broadcast for a long time. An anti-Hezbollah account shows a prayer over the bodies of those killed after the Russian bombing of Talbisah.

18:40. Oops! Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Konstantin Kosachev does not exclude the possibility that the fight against ISIS could affect not only the territory of Syria, but also neighboring states, Interfax writes.

“I do not exclude any scenarios for the simple reason that it is impossible to try to solve the problem of ISIS in any one segment, understanding that those whom the Syrians are chasing with our help can crawl beyond some virtual border, recover, recharge and pass a course of treatment. I apologize for the incorrect comparison, but when you poison an insect, it is not enough to send it to your neighbors’ kitchen - this makes our efforts to counter terrorism pointless.”

18:35. Europe is kind of behind us. The French Foreign Minister at the UN Security Council said that we need to act together. And even before this, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said: “It is impossible to achieve peace without Russia’s participation.” The Chinese speak out in a more streamlined manner, and it can be understood that they do not like either the United States or Russia in Syria. Here is how TASS quotes Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi:

“China considers it counterproductive to impose foreign settlement models in the Middle East from outside, without taking into account the specifics of the region.”

It is necessary to convene a conciliatory conference “Geneva-3” as soon as possible - without preconditions and with the participation of all stakeholders, Wang Yi added. 18:25. Meduza reached those who were bombed in Homs.

“This afternoon two planes flew over our city. They fired eight missiles. These attacks targeted residential areas of the city. The strikes killed 16 civilians. Three of them are children, two are women,” says a resident of the Talbis suburb.

18:15. The contradiction between Hama and Homs has been resolved. The Syrian opposition reports that they bombed both there and there. Thanks to the Snob project for the translation:

“Russian aircraft attacked the village of Zafarana, north of Homs, and the town of Latamina, near the city of Hama.”

“Echo of Moscow”, citing state-run Syrian television, reports that among the seven areas that our pilots hit today, the outskirts of Homs and the province of Hama are named. 18:05. Lavrov proposed a Russian draft UN Security Council resolution on Syria, which, along with ISIS, contains the wording “and other terrorist organizations.” You can put anything under this later.

“Today we present to the members of the Security Council a draft of such a resolution. It builds on previously adopted Council documents with an emphasis on building coherent counter-terrorism actions based on the norms and principles of international law.”

And to some it’s all a joke, meanwhile.

18:00. So is there ISIS in Homs or not? News agencies do not have a common opinion on this matter.

17:50. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov chairs a meeting of the UN Security Council #rightnow, and says that:

“The Russian Air Force operation in Syria is aimed only at combating terrorism, the United States has been notified of this.”

“The Syrian opposition forces have become well established in social media for four years, and they know a lot about what it’s like to be under bombs. Russia cannot expect that bombing of civilians will not be recorded."

Higgins also writes that he has studied various video sources very well over the past years and confirms the reliability of those he reposts. Simply put:

17:05. On Channel One, presenter Peter Tolstoy asked the show participants not to scold the United States. 17:00. TASS reports:

Official account of the Ministry of Defense on Facebook:

16:50. Great words from great people:

Just in case, here is a quote from the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov via Interfax:

“In accordance with the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) today began conducting an air operation to carry out targeted strikes on ground targets of ISIS terrorists in the Syrian Arab Republic. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu, informed his colleagues in the CSTO that during the air operation in Syria, aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces are striking military equipment, communication centers, vehicles, warehouses of weapons, ammunition and fuel and lubricants belonging to ISIS terrorists.”

16:35. Former vice-president, Hero of Russia, Major General Alexander Rutskoy gives his expert assessment on Lifenews: what are the prospects for our troops in Syria.

“Well, with aviation - two or three months, and everything will be finished.”

Meanwhile, from the same source as the video of the bombings, there are videos of mothers mourning the children who died today. It is not yet possible to confirm the authenticity of the videos.

Current discussions on other resources:

The military campaign in Syria was not the first foreign operation Russian army. However, the scale of the mission is not comparable to the battles fought by Russian troops in Tajikistan in the 1990s and South Ossetia in August 2008.

In September 2015, transport aviation and the Navy created the infrastructure necessary to accommodate combat aircraft, helicopters, air defense systems and marine units of the Black Sea Fleet at the Syrian air base in Khmeimim. As the operation progressed, the troops were replenished with additional weapons.

The latest military equipment has received a baptism of fire. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, a total of 162 samples of modern and modernized weapons were tested.

The flap of steel wings

The main means of defeating terrorists in Syria is aviation. Since the fall of 2015, missile and bomb attacks on militants have been carried out by Su-24M front-line bombers and Su-25SM attack aircraft. Both aircraft are modernized versions of models that have been in service for more than 30 years.

Despite their nominal venerable age, the vehicles regularly perform tasks to destroy armored vehicles, warehouses, command posts, underground tunnels and bunkers of the “Islamic State”*.

In 2016, the Su-35C was transferred to the Khmeimim base, which is the result of a deep modernization of the Su-27 fighter, designed in the late 1970s.

In June 2017, at the Khmeimim base, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was presented with a Su-27SM3 with the latest RVV-SD medium-range air-to-air missiles. To date, 12 Su-27SM3 have been produced based on the export Su-27K.

Two more Sukhoi Design Bureau aircraft are taking part in the fight against IS: the Su-34 fighter-bomber and the Su-30SM multi-role fighter.

To destroy ground targets, the Russian Aerospace Forces use Shturm anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM), the Vikhr anti-tank missile system (ATGM), and Kh-25ML/Kh-29T air-to-surface missiles. The fighters are equipped with R-73/R-27R air-to-air missiles.

Also, combat aviation used various types of aircraft bombs: adjustable aircraft (KAB-500L/KAB-500KR), high-explosive (BETAB 500Sh/FAB-500 M62/FAB-500 M54/OFAB 250-270/OFAB 100-120), disposable bomb clusters (RBK 500 AO 2.5 RT/RBK 500 SHOAB-0.5) and propaganda bombs (AGITAB 500-300) (the index after the abbreviation indicates the total weight of the bomb. - RT).

In battles with terrorists, Russian pilots developed new methods of approaching a target, allowing them to achieve high bombing accuracy when using unguided projectiles.

During the Syrian campaign, Russian long-range aviation several times used what were probably the best strategic cruise missiles in the world, the Kh-101. This ammunition is capable of providing destruction accuracy of up to 10 meters with a destruction range of up to 5500 km.

  • Aircraft technicians prepare a Russian Su-30 fighter aircraft for a combat mission at the Khmeimim airbase in Syria
  • RIA News

Massive strike

Army aviation in Syria is represented by Mi-8 helicopters, Mi-24, Mi-28N Night Hunter and Ka-52 Alligator attack vehicles modified for military needs.

Helicopters participate in airbase security, search and rescue operations, and destroy concentrations of manpower and armored vehicles using Ataka and Whirlwind ATGMs. Army aviation is protected from defeat from the ground by the President-S electronic countermeasures complex. During the Syrian operation, only four helicopters were lost.

The Tu-160 and Tu-95MS strategic bombers received their baptism of fire in the Syrian skies. On November 17, together with Tu-22M3 bombers, they launched a massive cruise missile attack on militant positions; as a result of the successful attack, 14 key terrorist infrastructure facilities were destroyed.

The Russian military has widely used unmanned aerial vehicles in Syria aircrafts(UAVs): light Orlan-10, Eniks-3 and heavy Forposts, which are produced in the Russian Federation under an Israeli license. The total number of drones in the SAR is estimated at 70 units.

"Orlans" and "Enixes" are used to patrol the garrison around the base, for search and reconnaissance missions in a limited radius. “Outposts” have a longer flight range and therefore participate in combat aircraft sorties, registering missile and bomb strikes. In addition, drones are used to correct artillery fire.

In order to ensure flight safety in the area around the seaport of the Tartus base and the Khmeimim airfield, mobile radar tracking (radar), electronic warfare (EW) and air defense (air defense) stations are used.

The Russian air defense system in Syria is represented by the S-300 and S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile systems, the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun system and the Buk-M2 air defense system.

Protection of wireless communication channels is provided by the Svet-KU mobile radio monitoring and information protection complex. Also in Khmeimim there is an electronic warfare complex “Krasukha”, designed to counter aircraft and satellites.

Air defense forces were strengthened in 2015 after the incident with the downing of a Russian Su-24M bomber by the Turkish Air Force. Aviation flight rules were also changed - all bombers, including long-range aviation, had to be accompanied by fighter aircraft.

Attack from the sea

One of the most striking events of the Syrian operation is the launch of Caliber cruise missiles against IS targets. They were first used on October 7, 2015 by four small missile ships of the Caspian flotilla of project 21631 Buyan (Dagestan, Grad Sviyazhsk, Veliky Ustyug and Uglich).

  • From the waters of the Caspian Sea, missile ships of the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Federation launched a massive strike with 18 cruise missiles of the Caliber-NK complex against terrorist positions
  • Press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The Russian Navy carried out several launches of Caliber missiles from an underwater position. On December 9, 2015, the diesel-electric submarine Rostov-on-Don, Project 636.3 Varshavyanka, struck IS. The launch took place from the Mediterranean Sea.

For the first time in national history carrier-based aircraft were involved. The combat cruise of the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov lasted from October 2016 to January 2017. Su-33 and Mig-29K fighters carried out 1,300 strikes against militants.

40% of hits are uncontrollable aviation ammunition were applied using automated target designations received from the Admiral Kuznetsov. Installed on the cruiser automated system preparation of flight data ASPPD-24, interacting with the sighting and navigation system of Su-33 aircraft - SVP-24-33.

In rotation mode, cover for aviation and the Khmeimim base from the sea is provided by the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the cruiser Moskva, equipped with the S-300 Fort anti-aircraft missile system. The cruiser Moskva has 64 missiles in its arsenal. "Moskva" is on duty alternately with the missile cruiser "Varyag".

  • The cruiser "Moskva" during joint military exercises between Russia and China in the Mediterranean Sea
  • Press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

New ground equipment

Among ground vehicles, armored vehicles "Typhoon-K" (designed on the basis of KamAZ) and "Typhoon-U" (designed on the basis of Ural) have proven themselves well. In combat conditions, the vehicles confirmed their high protective characteristics. It is known that Typhoons in Syria are used by Russian military police units.

The external frame of the Typhoons consists of a monobody made of steel and includes additional ceramic ballistic protection systems in the most vulnerable areas. Typhoon-K is additionally equipped with a filter for protection against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats. The passenger compartment capacity is 10 people.

An important role in offensive operations in Syria was played by the TOS-1 Buratino and TOS-1A Solntsepek flamethrower systems. The vehicles fire unguided thermobaric projectiles that have high firing accuracy at a distance of up to 6 km and extremely powerful lethality.

  • TOS-1A "Sun"
  • RIA News

According to foreign sources, the Syrian army has up to 30 Russian T-90 and T-90A tanks at its disposal. Western analysts claim that Russian vehicles have shown a high level of effectiveness in battles with terrorists. There are no losses among Russian equipment.

At the beginning of September 2017, the general director of the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering JSC Andrei Terlikov said that the Terminator tank support combat vehicle (BMPT) had been tested in Syria.

The vehicle is designed to cover tanks in urban combat. Its main task is to detect and destroy enemy grenade launcher crews, engineering structures and armored vehicles, as well as low-flying air targets.

Jewelry work

Western media often call the jewelry work of the Special Operations Forces (SSO) the pinnacle of the Russian army's martial art. This structure of the Russian Armed Forces united army special forces units. The formation of the MTR was completed in 2013.

Special operations forces are highly mobile, well-equipped, professionally trained squads of fighters. Their main task in Syria is to carry out additional reconnaissance of terrorist targets for subsequent air strikes.

Forward air controllers of the MTR detect targets in Syria suitable for attack by aircraft and transmit the coordinates of IS targets. Special forces operate in the rear and, judging by information published in the media, often engage in battle with jihadists.

A scheme of interaction has been worked out in Syria various types armed forces, when reconnaissance and strike contours operate in a single connection. Satellites, UAVs and special forces detect the target, correct the data and carry out additional reconnaissance, after which the aviation and navy launch a missile and bomb strike, recorded by drones.

  • Military personnel during a military parade at the Russian Khmeimim airbase
  • RIA News

This became possible thanks to the use of the latest control and data exchange systems that coordinate the actions of troops. The wired communications existing in Syria were almost completely destroyed, so the Russian military established a satellite communications network.

For this purpose, not only stationary repeaters of the Tetra system were used, but also mobile and portable satellite communication stations. They are used, among other things, to coordinate military actions with the Western coalition.

Interest in Russian weapons

Director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) Ruslan Pukhov told RT that the Syrian operation has spurred interest in Russian weapons. Demonstration of the combat capabilities of the Russian army objectively strengthens Moscow’s position in the global arms market.

“Of course, it cannot be said that Russia used any weapons, and there was immediately a demand for them. Purchase military equipment- the process is slow. Nevertheless, it is obvious that Moscow’s active position on the Syrian crisis has attracted attention to our military equipment,” Pukhov stated.

The expert also emphasized that the Syrian operation made it possible to improve military-political relations with a number of states. Pukhov recalled the agreement on a contract with Turkey for the sale of the S-400 complex and the statement by Qatar’s Minister of Defense Khaled bin Mohammed al-Atiyah about the emir’s order to purchase Russian weapons.

“It is enough to remember how Ankara and Doha criticized Russia in 2015 for supporting Assad’s “bloody regime” and how the situation has changed now. The operation in the Arab republic contributed to the growth of Russia’s political weight and its position on the world stage,” Pukhov explained.

In his opinion, Russia, unlike the United States, is ready to offer its partners unique weapons. In particular, Pukhov noted the Iskander operational-tactical complex and the Kornet anti-tank missile system, which the Special Operations Forces use in Syria. In addition, the expert believes that the T-90 tank is the “bestseller” on the world market.

Syrian exam

Analyzing the results of the Syrian campaign, experts interviewed by RT noted the high level of professionalism demonstrated by the personnel and command staff. Analysts also stated that the military equipment in service confirmed the declared combat qualities.

“In general, the Russian army successfully completed its tasks. For the first time, we deployed a group to a distant theater of military operations, created a material support system, a communications and control system. As a result, we received a full-fledged military infrastructure in Syria,” Viktor Murakhovsky, editor-in-chief of Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, told RT.

The expert drew attention to the fact that Moscow has established military communications with all foreign states that are involved in the conflict. This made it possible to coordinate efforts to combat militants and quickly resolve security issues.

  • Russian Su-24 aircraft at Khmeimim airbase in Syria
  • RIA News

“If we talk about the shortcomings that are always inherent in all armies in such operations, then I would explain them primarily by the lack of optical-electronic reconnaissance and long-range radar detection aircraft. Although, without a doubt, the development of the Russian Armed Forces is moving towards in the right direction", Murakhovsky said.

Ruslan Pukhov also believes that the Russian army has demonstrated serious success in Syria, gaining much-needed combat experience. In his opinion, the mission to the Arab Republic helped to identify both the strengths and vulnerabilities of Russian troops. In this regard, Russia has outlined additional tasks to improve the army.

“Despite the obvious achievements, it would be wrong to conclude that everything is perfect. It is quite obvious that we are still missing an entire class of weapons. In particular, I mean small-sized aerial bombs. In addition, Russian pilots experience certain difficulties when destroying moving targets,” Pukhov noted.

The editor-in-chief of UAV.ru, aviation expert Denis Fedutinov, drew attention to the shortage of heavy UAVs in the Russian Armed Forces. According to him, the Russian army is armed with short-range reconnaissance drones.

“Syria has confirmed the importance of the massive use of heavy unmanned vehicles, which could hover in the air thousands of kilometers from the launch site and strike the enemy. In this field, we should not lag behind the United States and Israel,” Fedutinov said.

However, according to the expert, over the past five years Russia has been making serious efforts to solve problems with UAVs. In particular, work is underway on the Orion (weighing about one ton) and Altair (about 5 tons) projects. Fedutinov predicts that heavy drones will begin to enter service in about three years and will most likely be tested in Syria.

* The Islamic State (IS, ISIS) is a terrorist group banned in Russia.

We have been writing since mid-September that the Russian military-political leadership is preparing for a military operation in Syria. Even then, the necessary armored vehicles, air defense systems, electronic warfare equipment, etc. were transferred to the Syrian Basil-Al-Assad airfield, which is located in the coastal province of Latakia. Repair and construction work at the air base was in full swing: the runway was being expanded, temporary residential blocks for personnel were being erected, new helicopter pads were already ready, and the equipment necessary for flight control was being installed.

Construction work and the transfer of military equipment were accompanied by a competent advertising campaign - each replenishment of the contingent of our military personnel in Syria and a new set of aircraft was invariably followed by an exemplary alignment of equipment along the runway. Exclusively for the sake of a new satellite photo shoot. These photographs were simply a phenomenal success in the West.

Meanwhile, political issues were being regulated in Moscow. In particular, Middle Eastern leaders and high-ranking officials (Turkey, Israel, Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.) were notified that the games around the forester's hut were over, due to the return of the forester himself. Later, coordination centers were established with Iran and Iraq; separately with Israel.

Vladimir Putin’s request and the decision of the Federation Council quite expectedly gave rise to many comments and questions. Let's try to briefly cover the main ones.

What forces have we concentrated in Syria?

At the time of publication of this material, in the Syrian province of Latakia there are: a squadron (12 pieces) of front-line bombers Su-24, attack aircraft squadron Su-25, 6 multirole fighter-bombers Su-34, 4 multi-role heavy fighters Su-30SM, 12 attack helicopters Mi-24 and 12 multi-purpose helicopters Mi-17. In addition to aircraft, the Basil Al Asad airfield is home to about a hundred trucks (including auxiliary equipment), fifty armored personnel carriers, a dozen tanks and an unspecified number of air defense systems, including two exposed S-300 systems. There is every reason to boldly assume that the number of Su-34 fighter-bombers will be increased to the squadron level.

It is difficult to say anything about the number of personnel at the airfield, but it can be assumed that it can reach one thousand people. These include pilots, drone operators, aircraft repair and engineering teams, Marine units for airfield security, command personnel, special services, and so on.

What forces will oppose us?

Since in the Russian anti-terrorist tradition there is no such concept as a “gradation of Islamists” into moderate and radical, strikes will be delivered to all militant forces represented in Syria. Today there are about 180 large formations. In the blogosphere, a conventional division into “greens” and “blacks” is accepted. The first receive direct logistical, diplomatic and financial assistance from Western countries, Turkey and the Arabian monarchies, and are designated in the media as “moderate oppositionists.” The latter are represented by the “Islamic State” and “Jabhat al-Nusra”, that is, radical Islamists, whose direct support was formally refused by external forces. However, there is no fundamental difference between the “blacks” and the “greens”.

What forces do we support?

Specifically in Syria, our natural allies are:

- Syrian Arab Army(SAA, government troops) - about 180 thousand people;

- Republican Guard(elite military units) - about 25-30 thousand people;

- National Defense Forces(NSO, people's militia) - about 80 thousand people. Consist of representatives of ethno-religious minorities: Alawites, Christians, Druze;

- Ba'ath Brigade(military wing of the Syrian Baath Party) - about 7-8 thousand people. Predominantly consists of Sunni Muslims.

- "Syrian Resistance" And "Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine"(Marxist paramilitary organizations) - about 4 thousand people per couple.

- Syrian Hezbollah, "Arab National Guard" And "Syrian Social Nationalist Party"- about 3.5 thousand people for three. Composition: Shiite militia, secular Arab nationalists and Syrian nationalists, respectively.

- Lebanese Hezbollah- about 15 thousand people.

- Syrian Kurds– about 50 thousand people. In fact, they do not coordinate their actions with official Damascus.

If we talk about external allies, these are, first of all, Iran and Iraq. The rest of the countries are not particularly interested, since they are not represented by their troops in Syria.

Is it possible for our military to participate in ground operations?

There is no practical need for this. Syria has the forces necessary to conduct full-fledged military operations. That is, there is enough infantry that has been fired upon, and it has been fighting since the first days of the then civil war. As mentioned above, we are talking about at least 300 thousand fighters, of which about 200 thousand one way or another participated in full-scale ground operations against jihadists.

Contrary to propaganda rumors about the imminent demise of the regime due to a lack of human resources, the mobilization potential of government forces is at a high level. The first visible sign of problems with filling the army with recruits is the age composition of conscripts, which Germany demonstrated to us at Last year war, when mustacheless youths from the Hitler Youth and gray-haired old men from the Volkssturm were sent into battle. The ranks of the Syrian army are dominated by men and young boys, that is, the age range ranges from 20 to 40 years. It is absolutely unclear what depletion of the army Western journalists are talking about.

Why did we intervene in the conflict now?

The Syrian army and its allied forces (Hezbollah, militia, volunteers and Kurds) find themselves in an extremely difficult situation, due to the activation of a number of regional players. Turkish aircraft, under the pretext of fighting the Islamic State, are striking Iraqi (partial) and Syrian Kurds, who are the most combat-ready and effective force in this war of all against all. Among other things, Turkish intelligence services and “vacationers” conducted a number of successful operations in the Idlib and Aleppo areas. The American anti-terrorist coalition has achieved some success, which, in cooperation with units of the Kurds and the Iraqi army, pushed out IS militants from a number of areas of Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan, as well as the Sunni part of Iraq. The vector of application of the forces of the “Islamic State” changed - the jihadists went to Syria, as a result of which Palmyra fell and a number of strategically important objects were captured.

For the Syrian government forces, the activation of Turkey, the United States and the Arabian monarchies was a significant blow. The reasons for the defeats of the Syrians are explained by a critical depletion of resources (a thinning fleet of military equipment and a lack of ammunition) and a feeling of total powerlessness in front of an enemy that is crawling from all the cracks. A successful operation to destroy a group of 150 people, for example, is offset by the fact that a week later new jihadist recruits appear on the same section of the front. That is, the Syrian meat grinder grinds the Islamist evil spirits at extremely high speeds, but the recently departed militants are instantly “resurrected” due to the extremely effective practice of sucking out radical passionaries from all over the world - from India to Sweden.

Thus, resolving the Syrian conflict exclusively by military means simply turned out to be impossible - the Syrian army has limited human resources, but the jihadists are replenished, in particular due to the presence of channels for the continuous transit of militants through Turkey. Accordingly, the need to influence those who provide logistical, advisory and financial support to the Islamists has become acute. Iran is unable to do this and China is not interested. Russia, by its military presence alone, has made significant adjustments to the regional balance of power.

What global goals is Russia pursuing in the Syrian conflict?

Firstly, keep Syria on the political map of the world (not to be confused with the “Assad regime”). If we remember “universal human values”: to preserve the ethno-religious diversity of the country, preventing the genocide of Christians, Alawites, Druze, Armenians, etc.

Secondly, to stop the terrorist threat on the approaches to the borders of Russia - “It is better to fight in Jalalabad than in Ashgabat.” If possible, grind down the maximum number of militants with passports of the Russian Federation and former Soviet republics (especially Central Asian ones). There are opportunities for this - the organizational structure of Islamist formations is built on the principle of “compatriotism,” that is, on the basis of a common language.

Third, make fundamental adjustments to the American strategy in this region, which we have already written about. There is also a need to besiege the presumptuous Turkish Sultan. The Arabian monarchies are already following the cart, which will be discussed in one of the upcoming materials.

Fourth, seize valuable Syrian assets: military bases, oil and gas fields, seaports, transport hubs and routes for possible hydrocarbon supplies to Europe.

What will the participation of the Russian army in the anti-terrorist operation look like?

The goals and objectives declared by the Russian military-political leadership are limited to air support for official Damascus and the units under its control. There is no need to talk about any ground military operations. It is likely that the work of Russian military instructors (whose staff has increased significantly in September), artillery coordinators, communications specialists and complex operators is outside the scope of official statements. At least, in the latest photographs from Syria, there were extremely interesting devices that indirectly confirmed the presence of Russian communications and air defense specialists.

In particular, back in mid-September, pictures of the Russian combined radio station R-166-0.5 appeared online. It was alleged that the photo was taken in the province of Latakia, which is adjacent to the province of Idlib, which is controlled by the Green Rebels. The radio station is interesting because it ensures the security of communications over long distances, up to 2 thousand kilometers, that is, the R-166-0.5 makes it possible to establish communications that are not suppressed by electronic warfare.

It attracts attention due to the fact that during the spring and summer of this year, news was regularly received from the province of Idlib that militants were completely suppressing all communications means of the Syrian army. The professional coordination of the “greens” was also noted, who carried out swift and targeted strikes precisely on those positions where government troops experienced either a “starvation of shells” or a lack of human resources. Everything indicates that the actions of militants in the province of Idlib (as well as in Aleppo) were coordinated by Turkish intelligence services, and Turkish “vacationers” were seen in the clashes. The appearance of images of this device on the Internet, apparently, is intended to cool Erdogan’s ardor.

Returning to the work of Russian aviation. It is obvious that our eagles were transferred to Syria not only to strike the positions of the Islamic State. The first day of air raids showed that the “green rebels”, that is, representatives of the so-called “moderate opposition”, nurtured by the West, the Arabian monarchies and Turkey, also came under attack. Here is an excerpt from regular combat reports:

“Latakia. On Wednesday afternoon, the Russian Air Force began extensive operations in the west of the province against Jabhat al-Nusra and Harakat Ahrar al-Sham militants, in the vicinity of Jabal Al-Zaveed, Qassab and Deir Hanna.

Homs. The Russian Air Force worked on targets in the areas of Ar-Rastan, Telbisa, Az-Zafaran, At-Tlul Al-Homr, Aidun, Deir Ful and in the vicinity of Salamiya.”

Thus, on the first day alone, air strikes were carried out on both the “black” (“Jabhat al-Nusra”) and the “green” (“Ahrar al-Sham”). According to preliminary data, which is indirectly confirmed by the Islamists themselves, our aircraft destroyed the militants’ command post, in which at that time there were three “green” field commanders. Not the worst result for the first flights.