How Joe Biden's son is hindering his presidential campaign. Joe Biden: biography, death of his wife, accusations of plagiarism, bombing of Yugoslavia Joe Biden scientist

American politician Joe Biden is a member of the Democratic Party participating in the election race for the post of head of the United States. Previously, this smiling and positive-minded man served as vice president in the government and wrote the memoirs “Promise Me, Dad.”

Childhood and youth

Joseph Robinette (Joe) Biden Jr. was born on November 20, 1942 in the US state of Pennsylvania and was the eldest of four children of Catholics who came from British and Northern Irish families.


Due to the financial insolvency of his parents, the boy and his brothers and sisters were forced to move to his grandparents' house. After graduating from high school secondary school St. Helena in Delaware, he entered the preparatory department of a private college in Claymont, where his main hobbies were football and baseball.

In the 1960s, Joseph was listed as a student in the department of history and political science at a local university. educational institution and, having received a bachelor's degree, continued his education at Syracuse University. There, having shown talent in law and jurisprudence, he earned the respect of teachers, but due to accusations of plagiarism he was under the threat of proceedings and expulsion. As a result, the guy managed to rewrite the exam papers and successfully complete the main course.

In 1969, after opening the first page of his professional biography, Biden joined the Wilmington Bar and, having avoided participation in hostilities in Vietnam due to asthma, began to carry out small assignments. A few months later he became a clerk in a law firm under a Republican director.

The received position forced young man became interested in politics, and he leaned towards the program of the US Democratic Party. New views led to his dismissal and the formation of his own firm, engaged in civil and criminal proceedings, as well as participation in elections to the Newcastle County Governing Council.


Biden's early experience helped him become a senator at age 30, and since then he has regularly won votes and served as a representative from Delaware.

For several years, the politician led the Judiciary Committee and the International Relations Department of the Upper House and participated in the adoption of a resolution on funding in the 1990s. Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia. In the early 2000s, he protested against the initiatives of the head of state and his intentions in unilaterally violate the unrestricted Soviet-American treaty.

In 2008, as one of the most experienced members of the Senate, Biden won the Democratic presidential nomination but withdrew early in the race to focus on re-entering Congress.

Daily Mail

In parallel with this campaign, Joseph's name and photo appeared on Barack Obama's election website, and in January 2009 it became clear to everyone that this was the 47th vice president. In his new position, the politician took on the role of a behind-the-scenes adviser, questioning government decisions and forcing ministers to think and argue.

His main achievements were considered to be the development of economic ties with Russia thanks to personal meetings with, as well as advocating for arming militants in Syria and promising assistance to “post-Maidan” Ukraine.

Personal life

IN personal life Joseph was often haunted by tragedy, which began with the death of his wife Nelia and daughter Naomi in a terrible car accident in 1972.

After a time when the senator decided to remarry teacher Jill Tracy Jacobs, the eldest son Beau, who became a lawyer for a military judge and attorney general of Delaware, died at the age of 46 from the appearance of numerous tumors and cancer that affected the brain.

Amid panic rumors about the health of the US presidential contender from the Democratic Party Hillary Clinton Questions are increasingly being raised about who will replace her if the 68-year-old woman finally falls apart and withdraws from the fight for the White House.

The name most often called is the 47th Vice President of the United States. Joseph (Joe) Biden, a prominent member of the Democratic Party who may be pitted against a Republican Donald Trump, if Clinton still leaves the race.

Biography of Joe Biden

Joe Biden is not young, at 73 years old, he is five years older than Hillary Clinton. Biden was born on November 20, 1942 in Pennsylvania, the first-born in a large Catholic Irish family of descendants of refugees from Northern Ireland who sought overseas for a better life and to escape hunger. The great-grandfather of the US Vice President was a member of the Pennsylvania Senate. Joe Biden has two brothers and a sister.

Biden received a Catholic education and then continued his studies at Archmere Academy in Claymont and the University of Delaware, where he graduated in 1965 with a bachelor's degree in history and political science. In 1968, Biden graduated from Syracuse University Law School in New York State with a Juris Doctorate. As it turned out later, his studies were so-so, which may have cost him the presidency of the United States.

In his youth, Biden suffered from a stutter, but managed to recover and became an excellent speaker. Asthma prevented him from achieving serious success in football, but it saved him from participating in the Vietnam War.

At the end of 1972, Biden suffered a tragedy: his wife Nelia and their daughter Naomi died in a car accident. The sons, who were in the same car, survived but were seriously injured, and their care became Biden's priority.

Five years after the death of Nelia, Biden married for the second time to Jill Tracy Jacobs, professor of English at Delaware Technical Community College. Jill also heads the Biden Breast Cancer Society.

Biden and Jill have a daughter together Ashley who works in social services. The vice president's eldest son from his first marriage Joseph Biden III- Attorney General of Delaware, a prominent member of the Democratic Party, he served in national guard, including in Iraq. Second son of a senator - Robert Hunter Biden- Member of the board of directors of the largest American railway company. Joe Biden has five grandchildren.

In 1988, Biden was diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm, but as a result of a successful operation, he managed to fully recover and return to work in the Senate.

Political career

In 1972, Biden was elected to the US Senate from the Democratic Party, and two years later Time magazine included him in its list of “200 Faces of the Future.”

On June 9, 1987, Joe Biden announced that he would run in the 1988 US presidential election. The young politician started the election campaign well, but then meticulous journalists found out: the candidate hid the fact that he was not a very successful student. In addition, it turned out that during his studies he copied several works. For this, Biden was accused of plagiarism. After this, the politician withdrew from the election campaign for the presidency, but did not abandon his political career.

Biden was one of those who first named the President of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic war criminal. It was Biden who pushed the then US President Bill Clinton to the bombing of Yugoslavia. During the escalation of the conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008, Biden flew to Tbilisi, where he met with the then president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

Joe Biden is conspicuously modest in everyday life: he is one of the poorest senators, and for a long time he traveled to work by train. The Vice President is a devout Catholic (which is actually among the American political elite not very accepted) and is a supporter of traditional American values.

Joseph Robinette (Joe) Biden Jr.(English: Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden) - a famous American politician, formerly the 47th Vice President of the United States, who took office under the President Barack Obama January 20, 2009. Joe Biden is a member of the Democratic Party. From 1973 to 2009, he served as a U.S. Senator from Delaware. On April 24, 2019, Joe Biden announced that he would participate in the election race for the post of head of the United States. He was engaged in literary activities, writing the memoirs “Promise Me, Dad.”

Joe Biden's childhood and education

Father - Joseph Robinette Biden Sr. (1915−2002).

Mother - Katherine Eugene "Gene" Finnegan (1917−2010)

Joe Biden is the eldest of four children in a Catholic family. His paternal great-great-great-grandfather, William Biden, was born in Sussex, England, and emigrated to the United States.

His brothers - James Brian Biden And Francis Biden. Sister - Valerie Owens.

The Biden family lived modestly. Due to financial difficulties, they moved in with their grandparents. Joseph Biden attended St. Helen's School in Wilmington and then Archmere Academy in Claymont, Delaware. He later studied at the University of Delaware, graduating in 1965 with a bachelor's degree in history and political science, according to Joe Biden's Wikipedia biography.

Joe Biden then graduated from Syracuse University (1968).

Joe Biden does not hide the fact that in his youth he had problems with stuttering, but was able to cure it. And asthma forced him to give up his favorite hobby - football.

CareerJoe Biden

In 1969, Joe Biden opened the first page of his professional biography. He joined the Wilmington Bar Association and, after avoiding service in Vietnam due to asthma, began taking on small assignments. A few months later he became a clerk in a law firm under a Republican director.

However, having become interested in politics, Joe leaned towards the program of the US Democratic Party. New views led to his dismissal and the organization of his own firm, which began to deal with civil and criminal proceedings, as well as participation in elections to the Newcastle County Governing Council.

Gradually, politics increasingly captured the energetic young man. At the age of 30, he was able to become a senator, and since then Biden has regularly won elections and represented the state of Delaware.

For several years, Joe Biden led the Judiciary Committee and the International Relations Department of the upper house. Biden is gradually becoming famous in political circles. In 1974, Time magazine named Senator Biden one of the "200 Future People Who Will Make History." As we see from further events in the biography of Joe Biden, they were not mistaken.

In the 90s, an American politician participated in the adoption of a resolution on financing Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia. He voted for the adoption of the anti-Azerbaijani Amendment 907 and for the allocation of the American financial assistance Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in 1992-2008.

In the early 2000s, he protested against the initiatives of the head of state George W. Bush and his intentions to unilaterally violate the unlimited Soviet-American treaty.

As a senator, Joseph Biden focused on civil rights and environmental issues. Relatively foreign policy, he supported the direction of reducing nuclear weapons. In 1987−95. was the head of the judicial committee. He was also Chairman of the Committee on international relationspublic figure He held this position three times.

Biden has always been open about his position. In particular, he contributed to the adoption of laws against domestic violence aimed at protecting women. During that period, Biden authored a bill according to which, on September 26, 2007, the US Senate adopted a resolution to support a federal government system in Iraq: a federation of three regions - Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite.

Presidential elections and workJoe Bidenwith Obama

In 2008, one of the most experienced members of the Senate, having served as a representative from Delaware for 35 years, Biden won the Democratic presidential nomination, but withdrew from the internal vote early in the race and focused on getting back into the Senate. congress

After becoming the Democratic nominee, Barack Obama selected Joseph Biden as his running mate on August 23, 2008. Biden then continued his Senate campaign. On November 4, 2008, the Democratic candidates (Obama-Biden) won the vote; on the same day, Biden was also elected senator from Delaware for a new term. Five days before the inauguration, on January 15, 2009, Biden resigned from the Senate.

In his new position, the politician took on the role of a behind-the-scenes adviser, questioning government decisions and forcing ministers to think and argue.

In 2012, Joe Biden was re-elected as vice president.

Barack Obama gave a speech of praise to the vice president, whom he called his friend. “Not only has he been by my side over these years, he has dedicated his entire life to serving this state. This is the best vice president the United States has ever had,” Obama admitted, and the audience supported his words with applause. Biden, judging by his tears, did not expect such words from the president, so he could not contain his emotions. At the same time, Obama awarded /politic/photo/164285/7/ Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which again made him cry. This time, Biden had to turn away from the cameras and wipe away his tears with a handkerchief.

The award presented by Obama to the Vice President of the United States is considered one of the highest in America. Before Biden, who became the fourth recipient of the Medal of Distinction, this award was received John Paul II, ex-president Ronald Reagan and Secretary of State Colin Powell.

In 2017, the former vice president began teaching international diplomacy at the University of Pennsylvania. The news also said that Joe Biden would lead a new center focused primarily on diplomacy, foreign policy and national security.

In April 2019, former US Vice President Joe Biden officially announced his intention to take part in the presidential elections to be held in 2020.

“The core values ​​of this nation... Our standing in the world... Our democracy... Everything that made America America is at stake. That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President,” Joe Biden tweeted.

Scandals withJoe Biden

The news has repeatedly discussed Joe Biden's activities in Ukraine after the 2014 coup. Joe Biden's Wikipedia biography states, citing The New York Times, that during a visit to Ukraine in March 2016, Biden threatened to withhold U.S. guarantees for a $1 billion loan to Ukraine unless the attorney general was fired. whose scope of responsibility included possible offenses in the activities of Burisma Holdings, the oligarch’s company Nikolai Khlochevsky, where the son of the US Vice President worked Hunter Biden.

The popular American publication “The New Yorker” in the summer of 2019 published in its magazine version (in the “Father and Son” section) a sensational material “Will Hunter Biden derail his father’s election campaign?” A voluminous journalistic investigation (over 25 pages of printed text) reveals in detail the amazing ups and downs of the personal life of one of the favorites of the 2020 American presidential election in the United States - Democrat and former US Vice President Joe Biden.

About the investigation against Hunter Biden in a conversation with the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky talked a lot and Donald Trump, and this caused a big scandal in the fall of 2019.

After this, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi announced that Congress is beginning impeachment proceedings against Trump.

Trump, commenting on the news, said that former US Vice President Joe Biden, through his son, put pressure on the Ukrainian president in order to earn millions of dollars.

September 22 Chairman of the US Senate Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham called on the Justice Department to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden's ties to Ukraine.

“So you demand that the Ministry of Justice investigate all these Ukrainian cases?” the Fox News presenter asked the senator with a clarifying question. Maria Bartiromo.

“Yes, I believe that the Ministry of Justice should entrust specialists with investigating the role (if, of course, there really was such a role) played by Ukraine during the 2016 elections. We're hearing a lot of allegations that Ukraine may have been feeding Democrats and the Justice Department information against Donald Trump campaign officials and others. In my opinion, after everything that the Trump family has gone through in connection with the investigation related to Russia, it would be fair for experts to study the connections of members of the Biden family (during the period when he served as vice president) with Ukraine - through his son,” Senator Graham explained. “You can’t act so one-sidedly—study one family under a microscope and ignore the other.”

Personal lifeJoe Biden

In his personal life, Joe Biden has experienced several tragedies. At the end of 1972, Joe Biden's first wife Nelia and their daughter Naomi died in a car accident. Sons Beau and Hunter were also in the car and suffered serious injuries, but survived, and Biden prioritized their care.

In 1988, the politician was given a disappointing diagnosis: a cerebral aneurysm. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition, but 8 months after the operation he returned to his activities in the Senate.

Another tragedy struck the Biden family when his eldest son died at the age of 46 from a brain tumor.

Biden married a teacher for the second time Jill Tracy Jacobs.

The UN General Assembly starts in a few hours. And journalists are now literally hunting for two of its participants: Donald Trump and Vladimir Zelensky - waiting for comments.

After information surfaced about the Biden family contract and Trump’s alleged demands to investigate this, and Biden Sr. is obviously the main competitor in the upcoming presidential election, there are more and more questions for the incumbents.

Vladimir Zelensky was just flying to New York, and Donald Trump was praising him in every possible way as almost the best interlocutor in the world: “I’ll tell you, it was a great conversation! Very worthy! Very nice." The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, however, expressed less enthusiasm: the conversation was friendly, which they are not obliged to report to anyone.

“We are an independent state, we have our own secrets, so a president can talk to another president confidentially,” commented Vadim Prystaiko, Ukraine’s foreign minister.

Polish leader Andrzej Duda might be jealous: Trump is very close, but he is talking about something else. The translator had already grabbed his glass, but the American president inexorably continued to insist: “It was a completely innocent call. Congratulatory conversation. Because he just won, it was just confirmed, and he’s the new president, and I think he’ll do a great job.”

And even though the elections ended in the spring, and not at all in July, when that same conversation took place, Trump insisted: the call to Zelensky was belated congratulations, and not a threat, saying that now foreign countries will only help you in exchange for compromising information on Joe Biden.

“There was absolutely no pressure on them. I didn't put any pressure on them. Although I could. I think it would be ok if I pressed. But I didn't. Do you know why? Because they themselves want to do the right thing! They apparently know that Joe Biden and his son are corrupt,” Donald Trump said.

Son Hunter - in general, weak point Trump's main Democratic rival. Biden Jr. was expelled from the army for drugs, left his wife and three children for the widow of his own brother. When his father became the curator for Ukraine in the White House, Hunter Biden promptly joined the board of directors of the oil and gas company Burisma. Ukrainian. And even before this, the State Bank of China invested huge amounts of money in Biden Jr.’s private firm.

“His son received money from Ukraine, his son received money from China. Huge money from China,” continues the US President.

A source in American intelligence reports: Trump eight times during the conversation demanded that Zelensky reopen the investigation against Biden Jr. But here’s what the source is silent about: this investigation in Independence was actively conducted until Joe Biden himself replaced the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. And a year ago he was very proud of this fact: “Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk promised to take action against the prosecutor, but did nothing. I looked at them and said: I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you will not receive the money. Well... he was fired! And they put a reliable person in his place.”

And these people are stopping Trump from talking on the phone? Democrats are generally demanding that the transcript of the conversation between the two presidents be made public. Trump promises to think about it.

Let’s say the transcript of the negotiations is published, so what? After all, today both Trump and Zelensky here in New York take part in meetings of the UN General Assembly, that is, constantly under the gun of television cameras from around the world. And then they retire and spend about an hour one-on-one during a bilateral meeting. During this time, a lot can be discussed.

So what, the transcript is on the table again? Democratic congressmen have already spoken about impeachment. In their picture of the world, Trump, abusing his power, seeks out incriminating evidence to smear his favorite rival.

It is not easier to prove this than to disprove it. Trump fights off reporters besieging him. Biden attacks from the depths, or rather from Twitter: “Donald Trump is desperate because he knows I can beat him. Now he is enlisting the support of a foreign government. Again".

The situation was completely confused by leaks from Ukrainian sources. Allegedly, these days Biden himself is looking for a secret meeting with Zelensky.

It’s just that walking with a nog in this case is dangerous. A careless step and the legend of interference in the American elections could hit Ukraine itself. Maneuvering between Trump and Biden in this election meat grinder, returning home with your own people will be a great success.

Place of birth. Education. Born into a Catholic family from Northern Ireland. Biden's father ran a small business, selling used cars. He graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965, where he received a bachelor's degree in political science and history. In 1968, he completed his doctorate at Syracuse University Law School in New York. He was not particularly successful at university.

Career. In 1968, Biden campaigned for the Republican nomination for governor of Delaware. However, Republican attempts to recruit him into their party failed due to his dislike of Republican President Richard Nixon (1968-1974). Despite his dislike of Nixon, Biden did not support the movement against the Vietnam War, and he himself avoided the draft due to asthma.

In 1969, Biden founded a private law firm and joined the Democratic Party.

In 1973, he was elected senator from Delaware. Until 2009, voters consistently re-elected him to this post. Biden focused his activities in the Senate around environmental protection and civil rights issues. In the field of foreign policy, he maintained a dialogue with the USSR regarding the reduction of nuclear weapons. In 1983, he opposed the Reagan administration's Strategic Missile Defense Initiative, which he considered a violation of treaties previously reached between the United States and the USSR.

In 1987-1995 served as head of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He promoted the passage of a number of laws against violence against women in the family.

Biden was also active on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He took an active part in resolving conflicts in the Balkans, in 1993 he held a meeting with Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, at which he accused him of war crimes and promised him a trial. In 1999 he held military operation NATO against Yugoslavia.

Biden was a supporter of the military campaigns in Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. However, he opposed the buildup of the American military contingent in Iraq and for the withdrawal of troops from this country. He was one of the main opponents of the US withdrawal from the 1972 Soviet-American ABM Treaty in 2001; he believed that this would negatively affect relations with Russia.

In 2007, he announced his plans to run for President of the United States, but withdrew his candidacy due to little support among Democrats.

April 25 2019 Joseph Biden announced his participation in the presidential elections in November 2020.

Views. Biden is opposed to the free carrying of firearms. He also advocates for increased government funding alternative sources energy to combat global warming. He considers himself a devout Catholic. He has repeatedly spoken out against discrimination based on skin color, gender, religion and sexual orientation.

Family. Biden's first wife, Nelia Hunter, died in a car accident along with their daughter Naomi in 1972. From his first marriage he is survived by two sons: Joseph (born 1969) and Hunter (born 1970). Joseph Biden has served as Delaware Attorney General since 2007. Hunter Biden was a co-owner of a law firm, and in April 2014, together with the ex-president of Poland, he joined the management of Burisma Holdings Limited, which is engaged in oil and gas production in Ukraine and aims to diversify energy supplies to our country.

In 1977, Biden married Jill Tracey Jacobs, who teaches English language at the university and heads the breast cancer society. In 1981, their daughter Ashley Blazer was born. She's working social worker at the Delaware Department of Family and Youth Services.