The political elite and political leadership are complex. Political elite and political leadership. social studies test (grade 11) on the topic. The political elite and its role in society

Bulgutova Natalya Petrovna
Job title: history and social studies teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Olzonovskaya Secondary School"
Locality: Olzony village
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject:"Political elite and political leadership"
Publication date: 20.03.2017
Chapter: secondary education

Lesson summary on the topic “Political elite and political leadership”

(11th grade, social studies)

Lesson type: combined lesson

Class level: base

Lesson objectives.


Describe the concept of “political elite”

Identify the features of the formation of political elites, their types and functions

Describe the traits of a political leader, compare types of leadership


Continue working on tasks 25 (defining a concept) and 28 (drawing

complex plan) according to the codifier of Unified State Examination tasks in social studies 2017.

Continue practicing the skills of analysis and synthesis of educational material

Continue checking the development of research skills

independently select material on a given topic and solve the problem

learning task


To identify students’ value judgments about the personal qualities of a political

Assess the actions of famous political leaders from the point of view of morality and

Lesson Tools:

Unified State Exam codifier in social studies 2017

Textbook edited by L.N. Bogolyubov “Social studies. 11th grade. Base

level". M., Prosveshchenie, 2015. (paragraph 16).


Requirements for the level of student preparation: know the concepts of politics and power, be able to

characterize the features of political behavior.

Lesson plan:

The concept of "Political elite"

Functions and types of political elites

Political leadership

Political leaders of our time

Successive connections:

Interdisciplinary: with history - characteristics of famous political leaders (for example,

Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf, Hitler); with literature – the public position of N.V.

In-course: with the topics “Politics” and “Political Consciousness” - main features

political behavior and perception of politics.

Leading working methods: frontal questioning, discussion, explanation, staging

problem assignments, student messages.

Planned results:

Knowledge: political elite, political leadership, functions of the political elite, types


Skills: drawing up a complex plan for task type 28, analyzing and evaluating actions

political leaders.

Features of the lesson. This lesson is key in considering the topic “Political

elite”, declared in the Unified State Examination codifier in social studies. 2017 In addition, he

involves active independent research activities students by

selection of material for the stated topic.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational stage: greeting students, checking their readiness for the lesson.

Checking homework.

Frontal survey:

1) define the concept of “policy”.

2) give possible characteristics of political behavior

3) identify the differences between political behavior and political activity

4) give examples of possible forms of political behavior

Learning new material

The concept of "Political elite"

Screening of the video “Trump and Putin”

It is advisable to begin studying this point of the plan with a discussion of N.V.’s statement.

Gogol: “Which government is better? The one that teaches a person to manage himself

yourself." Students should come to a conclusion about the importance of politics in shaping

personal qualities of a person.

Elite theory

Gaetano MOSCA Vilfredo Pareto


Filling out the ELITE types on the board

At the beginning of the study new topic it is necessary to determine its place in the Unified State Examination codifier according to

social studies, indicating the tasks of part A aimed at testing knowledge

characteristic features of political elites and leadership.

Student presentation: one of the strong students talks about the main features

political elite.

Anticipatory task: while studying the first point of the plan, one of the students

draws up a complex plan on the topic “Political Elite” according to the criteria of task 28.

After evaluating the message about the traits of the political elite, students together with the teacher

work with the text of the textbook in order to highlight the role of the ruling elite in society.

The teacher organizes a discussion on the following questions: what was the composition

political elite before the 1917 revolution? after her? IN modern Russia? In what

reasons for the changes? Why does the composition and role of the elite change?

Functions and types of political elites

The teacher explains the features of the composition of modern political elites.

Students comment on the performance of a student who has prepared a complex plan for

the topic under consideration.

Possible variant of a complex plan:

The concept of "Political elite"

Types of elites influencing political decision making:




3) Closed and open form of selection into the political elite

4) Reasons for the active role of the political elite in political life

Political leadership

Students comment on a student's presentation on the concept of political leadership,

types of leadership and qualities of a political leader.

As reinforcement, the teacher organizes joint work with the textbook, identifying

personal qualities of a political leader.

Political leaders of our time

The teacher explains to the students the task for the next lesson: make a characterization

political leader of our time according to the proposed plan.

Brief biography of the writer:

Date, place of birth

Studying at school, education

2) Start of work

3) Personal qualities

4) Beginning political activity

5) Action evaluation

As an example, one of the students offers his presentation about V.V. Putin,

drawn up according to the proposed plan

Homework: paragraph 16, drawing up a complex plan on the topic of political elites

(task 28), presentation about the political leader of our time.

1. The concept of “political elite”.

2. Reasons for existence:

A) the need for professional management of society

B) political passivity of the majority of the population

C) inequality of abilities and opportunities of people

3. Development trends

A) aristocratic

B) democratic

4. Typology of elites

A) by level of power (ruling and opposition)

B) by level of competence (federal, regional, local)

5. Functions of the elite

A) strategic

B) communicative

B) organizational

D) integration

6. The main channels for recruiting the political elite in a democratic


A) educational and cultural system

B) economic activity

B) social activities

1. The concept of the political elite.

2. Trends in the formation of elite groups:

a) aristocratic

b) democratic

3. Classification of elites:

a) political elite

b) economic elite

c) military elite

d) information elite

e) scientific and cultural elites

4. The main channels for recruiting the elite in a democratic society:

a) civil service;

b) social activities;

5. Main features of the recruitment and functioning of the elite in life


Part 1.


1. To you










development and adoption of political decisions).

Trends in the formation of elite groups:

a) aristocratic (the desire of the ruling circle to consolidate its position in society);

b) democratic (renewal of elites at the expense of gifted and enterprising people).

Elite classification:

a) political elite ( statesmen, officials, party leaders,


b) economic elite (owners of large enterprises and banks);

c) military elite (highest generals and officers);

d) information elite (owners of mass media channels);

e) scientific and cultural elites (prominent scientists, cultural figures, religious leaders).

The main channels for recruiting the elite in a democratic society:

a) civil service;

b) social activities;

c) educational and cultural system;

d) economic activity.

5) the main features of the recruitment and functioning of the elite in modern Russia.


2. Name





1) The characteristic features of the political elite are the following:


High social status;

Significant amount of state and information power;

Participation in the exercise of power;

Organizational skills (talent).

2) Examples: G. Zyuganov - leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation; S. Mironov – leader of the “A Just Russia” party; IN.

Zhirinovsky is the leader of the LDPR party; G. Yavlinsky is the leader of the Yabloko party.

Task 3.

social science

make up



political elite.





political hierarchy.

2) Suggestions:

- “The political elite includes the head of state, senior government officials,

members of parliament, leaders of major political parties and social movements";

- “The political elite is renewed in the process of election campaigns. And also due to

actions of the civil service mechanism.”























PE representatives:

creative freedom;




ascetic lifestyle;

the key duty is service to the Fatherland;

awareness of Russia as a unique culture in civilization, a feeling of inextricable






statehood as a historical masterpiece;

emphasis on corporate class affiliation with the Fatherland;





human life;





representatives of other faiths and cultural traditions.

Task 5.


Guidance in its activities by public interests even when the actions of the elite

unpopular in society.

Activity, professional literacy, ability to act in the conditions of the procedure

democratic elections.

"Transparency" of political actions and sources of financial wealth.

Part 2.



Its manifestation

Composition of political



not tall,


Elite relations

and the masses

break away from voters.





parties, political




its manifestation.


A. Separation of the elite from the people.

B. Open selection system.

B. High competition.












Answer: 1, 3, 6.


















elite formation



theoretical nature

actual character

the nature of value judgments.






this is _______(A).




activity (V. Pareto).







thanks to




thanks to


social progress (Dupré).














economic education).

Answer: 1, 3, 4.



Part 3.


laid down





carries out


















working class parties.


































1) The foundations of the concepts of elites are laid in the works of Italian sociologists Gaetano Mosca, Vilfremo

Pareto and the German political scientist Robert Michels.

2) The term “elite” was not widely used in the social sciences until late XIX– beginning of the 20th century. (That

exists before the appearance of the works of V. Pareto), and in the USA - until the 30s. XX century.


Pareto emphasized the replacement of one type of elite by another, and Mosca - on the gradual

penetration of the “best” representatives of the masses into the elite.

Mosca absolutizes the action of the political factor, and Pareto explains the dynamics of the elites






rising above ordinary consciousness.

For Mosca the elite is political class. Pareto's understanding of the elite is broader, it is apolitical.


In accordance with one of them - power - the elite are those who have in a given

society's decisive power.




merits and personal qualities. There are two main approaches to the concept of “elite”:







It is a structured group that has the potential to have a decisive influence on

most other social groups (“ruling class”).

Assignments on the topic - POLITICAL ELITE.

Part 1.


1. To you





Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain

less than three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


2. Name




representatives of the Russian political elite of the last two decades.

Task 3. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “political elite”? Attracting

social science

make up



political elite.


4. In the 90s in Russia there was a tendency to transform the former Soviet

nomenclature into modern nomenclature, called “democratic” (with preservation and















Task 5. A new political elite is being formed in the state of S. Name three

traits of the political elite that are useful to society.

Part 2.

1. Write down the word missing in the fragment of the table “Signs of the political elite.”


Its manifestation

Composition of political

Open selection system based on electivity and

clearly prescribed legal regulations.


not tall,


several political elites competing with each other

friend for the right to make decisions.

Elite relations

and the masses

Competition between elites and the election mechanism do not allow

break away from voters.

Answer: _________________________________________________

2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “subjects”

political activity." Find and identify terms that refer to another concept.






political leaders, citizens, political participation.

Answer: ________________________________________________________

3. Establish a correspondence between the type of formation (recruitment) of the political elite and

its manifestation.


A. Separation of the elite from the people.

B. Open selection system.

B. High competition.

D. Closedness of the elite group.

D. The importance of the elite group.











4. Find the characteristic features of political elites in the list below.

1) Proximity of attitudes, stereotypes and norms of behavior.

2) The presence of wealth, often obtained illegally.

3) Unity (often relative) of shared values.

4) The desire to maintain power by any means.

5) The possibility of changing political attitudes to retain power.

6) Involvement in power (regardless of the method and conditions of its acquisition).

Answer: ______________.

5. Read the text below, each sentence of which is indicated by a specific

(A) It is believed that the functioning of the political elite is based on real, actual

monopoly on power, decision-making regarding the content and distribution of basic







minority is a social community that acts as the subject of preparation and adoption of the most important

strategic decisions in the field of politics and having the necessary resources for this










amount to 1.2 million people or 0.8% of the total population. (D) To the political elite

post-Soviet Russia included the main core of the old nomenklatura, young, energetic leaders,

expressing the interests of financial, banking, commercial capital, as well as criminal


elite formation



Determine which provisions of the text are:

theoretical nature

actual character

the nature of value judgments.

6. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.





carrying out the functions of management and influence in society. There are different points of view on

this is _______(A).




activity (V. Pareto).

Charismatic personalities (M. Weber).





regardless of their ______ (B). The most politically active people are

_____(B) oriented; organized minority of society (G. Mosca).



thanks to


genetic _____________ (G).



thanks to


social progress (Dupré).

People who have received the greatest __________ (D) in society.

Elitology as a field of study has clearly emerged in political science, sociology,

history, psychology. The characteristic features of the political elite are: ___________(E),

high social status, significant amount of state and information power;




awareness of one's group interests, a developed network of informal communications and others.

As a component of the political _____________ (3), the elite performs certain functions:






function, the function of recruiting (promoting) political leaders from among oneself.

Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

Words (phrases) in the list are given in nominative case. Each word (phrase)

can only be used once. Choose sequentially one word after another,

mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need

will be needed to fill in the blanks.

This table shows the letters that indicate the omission of a word. Record in the table below

each letter is the number of the word you chose.

1) independence 2) system 3) concept

4) ambition 5) status 6) origin

7) power 8) abilities 9) prestige

10) dedication.

7. In the country of R., the general qualitative characteristics of the elite have undergone some changes, which

indicates a democratic type of elite formation.

Select from the list below the provisions that prove the legitimacy of the government and

write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Significant rejuvenation (in comparison with the Soviet period by 7–10 years) of the elite.

The average age of the elite is 75 years.

The proportion of people from the lower strata of society has increased.





economic education).

A nomenclature path to the top is used for sub-elite groups.

Lifelong stay in the political elite.

Answer: _________________

8. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented

below the row, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) ruling 2) non-ruling 3) local

4) pseudo-elite 5) religious 6) professional

7) elite classification 8) regional 9) ethnic.

Answer: __________________________________

Part 3.

Concept, characteristics and functions of the political elite.

The term "elite" comes from the French "elite" (best, chosen, chosen). Since XVII

centuries it is used to designate goods top quality, and then for selection in

society high nobility. In England, the term began to be applied to higher social groups.

The concept began to be used in genetics and seed production to denote the best varieties. However

the term “elite” was not widely used in the social sciences until the late 19th and early 20th centuries (then

exists before the appearance of the works of V. Pareto), and in the USA - until the 30s. XX century.


laid down



Vilfremo Pareto and German political scientist Robert Michels.

G. Mosca in “Fundamentals of Political Science” (1896) tried to prove the division of society into



carries out


monopolizes power and takes advantage; the second is controlled and regulated by the first

and supplies material means for the life support of the political body. G. Mosca






minorities over the unorganized majority.

V. Pareto divided society into a managing elite and controlled masses and derived this

division from inequality of individual abilities of people manifested in all areas

public life. He distinguished the political, military, economic, and religious elites.

Along with the similarity of the initial positions of Pareto and Mosca, there are differences in their concepts.


penetration of the “best” representatives of the masses into the elite.

Mosca absolutizes the action of the political factor, and Pareto explains the dynamics

elites are rather psychological: the elite rules because it propagates political mythology,

rising above ordinary consciousness.

For Mosca, the elite is the political class. Pareto's understanding of the elite is broader, it is apolitical.

The essence of the concept of R. Michels is that “democracy, in order to preserve itself and

achieve a certain stability”, is forced to create an organization, and this is associated with the allocation

elite - an active minority to whom the masses entrust their destiny.





directions: Machiavellian school, value concepts of elites, concept of democratic







working class parties.





carrying out the functions of management and influence in society. There are various approaches and

accents in the understanding of elites. According to one of them - the power one - the elite are those who

has decisive power in a given society. In accordance with another - meritocratic -

those who have certain special virtues and personal qualities.

There are two main approaches to the concept of “elite”:







It is a structured group that has the potential to have a decisive influence on

most other social groups (“ruling class”).























implementation of political plans.

Name the founders of the theory of elites and the time of its appearance.

What are the differences in the understanding of elites between Pareto and Mosca's positions?

What different approaches and emphases exist in the understanding of elites?

Part 1.

Task 1.


  1. The concept of the political elite (Political elite is a group participating in the process of developing and making political decisions).
  2. Trends in the formation of elite groups:

A) aristocratic (the desire of the ruling circle to consolidate its position in society);

B) democratic (renewal of elites at the expense of gifted and enterprising people).

  1. Elite classification:

A) political elite (statesmen, officials, party leaders, parliamentarians);

B) economic elite (owners of large enterprises and banks);

C) military elite (highest generals and officers);

D) information elite (owners of mass media channels);

D) scientific and cultural elites (prominent scientists, cultural figures, religious leaders).

  1. The main channels for recruiting the elite in a democratic society:

A) civil service;

B) social activities;

B) educational and cultural system;

D) economic activity.

5) the main features of the recruitment and functioning of the elite in modern Russia.

Task 2.


1) The characteristic features of the political elite are the following:


High social status;

Significant amount of state and information power;

Participation in the exercise of power;

Organizational skills (talent).

2) Examples: G. Zyuganov - leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation; S. Mironov – leader of the “A Just Russia” party; V. Zhirinovsky - leader of the LDPR party; G. Yavlinsky is the leader of the Yabloko party.

Task 3.


1) Definition: - the political elite is a group of people occupying the highest positions in the political hierarchy.

2) Suggestions:

- “The political elite includes the head of state, senior government officials, members of parliament, leaders of major political parties and social movements”;

- “The political elite is renewed in the process of election campaigns. And also due to the action of the civil service mechanism.”

Task 4.


Experts on the revival of statehood in Russia highlight the main qualities of PE representatives:

  1. creative freedom;
  2. a special type of behavior: increased levels of sense of duty and honor, sacrifice, ascetic lifestyle;
  3. the key duty is service to the Fatherland;
  4. awareness of Russia as a unique culture in civilization, a feeling of an inextricable connection with ancestors, their values, victories and achievements, understanding of Russian statehood as a historical masterpiece;
  5. emphasis on corporate class affiliation with the Fatherland;
  6. rejection of the cult of material goods, the “ochlocratic” model of “normal” human life;
  7. the ability to develop unanimity with compatriots, including representatives of other faiths and cultural traditions.

Task 5.


  1. Guidance in their activities by public interests even when the actions of the elite are unpopular in society.
  2. Activity, professional literacy, ability to act in the conditions of democratic election procedures.
  3. "Transparency" of political actions and sources of financial wealth.

Part 2.


Its manifestation

Composition of the political elite


Answer : _______________

State, political parties,political process, social movements, political leaders, citizens,political participation.

Answer: 1, 3, 6.

  1. theoretical nature
  2. actual character
  3. the nature of value judgments.

Answer: 1, 3, 4.

7) classification of elites8) regional 9) ethnic.

Answer: __________________________________

Part 3.


1) The foundations of the concepts of elites are laid in the works of Italian sociologists Gaetano Mosca, Vilfremo Pareto and German political scientist Robert Michels.

2) The term “elite” was not widely used in the social sciences until the late 19th and early 20th centuries. (that is, before the appearance of the works of V. Pareto), and in the USA - until the 30s. XX century.


Pareto emphasized the replacement of one type of elite with another, and Mosca emphasized the gradual penetration of the “best” representatives of the masses into the elite.

Mosca absolutizes the action of the political factor, and Pareto explains the dynamics of elites rather psychologically: the elite rules because it inculcates political mythology, rising above ordinary consciousness.

For Mosca, the elite is the political class. Pareto's understanding of the elite is broader, it is apolitical.


In accordance with one of them - power - the elite are those who have decisive power in a given society.

In accordance with the other - meritocratic - those who have certain special merits and personal qualities. There are two main approaches to the concept of “elite”:

The true elite embodies the essence of the nation (connected to traditions, time and space);

It is a structured group that has the potential to exert decisive influence over most other social groups (the “ruling class”).

Assignments on the topic - POLITICAL ELITE.

Part 1.

Task 1. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Political Elites”. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

Task 2. What are the main characteristics of the political elite? Name at least three representatives of the Russian political elite of the last two decades.

Task 3. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “political elite”? Drawing on knowledge from your social science course, write two sentences containing information about the political elite.

Task 4. In the 90s in Russia there was a tendency to transform the former Soviet nomenklatura into a modern nomenklatura, called “democratic” (with the preservation and reproduction of nomenklatura ties). Currently, experts on the revival of statehood in Russia identify a number of main qualities necessary for representatives of the real elite, which will fulfill their political functions in a democratic state.

Task 5. A new political elite is being formed in the state of S. Name three traits of the political elite that are useful to society.

Part 2.

1. Write down the word missing in the fragment of the table “Signs of the political elite.”


Its manifestation

Composition of the political elite

An open selection system based on electivity and clearly prescribed legal regulations.

The degree of cohesion is low, and there are several political elites competing with each other for the right to make decisions.

Relations between the elite and the masses

The line between the elite and the masses is blurred. The competition of elites and the election mechanism do not allow one to break away from voters.


2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “subjects of political activity”. Find and identify terms that refer to another concept.

State, political parties, political process, social movements, political leaders, citizens, political participation.

Answer: ________________________________________________________

3. Establish a correspondence between the type of formation (recruitment) of the political elite and its manifestation.

4. Find the characteristic features of political elites in the list below.

1) Proximity of attitudes, stereotypes and norms of behavior.

2) The presence of wealth, often obtained illegally.

3) Unity (often relative) of shared values.

4) The desire to maintain power by any means.

5) The possibility of changing political attitudes to retain power.

6) Involvement in power (regardless of the method and conditions of its acquisition).

Answer: ______________.

5. Read the text below, each sentence of which is indicated by a specific number.

(A) It is believed that the basis for the functioning of the political elite is a real, actual monopoly on power, decision-making regarding the content and distribution of basic values ​​in society. (B) The political elite is an internally cohesive, minority social community that acts as the subject of preparation and adoption of the most important strategic decisions in the field of politics and has the necessary resource potential for this. (B) In 2000, the size of the political class increased by 3 times in comparison with the Soviet period (while the country's population decreased by half) and became 1.2 million people or 0.8% of the total population. (D) The political elite of post-Soviet Russia included the main core of the old nomenklatura, young, energetic leaders expressing the interests of financial, banking, commercial capital, as well as criminal structures. (D) The process of elite formation in Russia, from the point of view of experts, is clearly far from complete.

Determine which provisions of the text are:

  1. theoretical nature
  2. actual character
  3. the nature of value judgments.

6. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

The concept of “political elite” refers to the highest, privileged layer that exercises the functions of management and influence in society. There are different points of view on this _______(A).

  1. Persons with the highest indicators (performance) in their field of activity (V. Pareto).
  2. Charismatic personalities (M. Weber).
  3. Persons who have intellectual and moral superiority over the masses, regardless of their ______ (B). The most politically active people are focused on _____ (C); organized minority of society (G. Mosca).
  4. People who occupy the highest places in society due to their biological and genetic _____________ (D).
  5. Persons who have a high position in society and thereby influence social progress (Dupré).
  6. People who have received the greatest __________ (D) in society.

Elitology as a field of study has clearly emerged in political science, sociology, history, and psychology. The characteristic features of the political elite are: ___________(E), high social status, significant amount of state and information power; participation in the exercise of power; organizational __________(F) and talent, cohesion, awareness of one’s group interests, a developed network of informal communications and others. As a component of the political _____________(Z), the elite performs certain functions: social monitoring, strategic function, integrative function, organizational function, function of recruiting (promoting) political leaders from among its ranks.

Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps. The words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

This table shows the letters that indicate the omission of a word. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.

1) independence 2) system 3) concept

4) ambition 5) status 6) origin

7) power 8) abilities 9) prestige

10) dedication.

7. In the country of R., the general qualitative characteristics of the elite have undergone some changes, which indicates a democratic type of formation of the elite.

Select from the list below the provisions that prove the legitimacy of the government and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. Significant rejuvenation (in comparison with the Soviet period by 7–10 years) of the elite.
  2. The average age of the elite is 75 years.
  3. The proportion of people from the lower strata of society has increased.
  4. The number of people with higher education has increased (legal and economic education is held in high esteem).
  5. A nomenclature path to the top is used for sub-elite groups.
  6. Lifelong stay in the political elite.

Answer: _________________

8. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) ruling 2) non-ruling 3) local

4) pseudo-elite 5) religious 6) professional

7) elite classification 8) regional 9) ethnic.

Answer: __________________________________

Part 3.

Concept, characteristics and functions of the political elite.

The term "elite" comes from the French "elite" (best, chosen, chosen). Since the 17th century, it has been used to designate goods of the highest quality, and then to highlight the highest nobility in society. In England, the term began to be applied to higher social groups. The concept began to be used in genetics and seed production to designate the best varieties. However, the term “elite” was not widely used in the social sciences until the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries (that is, until the appearance of the works of V. Pareto), and in the USA - until the 30s. XX century.

The foundations of the concepts of elites are laid in the works of Italian sociologists Gaetano Mosca, Vilfremo Pareto and German political scientist Robert Michels.

G. Mosca in “Fundamentals of Political Science” (1896) tried to prove the division of society into a class of managers and a class of the governed. The first carries out all political functions, monopolizes power and enjoys advantages; the second is controlled and regulated by the first and supplies the material means for the sustenance of the political body. G. Mosca considered the rule of a minority to be inevitable, because it is the rule of an organized minority over an unorganized majority.

V. Pareto divided society into a governing elite and the controlled masses and derived this division from the inequality of individual abilities of people, manifested in all spheres of public life. He distinguished the political, military, economic, and religious elites.

Along with the similarity of the initial positions of Pareto and Mosca, there are differences in their concepts. Pareto emphasized the replacement of one type of elite with another, and Mosca emphasized the gradual penetration of the “best” representatives of the masses into the elite.

Mosca absolutizes the action of the political factor, and Pareto explains the dynamics of elites rather psychologically: the elite rules because it inculcates political mythology, rising above ordinary consciousness.

For Mosca, the elite is the political class. Pareto's understanding of the elite is broader, it is apolitical.

The essence of R. Michels’ concept is that “democracy, in order to preserve itself and achieve a certain stability,” is forced to create an organization, and this is associated with the identification of an elite - an active minority to which the masses entrust their fate.

Based on the concept of G. Mosca, V. Pareto and R. Michels, arose modern trends: Machiavellian school, value concepts of elites, the concept of democratic elitism, the concept of plurality, pluralism of elites, the concept of the elite as the vanguard party of the working class.

The concept of “political elite” refers to the highest, privileged layer that exercises the functions of management and influence in society. There are different approaches and emphases in understanding elites. In accordance with one of them - power - the elite are those who have decisive power in a given society. In accordance with the other - meritocratic - those who have certain special merits and personal qualities.

There are two main approaches to the concept of “elite”:

The true elite embodies the essence of the nation (connected to traditions, time and space);

It is a structured group that has the potential to exert decisive influence over most other social groups (the “ruling class”).

The most general definition is the following: the political elite is a relatively small social group that concentrates in its hands a significant amount of political power, ensures integration, subordination and reflection in political attitudes of the interests of various layers of society and creates a mechanism for the implementation of political plans.

  1. Name the founders of the theory of elites and the time of its appearance.
  1. What are the differences in the understanding of elites between Pareto and Mosca's positions?
  1. What different approaches and emphases exist in the understanding of elites?



1. The concept of elite theory

2. Recruitment and classification of political elites

3. Functions and role of the political elite in society



Human society is heterogeneous; there are natural and social differences between people. These differences determine their unequal abilities for political participation in the life of society, influence on political and social processes, and management of them. The bearer of the most pronounced political and managerial qualities is the political elite.

Understanding the phenomenon of the political elite is as old as this social phenomenon itself. However, such comprehension both in ordinary consciousness and in scientific thought was fragmentary and unsystematic. For the first time, the political elite as a special subject of scientific study began to attract attention only in the 19th century.

In Soviet social science, the theory of elites was viewed for many years as pseudoscientific, anti-democratic and bourgeois-tendentious. The term “elite” itself was replaced by all sorts of synonyms: “those in power”, “influential layers of society”, “the cream of the nation”, etc.

The political development of modern society dictates the need for a theoretical understanding of the role of the ruling elites. The purpose of this essay is to study the essence of the concept of “political elite” and its role in society.

1. The concept of elite theory

“Elite” translated from French means the best, selected, chosen. There are significant differences in the interpretation of the term “elite” both in classical and modern political science.

However, according to Gaman, no matter how significantly the definitions of this phenomenon diverge, the common denominator of almost all definitions is the idea of ​​​​the chosenness of the person designated by this category; only the ideas about the ideal principles of recruiting the elite, as well as the meaning and shade of the axiological emphasis are different: some researchers believe , that the authenticity of the elite is determined by the nobility of origin, others rank the richest in this category, and still others, the most gifted: entry into the elite is a function of personal merit and merit. In the context of modern political science research, the operational interpretation of the elite is as a category of persons with power (regardless of what factors determined entry into power - origin, fortune or merit.

The foundations of modern concepts of elites are laid in the works of Italian sociologists Gaetano Mosca and Vilfremo Pareto and German political scientist Robert Michels.

In the second half of the 19th century. In connection with the further centralization and bureaucratization of political life, a period of critical reassessment of the experience of representative government and liberal democratic values ​​began. This was reflected in the theory of elites by V. Pareto and in the concept of the political class by G. Mosca.

Both Italian thinkers proceeded from a very similar idea about the presence in the sphere of governing activity of each society of two significantly separate groups - the ruling and the governed. The biggest innovation they proposed when discussing this issue was the assertion that society is always ruled by an “insignificant minority” in the form of the “political class” (G. Mosca) or the “ruling elite” (V. Pareto).

Along with the similarities in the initial positions of Pareto and Mosca, there are also differences in their concepts:

· Pareto emphasized the replacement of one type of elite with another, and Mosca emphasized the gradual penetration of the “best” representatives of the masses into the elite.

· Mosca absolutizes the action of the political factor, and Pareto explains the dynamics of elites rather psychologically; the elite rules because it propagates political mythology, rising above ordinary consciousness.

· For Mosca, the elite is a political class; Pareto’s understanding of the elite is broader, it is anthropological.

The essence of R. Michels' concept is that democracy, in order to preserve itself and achieve a certain stability, is forced to create an organization. And this is due to the identification of an elite - an active minority to whom the masses entrust their fate due to the impossibility of their direct control over a large organization. Leaders never cede their power to the “masses,” but only to other, new leaders. The need to manage an organization requires the creation of an apparatus, and power is concentrated in its hands.

The political elite of society can be considered as a special social group that is the subject of political leadership in society. It is in her hands that the largest part of power resources is concentrated and it is in her environment that the process of making the most important political decisions unfolds. Other elite groups and mass movements also influence the development and adoption of various political decisions, however, this influence always plays a smaller role than the activities of such a relatively small organized minority as the political elite.

As a rule, the political elite is formed by people endowed with special personal qualities and, above all, the will to power. At the same time, theorists of elitism have always emphasized that the ruling elite is not just a collection of people holding high government positions, it is a stable social community based on the deep internal connections of its members. They are united by common interests related to the possession of the levers of real power, the desire to maintain their monopoly on them, to cut off and prevent other groups from accessing them, to stabilize and strengthen the positions of the elite as such, and, consequently, the positions of each of its members. The ruling elite as a group is united by special values, in the hierarchy of which power comes first; it has its own norms that regulate relations between its members and sectors, prescribe the behavior of its representatives, support the integrity of the elite, its existence as a group.

Stability as a quality of the political elite is confirmed by historical experience, which shows that the elite is never completely replaced, even with the most radical changes in the political regime. With the relatively stable development of society, its stability is even more obvious. Under different political regimes, different degrees of openness and ways of recruiting new members are possible, but the core of the elite remains unchanged. This stability is achieved thanks to the social cohesion of the group; the law of the primary social group applies - no matter how strong the competition within the group is, the common interest is put above all else.

Characteristic features of the political elite are the following:

· this is a small, fairly independent social group;

· high social status;

· significant amount of state and information power;

· direct participation in the exercise of power;

· organizational skills and talent.

So, political elite - a relatively small group that concentrates a significant amount of political power in its hands, ensuring integration, subordination and reflection of the interests of various sectors of society in political attitudes and creating a mechanism for translating political plans into reality.

In other words, the elite is the highest part of a social group, class, political social organization.

2. Recruitment and classification of political elites

The elitism of modern society is obvious. Any attempts to eliminate it led to the formation and dominance of despotic, ineffective elites, which ultimately harmed the entire people.

Apparently, the political elite can only be eliminated through general public self-government. However, at the current stage of development of human civilization, self-government of the people is more an attractive ideal than a reality.

Therefore, in modern conditions, the primary importance is not the fight against elitism, but the problems of forming an effective political elite useful for society - recruiting elites.

There are two main systems for recruiting elites: the guild system and the entrepreneurial system. In their pure form, they are quite rare, but the characteristic features of these systems can be identified.

For guild systems characteristic:

· Closedness. Selection for higher positions is carried out from the lower layers of the elite itself. Slow, gradual way up.

· High degree of selection process, the presence of numerous filters of formal requirements for occupying positions (party affiliation, age, length of service, education, characteristics, etc.)

· A small, relatively closed circle of the electorate, i.e. those who conduct the selection. As a rule, it includes only members of a higher body or even one first leader.

· The tendency towards reproduction is already existing type leadership.

Entrepreneurial system Elite recruitment is distinguished by:

· Openness. An applicant for a leadership position can be a representative of any social group.

· A small number of formal requirements and institutional filters.

· Wide range of electorate. Even all voters can act as such.

Highly competitive selection, intense competition for leadership positions.

· The primary importance of individuality (a bright personality, significant personal qualities, the ability to find support from a wide audience, captivate them, the availability of interesting offers and programs).

V. Pareto identified two main elite type: "lions" and "foxes". “Lions” are characterized by conservatism and brute force methods of management. A society dominated by the Leo elite is usually stagnant. "Foxes" are masters of deception and political combinations. The “fox” elite is dynamic, it ensures transformations in society.

Modern political elites, as a rule, have a complex structure and differ markedly in different countries. For this reason, there are various classifications of the political elite.

Elite directly possessing state power, called ruling She is opposed opposition or counter-elite. Depending on the nature of recruitment, the elite is divided into open And closed. The open elite can be replenished by representatives of different segments of the population. Access to the closed elite is not possible for representatives of other social groups.

P. Sharan highlighted traditional And modern elite. The traditional elite includes religious elites, the aristocracy, and the military leadership of developing countries. He characterizes the modern elite as rational. It consists of four groups.

Top Elite makes all the most important decisions in society. It consists of the country's top leadership and their inner circle. It is generally accepted that in Western countries there are approximately 50 members of the highest elite for every million inhabitants.

To the middle elite include persons characterized by three characteristics - income level, professional status, education. This part of the elite makes up approximately 5% of the adult population. Groups that lack one of the three indicators form marginal elite.

Many political scientists note the trend of an increasing role of the middle elite, especially its new layers, called the “subelite” - senior officials, managers, scientists, engineers and intellectuals - in the preparation, adoption and implementation of political decisions. These layers are usually superior to the upper elite in information, organization and ability to take united action.

The political elite directly involved in the process of making political decisions is adjacent to the elite administrative, intended for executive activities, but in reality has great influence on politics.

One of the fairly meaningful classifications of the political elite in a democratic society is to distinguish, depending on the degree of development and correlation of vertical (social representativeness) and horizontal (intra-group cohesion) connections of the elite, its four main types: stable democratic(“established”) elite – high representativeness and high group integration; pluralistic– high representativeness and low group integration; domineering– low representativeness and high group integration and disintegrated– both indicators are low.

3. Functions and role of the political elite in society

So, it is known that elites represent an objectively existing and necessary element social life, both at the level of society as a whole, and at the level of individual fairly large social groups. The emergence and development of any community naturally leads to the identification of an elite core of this community, which begins to unite the most productive individuals in the range of functions that are most important for this community. However, among a wide range of such functions there is a dominant one, which is inherent in any community where there is a function of managing the activities of this social group.

At the level of society as a whole, the state, this role is performed by a group called the political elite. Along with it, there are other types of elites closely associated with it in society.

The political elite performs the following Features:

· study and analysis of the interests of various social groups;

· subordination of interests of various social communities;

· reflection of interests in political guidelines;

· development of political ideology (programs, doctrines, constitution, laws, etc.);

· creation of a mechanism for implementing political plans;

· appointment of personnel apparatus of governing bodies;

· creation and correction of institutions of the political system;

· nomination of political leaders.

The political will of the elite is not a homogeneous entity - it is composed of political leaders and political executors. The political will of the elites, its ideas and decisions are implemented mainly through the bureaucratic apparatus, which is constantly involved in state affairs. The elite determines the main goals and main lines of the state's activities, and the bureaucratic apparatus implements them. However, effective interaction the elite and officials do not arise by themselves. The bureaucracy is quite easily inclined to break away from the political control of the elite and work for its own interests, rather than for the ruling elite, not to mention the masses and other segments of the population. It has happened more than once in history when the bureaucracy sabotaged the implementation of the decisions of the political elite. Moreover, the bureaucracy can impose its will, partially reincarnating itself as a political elite.

There is a lot of evidence in world history that the effectiveness of states depends not so much on their geographical location and their resources, but on the qualitative characteristics of the ruling elite. In a strict sense, there can be only one type of crisis in society - a managerial crisis. All other crises (financial, energy, economic) are derived from it.

notes that the political elite is a reality not only of the past, present, but also of the future stage of human civilization. Its existence is due to the action the following factors:

· social inequality of people, their unequal abilities, opportunities and desire to participate in politics;

· the law of division of labor, which requires professional management;

· high social significance of managerial work;

· wide possibilities using management activities to obtain various kinds of social privileges;

· the practical impossibility of exercising comprehensive control over political leaders;

· political passivity of the broad masses of the population, whose main vital interests usually lie outside the sphere of politics.

Thus, the most important conditions for effective political leadership of society are the quality of the elite, improving the system for selecting leaders and increasing the political activity of the masses. In general, these factors are the key to the successful functioning of the political system and society as a whole.


So, the political elite is a relatively small social group that concentrates in its hands a significant amount of political power, ensures integration, subordination and reflection in political attitudes of the interests of various sectors of society and creates a mechanism for the implementation of political plans.

Today there is large number various concepts that justify the legitimacy of dividing society into a governing minority and a governing majority: value theories of the elite, theories of democratic elitism, concepts of elite pluralism, left-liberal theories. They reflect certain aspects of reality.

The existence of the political elite is explained by a number of factors: psychological and social inequality of people, the law of division of labor, political passivity of a significant part of the population, etc.

The elite performs various functions: provides strategic leadership of the country (class, social group, etc.); forms political goals, program documents of the movement, society, etc.; regulates and coordinates the relationships of social groups, layers, classes, as well as relations with other states; is the main reserve of leadership personnel, the center of placement of leaders in political and public administration. The elite primarily uses the bureaucratic apparatus to perform management functions.

Modern political science is characterized by the recognition of the elitism of the existing society. Of course, it may disappear with the establishment of public self-government, but for now this is unrealistic. For a democratic state, the main thing is not the fight against elitism, but the formation of a professional elite useful to society, not alienated from the people, not turned into a privileged layer, but controlled by society. In other words, the focus should be on improving the quality and efficiency of the political elite.

List of used literature:

1. Gaman-Golutvin of the Russian elite. – M., 2003

2., Zakharov's textbook on political science. – M., 2004

3., etc. Political science: Course of lectures. – M., 2003

4. History of political and legal doctrines/ Ed. V.S. Nersesyants. – M.: INFRA-M, 1998

5. Butchers of the ruling elites: “consolidation” or “eternal battle”? // Polis. – 1993. - No. 1

6. , Soloviev in political science. – M.: Aspect-Press, 2000

7. Stegny: Tutorial for university students. – M., 1996

8. bureaucracy // Polis. – 1996. - No. 3

9. Comparative political science. Part 2. – M., 1992

Gaman-Golutvin of the Russian elite. – M., 2003, p.5-6

History of political and legal doctrines / Ed. V.S. Nersesyants. – M.: INFRA-M,

And others. Political science: Course of lectures. – M., 2003, p.126

Tokovenko interaction between political leadership and

public administration as a problem of relations between the political elite and

bureaucracy // Polis. – 1996. - No. 3, p.6

Butchers of the ruling elites: “consolidation” or “eternal struggle”? // Polis. –

1993. - No. 1, p.56

And others. Political science: Course of lectures. – M., 2003, p.131

Zakharov's textbook on political science. – M., 2004, p.39

And others. Political science: Course of lectures. – M., 2003, p.142-146

Comparative Politics. Part 2. – M., 1992, p.92

Soloviev in political science. – M.: Aspect-Press, 2000, p.269

And others. Political science: Course of lectures. – M., 2003, p.156

Tokovenko interaction between political leadership and

public administration as a problem of relations between the political elite and

bureaucracy // Polis. – 1996. - No. 3, pp. 9-10

Stegny: A textbook for university students. – M., 1996, p.150-151

The main characteristics of the elite are cohesion, awareness of their group interests, a developed network of informal communications, the presence of esoteric norms of behavior and coded language, hidden from outside observers and transparent to initiates, the absence of a clear line separating official activities and private life, privileges (legalized benefits)

Functions of the political elite: strategic - defining a political program of action by generating new ideas that reflect the interests of society, developing a concept for reforming the country; organizational - putting into practice the established course, putting political decisions into practice; integrative - strengthening the stability and unity of society, the sustainability of its political and economic systems , resolving conflict situations, ensuring consensus on the fundamental principles of the life of the state; communicative – reflection in political programs of the interests and needs of various social strata and groups of the population, which also implies the protection of social goals, ideals and values ​​characteristic of society.

Questions 1. Define the political elite. Define the political elite. 2. Name the most important characteristics of the elite. Name the most important characteristics of the elite. 3. Describe the mobility of the elite. Describe the mobility of the elite. 4. List the functions of the political elite. List the functions of the political elite. 5. How do the “Yeltsin” and “Putin” stages of the formation of the political elite differ? 6. Who belongs to the political elite in Russia?

Description of the presentation Political elite Plan* 1. Political elite (concept). by slides

Plan* 1. Political elite (concept). 2. Functions of the elite: a) determination of strategic goals for the development of society; b) production public policy; c) maintaining the political stability of society, etc.; 3. Composition of the political elite: a) statesmen; b) party leaders, c) regional leaders, etc. 4. Types of elites: a) higher, regional, local, b) ruling elite, counter-elite. 5. Formation (recruitment) of the elite: a) closed system, b) open system.

1. The concept of “political elite” The political elite (French Elite - chosen, best) is a privileged group that occupies leadership positions in power structures and is directly involved in making the most important decisions related to the use of power. Characteristics: A small but independent group High social status (prestige, privileged position) Direct participation in the exercise of power Access to a significant amount of information Organizational abilities_

2. Functions of the political elite (?) Analysis of the interests of social groups Promotion of political ideas, development of ideologies Determination of goals, directions of development Implementation of ideas Formation of personnel Nomination of political leaders Strategic Organizational Integrative

Elite under different regimes* Democratic - E. - open system - Low cohesion, competition between elites - Relations with the masses based on representation, delegation of powers - Formation based on elections - Guided by public interests Undemocratic - Closed system based on kinship, connections... - High cohesion, pursues its own interests - E. is closed, cares little about the public good, forceful methods of influence - Formed on the basis of an appointment “from above”. — Guided by personal interests, the goal is to maintain power and privileges