We make a bed with our own hands with a lifting mechanism. Do-it-yourself bed with a lifting mechanism. DIY bed

If there is a lot of furniture in the room, but you really want to install a large and comfortable bed, experts recommend choosing furniture with lifting mechanism. This design has another name - “transformer”, and with the help of a lifting mechanism it is quite possible to save a lot of free space, which is always in short supply, especially in multi-storey buildings.

Buy new furniture- this, as they say, is only half of the planned event, because the structure still needs to be assembled, and in such a design that it does not lose its functionality. Recommendations and
tips on assembling a bed with a lifting mechanism, which we will further analyze, and the video, available for viewing on the Internet resource both day and night, will further simplify the progress of the work.

Features in the design of transforming beds

To accurately assemble the sleeping bag comfortable spot with the lifting element, first of all you need to familiarize yourself with design features furniture and, of course, prepare both tools and materials that may be needed in the work.

Let's consider what elements a sleeping bed with a lifting mechanism consists of:

Depending on the chosen manufacturer, an orthopedic sleeping mattress may also be included with the bed.

  • A wall box or wardrobe is also considered as an element of a bed equipped with a lifting mechanism. After all, it is into such a structure, assembled from laminated chipboard, that the assembled furniture will rise. The size of the finished box should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the furniture, but not too large so that the bed does not fall out of the niche.

A transverse rod to which you will later need to fix the lifting The device is installed stationary at the head of the bed in the lower part of the closet.

Step-by-step furniture assembly

Having familiarized yourself with the design features of the transformable bed, you can begin step-by-step assembly structures with a lifting mechanism in the following sequence:

As you can understand, the process of installing furniture with a lifting mechanism is not so complicated if home craftsmen follow the instructions and advice during the work. And video instructions on the Internet resource, conducted by real professionals in their field, will help you solve any difficulty.

How to make a lift bed with your own hands? Currently, owners of small apartments have found an opportunity to solve the problems associated with a small bedroom area by installing lift bed.

A lift-up bed is a real godsend for a small apartment and great alternative uncomfortable folding sofas.

This bed is attached to the wall at one end. In the morning the base is removed and lifted up. At night, the product is lowered to a horizontal position for sleeping. You can make such an ergonomic bed yourself.

What is the design of the bed?

Structurally, the stock consists of a base and a frame, which can be fixed in a vertical position. Attached to the bottom of the frame sleeping area using a lifting mechanism. The bed is attached to the frame at one end and in the raised position has the appearance of a wardrobe. It is necessary that the structure is stable in the folded position.

Figure 1. Design diagram of a lift-up bed.

The bed structure consists of the following elements:

  • lifting mechanism;
  • grounds;
  • cabinet box.

To make a bed with your own hands, drawings are required. In Fig. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the design of a lifting bed, which shows a lifting mechanism consisting of a cable, a winch, a bolt, a carabiner, and a loop. The mattress, wardrobe, block and bed foot are also shown here.

The base has dimensions that correspond to the dimensions of an orthopedic double mattress. It should be located close to the base and removed when needed.

Making a lift-up bed with your own hands

The production of a product begins with the purchase necessary materials and tools.

Materials and tools:

Figure 2. Diagram of the lifting mechanism.

  • orthopedic mattress;
  • set of lumber;
  • perforator;
  • wrench;
  • metal corners;
  • anchor fastenings;
  • confirmations;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • furniture handles;
  • accessories;
  • decorative furniture overlays;
  • Super glue;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • iron;
  • rag;
  • building level.

First of all, you need to purchase a standard double orthopedic mattress with dimensions 2000x1600x220 mm.

After this they acquire necessary lumber from chipboard 18 mm thick:

  • two cabinet sides measuring 2282x420 mm;
  • bottom and top of the cabinet 1695x420 mm;
  • front panel 1685x2235 mm;
  • two sidewalls of frame trim 2038x150 mm;
  • front and rear parts of the harness 1605x150 mm;
  • two stiffeners 1690x350 mm.

Figure 3. Detailed drawing of the bed leg.

To process all the edges of the boards, you need to attach the self-adhesive edge to the end of the board and iron it with an iron, and then press it down with a dry cloth for better adhesion. Then the excess part of the tape is cut off and the ends are treated with sandpaper.

In Fig. 2 shows a diagram of the lifting mechanism indicating required sizes. In Fig. Figure 3 shows a detailed drawing of the bed leg with all dimensions. These drawings will be needed when ordering the lifting mechanism and selecting the gas spring load.

After this, they begin to assemble the lifting bed. The sides of the cabinet are overhead parts, the remaining elements are internal. Assembly begins with using a 5 mm drill to drill through the cabinet stiffeners, top and bottom.

Then the frame is secured with confirmations and installed on the wall. With help metal corners fix the frame with anchor bolts.

When installing the frame to the wall, you need to use a building level to clarify the strict verticality of the side parts and the correctness of right angles between the elements of the frame.

Then the fixed parts of the lifting mechanism are mounted on the sidewalls. Then they drill and assemble the base trim.

The mattress slats are fixed to the harness according to the drawing. The movable part of the lift is also screwed to it. In the upper part of the frame, holes are drilled for the legs of the bed. Then fasteners are made façade panel. In this case, it is necessary to carefully check all dimensions using a building level.

First, the facade is fixed on four furniture corners, then the dimensions are specified with a level and after that the remaining corners and connections are screwed on. Then the hidden legs are inserted into the required holes. After this, the facade is assembled.

This completes the assembly of the lifting bed-wardrobe. Now we need to finish the facade with handles and glue decorative furniture overlays.

A lifting bed made with your own hands using this technology will be durable, reliable and will last a very long time.

IN small apartments Residents are faced with the issue of insufficient space for comfortable furniture for relaxation and storage of bed linen. On limited space It is difficult to place all the necessary furniture in the room: tables, chairs, cabinets, wardrobes, beds. Good decision saving usable space and creating an individual interior becomes self-production beds with a lifting mechanism, which combines 2 pieces of furniture - a bed and a bedside table.

A bed with a lifting mechanism is great solution for a small room.

A homemade comfortable model is not inferior in quality and design to a piece of furniture made in production conditions, and sometimes even surpasses it in performance characteristics. For those who have some furniture making skills, making a modern, functional bed with your own hands will not be difficult. The implementation is carried out in several stages: a sketch is created, a frame is made, a box is formed, at the bottom of which the frame is placed, a lift is installed, and a pre-purchased orthopedic mattress is placed.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade furniture

The advantages of the model with a lifting mechanism are:

  • use of environmentally friendly materials;
  • the presence of a wide box for bed linen;
  • equipped with a convenient mechanism that allows you to easily lift the block;
  • reliability;
  • practicality;
  • the ability to manufacture models of the required design, structure and size, ideally corresponding to the dimensions of the allotted area for installing the bed;
  • low material costs;
  • exclusivity;
  • simplicity of design;
  • functionality: a bed with a lifting mechanism can be built-in;
  • the orthopedic mattresses used allow you to comfortably support your torso during sleep;
  • ergonomics;
  • the ability to quickly and conveniently assemble the bed;
  • the degree of wear and contamination of linen is reduced.

The disadvantages include:

  • inaccessibility of the niche under the mattress while a person is resting on the bed;
  • production time;
  • if you have insufficient experience, you cannot avoid unexpected costs associated with the purchase additional material due to damage to the main material;
  • when making a double model, spring mechanisms will not withstand heavy loads; gas mechanisms must be used;
  • the possibility of only vertical lifting of the double model;
  • for each type and weight of orthopedic mattress is selected certain type lifting mechanisms.

Necessary materials and tools, creating a sketch and frame

To complete a model with a lifting mechanism, the following tools and materials are needed:

  • screwdriver;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • bolts;
  • welding machine;
  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • stapler;
  • roulette;
  • plane;
  • drill;
  • board;
  • beam;
  • lifting mechanism;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • foam;
  • square metal profile 20x20 mm;
  • PVA glue;
  • orthopedic mattress.

First, they purchase an orthopedic mattress, taking into account the personal preferences of the owners. Then a sketch of the product is made, depending on the size of the mattress. The sketch shows the composition of the bed with side and end elements. The sketch looks like a box of 4 boards and 4 transverse parts to form the bottom for the frame. When creating a sketch, take into account the dimensions of the mattress. A mattress for an adult has a length of 180-200 cm, a width of 80-180 cm. The manufactured steel frame will increase performance characteristics model, which is especially important in the production of a double model with a large number of owners.

The frame is made from steel profile square section, additionally install several transverse posts in the longitudinal and transverse frame elements with a pitch of 600 to 900 mm. The blanks are cut using a grinder and connected welding machine. Vertical posts can be placed at some of the attachment points of the lifting mechanism parts. The frame-frame is equipped with a handle-ring made of leatherette.

Formation of a wooden box, installation of a lift, upholstery

This stage of work includes the selection and purchase of a suitable ready-made lift for the product. It can be placed at the head of the bed; the function of the mechanism is to lift the mattress from the foot end. For single and one-and-a-half-bed models, the lift can be placed in the side panel.

Now we create a wooden box, which is a kind of container for the frame. Work is underway to cut the side walls and bottom of the model to the required dimensions; wood, chipboard, and a jigsaw are used. The ends are connected using corners using self-tapping screws, or a tenon connection is made using PVA glue, and the diagonals must be checked. The box is ready. The frame is placed in it. Now the lifting mechanism is installed, its function is checked, and adjusted if necessary.

Finishing the outer surface of the side walls of the model is the final step in the manufacturing process. Upholstery fabric, leather, leatherette are used. Upholstery is done using a furniture stapler. Laying foam rubber between the wood and the upholstery material creates airiness and the necessary volume. Finally, an orthopedic mattress should be placed on the bed.

A unique bed, equipped with a block lifting device, promotes good rest, becomes a functional piece of furniture, and participates in the formation of an individual interior style.

How to make a large double bed with your own hands. In continuing the improvement of the apartment, it was necessary to solve the problem of expanding the living space of the bedroom with an area of ​​11 m2. In addition to the small area, the room had another drawback - the width was only 2 meters 45 cm. A double bed installed in the center of the room and two wardrobes along the walls significantly reduced the living space, and the small width of the room made it difficult to get to balcony door when walking around the bed. Several rearrangements of furniture did not lead to an improvement in the situation in the room - another solution was required. Hiking around furniture stores and furniture manufacturing salons were offered alternatives. It was decided to install a built-in lift-up bed. But there were problems here too, it was not possible to find ready-made solutions a double lift-up bed with a mattress size of 160 cm by 200 cm, and the furniture manufacturing solutions offered in the workshops did not suit me with the width of the bed when raised and the height of the bed when lowered. All the bed designs considered were based on chipboards, and this did not satisfy me, both for environmental reasons and for the reliability of long-term operation. And to top it all off, the cost of the furniture, in my opinion, was simply off the charts. This was determined by simply calculating the cost of component materials. For some designs, the retail cost of materials was more than an order of magnitude lower than the cost of the bed. Of course, I immediately had the desire to make the bed myself and with my own hands. The Internet has helped in solving this issue.

How to make a large lift-up bed with your own hands

The work began with the search for the most important component of the lifting bed - the hinges. Were considered various options lifting mechanisms with spring hinges, pneumatic cylinders, counterweights and mechanical with electric drive. The choice fell on the use of the most proven and feasible method of manufacturing a lifting bed using lifting mechanics based on spring hinges. The question “how to do it?” I decided to make the bed with my own hands with the selected hinge option. The most powerful hinges that could be found were chosen; the manufacturer guaranteed a lifting weight of the bed of 200 kg. Hinge brand 108/4 , are made in Italy. The hinges were ordered online. A month later, the transport company delivered a parcel weighing about 25 kg with two loops and retractable legs for the bed.

Receipt of the cargo became the starting point for the start of work. The next day the old bed was dismantled, the old mattress was thrown out and a new one with dimensions of 2000x1600x200 mm was immediately purchased. The place for furniture creativity was ready. Maybe this is the wrong approach, but at that time I didn’t have a clear decision on how to make a bed. Initially I was going to go with the classic option - making a wall structure where the bed was put away. But the desire to make the entire bed from wood, and not from chipboards, greatly increased the cost of materials. This is where the idea came to use two closets in the room as a wall structure - a niche for the future bed. But first it was necessary to make the bed itself. Geometric calculations and glued boards offered in the nearest store led to the following design of the lifting part of the bed: side walls made of thick laminated boards with a cross-section of 250×40 mm, end walls made of 25 mm laminated boards, crossbars made of bars with a cross-section of 45×45 mm. Don’t be lazy, choose cross members without knots and defects; the fibers should be even along the entire length of the bar! I admit that, having no experience, I was tormented by doubts as to whether the bottom structure would withstand future loads, and periodically imagined how the bed under me would break;). The work was carried out in the evenings and on weekends right in the room. So, the sequence of making a homemade lift-up built-in bed. Unfortunately, a photo chronicle of the making of a homemade bed was made, but as happens, it was not preserved with a few exceptions. The bed assembly scheme was born in the process of building a homemade lifting bed.

Instructions for making a homemade lift-up bed

1. The sketch of the lifting part of the bed consisted of a box of four boards and four cross members to form the bottom for the orthopedic frame.

2. It was decided to connect the frame boards in THORN on glue (hereinafter, PVA glue was used to glue the wood, 1 liter was enough for everything). To apply the contours of the spikes, a stencil is cut out of cardboard before sawing. Carefully apply the contour for cutting, incorrect markings after cutting will ruin the board, there is no reserve in length! Remember the rule - in each connection of boards, the tenon of one board must correspond to the groove between the tenons of the other board. The boards were originally 30-50mm larger than the external size of the box; this excess is cut off after gluing the joint.


3. The spikes were selected with a jigsaw and trimmed if necessary construction knife and a chisel.

4. After selecting the tenons on a flat surface (for me it was the covered floor of the room), the bed frame is assembled, you need to check the internal dimensions and lengths of the diagonals - the diagonals must be equal! (±5-10mm). If necessary, the workpieces are adjusted to ensure equal diagonals.

5. Mark the installation locations of the crossbars. The grooves are selected using manual milling machine, sampling depth 30mm. There is no worse way to do this carefully with a chisel.

6. After selecting the grooves, the workpieces were polished and coated with colorless varnish on water based. A total of 3 layers were applied. After the varnish had completely dried, work continued.

7. We adjust the dimensions of the crossbars taking into account the depth and shape of the grooves made. We don’t throw away the trimmings, they will still be needed.

8. Connect the crossbars and tenon joints frame with glue. We need to prepare for this operation. Best connection happens when connected with force. The force is created using twisted rope loops wooden block. Be careful and careful!!! It is imperative to make linings to prevent damage to the boards by ropes. The loop must be twisted until significant forces arise when twisting.

It is very important to set all the angles and constantly monitor the length of the diagonals. The diagonals must be equal. The glue must be dried thoroughly and securely. It is better to leave the frame alone for a few days.

9. After making the frame, the room was rearranged; one of the cabinets was specially moved to form the second wall of the bed niche. The distance between the cabinets should be equal to the external width of the bed and the thickness of the mounted hinges.

10. Naturally, I did not attach the hinges to a simply standing cabinet. Cabinets need to be strengthened and secured. Firstly, all the removable shelves at the bottom of the cabinets were firmly screwed to the walls using furniture screws, and all existing threaded connections were tightened. Each cabinet is screwed to the wall at at least three points using corners. As a result, the cabinets stood rooted to the spot :).

11. Since there was no clarity on the method of assembling the bed, I decided to install the hinges and check the mechanism. The position of the hinges determines the height of the lowered bed and the distance from the wall of the raised bed. When choosing the position of the hinges, it is necessary to take into account the movement of the headboard along the radius of the axis of rotation. In my version, when lowering the bed, the board passes 3cm from the wall. The coordinates of the rotation axis are shown in the sketch.

12. The loop is a structure in the form of a frame installed on a support and the actual loop installed on the bed. The frames were attached to the cabinets with self-tapping screws. They must be installed symmetrically and at the same level.

13. The hinges were fastened using furniture bolts through a large washer. The hinges have holes with appropriate threads. Holes were marked and drilled in the frame boards at the installation site. Through the holes the loops were attached to the bed. I want to say right away that if you follow my path, then you need to remove at least four springs from the hinge so that you can easily lower the bed frame for work and put a small load to avoid spontaneous lifting.

14. After screwing the hinges, I installed the frame vertically. The design of the box was still light and I easily inserted the hinges into the frames and secured them with standard staples. With fewer springs, the frame was easily lowered and remained down with a small weight, and when raised it also had to be held. The room immediately felt freer. Further all work was carried out on a fixed bed.

15. The next step was to strengthen the bottom of the bed. The crossbars made of bars looked flimsy and it was hard to believe that they would support the weight. But there was nowhere to retreat - construction continued. It was decided to make the bottom from 6mm plywood.

16. Bars with a cross section of 45x45mm were glued to the side walls of the frame along the perimeter. The glued bars and crossbars must be in the same plane. Clamps were used to create pressure. To avoid damaging the boards, it is necessary to place spacers. With only 5 clamps, the bars were glued in three stages. The bars were not glued only to the side walls of the top of the bed, where the legs were attached. Further work were carried out 7 days after gluing the last block.

17. For the legs, 2 holes were selected in the upper end board of the bed frame square shape. Initially, I was tormented by doubts that the mounting holes for the legs were not enough, but subsequent operating experience showed the reliability of the fastening.

18. The bottom is made from purchased 6 mm plywood. It was not possible to make the bottom from one piece of plywood, since standard width sheet of plywood 1500mm, two sheets of plywood measuring 1500x1500mm were purchased from the store.

19. Sheets of plywood are cut so that the seams fall on less loaded bars. After cutting out all the pieces of plywood, I began work on attaching them to the bars. The plywood was supposed to be attached with glue, and to create pressure at the gluing points, drill into the plywood through holes 3mm in diameter for pressing sheets with self-tapping screws. Plywood laid out on internal frame and future holes are planned, to reduce nicks in the gluing area it is better to start drilling from reverse side sheets of plywood. At the place where the legs are attached, grooves are left in the pieces of plywood for access to the fastening of the legs.

20. The installation sites of the sheets are generously lubricated with glue and the plywood sheets are pressed using self-tapping screws. The bed is raised and again left alone for several days. Then all the screws are removed, and the remaining holes are filled with PVA glue in several stages until the glue dries completely. I left some of the screws in place.

21. With the installation of plywood, the bed became heavier and it was necessary to adjust the tension of the springs to make it easier to lift; it no longer rose spontaneously. During the drying process, the leaks in the gluing of the plywood with the bars are additionally covered with glue. This must be done to prevent possible squeaks In the bed.

22. At this stage, you can remove the bed from its hinges and install three more springs. Further, the bed will become heavier and installing the springs will require more effort.

23. Tests of the plywood-covered bottom showed (three adults stood in the center of the bed) that the bed was durable. After testing, the bottom of the bed was additionally sanded and coated with water-based varnish in three layers.

24. After the varnish has dried, the mattress is installed in the bed. The mattress, when unfolded, turned out to be somewhat larger in size and therefore fit tightly into the internal volume of the bed frame and its additional fastening, as in the site, was not required.

25. The next practical tests of the bed were carried out, based on the results of the presence of a large free space between the mattress and the wall in the raised state, I decided to place pillows and a blanket in the bed. To do this, four Velcro straps from the mattress packaging are installed. The ends of the belts were attached to the bottom of the bed with self-tapping screws - bugs. When the bed was raised, the blanket and pillows were pressed against the mattress with straps.

26. The finishing continued with the installation of cladding on the outer part of the bottom from fiberboard sheets - sheets from the bottom of the old bed were used. The sheets were attached with glue and pressed with postal nails. All sheets are placed in the same plane. After gluing the fiberboard, the bed was already raised with considerable effort and the tension of the springs was adjusted with the appropriate screw on each hinge to easily lift the bed.
27. To strictly fix the bed in a vertical position, limiters for the movement of the bed when lifting are installed. The limiters are installed on a horizontal board between the cabinets, which also serves as dust protection for the raised bed. The limiter is made of a piece of board; a sponge rubber shock absorber is installed at the point of contact with the bed. It is better to secure a piece of board with glue and screws. The glue fastening did not hold up and was reinforced with self-tapping screws.

Have a comfortable and beautiful bed everyone dreams, but for small-sized housing it is difficult to choose a model that would simultaneously meet all these requirements. Here it is important to rationally use the limited area of ​​the room, so you should pay attention to the option with a lifting mechanism. Self-assembly of a bed with a lifting mechanism according to the instructions in the video is a completely accessible process.

Having a comfortable bed allows a person to get enough sleep and regain strength before a new day. If the bedroom is no different large sizes, don't be upset. It is enough to choose a bed with a lifting mechanism, which is characterized by compact dimensions, high comfort and original design. Moreover, the cost of such furniture can vary, so you can choose an option to suit any budget. And to save even more, it’s worth analyzing how professionals assemble such structures and do the same.

The assembly diagram of a bed with a lifting mechanism is quite simple, but first you should know the main advantages of such furniture. Products of this type provide a person with comfort during rest and sleep, but do not take up much space. free space in the room. The lifting mechanism is attached to a spacious box, inside of which you can store bed linen and bedspreads. Thus, with a small area, you can solve the problem of storing bedding. For these reasons, beds with a lifting mechanism are so popular among owners of small city apartments.

For self-assembly For such a design you will need the following tools and materials:

  • hardware;
  • set of screwdrivers, ring wrench, screwdriver;
  • wrench;
  • yardstick;
  • building level;
  • hammer;
  • a sheet of paper, a simple pencil.

Thus, the work will not require expensive equipment or rare tools, which greatly facilitates the preparatory stage.

Assembly steps

The entire assembly process consists of several important steps:

  • installation of the box and base;
  • fastening legs if necessary;
  • installation of corner ties;
  • installation of a lifting mechanism;
  • installation of a traverse;
  • installation of frame and mattress holders.

The instructions for assembling a bed with a lifting mechanism indicate all the work processes. At the first stage you will need:

  • remove all elements of the future structure from the packaging film and inspect them for defects. If one of the elements is defective, it will need to be replaced. A frame with cracks is unlikely to be reliable and safe for sleeping;
  • lay out the drawers according to their intended purpose on the floor with the side with the holes facing up;
  • connect the drawers to each other using fasteners, and then hang the head of the bed on the box you assembled with your own hands;
  • To fix individual structural elements into a single whole, you will need to use a screwdriver and screws.

Note that some models may use longitudinal strength elements. For example, solid longitudinal ties, as well as corners or brackets that are fixed to the frame with screws. It is important to take this into account during the work process.

Housing assembly

For ease of assembly, the Selena bed frame is made of semi-assembled blocks:
1 - Front part, 2 - Headboard, 3 - Left strip, 4 - Right strip, 5 - Crossbar, 6 - Longitudinal strip.

Installation of legs

The supports of the structure are fixed to the frame using special platforms located on the longitudinal elements themselves, or screwed separately onto the frames. Then shelves and corners are attached in the upper part of the drawers. Some bed models do not have free-standing supports, instead a solid side frame is used.

Experts insist that you should not tighten the screws right away, because in the future you will need to align the drawers, shelves, and corners in a perpendicular plane. The lifting mechanism is secured at the next stage of work.

Installation of corner ties

This process is performed after attaching the supports to the bed and is necessary to make the structure more reliable and stable. Each corner tie consists of 5 parts:

  • the screed itself;
  • 2 footers;
  • 2 countersunk bolts.

To work, you will need to use a 10 mm drill, screwdriver, hexagon or hammer. If it is necessary to disassemble the structure, the presence of a tie will allow you to easily disconnect the parts from one another.

Corner screed

Mounting the lifting mechanism

The next stage of work is to install and secure the lifting mechanism to the bed. It is extremely important not to make a mistake when placing it and determining the sides, because otherwise the smooth operation of the mechanism will be disrupted. To do this you will need:

  • fix the bed frame on the lifting mechanism. Use screws for these purposes. Before tightening the fastenings completely, be sure to even out the gaps between the frame and the base;
  • Clarify the required level of force to control the model. Installation of the unit into the lifting mechanism should be done by hand with the cylinder facing upwards, using nuts with a locking ring and fluoroplastic washers;
  • tighten the nuts until they stop, and then loosen the fastening slightly, leaving minimal play. The operation of the lifting mechanism should be checked several times.

Mounting the lifting mechanism

Installation of frame and mattress holders

It is worth installing comfortable-to-use handles on the bed frame for trouble-free control of the structure, as well as a mattress limiter. All work must be completed by installing the bottom of the bed and putting the cover on its perimeter.

If the base consists of lamellas (from 15 to 25 pieces depending on the model), they will need to be hammered into special holders with a hammer. Each lamella is fixed on both sides, so the process may take some time. Now you know how to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism, so this task will not be difficult.

Installation of slats

Possible difficulties

Of course, professionals with extensive experience in assembling various types of furniture can easily handle assembling beds with a lifting mechanism. But beginners in this business may encounter some difficulties, which can be found in the table.

Possible difficulties Solution
Need for drilling holes Holes for fasteners will need to be made in different parts designs. It is especially important to properly organize them in the headboard for its secure fixation on the frame. A screwdriver is required to create the holes, and the headboard is secured with screws.
Assembly and installation of gas lift The installation process itself is quite complex, so the work must be done without haste, carefully, and consistently. It is important to maintain symmetry in work and adhere to safety measures.
Mistakes in marking the bed frame An error at this stage will negate all efforts, so it is worth reading the assembly instructions from the manufacturer of this model in advance. You can also ask the opinion of experienced furniture makers.

Remember a few more important points.