How to get rid of white house mushroom. House mushroom and wood mushroom in the house, what to do? How to prevent fungus

Kira Stoletova

The house mushroom is a typical wood destroyer. It causes great damage to buildings made of wood. Activated under conditions high humidity. When it appears, it requires immediate intervention.

Botanical characteristics

The fruiting body of a real house mushroom is lamellar, plate-shaped, and wide. It can grow up to a meter in diameter. It has a fleshy, leathery texture. Initially the color is white, then in places it becomes red-yellow, and subsequently brown with a rusty tint. The surface is covered with worm-like folds on which spores are located, or looks like a mottled sponge. Like other fungi, it forms a rapidly growing mycelium in conditions that are not conducive to fruiting (formation of fruiting bodies).

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

The real house mushroom is one of the few species of mushrooms that have come to coexist exclusively near humans and in wildlife no longer occurs. The fungus spreads very quickly and it takes about a year, and in some cases up to six months, for a floor or beam to completely rot. Fruiting fleshy-membranous bodies usually appear on the lower surface of rotten wood. Their presence indoors and clearly visible to humans is a sign widespread and severe damage to wooden structures.

Basidiospores form on the surface of the fungus in huge quantities and can sometimes be visible on the floor or in the corners of the room as brown dust. A fungal surface area equal to 1 cm2 can release up to 35 million spores per day. This process (sporulation) occurs most actively in spring and the first half of summer.

In addition to the real house mushroom, the white house mushroom can also cause serious damage, which, unlike the real house mushroom, is able to live in the forest on stumps, trunks, as well as coniferous wood, most often pine. It is capable of causing violent destructive rot when settling in buildings.

The house mushroom is inedible.


The house mushroom prefers deciduous (usually oak) and coniferous trees.

The smell emanating from rotting fruiting bodies and spreading fungal spores are the cause of a number of allergic reactions, respiratory diseases and asthma attacks.

Causes of appearance and symptoms

The house mushroom develops abundant mycelium under a combination of conditions favorable for fruiting, including:

  • high humidity, from 80% and above;
  • warm air from +18…+23°С;
  • stale, stagnant air;
  • lack of necessary lighting.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Experts identify the following groups of causes of infection:

  • Improper construction of buildings when:
  1. The insulation of wooden structures from the foundation is not well done.
  2. Condensation moisture accumulates near water pipes.
  3. Melt or rainwater gets into the basement or under the walls.
  • Negligence in the operation of houses:
  1. Untimely roof repairs.
  2. Faulty ventilation in damp areas.
  3. Plumbing leaks, etc.

All this inevitably leads to a constant accumulation of dampness and the creation of favorable conditions for the development of house fungus.

More often, the environment for mass appearance is dark and stuffy basements and cellars, places near beams, and the lower surface of floorboards in contact with the soil layer.

Infection of healthy wood with fungus also occurs upon contact during construction work with working tools or work clothes that already have fungal spores on them.

Another way of transmitting the fungus is storage old wood near newly built structures.


Initially, the appearance of a dangerous fungus is indicated by small whitish dots, which after some time merge into large mucous spots or “woolen” deposits. With further development, a plexus of a cobweb-like appearance and silvery color is formed, which constantly grows, gradually covering the entire surface of the tree, thickens, acquires a gray color and silkiness.

Thread-like formations begin to emerge from the edges of the mushroom fruiting body and move along the wood. This happens even through cracks and holes in seemingly impenetrable stone walls: they are constantly looking for food. Wood turns brown as it deteriorates, and over time turns into dried dust, brittle and brittle. Sometimes such branching of fungal hyphae leads to the collapse of the structure.

Wood infected with fungus is dull when tapped and breaks when pressed. It becomes hygroscopic, actively absorbing water. In this way (moving along the wood), water gets to the most remote parts of the house. Since the mushroom itself is characterized by the ability to transmit water, it can easily make the driest room damp and uninhabitable.

Control measures and prevention

Measures to combat the wood destroyer are applied immediately when symptoms of its appearance appear.


Effective means to help get rid of house fungus are fungicidal preparations. However, they are used with restrictions because they have a high toxic effect on humans and animals.

Among the commonly used methods are:

  • impregnation with a mixture of wood and coal tar - creosote;
  • treatment with carbolineum;
  • coating with tar and petroleum.

Mechanical methods

The mechanical method helps to get rid of the fungus at different stages:

  • in case of shallow ingrowth of mushroom mycelium, only the top woody layer is cut off, the surviving residue is treated with an antiseptic;
  • In case of deep damage to wood, the only way to fight against house fungus is to remove the entire infected fragment, followed by treating the cut edges with antiseptic agents.


House mushroom Letunovo 10/15/2016

Mold and mildew in your home. Who to ask for help?

Infection and destruction of wood by fungal pests


The best way to combat house fungus is prevention:

  • Upon completion of construction work in buildings where fungus has been detected, working tools and protective clothing are treated with disinfectant solutions.
  • Old wood with traces of infection is not used for construction. It is isolated from fresh material and subsequently burned.
  • During the construction process, well-dried wood is used, treated with special antiseptic impregnations.
  • Floors in buildings are not laid close to the walls to ensure proper air flow under the floor. In this case, coarse sand or a brick mixture is used as an underground cushion, avoiding ash, coke, humus masses and other materials with an alkaline environment.
  • The newly built structure must be dry before painting with oil paints.


House mushroom is a harmful wood destroyer that can completely destroy wooden structures. When the first signs of damage to wood by this fungus appear, it is necessary to immediately take measures, which include mechanical, antiseptic and Chemical properties impact. Prevention allows you to effectively combat house fungus.

The house mushroom belongs to the tinder fungi; it develops exclusively in buildings and is not found in nature. First of all, it infects the wooden parts of basements and lower floors, which are most exposed to moisture and, at the same time, poorly ventilated. Temperature 18-23 C and humidity 90-95% contribute to the most intensive development of the fungus.

This insidious destroyer spreads especially easily in buildings made of soft wood(it has been noted that pine and oak wood is less susceptible to infection by house fungus).

Signs of the presence of fungus

Infection with house fungus can be easily identified by a musty smell in the room, wet, non-drying spots on the walls, and the appearance of white cotton wool-like accumulations of thin threads on the surface of the wood, which later becomes dark and soft. Yellow, pink, and lilac spots appear on the surface of the wood. Gradually they turn into gray films with a silvery tint. The wood darkens, cracks, crumbles.

The action of the fungus is very intense: if the house fungus is not destroyed in a timely manner, then in 6-8 months it can “eat through” the wood; six months is enough for the floor to completely rot. Subsequently, fleshy fruiting bodies form on the lower surface of the rotten wood.

Protection against fungal infection

Protection against wood infection by house fungus consists of creating conditions that would prevent its appearance and development. Basic preventive measures are first and foremost avoiding excessive humidity and dampness indoors at the same time as mandatory constant ventilation.

Also, to prevent the wood from becoming infected with house fungus, wooden structures should reliably isolated from the foundation, when building houses comply with all basic ventilation requirements premises.

Important preventive the measure is also coating the wood surface with a protective layer of resin or oil– It has long been known that resinous, oiled or salted wood is preserved better.

What to do if infection has already occurred

If the fungus has already appeared on the wood, then, in addition to special chemical antifungal drugs that are sold in every store, the following methods can also be used to combat it:

1. If possible, building materials affected by house fungus should be remove and burn immediately, replacing them with new ones so that they do not infect the remaining wood.

2. Try to warm up the affected parts of the wood (for example, with an electric reflector).

3. Prepare antifungal composition(mix 950 g of table salt with 50 g boric acid and dilute this mixture in 5 liters of boiling water) and then thoroughly lubricate the parts affected by the fungus with it (with a brush or sponge), so that the composition penetrates deeply into all the cracks and cracks.

4. Finally, as a last resort, it is recommended to use anthracene oil– it penetrates into the very depths of the wood, completely destroying the fungus.

Mold is a fungus that can spread on any surface and on stone, concrete, brick, wood and many other materials.

It is necessary to take measures to detect and destroy the fungus as early as possible.

House mushroom has many names, for example:

  • Home mushroom
  • House sponge
  • tree mushroom
  • Nozdrevik Destroyer

House mushroom likes to settle on a cut down, dead tree. Having appeared in the house, it destroys wooden floors and structures with lightning speed, which in turn can lead to the collapse of the structure. It is necessary to get rid of house fungus because tree mushroom,even in unfavorable conditions it can develop in a sterile form (i.e. without the mushrooms themselves), the mycelium begins to grow abundantly, which, just like in a full-fledged fruitful form with mushrooms, leads to destruction and rotting of the tree.

The house mushroom is a lover of basements and cellars!

Most often, house mushroom develops on inside floor boards, on beams that rest directly on moist soil. It can be extremely difficult to destroy house mushrooms in such places without special equipment. Such an assistant in eliminating fungus in the house is XILIX GEL and the Zhuk microwave installation.

Conditions for the development of house mushroom

  • Lack of light
  • Stuffy, stale, stagnant air
  • Humidity, dampness (especially in baths and saunas)

What does a house mushroom look like?

Small light and white dots that you may have noticed on the tree, but did not pay attention to it, eventually merge into plaque and slimy spots. Then a silvery plexus appears, similar to a web (this is a mycelium). The mycelium grows rapidly and occupies an increasingly large area under the floor on the surface of the tree. As a result, the mushroom becomes very thick, leafy and acquires shine and ash gray color.

The house mushroom is increasingly acquiring a brownish color with light spurs that cling to the slightest roughness and cracks, thereby moving from one part of the house to another.

The house mushroom prefers coniferous species, but deciduous species are not immune from it if all requirements are met. favorable conditions for his existence. Sturdy oak buildings, under the influence of a wood-destroying fungus, collapse like houses of cards.

Under the destructive influence of wood fungus, the tree turns brown and turns into dust. It becomes brittle and brittle. Painted floors oil paint They are most destroyed by the influence of house fungus, since the underside of such a floor is protected from light and from drying out.

White fungus in the basement and under the floor: what to do?

White fungus that can be found in the basement wooden house The same applies to house mushrooms. How to destroy woody White mushroom ok in a wooden house? The best option— call our specialists, they will help remove fungus from a wooden house.

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How to recognize that the floor is attacked by wood fungus?

The presence of a house mushroom can be easily determined by the black spots scattered on the upper surface. If the wood is painted with adhesive paint, then individual fluffy yellowish areas appear on the surface. Wood affected by house fungus easily cracks and breaks and makes a dull sound when tapped. The affected tree begins to absorb water heavily. The mycelium of the mushroom can transfer water to the most distant rooms, nourishing the mushroom.

In the process of their life activity, the spent bodies of the fungus, when rotting, emit a disgusting specific aroma that is very harmful to health. Often it is the nasty smell that becomes the reason why people call our specialists.

Microwave heating method is an effective means of combating

To destroy the existing house and tree fungus, many means have been and are being proposed; unfortunately, none of them can be considered radical. Until the mushroom covered the whole house, it makes sense to cut out the affected areas and replace them with new ones.

All materials around the affected area are heated in the microwave to a temperature of 60 to 70 degrees to kill the remnants of the mycelium and are impregnated with antiseptic and fungicidal solutions. Preventive disinfection of the premises against house fungus spores takes place.

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Absorption of Xilix gel into wood. XILIX GEL

Professional destruction of house fungus

Our specialists will carry out professional treatment against house fungus. In order to remove house fungus and prevent its reappearance and destruction of wood, you need to approach the problem comprehensively:

Stages of treatment against house fungus

  • Mechanical cleaning. Specialists remove the visible layer of the body of the fungus and mycelium. I sand and rub the surface.
  • Impregnation deep and surface. The mycelium of the fungus in the wood structure and on the surface is destroyed
  • Disinfection of premises from fungal spores. To prevent re-sprouting
  • Microwave drying of walls. Microwave heating to eliminate high humidity and completely destroy fungus in the house.
  • Treatment with Xilix gel. treatment of low basement from house mushroom with a brush using XILIX technology

    The main reasons for the appearance of house fungus in the house

    • Poor ventilation- one of the common causes of mold fungus in the room. Bathrooms and kitchens especially suffer because of this, where the default humidity is high. Sealed plastic windows, infrequent ventilation, clogged or bricked-up ventilation systems are excellent opportunities for the spread of fungus.
    • Current water supply and pipes. Regular leaks under the bathtub or in the walls must be repaired immediately upon detection. Otherwise, after some time, fungus will creep along the walls.
    • Freezing of walls. Decoration Materials do not adhere securely to walls. They freeze and swell. Black mold often forms under the plaster. Mostly black spots form in the corners.
    • Roof leaks. In clear, dry weather this will not cause you problems. But with the first serious rain, streaks will appear. Water will moisten the building materials and give fungal spores an excellent platform for germination. And in winter period The icing will melt during the first thaw, and the frozen water will remain in the plaster.
    • Ground dampness. In such situations, mold and mildew appear at the joints of walls and baseboards.
    • Insufficient or no heating. A freezing room becomes covered with mold over time.

    How much does it cost to get rid of house fungus? Prices

    Room areaImpregnationMechanical strippingDisinfection from sporesMicrowave drying of wallsComplex (3 year warranty)
    1-2 sq.m.from 1000 rub.from 1000 rub.from 500 rub.from 2000 rub.from 3500 rub.
    3-5 sq.m.from 800 rub.from 850 rub.from 350 rub.from 2000 rub.from 3000 rub.
    5-10 sq.m.from 650 rub.from 700 rub.from 200 rub.from 1800 rub.from 2800 rub.
    10-20 sq.m.from 500 rub.from 600 rub.from 100 rub.from 1500 rub.from 2500 rub.
    20-50 sq.m.from 400 rub.from 500 rub.For a present*from 1500 rub.from 2500 rub.
    50-100 sq.m.from 300 rub.from 500 rub.For a presentfrom 1500 rub.from 2000 rub.
    More than 100 sq.m.negotiable
    LINEAR METER (along the baseboard, along the seams, along the joints of the walls)1000 rub.

There is such a terrible misfortune - the house mushroom (Latin name: Serpula lacrymans). It is also called “wood sponge” or white house mushroom. Popular rumor credits him with the ability to devour a house in a matter of weeks. And for good reason. Once in my life, many years ago, I observed this miracle of nature in my own village house. The mushroom was multiplying. The spectacle is unforgettable!

On a deep and clear July night, in just a few minutes, the wallpaper on the ceiling swelled and burst. In the resulting cavity, boiling and moving, something reminiscent of the yellow-pink hostile flesh of a monstrous monster from a horror movie appeared. Having increased to the size of a football, the uninvited guest began to fall to the floor with a heavy thump and in a few hours heavily filled the placed two-bucket basin. By morning, the “eruption of protoplasm” stopped and everything that was alive and heavy at night, collecting in the basin and on the ceiling, dried up and became weightless. I touched the remains of the night “alien” with a poker and jumped back: myriads of tiny spores - that’s what it consisted of now. From any touch, the dried mass rose into the air without a trace and swirled in an orange suffocating cloud with the smell of sour mold... A section of the ceiling contaminated with spores of white house fungus - meter by meter had to be removed with a chainsaw and replaced with fresh boards.

But you may not. People learned to soak wood with special salts a long time ago. Most often, pesticides based on arsenic, antimony, lead were used for these purposes... Now there are high-quality impregnations that are completely non-toxic to humans. These substances penetrate deeply into the tree, protecting not only from the house mushroom, but also from less exotic but ubiquitous molds, wood blue stains, wood-boring insects and their larvae, from fire, water and solar ultraviolet radiation. Special impregnations can not only protect new house, but also to “cure” the old one, rid your dear home of mold, mildew and bugs, and remove the characteristic smell of an old house. Impregnations will be useful not only in the estate and in the country, but also when renovating a city apartment with wooden floors, for the restoration of antique furniture.

In the photo - an excellent impregnation for combating the white house fungus Prosept. At a certain stage, it can significantly restrain and suppress the development of white house fungus. Impregnation Prosept 50 has a broad and powerful means of inhibiting the development and destruction of white house fungus. Buying it is not at all difficult. The condition for successfully purchasing a product to combat this type of fungus is to contact us.

Impregnations for wood vary in purpose: from decorative to deep penetration protective compounds. Retail network consultant building materials“Ideas for the Home” will help you choose the impregnations necessary for a specific task and explain the procedure for their use.

The general scheme is as follows: Prosept deep penetration impregnation opens the pores of wood and fills microchannels, it does not wash out and lasts for years. Next is cosmetics.

Expert experience

What is the best and most effective way to destroy white house mushroom?

Hello! IN residential buildings White house mushrooms began to appear more and more often on wooden surfaces. It is especially dangerous for wooden houses, because the tree affected by it will soon collapse. Many don’t even pay attention to its appearance or don’t know how to deal with it. Therefore, I decided to talk a little about the dangers that this mushroom brings and advise how you can get rid of it based on my own experience .

Consequences of the appearance of white house mushroom

Porcini mushroom is a mold that consists of single-celled fungi. They are always in the air and only under favorable conditions for their life activity do they begin to develop and reproduce. They like dark, damp and warm places. Mostly appear in bathrooms or basements, in other rooms it is not easy to achieve their development necessary conditions. But if there are not ventilation systems, windows and thus the rooms are not ventilated, then a high percentage of humidity will not be difficult to achieve. The fungus can be detected in the initial stages of its appearance. To begin with, the porcini mushroom will be a small cluster of cotton wool-like white thin threads. Then they turn into ash-gray films.

The fungus grows very quickly, and wood affected by it can be completely destroyed within six months. It cracks, loses its strength and becomes darker.

Also, people's health can suffer from house fungus. It can cause asthma, conjunctivitis, laryngitis, allergies and other respiratory diseases. Therefore, when it is detected, it is necessary to immediately begin to eliminate it.

How to destroy white house mushroom

Dealing with house fungus is not easy. In the initial stages of its appearance, antiseptic agents can be used.

The most effective of them are Neomid 430 Eco and Neomid 400. The first antiseptic is recommended for use on external wooden surfaces, the second - for internal ones. They will cope with already developing white fungus and prevent its return for many years.

If the wooden material has changed its color under the influence of mold, then it is recommended to use Neomid 500 bleach. It will return it to its original color. appearance wood without making changes to its structure. It will also provide the processed material with additional bioprotection.

If the wooden material is severely affected by white house fungus, then the most effective way is to remove and burn it. At the same time, infected wood must be removed from the room carefully so that as few spores as possible are scattered around the room, and even slight contact with healthy wood must be avoided.

We must not forget about preventive measures. It is necessary to constantly ventilate the premises and periodically treat wooden materials protective compounds. After all, white house fungus appears not only in old houses, it can also appear in a completely new, newly renovated building.

Photo: best compositions for wood pest control.

Semyon Shifner, 48 years old (Tomsk).

Various fungi and molds have accompanied humanity throughout its history. Mold appeared on the planet much earlier than people. It was only relatively recently that fungi began to be treated as a big problem. Many people are accustomed to the characteristic smell and do not pay attention to it. For some reason, rooms with black fungi do not shock people, but the greenery of the basement at the dacha or personal plot It doesn’t hurt to store food supplies there.

Mold can appear due to insufficient floor ventilation.

However, then people wonder why they suddenly developed allergies, found it difficult to breathe, or why a perfectly built house suddenly began to rot. Of course, everything can be attributed to poor quality materials or something else, without paying attention to the main reason. When fungal spores enter the house, they can begin to actively reproduce in a humid environment that is comfortable for them. It is impossible to remove fungus with regular cleaning. However, it can be completely destroyed using special means, preventing its reoccurrence. Before destroying the fungus, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its appearance in order to prevent this from happening in the future.

Why does fungus appear in the house?

The appearance of fungus may be due to improper condensation and the appearance of condensation on the floor.

In order to permanently destroy the fungus, you must first find out the reasons for its appearance in the house. Microscopic spores are present everywhere, and once they get into favorable environment as they begin to grow. The most common causes of fungus are lack of ventilation and high humidity. Mold is the simplest fungus, which, in turn, loves rooms with poor ventilation and high humidity. Damp apartments on the ground floor, at home, growing a variety of tropical indoor plants in a small room, unreasonable use of humidifiers - all this can lead to the appearance and spread of fungus.

Among modern finishing and building materials there are almost none that are not susceptible to the influence of fungus. It very often appears in toilets, bathrooms, and air conditioner filters. It can also be found in the refrigerator or washing machine, on wallpaper, books, under the floor.