Partner Jupiter in my 1st house. Famous couples. Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel

If in some social meeting you are tormented by the question: why is that fellow showing off so disgustingly, and no one will stop him, and even does not seem to notice how obnoxious he is, do not be upset: inadvertently find out his date of birth and inquire using the ephemeris, not whether the subject's natal sun, Mars or Jupiter happens to fall into your 1st house. If they do, you can be sure that your irritation is purely personal: you are simply jealous.

In a favorable scenario, the inclusion of your partner’s planet, which falls into your first house, attracts your admiring attention to him: how extraordinary he (she) seems to you. The nature of admiration is determined by the planet: Venus evokes a feeling of beauty, elegance, secularity, tactfulness, Mars - energy, the Sun - power, Jupiter - nobility, Saturn - responsibility, the Moon - gentleness, caring, kindness, Uranus - an interesting, non-standard, unpredictable person.

This impression is shallow, but, generally speaking, long-lasting: at least, changing in shades and even polarity (male Mars in the first house of a female chart can give its owner two extreme points of the gamut of relationships with a partner: “God, how I love you!” and “Lord, how I hate you!”, without intermediate options), my attitude towards my partner’s planets that fall into my 1st house will always be interested. I perceive my partner to a large extent through these planets, and sometimes it is very difficult for him to come to terms with this, since the planets that are important to him may be completely different.

Consider, for example, a synastry in which my partner's weak Saturn is in my first house. If my partner is a cheerful, lively, frivolous person, then in these states of his I will perceive him somewhat detached, but in rare moments of despondency, depression, severe failures and illnesses, and especially when he suddenly decides to finally become a serious, purposeful person and, as they say, , come to my senses - at these moments I suddenly feel a great personal responsibility for him and react, depending on the sign in which Saturn is located, passionately (Aries), practical (Taurus), emotionally (Pisces), etc. But all the circumstances of his life, where he is not, from my point of view, serious enough, responsible and disciplined, do not cause a pronounced personal reaction in me, to which my friend can sometimes be very offended, but neither he nor I can do anything about it. A more careful analysis of our relationship will show that in fact he is not particularly fond of my purely personal appearances (except for caring during his illnesses, etc.) - they activate his Saturn, forcing him to temporarily lose his frivolity, take life seriously and etc. Therefore, he greatly slows down all my attempts at sincerely personal behavior (on any occasion), for example, by moving the conversation to another topic or cooling me off with pure Saturn coldness: “Well, why are you so excited... you don’t need to take everything so close to yourself.. .be wiser.” Unfortunately, within the framework of the described synastric aspect, he has a much greater chance of becoming wiser; Using this material, I can deeply explore the topic of personal humility (unlearn how to be offended by other people’s coldness), and on high level- learn in difficult conditions and using small expressive means to convey subtle and deep personal experiences - an art necessary for a true actor.

If the husband’s Moon falls into the wife’s 1st house (this is, generally speaking, a natural synastric aspect for marriage), the wife will be keenly aware of the needs of his physical body, which will, of course, be convenient for the husband, but not always pleasant, since, for example, his mental the body, that is, the way of thinking, perceived by the wife through the prism of the physical, can lose a lot of its beauty and greatness (a typical situation: the husband expresses to his wife his opinions about international politics or acquaintances, and she, looking at him with devoted eyes, thinks about what is it better to feed him in the evening, or does he have enough shirts in his wardrobe). However, this aspect means precisely the wife’s external, superficial interest in how well-groomed her husband is: for example, if he comes home and announces that he is hungry, this serves as a strong incentive for her to act, but if he says that he does not want to eat, it sounds as a clear signal, even if it was not true.

Much deeper care for the husband is given by the position of his Moon in the fourth house of his wife or the conjunction of his Sun with her Moon. Likewise, the husband’s Venus in the wife’s 1st house gives her, unless her 1st house is strongly affected, a vision of him as handsome, elegant, gentle - but also a constant dependence on his Venusian manifestations - small gifts, signs of attention, declarations of love. If their flow ends for some time, she takes it very personally and is offended, as if saying with all her appearance: “You were sent to decorate my life - so why are you maliciously ignoring your main responsibilities?” However, the guilt in this case can easily be smoothed over with a gentle look or a beautiful bouquet.

Partner planets in my first house

Synastry Sun of (partner) in (my) first house

Aspect of spiritual teaching. The will of the partner acts on me directly; in other words, this person tells me: “You should be like this and like that,” and I inevitably obey, at least superficially. But this obedience is illusory if I myself, from within, do not meet the changes that are happening to me at the will of my partner. In principle, I will perceive such a partner very personally and, with the affected first house, often painfully, and the harmonious aspects of his Sun will rather aggravate than alleviate my reactions. My reactions can be very misleading to my partner, because, apparently submitting to his will, in matters that are serious for me, I resist her very well, although I do not advertise this; It can be very difficult for him to resist my sincere impulses, which quickly “turn him on”, literally forcing him to take various initiatives. At a high level of elaboration of pair relationships, this is a very creative aspect for him, and even one of mine appearance may inspire him. If a relationship goes poorly, my partner begins to seem to me like a cruel and unforgiving tyrant, whose main goal is to humiliate my human dignity and destroy me as an independent person. I act for him in the guise of a daring and disobedient slave, who has power over him that is not entirely clear, but whom he, nevertheless, must train, break his pride and bring to an acceptable form (which one, the synastric aspects of the Sun as a whole will show - they symbolize a person’s direct duty to his partner).

Synastric Moon in the first house

Aspect gives me a partner with whom it is interesting to talk, but sometimes his texts seem too personal to me, and I want to tell him: “Easy on the turns, buddy.” If his Mercury is in, say, the ninth house of his natal chart, the following kind of misunderstanding can regularly arise between us. My presence and any personal manifestations activate his mind, and he begins to reason in the style of the ninth house, that is, in general, abstracting himself, going on long journeys and quoting ancient authors, and perceiving me as a learned audience - while all his reasoning seems to me aimed at me personally, and are often perceived as very offensive, at least when my first house is affected, which is very difficult for a partner, especially with harmonious Mercury and his own first house, to understand. “Yes, I didn’t mean you personally at all, I was talking in general.” But it is precisely this “in general” that I do not perceive, or rather, it is perceived as specifically for me - and karmically this is exactly how it is, and when working through my first house and relationships in general, I will gradually understand that the words of my partner are addressed by the egregor to me personally much more often than he thinks. In general, this person’s thinking and reasoning make a strong impression on me, they can directly suppress me, but if it seems to him that he is able to convince me of anything, he is mistaken: my silence in this case does not mean agreement at all, but symbolizes the difficulties of counter-argumentation (if , of course, my Mercury, Sun or Mars are not in synastric conjunction with his Mercury).

Synastry Venus in the first house

The aspect makes a partner's smiles and charm almost irresistible to me; If someone needs to come to an agreement with me, it is difficult for him to find a better mediator. However, my first reaction gives way to a second, deeper one - and at the same time it can change dramatically. In any case, it is difficult for me to directly contradict my partner, so if my first house does not have, say, Mars in Aries, I may be tempted to superficially agree, since my partner apparently promises me love, joy, happiness and understanding, and, of course, I really don’t want to lose all this. Venus of a partner in my first house, if he is not strongly affected, smoothes and softens my perception of him as a whole, and I can almost not notice outright aggression, hostility, even betrayal, or I can easily forgive them after a minimal apology on his part... and, of course, all this is fraught with a potential explosion, especially with a tense synastry in general, if difficulties in relationships are not chronically worked through. Nevertheless, this aspect brightens the life of my partner to a much greater extent than it does for me: in my presence, he sees the beauty of the world better, and through me, opportunities for socialization open up for him, although apparently our situation often looks the opposite. If we talk about love, then in general the aspect in question can give me a slight superficial infatuation with a partner, while he risks falling in love seriously and then will revel in my every gesture or other personal manifestation - but, of course, for such a strong connection additional instructions are needed in synastry.

Synastric Mars in the first house

The aspect expands and enhances my perception of my partner, and unless he is my implacable enemy, my attitude towards his activity will most likely be ambivalent. Generally speaking, it can easily turn me on, aggravate personal problems and cause acute personal reactions, and here the interpretation largely depends on the aspects and level of elaboration of my first house. If female Mars falls in the first house male horoscope, a man can react ridiculously sharply to any female activity, perceiving it as a humiliation of his personality. However, here a lot depends on how seriously he takes himself and what the planetary accentuation is that corresponds to his male identification. If this is a man of the feminine type with lunar male identification, that is, he feels a connection with his gender in moments of female self-care, then such a synastry may not threaten his personal dignity at all (position: “I am a man for those women who themselves appreciate me.” and are surrounded by comprehensive, devoted care, and the rest are bad feminists who belong in a neurological clinic."

On the contrary, for a man of the masculine type, with a Martian or solar masculine identification, determined to fight or win over a woman, the synastry in question can be very dangerous, especially if he has a personal inferiority complex, since in battles with a partner he runs the great risk of aggravating it; but working through the aspect gives him the opportunity to increase self-confidence (at a low level with a harmonious first house, the aspect will give him a strong temptation to boast). If the male Mars falls in the first house female horoscope, it will be relatively easy for a man to suppress a woman’s personality - but only on the surface, and a woman, having gotten a little used to the situation, can learn to control the energy of her partner: a slight pout of the lips or, conversely, a joyfully pleading smile can have a surprisingly strong effect on him. If a man has a Martian masculine identification, a woman can literally destroy or, conversely, resurrect him as a man with insignificant means, and her coquetry or a slight outside hobby can cause him to react almost like a highlander.

Synastric Jupiter in the first house

This is the aspect of a kind and generous, but not very attentive uncle, who cares about the wide smile on my face, and all the other circumstances of my life somehow slip away from his consciousness. In fact, my smile brings happiness to him - but it seems to both of us that everything is the other way around, and he showers me with his bounties. A closer examination, however, shows that his generosity somehow does not really reach me, or leaves the most superficial impression. However, I perceive this person through the prism of his supposed nobility and selfless generosity, and it may be difficult for me to get rid of this impression, especially since any of my personal manifestations push him in this direction. Even if he is by nature a terrible bore and curmudgeon, when I see him, something like a wry smile appears on his face, supposed to depict a wide smile, and an incomprehensible impulse arises to give me something as a gift or say something good (at a weak Jupiter may not be able to do this well, but the Jupiterian impulse itself is usually clearly visible). This partner will have a strong temptation to spoil me, praising me for non-existent personal merits, and teaching me from a higher position, but I will be pleased to be proud of him for at least something: in married couples, such an aspect at a low level can be adored by both spouses and equally we hate them by those around us: for example, a wife with Jupiter of her husband (or child) in her first house can sincerely extol him all her life, immensely admiring his virtues that are completely invisible to those around her. When working through an aspect, my partner helps me develop a greater breadth of personality, and I bring him new opportunities, luck and happiness.

Synastry Saturn in the first house

At first it seems to me that this man was sent to me by my jailer. It seems that he is able to evoke in me only one feeling - duty, but he does it strictly to the point of cruelty. I will perceive all its manifestations through the prism of some cruelty, attributing it to my partner and not noticing that in many ways I provoke it myself. Indeed, in his presence I somehow immediately become more serious, I become strict and responsible, first of all, towards myself personally, but also towards him, of course, too... however, all this is not too deep and, as a rule, dissolves quite quickly after our separation. And it’s very difficult for me to imagine how serious our relationship, and especially my personal reactions, are for him, how often I hurt him to the core, hurt him and force him to withdraw into himself. He really needs me to behave in some very specific way, or rather, so that my personal reactions do not go beyond some framework he has established - but it is difficult for me to understand and even more difficult to learn to comply with them, although progress in this direction would probably bring it benefits me a lot. Here a partner can teach me personal humility and the depth of his own personality, and I can teach him so much that he himself would be surprised to realize how much he actually owes to me as an indirect source of his self-discipline and humility. In general, this is a difficult aspect, but in marriage it can be very useful, for example, if my Saturn is weak, then the partner’s Saturn will take over its functions to some extent, but I should, to the best of my ability, meet his demands for discipline, etc.

Synastric Chiron in the first house

It looks like I won’t be bored with this partner, especially if I don’t take myself too seriously... it could be much worse for him if his Chiron is affected or is in a sensitive point of his chart. On a superficial level, our relationship can look like a clownery: he constantly makes fun of me, makes me look like stalemate, creates situations that are unthinkable and impossible for me, from which I rarely manage to get out without damaging my superficial self-esteem - but on the other hand, I often discover personal reserves hitherto unknown to me, which will be successfully used in the future. Sometimes my partner greatly suppresses me, exacerbating personal complexes and tensions - but usually after some time they are paradoxically resolved; when the first house is affected, I can sometimes simply hate it, but this feeling quickly goes away, because deep down in my soul I feel that all my suffering is not so serious, and that the grievances are not trivial. For my partner, it can become a significant problem that I do not take him seriously: if he wants to express something sincerely and seriously, it will be difficult for him to break through my circus perception of him, especially since I quite strongly set him up in this way - but his dead ends in our personal communication and in general somehow connected with my appearance in his life may turn out to be very significant for him, and I should not just laugh at them.

Synastric Uranus in the first house

The aspect makes my partner unpredictable for me at times, and sometimes simply brilliant - these are, at least, my personal impressions, but here a lot depends on the activity of Uranus in his chart. If Uranus is weak, this aspect will affect my expectations with some zest associated with my partner... however, our constant communication can bring his Uranus to life, and then the partner in my presence will feel sharp energy activations, emotional ups and downs, even bouts of inspiration - but from here it is quite far from true creativity, but it can be very easy for me to inspire him to this or that outrage or eccentric disgrace - I just need not to speak directly (Sun), and not to put pressure (Mars) and not to persuade (Mercury), but just turn on a sincere personal impulse: “So that we, gentlemen, could take a whip, Whipping passers-by on the bridge.” (K. Prutkov) Strong inclusion A partner’s Uranus - for example, the creative ecstasy that has gripped him - can be a difficult experience for me, and I can feel the mediocrity of my personality next to him - but also some of its echoes of the partner’s inspiration, which over time and with internal support can help me in a breakthrough to his own creativity - but it will, of course, be completely different from what I see from him. I can really have a much greater influence on the development of his genius, whatever it may be: he will be inspired by my person, but this alone, of course, is not enough.

Synastric Neptune in the first house

This is a promising, but very difficult aspect for establishing sincere relationships. Neptune distorts reality between us, but it does it differently for me and for my partner, and a lot depends on the natal aspects of Neptune in his chart and, accordingly, the natal aspects of my first house. For example, the defeat of my first house may mean that I will almost always react negatively: I will constantly understand it in the worst possible sense, or even worse. All my attempts to sincerely explain my position or condition will either lead him into ecstasy (with harmonious Neptune) or plunge him into complete bewilderment, but in any case, in order to learn to correctly perceive my personal manifestations, he needs to learn this for a long time; and the question whether I am sincere or not will often be the real stumbling block for him. This aspect, especially if Neptune and my first house are not strongly affected, gives the temptation to sail according to the will of fate, not building relationships, but rejoicing in their bright moments, of which there may be many at first, and blurring the contradictions that arise, especially since an honest clarification of them may turn out to be very difficult. This path, however, leads to the fact that the partners get bogged down in impenetrable mutual lies, which are increasingly obvious (at least to me), and the joyful and blissful moments of joint meditations gradually fade away, and the meditations themselves become more and more rough. In general, this black-teacher aspect is at a low level: both have a constant temptation to lead their partner into deception, and he misleads me superficially, and I mislead him very deeply.

Synastric Pluto in the first house

In communicating with this partner, I can feel some kind of hidden threat, a heaviness spreading from him in my direction, which I can feel much more keenly than he thinks or means. If difficult, fatal events begin to occur in his life, it is very likely that they will arouse in me a guilt complex towards him, even if I had no direct connection to these events. However, they will suppress me strongly and somehow darkly, at least my immediate reactions in our contract. However, if my partner believes that this gloominess of mine that manifests itself in his presence is deep, he is mistaken - it is very likely that it disappears as soon as we part. Such a synastric aspect for spouses can lead to very difficult family relationships, especially if the Pluto in question is active in natal chart spouse - for example, he works with large masses of people (television announcer), or his profession is related to atomic physics, war, secrecy, etc. Here I must learn to humbly endure the personal clicks I get from my partner, the moments of its oppression and suppression - plutonic cleansing is rarely completely painless, but since it starts, it means I need it, and the fruits of my humility will affect issues that are very serious for me , and first of all, it will become much easier for me to live every day. However, this aspect is much more important for my partner, who may not understand for a long time that karmically I was sent so that, looking at me, he could see and feel his evolutionary “tails”, shortcomings, shortcomings and outright marriage, and could first voluntarily, and after seventy seventy warnings, forcibly get rid of them. However, it may seem to him that the situation is the opposite, and he must clean up my evolutionary shortcomings, but I resist, and that is why he has a lot of trouble.

Absalom the Underwater. Synastry astrology

Here, as in general when interpreting the synastric aspects of the tenth
at home, it is important to take into account our mutual age, social,
spiritual and energetic position. If it is approximately the same, then
the partner can, in the event of one or another difficult situation,
turn to me for friendly advice, without, however, giving it any special
meanings. However, my reaction may turn out to be much more serious and important
for him (and for me) than he assumes. I'll most likely see him clearly
situation, at least its surface layer, but offering him this or that
different type of behavior, I will still subconsciously focus on my
ethics and my ideas about the world as a whole... a psychologist will say that I am not
objective and even biased, since I’m trying to decide on someone else’s material
your problems. Indeed, the karmic meaning of the aspect (for me)
is that my partner, by his mere existence, puts me in front of
necessity practical elections, although apparently this may not be
so, for example, we can both consider ourselves to be dealing with his problems. If
my partner is significantly older than me or is higher on the social ladder,
he may be strongly tempted to teach me to live in practice: “You
you should go to the physics department, not the psychology department, because in
in life you need to do serious business, and not blah-blah and fool
people's heads." Such advice will cause me a strong protest, or I will
inclined to obey his will unquestioningly - for the time being, until my
strength will not increase enough to enter into battle with a partner for
independence, like a teenage girl struggling with her
a dogmatic mother who regulates her daughter’s life to the point of absurdity. If the partner
tend to perceive me as an adviser, senior comrade or practical
spiritual teacher, then I will be dangerously tempted to control his will and
strictly control initiatives - which ends with their termination and its
slavish submission to me, and this at a low level of elaboration may be mine
purpose. Processing will give him a true spiritual mentor, and for me -
a refreshing breeze of specific problems with ethical implications, none of
which cannot be solved easily.Luna
The archetypal image of this aspect is the wife (Moon) giving instructions to her husband
(tenth house), sending him to the grocery store. I will be inclined to lecture
partner on specific examples of his wrong behavior, how to live in
lunar sense of this verb, that is, to settle in life with maximum
comfort and minimal effort. However, here the Moon is imprisoned, and not at all
the fact that my partner will adequately or at least tolerantly accept my teachings - they
may seem to him formal, rigid and generally not intended for
him. A partner, without wanting it or meaning it, can put me
facing a significant choice on which my future will depend: this
especially likely if he is a member of my family: then his health,
the general mood, comfort and living conditions will constantly disturb me
or, in any case, will become the subject of my direct concerns, as if fate
handed her partner over to my care. If I supplant these (correct) ones of mine
feelings into the subconscious or, even worse, I’ll project the situation onto it, explaining
him that he is obliged to look after me and take care of my health (and, of course,
your own, to the extent necessary in connection with the above), and a partner,
having submitted, accepts such conditions, then he and the situation as a whole will become for me
black teachers and my parasitism will cost me after a while
very expensive (for example, big troubles at work are possible,
financial loss or dismissal). With a strong Moon, the partner can begin
cruelly exploit me, abusing my sense of duty towards
towards him, pity, etc., and this will also be a temptation for me - I must
know exactly where I should stop; only then our relationship
will return to normal and become mutually acceptable and even constructive
- and here it is important for me not to be proud of my partner’s lunar achievements, or not
start secretly developing complexes in connection with them.

My partner will have a greater tendency to teach me how to live, especially in words:
And I’m doing this wrong, and this, but it should be quite the opposite. These teachings he
can be perceived as a form of pleasant pastime, nothing more,
especially if his Mercury is in, say, the third or fifth house of the natal
cards; however, his conversations, including those not related to me
directly, can lead to the actualization of my significant choices, and
often the issues he discusses with me are much more important to me than I am
I can think. In theory, our relationship should be built the other way around, that is, I
you should work on his mental picture of the world, explaining in specific
examples of what holes and defects there are in it and how he should correctly understand
his situations. However, first I need to deal with
own practical ethics and find common language with a partner, and this
requires some effort. If the partner’s Mercury is strong, he can (not even
having this in mind) with your conversations make me feel depressed,
lack of freedom and even activate my social inferiority complexes;
if my tenth house is strong and, especially if I have sufficient
social status, I can use a partner in his Mercurial
manifestations - for example, he will print my manuscripts, run through small
orders or collect information on issues that interest me. But healthy
and even more so, he will learn to give me spiritual advice only after careful
working out the aspect when we both understand how much his opinion is for me

If I marry a young lady whose Venus falls in my tenth house, I
all my life I will look at her like a page at a queen... at least she
will expect this from me. However, at a low level this aspect is strongly
smacks of an arranged marriage (on my part), since I will be tempted
use the beauty and social status of a partner for narrow selfish purposes.
In interpretation, much depends on the relative strength of Venus and the tenth house
and the overall energetic and social balance in our relationships: e.g.
the superiority of the partner and his strong Venus create a situation in which
my partner will seem to me to be standing on an unattainable peak, and I can very much
suffer from wounded pride; if the partner is younger than me and stands lower by
social ladder, I can take his fate to heart and begin
manage its social promotion; if he is inclined to listen to my advice,
and I am not too selfish, then they can bring him a lot of benefit, at least
at least, in my understanding. If the tenth house is weak, but Venus is strong, the partner
may inspire me for a short time, and for the first time in my life I will act according to
conscience or write a poem dedicated to it - but this impulse is unlikely
will be sustainable. In general, my partner may find my reaction rather cold
to his charms and smiles, but if he tries to force his charm, I
I'll get started soon decisive action, than I will melt and relax.

Here Mars culminates, and my partner and I are potentially capable of
a lot, but first you need to prevent some complications.
The partner’s activity can be directed in my direction, firstly, not
too tactful, and secondly, I would like to resolve some issues myself, without
outside help, which the partner for some reason does not want to understand. If
partner has a strong Mars, his interference in my affairs can take away from
a great burden on me - he will make my choice for me, and internally I
I will hold him responsible for this choice... but when the results
will conflict with our plans, my attitude towards my partner and,
most importantly, his active participation in my life and its turns may change
to the opposite. This aspect evokes especially strong feelings when
my partner is higher than me on the social ladder: here I can outwardly
admire and obey in everything, but secretly hate for the humiliation that
he (I think) exposes me to this. For spiritual relationships this
the aspect also represents the temptation to be too rude and straightforward
impact on a student in whose tenth house the teacher’s Mars falls. At the same time
Outwardly, the student’s choice may correspond to the teacher’s requirements, but in
in the subconscious of both, lower programs can be activated, reducing the effect
interaction to a negative value. Here the partner needs to learn
restrain your impulses to help me in my situations of choice, remembering that my
the internal reality is very different from his own; I need it
get used to the fact that the situations of choice that energy puts me in front of
partner, are always of a spiritual nature and must be resolved first
from ethical rather than pragmatic positions.

Jupiter is in fall, and I may often feel like my partner
asserts himself at my expense, especially when he looks condescendingly
begins to teach me how I should act in this or that particular
situations. However, if my partner is higher than me on the social ladder, I can
tolerate such treatment, hoping for his protection. Patronage
I really can find it, but it will turn out to be so necessary for me, to say
difficult. Moving up the hierarchical ladder requires overcoming long and
difficult obstacles, and good advice and even a spoken word to a high boss
the word is nothing more than a help at the beginning of the path. A partner can serve me well
disservice by reducing (even against my will) the responsibility of my choices and
not taking my ethical limitations seriously enough - from his point of view
In my case, there are no significant problems, and they are unlikely to arise. IN
in this he could be very mistaken, especially if my tenth house is afflicted, but
his Jupiter will not allow him to notice this, at least at the beginning of development
our relationship. If my partner takes the position of a spiritual teacher, then I
I need to remind myself every time that my life was given to me according to my
responsibility and in no case shift it to the broad back
partner those decisions that I have to make myself, even if he doesn’t mind
against their gravity: all the same, the consequences are not the right choice in the end
I will have to overcome, although he may interfere in my life with such
looking like from now on I have absolutely nothing to worry about. But still not so
It happens.

A relationship with this partner is unlikely to develop quickly and easily for me - unless
that my own Saturn is very strong, and I consider it serious and responsible
attitude towards life as the main virtue. But no matter how my Saturn stands, in
in situations of external choice or decision-making, the partner will certainly condemn
me for frivolity, and perhaps the shortcomings of my ethics, or even
will accuse you of dishonesty and lack of a sense of duty. However, it is possible that
he himself will have a heightened sense of responsibility towards me,
especially in matters of the correct choice of specific life paths for me,
for example, career advancement, and his criticism will be an attempt
transferring to me a subconscious feeling of guilt in front of me. If Saturn
partner has not been worked out, then most often his instructions and advice in my situations
choices will be too cruel, dogmatic, mundane and
ultimately oriented towards his own reality and problems.
The usual introduction in such cases is: “If I were you, I would do something like this,”
may cause my protest, since he is not in my place and
has absolutely no idea what it is like, but nevertheless takes it
judge and advise. Working through this is difficult for both, but especially for
a partner who needs to moderate himself in his manifestations towards me,
which seem to him absolutely necessary and equally moral;
I should learn to learn ethical lessons from his position
in election situations: they are moral for me much more often than I am
initially inclined to think. If our relationship as a whole works out, then
there will be a strong temptation for my partner to act as a wise adviser for me
and a spiritual mentor, and this may be a temptation for me as well,
because it seems to me that I can shift all responsibility for my
life on him, and until this delusion is dispelled, do a lot
actions, the consequences of which will be overcome with great difficulty.

My pronounced situations of choice, as well as career advancement and
evolutionary ladders will attract the attention of my partner, but his
reactions do not always suit me. It is likely that his advice and
the proposals will only deepen my doubts, bring chaos and appear to be dead ends
situations from which, it seems to me, a reasonable way out can still be found.
Even worse, my partner may present my situation in such a strange light,
that the whole carefully developed system of preferences, to which I
accustomed to relying on practical matters. Karmic meaning of the aspect for me
is precisely this: under the influence of a partner, I can see contradictions
both in its external ethical system (that is, the rules of conduct in
the surrounding world), as well as its discrepancy with my life positions and
fundamental attitudes - and find ways to rebuild both, in
in accordance with the direction of its evolutionary development. But, of course, neither
I and my partner may not initially suspect such serious consequences
for me (as well as for him) of our acquaintance, and I may well consider
his advice as inappropriate or awkward jokes is enough for me
serious on at the moment, but no further, reasons. If the relationship works out,
then in any case I will be able to evaluate my partner’s skill with fresh eyes
look at my boss problems and relieve their stress - here he is
will help me develop a sense of humor, and this is already a lot. If I
I will strongly resist his influences, at some point he may become
indirect cause of the sudden collapse of my social career and the beginning
own spiritual development.

If I subsequently gain enough strength and a sense of humor, I,
perhaps I will be able to appreciate all the ingenuity and originality of ideas,
proposed to me by my partner to solve the problems that once faced me
current choice; however, at present his intervention is likely to
will make me feel negative. His ideas will seem to me
fantastic, overly eccentric and generally confusing to me.
Moreover, I will be able to notice that his mere appearance in situations
implying my responsible choice, aggravates my situation and confuses and
already difficult circumstances. Sometimes his intervention turns out to be
constructive, but this is the exception rather than the rule; much more important for
me an opportunity to deepen my understanding external situations who introduced themselves
routine to me, but due to the intervention of a partner, they discovered unexpected
for me, boundaries and connections with seemingly very distant external and
internal problems. If the partner's Uranus is active and poorly developed, he
may seem threatening to ruin all my plans, but it will
a strong exaggeration: rather, my partner will successfully demonstrate to me my
short-sightedness and limitations of my planning; however, if my
the tenth house is afflicted, and I behave unethically with my partner, through it
a force that is destructive to my projects can actually work. However
This aspect poses a significantly greater danger to the partner,
who should mainly monitor his own practical
ethics in dealing with me, paying less attention to my choices and career and
in any case, do not think that he can do it for free in these areas
have fun at my expense. In general, this is a rather stressful aspect for the couple,
requiring significant dedication and refusal to work through
thinking stereotypes.

In a harmonious relationship, discussing situations of my choice and
professional advancement can drive a partner almost into ecstasy
state; in any case, wait for sober advice and opinions from him
will be almost impossible. In difficult cases for me, especially if I
I ask him for help, my partner may really want to help me, otherwise they
a feeling of guilt takes over, which he, however, will be inclined to repress into
subconscious or project onto me. His usual reproach may sound
something like this: “When you have difficulties and need to look for ways
way out of this situation, you present it so vaguely that I can’t
understand or understand completely wrong.” In turn, I can notice
that the appearance of a partner often confuses my cards in upcoming affairs, as well as
relationships with superiors and subordinates. In matters of my practical ethics
my partner may seem capable of getting confused in the simplest problems and
even confuse myself, which is quite dangerous for both of us, since
in this way even the most obvious unseemly actions are somehow blurred and
starting to look almost decent. It may seem to my partner that I
I deliberately fool him with my problems, distorting the true situation
things and hiding the most important details - and to some extent he will be right;
at least, an exact mutual understanding will be difficult for us for a long time. But
at a high level, a partner, on the contrary, will help me rise to the level
selfless religious ethics and understand what God's will is in
specific case of my choice - but this requires a certain
working out not only his Neptune, but also my tenth house and the entire chart, in
in particular, the fourth house, that is, religious views on one’s life in
in general.

At first, I may feel like my partner's presence is ruining everything.
my upcoming affairs and plans, or at least spoils them greatly.
However, much later I will notice that the root of evil lies not in him, but
in myself, more precisely, in the defects of my practical ethics and system
proposals, and the influence of the partner is that he accelerates the collapse
my plans that were doomed in advance or that were very dubious. Then it becomes
constructive interaction between us is possible, because a partner like no one
to another (if, of course, he learns to be attentive to me and my
circumstances) the defects of my choices and their inconsistency with my
internal ethical system, even if it was poorly understood by me.
At first, my partner may seem like a rather difficult person to me, at least
case, during the “showdown”, when he accurately and categorically points out to me
flaws and defects in my planning for the future, and also criticizes my choices with
spiritual point of view. He should learn to be in such discussions
as accurate and correct as possible, otherwise I may be completely blocked or
completely break all contacts; I need to be patient and tune in
partly sacrificial, since one way or another a certain amount of truth is that
my partner says there is, and it’s better for me to do a little cleaning for myself
right on the spot, since the opportunity presented itself. However, the partner does not
should perceive my problems of choice as not related to him: after all, I
nothing more than his mirror, and in this case more than significant,
so all the criticism addressed to me may be to a much greater extent
treat him himself; and if he doesn’t believe it now, then over time
risks seeing it clearly in his own skin.

The image of the female ideal in a man’s natal chart consists of two halves. The first half: “you are my wife and the mother of my children,” as Yuri Nikulin’s hero said in “The Diamond Arm.” She cooks borscht, gives birth and raises, creates comfort in the house, relaxes after a hard day at work, reminds her of her mother, something childish and dear. This part female image represented by the planet Moon.

Second half: a woman to whom you are physically attracted, who brings joy and a festive atmosphere to life, inspires you to perform deeds, poems and bouquets of flowers. This woman is described by the planet Venus.

Both planets are female, but their femininity is very different: in one case it is the femininity of a wife and mother, in the other - the goddess of love.

In most cases, in a man's chart, Venus and the Moon are in different signs, houses and aspects, that is, initially the images of a woman-wife and a woman-lover may not coincide with each other.

If in the chart the Moon and Venus are in conjunction or harmonious aspects, then both parts of the dream woman in the man’s mind do not contradict each other. If there is a tense aspect between the planets, then in addition to emotional discomfort, such a situation is fraught with the impossibility of combining 2 roles in one woman: when a man finds someone who pleases, he is not comfortable with her; when he meets the one with whom his soul rests, he does not see her as a mistress.

In his life, every man tries to solve this difficult problem: to find a woman who could combine both of his internal needs.

How to understand what your man is in the mood for? How does he see you in everyday life and not only: an intellectual, a friend with whom he can have a heart-to-heart chat, a passionate seductress, reliable and reasonable? What are you waiting for: comfort with a plate of borscht, taking care of children, “hugs” or conversations about lofty things?

Often we women exploit the standard image of the “ideal wife” and worry if life circumstances force us to deviate from it: we don’t spoil our loved one with food too often, we don’t devote much time to our children or ourselves. From our mothers we “know” what a “real woman” should be like - this impossibly multi-armed Shiva with pots, children, the Kama Sutra, a career, cosmetologists and fitness. But what does your man really need? What does he expect from you?

When I was a child, my grandmother told me a woman's parable. Two merchants left their wives to trade. When the time came for their return, the women began to prepare to meet their husbands. Both were in a hurry. One of them cleaned the house, cooked delicious food, but she didn’t have time left to put herself in order. The second realized that she still couldn’t clean up properly, and decided to spend this time on herself: she dressed up and decorated herself in every possible way. When the second merchant returned, he saw his beautiful wife in a new outfit. Her husband missed her so much that he didn’t notice the disorder in the house. But the husband of the first woman, having found himself in a perfectly clean house, said (forgive me, but this is exactly what my grandmother told me): “Darling, how clean and beautiful everything is here! There’s nowhere to even spit... Except on you!”

So what should a real woman be like? Every man has his own. Knowing what exactly your man is in the mood for helps you set priorities.

To do this, you need to know the characteristics of his Moon and Venus (sign, house, aspects).

Let's try to figure it out:

  • We enter the date, place and time of birth into the astrological program, for example, here
  • Find the icon of the Moon ☽ and Venus ♀. The Moon is the fastest planet and can change sign: it is worth checking not only the date, but also the time of birth.
  • We find the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located, focusing on the table below:
  • We find aspects (lines) from the Moon and Venus, look at which planets they go to, focusing on the table below:
  • We read the description, think, and try to synthesize (combine) the characteristics of the aspect, house and sign.

Moon/Venus in Aries, 1st house, aspects with Mars

Attracts bright, energetic, sexy, independent girl. Athletic, fast, she may not even be too feminine. Some Amazonism, harshness in actions and words, the ability to stand up for herself, her children and even her man will only add to her charm in his eyes. Her spontaneity and emotional outbursts will not scare away such a man; he does not need a calm wife.

Moon/Venus in Taurus, 2nd house, aspects with Venus

I like a beautiful, sensual, emotionally stable girl, without surprises or surprises, economical and practical, whose behavior is predictable, capable of naturally and harmoniously expressing her feelings and sympathies

Moon/Venus in Gemini, 3rd house, aspects to Mercury

A man with this position of the planets sees a friend in a woman. The main thing is to have fun together, to have something to talk about, to have somewhere to go together. I will like a woman who is easy-going. A man will forgive her for her frivolity, but will not tolerate boredom and monotony in a relationship. A woman’s intelligence is no less attractive than her appearance. Often, for men with this position of the Moon and Venus, the stage of friendship precedes the stage of love relationships.

Moon/Venus in Cancer, 4th house, aspects to the Moon

The ideal woman is the one who is able to create comfort in the house, give birth to and raise children, cook borscht and bake pies (exactly the kind his mother or grandmother baked), and take care of his relatives. But she is also capable of understanding at a glance (or without words at all), enveloping her in spiritual warmth, and warming her emotionally. Sincere and open in love, sensual and feeling, able to intuit the inner state of her man.

Moon/Venus in Leo, 5th house, aspects to the Sun

He will like a woman who is a star, bright, creative, and whom you cannot pass by. Her independence will not be an obstacle for him, but a source of pride. Such a man strives to possess a queen woman and will not agree to a modest domestic chicken. He needs a second half who will bring joy and celebration into his life, who will play with him in the adventure called “life”, love and create, including children - the main product of love and creativity.

Moon/Venus in Virgo, 6th house

Such a man will strive for an outwardly attractive, neat, active, intelligent girl who cares about her own health and has a sense of responsibility. Her emotions may be a little dry, but so what if she is hard-working, attentive to detail, and an alliance with her will bring concrete benefits?

Moon/Venus in Libra, 7th house

The woman of his dreams is pretty, elegant, well-mannered, educated, tastefully dressed, she is not ashamed to introduce her to friends, she will belong both in the football club and at a social event. She speaks to everyone in their language. It is important for such a man that his woman is involved with him, that she really is his other half, with whom he can discuss everything that happens in his life. Pies, cleaning, children, career - none of this is so important. The main thing is that the wife has time for him.

Moon/Venus in Scorpio, 8th house, aspects with Pluto

He will be impressed by passionate, sexy, magical, magical woman, rescuer and witch. Smooth and stable family life- happens often challenging task for such a man. It should have drama, depth, passion, tragedy like aortic rupture. Risk and extreme, the opportunity to walk along the edge. Sexual satisfaction - reliable foundation marriage. Contrary to popular belief, people with the Moon and Venus in Scorpio, although amorous, are very affectionate and are tuned to strong and deep feelings. They do not let their partner go and are capable of long-term relationships.

Moon/Venus in Sagittarius, 9th house, aspects to Jupiter

He will like a woman who can be an authority for him, a teacher, who will listen to his advice and give him the necessary advice. Such a man will be attracted to women who are cooler (smarter, wealthier, more realized) than himself. I like unusual women, foreigners, people of a different culture. A woman will be valued for her intelligence, education, breadth of outlook, activity, ability to travel, and her social status.

Moon/Venus in Capricorn, 10th house, aspects with Saturn

The social status of the chosen one can also be important here. A careerist, a climber, in general - a woman who climbs up, systematically moving towards her goal, will be attractive to such a man. This could be a female colleague, a female boss, or simply practical, reasonable, adequate, able to subordinate and obey, act consistently and according to plan, stable and faithful, entering into relationships seriously and for a long time.

Moon/Venus in Aquarius, 11th house, aspects with Uranus

Unusual, non-standard, special, a woman - an intellectual, a person of the future, a friend - this is what a man with this position of the planets needs. The one with whom you are never bored, with whom you can talk about high things, do weird things, laugh, discuss the latest achievements of science and technology. The one that can change, always be different, not like others. A man needs a like-minded woman, a comrade-in-arms, a spiritual relative. A man can be oriented towards an open relationship, without a stamp in his passport, and this is not at all a sign that he does not love you.

Moon/Venus in Pisces, 12th house, aspects with Neptune

A subtle nature, perfectly sensitive to immaterial reality, musical, creative, sensitive to beauty, sublimely spiritual, capable of compassion and self-sacrifice. Unearthly and perfect. Or the one you want to help, feel sorry for. Men with this position of the planets have a need to idealize their beloved. They often like distant, inaccessible, foreign women.

Complete and accurate description of the image ideal woman in your man’s chart can only be given taking into account the entire context of the map.

I built the synastry of this couple two years ago. I was curious to know what such a beautiful, statuesque and hot woman like Bellucci found in Kassel. I clearly do not belong to the category of people who believe that it is enough for a man to be a little more beautiful than a monkey. And Kassel really is not far removed from this animal in terms of his external characteristics. Looking at him, you somehow immediately remember the theory of old Darwin. That’s why I always called this acting couple “beauty and the beast.” But, as they say in famous proverb: “taste and color...”.

So, first of all, we evaluate houses - First and Seventh. Monica has a “wide” Seventh house, which includes whole sign Leo. And Vincent’s Ascendant is precisely in this sign. Now we do the same for the actor card. He has a Descendant in Aquarius, and Monica has this sign included in the First House. Such a house match, where the Seventh House of one partner is the First House of the other, indicates the emergence of a relationship that is very likely to lead to marriage.

Next interesting point- this is Monica’s Venus entering her husband’s First House. This position is typical for couples in love, because Venus is responsible for love, sympathy and beauty. True, there is a small but. It is better when a man's Venus falls into a girl's First House. After all, Venus shows the type that attracts a man, and most of all externally. When Venus lands on the Ascendant or in the first house of a girl, she “turns on” and such a girl will be especially attractive to a man. And in the case of this acting couple, the situation is the opposite: Monica is outwardly very attracted to Vincent.

By the way, since I immediately touched on the topic of Venus, it is impossible not to note that Vincent has Venus in Sagittarius, and his beloved woman, in fact, is a foreigner for him. After all, he is French and she is Italian. The Moon, the second planet in the male chart, which indicates the preferred type of woman, is located in the Ninth House, which is the symbolic house of Sagittarius. Since the Moon is responsible for his wife, it becomes clear why his wife is of a different nationality.

For both Monica and Vincent, the Moon and Venus are in fire signs. Even if there were no aspect between these planets in their synastry, the very location in the signs of the same trine is already a favorable sign, since it indicates that the woman fits into the man’s preferences. And they also have an aspect - Vincent’s Venus in trine to Monica’s Moon. The aspect is very favorable, it gives mutual understanding in a couple, romanticism, and tenderness.

Regarding aspects sexual attraction, then, of course, they exist. Monica's Mars is in trine to Vincent's Moon and Venus. However, there is a not entirely correct redistribution of roles here. Whoever owns Mars shows more initiative in matters of sex. It turns out that Monica is just more sexually active. But, let’s say, if Vincent had the Moon and Venus in the signs of Libra or, at worst, Cancer, then such sexual insistence of his wife could hurt him, since Mars is weak in these signs. But for the actor, the Moon is generally in Aries - the sign of the abode of Mars, so he only likes his wife’s hot temperament.

Now let's look at the "marriage" aspects. There are, however, not so many of them. I actually only counted one. This is a trine between Monica's Moon and Vincent's Sun. True, if you consider that they have enough matches in their houses, then this lack of “marriage” aspects is not so scary.

The actress's Moon is also conjunct the actor's Jupiter. This aspect in astrology is called the “seal of happiness”, since Jupiter is a great benefactor. With such a “stamp”, an atmosphere of fun, happiness, and luck reigns in the couple. There is truth in the synastry of this couple and the “seal of misfortune” - a square between Monica’s Saturn and Vincent’s Sun, but this aspect is formed across the border of the sign - this time. And the intense aspects of Saturn to the Sun are still perceived more easily than, say, to the Moon - that’s two. The Saturnian aspects hold the couple together and do not allow them to separate ahead of time, however, with a tense aspect in the couple, of course, there can be conflicts, quarrels, misunderstandings - that’s three.

Well, finally, it remains to consider the group karmic aspects. Is there any indication of karmic nature in the synastry of this couple? Let me remind you that this group includes aspects Lunar nodes, Lilith and Saturn. I already wrote about Saturn and the square to the Sun a little higher. So, after all, there is one indication. Vincent's South Node conjunct Monica's Neptune. But, we must immediately stipulate that it is preferable when personal planets are involved in connection with the Nodes: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. And Neptune, after all, is a collective planet, so with everyone who was born within a few months of Monica’s birthday, Vincent will have such an aspect. As for Lilith, Vincent's Lilith is in opposition to Monica's Mercury.

As always, out of curiosity, I also looked at the aspects of Juno. There is such an aspect - this is a connection between Vincent’s Sun and Monica’s Juno. Let me remind you that this asteroid is responsible for family, marriage and the birth of children. Therefore, in the charts of married couples, or simply lovers who have been together for a long time, this asteroid is usually aspected.

Aspect of spiritual teaching. The will of the partner acts on me directly; in other words, this person tells me: “You should be like this and like that,” and I inevitably obey, at least superficially. But this obedience is illusory if I myself, from within, do not meet the changes that are happening to me at the will of my partner. In principle, I will perceive such a partner very personally and, with the affected first house, often painfully, and the harmonious aspects of his Sun will rather aggravate than alleviate my reactions. My reactions can be very misleading to my partner, because, apparently submitting to his will, in matters that are serious for me, I resist her very well, although I do not advertise this; It can be very difficult for him to resist my sincere impulses, which quickly “turn him on”, literally forcing him to take various initiatives. At a high level of developing paired relationships, this is a very creative aspect for him, and even just my appearance can inspire him. If a relationship goes poorly, my partner begins to seem to me like a cruel and unforgiving tyrant, whose main goal is to humiliate my human dignity and destroy me as an independent person. I act for him in the guise of a daring and disobedient slave, who has power over him that is not entirely clear, but whom he, nevertheless, must train, break his pride and bring to an acceptable form (which one, the synastric aspects of the Sun as a whole will show - they symbolize a person’s direct duty to his partner).

If the Solar potential of will and creation of one person is aimed at stimulating the same qualities of another person in the 1st House, then speaking about their relationships, it can be argued that these individuals, when solving mutually interesting goals and objectives, will be either in a state of competition or in a state of cooperation. Since the natural ruler of the First House is Aries, in this situation both personalities will strive to improve each other until they become practically similar in their life views and positions. This state of affairs, taking into account the desire of each to play an equally important role, should very obviously lead to their close cooperation on the basis of competition. At the same time, both individuals, without much damage to their pride, are ready to hide their egoism if their cooperation is obviously highly effective. Romantic and intimate relationships of such partners are characterized by strong mutual attraction. This is because the Sun is the natural ruler of the Fifth House and the Ascendant influences the physical body of a person.

F. Sakoyan L. Ecker. A. Podvodny