Things you shouldn't do. No Man's Sky guide: what to do on the first planet


Crafting is an important element of No Man's Sky. To create items, you need to follow a simple sequence: collect resources, find blueprints, and then craft new things in the inventory menu. Select an empty inventory slot and press the E key to see a list of items that can be crafted. Darkened items cannot be crafted for the reason that you do not have enough resources for this.

For example, to create a warp cell, you need 100 units of Tamiya-9 and one block of antimatter. Green checkmarks next to the list of required materials indicate that you already have a sufficient amount of them. Simply hold down the left mouse button on the Warp Cell icon to craft it.

Some drawings are already available to you initially, while others will have to be found. The most important blueprints will be part of side quests.


Without resources, even if you have a drawing in hand, you won’t be able to do anything. You won't even be able to survive without them! Fortunately, resources are available almost everywhere. You won't have an abundance of these resources at the start of the game, but the most important ones are always at hand. It is the collection of resources that you will be engaged in during the first hours of the game.

While traveling around the planet, collect rare materials you encounter along the way. Do you see flickering objects? Approach them and collect resources. This can be done either with the E key (collect a flower or plant), or with the left mouse button (destroy a rock or crystal using a splitter).

The splitter can be used to destroy animals, from which you can obtain geridium.

There are some patterns that you should remember. Organic objects will generally give you carbons. This rule applies to plants, animals and trees - all forms of life are based on carbon. Most rocks are more than vessels filled with iron. Large rock monoliths usually break down into rarer materials such as emeril (green crystals, somewhat similar to the red crystals you mine plutonium from) and heridium. Emeril can be sold well at space stations, and gheridium can be used to fuel the take-off booster.

Sometimes finding the necessary resources is quite simple. After a few seconds, you find a shimmering flower, walk up to it and collect the zinc. Another time you will need to find a plant that will have to be split with a multitool.

How to repair a scanner?

You need 25 carbon units which you can extract from various forms life - trees, plants and animals.

How to repair a take-off booster?

Your take-off booster allows your starship to rise and land on the planet's surface. You will need 4 sheets of shea butter. You will need to craft them yourself. To do this, find 50 iron for each shea leaf. Point the cursor over an empty inventory slot, press the E key and move the cursor over the very first cell - this is the karite leaf. If you have enough iron, simply hold down the left mouse button to craft a shea leaf.

How to refuel a takeoff booster?

So, your take-off booster has been repaired. But the tank is empty. You must find plutonium. Inspect the location for red crystals. Destroy them with a fissioner to extract plutonium. The scanner marks red crystals with a red icon with a black lightning bolt.

How to improve the analysis visor?

To repair the analysis visor you will need 20 units of iron. This device will allow you to mark animals and unknown plants, recognize them and add them to your knowledge base. For finding new animals and plants you will receive money (in game terminology - units)..

How to repair a pulse motor?

For repairs you will need to collect the following materials:

200 Geridium - Look for a huge monolith that will need to be destroyed with a splitter. Blue icon with a black dot inside the bulb.
2 shea leaves. Find 100 units of iron - 50 for each leaf.
20 zinc - find yellow flowers, which are marked with orange icons on the scanner.

How to charge a pulse motor?

You will need Tamiya-9. It can be obtained from plants with three or four stems, as in the screenshot above. But don't get hung up on finding them at the beginning of the game. As soon as you find yourself in space, you will receive Tamiya-9 for each asteroid destroyed. This material, just like iron or carbons, is easily obtained.

I'm lost. Where is my ship?

If you get lost and don't know which way the ship is, there is an easy way to find it. Notice the white curved stripe at the top of the screen. Rotate around your axis until you see a white ship icon exactly in the middle of the strip.


Additional elements allow you to improve the functions of the multitool. To install one of them, hover your mouse over an empty inventory slot and left-click. You will see a list of available technologies, which will include both new gadgets and additional elements to existing ones. Hover your mouse over the desired additional element and hold down the left mouse button if you have all the necessary resources for crafting.

You can filter the list of available technologies and additional elements, using bookmarks corresponding to the laser, projectile, grenade and tools.

Where to look for additional elements?

You will be able to find many blueprints to create additional items during your journey through the Universe. Inside damaged machines, wall blocks of space stations. But at the same time, you will not have the opportunity to increase the number of slots for your multitool.

Installing new additional elements on the multitool.

Where to look for new multitools?

Luckily, you can find new, better multitools. You can buy them. Pay attention to the walls inside buildings (space stations and outposts). There should be a rectangular niche that opens when you approach.

Interact with the multitool shown on the display to see information about it and its cost. You can compare its cost and features with your current multitool.

You do not need to worry about storing any resources in the multitool inventory, but, nevertheless, the more slots available, the more additional elements and new technologies you can use.

You will not be able to transfer inventory or additional items from the old multitool to the new one. Therefore, when purchasing a new tool, be prepared for the fact that you will have to fork out money to create technology that was in the old multitool, but is missing in the new one.

Thus, you will have to part with not only your favorite starship (since it is impossible to increase the number of slots in its luggage compartment; for this, new, more capacious starships are purchased), but also with a multitool, the functions of which you have studied thoroughly.

In the new guide you will learn what you need to pay attention to when buying a new starship.


Your exosuit protects the main character from environment, serves as a mobile inventory for storing collected materials.

At the very beginning, the exosuit has 12 slots available in its inventory. One slot is always occupied by your jetpack, which you use throughout the game. The other two slots are allocated to the life support system and protection from danger - it is they that allow the main character to stay alive in the most aggressive environments.

The exosuit's functions are broken down into several values ​​- health (keeps you alive), protection (keeps you safe from cold and heat), stamina (how long you can run) and tools.


Exosuit health indicates your physical condition. The suit's shield temporarily protects the hero from hostile environments or inevitably outraged Guardians. You can build technologies for the shield to make it more powerful.


Your suit also protects your protagonist from the environment he is exploring. Sometimes you find a planet that's good for a picnic, but more often than not, these planets have acid rain, extreme temperatures, and even radiation. Your suit protects you from all of this. The protection functions as long as you fill it with fuel. Again, you can use technologies that improve protection against certain negative factors.

Exosuit of the main character with inventory slots.


Since you often explore planets on foot, you gain stamina important. With its help you can run short distances. The basic level of endurance is not controlled by the suit, but it can be improved by it. Technology will allow you to increase your endurance.


Tools cover the rest of the exosuit's functions. This applies to life support and, just as importantly, to the jetpack. Your jetpack is necessary for vertical movements when you need to climb a high cliff. There is no need to refuel it. When you find the appropriate blueprints, you can improve the functionality of the jetpack.

The exosuit's life support system helps maintain an acceptable standard of living. It needs to be filled with isotopes, and technology will improve the efficiency of the system.


While your exosuit protects the main character from the environment, the multitool allows you to manipulate it. In particular, it can be used to destroy environmental objects in order to extract useful resources. A multi-tool is both a pickaxe for extracting resources and a rifle for shooting living creatures. Just like with the exoskeleton, you can improve and add new tools to the multitool by finding different blueprints.

The functions of the multitool are divided into laser (resource extraction), projectile (combat), grenade (allows you to lift everything into the air) and scanning (search for materials). The different multitools you'll encounter throughout the game have different base stats and different numbers of available slots.


Laser is the main operating mode of the multitool. You will use it to destroy minerals, plants and animals that will give you resources. The laser is charged with isotope elements. You can find blueprints that will improve the focus of the laser.


Used to destroy structures and animals that you need to kill. Isotopic elements will allow you to create more supplies. With the help of the found drawings, the rate of fire, capacity and damage from the projectile are improved.

A multi-tool used to extract resources and destroy enemies.


For more intense hunting and mining, your multitool includes a grenade launcher. The grenade is made from isotopes. Blueprints increase range, improve projectiles, and increase damage.


The scanner allows you to study the area and mark the most notable objects and useful resources. You will use it constantly. The analyzing visor scans the animal or plant, determining its name. After this, you can load the identified objects into the menu, for which you will receive units..


To explore space you will need a starship, which is available from the very beginning of the game. Your starship has a certain number of slots for storing objects. Some slots are reserved for the main functions of the starship - take-off accelerator, pulse engine, etc.


As in the case of a multitool, weapons on a starship can be used both to destroy enemy or neutral ships, and to extract resources (but again, you need to destroy, for example, asteroids). You have two types of weapons - the photon cannon and the phase beam. The Photon Cannon destroys asteroids, but is still a more effective weapon when fighting an enemy starship. The phase beam is a slower weapon, suitable for destroying slow-moving targets such as asteroids. The blueprints improve the weapon’s cooling system (that is, you can shoot longer, pause less often), increases damage, and rate of fire.


Your ship is equipped with a reflective shield that protects you from projectiles, lasers and space debris. The shields are powered by oxide elements. Drawings increase the safety margin that the shield gives you.

The main character's starship is the first in the game.


Your starship is equipped with a scanner, similar to the one that is equipped with a multitool. Using it just like a regular scanner, you get useful information about your surroundings.


Your ship's hyperdrive is necessary to travel between star systems. You will also have a pulse drive, which is used to travel long distances within a single star system. The hyperdrive can be fueled with warp cells, and the pulse engine with Tamium-9. Blueprints allows you to increase the range of your hyperdrive.


Buying used

Any place where you encounter pilots of other starships gives you the opportunity to chat with them and discuss the purchase of their ship. Starships will land wherever there is a landing pad - at space stations, trading stations. Basically, these are used ships.

This quick way get the most functional starship. However, this pleasure does not come cheap. The ships you encounter at the beginning of the game will cost around a million or more units.

This is what transferring inventory from an old to a new starship looks like.

Purchase of disabled ships

During your journey you will encounter radio beacons. They are indicated by the scanner with blue icons. It's quite easy to recognize them. Get close to them, solve the puzzle, if there is one, for which you will receive new point for travel. The riddles mainly involve simple arithmetic examples.

If you're in the market, if you're lucky, you might find a crashed starship. These ships are in almost the same condition as your first one at the very beginning of the game. Almost everything was out of order. You will need to spend some resources to restore the starship's functionality. On the other hand, the cost of such ships is much lower.

How to choose a new starship

When you interact with another ship and inspect it, a comparison button will appear at the bottom right of the screen, closer to the center. Click on it to see a display of your current ship (on the left side) and a new ship for you (on the right side).

The first thing you should pay attention to is the number of inventory slots on the ship. You should not purchase a ship with the same inventory.

You should also become familiar with the various gadgets and upgrades installed on your new boat.

Every purchase requires a thoughtful decision on your part. For example, a new starship can have 5-6 additional elements for a phase beam, photon cannon or scanner, but total quantity inventory slots should not exceed 7 pieces. At the same time, on the old ship you will not have such improvements, but there are 9 cells, like on the starting starship.

Move your inventory

When you finally find the ship of your dreams, read the warning that appears on the screen. Exchange inventory between starships before completing the deal. After completing the purchase of a new one, your old ship is destroyed along with the remaining resources. Be careful!

One way or another they remain behind the scenes. To help you better understand the game mechanics, we have collected 14 of the most useful tips that will come in handy as a newly minted explorer of the galactic expanse.

1. Get to the space station as quickly as possible

After you repair your first ship early in the game and leave the planet, try to short terms get to the nearest space station, because there is usually a merchant on it.

From him you can find out the prices for all the resources available in the game, which allows you to understand which of them are worth paying attention to first of all during a visit to the next planet.

It is worth noting that each system has its own pricing policy, so it is best to visit the space station before directly studying the planets in orbit around the star. This will allow you to make more profit from collecting resources.

2. Don't forget to trade with traveling merchants

You can make an exchange not only at special stations, but also in outer space, because merchant ships periodically come into view. Usually they fly peacefully about their business and are not active, but you can also trade with them.

Their prices are comparable to station prices, but may vary slightly. They are ready to purchase not only resources, but also rare artifacts found on the planets.

3. Use sprinting

At first glance it seems that this is obvious, but there is no clear mention of this possibility in the game itself. In order for the character to move faster, you need to press the melee button, and then hold down the button for using the jet pack, and then he will switch from running to sprinting, after which he will make a sharp dash over a fairly large distance.

4. Don't buy a new ship, better find one on the planet

The game's economy is designed in such a way that each subsequent starship costs much more than all previous ones.

At the beginning of the game, when there are not so many resources and money in stock, you should avoid such expensive purchases, because in the game it is possible to get a ship with minimal investment, having found it on one of the planets. Yes, yes, instead of spending money on a purchase, it is easier to simply catch a signal on one of the celestial bodies, and then use it to find the crashed ship. Of course, the signal will not always lead exactly to him, but the chance is not entirely small.

Having found one of them, you need to carry out repairs. It is done in the same way as in the case of the very first ship that you receive at an early stage of the game. It is inexpensive, and therefore it more than compensates for the time spent on searching.

5. Monitor the amount of resources

Always try to be aware of the approximate reserves of resources, since from time to time any of them may be required in large quantities. For example, if you have a lot of titanium, you should pay attention to other rare metals so that it doesn’t turn out that the entire hold is filled with titanium alone.

6. Invest in a better multi-tool

A space explorer's best friend is his Multi-tool. With its help, you collect resources, scan the area, and protect your person from dangerous life forms. That is why you should not skimp on improving this super-useful device.

First of all, you should try to increase the number of slots in it, since it determines how many functions you can “hang” on a multi-tool. At the very beginning there are 6 slots, with 3 of them already occupied by lasers for collecting resources, a scanner and an analyzing device.

It's a good idea to save up some money and buy a multi-tool with more slots as early as possible. You can find it from merchants at space stations.

7. Transfer resources to the ship without leaving the planet

One of the not-so-obvious functions of the interface makes it possible to transfer resources collected on the planet without having to leave it. This allows you to collect more materials in less time, since there is no need to return to orbit and land again.

To transfer resources to a ship, in the PlayStation 4 version you need to select a resource in the menu and hold down “triangle”.

8. Use the ship for more than just landing

Interesting places are often scattered across the entire surface of the planet, so full exploration may take a while. However, do not forget that there is no need to travel significant distances on foot, because you have your own spacecraft, which is quite suitable for flying in the atmosphere of any planet. This greatly speeds up the research process.

9. Monitor the condition of your equipment

Gathering resources is half the battle. To successfully advance through the game you will need equipment. It also consumes resources and gradually becomes unusable. Before planting, it is worth checking their condition and carrying out repairs if necessary.

You should especially carefully monitor the multi-tool, exo-suit and spaceship to avoid forced stops for repairs and maintenance.

10. Call the ship to you, rather than run to it yourself

Another handy feature in No Man's Sky allows you to call a ship to the player's current location.

It is extremely useful when you have wandered far from the landing site and do not want to run back. However, this can only be done if there is a special lighthouse nearby, which can be found near the settlement. You will also need a special bypass chip (Bypass Chip), it can be created in the inventory menu.

11. Analysis is a good way to make money

As the game progresses, many different life forms can be found. All of them can be studied and analyzed using the multi-tool, and this activity is another way to earn in-game currency.

When you see another ridiculous creature, go up to it and carry out an analysis using your visor. After the process is completed, the animal will appear in the menu under the Discovery tab. The same can be done with plants. After each study completed, your account will receive cash depending on the rarity and uniqueness of the find.

12. After receiving the hyper-drive, immediately fly to the mapping station

The first thing you should do after receiving an engine that can go into hyper-jump mode is fly to the mapping station (Atlas Station). They are marked with red icons on the navigation map. Upon arrival, you will receive a special item that will be useful to you to advance in the story.

13. Feed animals to obtain rare materials

This may seem strange, but some of the creatures you meet in No Man's Sky can be fed. In return for such a favor, they will share valuable resources with you or show you the way to them.

There's no telling how you'll react to this, but at the time of writing, No Man's Sky's top award is "The Most Controversial Video Game of All Time." Opinions on Metacritic are mixed, with thousands complaining about "missing features" that would be more appropriate in the upcoming “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare,” while the rest of us, meanwhile, are content to watch funny creatures.

No matter what you think, Hello Games has accomplished quite outstanding achievement. A mixture of inaccessible interviews and enticing trailers (along with algorithms that truly decorate the universe around them) make it clear that No Man's Sky is, in fact, an opportunity to explore the breadth and depth of space itself.

The game starts with a broken ship that needs repairs and the value of accepting the creatures and aliens of the galaxy. You most likely know how to hunt, gather things, but I bet you don't know how...

16. Take a forward jump

First of all, it's very simple. Let's hope that Hello Games doesn't write this off as a bug and removes it, because jumping with advancement is the fastest way to walk outside the ship.

To do this, simply press R1 while moving to perform a melee attack and immediately hit while holding X to create a backpack. When the character moves forward and the backpack lights up and starts working, you will fly faster and further than with normal jumps.

You'll see your character shake out, indicating that this way of playing isn't going to bode well, but it's hard to deny its effectiveness.

15. Climb onto any surface (even vertical mountain cliffs)

If you fly straight into a wall, it will be difficult to do this by accident.

Better yet, point your pack at any wall/rock, keep holding X, and it will go into another mode where you supposedly “climb” to the surface without wasting fuel.

You can use this to avoid caves and/or deep tunnels where you can get lost. Or just to fly up high and scan creatures from afar.

14. Turn on the flashlight

Another simple feature that I forgot to mention: by clicking on the cross, you can turn the flashlight on and off.

Ideal for caves and dimly lit areas. You won't be able to use it to scare away creatures or blind annoying Guardians, but it can be used to go deeper.

Plug in a pair of headphones, light a flashlight, and get ready for some intergalactic cave exploration: it just doesn't get any better.

13. Avoid demolition every 5 minutes

Escape the planet with pockets full of shiny objects and treasure, only to be shot at in the sky?

It happens to the best of us.

These seemingly random hostile encounters are actually caused by the fact that you have so much trinkets. They're designed to make the player the target of a space pirate's looting, but unless you upgrade your cruiser with better shields and guns, chances are you'll be constantly shot down for minutes on end, sent flying into the atmosphere.

This can be corrected by making yourself less “valuable”, i.e. exchanging their acquisitions before takeoff. Then there is every chance that you will be able to sneak into the space station with these objects, but that is the risk.

12. Buy almost any ship you see

When you finally get out of the first planet and move on to a nearby star system, you can land on the various space stations that float around. You can bargain inside merchant ships if you don’t go left or right and through all sorts of doors, but wait for other ships to land.

Go upstairs and get in touch with them, so you will have the opportunity to trade items with the pilots and even the ships themselves. This is a pretty good space age feature: pick a specific ship you like when it lands and take it from the owner's paws/hands within seconds.

Just make sure there are enough units to help you with...

11. Earn a million units in minutes (what do the gold stars mean)

Not only do gold stars when trading indicate that a certain item is worth a lot of money, you can most often purchase said materials from pilots who have landed on the space station.

“Buy low, sell high” - this saying has been around in trading since time immemorial, but here it makes much more sense. First, go to the right of the station and see what resources the gold stars have, and then return to the hangar and wait for the ships.

Talk to the pilots and buy necessary materials(at a greatly reduced price) and then return to the first trading terminal and sell them for a hefty profit.

As one user notes, he was able to “earn 2 million every 15 minutes,” which is quite unusual. Luckily, many of the more expensive ships tend to cost around three million, so it's best to save up.

10. Shoot asteroids for Resources

I did this just out of frustration, but when flying from place to place, feel free to unload your cannons or lasers on the asteroids you encounter along the way.

They quickly explode with Resources that would take centuries to extract using a tool. Theranium9 is the most common, but you'll still need it to fire engines and accelerate (so be sure to stock up on it), and you'll also find huge nickel and aluminum meteors.

Bonus (fun) tip: Hold circle to get full speed and blast one of the big meteors. A couple of seconds after the collision, fire off some plasma blasts and move on: they will create a hole as you get close, allowing you to get straight to the other side in one fell swoop.

Ideal for escaping from pursuers.

9. Get more inventory slots

The space inventory is very limited at first, there will only be a poor update.

In fact, to get any inventory upgrades for your Exo Suit, you need to find special cocoons similar to the ones in the image. They can be hidden behind question marks on planets, and if you have an AtlasPass V1 on any space station, grab it on the left and go through the previously locked door.

Inside, you can upgrade your suit at the station of each new system, but be careful: each upgrade costs 10,000 units, so check the cash before activating.

8. Make friends with creatures to find rare Resources

We came up with the idea of ​​feeding the creatures here, because not only will they follow you and - depending on their mood/abilities - help you in battle, but the main reason for befriending them is to find rarer materials.

Simply walk up to any creature that doesn't immediately try to bite, and you'll see a "Feed" sign. Different animals require different foods (all of them are resource types like plutonium, iron, etc.) and once you feed them a "smiley face" icon will appear.

Now just stand back and watch what is happening: more and more often, your newfound friend will rush off in a random direction to unearth a more valuable product.

Big, slow creatures will find things for you too, and it's so adorable. Just think of the new Multi-Tool you'll get at the end of all this...

7. Collect your inventory in form for bonuses

In the game No Man's Sky, connecting upgrades into forms will bring additional chips.

Now we turn on our ingenuity and think about which improvement items will be in the same “family”. For example, take a plasma cannon from a ship, add an extra damage upgrade nearby, but only in an L-shape or T-shape, add a few more upgrades, and you get a total bonus.

Many items will have to be broken down and reassembled since you won't be able to move them, but next time you can think about what to add to the suit, ship or Multi-Tool and find something more suitable for the kit.

6. Sprint from L3 (and scan from R3)

PC owners will use the button replacement in their games, but on PS4 there are minor issues with the Accessibility settings.

"No Man's Sky" is the first game in about ten years that requires you to press the right button, despite the fact that the preview indicated the left button. Strange.

But it's still easy to change. Go to Settings > Accessibility(Accessibility) > Enable Custom Button Assignments and swap the buttons. You can now sprint from L3 and scan from R3.

Keep in mind that changing the accessibility feature changes the L3/R3 for each game.

5. Scan dead creatures

Now, this doesn't mean I'm advocating the destruction of life on every planet you come across... But sometimes it's more fun to throw a grenade into a pool of tiny, round creatures and send them flying. I have everything.

Although there are other advantages. As one user noted, if you want to scan any faster creatures, like birds or smaller animals, just circle them a few times and look at their carcasses for a second instead of killing them.

4. Reload weapons with drag-n-drop components

If you're on foot, it's entirely plausible to bend your knee and take a moment to reload your weapon or suit with precious resources. But in battle, that is, when you are torn from all sides in an interstellar air battle, you have to go to the menu, select the part of the ship where large number ammunition, highlight the component and click on these not the best systems.

There is a small fix though. Instead of going to the components that need replenishing, find the ingredient first (e.g. Carbon/Plutonium), press X to move it and X again on what needs replenishing.

This will save precious seconds when switching between menus, which may at least just save you from another flight into the sky.

3. Do you need carbon to communicate with aliens? He already exists

There will be many times where you'll interact with Gek, Korvax, or Vikir to get multiple answers to a question... and screw it up because you don't know what they're saying.

While you can't ask to repeat a question, you can talk to these seated characters multiple times, with enough carbon provided for you to do so. To replenish your supplies, find plants that always stand in the office of these creatures.

At space stations, in particular, there is always enough for a couple more interactions with them.

2. Break your way out of any cave

You must have access to at least the Plasma Grenade upgrade to your Multi-Tool, and then terraforming the landscape will be possible.

There's almost nothing physics-based in No Man's Sky, so you don't have to worry about tunnels collapsing. Just point your weapon at the rocks or any part of the cave, hit L1 and make any number of holes leading straight to the other side .

You can also shoot underwater, so if you find yourself in a dead end with nowhere to run, just work your way through.

I somehow shot up several times to get back to the surface. No Man's Sky is similar to the original Red Faction or any 3D Worms game in terms of terrain deformation, so make some noise and see what you can find.

1. Summon the ship to you

Okay, okay, not exactly to your location every time, but don't be afraid to leave your ship too far away and know that it can be called back more often than you think.

As you explore, you'll randomly come across small terminals near outposts and bases that require "Bypass Chips" to activate.

Equip one of these chips with both iron and plutonium, then use it to summon your ship without having to go back across all the lands.

These beacons appear quite often, make your way there and explore, rest assured that your ship will find you anyway.

Any other tips? Share them below in the comments!

The space sandbox No Man's Sky provides players with a whole universe of possibilities. It often happens in such games that you cannot foresee what situation you will find yourself in and how much effort you will need to expend to get this or that result. Everything is done in such a way that the player will explore himself huge world and learn different mechanics. Of course, they will give you the most important information, but then everything depends on you. That is why the GoHa.Ru portal has collected the most useful tips for newcomers to No Man`s Sky. Be sure to check it out before you head to the center of the universe armed with knowledge.

#1 Save inventory space

You will always lack free space in your inventory, so get into the good habit of not collecting any trash. During a land expedition, some of the finds can be sent to the ship, but space there will run out almost instantly. By the way, it is better to send the most valuable things for sale. Iron and carbon can be found on any planet in the required quantities, and create bypass modules and other consumables as needed.

To increase your inventory, explore new planets - there will sometimes be buildings in which the computer will offer to increase the carrying capacity by one cell for a fee.

#2 Make friends and learn languages

Everything is like in our life. Don’t miss special terminals to learn new words for a particular faction, and if necessary, additionally visit the colonies for this. The “Stones of Knowledge” on the planets will also help you with this; they will teach you one alien word. Talk to alien beings more often, find out their aspirations and values, and don’t forget to give gifts. Over time, they will get used to you and reciprocate. In the future, this will simplify trade and allow you to receive expensive services for free.

#3 A spaceship is not Roach. Doesn't always move

Try not to stray too far from your ship when disembarking. Try to get around everything in the area, and then come back and fly to a new place. This will significantly save time exploring the next planet. Of course, you can call a ship, but you need to be near a special beacon, and you will also need a bypass module, which will not be a problem to create.

#4 Beware of the Guardians

Almost every planet in the galaxy is patrolled by Sentinel drones. They don't care about you until you start getting impudent and extracting too many resources right under their noses. Over time, you will develop a good habit of not touching anything on the ground while listening to this characteristic mechanical sound. In this case, he will call his comrades, and they will ask you in full. Of course, you can easily deal with several drones, even with a basic blaster modification, but the risk is not worth it and it is better to immediately get out of the conflict by hiding in the bushes or a cave. They will soon lose interest in you and go on patrol.

PS: Titanium and expensive electronics are mined from Guardians. Show them who's daddy and earn 5 Pursuit Stars just like in Grand Theft Auto

#5 Don't be greedy and feed the wild animals unless they try to eat you, of course.

If you pay enough attention to the creature, it may become friends with you and even help you discover exotic minerals such as Omegon or Calium. Even if not, then you will have a pleasant companion on your journey around the planet, and then you’ll see some valuable resource.

#6 Through orbit you can get to a distant point on the planet much faster

It happens that having arrived on the planet you decide to go somewhere else. Some players will use a jetpack and spend an incredible amount of time, others will go to the point in their spaceship, flying through the atmosphere, and the smartest ones will go into space and fly in orbit to the desired point in a few seconds. Now you have a choice on how to deceive the planet's gravity

#7 Speculate on the market and earn more

If you are faced with a shortage of units, then you can sell the Atlas stone, and if you have long chosen the professions of the gnome race in Lineage 2, then you can easily make a fortune in this game. With the right amount of patience, you can play big and create a shortage of certain goods and trade with station visitors.

Remember that each system has its own pricing policy, and it is better to always visit stations with merchants first and only then go explore the area around. In this sequence, it will be possible to make much more profit from searching and collecting resources and valuable things.

#8 Remember to save. Return for your things after death

Well, it happens that on some planet you encountered a very powerful creature, and your remains remained lying on the ground. There are no save buttons in No Man`s Sky, but you can save for certain important actions, for example, entering and exiting a ship. On planets you can find special places where progress is saved automatically. After death, do not forget to return to the place of death and collect your goods.

#9 Don't forget to make improvements

The success of your trip depends on many factors, and equipment plays an important role. Almost all of your items and the ship itself can be modified in a thousand different ways. You will find a lot of drawings, but immediately imagine what kind of explorer you will be so that the improvements will develop your strengths.

#10 Be yourself or be a real pirate

Valuable cargo can be obtained by the most in different ways. Don’t be shy about your mining method - break through the cargo compartments of merchant ships, warehouses on planetary bases and simply rob single spaceships.. If you have already embarked on this path, then follow it to the end.

No Man's Sky always includes so much information that you can get confused during a simple operation. In this guide we have collected Things you shouldn't do in No Man's Sky

Things that we forget about by mistake, getting into even bigger troubles.

Want to know more? Don't forget to check out the previous guides:

Don't buy a new Starship until you have a Warp Cell

You should not purchase an expensive Starship until you have collected all the necessary resources for it.

We craft a warp cell and live without troubles. We buy a ship without it and it hurts.

The warp engines of such ships are almost completely dry and you risk being trapped without fuel in one of the systems without the ability to land on the planet.

Don't transfer to a new ship until you've taken everything out of it.

In the event that you did not transfer your belongings between ships and accepted the deal, congratulations, you are trapped. To get out of a difficult situation, try to go back and buy the ship. Perhaps your valuable resources are still with him.

When purchasing a ship, we take everything that is not sewn to the ship with us.

So, when buying a new Starship, don’t forget to stuff absolutely everything into it!

Don't go into space without a supply of Titanium

Space pirates can hide in the dark zones of cold space. One of these ambushes may take you by surprise. Shields can save the situation, but they are ordered to live. So when exploring space, always keep a supply of Titanium with you for quick repairs

Don't wander into caves

Caves are great, you can often find rare blueprints and resources there, but navigating the caves is a huge pain. One wrong turn, or a deeper descent, and you will be left wandering in it for several hours. So, when entering a cave, try to set a custom Mark relative to the ship, so that if something happens, you can quickly find a way out.

If you are completely lost, then try to blow up a point close to the surface to get out.

Don't fly without fuel

There are many annoying places in the game where the ship can suddenly get stuck. Finding yourself on the top of some mountain, without fuel in Takeoff boosters, you risk losing your ship forever. In this case, it is necessary to maintain reserves of Plutonium, which serve as fuel for the system of ascent and landing on planets.

Don't provoke Space Pirates

You risk aggravating (provoking) a huge squadron of pirates who, without batting an eyelid, will “bring you to your knees and force you to apologize for what you did.” Do not under any circumstances do this. Otherwise, you will have to fly to the nearest Space Station to wait there for some time.

Don't skip scripted events

In No Man's Sky, random signals for help or other scripted events will periodically pop up, which usually help you find your way to some important alien technology. Be sure to pay attention to such signals, sometimes they can lead you to the Monolith. In the event that you have been missing events all the time, open your star map, perhaps you will find similar anomalies on it.