The largest submarine in the world. The world's largest submarine - shark submarine

The construction of heavy nuclear-powered strategic missile cruisers of Project 941 "Shark" (international classification "Typhoon") was a kind of response to the construction of US class nuclear submarines Ohio", armed with 24 intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In the USSR, the development of a project for a new class of submarines began later than the Americans. The designers were faced with a difficult technical task - to place 24 missiles weighing almost 100 tons each on board. After many studies, it was decided to place the missiles between two durable hulls. As a result, the first Akula submarine was built in record time. short terms- within 5 years.

In September 1980, unusually large soviet submarine the height of a nine-story building and the length of almost two football fields touched the water for the first time. Delight, joy, fatigue - the participants in that event experienced different feelings, but everyone was united by one thing - pride in a great common cause. Mooring and sea trials were carried out in record time. Tests took place not only in the White Sea, but also in the North Pole area. There were no operational failures during the period of missile firing. During construction nuclear submarines class " Typhoon“The latest achievements in the creation of shipborne radio-electronic equipment and noise reduction were applied. Submarines of this project are equipped with a pop-up rescue chamber designed for the entire crew.

heavy nuclear-powered strategic missile cruiser "Akula"

Interestingly, the total underwater displacement submarine "Shark"" is about 50,000 tons. Moreover, exactly half of this weight is ballast water, which is why it was dubbed a “water carrier.” This is the price of the transition from liquid hot to solid fuel, which has not been fully thought out for the Russian submarine fleet. As a result, the project Shark" became the largest submarine in the world and is included in the Guinness Book of Records. For the construction of nuclear submarines, a new workshop was specially built at the Northern Engineering Enterprise - the largest indoor boathouse in the world. The first Project 941 submarine code "TK-208" was laid down at the shipyard of the shipbuilding enterprise in 1976, launched on September 23, 1980, and entered service at the end of 1981. Then five more submarines were built and one of them was nuclear submarine « Dmitry Donskoy». Nuclear submarine"TK-210", laid down in 1986, was never put into operation and was dismantled in 1990 due to the high cost of the project.

dates of laying, launching and commissioning of Project 941 submarines

Design Project 941 submarine made as a “catamaran”: two separate durable hulls are located in a horizontal plane parallel to each other. In addition, there are two separate sealed capsule compartments - a torpedo compartment and a control module located between the main buildings in the center plane, which houses the central post and the electronic weapons compartment located behind it. The missile compartment is located between the pressure hulls at the front of the ship. Both housings and capsule compartments are connected to each other by transitions. Total number There are nineteen waterproof compartments. The central post compartment and its light fencing are shifted towards the stern nuclear submarine. The robust hull, central post and torpedo compartment are made of titanium alloy, and the lightweight hull is made of steel (its surface is coated with a special hydroacoustic rubber coating, which increases stealth submarines). Submarine "Shark""has a developed stern tail. The front horizontal rudders are located in the bow of the hull and fold. The cabin is equipped with powerful ice reinforcements and a rounded roof, which serves to break the ice during ascent.

Conditions of increased comfort have been created for the boat crew. The officers were placed in relatively spacious two- and four-berth cabins with washbasins, televisions and air conditioning, while the sailors and petty officers were housed in small cockpits. Submarine « Shark“received a gym, swimming pool, solarium, sauna, relaxation room, “living corner” and other premises.

According to domestic press reports, existing plans for the development of Russia's strategic nuclear forces provide for modernization Project 941 nuclear submarines with the replacement of the D-19 missile system with a new one. If this is true, submarine "Shark""has every chance of remaining in service until 2010. In the future, it is possible to convert part of the 941 project into transport nuclear submarines designed for the transportation of goods along transpolar and cross-polar routes, the shortest route connecting Europe, North America and other countries. The cargo compartment built in place of the missile compartment will be capable of accepting up to 10,000 tons of cargo.

the largest submarine in the world photo

nuclear submarine "Shark" parked

on a barrel

submarine "Shark" on a combat mission

submarine "Akula" on the surface

“You are a liar, Nam-Bok, for everyone knows that iron cannot float.”
/Jack London/

Dear comrades, many of you have probably visited naval salons and climbed uncomfortable, shaking gangways onto the decks of huge ships. We wandered around the upper deck, looking at missile launch containers, spreading branches of radars and other fantastic systems.
Even such simple things as the thickness of an anchor chain (each link is about a pound of weight) or the radius of sweeping the barrels of naval artillery (the size of a country “six hundred square meters”) can cause sincere shock and bewilderment in the unprepared average person.

The dimensions of the ship's mechanisms are simply enormous. Such things are not found in ordinary life - we learn about the existence of these cyclopean objects only during a visit to the ship on the next Navy Day (Victory Day, during the St. Petersburg International Naval Show, etc.).
Indeed, from the point of view of an individual, small or large ships do not exist. Marine technology is amazing in its size - standing on the pier next to a moored corvette, a person looks like a grain of sand against the backdrop of a huge rock. The “tiny” 2500-ton corvette looks like a cruiser, but the “real” cruiser has generally paranormal dimensions and looks like a floating city.

The reason for this paradox is obvious:

An ordinary four-axle railway car (gondola car), loaded to the brim with iron ore, has a mass of about 90 tons. A very bulky and heavy thing.

In the case of the 11,000-ton missile cruiser Moskva, we have only 11,000 tons metal structures, cables and fuel. The equivalent is 120 railway cars with ore, densely concentrated in a single massif.

Anchor of the submarine missile carrier pr. 941 "Shark"

How does water hold THIS?! Conning tower of the battleship New Jersey

But the cruiser "Moscow" is not the limit - the American aircraft carrier "Nimitz" has a total displacement of more than 100 thousand tons.

Truly, great is Archimedes, whose immortal law allows these giants to stay afloat!

Big difference

Unlike surface ships and vessels that can be seen in any port, the underwater component of the fleet has an increased degree of stealth. Submarines are difficult to see even when entering the base, largely due to the special status of the modern submarine fleet.

Nuclear technologies, danger zone, state secrets, objects of strategic importance; closed cities with special passport regime. All this does not add to the popularity of the “steel coffins” and their glorious crews. Nuclear boats quietly nest in secluded coves of the Arctic or hide from prying eyes on the coast of distant Kamchatka. Nothing has been heard of the existence of boats in peacetime. They are not suitable for naval parades and the notorious “flag display”. The only thing these sleek black ships can do is kill.

Baby S-189 against the backdrop of the Mistral

What do “Loaf” or “Pike” look like? How big is the legendary "Shark"? Is it true that it doesn't fit in the ocean?

It is quite difficult to clarify this issue - there are no visual aids on this matter. Museum submarines K-21 (Severomorsk), S-189 (St. Petersburg) or S-56 (Vladivostok) are half a century old “diesel engines” from the Second World War* and do not give any idea about the real size of modern submarines.

*even the relatively “fresh” S-189 built in the 1950s was created on the basis of the captured German “Electrobot”

The reader will certainly learn a lot of interesting things from the following illustration:

Comparative sizes of silhouettes of modern submarines on a single scale

The thickest “fish” is the Project 941 heavy strategic missile submarine (code “Shark”).

Below is an American Ohio-class SSBN.

Even lower is the underwater “aircraft carrier killer” of Project 949A, the so-called. “Baton” (it was to this project that the lost “Kursk” belonged).

Hidden in the lower left corner is a multi-purpose Russian nuclear submarine of Project 971 (code “Shchuka-B”)

And the smallest boat shown in the illustration is the modern German diesel-electric submarine Type 212.

Of course, the greatest public interest is associated with “Shark”(aka “Typhoon” according to NATO classification). The boat is truly amazing: the hull length is 173 meters, the height from the bottom to the roof of the deckhouse is equal to a 9-story building!

Surface displacement - 23,000 tons; underwater - 48,000 tons. The numbers clearly indicate a colossal reserve of buoyancy - to immerse the Shark, more than 20 thousand tons of water are pumped into the boat’s ballast tanks. As a result, the “Shark” received the funny nickname “water carrier” in the navy.

Despite all the seeming irrationality of this decision (why does a submarine have such a large reserve of buoyancy??), the “water carrier” has its own characteristics and even advantages: when on the surface, the draft of the monstrous monster is slightly greater than that of “ordinary” submarines - about 11 meters. This allows you to enter any home base without the risk of running aground, and use all available infrastructure for servicing nuclear submarines. In addition, the huge reserve of buoyancy turns the Akula into a powerful icebreaker. When the tanks are blown, the boat, according to Archimedes’ law, “rushes” upward with such force that even a 2-meter layer of rock-hard Arctic ice cannot stop it. Thanks to this circumstance, the “Sharks” could carry out combat duty in the highest latitudes, right up to the North Pole.

But even on the surface, the “Shark” surprises with its dimensions. How else? - the largest boat in world history!

You can admire the shark’s appearance for a long time:

"Akula" and one of the SSBNs of the 677 family

Modern SSBN Project 955 "Borey" against the backdrop of a gigantic fish

The reason is simple: two submarines are hidden under a light, streamlined hull: the “Shark” is made according to the “catamaran” design with two durable hulls made of titanium alloys. 19 isolated compartments, a duplicate power plant (each of the durable hulls has an independent OK-650 nuclear steam generating unit with a thermal power of 190 MW), as well as two pop-up rescue capsules designed for the entire crew...
Needless to say, in terms of survivability, safety and convenience of personnel accommodation, this floating Hilton was beyond competition.

Loading the 90-ton “Kuzka mother”
In total, the boat's ammunition load included 20 R-39 solid-fuel SLBMs


No less surprising is the comparison of the American submarine missile carrier "Ohio" and the domestic TRPKSN project "Shark" - it suddenly turns out that their dimensions are identical (length 171 meters, draft 11 meters) ... while the displacement differs significantly! How so?

There is no secret here - "Ohio" is almost half as wide as the Soviet monster - 23 versus 13 meters. However, it would be unfair to call the Ohio a small boat - 16,700 tons of steel structures and materials inspire respect. The Ohio's underwater displacement is even greater - 18,700 tons.

Carrier Killer

Another underwater monster, whose displacement exceeded the achievements of the Ohio (water and surface - 14,700, underwater - 24,000 tons).

One of the most powerful and advanced boats of the Cold War. 24 supersonic cruise missiles with a launch weight of 7 tons; eight torpedo tubes; nine isolated compartments. The operating depth range is more than 500 meters. Underwater speed over 30 knots.

In order to accelerate the “loaf” to such speeds, the boat uses a two-reactor power plant - uranium assemblies in two OK-650 reactors burn day and night with a terrible black fire. The total energy output is 380 Megawatts - enough to provide electricity to a city of 100,000 inhabitants.

"Baton" and Shark

Two "loaves"

But how justified was the construction of such monsters to solve tactical problems? According to a widespread legend, the cost of each of the 11 boats built reached half the cost of the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov! At the same time, the “loaf” was focused on solving purely tactical problems - exterminating AUGs, convoys, disrupting enemy communications...
Time has shown that multi-purpose nuclear submarines are most effective for such operations, for example -


A series of Soviet nuclear multi-purpose boats of the third generation. The most formidable submarine before the advent of the American Seawolf-class nuclear submarines.

But don’t think that Pike-B is so small and puny. Size is a relative value. Suffice it to say that the baby does not fit on a football field. The boat is huge. Surface displacement is 8100, underwater displacement is 12,800 tons (in the latest modifications it has increased by another 1000 tons).

This time, the designers made do with one OK-650 reactor, one turbine, one shaft and one propeller. Excellent dynamics remained at the level of the 949th “loaf”. A modern hydroacoustic complex and a luxurious set of weapons appeared: deep-sea and homing torpedoes, Granat cruise missiles (in the future - Caliber), Shkval missile-torpedoes, Vodopad missile-launching missiles, thick 65-76 torpedoes, mines... at the same time , the huge ship is piloted by a crew of just 73 people.

Why do I say “total”? Just an example: to operate a modern American boat analogue of the Pike, an unsurpassed underwater killer of the Los Angeles type, a crew of 130 people is required! At the same time, the American, as usual, is extremely saturated with radio electronics and automation systems, and its dimensions are 25% smaller (displacement - 6000/7000 tons).

By the way, an interesting question: why? American boats always have smaller sizes? Is it really all the fault of “Soviet microcircuits - the largest microcircuits in the world”?!
The answer will seem banal - American boats have a single-hull design and, as a result, a smaller buoyancy reserve. That is why the “Los Angeles” and “Virginia” have such a small difference in the values ​​of surface and underwater displacement.

What is the difference between a single-hull and a double-hull boat? In the first case, ballast tanks are located inside a single durable housing. This arrangement takes up part of the internal volume and, in a certain sense, negatively affects the survivability of the submarine. And, of course, single-hull nuclear submarines have a much smaller buoyancy reserve. At the same time, this makes the boat small (as small as a modern nuclear submarine can be) and quieter.

Domestic boats are traditionally built using a double-hull design. All ballast tanks and auxiliary deep-sea equipment (cables, antennas, towed sonar) are located outside the pressure hull. The stiffening ribs of the robust body are also located on the outside, saving precious volume interior spaces. From above, all this is covered with a light “shell”.

Advantages: a reserve of free space inside a durable case, allowing for the implementation of special layout solutions. A larger number of systems and weapons on board the boat, increased unsinkability and survivability (additional shock absorption in case of nearby explosions, etc.).

Nuclear waste storage facility in Sayda Bay (Kola Peninsula)
Dozens of submarine reactor compartments are visible. The ugly “rings” are nothing more than stiffening ribs of a durable case (the light case has been previously removed)

This scheme also has disadvantages and there is no escape from them: larger dimensions and area of ​​wetted surfaces. The direct consequence is that the boat is noisier. And if there is a resonance between the durable and lightweight body...

Don’t be fooled by hearing about the above-mentioned “reserve of free space”. It is still forbidden to ride mopeds or play golf inside the compartments of Russian Shchukas - the entire reserve was spent on installing numerous sealed bulkheads. Number of habitable compartments per Russian boats usually fluctuates between 7...9 units. The maximum was achieved on the legendary “Sharks” - as many as 19 compartments, excluding sealed technological modules in the space of the light hull.

For comparison, the robust hull of the American Los Angeles aircraft is divided by hermetic bulkheads into only three compartments: central, reactor and turbine (of course, not counting the insulated deck system). Americans, traditionally, rely on the high quality of manufacturing of hull structures, the reliability of equipment and qualified personnel in the crews of submarines.

Here they are key differences underwater shipbuilding schools on different sides of the ocean. But the boats are still huge.

A whopping big fish. American multi-purpose submarine of the Seawolf class

Another comparison on the same scale. It turns out that the "Shark" is not so large compared to the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the "Nimitz" type or the TAVKR "Admiral Kuznetsov" - the size of aircraft-carrying ships is completely paranormal. The victory of technology over common sense
The small fish on the left is the diesel-electric submarine "Varshavyanka"

Transportation of cut out reactor compartments of nuclear submarines

The newest Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarine K-329 "Severodvinsk" (scheduled for commissioning into the Navy in 2013).
Two Sharks being scrapped are visible in the background.

The article needs sanding

The article requires revision for the following reasons: Card, introductory paragraph, content, design.


Project 941 "Shark" (SSBN "Typhoon" according to NATO classification) - Soviet heavy strategic missile submarines (TRKSN). Developed at one of the leading Soviet enterprises in the field of submarine design, at the Rubin design bureau, in St. Petersburg. The development order was issued in December 1972. Project 941 nuclear submarines are the largest in the world and are still among the most powerful.
In December 1972, a tactical and technical specification for the design was issued, and S. N. Kovalev was appointed chief designer of the project. The new type of submarine cruiser was positioned as a response to the US construction of Ohio-class SSBNs (the first boats of both projects were laid down almost simultaneously in 1976). The dimensions of the new ship were determined by the dimensions of the new solid-fuel three-stage intercontinental ballistic missiles R-39 (RSM-52), with which it was planned to arm the boat. Compared to the Trident-I missiles that were equipped with the American Ohio, the R-39 missile had best characteristics flight range, throw weight and had 10 blocks versus 8 for the Trident. However, the R-39 turned out to be almost twice as long and three times as heavy as its American counterpart. To accommodate so much large rockets standard scheme The layout of the SSBN did not fit. On December 19, 1973, the government decided to begin work on the design and construction of a new generation of strategic missile carriers.

TK-208 is the first submarine of this type built. It was laid down at the Sevmash enterprise in June 1976. Her launch took place on September 23, 1980. Before the ship was launched, an image of a shark was painted on the bow. Then shark stripes began to appear on crew uniforms. Although the project was started later than the American project, the cruiser still entered sea trials a month earlier than the American Ohio (July 4, 1981). TK-208 entered service on December 12, 1981. In total, from 1981 to 1989, 6 Akula-type boats were built and launched. The planned seventh ship was never completed.
For the first time, Leonid Brezhnev announced the creation of the “Shark” series at the XXVI Congress of the CPSU, saying: “The Americans have created a new submarine “Ohio” with Trident-I missiles.” We also have a similar system - “Typhoon”. Brezhnev called the “Shark” “Typhoon” for a reason; he did this in order to mislead his Cold War opponents.
To ensure reloading of missiles and torpedoes, in 1986, the diesel-electric transport-missile carrier “Alexander Brykin” of Project 11570 with a total displacement of 16,000 tons was built.
On September 27, 1991, during a training launch in the White Sea on the TK-17 Arkhangelsk, a training rocket exploded and burned out in the silo. The explosion tore off the cover of the mine, and the warhead of the rocket was thrown into the sea. The crew was not injured during the incident; the boat was forced to undergo minor repairs.
In 1998, the Northern Fleet underwent tests, during which 20 R-39 missiles were launched simultaneously.

Chief designer of the project Sergey Nikitich Kovalev

Sergei Nikitich Kovalev (August 15, 1919, Petrograd - February 24, 2011, St. Petersburg) - general designer of Soviet nuclear-powered strategic submarine cruisers. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1963, 1974), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1965) and the State Prize of the USSR, Russian Federation (1978, 2007), holder of four Orders of Lenin (1963, 1970, 1974, 1984), holder of the Order of the October Revolution (1979), full member Russian Academy Sciences (1991, USSR Academy of Sciences - since 1981), Doctor of Technical Sciences.


Sergei Nikitich Kovalev was born on August 15, 1919 in the city of Petrograd.
In 1937-1942 he studied at the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. Because of the Great Patriotic War completed his studies at the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute.
In 1943, after graduating from the institute, he was assigned to work at the Central Design Bureau No. 18 (later became known as the Central Design Bureau of Marine Equipment "Rubin"). In 1948 he was transferred to SKB-143 to the position of assistant chief designer. Since 1954, he became the chief designer of the Project 617 steam and gas turbine boat.
Since 1958, he has been the Chief (later General) designer of nuclear submarines and strategic submarine cruisers of projects 658, 658M, 667A, 667B, 667BD, 667BDR, 667BDRM and 941. At Sevmash, only according to Kovalev’s designs, 73 submarines were built. A total of 92 submarines were built according to all Kovalev’s projects.
Sergei Nikitich Kovalev died in St. Petersburg at the age of 92.


Honorary titles

Orders and medals



The power plant of the submarines was made in the form of two independent echelons, located in two different, fortified buildings. The reactors were equipped with an automatic shutdown system in the event of loss of power supply, and to monitor the condition of the reactors, the submarine was equipped with pulse equipment. Also, during the design, the TTZ included a clause on ensuring a safe radius; for this purpose, methods for calculating the dynamic strength of complex hull components (fastening modules, pop-up cameras and containers, inter-hull connections) were developed and tested by experiments in experimental compartments.
To build the Sharks, a completely new workshop No. 55 was specially built at Sevmash, which became the largest indoor boathouse in the world. The ships of this project have a large reserve of buoyancy - more than 40%. In a fully submerged state, exactly half of the displacement is accounted for by ballast water, for which the boats received the unofficial name “water carrier” in the navy, and in the competing design bureau “Malachite” - “a victory of technology over common sense.” One of the reasons for this decision was the requirement for the developers to ensure the smallest draft of the ship to be able to use existing piers and repair bases. Also, it is the large reserve of buoyancy, coupled with a durable deckhouse, that allows the boat to break through ice up to 2.5 meters thick, which for the first time made it possible to conduct combat duty in high latitudes right up to the North Pole.

Crew conditions

On the Sharks, the crew members are provided with not just good, but unimaginably good living conditions for submarines. For its unprecedented comfort, the Sharks were nicknamed the “floating hotel,” and sailors call the Shark the “floating Hilton.” When designing the Project 941 submarines, apparently, they did not particularly strive to save weight and dimensions, and the crew was accommodated in 2-berth, 4-berth and 6-berth cabins lined with wood-like plastic, with desks, bookshelves, lockers for clothes, washbasins and televisions.
The “Shark” also has a special recreation complex: a gym with a wall bars, a horizontal bar, a punching bag, exercise bikes and rowing machines, and treadmills. True, some of this did not work from the very beginning. It also has four showers, as well as nine latrines, which is also very significant. The oak-paneled sauna was, generally speaking, designed for five people, but if you tried, it could accommodate ten. There was also a small pool on the boat: 4 meters long, two meters wide and two meters deep.


Name Serial number Bookmark Launching Commissioning Current status
TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" 711 June 17, 1976 September 23, 1980 December 12, 1981, July 26, 2002 (after modernization) Modernized according to project 941UM. Converted for the new Bulava SLBM.
TK-202 712 22 April 1978 (01 October 1980) September 23, 1982 (June 24, 1982) December 28, 1983 In 2005, it was cut into metal with financial support from the United States.
TK-12 "Simbirsk" 713 April 19, 1980 December 17, 1983 December 26, 1984, January 15, 1985 (as part of the Northern Fleet) In 1998, he was expelled from the Navy. On July 26, 2005, it was delivered to Severodvinsk for disposal as part of the Russian-American Cooperative Threat Reduction program. Disposed of
TK-13 724 February 23, 1982 (January 5, 1984) April 30, 1985 December 26, 1985 (December 30, 1985) On July 15, 2007, the American side signed a contract for disposal. On July 3, 2008, recycling began in the docking chamber at Zvezdochka. In May 2009, it was cut into metal. In August 2009, a six-compartment block with reactors was transferred from Severodvinsk to the Kola Peninsula to Saida Bay for long-term storage.
TK-17 "Arkhangelsk" 725 February 24, 1985 August 1986 November 6, 1987 Due to lack of ammunition, it was put into reserve in 2006. The issue of disposal is being resolved.
TK-20 "Severstal" 727 January 6, 1987 July 1988 September 4, 1989 Due to lack of ammunition, it was put into reserve in 2004. The issue of disposal is being resolved.
TK-210 728 - - - Not pawned. Hull structures were being prepared. Dismantled in 1990.

TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy"

TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy"- Project 941 “Akula” heavy strategic missile submarine, armed with ballistic missiles, designed to launch missile attacks on strategically important enemy military-industrial facilities. Modified according to project 941UM. Equipped with the Bulava missile system with 6 hypersonic nuclear warheads. "Dmitry Donskoy" is the fastest of all ships in the series, it exceeded the previous speed record of Project 941 "Akula" by two knots.

Ship history

Date Event
March 16, 1976
July 25, 1977
December 29, 1981
February 9, 1982
December 1982 Transition from Severodvinsk to Zapadnaya Litsa
1983-1984 Trial operation of the D-19 missile system, which includes the R-39 (Soviet solid-fuel submarine-launched ballistic missile)
December 3, 1986 Included on the Board of Winners of the socialist competition of advanced formations, ships and units of the Navy
January 18, 1987 Inscribed on the Honor Board of advanced units and ships of the USSR Ministry of Defense
August 1988 Testing under the “Soil” and “Placer” programs
September 20, 1989 Moved to Severodvinsk to Sevmashpredpriyatie for major renovation and modernization according to project 941U
1991 Curtailment of work on project 941U
June 3, 1992 Classified as a subclass TAPKSN
1996 Resumption of work on project 941UM
1989-2002 Modernization carried out according to project 941UM
October 7, 2002 Given the name "Dmitry Donskoy"
June 26, 2002 Exit from the stocks
June 30, 2002 Beginning of mooring tests
July 26, 2002 Re-introduced into the Northern Fleet
2008 Repairs and modernization were carried out at OJSC PO Sevmash
September 2013 Plans were reported to launch the R-39 Bulava ICBM from the Dmitry Donskoy to confirm the technical characteristics of the missile
June 9, 2014-June 19, 2014 Exit from the territory of OJSC PA "Sevmash" to the sea
July 21, 2014 Returned to the territory of the Belomorsk Naval Base after conducting state tests of the SSBN 955 "Borey" and K-551 "Vladimir Monomakh"
August 30, 2014 Together with the SSGN K-560 "Severodvinsk" of project 885 "Ash" and MPK-7 "Onega" of project 1124M "Albatross" entered the White Sea


Specifications TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy"
Surface speed 12 knots (22.2 km/h)
Underwater swimming speed 27 knots (50 km/h)
Working depth 320 meters
400 meters
Sailing autonomy 120 days
Crew 165 people
Surface displacement 23200 tons
Submerged displacement 48000 tons
Maximum length 172 meters
Maximum width 23.3 meters
Height 26 meters
Power point

2 turbines, 45,000 l/s each

2 diesel generators ASDG-800 (kW)
Lead-acid battery

Main weapons


TK-202- Project 941 Akula heavy strategic missile submarine. The second ship in this series.

Ship history

Date Event
02 February 1977 Enlisted in the lists of ships of the Navy
July 25, 1977 Classified as a heavy strategic missile submarine cruiser (TRKSN)
December 28, 1983 Entry into service of the USSR Navy
January 18, 1984 Included in the Northern Fleet
April 28, 1986 Getting into the trawl of a fishing vessel
September 20, 1989-October 1, 1994 Medium renovation in the city of Severodvinsk at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Zvezdochka"
June 3, 1992 Classified as a subclass TAPKSN
March 28, 1995 Withdrawn from the Navy and put into storage in Nerpichya Bay, in the city of Zaozersk
August 2, 1999 Towed to the city of Severodvinsk
1999-2003 Was in the city of Severodvinsk at the Federal State Enterprise "Zvezdochka" waiting for cutting into metal
2003-2005 Cut into metal. Reactor compartments were towed to the sludge in Saida Bay


Technical characteristics of TK-202
Surface speed 12 knots (22.2 km/h)
Underwater swimming speed 25 knots (46.3 km/h)
Working depth 400 meters
Maximum immersion depth 480 meters
Sailing autonomy 180 days
Crew 160 people
Surface displacement 23200 tons
Submerged displacement 48000 tons
Maximum length 172 meters
Maximum width 23.3 meters
Height 26 meters
Power point 2 pressurized water reactors OK-650, 150 MW each

2 propeller shafts with 50 thousand hp per shaft
4 steam turbine ATGs of 3.2 MV each
2 diesel generators DG-750 (kW)
Lead-acid battery

Main weapons

TK-12 "Simbirsk"

TK-12 "Simbirsk"- Project 941 Akula heavy strategic missile submarine. The third ship in this series.

Ship history

Date Event
April 19, 1980
May 21, 1981 Enlisted in the lists of ships of the Navy
December 17, 1983 Launched
August 22-25, 1984 First trip to sea as part of factory sea trials
November 13-22, 1984 State tests with testing of the missile system
December 27, 1984 Entry into service of the USSR Navy
December 28-29, 1984 Made the transition to its permanent base in Nerpichya Bay (Zapadnaya Litsa)
June 12-18, 1985 Moved from Nerpichya Bay to the city of Severodvinsk to Sevmashpredpriyatie
August 7-September 3, 1985
September 4-10, 1985 Testing of individual functions of the navigation system in the White Sea
September 21-October 9, 1985 Completed a trip to high latitude areas
July 4-31, 1986 Inter-pass repairs were carried out at Sevmashpredpriyatie
August 1-18, 1986 Completed an extensive acoustic testing program
August-September 1986 The first of the ships of this project made a trip to the North Pole
1987 Awarded the title "Excellent Ship"
January 27, 1990 Placed in 1st category reserve for upcoming repairs
February 9, 1990 Came to the city of Severodvinsk to Sevmashpredpriyatie for repairs
April 10, 1990 Placed in category 2 reserve due to an operation to reload the reactor cores
November 1991
June 3, 1992 Classified as a subclass TAPKSN
1996 Placed in reserve. Laid up in Neprichya Bay
2000 Expelled from the Navy
November 2001 Received the unofficial name "Simbirsk"
July 2005 Towed from its permanent base to the city of Severodvinsk to Sevmashpredpriyatie for disposal within the framework of the Russian-American program “Cooperative Threat Reduction”
June-April 2006 Spent nuclear fuel was disposed of from the ship
2006-2007 Cut into metal. The reactor compartments were sealed, launched and towed for long-term storage in Saida lip


Technical characteristics of TK-12 "Simbirsk"
Surface speed 12 knots (22.2 km/h)
Underwater swimming speed 27 knots (50 km/h)
Working depth 320 meters
Maximum immersion depth 380 meters
Sailing autonomy 120 days
Crew 168 people
Surface displacement 23200 tons
Submerged displacement 48000 tons
Maximum length 172 meters
Maximum width 23.3 meters
Height 26 meters
Power point 2 pressurized water reactors OK-650, 190 MW each

2 turbines of 45 thousand hp each.
2 propeller shafts
4 ATGs of 3.2 MW each
2 diesel generators ASDG-800
2 M580 diesels

Main weapons


TK-13- Project 941 Akula heavy strategic missile submarine. The fourth ship in this series.

Ship history

Date Event
February 23, 1982 Laid down in workshop No. 55 of Sevmashpredpriyatie in the city of Severodvinsk as a heavy strategic missile submarine (TRKSN)
January 19, 1983 Enlisted in the lists of ships of the Navy
April 30, 1985 Launched
December 26, 1985 Signing the acceptance certificate for the submarine's entry into service
February 15, 1986 Included in the Northern Fleet with permanent base in Neprichya Bay
September 1987 The submarine was visited by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee M. S. Gorbachev
1989 Won the prize of the Navy Civil Code for missile training
June 3, 1992 Classified as a subclass TAPKSN
1997 Withdrawn from the Navy
June 15, 2007 Disposal contract signed


Technical characteristics of TK-13
Surface speed 12 knots (22.2 km/h)
Underwater swimming speed 27 knots (50 km/h)
Working depth 320 meters
Maximum immersion depth 400 meters
Sailing autonomy 120 days
Crew 165 people
Surface displacement 23200 tons
Submerged displacement 48000 tons
Maximum length 172 meters
Maximum width 23.3 meters
Height 26 meters
Power point 2 pressurized water reactors OK-650, 190 MW each

2 turbines of 45 thousand hp each.
2 propeller shafts
4 steam turbine nuclear power plants of 3.2 MW each
2 diesel generators ASDG-850 (kW)
Lead-acid battery, product 144

Main weapons

TK-17 "Arkhangelsk"

TK-17 "Arkhangelsk"- Project 941 Akula heavy strategic missile submarine. The fifth ship in this series.

Ship history

Date Event
August 9, 1983 Laid down in workshop No. 55 of Sevmashpredpriyatie in the city of Severodvinsk as a heavy strategic missile submarine (TRKSN)
March 3, 1984 Enlisted in the lists of ships of the Navy
December 12, 1986 Launched
December 12, 1987 Arrived at its permanent base in Nerpichya Bay (Western Litsa)
February 19, 1988 Included in the Northern Fleet
June 3, 1992 Classified as a subclass TAPKSN
June 17, 2001 Left for the city of Severodvinsk for repairs
November 18, 2002 Given the name "Arkhangelsk"
2002 Repairs at Sevmashpredpriyatiya have been completed
February 15-16, 2004 V.V. Putin and his entourage went out to sea on a submarine
January 26, 2005 Withdrawn from the permanent readiness forces
May 2013


Technical characteristics of TK-17 "Arkhangelsk"
Surface speed 12 knots (22.2 km/h)
Underwater swimming speed 25 knots (46.3 km/h)
Working depth 400 meters
Maximum immersion depth 480 meters
Sailing autonomy 120 days
Crew 180 people
Surface displacement 23200 tons
Submerged displacement 48000 tons
Maximum length 172 meters
Maximum width 23.3 meters
Height 26 meters
Power point 2 pressurized water reactors OK-650, 190 MW each

2 turbines of 45 thousand hp each.
2 propeller shafts
4 ATGs of 3.2 MW each
2 diesel generators ASDG-800
2 M580 diesels
Lead-acid AB edition. 440

Main weapons

TK-20 "Severstal"

TK-20 "Severstal"- Project 941 Akula heavy strategic missile submarine. The sixth ship in this series.

Ship history

Date Event
January 12, 1985 Laid down in workshop No. 55 of Sevmashpredpriyatie in the city of Severodvinsk as a heavy strategic missile submarine (TRKSN)
August 27, 1985 Enlisted in the lists of ships of the Navy
April 11, 1989 Launched
December 19, 1989 The acceptance certificate for entry into service was signed
February 28, 1990 Included in the Northern Fleet
June 1990 Took part in exercises to determine unmasking factors
June 3, 1992 Classified as a subclass TAPKSN
October 11, 1994 Left for the city of Severodvinsk at Sevmashpredpriyatie for repairs
December 3-4, 1997 Took first place in the Northern Fleet in missile training
1998 Took first place in the Northern Federation in the fight for survivability
June 20, 2000 By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the name "Severstal" was assigned
2001 At the end of the year it was declared the best submarine of the Northern Fleet
April 29, 2004 Placed in reserve
2008 Was in reserve until the decision was made to scrap or re-equip
May 2013 A decision has been made to dispose of


Technical characteristics of TK-20 "Severstal"
Surface speed 12 knots (22.2 km/h)
Underwater swimming speed 25 knots (46.3 km/h)
Working depth 400 meters
Maximum immersion depth 480 meters
Sailing autonomy 180 days
Crew 160 people
Surface displacement 23200 tons
Submerged displacement 48000 tons
Maximum length 173.1 meters
Maximum width 23.3 meters
Height 26 meters
Power point 2 pressurized water reactors OK-650, 190 MW each

2 turbines of 45 thousand hp each.
2 propeller shafts
4 ATGs of 3.2 MW each
2 diesel generators ASDG-800
2 M580 diesels
Lead-acid AB edition. 440

Main weapons


TK-210- Project 941 Akula heavy strategic missile submarine. It was planned to be laid down in 1986 at Sevmash under serial number 728. It was supposed to be the seventh ship in the series, but due to the SALT-1 agreement, construction was canceled, and the finished hull structures were dismantled for metal in 1990.

Comparative assessment of project 941 "Shark"

The US Navy has only one series of strategic boats in service, which belong to the third generation - the Ohio. A total of 18 Ohio-class submarines were built, of which 4 were converted to carry Tomahawk cruise missiles. The first nuclear submarines of this series entered service simultaneously with the Soviet Sharks. Due to the possibility of subsequent modernization inherent in the Ohio, including with mines, extra space and replaceable cups, they use one type of ballistic missiles - Trident II D-5 instead of the original Trident I C-4. In terms of the number of missiles and their number, the Ohio is superior to both the Soviet Sharks and the Russian Borei.

"Ohio", in contrast to Project 941 "Shark", are intended for combat duty in the open ocean in warm latitudes, in the case where "Sharks" are often on duty in the Arctic, while being in the relatively shallow waters of the shelf and, in addition, under a layer of ice, which has a significant impact on boat design. In particular, for Sharks, sea temperatures above +10 °C can cause significant mechanical problems. Among US Navy submariners, diving in shallow waters under the Arctic ice is considered very risky.

The predecessors of the "Sharks" - submarines of projects 667A, 670, 675 and their modifications, were nicknamed "roaring cows" by the American military due to their increased noise; their combat duty areas were located off the coast of the United States - in the coverage area of ​​​​powerful anti-submarine formations, moreover they had to overcome the NATO anti-submarine line between Greenland, Iceland and Great Britain.
In the USSR and Russia, the main part of the nuclear triad consists of ground-based strategic missile forces.
After the acceptance of strategic submarines of the Akula type into service in the USSR Navy, the United States agreed to sign the proposed SALT-2 treaty, and the United States also allocated funds under the Cooperative Threat Reduction program for the disposal of half of the Akulas with a simultaneous extension service life of their American “peers” until 2023-2026.
On December 3-4, 1997, in the Barents Sea, during the dismantling of missiles under the START-1 treaty by shooting from the Akula nuclear submarines, an incident occurred: while the US delegation was observing the shooting from aboard a Russian vessel, a multi-purpose nuclear submarine of the type Los Angeles maneuvered near the nuclear submarine Akula, approaching at a distance of up to 4 km. The US Navy boat left the firing area after warning detonation of two depth charges.

Submarines have always differed from other ships as a class. They attract the attention of researchers, directors, and writers. This is due to their special purpose, the main task is covert surveillance, or an attack on the enemy. Leonardo Da Vinci hatched a project to create a certain vessel under water, but due to fears of a new war, he decided to destroy his drawings.

The pioneers in the creation and use of the submarine were US citizens. Horace L. Hanley is the author of this project, and the submarine later received his name. These weapons were used in civil war on the side of the Confederacy. It was immersed in water thanks to two large water tanks, and during an emergency ascent, ballast was dumped. Seven sailors turned the propellers using the crankshaft. Observation was carried out through two small towers, and the weapons were only one mine. It was the Hunley that was used in a real battle; the first ship sunk was the sloop USS Housatonic. Unfortunately, the submarine also did not survive and soon sank after the battle, but thanks to this the whole world saw that these submarines could also be used in battle.

The world's first submarine "Hunley"

How many submarines are there in the world?

It is from this period that the construction of submarines begins; there are already about 1271 submarines.

On at the moment This branch of the armed forces is quite well developed in many countries, but the following states stand out:

  1. Russia: This country has about 30 submarines in its reserve, and a total fleet of about 65 submarines, the country has one of the longest maritime boundaries and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a reform was carried out, which gave a new branch of development.
  2. China: The eastern country is very developed and has one of the largest armies, and over 30 years their army has undergone great changes and modernization, currently there are 69 submarines. In order to deter the nuclear weapons of competing countries, they have several ballistic missiles on which nuclear warheads are installed.
  3. USA: All submarines are nuclear-powered, which means the duration of the crew’s work under water is limited only by the amount of fresh water and food. In total, the United States has 71 such ships.
  4. North Korea (DPRK): They have 78 submarines. They are diesel-electric and considered obsolete from the Soviet era, but North Korea nevertheless showed the power of its army underwater in 2010 when a submarine sank a South Korean surface ship.

Submarine use

Most submarines have a military purpose, but in addition to this area, they are also used in peacetime, thus, according to their application, submarines are divided into:

Military applications

One of the most basic areas that has been used since the very first experience of using them. Submarines are used to perform a variety of tasks:

  • Destruction of important commercial, industrial and administrative centers, naval bases;
  • Attack of enemy ships of different classes;
  • Deploying a mine area in stealth mode;
  • Obtaining intelligence data;
  • Maintaining communication, relaying;
  • Landing of sabotage and reconnaissance groups.

Peaceful use

They are used by many scientists to conduct their research, not to be confused with military tasks; in this case, they often study physical, biological and other data necessary for scientific activity.


In some cases, it is easier to deliver cargo, a group of people, this is exactly how Russia planned to create year-round transport links with Norilsk.


In some conditions it is easier to deliver cargo under water; Germany and the USA had underwater communications in the First World War. This type mail took longer and was more expensive, but it was thanks to submarines that the British blockade was broken. On June 7, 1995, the K-44 Ryazan ship launched a launch vehicle with equipment for scientists. It was delivered from the Barents Sea to Kamchatka; the transfer process lasted 20 minutes and was recognized as the fastest in the history of recorded cargo delivery.

Tourist and private submarines

Nowadays, underwater tourism has become popular, where everyone can explore the bottom of a body of water with their own eyes. As a rule, such objects do not stay close to the shore and sink only to a depth of one hundred meters. In Russia, similar excursion devices were also created. “Neptune” was operated in the Caribbean Gulf in Central America in 1992, but due to the high cost of use, after 4 years it was returned to Russia, to the city of Severodvinsk, where it remains idle. The next similar tourist ship was the Sadko, it was created in 1997 in the northern capital of Russia, it was a work on the mistakes after the Neptune and served for 4 years on the island of Santa Lucia, and then it was sent to Cyprus.

Criminal direction

The last item on the list is criminal activity. All underwater vessels are hidden from prying eyes and are also quite quiet, so it is not surprising that Pablo Escobar, as the most famous drug lord, used this type of ship to deliver his illegal cargo. The navies of many countries regularly detain submarines carrying drugs.

Nuclear submarines by country

With the development of progress, the fleet was improved, and after filling the arsenal of countries with nuclear weapons, nuclear submarines (NPS) were created. They use a nuclear reactor to operate, and they can also carry nuclear weapons and conventional torpedoes. Only 6 countries have nuclear submarines.

  1. USA – 71
  2. Russia – 33
  3. China – 14
  4. UK – 11
  5. France – 10
  6. India – 2

The largest ATP Shark is 172.8 meters

Among these boats there is the largest nuclear submarine in the world, it was created in the USSR in the city of Severodvinsk and was popularly nicknamed “Shark”, since this sea predator was painted on its bow, which disappeared from view under the veil on September 23, 1980 water. At the helm of the country was L.I. Brezhnev, and even on this occasion he made a statement that the United States has the Ohio submarine, but at the moment Russia also has similar weapons with the name Typhoon. S. N. Kovalev supervised the construction and design. The displacement of this giant was 23,200 surface, submerged 48,000 tons, it accelerates to 25 knots under water. The submarine is capable of operating at a depth of 400 meters, and the maximum permissible diving distance is 500 meters. The nuclear submarine can sail without land for 180 days, which is equal to six months, during which time the ship can carry up to 160 people, 52 of whom are officers. Its dimensions shocked many; NATO troops even coded this boat with the name SSBN “Typhoon”. It is 172.8 meters long, for comparison we can give an example of a football field, the distance of which is from 100 to 110 meters, and the width of the “Shark” was 23.3 meters. The submarine's arsenal included torpedo-mine armament 22, Vodopad or Shkval missile-torpedoes. Air defense - 8 Igla MANPADS.

The most dangerous submarines in the world

Also among the nuclear submarines are the most dangerous inhabitants of the seas. Among the most terrible predators, 4 can be distinguished.

  1. Perhaps the most unpleasant encounter on the high seas can be with the Yasen submarine; it has no equal in battle on the high seas. Its diving depth is 600 meters, and its armament includes: 10 torpedo compartments and 8 missile compartments in which 32 cruise missiles are waiting in the wings. Their power could be observed firsthand when in 2014, at a distance of 3,000 kilometers, the Yasen struck terrorist groups in Syria. Among the disadvantages there is not even high noise during movement; if a silent attack is needed, then the submarine has low-speed electric motors.
  2. The Borei submarine is not only one of the most powerful, but it is also the quietest submarine in the world. It is armed with missiles of enormous range, the target can be taken 8,000 kilometers away, and it is almost impossible to shoot them down, since they can change their course up to 10 times. The submarine's immersion depth is 480 meters, and with the help of a self-powered reactor, the submarine can survive for 3 months.
  3. The United States also does not stand aside and America considers its Virginia submarines to be one of the most powerful, at least within its submarine fleet this title cannot be taken away from it. Their range and autonomy are not limited; the only obstacle can be the hunger of the crew, which numbers 120 people on the submarine. "Virginia" replaced the "Seawolf", which could dive to a depth of 600 meters. Very often, many people compare this nuclear submarine and the Yasen, but if the Russian device is intended more for open combat, then the Virginia will be more useful when collecting intelligence. In place of the standard periscope, retractable masts with cameras are installed that support excellent resolution. The submarine also picks up speed up to 46 kilometers per hour, and under water even 65. There are not many of these nuclear submarines, seven, but at the moment the armed forces of the states are actively introducing these ships.
  4. Other countries besides Russia and the United States are somewhat behind in the development of the submarine fleet, but also have their own convincing arguments under water. So the UK built the “Astyut”, which means “Astute”, there is only one such example and it is inferior to its counterparts from Russia and America, but nevertheless on the island state it is considered the best and is armed with 38 Tomahawk missiles, and its nuclear and water-jet engines provide navigation autonomy of up to 90 days (three months). Its speed under water is 54 km/h, and its crew of 98 people can dive to a depth of 300 meters.

The fastest submarine in the world

Submarines must have stealth and a minimum noise threshold, but occasionally these factors can be neglected and more emphasis can be placed on the speed of the vessel. So in 1971, the surface ship Saratoga sailed from Mediterranean Sea, one of the submarines was overtaking him and the command was given to leave the submarine, when the American aircraft carrier had already moved a long distance, the team discovered not only that the ship had not increased the distance, but the Anchar submarine had even caught up with them.

At that time, the whole world was amazed how a ship under water could reach such a speed, which was 44 knots (82 kilometers per hour), and on the water it accelerated to only 19 knots, “Anchar” (K-222) was nicknamed “golden” fish" for its high cost of construction, according to some sources, 1% of the entire military budget of the USSR, 2 billion rubles at the 1968 exchange rate, went to the ship. N. N. Isanin created this submarine, which was launched on December 21, 1968. NATO even codified the submarine "Papa" from the Russian for "Papa". After the world was amazed by the speed of the submarine, many attempts were made to break the Anchar's record, but no one managed to do it. The Papa could accommodate 80 people, and it could sail without land for 70 days. The length is 106.9 and the width is 11.5 meters. It dived to a maximum of 400 meters. At the moment, the submarine has been scrapped and no other country has produced similar devices due to the high cost of construction.

Maximum submersion depth

If you study submarines for a long time, you will notice that the maximum diving depth of a submarine in the world is 1027 meters. This record was set by the K-278 Komsomolets vessel. The submarine was laid down in 1966 according to the design of chief designer N.A. Klimov, and in 1977 his work was continued by Yu.N. Kormylicin. A.Ya. Tomchin was the chief observer, captain of the second rank of the navy, then N.V. Shalonov replaced him in this post. The project was completed on Victory Day, May 9, 1983, when the Komsomolets was launched.

Its difference from many other similar ships was that its hull was made of titanium, which made the ship lighter by 35%. Its working depth was listed as 1000 meters, and its autonomous navigation was 180 days. The crew size was relatively small, 60 people, 31 of whom were officers. On the water the displacement was 5880 tons, and under it - 8500 tons. Length and width – 110 and 12.3 meters. At the moment, K-278 is in the Norwegian Sea, or rather at its bottom; on April 7, 1989, it tragically sank due to a fire on board, only 30 sailors were saved, and the remaining 16 died before the rescuers arrived.

Since the submarine was nuclear, there was a risk of environmental contamination. At first they wanted to raise the entire ship, but then they limited themselves to only boxes with radioactive substances. In the first expedition, a group of sailors lifted all the waste 200 meters, but then the cable broke and they had to return to land. The next expedition was undertaken in 1998, but those who arrived at the scene of the tragedy only limited themselves to studying the background radiation, without lifting the boxes, assuring that environment nothing is in danger.

Maximum depth of human immersion

If we are talking about the maximum immersion of a submarine, then we should figure out why a submarine cannot descend to the deepest point of our planet, into the Mariana Trench, as we know, the thickness of water puts pressure on objects, therefore, when the maximum depth of a vessel is indicated, it means how far the liner can go into the water without negative consequences for the team and itself. Maximum depth is one of the most important tactical qualities of submarines; the lower it is, the greater the chance of being undetected by opponents, and also the lower sound vibrations can be created in the water, which are detected by sonar. Sonar works on the principle of searching for objects at depth, including it is used to search for submarines, but the less the submarine creates vibrations, the more difficult it is to detect, for this reason, sonars are being improved and improved, increasing their sensitivity.

The smallest submarines

Therefore, in addition to large giants, small submarines are also popular; they are most often used when landing sabotage groups, or for collecting intelligence data. In the Second World Germany used very small submarines, the type of which was designated “Biber”; they were not armed impressively, two torpedoes, or mines. It contained only one person, who controlled it. She developed a speed under water of up to 5.3 knots and dived only to 20 meters. With a length of 9.04 meters and 1.57 meters, it floated in coastal waters; it was planned to destroy opponents with this boat, but in reality only one submarine succeeded.

Submarine Bieber

The Americans also paid attention to this segment of submarines, but unlike the Germans, they allocated only a small amount of budget for the creation of this segment of the fleet. So the X-1 sample was only in a single copy; it did not even have weapons installed, not counting the personal weapons of the soldiers. It accommodated 5 people along with one commander and was about 15 meters long and 2 meters wide. The X-1 was subsequently written off and placed in a museum.

Also, a small miscalculation awaited the Wellman eyeliner. It, like the German one, contained one person within itself. In 1943, during testing, the designers noticed their most important mistake: they did not add a periscope to the ship, which became a big problem.

At the moment, the development of the submarine fleet is gaining momentum; if previously the specific power of your army had more weight, now a more cunning and quiet opponent who will win the battle even before it begins has a greater chance of victory. Submarines are a similar tool for espionage and undermining strategically important enemy targets. At the moment, many records have been set in this branch of the world's armed forces. But each country strives to make its arsenal of equipment better than that of competing states, so we should expect more and more new types of equipment in the submarine forces. After the Cold War, many believed that the arms race was completely established, but as long as in newspapers and television news reports we see the presentation of a new type of weapon from one of the countries, then we can be sure that the race is underway, albeit not as rapidly as before. Russia and the United States are developing very rapidly, but countries such as China, North Korea, and India should not be neglected. So Pakistan, Iran and Brazil decided to build nuclear submarines in their countries, so new achievements and peaks in diving will not be long in coming.

Underwater nuclear boat with ballistic missiles (SSBN) / cruising submarine (until 07/25/1977) / heavy strategic missile submarine cruiser (heavy SSBN from 06/03/1996). The developer of the project is the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering, the chief designer is S.N. Kovalev, the chief observer from the Navy is V.N. Levashov. Preliminary development of the D-19 missile system began at Miass SKB-385 in early 1971. The tactical and technical specifications for the design of SSBNs were issued in December 1972. Construction new series The SSBN was planned as a response to the construction of a series of Ohio-class missile carriers in the United States. The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the design and construction of Project 941 was adopted on December 19, 1973. Probably, it was planned to build a series of 12 SSBNs of the project - this figure was named by the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy S.G. Gorshkov in a speech to students and teachers of the Navy Training Center No. 93 in Paldiski in the summer of 1975

The lead submarine of the TK-208 series was laid down at the Sevmash Production Association (Severodvinsk) on June 17, 1976. Launched on September 23, 1980 and accepted by the USSR Navy on December 12, 1981. Construction of the series of submarines was completed by delivery to the Navy on September 4, 1989 SSBN TK-20. A total of 6 SSBNs of the project were built, the seventh boat of the project - TK-210 - was laid down in 1986, but in 1988, with 40% readiness, construction was stopped, and in 1990 the backlog was dismantled for metal. In the 1980s, partial assembly and metal procurement were carried out for three more SSBN series. Those. In total, as of the early to mid-1980s, it was planned to build a series of 10 SSBNs, which was later reduced to 6 copies.

After the fleet accepted the lead SSBN TK-208, the boat was subjected to intensive trial operation. When the SSBN project entered service with the Navy, the training base at the center in Paldiski was virtually absent and was created handicraft by the “students” themselves. Later, the Alder simulator was created in Paldiski, simulating 19 compartments of the SSBN Project 941 with an operating nuclear reactor.

Five of the six SSBNs built pr.941 TYPHOON in Zapadnaya Litsa, 1980-1990s (photo from the Volk archive,

In May 1987, according to the Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers, a schedule for the modernization of SSBN Project 941 according to project 941UTTH was approved:
- TK-208 (plant No. 711) - from October 1988 to December 1994
- TK-202 (plant No. 712) - from October 1992 to December 1997
- TK-12 (plant No. 713) - from 1996 to 1999
- TK-13, TK-17, TK-20 - with transfer to the Navy after 2000.
Repair work was planned to be carried out (medium repair) at the Zvezdochka shipyard, modernization - at the Sevmash production facility.

As of January 2010, except for the lead boat Project 941 and Project 941U TK-208, the remaining SSBNs have not undergone medium repairs. At the end of September 2011, three SSBN projects formally remain in service (including two boats in reserve without main ammunition and one in the role of an experimental SSBN - TK-208), the media are discussing the plans of the Russian Ministry of Defense to withdraw the boats from the fleet in 2014-2019 On February 9, 2012, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Vladimir Vysotsky, stated that two SSBNs of the project - "Sevrstal" and "Arkhangelsk" - in the coming years with their standard weapons - retained R-39 missiles - will remain in service with the Russian Navy, the third boat of the project - " Yuri Dolgoruky" will be used as an experimental submarine and in the SLBM testing program.

According to unconfirmed data, the code of the missile system from the SSBN Project 941 "Akula" is "Typhoon". This is probably where the western name of the submarine comes from - TYPHOON.

Design- the design of the submarine - a catamaran - is determined by the size of the ammunition load - large-sized solid-fuel intercontinental missiles. The boat is made according to multi-hull architecture and consists of a lightweight hull, retractable device fencing and 5 durable hulls:
- two main strong hulls run symmetrically along most of the length of the boat, have a variable diameter and each is divided into 8 compartments (3 bow with a total length of 54 m, 3 adjacent to the main control unit with a total length of 31 m, reactor and turbine compartments with a total length of 30 m).
- a strong bow hull - to accommodate a torpedo compartment (one compartment).
- durable housing of the main command post of the boat and radio-technical equipment (one compartment, length 30 m).
- aft transitional 13-meter strong hull (one compartment).
The fencing of retractable devices is made durable for breaking through ice up to 3 m thick or more, the roof is round in shape, height is 8.5 m.

The material of the durable cases is steel using titanium alloys, the lightweight case is steel. The body is covered with a rubber sound-absorbing coating.

The living conditions of the crew on the boat have been significantly improved - officers and midshipmen are accommodated in 1-, 2- and 4-berth cabins, sailors and foremen in small cockpits. There is a health center with a sauna and a swimming pool.

Means of rescue- on the sides of the retractable device fence there are two pop-up rescue chambers - for the right and left sides.

Propulsion system:
- 2 x double-circuit pressurized water nuclear reactors OK-650VV with a power of 190 MW each (housed in different durable buildings) - the reactors are modernized reactors of the VM-4AM type;
- 2 x STU (steam turbine units) with GTZA (main turbo-gear units) / turbines of 45,000-50,000 hp. / up to 60,000 hp according to other data;
- 2 x backup electric motors with a power of 260 hp each. - connected to the main shaft line using couplings;

Mover: 2 propeller shafts with 7-bladed fixed pitch propellers, precision machined, curved blades.
Screw diameter - 5.55 m
Rotation speed - 0 - 230 rpm

Two additional thrusters with 750 kW electric motors each in the bow and stern of the boat.

- 4 x steam turbine nuclear power plants with a capacity of 3200 kW BPTU-514 (BPTU-514M on project 941UTTH/U);
- 2 x backup diesel generators ASDG-800 with a power of 800 kW each;
- Lead-acid battery type "item 144"

TTX boats:
Crew - 163 people (including 52 officers and 85 midshipmen)

- 170 m
- 172.8 m (other data)
- 172.6 m (TK-17)
- 173.1 m (TK-20)
Width - 23.3 m
Wake draft - 11.2 / 11.5 m

Full underwater displacement - 48000 / 49800 t (according to various sources)
Surface displacement - 23200 / 28500 t (according to various sources)

Underwater full speed - 25-27 knots
Full surface speed - 12-13 knots
Cruising range - unlimited
Maximum immersion depth - 500 m
Working depth of immersion - 380 m
Autonomy - 120 days


Project 941 Project 941U / UTTH
Project 941U / 09412
Rocket D-19 missile system with 20 R-39 SLBM launchers

D-19U missile system with 20 R-39U SLBM launchers

D-19M missile system with 20 R-39M SLBM launchers (project)

D-19UTTH missile system with 20 SLBM launchers (re-equipment of TK-208 SSBN was underway)

D-30 missile system with 20 SLBM launchers, for testing Bulava missiles, 2 launchers are equipped in the bow of the ship
Torpedo 6 TA caliber 533 mm with a quick loader and a torpedo tube preparation system "Grinda"
Ammunition - 22 torpedoes of the VA-111 Shkval type and missiles of the " " and " " complexes.
similarly similarly
Other 8 x Igla-1 type MANPADS, ammunition - 48 missiles
similar + self-defense complex "Barrier" with 8 x SGPD MG-74 "Korund" launchers similarly

Project 941 Project 941 / TK-17, TK-20 pr.941UTTH Project 941U / 09412
BIUS "Omnibus" / "Omnibus-1" with a computer MVU-132
"Omnibus-U" with a computer MVU-132U "Omnibus-U" with a computer MVU-132U
Hydroacoustic equipment
- SAC MGK-500 "Skat-KS" with 4 antennas, simultaneously accompanied by 10-12 targets;
- mine detection sonar MG-519 “Arfa-M”;
- GAS for determining cavitation MG-512 “Vint”;
- GAS for determining the speed of sound GISZ MG-553 “Shkert”;
- echometer MG-518 “Sever”;
instead of the MGK-500 "Skat-KS" GAK, the MGK-501 "Skat-2M" GAK was installed

GPBA "Pelamida" was installed

instead of the MGK-500 "Skat-KS" GAK, the MGK-501 "Skat-2M" GAK was installed GAK MGK-540 "Skat-3", includes:
- GAK MGK-501 “Skat-2M” (?)
- Mine detection sonar MG-519 “Arfa-M” (?)
- GAS for determining cavitation MG-512 “Vint” (?)
- GISZ MG-553 “Shkert” (?)
- echometer MG-518 “Sever” (?)
Radar complex RLK MRKP-58 "Radian"
radio-technical intelligence station MRP-21A
RLK MRKP-59 "Radian-U" RLK MRKP-59 "Radian-U" MRKP-59 "Radian-U"
radio-technical intelligence station MRP-21A (?)
Navigation complex satellite navigation complex "Symphony"

navigation complex "Tobol-941"

navigation circular detector NOK-1

navigational fault detector NOR-1

satellite complex "Symphony-UTTH" satellite complex "Symphony-UTTH"
navigation complex "Tobol-941" (?)
Communication complex "Molniya-L1" / "Molniya MS"

two manufactured "Zalom" pop-up antennas provide signal reception at boat depths of up to 150 m

"Smerch-2" "Smerch-2"
Retractable devices
- periscope "Signal-3";

Periscope "Swan-21";

Combined antenna post of a “friend or foe” identification station and a radio sextant;

The antenna post of the radar radar "Radian" is combined with a retractable shaft for operating the compressor under water (RKP);

Antenna post of the radio communication complex;

Combined underwater communication system antenna and direction finder;

Antenna post for satellite communications and radio navigation systems;

Antenna post of the Zaliv-P radar signal detection system

- project 941- basic modification.

- Project 941 / TK-17, TK-20- on the submarine there are no wings that protect the rudder group from ice, the light hull is somewhat elongated. Equipment changed. A set of measures was carried out on the boats to reduce the primary acoustic field of the boat and its own interference with hydroacoustic means.

- Project 941UTTH / Project 941U / Project 09411- upgrade option for the D-19UTTH missile system with 20 SLBM launchers. During the modernization, in addition to the missile weapons complex, it was also planned to replace some submarine equipment systems. A new steam turbine unit BPTU-514M is installed on the boats of the project. During the modernization work, it was planned to extend the service life of the boats by 25 years without carrying out a second mid-life repair. The decision to modernize all SSBNs of the project was made in May 1987. The modernization period was planned until 2005. Since September 20, 1989, the Sevmash Production Association has accepted the TK-208 SSBN for mid-term repairs with modernization on Project 941UTTH/941U. In 1991, due to problems with financing, work on the conversion of SSBNs was actually stopped. Work was resumed in 1996, and since 1998 it has been carried out on Project 941UM for the Bulava-M missile complex.

- Project 941U / Project 09412 / Project 941UM- upgrade option for the D-30 missile system with 20 SLBM launchers. From 1998 to June 26, 2002, at the Sevmash Production Association, the TK-208 SSBN, previously modernized according to Project 941U / UTTH, was re-equipped - 2 launchers for testing Bulava missiles were installed in the bow of the ship, the equipment was modernized. Mooring tests of the boat began on June 30, 2002, and it was re-accepted for trial operation in the Russian Navy on July 26, 2002 for testing the Bulava-M missile system.

- Project of transport submarine-ore carrier- together with the Norilsk Nickel company, the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Metallurgical Engineering, in the 1990s, the possibility of converting the SSBN Project 941 into ore-carrying submarines was considered for transporting ore underwater along the Northern Sea Route.

Status: USSR / Russia

Satellite photograph of SSBN pr.941 (TK-208 or TK-202) in the harbor of the Sevmash Production Association in Severodvinsk, 10.10.1982. Photo taken by the American KH-9 surveillance satellite ( /forum).

- 1992 - serial production of the R-39 SLBM for the SSBN Project 941 missile systems was discontinued. In the mid-1990s, it was planned to begin mass production of SLBMs, but work on these missiles ceased in 1998.

1994 - as part of the 18th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, 5 SSBNs.

2003 December 11 - a throw-launch of an SLBM was carried out from a surface position with a TK-208 SSBN during testing of the boat.

2004 September 23 - a throw-launch of an SLBM was carried out from an underwater position with a TK-208 SSBN during testing of the boat.

January 2005 - of the entire group of SSBNs pr.941, only 10 R-39 SLBMs remain in service with the TK-20 SSBNs.

May 2010 - Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy V. Vysotsky stated that the reserve SSBNs pr.941 "Arkhangelsk" and "Severstal" will serve in the Russian Navy until 2019 and may be modernized.

2011 September 29 - the decision of the Russian Ministry of Defense to decommission SSBN Project 941 by 2014 was announced in the media. SSBNs decommissioned will be disposed of.

2011 September 30 - the media refuted the message dated September 29, 2011 about the decommissioning and disposal of SSBN Project 941.

Aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya of the Indian Navy and SSBN "Dmitry Donskoy" pr.941UM at the Sevmash Production Association in Severodvinsk, photo - November 2011 (photo from the nosikot archive,

- 2011 December 02 - Director of PA "Sevmash" Andrey Dyachkov stated in the media that the SSBN pr.941UM "Dmitry Donskoy", assigned to the Belomorsk naval base (Severodvinsk), will be used in testing submarines of new projects as an experimental one. The fate of the Arkhangelsk and Severstal SSBNs has not yet been decided.

February 9, 2012 - Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Vladimir Vysotsky stated that two SSBNs of the project - "Sevrstal" and "Arkhangelsk" - in the coming years with their standard weapons - retained R-39 missiles - will remain in service with the Russian Navy, the third boat of the project - "Yuri Dolgoruky" will be used as an experimental submarine and in the SLBM testing program, as well as to support testing of other submarines.

July 30, 2012 - SSBN TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" is located in the Sukhona floating dock on the territory of the Sevmash Production Association.

SSBN TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" in the floating dock "Sukhona" on the territory of PA "Sevmash", 07/30/2012 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov,

- 2013 May 21 - information appeared in the media, citing a source in the Ministry of Defense, that the dismantlement of the Severstal and Arkhangelsk SSBNs will be carried out before 2020.

Return to Severodvinsk to support testing of other submarines SSBN "Dmitry Donskoy" pr.941UM, 06/28/2013 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov,

SSBN TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" pr.941UM near the wall of the Sevmash production facility, Severodvinsk, October or spring 2014 (photo - Slava Stepanov,

Composition of the SSBN Project 941 group as part of the Navy of the USSR and Russia (as of December 2011):
Year SSBN SLBM SSBN composition Note
1982 1 20 TK-208
1984 2 40 TK-208, TK-202
18th Division of the Northern Fleet, Western Litsa
1985 3 60 TK-208, TK-202, TK-12
18th Division of the Northern Fleet, Western Litsa
1986 4 80 TK-208, TK-202, TK-12, TK-13
18th Division of the Northern Fleet, Western Litsa
1988 5 100 TK-208, TK-202, TK-12, TK-13, TK-17
18th Division of the Northern Fleet, Western Litsa
1990 5 100 TK-202, TK-12, TK-13, TK-17, TK-20
18th Division of the Northern Fleet, Zapadnaya Litsa, TK-208 - in medium repair at Sevmash Production Association
1994 5 100 TK-202, TK-12, TK-13, TK-17, TK-20 18th Division of the Northern Fleet, Zapadnaya Litsa, TK-208 - in medium repair at Sevmash Production Association
2005 January 3 10 TK-208, TK-17, TK-20 Ammunition for SSBN TK-20 - 10 SLBM R-39
2011 3 0 TK-208, TK-17, TK-20 TK-208 - experimental SSBN, the rest are in reserve without SLBMs

Register of SSBN pr.941(version as of September 30, 2011, double dates due to different data):

Name Project NATO Factory.
Factory Bookmark date Launch date Date entered. into operation Write-off date Basing and note
TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" (from 10/07/2000)
Sevmash 17.06.1976





07/26/2002 (project 941U)

Northern Fleet
2011 - part of the Navy, Northern Fleet; The SSBN is equipped and used to test SLBMs.
02 TK-202 941 TYPHOON 712 Sevmash 22.04.1978 23.09.1982 28.12.1983 2000 Northern Fleet
SSBN stripped to metal with American financing
03 TK-12 "Simbirsk" 941 TYPHOON 713 Sevmash, responsible deliverer Yu.N. Grechkov ( ist. - Kantor B...)
19.04.1980 17.12.1983 26.12.1984
Northern Fleet
07/26/2005 delivered to Severodvinsk for cutting, cut into metal with American financing
04 TK-13 941 TYPHOON 724 Sevmash 23.02.1982
30.04.1985 26.12.1985 1998 Northern Fleet
SSBN dismantlement began in the docking chamber of the Zvezdochka Shipyard in Severodvinsk on July 3, 2008.
05 TK-17 "Arkhangelsk" 941 TYPHOON 725 Sevmash 09.08.1983



August 1986



plan for 2014 according to some and 2019 according to other data Northern Fleet
06 TK-20 "Severstal" 941 TYPHOON 727 Sevmash 27.08.1985




plan for 2014 according to some and 2019 according to other data Northern Fleet
due to lack of ammunition in 2006 it was put into reserve, 2011 - part of the Navy, in reserve, Northern Fleet
07 TK-210 941 TYPHOON 728 Sevmash 1986 mid
- - - the boat was laid down, the groundwork was being prepared, in 1988 construction was stopped when it was 40% complete, the groundwork was dismantled for metal in 1990.

Side numbers:

, 2011
Assault on the depths. Website, 2011
Shcherbakov V. The birth of "Typhoon". // World of weapons. No. 4 / 2006
Jane's fighting ships. 2011 Website
Year TK-208 TK-202 TK-12 TK-13 TK-17 TK-20
1990 834 821 840 818 830
1994 824