RCD installations for ultrasonic pre-sterilization cleaning of medical instruments (10 liters). UZO installations for ultrasonic pre-sterilization cleaning of medical instruments (10 liters) Ultrasonic washing machine Uzo 10 01 medel


Ultrasonic cleaner UZO 10-01 MEDEL is designed for pre-sterilization cleaning of instruments and medical products from various contaminants. The working volume of the bath is 10 liters.

Dimensions of the processing area are 320x245x100 mm. The solution is drained from the bath by gravity using a drain tube.

Today, when it is the 21st century - the century of electronics and high technology, in many Russian medical institutions, contaminated medical instruments (surgical, gynecological, etc.) are cleaned manually by staff, after which they are disinfected and sterilized. When manually washing piercing and cutting tool possible injury to the hands of medical staff with subsequent infection by nosocomial infection.

To avoid infection, instruments are first disinfected and then processed manually using ruffs, brushes, and cotton-gauze swabs. But here, too, there are pitfalls: many disinfectant solutions have a fixing effect, making it even more difficult to clean the instruments. As a result, the labor intensity of manual cleaning increases many times over. Most of these problems are eliminated with the introduction of pre-sterilization cleaning into the process. ultrasonic machines, namely ULTRASONIC WASHERS UZO "MEDEL".

Ultrasonic RCD washers are designed for pre-sterilization cleaning of instruments and medical products, especially small ones, complex configurations, piercing and cutting ones from various contaminants in the form of:

  • solid and liquid films of oils and fats of vegetable, mineral (new instruments) and animal origin;
  • solid sediments: dust, bone tissue, etc.;
  • water-soluble and partially soluble polar organic and inorganic compounds: sugar, blood, protein, etc.
  • corrosion products.

Ultrasonic cleaning is the most effective method cleaning items of complex configuration made from various materials(metal, glass, plastic). In this case, the item to be washed is placed in a washing solution, and cleaning occurs due to the influence of ultrasound. The main phenomena that ensure effective cleaning are acoustic flows of solution and cavitation.

Intensification disinfection measures through the use of ultrasonic cleaning device :

  • The instrument, which has undergone a disinfection cycle in an EDPO container with a reflector plate pre-laid on the bottom of the tray, is washed under running water directly in the tray and placed in it in the body of the RCD working bath for pre-sterilization cleaning.
  • After installing the cover with the emitter, the timer sets the time required for cleaning. The set and current time are recorded on a digital display.
  • The vibrations generated by the ultrasonic emitter cause the appearance of elastic waves and pulsating air bubbles invisible to the eye in the liquid medium. This creates a hydrodynamic effect on the treated surfaces, as a result of which contaminants are removed from them into the solution.
  • After ultrasonic cleaning, the instrument is washed again with running water and only then removed from the tray for drying and sterilization.
  • The quality of cleaning that meets the requirements of the SES is ensured by the operating modes and compliance with the requirements described in the accompanying documentation.


Unlike traditional washers, which are “forced” to operate at higher power levels, ultrasonic RCD washers operate to provide the same cleaning efficiency at 2-3 times lower powers.

And here it is IMPORTANT to emphasize three points:

  1. the harmful effect of ultrasound on the disinfecting activity (survivability) of solutions is significantly reduced;
  2. the size of cavitation bubbles is significantly reduced, which leads to an increase in their penetrating ability and, therefore, better cleaning - THEY are able to “get through” even into blind holes, crevices of complex rough surfaces, the eye of needles, etc.;
  3. a gentle cleaning regime is created that does not lead to damage (dulling) of instruments.

The organization of ultrasonic RCD washers on the basis of EDPO polymer containers and the structural location of the ultrasound source in the lid gives them a number of obvious advantages over their analogues:

  • allows you to increase labor productivity due to the possibility of a continuous processing method;
  • provide the possibility of ultrasonic treatment at any stage of the disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning stages, i.e. at any time while the tools are in the pallet;
  • allows you to eliminate tactile contact with the instrument being processed, from the moment it is collected after use until the sterilization stage;
  • leads to the possibility of economical use of disinfectants and detergents.

Today, when we are in the 21st century - the century of electronics and high technology, in many Russian medical institutions, contaminated medical instruments (surgical, gynecological, etc.) are cleaned by staff manually, after which they are disinfected and sterilized. When manually washing piercing and cutting instruments, it is possible to injure the hands of medical staff with subsequent infection by a nosocomial infection.

Ultrasonic washers RCD

designed for pre-sterilization cleaning of instruments and medical products, especially small ones, complex configurations, piercing and cutting ones from various contaminants in the form of:

  • solid and liquid films of oils and fats of vegetable, mineral (new instruments) and animal origin;
  • solid sediments: dust, bone tissue, etc.;
  • water-soluble and partially soluble polar organic and inorganic compounds: sugar, blood, protein, etc.
  • corrosion products.

Dimensions of the processing zone of the ultrasonic cleaner UZO10-01: 320x245x100 mm. The solution is drained from the bath by gravity using a drain tube.

To avoid infection, instruments are first disinfected and then processed manually using ruffs, brushes, and cotton-gauze swabs. But here, too, there are pitfalls: many disinfectant solutions have a fixing effect, making it even more difficult to clean the instruments. As a result, the labor intensity of manual cleaning increases many times over. Most of these problems are eliminated with the introduction of ultrasonic machines into the pre-sterilization cleaning process, namely ULTRASONIC WASHERS UZO "MEDEL".

Ultrasonic cleaning is the most effective method for washing complex objects made from various materials (metal, glass, plastic). In this case, the item to be washed is placed in a washing solution, and cleaning occurs due to the influence of ultrasound. The main phenomena that ensure effective cleaning are acoustic flows of solution and cavitation.

Intensification of disinfection measures through the use of ultrasonic RCD cleaning:

  • The instrument, which has undergone a disinfection cycle in an EDPO container with a reflector plate pre-laid on the bottom of the tray, is washed under running water directly in the tray and placed in it in the body of the RCD working bath for pre-sterilization cleaning.
  • After installing the cover with the emitter, the timer sets the time required for cleaning. The set and current time are recorded on a digital display.
  • The vibrations generated by the ultrasonic emitter cause the appearance of elastic waves and pulsating air bubbles invisible to the eye in the liquid medium. This creates a hydrodynamic effect on the treated surfaces, as a result of which contaminants are removed from them into the solution.
  • After ultrasonic cleaning, the instrument is washed again with running water and only then removed from the tray for drying and sterilization.
  • The quality of cleaning that meets the requirements of the SES is ensured by the operating modes and compliance with the requirements described in the accompanying documentation.

Advantages of the ultrasonic cleaning device "MEDEL":

Unlike traditional washers, which are “forced” to operate at higher power levels, ultrasonic RCD washers operate to provide the same cleaning efficiency at 2-3 times lower powers.

And here it is IMPORTANT to emphasize three points:

  1. the harmful effect of ultrasound on the disinfecting activity (survivability) of solutions is significantly reduced;
  2. the size of cavitation bubbles is significantly reduced, which leads to an increase in their penetrating ability and, therefore, better cleaning - THEY are able to “get through” even into blind holes, crevices of complex rough surfaces, the eye of needles, etc.;
  3. a gentle cleaning regime is created that does not lead to damage (dulling) of instruments.

The organization of ultrasonic RCD washers on the basis of EDPO polymer containers and the structural location of the ultrasound source in the lid gives them a number of obvious advantages over their analogues:

  • allows you to increase labor productivity due to the possibility of a continuous processing method;
  • provide the possibility of ultrasonic treatment at any stage of the disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning stages, i.e. at any time while the tools are in the pallet;
  • allows you to eliminate tactile contact with the instrument being processed, from the moment it is collected after use until the sterilization stage;
  • leads to the possibility of economical use of disinfectants and detergents.
  • The ultrasonic cleaner UZO 10-01 is equipped with a 10 liter bath. UZO 10-01 is intended for pre-sterilization cleaning of small medical instruments or dental instruments.

Ultrasonic RCD washers consist of:

  • An ultrasonic generator (power source) connected by a cable to an ultrasonic emitter (structurally, the ultrasonic emitter simultaneously serves as a cover for the working baths), as well as working baths with a useful capacity of 1 l., 3 l., 5 l., 10 l.
  • In the ultrasonic cleaner UZO 10-01, aimed at use in dental offices, the ultrasonic emitter is as close as possible to the reflector, forming a zone of increased intensity of ultrasonic vibrations directly below it.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning using an RCD ultrasonic cleaner is the most effective method of washing complex objects made of various materials (metal, glass, plastic). In this case, the item to be washed is placed in a washing solution, and cleaning occurs due to the influence of ultrasound. The main phenomena that ensure effective cleaning are acoustic flows of solution and cavitation.

Advantages of UZO "MEDEL":

  • Unlike traditional washers, which are “forced” to operate at high power levels, RCD installations operate to provide the same cleaning efficiency at a power 2-3 times lower.

Thanks to this:

  • the harmful effect of ultrasound on the disinfecting activity (survivability) of solutions is significantly reduced;
  • the size of cavitation bubbles is significantly reduced, which leads to an increase in their penetrating ability and, therefore, better cleaning - THEY are able to “get through” even into blind holes, crevices of complex rough surfaces, the eye of needles, etc.;
  • a gentle cleaning regime is created that does not lead to damage (dulling) of instruments.
  • allows you to increase labor productivity due to the possibility of a continuous processing method;
  • provide the possibility of ultrasonic treatment at any stage of the disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning stages, i.e. at any time while the tools are in the pallet;
  • allows you to eliminate tactile contact with the instrument being processed, from the moment it is collected after use until the sterilization stage;
  • leads to the possibility of economical use of disinfectants and detergents.


  • The range of set processing time intervals is from 1 to 19 minutes
  • Installation interval - 1 min

Types of indication:

  • availability of power supply from the network;
  • processing mode;
  • presence and absence (sound) of contact of the radiating plate with the solution;
  • set and remaining processing time.
  • Electrical power consumption - no more than 200 VA.
  • Average term service for at least 5 years.
  • Processing area size: 320x252x165 mm

Manufacturer: Elatomsky Instrument Plant, Russia

Article: UZO-10-01

UZO-10-01 consists of an ultrasound generator connected via a cable to an emitter located on the lid of commercially produced containers for disinfection of EDPO, and a metal reflector plate. The installation also includes a body and a tray borrowed from EDPO. Thus, the interchangeability of cases and pallets is ensured, which eliminates the contact of the operator’s hands with the tool when loading (transferring) it into the installation after disinfection in a similar EDPO container. An unbroken chain of instrument preparation for sterilization is ensured - placing a metal reflector plate on the bottom of the tray and loading the instrument into the tray; placing the tray with the tool in a container with a disinfectant; disinfection for a specified time; removing the pan and washing it in running water; placing the pallet in another (from the installation kit) container with detergent; installation of the cover with the emitter; ultrasonic cleaning; removing the tray with the cleaned instrument and rinsing it in running water. If the disinfectant has cleaning properties, the disinfection process is combined with PSO.

Note: in case of a large processing flow and the availability of EDPO of corresponding volumes, the plant provides for the supply of additional reflectors to medical facilities necessary to ensure a continuous process of pre-sterilization cleaning. Ultrasonic cleaning is the most effective method of washing complex objects made of various materials (metal, glass, plastic). In this case, the item to be washed is placed in a washing solution, and cleaning occurs due to the influence of ultrasound.


U Ultrasonic installation (wash) UZO 10-01 “Medel” is intended for pre-sterilization cleaning of instruments and medical products, especially small ones, of complex configuration, piercing and cutting, from various contaminants in the form of solid and liquid films of vegetable and mineral oils and fats (new instruments) and animal origin; solid sediments - dust, bone tissue, etc.; water-soluble and partially soluble polar organic and inorganic compounds - sugar, blood, protein, etc.; corrosion products.

Technical characteristics of the UZO-10-01 installation

  • Working volume of the bath – 10 liters
  • Dimensions of the processing area – 320x245x100 mm
  • The solution is drained from the bath by gravity using a drain tube

Types of indication:

  • availability of power supply from the network;
  • processing mode;
  • the presence or absence of contact of the emitting plate with the solution;
  • set and remaining processing time.

Electrical power consumption – no more than 200 VA.

Weight no more than 9.7 kg

The average service life of installations is at least 5 years.

Working principle:

Medical instruments subject to PSO are loaded into the tray of the container container (on top of the reflector) and filled with cleaning solution. The vibrations emitted by the ultrasonic emitter cause the appearance of pulsating waves in the liquid medium. When exposed to waves, contaminants are removed from the surface of tools due to the influence of dynamic loads. Design features ensure multiple re-reflection of elastic waves (due to the reflector) and maximum access of pulsating waves to all surfaces of the instruments being cleaned (due to the corrugation of the reflector). The excitation time of the emitter is set by the operator ( nurse) on the built-in timer. The installation and current time are reflected on the digital display. Cleaning quality that complies with GOST is ensured by operating modes and implementation medical requirements described in the accompanying literature.

Manufacturer: Russia.

Description: UZO-10-01 consists of an ultrasound generator connected via a cable to an emitter located on the lid of commercially produced containers for disinfection of EDPO, and a metal reflector plate. The installation also includes a body and a tray borrowed from EDPO. Thus, the interchangeability of cases and pallets is ensured, which eliminates the contact of the operator’s hands with the tool when loading (transferring) it into the installation after disinfection in a similar EDPO container. An unbroken chain of instrument preparation for sterilization is ensured - placing a metal reflector plate on the bottom of the tray and loading the instrument into the tray; placing the tray with the tool in a container with a disinfectant; disinfection for a specified time; removing the tray and washing it in running water; placing the tray in another (from the installation kit) container with detergent; installation of the cover with the emitter; ultrasonic cleaning; removing the tray with the cleaned instrument and rinsing it in running water. If the disinfectant has cleaning properties, the disinfection process is combined with PSO. Note: in case of a large processing flow and the availability of EDPO of corresponding volumes, the plant provides for the supply of additional reflectors to medical facilities necessary to ensure a continuous process of pre-sterilization cleaning. Ultrasonic cleaning is the most effective method of washing complex objects made of various materials (metal, glass, plastic). In this case, the item to be washed is placed in a washing solution, and cleaning occurs due to the influence of ultrasound.

Purpose: ultrasonic unit (wash) UZO 10-01 “Medel” is intended for pre-sterilization cleaning of instruments and medical products, especially small ones, of complex configuration, piercing and cutting, from various contaminants in the form of solid and liquid films of vegetable and mineral oils and fats (new instruments) and animal origin; solid sediments - dust, bone tissue, etc.; water-soluble and partially soluble polar organic and inorganic compounds - sugar, blood, protein, etc.; corrosion products.

Specifications: working volume of the bath is 10 liters. Dimensions of the processing area are 320x245x100 mm. The solution is drained from the bath by gravity using a drain tube.

Types of indication:

Availability of power supply from the network;

Processing mode;

The presence or absence of contact of the emitting plate with the solution;

Set and remaining processing time.

Electrical power consumption - no more than 200 VA.

Weight no more than 9.7 kg