Where the annual elections end, slavery begins. John Adams. Where slavery begins We choose the future

As the results of any elections show, the majority of residents of the Pereslavl Territory do not take part in this socially important event, which means they do not use their voting rights, which is the strongest instrument of expression of will.

The main reason for passive protest, which many cite, is distrust in the election process itself, where their expression of will is ultimately not the basis of the election result. And there is probably a lot of truth in this statement, given the various illegal manipulations of ballots by members of election commissions (the Internet is filled with stories). But these processes are possible only in conditions of a moral crisis in society, in which, as I believe, the presence of dishonest subjects in election commissions is by default a priority for the authorities, since there are more than enough people who want to manage the selection process among them. The presence of people on these commissions who do not agree with such an unspoken policy, apparently, does not suit senior managers of administrations. And perhaps, after a certain impact on such people, they either become silent accomplices in these events or, like honest citizens, leave, submitting an application to resign from such a commission of their own “will.”

Probably, many of us remember the recent elections for the governor of the Yaroslavl region, in which Pereslavl showed the worst voting result in the region for Dmitry Mironov. Apparently, it was after this that the chairman of the Pereslavl-Zalessky city election commission, E. Tarbaeva, resigned with the wording “of her own free will.”

One can only guess what her “own desire” was based on. But I think that this has something to do with the voting that took place outside the city’s polling stations.

As the practice of district election commissions shows, from campaigning for votes from voters from the social list, commission members bring to portable boxes almost 100% result for the “right” candidate. At the same time, raising the overall percentage of population participation in elections, on which the level of legitimacy of the elected government depends.

At that time, 32,140 voters lived in Pereslavl, and only 409 voters voted at home for valid reasons (illness and disability), while in other cities of the region with approximately the same number of voters, this number reached 2,830 people. Just don’t think that healthcare in Pereslavl is better and the number of disabled people is lower than in other cities in the region.

From my point of view, the election commissions of Pereslavl conducted voting at home in accordance with the requirements of the law. Hence the realistic indicators of those wishing to vote at their place of residence (if there are good reason). And as an opposite example - the election commissions of the Pereslavl region, where, with a smaller number of voters (relative to the city - twice as large), votes were collected from the addresses indicated in the social lists, and other unwary citizens were also caught along the way, after which the commissions “gave them away » 1692 selected votes of sick and disabled people. That is four times more than in the city. Thus, they probably achieved average regional results, reflecting the results of voting for Mironov. Probably, this fact saved other commission chairmen from resignation with the wording “at their own request.” Although according to law and justice, I believe it should be the other way around. But during a crisis of morality in society, law and justice are demanded selectively.

On the eve of the presidential elections in Russia, deputies of the Assembly of Representatives of the Pereslavl District, at my suggestion, heard N. Brovkina, the chairman of the election commission of the Pereslavl District. After her short but optimistic report, I realized that there had been no changes for the better. Two reduced election commissions in Nagoryevskoye rural settlement not restored. Out of 108 settlements, located on the territory of the settlement, as before, only six have notice boards where campaign materials can be legally posted. And in other settlements the situation is similar. And as a result of such activity or inactivity (as you wish), a predictable increase in the rate of voting outside the premises of polling stations occurred in the region.

For example, only 46 voters came to one of the polling stations in the Ryazantsevsky rural settlement, and through door-to-door canvassing by members of the same commission, they managed to collect a record “harvest” of 131 votes in a short period of time on voting day. Probably all these “sick” voters were in the same house that day, since in real conditions this trick would not be physically possible in any other way. Unless, of course, the members of this election commission are members of a single party of “wizards”.

With the tacit consent of those who do not go to elections out of habit, believing that they are out of the woods, the people have already been deprived of the right to elect the heads of their cities and districts; tomorrow it will be the rural residents who are going to be deprived of the right to self-government and the right to elect heads of settlements. This means that in the near future, from citizens of our country, we will turn into a disenfranchised indigenous population living on reservations on private lands. Since the lands and forests in the region, most of them have long been private or are under long-term lease. As John Adams, the second President of the United States, said, “Where regular elections end, slavery begins.”

Therefore, anyone who does not want such a “rosy prospect” for themselves and their children, as a citizen of their country, is simply obliged to come to the Russian presidential elections on March 18 and choose a worthy future for themselves. Otherwise, others will make the choice for you, and then you will have no one to blame but yourself.

Alexander Devyatkin.

Where does the annual election end and slavery begin?
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    We choose the future! “If one candidate gets free TV time, his opponent demands the same amount of time to deny everything,” a journalist once said. IN modern Russia Relations between politicians are becoming more and more tense, and pre-election discussions are becoming heated discussions pressing problems countries. From different sources The information received is not at all the same, and the average citizen sometimes cannot find a completely objective and fair point of view. Although every politician prophesies a bright future for his country, provided that he wins. Of course, most school graduates are not yet the electorate, we cannot give our votes to presidential candidates or parties, but this does not mean at all that we do not support interest in politics. In my opinion, in our time it is impossible to stay away from political realities, because they affect all spheres of society, including those that are relevant to us. The future largely depends on our attitude, because very soon we will become voters and go to the polls, deciding for ourselves what kind of Russia we want to see. In my opinion, modern teenagers lack of trust in state power , and this is largely due to the opposition, which constantly criticizes the ruling party, finding flaws in any of its undertakings. If we add to this information from the Internet, which is replete with articles about how ballots were falsified during the elections, how bad life is for pensioners, and much, much more, we get excellent soil for the formation of an absenteeist worldview among young people. Representatives of opposition parties, for example, say about rigging the results of elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. But I think that these are just empty words that fuel interest in the politicians speaking, because the last elections were held in a regime of transparency and openness. “Andrey Vorobyov (Leader of the United Russia faction in the State Duma) noted that currently polling stations are equipped with transparent ballot boxes and web cameras,” Interfax reports. And, in fact, anyone can watch the video broadcast of the voting on the Internet. Isn’t this an open election? I don’t understand why many people are trying to find catches or mistakes in the actions of the authorities. If someone believes that the elections were held with violations, and the presidential elections on March 4 will be held with violations, then they have a constitutional right to protect their rights and freedoms. In other words, if you think that your right to vote (Constitution, Article 32, paragraph 2) has been violated, then you can go to court to protect it (Constitution, Article 46, paragraph 1). I believe that other forms of expressing one's dissatisfaction (such as articles in blogs, forums, etc. on the Internet) are, in general, groundless. Naturally, everyone has the right to express their own opinion, but there is such a thing as the presumption of innocence, and it is quite applicable to the party criticized by the Central Election Commission and the party that won the elections. In addition to the issue of the integrity of the elections, I would like to consider another aspect of the electoral process, or rather , its subject is political parties. I believe that the country needs more active political elements with a clear program that represents the opinions of large social groups. The political arena of modern Russia, in general, has been formed and has not changed for quite a long time, although society is progressing every day, filling with new social structures and problems. Are conservative-minded people who focus on pressing issues of the past society capable of solving them? Naturally, all of the above is impossible without the high political activity of every citizen of our country. If, for example, more people participated in the elections, their votes would not be falsified, but active participation and strong citizenship, many people could do more for the country than just discuss problems (participation of members political parties in lawmaking, for example, it helps to issue laws that most fully reflect the interests of society). To summarize, I want to say that for us, young people, a high political culture and the opportunity to formulate our own point of view regarding the pressing political problems of Russia are important. This is the only way we can do it right choice our future.

Where the annual elections end, slavery begins.

John Quincy Adams

3 minutes to think

Quotes about elections

The electorate is a disposable people.

Akram Murtazaev

2 minutes to think

Vladimir Zuev

3 minutes to think

They never lie so much as during the war, after the hunt and before the elections.

Otto von Bismarck

3 minutes to think

Frank Hubbard

3 minutes to think

Your election campaign will be much more successful and enjoyable if you only kiss girls who can already vote.

Michigan politician

5 minutes to think

The people are extremely successful in choosing those to whom they should entrust part of their power.

Charles Montesquieu

3 minutes to think

Only those people who are constantly aware of what is happening have the right to choose their government.

Thomas Jefferson

3 minutes to think

Arkady Davidovich

2 minutes to think

There is no more difficult task than winning an election without proving to everyone that you are unworthy of victory.

Adlai Stevenson

3 minutes to think

Arkady Davidovich

3 minutes to think

Quest script on electoral rights issues

The event takes place in the form of a competition. Before the start of the game, children receive route sheets with stations located in a certain order so that teams do not collide at stations. In addition, they are given a map of the area, indicating the stations. The game starts simultaneously for all teams. At each station you are given 5 minutes to complete the task.

The quest ends at the same time. The team with the most points wins.

Venue: school grounds

Participants: students in grades 5-8

Assistants at stations: 10th grade students


From this set of words (cut) make up a statement and express your opinion regarding one of the proposed wise thoughts.

“Ignorance of security in a democratic society harms one voter and harms everyone.” (J. Kennedy)

The ignorance of one voter in a democracy harms the security of all

"Where the annual election ends where slavery begins" (John Adams)

Where the annual elections end, slavery begins

"The management of wise selection depends on the state of the people" (Confucius)

Government depends on wise people

2. "The Magnificent Seven"

The task is as follows: you will be given seven words, and you must name the word that unites them. The team is given 1 minute per word during the meeting. For each correct answer 1 point.

1: Voters, paper, precinct, buffet, commission, ballot, ballot box(elections)

2: Law, twelfth, state, articles, December, holiday, device(Constitution)

4: Sovereignty, border, citizenship, Russia, army, taxes, culture(state)

5: Family, rings, contract, registration, man, woman, union(marriage)

6: Trial, witnesses, prosecutor, lawyer, evidence, crime, verdict(court)

7: Chapter, commander in chief, state, power, politics, impeachment, inauguration(the president)

3. "Speaker"

Imagine that you have become the leader of a society where there are no rights or laws, so you need to determine the 5 main rights that are necessary for people to live a normal life and justify your choice.

4.“Legal pictogram »

A pictogram is a pictured letter in which some kind of message is encrypted. So we have prepared puzzles for you. Your task is to decipher them. Each correctly solved puzzle will earn you 1 point.

Rebus 1. agitator

Rebus 2 bulletin

Rebus 3. law

Rebus 4 candidate

Rebus 5. list

Rebus 6. propaganda

Rebus 7. commission

Rebus 8. speaker

Rebus 9. propaganda

Rebus 10. observer

5. “Legal Marathon”

Each team will receive background sheets with various legal issues. Your task is to write as many correct answers as possible in the allotted time. Then the correct answers are read out

Card for children

2 chambers

The age at which a citizen bears administrative responsibility

16 years

Full term of office of the President

6 years

At what age can a person own a house?

from the moment of birth

What symbols of Russian statehood do you know?

Coat of arms, flag, anthem.

List the cities of federal significance in Russia.

A binding normative act adopted by the highest representative body of government.



Political and legal affiliation person to citizens of a particular state.



A socially dangerous, guilty act provided for by the Criminal Code.



Is forced labor allowed in the Russian Federation?



Highest judicial body for civil, criminal and other cases

Supreme Court RF


The president






Name the type of crime.





From 14 years old



Card for the presenter

2 chambers

Federal Assembly and the State Duma.


According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the head of state is

16 years




The ability to independently exercise one’s rights and responsibilities

Coat of arms, flag, anthem.


Name the type of crime.

Open theft of property, committed without violence or with violence that is not dangerous to the life and health of the victim.

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol.


Demanding the transfer of property under threat of violence.



At what age can a person have a bank account?



Leading child rights advocates

6 years

6. "Anagrams"

Exercise : Participants in the game are given cards with anagrams. The players' task is to guess as many anagrams as possible in 5 minutes. The number of points depends on the number of anagrams guessed by the team.

Child - k o r e n b e

Family - m i s e

Country – a r a n s t

Document – ​​k u n t e m o d

The law is konza

Politics – and po k a l i t

Life is zin zh i

Parents - d i l i e t o r

Convention – V E N K I C O N

Order – I D P O R O K

Law – V O R A P

Union - Yu Z O S

Teenager – S O D R O P K T O

School – L O K A SH

Dignity – S T O N S I T O V O D

Medicine – D E M I N A C I

Rest – BEATH

Education – R O Z A V I N A B E O

Leisure – D U G O S

Man – L O V C H E K E

Word – V O S O L

Citizen – G R I N N A D A ZH

Father – C E T O

Friendship - J B A R U D

Schoolboy – K O L S H I K N


Declaration – C I C L A R A D E Y

Meeting – E B R A N I S O

Society – B O S T V O SCH E

Group – P R A P U G

Guardian – K E U N O P

Opinion – N E M E N I

Development –T I V Z A R I E


Interest – S T E R N I E

As a result of democratic elections, a large number of ignorant people produce a small number of bribed ones.
Bernard Show

Only those people who are constantly aware of what is happening have the right to choose their government.
Thomas Jefferson

Bad statesmen elected by good citizens... who do not vote.
George Nathan

Where the annual elections end, slavery begins.
John Quincy Adams

No one has ever lost an election because they underestimated the intelligence of the average voter.
Unknown author

Before the elections, the politician simplifies everything, and after - he complicates everything.

The reign became a short period between election campaigns.
Robert Shafer

Whoever wins the election, the Ministry of Finance comes to power.
Harold Wilson

They promise their voters the best of yesterday.
Ralph Dahrendorf

The people curse the government: the electorate votes for it.
Arkady Davidovich

Ninety-eight percent of the adult population of our country are honest, decent people living by their labor. However, everyone can see the remaining two percent. And we elect them.
Lily Tomlin

I won't lose the election unless I end up in the same bed with a dead girl or a living guy.
Edwin Edward, Governor of Louisiana

Will the people survive with such an electorate?
Arkady Davidovich

There are few candidates whose love for ordinary people able to survive victory or defeat in elections.
West Palm Beach Post

If elections could change anything, they would be banned.
Anarchist slogan

Our voters are the best in the world.
Vladimir Churov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission

The main thing during an election campaign is never say anything that might be remembered.
J. McCarthy

It is enough to lose an election to understand that the majority is not always right.
E. Mackenzie

The sad thing about political buffoons is that sometimes they get elected.

You never know if you were chosen because they know who you are or because they don’t know who you are.
R. Dole

The ballot is the only product that can be traded without a patent.

Selective PR is when a competitor is spat at publicly and apologized in person.
author unknown

The task when choosing a president is the same as when selling two tubes of toothpaste from different companies, but of equal quality: the one whose name is more deeply embedded in the memory of consumers will win.
R. Reeves