A device for picking blueberries from an aluminum mug. A device for conveniently collecting rose hips. How to make it yourself

August is a special time not only for ordinary people who like to observe the incredible riot of colors and beauty of our nature, but also for berry growers or simply for those people who have currant or blueberry bushes on their property. The berry ripening season is in full swing and you need to get everything from it! Picking berries is a very exciting and interesting activity, but extremely exhausting: the branches get into your eyes, the berries are difficult to get, and you just get tired of throwing one berry at a time into the basket. The question arises: how can you speed up and simplify harvesting and there is an answer - a berry picker. The thing is very practical - a comfortable handle, great pleasure, and most importantly - high collection speed. Indeed, the harvest is harvested about three times faster than usual, but there is an opinion that berry pickers harm berry bushes. You can even give an example: in Belarus it is prohibited to pick berries of any kind. mechanical devices. It is believed that it comes from a bush large number leaves and branches break off during its use.

But this is only believed - an experiment was conducted, the results of which slightly differ from the prevailing opinion.

In this experiment, we used a high-quality berry picker - not a homemade one - like this .

What's the point? From plot 25 square meters They harvested lingonberries - they harvested them well, without missing anything. Having processed the plot, we started counting the harvest - in the end we got about 3 kilograms of berries, 40 leaves and a couple of inflorescences.

From this experiment we can conclude that a high-quality factory berry picker does not harm nature in any way, but what does this mean, and this means that this unit can be used to its fullest.

But somehow I digress from the product itself - let’s take a closer look at the berry picker itself, or rather, list its advantages over manual method berry picking:

Firstly, the berry picker greatly increases the efficiency of your work: you no longer need to bend over, bend over, crawl on your haunches and climb on thorny bushes, you just need to move it through the bush once and all the berries are already in the harvester’s container.

High level of convenience. The berry picker is made in such a way that you will not experience discomfort when using it: a comfortable rubberized handle, sharp cutters for separating berries from the branch and a very durable berry receiver made of high-quality plastic. Harvesting will only bring pleasure.

- The most important advantage of berry pickers, rightfully, is speed. A bucket of blueberries in 15 minutes - impossible? It's very possible! One movement along the bush and there is already half a glass of fresh berries in the harvester receiver - how do you like this situation?

Now you know what berry pickers are, why they are dangerous and not dangerous, their main qualities and advantages, but you came here not to learn more about them, but to buy them. We list all the berry picker products that our store offers:

Berry harvester, 10 cm wide. An excellent tool, suitable for picking a wide variety of berries: blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, cranberries and even sea buckthorn. Distinctive feature This harvester is that it does not capture leaves; of course, three leaves can be caught, but as you understand, this is not a serious loss on the part of the bush.

Basic berry picker 14 cm. An excellent average option, suitable for both picking wild berries in the forest and for your own bush on the site. It does not damage or crush the berries - they fall into the harvester receiver whole and unharmed. Doesn't grab leaves. It has a comfortable handle, which is most important - once you try to collect with this tool, you will understand that you don’t need anything else.

The berry picker is wide 17 cm. Picking berries is a wonderful activity, you must agree: the forest, nature, what else is needed, not if picking berries is directly a source of profit, then for industrial picking you need something more than a small berry picker. For such purposes, a wide berry collector was invented.

Children's berry picker. Berry picking is often a family activity. They also like to pick berries, but they won’t pick them in five buckets and won’t be able to use berry pickers for adults. Based on these reasons, a children's berry picker was invented. This combine has two differences from the usual ones: design and size.

    As it was correctly noted here, the principle of creating any combine for picking berries, including blueberries, is the same: a box with a small capacity (about a liter or two) the bottom of which is a comb or comb. A handle is welded to the body - long, short, at your discretion. The distance between the teeth of the comb should be maintained optimally: so that the berries do not fall through, and so that the bushes do not tear out or spoil the plants.

    By the way, experienced berry pickers say that with certain skills (holding the bushes with one hand, picking with the other) this method is no less gentle than, for example, manual picking.

    blueberry harvester

    A harvester for picking blueberries is no different from a combine for picking lingonberries and similar berries. Yes, it is considered that picking berries similar devices causes significant damage to the plant, injuring the stems and leaves, but picking berries with such a combine is quite quick.

    I won’t bore you with the intricacies of the drawings and suggest that you familiarize yourself with the drawings of similar harvesters here (you will also find a drawing of a device for cleaning berries here)

    There is such a simple option - this is a ladle and rods welded to it.

    But it would still be better if the combine was made of plastic - it would cause less harm and would be more convenient to work with.

    You can buy a berry harvester by ordering it in an online store or purchasing it in the hardware department.

    By the way, if you decide to pick berries using a combine harvester, then read the rules on how best to grab a bush, hold it, etc.

    Get acquainted with detailed instructions How to make a blueberry harvester can be found here. With its help you can pick blueberries much more conveniently and quickly.

    But I prefer to pick berries with my hands, the result is less, but more interesting!

    Attention, using a combine harvester to pick blueberries is illegal!

    A homemade harvester is not complicated in design. The main part is a place for picking blueberries, the so-called body. you can use a tin box or something else. Attach a comfortable handle. You also need a comb with which you will strip the bushes. It can be cut out of tin, or you can use stiff wire.

    The harvester, of course, will help you pick blueberries very well and quickly, but in the process you will be united with nature and have many pleasant moments, because picking blueberries with your hands is pleasant, the smell and feeling of the berries in your hands brings a lot of pleasure. And to make a combine, you just need to take something like a plane and adapt a rake at the output, it will turn out convenient and not expensive.

    It can be done, but this is an administrative violation for which they can be held accountable (in Belarus there are 20 basic units, which is equal to 2,000,000 Belarusian rubles).

    for production you will need aluminum sheet metal, metal scissors, metal screws and steel wire cross section 2-3mm. This is what you should get:

    It is known that picking blueberries using a combine is illegal and is an administrative offense. In this case, I completely agree with the authorities (at least in some way they show concern for nature). Think for yourself, blueberry bushes (like lingonberries) take a very long time to grow, and a combine can easily damage them.

    At least be careful when picking berries with a combine, so as not to spoil the blueberry bushes. Thanks to such a combine, you can even pick gooseberries.

    The main element of this device is a comb. In fact, all other details are secondary.

    • You can either buy a comb in a similar form or make it yourself from wood. In this case, the length of the cloves should be approximately 60mm, and the gap between individual cloves should be 5mm. It is advised not to use metal cutting combs, as they are more likely to damage the bud of the plant and you will not see any berries from this bush next year.
    • In addition to the comb, it would be convenient if there was a small box/storage area where the collected berries would be rolled down. Let the box not be very large, so that it is more convenient for it to operate.
    • Well, for complete convenience, you can attach a handle to the drive, holding on to which will make it more convenient to pick berries.

    There is actually nothing complicated about this device, and it can be made from available materials - plastic or wood. The most important thing is the distance between the teeth, and the rest is a matter of comfort/convenience.

    You can look at existing combines to see how all the nuances are implemented there. For example, you can look here or also here

    Some berries take a very long time to pick by hand, including blueberries. That's why people came up with a special harvester for picking blueberries.

    To make such a combine, plywood and non-soft wire are used. The harvester is a kind of bucket, in the lower part of which the same wires are located at a certain distance from each other (so that the blueberries are captured and do not slip through them). The idea is that the blueberries are caught between the wires, some force is applied, and the berries are torn off the bush and fall into the depths of this combine.

    You can see how to make it and what proportions need to be maintained in the video below:

Many special devices have been invented for harvesting berries. They are produced in factories, and craftsmen make such devices to order on their own. To choose a model for rose hips, you need to familiarize yourself with the types and photos of devices. For personal use, many of them can be made with your own hands.

Types of devices for picking berries

Devices designed for picking berries in the garden, country house or forest save time and optimize the entire process. There is no need to reach or bend over for each individual berry; you can remove several at once. Some devices invented specifically for rose hips do not speed up the collection, but only make it more comfortable. For example, the goal of some is to protect hands from thorny branches. A simple classification of devices that are used to collect a variety of berries looks like this:

Attention! On forums, many gardeners speak negatively against the use of fruit pickers. In their opinion, special scoops and rakes negatively affect the integrity of berry bushes and trees.

Simple devices for removing rose hips from branches

To prevent branches from pricking your hands while harvesting a useful harvest, you should stock up simple device, which is made from ordinary plastic bottle. This could be a container from drinking water, shampoo or liquid soap. First of all, you need to wash and dry it well, and then:

  • cut the bottom, make 4 sharp cloves on the edges. The height of each of them is 4 cm;
  • place the bottle neck on a stick;
  • For reliability, secure with a nail or screw.

Advice. This model is suitable for picking almost any berries that hang on the branches. For rose hips, you can increase the number of cloves, making them more frequent, and also use containers made of dense plastic. Then it will not be deformed during operation.

An even easier way to make a device for collecting rose hips is to simply cut off a plastic bottle. It should fit freely on your hand and have a slightly narrowed neck. It is cut off along with the bottom of the container. The hand is inserted into the finished structure so that the narrower part of the bottle is in the area of ​​the fingers. The device protects against prickly rose hips, allowing you to comfortably pick each berry.

For the same purpose, you can make a tin ladle. It is suitable for collecting not only rose hips, but also gooseberries, which are also known for their “inhospitability” (sharp thorns). To do this, a blank is cut out of a sheet of tin, resembling a drawing of an unfolded scoop with sharp teeth on both sides. Approximate parameters:

  • height – 40 cm;
  • bottom width – 5 cm;
  • the height of the cloves (2 on each side) is 2 cm. They are drawn outside the bottom contour;
  • The width of the handle at the top is 10 cm.

Rose hip

Having cut out the workpiece with scissors, bend it: fold the upper part of the handle along the width, making it voluminous for convenience. Then the bottom is folded inward, both sides with cloves are connected above it - they form the front part, which will remove the berries.

Devices that make berry picking faster

To store berries picked from a bush, a basket, bag, sack, jar, etc. is usually used. As an alternative to any of these containers, folk craftsmen have come up with several inventions to speed up harvesting. For example, a simple but functional tray. It is made of slats, the bottom is made of a sheet of plywood or a piece of tarpaulin. The second option is even better if you plan to collect not rose hips, but currants or gooseberries. In this case, the berries will not be broken.

The structure is placed under a bush, and the torn berries are thrown directly onto it. Approximate tray dimensions:

  • length – 80 cm;
  • The width of one side is 80 cm, the other is 45 cm.

A berry picking device will help reduce harvesting time

The narrower side of the tray is made not straight, but in the shape of the letter V. This will allow you to move the device close to the base of the bush. According to reviews, such a device speeds up berry picking by 1.5-2 times.

The harvesting net performs the same function. A cover in the form of a cap is sewn from the material, but it is not put on the stick, but a slit is made on one side. They stick their hand into this hole, pick off the berries, and immediately throw them into a fabric bag. You can edge the top, as well as the hole for the hand metal strip. It is also often used to make a small ring (retainer) for index finger, which makes the device easier to use. With such devices, you don’t need to be distracted by placing each fruit in a basket or jar.

DIY berry harvester: video

Summer is the time when sweet berries are ripe and it's time to pick them. When difficulties arise during work, a lingonberry harvester will help you, which you can make yourself. With this device you can easily collect whole fruits from your garden. The process of making the device will not bring any difficulties, and harvesting will become very convenient and interesting.

Materials and design

This DIY berry harvester is somewhat reminiscent of a scoop.

In order to make such a simple device for small berries with your own hands, you need the most common materials and tools that are found in every home:

  • sheet steel;
  • fasteners;
  • tree branches;
  • drill;
  • metal wire.

The design of the device is quite simple, so you can easily make it. It will become simply indispensable in use. Now you can quickly and easily collect not only lingonberries, but also blueberries, cranberries and other berries (Fig. 1):

  1. The entire design of this device is a body with handles and a bottom. To prevent the berries from falling out again, a comb is provided.
  2. It has a special partition (Fig. 3), which facilitates harvesting in large quantities. The main advantage of this device is that the lingonberries do not spoil at all while they are being collected.
  3. Before starting work, you will also need to purchase plywood or plastic from which the main part is cut (Fig. 1). The rest is done with wire.

Manufacturing technique

  1. In order for a berry harvester to serve you for more than 1 year, you need to carefully carry out calculations, draw up all the drawings and diagrams, which describe in detail the dimensions of all parts of the device.
  2. Next, use special scissors to cut out the body and bottom of the combine from a piece of metal (Fig. 2).
  3. Then proceed to making parts for the comb, which is made from wire with a diameter of 3 mm. Prepare several of these pins no larger than 100 mm in size.
  4. Bend galvanized steel at one end, you will get a hard edge, at a distance of which a straight line is drawn, perpendicular to the long side of the plate.
  5. Make several holes whose diameter is equal to the caliber of the rods. They are located on the sides of the plate. The most suitable distance between the teeth is 4 mm (Fig. 3).
  6. Bend the ends of the plate so that you get a side. The detail prevents the collected berries from falling; Insert the rods into the holes made and secure them with a wooden strip.
  7. The rods should be soldered to the base of the device.
  8. The sides must be cut separately from the bottom of the structure, and their height can be selected as desired. The edges must be bent at right angles to the inside. Attach the bottom to the fold lines, and make rods on the sides to make the device a little stiffer.
  9. To give the handle a unique shape, use a small amount of galvanized steel. Release a few centimeters from the edges of the strip and bend it at an angle. Attach the handle to the top side of the base of the piece. Another version of the handle can be made from a metal rod and welded.
  10. To avoid harming your fingers, wrap everything with electrical tape.

Now picking berries will not cause any trouble.

Of course, metal devices are the most durable, but there are options for making a combine from other materials.

How to make a berry harvester (video)

Other options for creating a device

If you don't know what material to use for your harvester, then pay attention to wood. The manufacturing method is quite simple and practical. What you will need:

  • kebabs skewers;
  • large tree branches (approximate branch diameter 10-12 cm);
  • saw;
  • chisel;
  • drill;
  • drill;
  • glue.

First, use a saw to make 2 identical circles from branches. Then, using a chisel, make a hole on one wooden figure with a distance of 1 cm from the edges. The resulting parts need to be properly sanded and get rid of splinters and burrs.

After this, proceed to creating the comb. For this purpose, you will need a drill and a drill bit, the diameter of which should match the caliber of the kebab sticks. Drill holes in the circle.

The optimal distance between the holes is no more than 5 mm so that the berries do not fall to the ground when picked. When the holes on the first figure are ready, repeat the same with the second. Next, place one rounded piece on top of the other so that their holes match. Using kebab sticks, pull both figures away from each other at a distance of 15 cm and secure the frame with glue. The harvester is ready (Fig. 4).

The simplest option for assembling a combine consists of a durable plastic bottle. For this design you will also need a knife, stick, leash, etc.

Ketchup containers, which are known for their durability, work best. The mineral water container can quickly become unusable. The bottle itself should be small sizes, with a large neck to easily remove the collected berries.

Make marks on it, a small flag with a couple of teeth. By using sharp knife A hole is cut along the contour, after which the bottle is tied to a stick with a cord or secured with tape.

Harvester for collecting blueberries and lingonberries (video)

Everything will be done very simply and you won’t need any great skills for this. You need to pick berries now and there is no time to make a berry harvester for a long time.

I needed to make two berry harvesters in one day, but they had to be durable, convenient and of high quality. We will do it in the simplest way. For production, scraps will be used, which are usually thrown away, but I always put them in right time they will always be useful to me.

Part Dimensions

1. bottom - 220 x 100 x 13 mm

2. top - 155 x 114 x 7 mm

3. sidewall - 210 x 90 x 7 mm - 2 pcs.

4. back - 100 x 90 x 7 mm

Selecting from scraps required sizes in length, width and thickness. You can do a little less or more, sticking to mine. My second one turned out a little wider.

Working lower part, made of birch. The rest of the parts are made of pine. We select areas without knots and cracks. If there are no scraps, then we prepare them on machines. First of all, on jointer we drive the board away. Read my article on working on a woodworking jointing machine.

In the article I described what you need to pay attention to. Next we skip the thickness we need on the thickness gauge and on circular saw we cut the required dimensions. I recommend reading another article, working on a woodworking machine with a circular saw. All the subtleties of working on a saw.

The cuts on the lower part were made on a saw; the length of the cut is 60 mm if measured from the bottom, and 75 mm from the top. I set the saw to 3 mm. The gap between cuts is 5 mm. Then on your homemade grinding machine made a slight bend. Make it and grinder it is possible, but it will be fine without it if there is no opportunity or tool for this.

You also need to shape the sides. We make an oblique cut, leave 155 mm at the top, and 25 mm at the bottom and saw off at the oblique. On the lower part we sharpen the ends a little, sand everything with sandpaper and prepare it for assembly. I wetted and coated the berry harvester with waterproof varnish before assembling it. I drilled holes in the sides and top with a thin drill for nails and, before knocking them down, coated the joints with glue, epoxy resin. The handle and berry clamp were made from thin 1 mm iron.

Iron parts

1. handle - 220 x 30 mm

2. clamp - 115 x 100 mm

I used metal scissors to cut out the required dimensions. You can screw on any handle, not necessarily the one I made. I bent the ears on the clamp and drilled holes. Covered with a bronze waterproof coating.

For the clamp, I drilled holes in the combine and screwed it on. It should open and close freely. I bent the handle in a vice and bent the edges before painting. I drilled holes in the handle and in the berry harvester. All you have to do is screw on the handle and the berry harvester is ready.

This is one of simple ways, and in winter you can try and make it carved. Look and read the article: blueberry harvester. Anyone can make a combine harvester if they have the desire. Now is the time to pick blueberries. A blueberry harvester is useful for harvesting lingonberries and is suitable for harvesting cranberries.