Orthodox prayers for daughter's marriage. Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage. Universal mother's prayers for her daughter

There are such powerful prayers, and there are many of them. For example, Christian prayer for my daughter to get married, addressed to the miracle worker, the great Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker - guardian home well-being and a healer. This is one of the most revered saints in Russia, “the second intercessor after God,” people resort to him in all cases of life, including taking care of the marriage of their daughters.

Orthodox prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra for his daughter to get married.

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper!
Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for a successful marriage and happiness in marriage to the Great Martyr Saint Catherine

“Oh, holy Great Martyr Catherine, the chosen vessel of purity, the pillar of Orthodoxy, our reliable intercessor, who showed us the guilt of begging you, a legal ascetic, a saint resting holy on a holy mountain! We pray to you: having come down from above, listen to the voice of our prayer, look at the misfortune of your servants, enlighten the darkness of our mind, make us wise in heaven, not earthly.

Hasten us through your prayers to overcome carnal lusts, addictions to the world and the machinations of evil spirits who are viciously fighting against us: so that through your intercession in the days of this life we ​​will be free from their hostile attacks and after the outcome from their aerial tortures. Oh, wise maiden! Grant us everything that is useful for asking: you can ask much from your beloved Bridegroom, Christ our God. We know that the prayer of the righteous can do much, promoted by the compassion of the merciful God; to Him be glory, honor and thanksgiving always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Parents of girls are a special “breed” of people who are always worried and worried about their daughters. And one of the main questions tormenting them concerns the future. How to get your daughter married - and know that she is happy in her marriage? There are several tips that you can follow to achieve what you want.

As matchmakers

The most common, and at the same time effective way help your child find feminine happiness - introduce him to a positive guy. But for this it is necessary to get to know not only him, but also his family, as well as the immediate environment in which he grew up.

This is what happened to our heroes Nikolai and Elena Grigorenko, who lived with their twenty-eight-year-old daughter Maria. She was never married, although she did not despair of meeting good man. Finally, the parents decided to take the initiative into their own hands.

The head of the family told his colleague about his idea, who had a lonely son, Igor, a couple of years older than Maria. Then Nikolai personally met the young man and talked with him. Realizing that Igor was a decent and serious guy, Maria’s parents invited him and his family to one of the family holidays. The young people liked each other, and a year later they got married. This is how the parents helped their daughter get married successfully.

From a psychological point of view

However, very often the problem of celibacy lies in the psychology of a woman. And attentive parents are simply obliged to feel the inner state of their child. Difficulties are of the following nature:
  • lack of self-confidence: a woman considers herself ugly, “armless”, unable to be a support for a man;
  • childhood traumas: for example, parental divorce and the mental suffering suffered as a result;
  • experience of unsuccessful relationships: unrequited love, painful breakup, etc.
All of these cases are serious obstacles to personal happiness. And, if parents want to help their baby get married successfully, they should persuade her to see a psychologist. Often, only a specialist is able to rid a woman of complexes, phobias and other “cargo” from the past.

Nina grew up in loving family; however, when she was 14 years old, her father died tragically. The girl had a hard time with the death of her loved one: she fell into depression, from which she had to be brought out with the help of a psychologist. And, 20 years later, Nina was still single. Then her mother gave key advice: not to hang her nose and turn to a psychologist again.

The specialist linked the woman’s loneliness with trauma in adolescence; identified her main phobia - fear of loss loved one; and helped her overcome it.

Two years later, Nina went to the registry office, and her mother was nearby - happy and reassured.

“Crown of celibacy” - away!

Some desperate parents look for the reasons for their daughters’ loneliness in the intervention of “higher powers.” They are frightened by the so-called “crown of celibacy”, which is supposedly imposed on the child. If you are one of these numbers, then there are ways to remove this supernatural obstacle. Here they are:
  • cleansing ritual: performed using water consecrated on the feast of Epiphany;
  • creating a “lapel” potion for loneliness: consists of a drop of mother’s blood, holy water and wormwood tincture
  • conspiracies: there are a number of special conspiracies that help you get married quickly and successfully.

Personal example is contagious

In addition, in order to help your daughter find female happiness, it is necessary to demonstrate warm relationships within her from her very childhood. This way the child will “absorb” a positive family model, and will also grow up without complexes and fears. In adulthood, this will help her daughter get married successfully and without any problems.

It is important not to forget to build a trusting relationship with your child. Then all the advice that you give your daughter regarding marriage will be met with maximum attention.

But you shouldn’t blame the girl for still being “single.” This will only create unnecessary tension that can distance you from each other. And, what’s even worse, you can’t focus her attention on personal failures, complexes and fears. Remember: our children need to be loved by their parents - only then will they be able to love themselves and create happy families.

Daughter's successful marriage - cherished dream many mothers. I want the dearest girl in the world to be behind her husband, like behind a stone wall. How to marry off your beloved daughter and, most importantly, how to teach her to be happy in love, choose the right men and not enter into relationships that are unprofitable for herself in advance?

Talk openly with your daughter. There is no point in developing a marriage strategy if you have deliberately different views on family life. Find out if she plans marriage and how she sees her future spouse.

Sometimes the root causes of reluctance to create a relationship with someone are hidden in persistent teenage complexes. If a young woman has had a traumatic breakup with her boyfriend, it will not hurt her to consult a psychologist. An experienced specialist can help you regain your self-confidence, which is very important for making new acquaintances and for you to successfully marry your daughter.

Introduce your daughter to potential suitors. To find them, inform all your friends that your daughter is a marriageable bride, smart and beautiful. She would young man to match! There is nothing wrong with this, because every mother wants to successfully marry her daughter. And in the old days, in general, parents directly chose husbands for their children, and the marriages were good.

In most cases, daughters don't exactly encourage moms to be active in marriage matters, so show some flexibility. Invite a young man you like to your house on the grounds of some urgent need. For example, in the form of a computer repairman. Arrange a general tea party, because it is not comfortable to leave such a wonderful young man hungry.

Talk to your daughter’s friends, so you will understand whether it makes sense for her to choose a husband from among those who keep her company. Be her best friend, let the girl share her experiences with you. The mother's recommendations will help her, and you will almost always know with whom she spends time and it will be easier for you to marry your daughter.

Give your daughter a bridesmaid invitation to her wedding. This event traditionally forces girls to think about a personal celebration; in addition, there you can meet a potential groom.

If your daughter doesn’t feel confident enough around men because she doesn’t consider herself beautiful, prove her wrong! Make sure that she does not indulge in despondency, often updates her wardrobe, and looks fashionable and stylish. Seductiveness is, first of all, grooming, do not let your daughter neglect this.

Don’t blame your daughter for the fact that she is still not married, and you so want grandchildren. Support her, tell her more often that she is beautiful and smart, and you will certainly find a spouse, you just have to believe in your happiness and be patient. We hope that our advice helped you answer the question: “How to get your daughter married.”

How to teach your daughter to be happy in love

Any parents wish their own children happiness. And women's happiness, as we know, lies in love. Understanding this, almost all mothers, and fathers too, want to teach their daughters to be happy in love.

In order to be able to make your daughter happy, teach her something, you need to establish contact with her, be her older friend or friend, if we are talking about dad, and gain her trust.

To teach your daughter to be happy in love, it is necessary to instill in her self-confidence and a sense of personal dignity. It will be difficult for a girl who is insecure within herself to attract the attention of the “right” gentlemen. She will begin to underestimate her advantages, and she will be haunted by the fear of not being recognized.

In an attempt to reduce these risks, the girl will unconsciously select and “attract” “unenviable” suitors to herself. In relationships, girls who are timid within themselves often take the position of a victim, allowing a representative of the stronger sex to treat themselves poorly. To prevent anything similar from happening to your daughter, praise her. Admire her appearance, success, intelligence, skills. These simple influences will help you make your daughter happy, adding to the girl’s self-confidence.

In order to teach your daughter to be happy in love, you need to give her your love personally from childhood. A girl who is “disliked” by her parents will constantly want to “get” the love that she lacked in childhood. If such a girl is lucky and a decent man falls in love with her, the girl will make an attempt to receive from him all the love that she did not receive in childhood.

This girl will be able to persistently ask her man for proof of his love for a very long time. The young man will at first be eager to prove his feelings to her, but the demands of an insecure young woman, in most cases, will begin to grow. Ultimately, the man, unable to bear it, will most likely leave such a woman. In order to get their daughter married, make her happy and teach her to be happy in love, parents are obliged to let the girl know that she is loved by them and needed by them. It’s not enough to just love your own daughter, you need to show her this love: don’t skimp on tender words, hugs, and praise.

In order for you to teach your daughter to be happy in love, parents must teach the girl to adore herself. A girl who is addicted to being loved by her parents will adore herself and will be happy in love. In order to teach a girl to love herself, it is not enough to show your love and praise your daughter.

Teach the girl to accept herself as she is. Help the girl learn to hide her shortcomings and emphasize her advantages. Teach your daughter to take care of herself, to look after her health, appearance and figure. We hope that our advice helped you answer the question: “How to get your daughter married.”

Anxiety for personal life his children forces their parents to turn to higher powers with a request to send a good daughter-in-law or a decent son-in-law. Mothers worry most about their daughters. A girl cannot offer her hand and heart to the man she likes. In addition, meeting a worthy partner is not always easy. about his daughter's marriage makes it possible to find good husband. If your daughter is not religious, does not go to church, or is an atheist, her mother's sincere request will help in any case.

Who should I pray for my daughter's marriage?

You can make requests to resolve your problems to any saint. You can turn to the saint whose name you bear, or to the righteous woman whose name your daughter bears. Turn to Jesus Christ. When praying for their children, women usually turn to the Mother of God, who accepts the requests of mothers.

You don't necessarily need a specific prayer for your daughter's marriage. You can ask in any convenient form. You should turn to higher powers as if you were asking for something from someone you know well and whom you trust unconditionally.

Holy Helpers

  • Matrona of Moscow. Matrona is especially close to a modern believer, since not even a century has passed since the death of this woman. You can turn to the saint with the following words: “I beg you, Holy Matrona, for the happiness of your beloved daughter. Help her not make a mistake with her choice and remove unfaithful people from her. Grant her a bright marriage and married life according to God's laws. Thy will be done. Amen".
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker. Who should she pray for her daughter’s marriage if she only encounters unworthy suitors? Contact Nicholas the Wonderworker, who will certainly send a noble man: “I trust in you, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and I ask for your beloved child. Help my daughter meet her chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and measured. Protect my daughter from sinful, lustful, demonic and careless marriage. Thy will be done. Amen".

  • A prayer for a daughter’s marriage can also be addressed to other forces. Some spells and conspiracies are addressed to nature: the moon, sun, wind, etc. If you consider yourself a follower of Orthodox Christianity, such appeals are certainly not suitable for you, because communication with the forces of nature is considered paganism and contrary to Christian morality. Decisive role plays your intention: .

    For any mother, the happiness and well-being of her child comes first. It is so inherent in nature that girls are weaker and need more maternal love. Of course, the mother will not be able to constantly, at any moment, be next to her daughter, but the Orthodox Church will help protect and support her dear one in all endeavors. prayer for daughter - mother's prayer , spoken from the bottom of my heart, with the strongest love in the world.

    A mother's prayer for her daughter has a special miraculous power that can support a future woman at all stages of her life - from birth to the time when she herself experiences the joy of motherhood. A mother’s sincere prayer raises over her daughter an invisible shield of divine protection and care, which no arrows of evil will be able to pierce.

    Prayer for a daughter should become a daily obligatory ritual of every Orthodox mother. She will help the girl in all her girlish difficulties.

    Orthodox maternal prayer for a daughter is often read with a specific purpose. Depending on this, there are several varieties of it:

    • universal prayers for a daughter;
    • prayers for my daughter’s health;
    • prayers-amulets (protective);
    • prayers for help in learning;
    • prayers for daughter's marriage;
    • prayers for pregnancy and assistance in childbirth.

    There is a very close psycho-emotional connection between mother and child, and it is especially deep in the relationship with her daughter. Praying to higher powers for her beloved and precious girl, mother blesses her for happiness, health, success and prosperity in all areas of life.

    Orthodox mother's prayers for her daughter

    Orthodox mothers turn to various representatives of higher powers with prayer requests for their daughters. Maternal prayers to the Lord God, to the Most Holy Theotokos, and to the Guardian Angel are widespread and in demand. Depending on what particular area of ​​life the mother desires heavenly protection for her child, prayers can be addressed to various saints (Blessed Matrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky, Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, etc.)

    Universal mother's prayers for her daughter

    Universal maternal prayers are prayers with which mothers ask the Lord and His saints for the life well-being of their children. They often do not contain an indication of the child’s gender, that is, they can be read for both a daughter and a son. There are a lot of similar prayer texts; if you wish, you can find them in the Orthodox Prayer Book. I will give 2 examples of common prayer.

    • First prayer. A short mother's prayer for her daughter, addressed to the Almighty. It is recommended to read it as a whole Orthodox prayers for those coming to bed, preferably immediately after the “Our Father.” Number of repetitions - 3 times. Text of a mother's prayer for her daughter:
    • Second prayer. A universal maternal prayer that lists all the main aspects of life’s well-being. It can be used as a prayer for a daughter, as a prayer for a son, and as a general prayer for children (if there are several of them in the family). Mothers can refer to this text every day, at any time, without a specific reason. If desired, you can make the necessary changes to it: word"children"replace with words"daughter" or "son", instead of plural use singular. The prayer is:

    Mother's prayer for her daughter's health

    Various diseases - serious and not so serious - can lie in wait for any child: both a girl and a boy. At such moments, the mother is sick along with her child, but she is sick in soul and heart. A mother’s prayer addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos will help alleviate the condition of a sick child.

    The mother’s appeals directed to the Virgin Mary are very powerful, since it is the Mother of God, herself a Mother, who understands the feelings and aspirations of the mother better than anyone else and willingly responds to requests for help. You can ask the Mother of God for the health of your child (daughter, son) like this:

    Mother's prayer-amulet for daughter

    Mom's prayer appeal is the most strong amulet for a child. A popular prayer for a daughter and protection over her can be said by a mother to the personal Guardian Angel of her little one. This text protects the girl from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes, from the influence of evil witchcraft. Words of protective prayer:

    I suggest you familiarize yourself with a heartfelt mother’s prayer for her daughter in verse in this video:

    A mother's prayer for her daughter - for help in studying

    Education (first - first at school, then - at secondary or higher educational institution) is an important period in the life of any child. It is during their studies that many children reveal their talents and choose further life purpose. In this long, difficult, but memorable time, maternal prayer and the divine blessing and support it bestows are simply necessary for any daughter.

    A mother can help her child—a daughter or son—during the learning period by regularly praying to the Mother of God in front of her image “Addition of Mind” (“Giver of Mind”). The prayer before the named icon reads as follows:

    A mother's prayer for her daughter: about marriage

    Marriage is the next important stage in the life of an already mature daughter. This is the stage when she herself reveals all her femininity, prepares to become a homemaker and mother.

    The mother's prayer for her daughter's marriage, given below, allows the parent to ask for a successful marriage for her grown girl and family well-being. It is addressed to the Lord:

    A mother's prayer for her daughter: for help in childbirth and the birth of a healthy baby

    Bearing and giving birth to a child is a responsible task assigned by nature to a woman. This is a difficult time when the expectant mother must be extremely careful, because she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her baby, who will soon illuminate the world with his appearance. A sincere prayer for a daughter coming from the lips of a future grandmother can provide tremendous support to a young pregnant woman and protect her from possible dangers and risks.

    In the process of giving birth to her grandson or granddaughter, an almost accomplished grandmother is recommended to say a prayer for help in childbirth. This petition to the Most Holy Theotokos will help relieve a pregnant daughter from the pain that arises during childbirth and will give strength for the birth of a new little person:

    A daughter is a continuation of her mother, a fragile and tender creature who most needs maternal love and care. Mother performs reliable support daughter throughout her life: advises her on everyday issues, passes on her life experience. An additional task of an Orthodox mother is to serve as a spiritual mentor to her daughter, to take care of her spiritual well-being. And prayer for your daughter helps you realize this goal.

    A true mother will express her love for her daughter with a tender heart and kind words, and not with all kinds of prohibitions and reproaches. A true mother understands her child like no one else and helps her reveal her entire feminine essence.

    A prayer for a daughter should be read with all the love that fills a mother’s heart. When reciting the sacred text, the mother should keep the image of her beloved girl in her head. You need to pray by the light of the lit church candles and in front of the corresponding icons. The thoughts of a praying mother must remain clear and pure even outside of prayer. Also, a woman must definitely go to church and provide all possible help to those in need.