Finger gymnastics on the topic of profession. A collection of educational finger games “The Master’s Work is Afraid”

expand children's knowledge about different professions: cook, doctor, salesman, dressmaker, teacher, builder, etc. Learn to understand the importance of each profession. Be able to group, highlight the unnecessary, assemble a whole from parts.

Corrective tasks:

To consolidate children's knowledge about professions (doctor, hairdresser, salesman, teacher, cook, etc.), about tools;

Clarify, expand and activate vocabulary on the topic: sells, sews, doctor, teacher, builder, etc.

Reinforce simple and complex sentences. Continue

improve the dialogical form of speech;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Cultivate interest in various professions, activities, and mutual assistance.

Instill a sense of gratitude towards people for their work.


laptop, pictures depicting professions (doctor, salesman, teacher, cook, hairdresser, etc.), tools (scales, helmet, staff, sewing machine, syringe, ladle, comb, newspaper, paint brush, notebook, steering wheel, etc.), cards with riddles, large box.

Preliminary work:

- conversation about people of different professions; what do the parents work for?

— didactic games “Who needs what?”, “What’s extra”, “Who should I be?”, cut lotto “Professions”, “Collect a picture”;

— consideration of the “Professions” scheme;

Role-playing games “Barbershop”, “Shop”, “Hospital”,

" Dining room";

Finger gymnastics.

Methodical techniques:

use of TSO;

Game “Who needs this item?”;

game “Choose the right picture”;

Game "What's extra?";

game “Who do you want to be?”;

finger gymnastics “There are different professions...”;

physical education lesson “Pilot”.


1. T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina. Speech therapy program to overcome general speech underdevelopment in children.Moscow, 2010

2. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Program "From birth to school". Sample basic general education program for preschool education. Moscow, 2012.-304 p.

3. Magazines “Preschool education” 2012-2013

4. Magazines “Preschool pedagogy” 2012-2013

5. Magazines “Child in the Garden” 2012-2013

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys, Today we will go on an exciting journey through the “City of Professions” in order to learn even more about professions and better remember their names.

But you will find out what we will travel on by solving the riddle.

What a miracle - a long house.
There are a lot of passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline. (Bus)

Educator: That's right, we'll go by bus. And our driver today will be Buratino. (Buratino greets the children.) Guys, our journey will not be easy, a lot of new and interesting things await us. Together with our friend Pinocchio we have to go through 5 stations.

(Pinocchio invites the children to get on the bus.) Well, guys, let's go?

Children: yes-ah!

Children sit on chairs to the music “We are going, going, going to distant lands.”

Educator: Guys, we arrived at the first station, which is called “Ugadajka”. (Children approach the first table. Pinocchio asks riddles and, if the answer is correct, shows a picture of the answer.)

1.Tell me who cooks cabbage soup so deliciously,
Smelling cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook)

2. Who is the most useful in days of illness?
and cures us of all diseases? (Doctor)

4. We get up very early,
After all, our job is to take everyone to work in the morning. (Driver)

5.Who at school teaches children order and checks the children’s notebooks? (Teacher).

6.Who is friendly with a hairdryer and comb and does fashionable hairstyles? (Hairdresser)

7.Among the clouds on high, we build together new home,

so that people live happily in it in warmth and beauty. (Builder)

Well done, you completed the task and moved on.

Educator: Guys, now we have arrived at the second station, which is called “Poteryashka”.

(Children approach the second table).

Game “Who needs this item?”

Look, there's a big one on the table beautiful box, and in it there are various objects that people of different professions have lost (scales, a helmet, a staff, a sewing machine, a syringe, a ladle, a comb, a newspaper, a paint brush, a notebook, a steering wheel).

You will have to take out one item at a time and tell:

- What is the name of this item?

— What profession do people need it for?

— What does a person in this profession do?

(Children take turns taking out objects and telling stories).

Well done guys, you also coped with this task. Now let’s rest a little and together with Pinocchio we’ll do some gymnastics for our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “There are different professions...”

There are different professions, (rhythmically clench and unclench fists)

It’s impossible to count everything at once:

Doctor treats people (alternately bend the fingers on the right hand for each profession name)

The teacher teaches the children

The cook is preparing lunch
There are no braver firefighters

The builder will build us a house :(bring their hands together above their heads - “roof”»)

We will all live together in it.

A painter will paint the walls,(bend the fingers on the left hand one by one)

The plumber will fix the faucet,

The electrician will turn on the light for us,

Carpenter laying parquet

And if you want to know everything, (touch the forehead with the index finger)You need to become a scientist.

Well done! You all did everything right. Now you can move on.

An audio recording of the song “We are going, going, going to distant lands” is played.».

Educator: Guys, now we have arrived at the third station, which is called “Nazivayka”.

Game "Choose the right picture"

(Children go to the next table)

Educator: Guys, look. On this table there are pictures depicting people of different professions. Take two pictures each. I will read the sentence, and the one whose picture matches will pick it up and name their profession out loud.

1. Cuts hair...

2. Prepares food...

3. Gets vaccinated...

4. Drives a car...

5. Takes care of the garden...

6. Teaches children...

7. Works on a tractor...

8. Sews clothes...

9. Draws pictures...

10. Putting out the fire...

11. Photographs...

12.Sells products...

Well done guys, you completed the task. Let's move on.

An audio recording of the song “We are going, going, going to distant lands” is played.

Educator: Guys, now we have arrived at the fourth station, which is called “Vyberaika”.

Game "What's extra?"

Guys, here are items for people of different professions.

Let's check if they are located correctly, what is superfluous here and who owns these items? (Children choose and answer)

1.Kettle, helmet, fire extinguisher, fire truck.

2.Threads, scissors, sewing machine, newspaper.

3. Syringe, cotton wool, bandage, pointer.

4.Mirror, comb, plate, scissors.

5.Paints, brush, album, steering wheel.

6. Plate, ladle, saucepan, bus.

Well done guys, you also did a good job with this task.

You're probably a little tired? Let's play pilots.

Physical education lesson “Pilot”:

It's good to be a driver (run in circles, “rule”),

Is it better to be a pilot ().

I would become a pilot

Let them teach me.

I pour gasoline into the tank (stop, “pour”),

I'm starting the propeller (circular movements with the right hand),

“Take the engine to heaven (run in a circle, arms to the sides),

So that the birds can sing."

Educator : How did you guys like it?

Children: yes-ah!

Educator: Then let's move on. We have the last station left.

An audio recording of the song “We are going, going, going to distant lands” is played.

Educator: Guys, we have arrived at the fifth station, which is called


Game "Who do you want to be?"

Guys, there are many professions on earth. All professions are needed, all professions are important. Who do you want to become?

(Children tell what they want to become when they grow up). Great, well now we have to go back to Kindergarten. Let's go? (Children sit on chairs).

Lesson summary:

Educator: Guys, we have returned to our station - this is the Kindergarten. Did you enjoy the trip?

Children: yes-ah.

Educator: Where did we travel today?

Children : We traveled around the City of Professions.

Educator: What did you like most?

Children : Pinocchio, the game “Lost”, etc.

Educator: Thank you guys for your efforts, you all did great today!

(At the end of the lesson, Pinocchio thanks the children and gives the children candy).

Finger games for preschoolers

Finger games on the topic: “Vegetables”

We chop and chop cabbage,
We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
We three - three cabbage,
We press and press cabbage. (Imitation of movements.)
“Lariska has two radishes”
Lariska has two radishes. (extend your fingers one by one)
Alyosha has two potatoes.
Tomboy Earring has two green cucumbers.
And Vovka has two carrots.
Moreover, Petka has two tailed radishes.

We went to the market
There are a lot of pears and persimmons there,
There are lemons, oranges,
Melons, plums, tangerines,
But we bought a watermelon -
This is the most delicious cargo!
Connecting fingers with pads, starting with the little fingers, one pair of fingers for each line of poetry;
In this case, the palms do not touch.
-little fingers
-fingers clench into a fist, and the thumb moves upward

Finger games on the topic: “Fruits”

We will cook compote
You need a lot of fruit. Here: Left palm hold with a “bucket”, with the index finger of the right hand “interfering”
Let's chop apples
We will chop the pear.
Let's squeeze it out lemon juice,
Let's put some plums and sugar. Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb.
We cook, we cook compote.
Let's treat the honest people. They're "cooking" and "stirring" again.

Finger games on the topic: “Family”

How is our family
Big Yes cheerful (they stomp their hands and hit their fists alternately)
Two are standing at the bench, (Bend their thumbs)
Two want to study. (Bend index fingers)
Two Stepans are gorging themselves on sour cream. (Bend middle fingers)
Two Dashas are eating at the porridge. (Bend ring fingers)
Two Ulki are rocking in a cradle. (bend little fingers)

Everyone in our group is friends (Children beat their fists rhythmically on the table.)
The youngest is me.
This is Masha
This is Sasha
This is Yura
This is Dasha. (Unclench their fists, starting with the little finger.)

Finger games on the topic: “City. Country"

There is a house in a clearing, draw “House” with two hands, the roof of the house - the fingers of the left and right hands touch each other.
Well, the path to the house is closed. Right and left hand palms turned towards you, middle fingers touching each other, thumbs up (“gate”).
We open the gates, Palms unfold parallel to each other
We invite you to this house. "House"

Finger games on the topic: “Transport”

Bus, trolleybus, car, tram -
Don't forget about them on the street. (connecting fingers in turn with the thumb)
In the seas - ships, icebreakers, ships, (the same with the fingers of the other hand)
They very rarely come here.

Finger games on the theme: “Winter”

One, two, three, four, five, (Fold your fingers one at a time)
We came to the yard for a walk.
They sculpted a snow woman. (Imitate sculpting lumps)
They fed the birds crumbs, (Crush the bread with all your fingers)
Then we rode down the hill. (Run the index finger of your right hand along the palm of your left hand)
And they were also lying in the snow. (Put your palms on the table first with one side or the other)
Everyone came home covered in snow, (shake off palms)
We ate soup and went to bed. (Make movements with an imaginary spoon, place your hands under your cheeks)

Finger games on the theme: “NEW YEAR”

In front of us is a Christmas tree: They show a “Christmas tree”: arms bent at the elbows in front of you; fingers intertwined, thumbs raised up - the top of the “Christmas tree”.
Cones, needles, Show “cones” - clenched fists and “needles” - spread fingers.
Balls, lanterns, “balls” are shown: the palm is a “half-bucket” with slightly spread fingers facing upward; “flashlights”: similarly folded palms facing down.
Bunnies and candles, Show “bunnies” - fists with raised index and middle fingers; “candles” - folded palms with fingers together.
Stars, people. Show “stars” - folded palms with fingers spread; "little men" - position of the "ears" down

Finger games

Irina Timofeeva
Card index finger games By lexical topics weeks

Finger gymnastics"Transport"

Target fingers.

Cars are walking along the highway (Turn an imaginary steering wheel.)

Tires are rolling on the asphalt. (Elbows are pressed to the body, palms move parallel to each other.)

Don't run on the road (They threatened finger.)

I'll tell you: "Bee-Bee". (The hand is clenched into a fist, the thumb is straightened - "signal".)

Finger gymnastics"Domestic and wild animals"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements fingers.

Bunny - ears on top of head - (Hands at temples, index and middle fingers straightened -"ears".)

Jumping and jumping along the edge of the forest. (Hands with a pinch down at the chest - "jumps".)

A prickly hedgehog followed him, (Intertwined fingers and moved.)

I walked along the grass without paths,

And behind the hedgehog - beauty - (Smooth movements with your hands in front of you.)

Red-tailed fox.

What's happened « Finger gymnastics» ? The name itself includes two components - gymnastics with the help fingers. This is also a very interesting, funny and useful activity.

Playing finger games:

1. Developing speech.

2. Finger Gymnastics develops the ability to imitate adults... teaches you to listen to speech and understand it... increases speech activity.

3. Teaches the child to concentrate attention and distribute it correctly.

4. Exercise from finger gymnastics makes speech clearer, more rhythmic, and brighter. In addition, in this way the child strengthens control over his movements.

5. B fingered games need to be memorized much: and position fingers, and the sequence of movements, and just poetry. Here's a great fun exercise for memory development!

6. Is it possible with the help fingered games to develop fantasy and imagination? Certainly! After all, with your hands you can "tell" whole stories! First, the teacher (an adult) will show an example, and only then the child can compose his own « finger stories» .

Card index of finger games on lexical topics

Finger games for preschoolers topic:


We chop and chop cabbage,

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

We three - three cabbage,

We press and press cabbage. (Imitation of movements.)

“Lariska has two radishes”

Lariska has two radishes, (take turns to straighten fingers)

Alyoshka has two potatoes.

Tomboy Earring has two green cucumbers.

And Vovka has two carrots.

Moreover, Petka has two tailed radishes

Finger games on the topic: "Fruits"

We will cook compote

You need a lot of fruit. Here: Left palm held "bucket", index right hand finger"interfering"

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear.

Squeeze the lemon juice

Let's put some plums and sugar. Bend over fingers one at a time, starting from the big one.

We cook, we cook compote.

Let's treat honest people. Again "cook" And "interfering"

We went to the market

There are a lot of pears and persimmons there,

There are lemons, oranges,

Melons, plums, tangerines,

But we bought a watermelon -

This is the most delicious cargo!

Compound fingers with pads, starting with the little fingers, one pair at a time fingers for each poetic line;

In this case, the palms do not touch.


Index fingers

-fingers clenched into a fist, and the big one is retracted upward

Finger games on the topic: "Family"

We have a big family. Yes funny (stomp their hands and hit fist on fist alternately)

There are two standing at the bench, (Bend the big ones fingers)

Two want to study. (Bend your index fingers fingers)

Two Stepans are gorging themselves on sour cream. (Bend the middle ones fingers)

Two Dashas are eating at the porridge. (Bend the nameless fingers)

Two Ulki are rocking in a cradle. (bend little fingers)


Everyone in our group is friends (Children beat their fists rhythmically on the table.)

The youngest is me.

This is Masha

This is Sasha

This is Dasha. (Unclench their fists, starting with the little finger.)

Finger games on the topic: "City. Country"

There is a house in a clearing, "House" draw with both hands the roof of the house - fingers left and right hands touch each other.

Well, the path to the house is closed. The right and left hands are turned with palms towards themselves, middle fingers touching each other, large thumbs up("gates").

We open the gates, Palms unfold parallel to each other

We invite you to this house. "House"

Finger games on the topic: "Transport"

Bus, trolleybus, car, tram -

Don't forget about them on the street. (compound fingers take turns with the big one)

In the seas - ships, icebreakers, ships, (Same fingers of the other hand)

They very rarely come here.

Finger games on the topic: "Winter"

One, two, three, four, five, (Fold fingers one at a time)

We came to the yard for a walk.

They sculpted a snow woman. (Imitate sculpting lumps)

The birds were fed crumbs, (Crush the bread for everyone fingers)

Then we rode down the hill. (Lead with your index finger finger right hand on the palm of the left hand)

And they were also lying in the snow. (Put your palms on the table first with one side or the other)

Everyone came home covered in snow, (Shake off palms)


One, two, three, four, five, fold down fingers.

You and I made a snowball. Children "sculpt".

Round, strong, very smooth Show a circle, clench your palms, stroke one palm with the other.

And not at all sweet. They are threatening finger.

Once - we'll throw it up, "They'll throw it up."

Two - we'll catch, "They're catching."

Three - let's drop "They drop."

I. We'll break it. They stomp.

We ate soup and went to bed.

(Make movements

with an imaginary spoon

put your hands under your cheeks)

We are making a ball out of snow,

(Children clench and unclench their hands)

Let's make a house out of lumps.

(connect the ends fingers,

palms slightly apart)

Animals will live in the house,

(Clap their hands)

Have fun and make friends

Guard the house together

(Join hands in "lock")

Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy!

(Children make an imaginary ball and roll it away from them)

Roll your snowball in the snow -

It will turn into a thick lump.

(Draw a circle in the air)

And the lump will become a snowman.

(Children draw three circles of different sizes from bottom to top)

His smile is so bright!

(Place palms to cheeks, depicting a wide smile)

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.

(Children point with their index fingers fingers eyes, palm - a hat, fist of the right hand - a nose and an imaginary broom)

But the sun will burn slightly -

(Children raise their hands up)

Alas! And there is no snowman!

(Raise their shoulders and spread their arms to the sides, then squat down, covering their head with their hands)

Finger games on the topic: "Food"

The mouse found a grain

And she took it to the mill.

I ground flour there,

I baked pies for everyone:

Mouse - with cabbage,

Mouse - with potatoes,

Mouse - with carrots,

Mouse - with cloudberries.

For the big fat guy -

As many as four pies:

With cabbage, with potatoes, with carrots, with cloudberries.

Finger games on the topic: "Professions"

Finger gymnastics"Cook"

The cook was preparing dinner (The children knock on the table with the edge of their palms)

And then the lights were turned off.

Chef bream beret (Bend the big ones fingers)

And puts it in compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron, (Bend the middle ones fingers)

Ugli hits with a ladle. (Bend the nameless fingers)

Sugar is poured into the broth. (Bend the little finger)

And he is very pleased. (Throw up their hands)


One, two, three, four, five! "Walking" fingers on the table.

We're going to look for mushrooms.

This little finger went into the forest, Bend one by one finger,

This I found a mushroom, starting with the little finger.

This began to clean my finger,

This the finger began to fry,

This the finger ate everything,

That's why I got fat.


One, two, three, four, five,

We're going for a walk in the forest.

For blueberries

For raspberries

For lingonberries,

Behind the viburnum.

We'll find strawberries

And we'll take it to my brother.

Fingers They greet each other with both hands, starting with the big one, and both hands walk across the table. Bend over fingers, starting with more.

Hello, big clearing!

Hello, grass - ants!

Hello, forest berry!

You are ripe and delicious.

We are carrying a basket -

We will collect all of you. Fingers right hand greets left fingers slapping each other's tips.

Finger games on the topic: "Friendship"

Friends in our group fingers connect

Girls and boys. to the castle (several times)

We'll make friends with you

Little ones fingers.

One, two, three, four, five fingers from the little finger alternately

One, two, three, four, five

On a visit to big finger

On a visit to big finger

They came straight to the house

Index and middle

Nameless and last.

The little finger itself is a baby,

He knocked on the threshold.

Together fingers-friends,

They can't live without each other.

Finger games on the topic: "Wintering Birds"

Come, birds! I'll give the lard to the titmouse.

I'll prepare some bread crumbs.

These crumbs are for pigeons,

These crumbs are for the sparrows.

Jackdaws and crows, Eat pasta!

"calling" movement fingers 4 times -"cutting" movement of one palm over the other fingers with a pinch -"crumb the bread", rub the pads fingers pull each other forward right hand with an open palm, do the same - with your left hand, rub your palm against your palm, "rolling pasta from bread"

How many birds are there for our feeder? Has it arrived?

We'll tell you. Two tits, a sparrow,

Woodpecker with motley feathers. There were enough grains for everyone.

They clench and unclench their fists rhythmically. Bending fingers, starting with more. They clench and unclench their fists rhythmically.

Finger games on the topic: "Mom's Day"

My family

I know what I have (raise hand with palm towards you

Friendly family at home: and according to the text

This is mom, they bend in a certain sequence fingers:

This is me, first the ring finger, then the little finger, the index finger,

This is my grandmother, medium and large)

This is dad

This is grandfather.

And we have no discord.

Mommy, mommy We bend it one by one fingers

My beloved, right hand, starting with the big one,

Because you know, mommy, then do the same on your left hand.

How I love you. Clench your right hand into a fist,

Grab it tightly with your left palm.

“We help mom together -

We wipe away dust everywhere. Movements in the text

We are now washing clothes

Rinse and wring out.

We sweep everything around -

And run for milk.

We meet mom in the evening,

We open the doors wide,

We hug mom tightly.”

There are many mothers in this world, (spread their arms in different directions, then grab themselves tightly by the shoulders)

Children love them all!

Journalist and engineer (alternately bend fingers, starting with the little finger, first on one hand, then on the other)

Cook, policeman,

Seamstress, conductor and teacher,

Doctor, hairdresser and builder -

We need different mothers, (clasp both palms in "lock")

Different mothers are important! (spread their arms, raise their palms up)

Finger games on the theme

"Clothes, shoes, hats"

Masha put on her mitten:

"Oh, where am I going? little finger?

No finger, disappeared,

I didn’t get to my little house.” Compress fingers in fist.

Masha took off her mitten: All unclench your fingers except for the big one.

“Look, I found it! Extend your thumb.

You search, you search and you find, Squeeze fingers in fist, separate the thumb.

Hello, finger"How are you living?"


One, two, three, four, five

Once - shoes, the child bends fingers on hand.

Two - boots,

Three shoes

Four - sandals

And, of course, five slippers.

Your legs need to rest.

We have become chickens in yellow hats. The child flaps his arms like a chicken's wings.

In white hats we became bunnies, showing bunny ears

In red caps we became mushrooms, joining hands above our heads.

In black hats - blueberries on the hummocks, Squats down.

In blue rain caps, he gets up and puts his hands on his belt.

And they easily galloped along the paths. Jumps forward on two legs.

Like our cat, they bend one at a time finger, starting with the big ones,

On the feet there are boots on both hands for each name of the shoe.

Like our pig

There are boots on my feet.

Like a dog's paws

Blue slippers.

And the kid is small

Puts on felt boots.

And son Vovka -

New sneakers.

Like this. Like this. Palm claps and fist bumps are performed rhythmically.

New sneakers.

"Don't cry, my doll"

Don't cry, my doll, you are left alone.

I can't play with you

I need to rewash:

Your dresses and socks, your skirts and stockings,

Sweater, mittens, jacket,

A cap, a colored beret.

I'll pour a little water

I'll pour the powder into a basin.

I’ll whip up some snow foam, wash it and go.

While the sun is shining,

I'll pull the rope.

I'll attach the clothes to it,

I'll dry everything with the breeze.

The two of us worked together

Now we will rest.

Imitation of motion sickness of a doll.

Bending fingers.

Imitation according to the description in the poem.

Place your hands on your knees.

We lived in a house

Little gnomes:

(children clench and unclench their fists)

Toki, Peaks, Faces, Chiki, Miki.

(bend fingers, starting with the largest ones)

One, two, three, four, five,

(unbend fingers, starting with the little fingers)

The gnomes began to wash:

(rubbing fists together)

Toki - shirts, Chiki - socks,

Spades - handkerchiefs, Miki was smart,

Faces are pants, I brought water to everyone.

(bend fingers, starting with the largest ones)

Let's count for the first time,

How many shoes do we have?

Shoes, slippers, boots

For Natasha and Seryozha,

And even boots

For our Valentine,

And these boots

For baby Galenka.

(for each name of shoe fold one finger, starting from the big one)

"New sneakers"

Like our cat

Boots on feet.

Like our pig

There are boots on my feet.

And on the dog's paws

Blue slippers.

And the kid is small

Puts on boots.

And son Vovka -

New sneakers.

(bend on both hands fingers one at a time, starting with the largest ones)

New sneakers.

(walk on the table with index and middle fingers of both hands)


Everywhere, everywhere we are together

Let's go, inseparable.

(middle and index fingers"walking" on the table)

We walk through the meadows

Along the green shores,

They ran down the stairs,

They walked along the street,

Then we climb under the bed,

(fold one at a time finger, starting from the big one)

We'll sleep there quietly.

(place palms on table)

Finger games on the topic: "Insects"

She flew to us yesterday, waving her hands

Striped bee for each insect name

And behind her the bumblebee is bent finger.

And a cheerful butterfly,

Two beetles and a dragonfly

Like lantern eyes. Make circles from fingers

They buzzed, flew, and brought them to their eyes.

They fell from fatigue. They drop their palms on the table.

Finger games on the topic: "Bug"

I am a cheerful May bug.

I know all the gardens around,

I'm circling over the lawns,

And my name is Zhu-zhu...

Wasps love sweets

They fly to sweets,

And the wasps will bite

If they want to Clench your fist. Spread the index finger and little finger apart ( "mustache"). Stir "mustache"

Expose middle finger, hold it between the index and ring fingers, and rotate it in different directions.

Ladybug's daddy is coming,

Mom follows after dad,

The kids follow their mother,

The little ones wander after them.

They wear red skirts

Skirts with black dots.

They look like the sun

They greet the new day together.

And if it's hot for them

Then they will all hide together. Everyone fingers walk on the table with your right hand. Everyone fingers of the left hand

walk on the table. We step with both hands at the same time. Clasp your palms fingers pressed tightly. Tap with your forefingers fingers on the table. Depict fingers sunshine. Hide fingers of both hands into fists.

Here is a small hive where

the bees hid.

Nobody will see them.

Here they appear from the hive

One, two, three, four, five.


Clench your fingers into a fist, then

fold one at a time.

Pow - pow - spider,

Spider web barrel,

The spider keeps crawling up,

He weaves a web.

The web is even thin -

Holds moths tightly. Educate fingers frame. Then connect fingers of both hands in the lock.

Without releasing the lock, lift fingers and flap them like wings.

Finger games on the topic: "Furniture, Crockery"

In our dining room -

Eat excellent TABLE oak,

CHAIRS – all carved backs,

The legs are bent and twisted.

And a nut BUFFET

For jam and sweets.

In the adult room - bedroom -

There is a mirrored wardrobe for dresses,

Two wide beds

With blankets on cotton wool

And a birch chest of drawers,

Mom takes the laundry there.

And in the living room there are CHAIRS,

They watch TV here.

There is a SOFA and a coffee table,

IN THE WALL is a music center.

(one for each name of furniture bend the finger - 10 in total)

“There is a lot of furniture in the apartment”.

One, two, three, four,

(bend fingers, starting with the big one, on both hands)

Lots of furniture in the apartment

(clench and unclench fists)

We'll hang the shirt in the closet,

And we’ll put a cup in the cupboard.

To give your legs a rest,

Let's sit on the chair for a while.

And when we were fast asleep,

We were lying on the bed.

And then me and the cat

We sat at the table

(bend fingers for each furniture name)

They drank tea and jam together.

There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.

(alternately clapping palms and hitting the table with fists)

One, two, three, four,

We washed the dishes:

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

(bend fingers one at a time, starting from the big one)

We washed the dishes

(one palm slides over the other in a circle)

We just broke the cup,

The ladle also fell apart,

The teapot's nose is broken.

We broke the spoon a little,

(bend fingers one at a time, starting from the big one)

This is how we helped mom.

(bumping fists together)

Finger games on the topic: "Victory Day"

I'm sailing on a white boat (ends point your fingers forward, press your hands with your palms

Along the waves with pearl foam. to each other, slightly opening.

I am a brave captain, reciting a poem, showing how a boat

I'm not afraid of a hurricane. swings on the waves, and then with smooth hand movements

White seagulls are circling, the waves themselves, then according to the text

They are also not afraid of the wind. verse show the seagull, arms crossed, connecting

Only the bird cry of the palm frightens back side and wave

A school of golden fish. fingers, squeezed together

And, having toured the wonder countries, with straightened palms fingers,

Looking at the oceans, draw fish pressed against each other.

Traveler-hero, show with smooth movements of palms

I will return home to my mother. how fish swim in water)

Aty - baht, aty - baht!

(alternately "walking" index and middle fingers of the right and left hand)

Soldiers are coming to the parade!

Here come the tankers

Then the artillerymen

And then the infantry -

Company by company.

Finger games on the topic: "Folk toy, Folklore"

Matryosha's sister has rhythmic beats fingers of the right hand,

starting from the index finger, along the left palm.

Through the village of fables Rhythmic beats fingers of the left hand, on-

starting from the index finger, along the right palm.

A duck walks in a skirt, For each name of the animal they bend

In a warm sheepskin coat, fingers on hands, starting with the big ones.

The chicken is in a vest,

Cockerel - in a beret,

Goat - in a sundress,

Zainka - in a caftan,

And all of them are more beautiful Rhythmic alternating clapping of hands and

Cow in matting. fist bumps.

I play with toys: (Hands in front of you, clench and unclench fingers of both hands.)

I throw the ball to you, (We stretch our hands forward - "throw the ball".)

I am assembling a pyramid (we place straight hands, palms down, on top of each other several times.)

I drive the truck everywhere. (Move your right hand in front of you with a slightly open hand - "let's roll the car".)

Cockerel, cockerel, - (connect your index finger and thumb on your hand)

Golden comb, - (make "lock" from fingers)

Butter head, - (pat your head with your hand)

Silk beard, - (stroke your hand on your chin)

That you get up early

Why are you singing loudly?

Don't you let the kids sleep? – (close your eyes and place your palms under your cheeks)

Bucket sun

Bucket sunshine! - (spread your arms to the sides and spread fingers)

Come up quickly, - (raise your hands up)

Light, heat - (make "flashlights" in front of you)

Calves and lambs - (show "horns" on the head)

Still little (do not fully connect the index finger and thumb) Guys - (put your palms to your chest).

Finger games on the topic: « Kindness Week»

If fingers are sad -

They want kindness. fingers press tightly to the palm

If fingers will cry -

Someone offended them. shaking our brushes

Our we'll spare our fingers -

We will warm you with our kindness. "my" hands, breathe on them

We will press our palms to ourselves, alternately, 1 at the top, 1 at the bottom.

Let's start stroking gently. stroke the palm with the other palm

Let your palms hug,

Let them play a little. cross fingers, press your palms

fingers two hands quickly knock lightly

Every you need to take a finger

And hug tighter. We hold each finger in a fist

The cat invited us to visit, palms on our cheeks, shaking our heads

And we went along the path. fingers"walking" on the knees or on the table

We see a tall tree, we point our fists at each other

We see a deep lake. wave-like movements of the hands

Stomp-stomp, palms clapping on knees or on the table

Jump-jump, fists knock on knees or on table

Chiki-bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor

Chicky-brick. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table

Birds sing songs, palms cross - "bird"

Seeds are pecked everywhere:

They peck here and peck there, fingers of one hand"peck" palm the other, and vice versa

They are not given to anyone. palms in front of you, alternately clench and unclench your fist

Stomp-stomp, palms clapping on knees or on the table

Jump-jump, fists knock on knees or on table

Chiki-bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor

Chicky-brick. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table

This is home "roof"

And there is a window in it. "window"

We are greeted by a cat and a cat. clap your hands

Stomp-stomp, palms clapping on knees or on the table

Jump-jump, fists knock on knees or on table

Chiki-bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor

Chicky-brick. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table

We'll rest our hands for a while "hello"

And we'll run back. fingers"run" on the knees or on the table

Stomp-stomp, palms clapping on knees or on the table

Jump-jump, fists knock on knees or on table

Chiki-bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor

Chicky-brick. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table

Good morning, hello Ivan!

Good morning, hello, Stepan!

Good morning, hello, Sergey!

Good morning, hello, Matvey!

Good morning, hello Nikitushka! Cross the big ones fingers.

Cross your index fingers fingers.

Cross the middle ones fingers.

Cross the nameless


Little fingers crossed.

Finger games on the topic: "World of Professions"

Here's the fence. Fingers press your right hands together.

There are cracks in the fence. Expand fingers.

Fingers they wanted to crawl into them. Insert your left thumb

Bolshak put his head between his thumb and forefinger right fingers.

The Pointer got stuck behind him. Specify left finger between

The middle peasant wanted - in vain! Specify and average right fingers,

Nameless – no success! middle finger of the left hand between

Did at least one pass? Certainly! middle and nameless right fingers,

Bend your puny, small little finger, little finger several times -

Helped the brothers: straighten it, then wave it.

I got them all out of the cracks. release each finger in turn from captivity.

Embroiders, sews with a needle, In his right hand there is an imaginary needle

My finger hurts, "sews" and touches the index

It stings my finger. finger on the left hand.

And a thimble They put on a thimble.

At that very moment "Sew".

To the girl on finger

Says to the needle: Threatening finger.

But don’t you dare inject yourself!

The cook was preparing dinner, with the edges of his palms knocking on the table.

And then the lights were turned off. Bend the thumb on the left hand.

Chef bream beret

And puts it in compote. Bend the index finger.

Throws logs into the cauldron, -medium

He puts jam in the oven. - nameless

The soup is stirring, - little finger

Ugli hits with a ladle.

Sugar is poured into the broth.

And he is very happy! They shrug their shoulders.

There are many noble professions,

(Unite fingers right hand with a big one.)

Both useful and pleasant.

(Unite fingers left hand with the big one.)

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Seller, miner, builder...

(Connect in series fingers of both hands with thumb.)

I’m not naming everyone right away,

(Clench and unclench your fists.)

I suggest you continue.

(Extend your arms forward, palms up)

"Hush, don't make noise"

This finger wants to sleep Bend your thumb

This finger lay down in bed Bend your index finger

This finger took a little nap Bend your middle finger

This finger Already asleep Bend your ring finger

This one is fast asleep Bend your little finger

Hush, hush, don't make noise... Threaten finger

The red sun will rise,

The clear morning will come,

The birds will chirp

There will be fingers up!

Unbend your fist.

Finger games in this educational set will introduce kids to professions and tools in a simple, entertaining way. Kids will have to master many useful and fun finger games and exercises that imitate labor activity and work with various tools, and understand the importance and necessity of each profession. They will meet a cook, a builder, a doctor, a teacher, a carpenter, a hairdresser, an artist, a farmer, a trainer, a cleaner, athletes and musicians. Children will be able to successfully use the skills acquired in the game in their own improvisational games. Funny nursery rhymes in verse are easy to understand and easily remembered by both children and adults.

The set consists of 12 pictures, each of which is a colorful story-based picture-illustration of one of the professions. The picture shows all the characters in the nursery rhyme and the tools they use. The exercises are numbered and arranged in the instructions in order of increasing difficulty of the task.

After a general acquaintance with the picture, the adult playing with the child reads the verse and shows what needs to be done. Each exercise is described in detail and illustrated in the instructions. Then he reads the verse again, and the baby tries to repeat the necessary movements. Over time, the child will remember all the poems and exercises for them and will be able to practice correctly and profitably with the pictures of the set and even teach the game to his friends.

The game effectively develops children's speech skills, mental and creative abilities, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the fingers, and prepares them for writing, drawing and playing. musical instruments. Finger games can be a useful addition to speech therapy classes, significantly speeding up the victory over age-related pronunciation defects.

A detailed illustrated instruction book with descriptions of the exercises and the simplicity of the methodology allow the game to be used by both professional teachers and parents who do not have special training. Follow the recommendations, play with your child more often, and you can be even more proud of him.

Let your baby learn with pleasure! Let's help him with this!

© Artist: Lyudmila Dvinina. 2011

© Designer: Olesya Vakurova. 2012

© Manufacturer: Tenth Kingdom LLC. 2012

Board games And teaching aids, produced by the company "Tenth Kingdom" LLC, are aimed at comprehensive development And effective training preschool and younger children school age, as well as establishing warm, trusting relationships between children and the adults raising them. They are affordable, well designed, made from safe modern materials, are very loved by children and have been in demand by teachers and parents for many years. These are not throwaway games that will disappear as suddenly as they appeared, but games that came in earnest to stay for a long time, and they have already proven this - children, having grown up and become parents, buy them for their children, and mothers and fathers, becoming grandparents - for their grandchildren. The games of the Tenth Kingdom are a connecting thread between generations of friendly happy family, in which love and mutual understanding reign!

Anastasia Politova
Breathing exercises, finger gymnastics, coordination of speech with movement “Professions”

« Professions»

Breathing exercises

"Woodcutter" I. p.: o. With. 1 – as you exhale, fold your hands like a hatchet and raise them up; 2 - sharply, as if under a weight, lower your outstretched arms, bend over, swing your hands between your legs, pronounce: “Oooh!”. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Blacksmith" I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart. 1 – imitate the work of a blacksmith, inhale through the nose; 2 – while exhaling, say “Ting-ting-ting! Tan-tan-tan!. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Weaver" I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of you. 1 – imitate the work of a weaver, inhale through the nose; 2 – while exhaling, say “Tok-tok-tok! Tok-tok-tok!. Repeat 3-4 times.

Finger gymnastics"A house is growing in the alley" (V. Stepanova)

A house is growing in the alley. (Children fold their hands "house" above your head)

The mason lays the walls. (Bend them at the elbows, make "ladder" from bottom to top)

The painter came to the new house, ( "They're walking" fingers on the table)

Paints the walls, paints the floor. (Imitate working with a brush (with both hands)

It's not hail, it's not thunder - (They threaten with the index finger)

Roofer on the roof. (Fold their hands "house" above your head)

He hits loudly with a hammer, (Banging fists on each other)

The whole neighborhood hears. (Place right palm to right ear)

Coordination exercise"We are drivers" (E. Alyabyeva)

We're going, we're going by car, (Children "turn the steering wheel")

We press the pedal. (They press right foot to the floor)

Turn on the gas, turn it off, (Do movement right hand away from you, towards you)

We look intently into the distance. (Place palm to forehead)

The wipers clean off the drops - (Palms in front of you, tilt left and right)

Right-left. Purity! (Rumble your hair with your hands)

The wind ruffles my hair. (Stretch the right hand forward, clench the palm

We are drivers - no matter where you go! fist, raise index finger)

Coordination exercise"Chauffeur" (N. Nishcheva)

I'm rolling, (Children run in a circle and turn an imaginary steering wheel)

At full speed.

I'm a driver myself

And the engine itself.

I press (Stop, press with the right foot on

On the pedal - an imaginary pedal and run in the opposite direction)

Rushing into the distance.

Counting table (A. Politova)

One, two, three, four, five

Let's get started we choose a profession!

Cook, pilot, driver,

Stewardess, programmer,

Teacher, doctor, fitter,

Here's an electrician, here's a miner.

There are so many of them - look.

And you will be the driver!

Outdoor game"Mail"

The driver is chosen according to the counting rhyme. The game begins with his roll call players:

Ding, ding, ding!

Who's there?

From the city.

What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that in the city they dance, jump, laugh, sing, jump on one leg, etc. All players must do what the driver says. Anyone who completes the task incorrectly is eliminated from the game.

List of used literature

1. Guskova A. A. Development of speech motor child coordination. A manual for speech therapists, educators and parents. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. – 64 p.

2. Nishcheva N.V. Card index outdoor games, exercises, physical education minutes, finger gymnastics. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House LLC "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2015. – 80 S.

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