When will Lenin's burial take place? Why Lenin is not buried: reasons and interesting facts. Among the Bolsheviks there were people who believed that science would soon be able to find a way to resurrect people from the dead, so they contributed to the

According to the latest survey conducted in April by the Public Opinion Foundation, more than half of our fellow citizens (56%) believe that Lenin’s remains should be urgently removed from Red Square. It is noteworthy that this figure is 10% higher than just a few years ago: such data were announced at a conference held on April 24 at RIA Novosti on the topic: “Vladimir Lenin: when will the leader’s body be buried?”

Data from recent surveys in social networks even more revealing. Thus, 67% voted for the removal of the “leader’s” body and his burial. users of the VKontakte network and 85% Facebook users who took part in relevant surveys conducted on RIA Novosti platforms. How can we move forward with an issue that concerns the obvious majority of the country’s citizens, regardless of their political and religious beliefs? This was discussed at the press conference.

The Russian Club of Orthodox Patrons of the Arts, which currently has its branches in more than 50 regions of the country, has a clear program in this regard. Now there is a vote on the club’s website www.rkpm.ru - you can answer the question whether Lenin’s body should be buried before May 30.

As explained by the Chairman of the Board of the Club Andrei Poklonsky, the idea is very simple: first carry out poll, and then, if the overwhelming majority votes for burial, send a letter to the President of the Russian Federation in order to introduce a corresponding initiative at the legislative level State Duma. At the same time, the Club is ready to finance the procedure for removing and burying Lenin’s body, promising to carry out everything competently and tactfully necessary actions. If Lenin’s remains are finally buried, this will mark the end of a certain historical stage, says Poklonsky, and Red Square – the heart of Russia – will be freed from the “pagan-necrophiliac mission,” as one of the State Duma deputies recently defined the presence of Lenin’s remains in the mausoleum.

Today many people say: there are more important things to do than those that have long since sunk into the past. But in order to say goodbye forever to the horrific consequences of communism, this symbolic step is precisely what is needed.

The head of the press service of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archpriest, also expressed his position on the issue under discussion Vladimir Vigilyansky. He recalled that back in the early 2000s, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II was asked his opinion regarding the burial of Lenin’s body. And he agreed that this was necessary, but then I didn’t raise this topic again, so as not to “turn people against each other.”

As Father Vladimir said, he proposes that the elected president, after the inauguration, give the communists their “shrine,” that is, Lenin’s body, and let them do what they want with it: if they want, they bury it, if they want, they display it in Shushenskoye, Razliv, Ulyanovsk, etc, or they let him look at him for money, or without money, or they bury the remains in the ground.

Since the 90s, the head of the patriarchal press service noted, he was amazed that the life of many words and symbols adopted in the country continues Soviet era, which gives rise to the principle of duality or trinity - when they think one thing, say another, and do a third. Today, many symbols have lost their meaning, and words do not correspond to their own meaning - for example, Moskovsky Komsomolets and Komsomolskaya Pravda are called “the most democratic newspapers.”

“The state cannot exist with such a weed “as if,” stated Father Vladimir, “and the mausoleum on Red Square is also a huge “as if,” and we “as if” are not idolaters. We need to destroy all these “as if”s that make our lives ambiguous.”

We still can’t decide, said the vice-president of MediaSoyuz. Elena Zelinskaya, what Red Square is for us - a place for parades, a platform for skating rinks, a concert venue or the abode of the dead. This confusion captures a certain cross-section of our social consciousness; we must finally sort it out and begin, according to Elena Zelinskaya, by “removing the corpse from the main square of the country.” A suitable burial place, the vice-president of MediaSoyuz believes, is the Volkovo cemetery in St. Petersburg, where Lenin’s relatives are buried - the funeral of the proletarian “leader”, postponed for 88 years, will help Russian society finally turn the page on the dark past.

V.I. Lenin left us on January 21, 1924. But stillThe sorrows of Russian politicians and all sorts of different figures do not subside over the body of the founder of the current Russian state, who took legal succession from the USSR: well, let’s bury him, as they say, “humanly” - here the stingy male tear of the Minister of Culture Medinsky:

“I still believed that the body should be buried. I would keep everything necessary rituals. Because this is the highest official“If such a decision is made, the burial must be carried out with all appropriate state rituals, honor, military salute, in a worthy place.”

That's religious justification, from him:
“What a ridiculous, pagan-necrophiliac mission we have on Red Square,” Medinsky believes."

Here are the care of Vitaly Tretyakov (2005)
“Firstly, it is abnormal that Lenin’s body is not interred after death, as required by Russian and Orthodox tradition. "

Now, drooping with this pain, Russian nationalists created the organizing committee “For the removal of Lenin!”

It also reached the liberals - I. Begtin, a member of A. Kudrin’s “Committee of Civil Initiatives,” came up with the initiative “Take Lenin out of the Mausoleum and bury him.” This Kudrin “Committee” contains the entire “color” of orange anti-Sovietism: from N. Svanidze and E. Yasin to I. Yurgens and E. Gontmakher and from D. Oreshkin and L. Gozman to the governor of the Kirov region N. Belykh.

And liberals, etc. The anti-Soviet “conservatives” base their zeal on the need to bury de Lenin “humanely.”
It turns out that they can sleep peacefully - their worst fears are unjustified, as evidenced by this reference material . Which is provided below .

Based on material from the Secretary of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation S.P. Obukhov

The first lie.

The main propaganda blow is concentrated on instilling in public opinion the idea of ​​Lenin's burial. And here the vile calculation is obvious - what normal person would object to burying the remains of a deceased person?? Although in the case of Lenin we are talking about reburial.

It seemed that the thing was obvious to everyone - Lenin was buried. As a founder Russian Federation and USSR Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was buried with the highest state honors on January 27, 1924.

By the way, contemporaries had no doubt that Lenin was buried. Newspaper articles and notes from January-March 1924 were full of headlines: “Lenin’s Grave”, “At Ilyich’s Grave”, “At Lenin’s Grave”, etc.

And the form of burial was determined by the highest authority of the country - the Second All-Union Congress of Soviets - in the ground, at a depth of three meters in the crypt, above which the Mausoleum was erected. By the way, the congress delegate, Lenin’s widow Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya, also voted for this decision.

Even considering the burial of V.I. Lenin from the standpoint of modern legislation, and it also takes into account existing Orthodox cultural traditions Russian people, it should be recognized the crypt and the Mausoleum above it fully comply with modern laws of the Russian Federation.Lenin's embalmed body rests in a sarcophagus coffin at a depth of three meters underground, which fully complies with the norms Federal Law“On burial and funeral business” dated January 12, 1996. Article 3 of this law states: “Burial can be carried out by committing the body (remains) of the deceased to the earth (burial in a grave, crypt).” And Lenin’s body, let us remind you once again, was buried in a crypt (a vaulted tomb buried in the ground).

It is difficult for an ordinary citizen to notice the substitution of the concepts of “burial” and “reburial” in the massive information flow:after all, the level of directing is very high - all state media, including television, even “independent” news agencies and liberal opposition publications write only about “burial,” carefully hiding the substitution of concepts.

It is very unprofitable for the political initiators of the reburial to appear before the public in the guise of grave diggers. Hence the lie about the need for burial, which does not exist.

The second lie.

“Lenin’s body is on display, it is not laid to rest in a Christian manner, it is not buried.”
Let us recall Met. To Illarion (Alfeev) and Medinsky, a public statement from Lenin’s own niece Olga Dmitrievna Ulyanova: “I have repeatedly stated and will repeat again that I am categorically against the reburial of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. There is no reason for this. Even religious ones. The sarcophagus in which he lies is located three meters below ground level, which corresponds to both burials according to Russian custom and the Orthodox canon.".

Olga Dmitrievna has repeatedly rebuffed grave diggers who claim that Lenin was allegedly buried not in accordance with folk traditions, outside the framework of the Orthodox cultural tradition.

Regarding the fact that the body is not interred, the answer has already been given based on the provisions of the Federal Law “On Burial and Funeral Business”: burial in a crypt is a form of burial in the ground.

And now about viewing the buried body. Is this really such an exceptional case in the practice of burying great, famous people in countries with a strong Christian cultural tradition?

Most famous example burial in the open sarcophagus of the great Russian surgeon Nikolai Pirogov near Vinnitsa.

The sarcophagus with the coffin of the great scientist was placed in a crypt, which is one of the forms of burial in the ground, and has been on display for almost 130 years.As it is written in the definition of the Holy Synod in St. Petersburg, “so that the disciples and continuers of the noble and godly deeds of the servant of God N.I. Pirogov could see his bright appearance.”

And here is an excerpt from the conclusion of the Chairman of the Commission of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on the funeral of V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin) F. Dzerzhinsky: “ Meeting the wishes of the broad masses of the USSR and other countries - to see the appearance of the late leader, the funeral commission of V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) decided to take measures available to modern science for the possible long-term preservation of the body.”

What is the decision of a government body in this case? Russian Empire, which was Holy Synod, which allowed his students and admirers to “behold the bright appearance” of the deceased scientist Pirogov, differs from the same decision of the highest body state power represented by the Congress of Soviets and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR? Nothing? Then why is everything calm for the first reason, but for the second there is a universal uproar?

As we see, in the case of the noise around the form of Lenin’s burial, there is political deceit, covered up by some pseudo-religious spells.

no one, neither in the case of Pirogov, nor even more so in the case of Lenin, raises the question of copying the practice of treating the relics of saints canonized by the Church.Nobody transports the bodies of Pirogov or Lenin around the country for veneration by believers, as the Church does with the relics of saints. No one touches the embalmed bodies of deceased great people. Everyone understands that their incorruptibility is recognition of their services to people (the state, society, various communities, etc.). Only citizens who revere such great statesmen and scientists, entering the crypt, get the opportunity to “behold the bright appearance.”

By the way, in such an ardently Catholic country, a similar approach was taken when burying the “chief of state”, the founding father of the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Marshal Pilsudski, whose relationship with the official church was also far from rosy

. He switched from Catholicism to Protestantism, then back to Catholicism. And the May coup of 1926, staged by the founder of the state, was very bloody. And Pilsudski distinguished himself very well in creating concentration camps. But... the founder of the state. Although the Catholic Church even engaged in dragging his remains through the Wawel crypts after burial, which provoked a conflict between the episcopate and President Mosticki.

Let us remember that Pilsudski was buried in 1935 at Wawel Castle, in a crypt in a glass coffin. But embalming turned out to be ineffective. As a result, only a small window was left, which is currently closed.

The third lie.

Attempts continue to be made to convince society that

"Lenin's last wish must be fulfilled", supposedly" who bequeathed to bury himself next to his mother at the Volkov cemetery"in Leningrad. This lie has been circulating around the world since it was first voiced at one of the meetings of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, broadcast live, by a certain Karyakin. Then the fable was picked up by a certain Anatoly Sobchak.

From statements Olga Dmitrievna Ulyanova it is definitely clear:
“Attempts to prove that there was a will that he should be buried in the Volkov cemetery are untenable. There is no such document and there could not be; our family also never had any conversations on this topic. Vladimir Ilyich died at a fairly young age - at 53 years old, and naturally, he thought more about life than about death. Moreover, given the historical era in which Lenin lived, his nature, the character of a true revolutionary, I am sure that he would not have written a will on this topic. Vladimir Ilyich was very a modest person who cared least about himself. Most likely, he would have left a will to the country, to the people - how to build a perfect state.”

Scientist and publicist A.S.Abramov, The Chairman of the Board of the Charitable Public Organization (Foundation) for the Preservation of the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin cited more than once in the media the response of the Russian Center for Christian Arts and Culture (this is the former Central Party Archive) to the administration’s request Yeltsin regarding Lenin's will.

The official response to President Yeltsin stated that “there is not a single document from Lenin, his loved ones or relatives regarding Lenin’s last wish to be buried in a specific Russian cemetery.”.

A.S. Abramov is right when he asserts that even from an everyday point of view, the arguments about the Volkov cemetery are completely false. After all, Lenin already rests next to his widow, Nadezhda Krupskaya, and sister Maria Ulyanova, whose ashes are in the necropolis near the Kremlin wall.

The fourth lie.

"It is necessary to remove the Mausoleum and Necropolis of Soviet-era heroes, since"You can't turn Red Square into a cemetery."The historical ignorance of the authors of this argument is obvious. The territory of St. Basil's Cathedral or “Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat” is also an ancient cemetery.

Red Square in its current form is a place of power formed in the RSFSR and the USSR. Here is the concentration of symbols of all historical eras- from Muscovite Rus' (Lobnoye Mesto played the role of the seat of power here) to the USSR (state tribune and burial place of the founding father of the current Russian Federation and heroes of the Soviet era). And the current rulers of the Russian Federation, organizing parades in honor of the USSR Victory Day in World War II, de facto recognize this highest status of Red Square.

* * *
Where else do people honor their great statesmen in a similar way?

Burials of Moscow sovereigns in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin

This is what the tomb of Kozma Minin originally looked like in Nizhny Novgorod

Tomb of Emperor Napoleon in Republican France

Pantheon in Rome. Since the Renaissance it has been used as a tomb. Among those who were buried here are such great people as Raphael and Carracci, composer Corelli, architect Peruzzi and two kings of Italy - Victor Emmanuel II and Umberto I

New York. USA. Triumph of the North over the South. Mausoleum of American President Ulysses Grant (1897) in Manhattan's Riverside Park. World War I photo of warships sailing past Grant's Mausoleum.

Mausoleum of the founding father of the modern Turkish Republic Ataturk
* * *

Original taken from

Lenin. This surname brought the citizens of the Land of Soviets into awe. Cult, mysterious personality, symbol and maker of history. A man whose body is in the very heart of the capital and still stirs the souls of Orthodox people. How is it possible that in the 21st century a “living corpse” flaunts itself on Red Square?


The leader of the revolutionary movement died on January 21, 1924, and already on January 27, the body, which had undergone the pagan ritual of embalming, was left in the newly built Mausoleum. For almost a hundred years, the body of Vladimir Ilyich has been subjected to special machinations, as a result of which it retains its “fresh” state. There are two versions why Lenin was not buried. First: when news of the deplorable condition of Lenin (born Ulyanov) reached the Soviet leadership, members of the Politburo became concerned future fate"father of the Russian revolution." The proposal to embalm Lenin was voiced by I.V. Stalin, referring to the fact that “some comrades from the provinces” asked for exactly this. They say the workers and ordinary members of the Bolshevik Party want to preserve the body of their leader and place him in a sarcophagus. According to the second version, there were no requests for embalming from the common people, and the initiator of such an idea was Stalin himself, who sought to replace the Russian Orthodox religion a new cult. The religion of the Soviet population is Marxism. Lenin is God. In Russian Orthodox Church saints became relics. By the same principle, the body of Lenin, the most ardent opponent and persecutor of the church, became the prototype of the relics of saints. That's quite a dissonance, isn't it?


The structure in which Lenin is buried is not without reason reminiscent of the Babylonian ziggurat. Architect Alexander Shchusev, who built a huge number of Orthodox churches, despite his personal attitude towards Soviet power, he was obliged to fulfill the task of the USSR Central Executive Committee. And he fulfilled it, creating it in the very heart of Moscow Pergamon Altar. Pergamum, to some extent, was considered a truly satanic place, since Chaldean magic and witchcraft rituals regularly took place on this territory. Why the mausoleum took such a pagan form is difficult to answer unequivocally.

Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church Mikhail Khodanov shared with YatakTHINK his personal opinion about the personality of Lenin, and, in particular, spoke about the Mausoleum as a building:

“In the 3rd century BC, the Pergamon state was considered one of the economic and cultural of the Hellenic world. It was located in southern Turkey. The center of the state is the city of Pergamon. It contained an altar to Satan. The most abundant human sacrifices were performed there, the most abundant in the entire East. Therefore, this altar went down in history as the Pergamon Altar of Satan. It was from him that the Lenin Mausoleum was copied by non-believers, atheists, who declared their hostility towards all religions. Suddenly, someone came up with the idea to take this Pergamon altar and move it to the center of Moscow, and make it a place of cult worship for the leader of the revolution. He became an icon, he became a relic. They buried him in that Mausoleum in the image and likeness of the high priests and highest rulers of Ancient Mesopotamia.”

Full video interview:


The main reason why Vladimir Ilyich’s body will not be buried is public opinion. Muscovites, in an effort to remove the mummy from Red Square, collect corresponding signatures almost every year. In 2011, a survey was conducted, the result of which showed that 43% of respondents believed that the embalming of Lenin was contrary to all Orthodox and moral values. The United Russia party adhered to the same decision. But the remaining 57% of respondents decided that Lenin should continue to lie in the Mausoleum. Most likely, most people are in favor of preserving Lenin’s body on Red Square precisely because they are unaware of the fact that the structure in which the revolutionary’s corpse is buried belongs to a satanic cult.

Archpriest Mikhail Khodanov even sang the song “Let’s Bury Lenin,” in which he asks to bury the “body of the wolf” to the ground.

Lying in the Mausoleum, Lenin is shrouded in mystical mystery. A few years ago, a video from outdoor surveillance cameras appeared online, showing how a dead man rises for a few seconds in his sarcophagus and lies back down:

Another famous video with Lenin - how the leader of the proletariat is devoured...by children. But don't be afraid. In fact, children eat a cake in the shape of Vladimir Ilyich. Where, who and for what reason decided to make a sweet in the image of a revolutionary is unknown to us, but the process of eating the father of the revolution looks quite impressive.

The material was prepared by the editors of the project
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We all remember the well-known propaganda phrase for the entire union, taken from Mayakovsky’s “Komsomol Song”: “Lenin lived, Lenin is alive and will live.” In any case, those who come from the USSR will understand what I mean.

92 years have passed since the death of the leader. Almost an anniversary. 2016 was supposed to be a special and significant year for the icon of all communist representatives and followers of the leader in Russia. But it didn’t happen. As usual, we talked and decided not to do anything. Based on the public intensity created by the press, the topic of Lenin’s reburial, perhaps, will again break records in the headlines of the top domestic media in 2017...

Today, Lenin’s name is once again heard—politicians, historians, and scientists talk about him. The president himself did not disdain - although philosophically, he quite openly declared his personal attitude towards Russia.

If you don’t say out loud my personal disgust for the main director of the coup in Tsarist Russia and try to characterize what exactly Volodya Ulyanov is remembered for by most of us, then it will look very formulaic: Lenin is the main Bolshevik, Marxist, ideologist and organizer of the Communist Party of Russia. Was in power for 5 years. And if you dig deeper:

V. Lenin is the absolute record holder, the world champion in the number of monuments erected on the planet. And Lenin Street is in almost every city in Russia and in the villages. And not only in Russia. And his embalmed body is still in an open sarcophagus under Red Square.

To put it even simpler, you can simply limit yourself to a modest definition of Vladimir Putin in the above video...

Definitely, a man who changed the course of Russian history in the last century died 92 years ago. The one whom some people praise as a god, while others curse. But the debate still continues about why Lenin was not buried? And will a rethink come soon?

The fate of these disputes in national history and this article is dedicated to.

V.I. Lenin at the III Congress of the Comintern (on the right is the artist I.I. Brodsky). Moscow, June-July 1921

Historical facts about Lenin's death

Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) died at the age of 53 in January 1924. Before his death, the leader of the young Soviet state was seriously ill and was virtually paralyzed. His wife looked after him - “a faithful friend and comrade-in-arms” (as historians will write later) - N.K. Krupskaya.

The death occurred at Lenin's dacha in Gorki (this is one of the districts of the Moscow region). The year of Lenin's death coincided with the beginning of the redistribution of power between his comrades, which ended with Stalin's unconditional victory.

Funeral ceremony

Two days after his death – January 23 – the leader’s body was brought to Moscow. The question of funerals began to be decided. As a result, on January 27, Lenino’s embalmed body was laid in a hastily created mausoleum. The reaction of contemporaries to such an unusual funeral was mixed.

Of course, Lenin himself repeatedly said that the proletarian revolution would change all spheres of life: language, religion, family, traditions. It turns out that his unusual funeral was part of the new system.

But first things first...

Who decided to preserve Lenin's body?

The memoirs of Lenin's comrades tell us differently about who was the initiator of this decision. So, Trotsky considers Stalin to be him. He testifies that back in 1923, at a meeting of the Politburo, Stalin spoke about the need to preserve the body of a leader, following the example of preserving the relics of saints in Orthodox Christianity.

Trotsky, Kamenev and Bukharin (according to the memoirs of Trotsky himself) then opposed this idea of ​​Stalin.

However, if we take into account Lev Davidovich’s fierce hatred for Stalin, who expelled him from the country, then one must be wary of his statements on this issue.

The versions of some historians that Lenin and Stalin were united by one idea are also unlikely to be trusted: Stalin wanted to offer his people a new religion, where Lenin would become a god, and he would become a king.

There are versions according to which when asked why Lenin was not buried, but embalmed, the answer is:

Among the Bolsheviks there were people who believed that science would soon be able to find a way to resurrect people from the dead, so they contributed to preserving the integrity of the body of their leader.
The attitude of Lenin's relatives to his embalming

The wife of the Bolshevik leader - a prominent representative of this party - N.K. Krupskaya, judging by her own memoirs, resisted this method of burying her husband. She tried to prove the need for customary burial. However, no one heard the widow's words. Also, the protests of Lenin's brother and sisters, who also had weight in the Bolshevik Party, were not heard.

Krupskaya was ordered to hand over her husband’s belongings, which she did with tears in her eyes.

Later she was never able to go to the mausoleum. But this was decided by Lenin’s younger brother, Dmitry Ulyanov. However, he could not stand the sad sight for a long time and, seeing Lenin’s mausoleum inside, left there in tears. Dmitry Ilyich could not see his brother in the form of a lifeless doll.

Why Lenin was not buried: version of the leader’s last will

At the end of the 80s. last century, when Lenin’s glory faded in the hearts of Soviet citizens, versions began to appear that he himself wanted to be buried next to his mother, Maria Alexandrovna (now Lenin’s two unmarried sisters are buried at this place).

The author of this version was the historian A. Artyunov. He believed that the Bolsheviks, by disposing of the leader’s body in their own way, actually violated the will of a dying man. The year of Lenin’s death was difficult for the country; the press then published many letters from “ordinary Soviet people” about the need to preserve the leader’s body. However, the historian believed that it was not the citizens, but Lenin himself, who had the right to decide whether he should be embalmed or still be awarded the usual cemetery rest.

But today this version does not stand up to criticism because no written evidence has been preserved from either Lenin himself or his relatives, which would make it clear that V.I. Ulyanov wanted to be buried with his mother.
Perhaps, being an atheist, Lenin did not attach any importance to the place of his burial.

Unusual funeral as an element of creating the myth about Lenin

Immediately after the October Revolution, having seized the telegraph and the media, the Bolsheviks set themselves the task of widespread propaganda of their ideas. They were very successful in this activity. Many people believed in communist dreams thanks to an established propaganda system.

Varlamov Alexey Grigorievich. Lenin and children.

Immediately the press, within the sphere of influence of party leaders, began to create the image of a formidable leader - the indestructible Vladimir Ilyich, a friend of the people and a courageous fighter for their freedom.

This exaltation of the image of Lenin continued throughout his life. Maxim Gorky is credited with saying that the new Soviet Russia needed a new faith, a new religion, and the image of Christ was occupied by the image of Lenin - a fighter and sufferer for the people's happiness. Therefore, Lenin had to be immortal, he must be able to rise from the dead.

Consciously or unconsciously, members of the Bolshevik Party did a lot in creating the myth of the leader. When Lenin's body was not buried, the myth about him only grew stronger.

By the way, when I.V. Stalin died many years later, he was also embalmed and placed in a mausoleum. True, Lenin and Stalin did not lie together for long: after Khrushchev’s revelations, Stalin’s body was secretly buried near the Kremlin wall.

Today, the mausoleum and the body of the leader lying in it still causes heated controversy among contemporaries. Many of them can no longer answer the question of why Lenin was not buried? But the very image of the Mausoleum irritates them. The other part of the country's population approaches the mausoleum with mixed feelings: from curiosity to expressing respect for the memory of the leader.

Did the leader deserve such a fate? It's also not entirely clear. But I dare to suggest that the problem of Lenin’s burial and the discussion itself in society, which is rising in its ratings from year to year, will reach its apogee in 2016. We’ll wait and see.