How to properly wash floors without damaging the surface? The best way to wash floors How to properly wash office floors

Washing floors is a difficult, long and painstaking job, but necessary. For it to be effective, you need to be able to choose the right equipment and detergents for washing, know and follow simple cleaning rules. Each flooring has its own characteristics, which determine how often it can be washed and which detergent is best to choose. You should not neglect proven folk remedies.

There are general rules regarding how to clean the floor. First you need to remove as many objects as possible from it. Including carpets (they should be vacuumed or beaten out in the yard). A surface free of unnecessary objects will greatly simplify cleaning and provide an opportunity to assess the scope of the upcoming work.

First you should clean the floor with a broom. Thin twigs will help sweep away dust and small debris from crevices and far corners of the room. Dust under sofas, beds, and cabinets is not as safe as it seems. Various bacteria, protozoa and dust mites multiply in it. During cleaning, they rise into the air along with dust, and this can cause the development of allergies. A wet broom copes with this problem only partially. But open window will help solve it and ventilate the room.

Once the floors are swept, you can start cleaning them. This should be done from the far end of the room. If you divide the room into sectors, the housewife will not miss a single centimeter of the floor covering.

Washing various types of flooring

There are many types of floor coverings:

  • laminate;
  • parquet;
  • linoleum;
  • tile;
  • unpainted and painted wood.

For everyone a separate type coatings there are special washing rules and cleaning products.

Laminate Frequent washing is not recommended as it is susceptible to the harmful effects of water. It all depends on the quality of work on laying such a floor and on the use of means to prevent water from entering the cracks. Optimal frequency washing for laminate flooring - once a year. If desired, you can wipe it with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water.

Parquet floor in washing requirements it resembles laminate. After cleaning, it would be a good idea to rub it with mastic.

Linoleum Can be washed with soap regularly. The water should be warm.

Wooden painted floors You can wash it at least every day. This is especially true for rooms that get dirty the most: kitchens and hallways. Ammonia will help remove stains.

Wooden but not painted floors more sensitive to water. They should be washed no more than once a week with hot water and soap. After that, you need to rinse the coating with clean water and wipe dry with a cloth.

Tiled floors can be wiped down daily with a damp cloth. This type of flooring is the most unpretentious.

Selecting a detergent

The market is replete with a huge number of different floor cleaning products. But not every one of them is capable of cleaning one or another type of contamination and can even harm the coating.

For parquet, you need to choose a rather delicate detergent that is friendly to the protective coating.

Linoleum will not tolerate cleaners containing alcohol. You should not use powdered cleaning products for it either. Such concentrates will negatively affect the uniformity of the floor color and may leave dark spots or light stripes.

Liquid soap is not suitable for tiles. An effective way to clean it is to choose a laundry soap that can be rubbed in advance. An acidic detergent will also work. It will not only help get rid of dirt, but will also have a bactericidal effect.

But for laminate, a product with a neutral medium value (indicated on the package) is suitable. Abrasive substances will have a detrimental effect on cleaning floors made of this material.

The packaging of each detergent indicates its composition. This list should not include chlorine or antibacterial additives. There is no need to disinfect the room to the level of a medical office. Recent research in the field of microbiology shows that the microflora of the home has a great influence on human life. An analogy is made with the intestinal microflora. The safest option for flooring is to choose a universal product. It is less aggressive; it can also be used to wash thresholds, doors, and baseboards. When selecting multiple detergents For various surfaces you should stick to one manufacturer. Products from different companies are not tested together and adverse reactions may occur between them. It's better to avoid this.

Types of mops

The mop gives to the performer wet cleaning premises speed advantage. This simple device is especially important for people who find it difficult to bend over.

You can buy the following in stores:

  • rope;
  • butterfly mops;
  • with microfiber:
  • with sponge;
  • steam;
  • flat.

The mop will become excellent choice for pregnant women and people with back problems. By reducing the load, it can maintain health and prevent unwanted consequences.

When choosing a mop you need to pay attention to:

  • Material. Products made of plastic and aluminum have greater success than wood, as they are more convenient and practical.
  • Functionality. Mops differ in functionality - one can be wrung out using a lever, while on the other you still need to remove the rag and wring it out manually. For older people and pregnant women, the first option is suitable. It eliminates sharp slopes.
  • Design. The appearance of mops varies, from a wooden stick to some kind of futuristic machine.
  • Quality. This parameter largely depends on the price. A cheaper mop may not be reliable and may not last long. However, you shouldn’t jump straight into expensive options. You need to decide which mop is right for you.
  • Form. A flat mop will eliminate the daily movement of furniture from place to place, since the areas under beds and sofas will be accessible.

Now let's look at how to use this tool correctly. The mop needs to be thoroughly moistened with water, then get rid of excess moisture. Floors should be washed from the far corner of the room towards the exit. As you work, the mop needs to be dipped into water and wrung out again and again. In places that are more contaminated than others, you need to rub more thoroughly and vigorously, with light pressure.

When mopping rough tiles or other textured flooring, use a mop motion similar to writing a figure eight. The cleaning efficiency will increase with this approach.

After use, the mop should be rinsed clean water, then squeeze it out and put it down to dry with the stick down.

Washing floors by hand

However, you can do just fine at home without a mop. All you need is a rag and your hands. The advantage of this method is that it is more high quality washing and excellent exercise for the housewife.

It's simple: you need to choose the right cloth and detergent. If the coating is not tolerant to water, then the rag should be squeezed out thoroughly. The more often you wash and wring out the cloth, the higher the cleaning efficiency. To prevent swelling of the floor, it is useful to walk on a wet, dry cloth.

Detergent is often quite harsh on human skin. Possible chemical burns or allergic reaction. Hand sensitivity is lost and calluses appear. This is especially dangerous for people whose professions require precise manipulation. Therefore, it is advisable to use rubber gloves.

Which rag is better?

Cleaning techniques may be excellent, but they won't do any good if you use the wrong cloth. Gone are the days of old T-shirts and shirts. Progress has taken a big step forward, and today there are not only departments that sell rags, but even entire stores. Here are the most popular materials for rags:

  • Viscose fabric. The material perfectly absorbs and retains moisture. When strongly hydrated (filled with water), it does not lose its original structure. However, twisting and contact with it will be harmful to it. hot water. Therefore, it is better to choose not natural viscose, but with the addition of synthetic fibers. In combination with polyester, this material perfectly absorbs moisture and wipes the floor dry.
  • Cellulose. Rags containing such material absorb water perfectly.
  • Synthetics(polyester) can cope with dirt more effectively than many natural materials. It dries quickly and can be stored for quite a long time.
  • Microfiber. Introduces a new generation of floor cleaning materials. It consists of polyester and cotton fibers. Tiny fibers penetrate into the smallest crevices and clean them well from dirt and dust.

Steam cleaner

Cleaning your apartment using a steam cleaner is very effective. But it can only be used for washing floors covered with linoleum. Moreover, you should not use high temperatures.

No other type of flooring is suitable for this cleaning method.

Folk remedies

Even before the invention of the mop, people learned how to clean using folk remedies. They will help you do the cleaning quickly and efficiently.

A rag soaked in gasoline will help remove marker marks on the floor. It should be easy to remove the “drawing”. Then the area should be wiped with a damp cloth and wiped dry. A similar algorithm of action is effective against traces from sneakers.

The coating will shine if it is washed with a solution of water and milk. The ingredients are mixed one to one. After treatment, the floor can be lubricated with linseed oil, which forms a special protective film.

A folk recipe for a polish suitable for any surface:

  • take a five-liter bucket of water;
  • add six tablespoons of vinegar;
  • pour in four tablespoons of furniture polish;
  • mix.

Many products are made with vinegar. This substance helps to get rid of not only unpleasant odors, but also from bacteria.

A good housewife always tries to keep hers. And it’s hard to imagine without a thoroughly washed floor. That is why advice on how to clean the floors will be relevant for any woman.

  1. Before washing the flooring, clean the area as much as possible - raise chairs, remove toys and things that are lying on top.
  2. It is necessary to wash the floor from the farthest corner of the room. This way, you will have to walk on the washed surface less, and it will end up looking cleaner.
  3. Thoroughly wash the joints between the baseboards and the flooring, slowly moving towards the exit.
  4. Change the water in the bucket as often as possible.
  5. Before clean flooring using a broom. Be sure to wet it before use. Instead of a broom, you can use a vacuum cleaner. It will greatly reduce cleaning time.

Cleaning with a mop

A mop is one of the most popular items for cleaning an apartment. But to achieve a good result, you need to choose and use it correctly. First of all, pay attention to the height of the handle. The mop should reach the armpits so that the woman needs to strain her back less while washing. This will also allow you to wash the surface in hard-to-reach places.

  1. Using a mop, draw a figure eight on the floor surface. Thanks to this simple trick you will quickly collect garbage in the center of the room, and will not move it from place to place.
  2. Do not wet the mop too much - excess moisture is harmful to any floor.
  3. In heavily soiled areas, apply light pressure to the mop.
  4. After use, rinse the mop thoroughly and place it to dry upside down.

How to wash a floor by hand

For manual cleaning, you need to choose a quality cloth. Pour clean water into a bucket, dilute a small amount of cleaning product, wet a rag, and wring it out thoroughly. The principle of cleaning floors remains the same as in the case of a mop. Start cleaning from the farthest corner. Rinse the cloth as often as possible. If necessary, wipe the cleaned surface with a dry cloth.

Which rag should you choose?

In the old days, old T-shirts and tank tops were used to clean floors. Today, stores have entire departments where you can buy a rag for every taste. What material could it be made of?

  • viscose. The material perfectly absorbs and retains moisture. When dry, it, unfortunately, quickly loses strength. Viscose is contraindicated in hot water and twisting. Pay attention to options not made from pure viscose, but with the addition of synthetic fibers;
  • synthetics. The material copes well with dirt of any complexity. Synthetic materials dry quickly and last a long time;
  • microfiber. The material consists of microscopic fibers of cotton and polyester. Small fibers penetrate into the furthest crevices and perfectly wash away dirt and dust.

Steam cleaner

Modern housewives are increasingly choosing this device. It cleans the surface perfectly, but it is only suitable for floors covered with linoleum. To clean, you must select mode “2” or “3”. This will reduce the temperature and the device will not damage the surface.

Folk remedies

  1. Petrol. In a house where there are small children, marks from felt-tip pens, sweet tea, sweets, etc. often appear on the floor. Gasoline will get rid of them. Soak a mop in this product and wipe the dirty area. After this, wipe the floor with a clean, slightly damp cloth. At the end, “walk” with a dry cloth.
  2. A solution of water and milk. This composition will make the floor shiny. To prepare it, mix equal amounts of water and milk.
  3. Not enough flaxseed. The product perfectly protects the surface from damage, so you should use it to lubricate a cleanly washed floor.

How to clean the floor? Choosing a detergent

When choosing a cleaning product, pay attention to the type of floor covering. There is a product for every type of floor. For parquet, the most delicate composition is suitable, which will carefully clean the surface. Linoleum cannot be washed with cleaners containing alcohol. You should not use powdered products.

For cleansing floor tiles Do not use liquid soap. The best option– dip a slice of laundry soap into the water and wash the floor. This product is great at cleaning tiles and killing all germs.

Wash laminate flooring with a product with a minimum level of acidity. It is also worth considering that you can wash it only once a year. In other cases, it is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water.

Parquet should be washed in the same way as laminate. After each wet cleaning, it must be thoroughly rubbed with mastic. You can completely wash the flooring only if it is covered with linoleum. Painted wooden floors can be washed every day - they are not afraid of moisture. If there are stains on the wood, they can be easily removed with ammonia.

Expert opinion

Lyubov Korshunova

Experienced housewife.

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Unpainted wooden floors can only be washed once a week. For washing, use soap and hot water. After washing, the surface is thoroughly wiped with a damp sponge and treated with dry material. Tile surfaces can be washed daily.

How to clean different types of floor surfaces

Wooden floor

Cleaning largely depends on whether the wooden boards or not. If not, then you need to use detergent and cool water to wash it. There is no need to thoroughly wring out the rag - you just need to walk over the coating and wet it well.

Take a mop with stiff bristles and clean the surface. Wipe with a damp cloth soaked in clean water. Treat the surface with a dry cloth.

Painted or varnished wood floors are also washed with detergents and a cloth. For cleaning, it is better to choose a brush. Wring out the washcloth thoroughly. Move it from the far corner of the room and gradually head towards the exit.

Finally, pay attention to the center of the room. To give the coating shine, combine vegetable oil and methyl alcohol in equal quantities. Dampen a rag in this mixture and walk on the dry floor. After drying, wash the boards with acetic acid diluted in large quantities clean water.


After washing, stains and stains often remain on the laminate, so it is imperative to take preventive measures. Add 1 tbsp to the cleaning water. a spoonful of shampoo, liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Gel powder is also great. Change the water as often as possible during cleaning.

Another way to clean laminate flooring is to use acetic acid and a soft mop. Pour vinegar into the water, moisten the mop in the resulting mixture and, moving away from the door, thoroughly treat the surface. The bite promotes the rapid evaporation of moisture, so the water will not have time to leave stains on the laminate.

If there are heavy stains, apply a foam of detergent to them, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with a cloth. Laminate flooring can be washed no more than 3 times a week.


Parquet is wooden planks varnished. Thanks to this, excess moisture does not penetrate inside, and the floor covering retains its attractive appearance for many years. Parquet should not be washed too often. The best option for cleaning is a thoroughly wrung out cloth.

To add shine, experienced housewives use glycerin. After the parquet has dried, it must be rubbed with a special mastic and polished with a suede cloth to add shine. Parquet can only be washed once a week.

Porcelain tiles and linoleum

Do not use abrasive cleaners or hot water to clean this type of surface. Linoleum is washed only when it gets dirty. Once a month it needs to be rubbed with drying oil or vegetable oil. Thanks to this, it is possible to restore plasticity to the material and prevent premature brittleness.

How to clean the floor after renovation?

  1. Pour water into a bucket, dilute 1 tbsp. grated soap, leave to infuse, beat until foamy.
  2. Apply the resulting foam to the coating and allow the dirt to dissolve.
  3. Collect the foam with a damp cloth.
  4. Change the water, wipe the floor again, dry with a soft cloth.
  5. If the surface is heavily soiled, break it into separate sections. Wash each area with soapy water and then wipe dry with a cloth. Change the water after each stage. IN soap solution you can add a little salt.

Cleaning floors is not an easy and tedious task. But if you use our tips, you will clean the room quickly and efficiently.

Happens in life different situations when you need a competent and complete answer to the question of how to properly wash floors.

This could be when your flooring looks incredibly dirty after a renovation, or you spilled some unusual liquid that can't be cleaned up with traditional cleaning products. In addition, floor coverings made from different materials, have their own characteristics in care.

Today we will try to figure out what is the best way to wash floors and how to do it correctly.

In order to wash floors quickly and efficiently, you need to follow the following rules:

If you wash floors with a mop, then there are several nuances when choosing a cleaning product. First of all, the mop should be comfortable, for which you need to choose the right height. So, the handle of the tool should reach the armpit. Thanks to this, during the cleaning process the housewife will strain her back and get tired less. In addition, this height of the mop will allow you to wash the floor in the most difficult to reach places in the apartment.

In addition, 50% of the cleaning efficiency depends on how you use the mop.

So, when washing the floors with a mop, you need to draw a “figure eight” on the surface - thanks to this, you can quickly collect all the garbage in the center without smearing it throughout the room. Do not forget to rinse the product often, thoroughly washing it from dirt.

Important: the mop should not be too wet, as excess moisture can greatly damage the floor covering.

Now you know how to mop floors. Now it's time to talk about washing different surfaces.

Various floor coverings - how and what to clean?


quite difficult to care for. This coating needs to be washed literally 2 times a year, but it needs to be wiped with a slightly damp cloth very often. It is best to take a soft rag and cold water. To make the parquet shine like new, you need to add a little glycerin to the water - 1 spoon of the product per glass of water. You can simply purchase special parquet care products. After wet cleaning, you need to wait a while for the parquet to dry, after which it is rubbed with mastic.

If during the cleaning process you find a stain, you need to rub it with sandpaper. Old and difficult to remove stains are wiped with turpentine. If this remedy does not help, rub the stain with talcum powder and iron it at the lowest temperature.

Important: it is best to remove stains on parquet while they are fresh, so as not to spoil the flooring by using various products that are harmful to parquet.


Laminate floors need to be washed carefully. And all because such a coating consists of several layers.

The topmost one is covered with a film that protects other layers from moisture and mechanical damage. It is worth remembering that it is advisable to carry out wet cleaning of this coating no more than 3 times a week; on all other days it should simply be vacuumed. It is not advisable to use washing vacuum cleaner, since it leaves behind quite a lot of moisture. Otherwise, after vacuuming, wipe the coating with a dry cloth.

There are also many special products on sale that are suitable for laminate flooring - they cope well with a variety of contaminants, removing various spots– from glue, grease, traces of pens and felt-tip pens.

For daily cleaning, it is best to use a product that has been proven over the years - an ordinary vinegar solution, which is suitable for cleaning laminate flooring. Dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar in 5 liters of water and wipe the floor. To ensure that no streaks remain on the surface, the rag must be wrung out well. It is also preferable to choose microfiber as a mop, as this material is ideal for cleaning laminate floors.

If you have floors made of natural and painted wood at home, then suitable means is a warm vinegar solution or a mixture of water and ammonia. Simply dissolve a spoonful of any of these products in 1 liter of water. To make the surfaces shiny, after the floor has dried, lubricate it with a thin layer of linseed oil. If the paint has worn off a little in some places, simply use parquet mastic, choosing the right shade. Found a greasy stain on the floor? It should be moistened with soapy water and left to soak overnight, after which the dirt can be easily removed warm water.

Cleaning unpainted floors

Important: Unpainted floor coverings prefer soap and lye. Wet the floor with this solution and wipe it with a stiff brush. You can add a little turpentine to the water.

How to wash linoleum

Once a week with a soap solution (from laundry soap). The most important thing is to never use ammonia to clean this floor covering. If you want to give the floor a shine and remove stains, wipe the floor with a soft rag, soaking it in milk. And once every 3-4 months, treat the floor with drying oil and polish with a cloth. Thanks to this care, linoleum will always look like new.

Cleaning the flooring after renovation

The most difficult task after renovations have been carried out in an apartment is washing the floor. It is quite difficult to remove all the dirt that has accumulated during painting of walls and ceilings, wallpapering and other processes.

Tip: you need to wash the floors at least 3 times after repairs.

Your actions should be as follows:

  • The first time, wash the surfaces with a regular soap solution, with which you should try to wash off the dirt on the floor. Wet the floors thoroughly so that the dirt comes off the surface, then wipe it off with a cloth.
  • The second time you need to wash the floor coverings using special general products.
  • For the third time, wash the surfaces with clean warm water.

Tip: in order not to transfer dirt from place to place, be sure to change the water in the bucket, and, if possible, the rag at each stage of cleaning.

By the way, you will also be helped by the experience of our grandmothers, who used kerosene to wash away dirt, which is effective in removing any contaminants. The only drawback of this product is the strong smell.

To get rid of it, add 200 ml of vinegar to a bucket of water and wipe the floor with the solution.

What folk remedies can be used for cleaning the floor if there are traces of plaster or whitewash on the surface?

First you need to wipe the surfaces with a saline solution. But before this, the remnants of the whitewash need to be swept away and the floor wiped once with a soap solution. After this, add 100 g of salt to a 5 liter bucket of water and wipe the floor with this mixture. Are there still traces of whitewash? Add about 100 ml of vinegar to the saline solution and wipe the floor with this mixture.

Helps remove whitewash residues and potassium permanganate, which reacts with lime. If you have recently painted the floor, it is better to wash it with a solution of hot water and vinegar. And for the next week, wipe the flooring every day with a regular soft and slightly damp cloth.

One of the important points is the care of the floor on which we walk. Floors, as you know, can be made of different materials, in accordance with their functional purpose: linoleum, wood, stone and marble, and also cover the floors carpeted. Hence, floor care rules differ significantly from each other.

Caring for linoleum. Shine without streaks

  • Linoleum It is quite common in everyday life and affordable. First you need to sweep the floor to clear it of dust and debris. Linoleum is easy to care for; it can be washed with ordinary warm water with the addition of a soap solution, but it should be wiped dry. Oddly enough, linoleum cleans well with water from boiled potatoes.
  • For maintaining the elasticity of linoleum There is a recipe for an oil mixture from a folk piggy bank. Mix vinegar and raw water in a 1:1 ratio linseed oil, rub into the surface of clean, dry linoleum. If scratches appear on the linoleum, before performing this procedure, clean them with fine sandpaper, sweep away the dust and then rub in the oil-vinegar mixture.
  • To make linoleum less dirty, treat it with homemade floor mastic. Prepare a soap solution (2 tablespoons of grated soap per bucket of water), wash the linoleum, using a stiff brush to remove dirt. Mix 2 liters warm water and 2 tablespoons of liquid floor mastic and wipe it. The resulting protective film will not allow the floor to get dirty quickly , linoleum will no divorces however, this procedure should be repeated at least twice a month. This method is good for maintaining cleanliness of linoleum in the kitchen, where grease stains from cooking tend to accumulate.
  • To make linoleum shine, use natural polish from an equal mixture of water and milk. First, remove stubborn dirt and stains using a metal kitchen sponge, moistened with turpentine, then apply the mixture to the floor and polish with a soft flannel cloth.

Delicate care for wooden floors

  • How to clean wooden floors? How to wash laminate flooring? First of all, these coatings are practical and require minimal maintenance. It is enough to sweep them and wipe them with a damp cloth. If there is excess moisture, wood floors can swell and lose their shape, so do not allow water to accumulate on them.
  • Parquet floors need special care, but there is nothing complicated about it, folk remedies will help you properly care for parquet at home without significant investments.
  • Heavily soiled parquet clean along the grain with a rag soaked in turpentine or lighter fluid, then rub it household polish according to the recipe below. The same method is used to remove fresh greasy stains. If small cracks have formed in the floorboards, pour regular talc into them before rubbing.
  • It is not recommended to wash varnished floors. Sweep the floor and polish household polish using a dry cloth or paper towel.

Homemade Polish Recipe

  • For cooking home polish Add 6 tablespoons of vinegar and 4 tablespoons of furniture polish to a bucket of water (5 liters). Mix the mixture thoroughly; any leftovers can be stored in a tightly closed bottle or jar.

Many, in their own, choose for gender carpeting. The soft floor is a favorite place for children to play, therefore, you need to be especially careful about keeping it clean and use natural, safe cleaning products, without any chemicals.

How to easily clean carpet

  • Any carpet need to be vacuumed regularly. Even in the absence of obvious dirt, dust gets into the carpet every day, so this must be done at least once a week (in a children's room it is advisable to vacuum every other day).
  • Stains on the carpet It is advisable to wash off immediately, before they are absorbed, using a wet sponge. If this does happen, it will help you folk recipe stain removal. Rub half a bar of ordinary laundry soap into 1 liter of hot water, mix and pour in 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar. Apply the composition to the stains, brush thoroughly (the stiffness of the bristles depends on the thickness of the coating).
  • To refresh the color of the carpet resort to low-maintenance home methods using proven natural remedies. You will need small ones sawdust, 1 tablespoon of ammonia solution and a liter of water. Mix all ingredients, sawdust should absorb water. Place the mixture on the carpet, rub problem areas (spots) with a brush, let dry and vacuum.
  • For cleaning carpet Use a gentle, homemade shampoo. Usage natural ingredients for cleaning carpet is relevant for families with small children. Exactly for people who appreciate environmental safety, exists, proven by time and previous generations, a simple shampoo recipe for carpet care.

Carpet shampoo. Homemade recipe

  • Depending on the size of the carpet, make a mixture of potato starch and finely grated ordinary laundry soap. For 1 cup of starch - 1 spoon of soap flakes. Stir the mixture, sprinkle it on the carpet and scrub with a stiff brush. Leave the mixture for an hour until completely dry and vacuum.

Caring for marble, stone and granite floors

  • Marble, stone or granite floor To clean, just wet it with a soapy water solution; if it’s heavily soiled, leave it for a few minutes, then rinse and wipe with a dry or well-wrung-out cloth. If the marble floor has particularly dirty areas, wipe them down cleansing paste according to this recipe: for 1 sq. meter of marble floor, take 3 tablespoons of non-abrasive cleaning powder and drop lemon juice. Thoroughly rub the mixture into the dirty area, wait a minute, rinse with water, and wipe dry.
  • Old stains on marble removed using ordinary garden lime; of course, you need to protect the skin of your hands with protective rubber gloves.

Regular care will keep your floor in pristine beauty and cleanliness, and with the help use of natural folk remedies the family budget will not be affected. By the way, many men welcome the vector direction of their women to natural sources of cleanliness in housekeeping.

Good housewife and reasonable modern woman always strives to use them as rationally as possible. Preferably, to improve your appearance and fun! It's much easier use proven methods of using folk remedies around the house, and, instead of buying a bunch of expensive floor cleaning and cleaning products, use the money you save and visit the Spa!

    There are no special rules for cleaning floors, but you need to think about how to wash the floor so that it is cleaner.

    It is better to first sweep up all the sand, all the hair, be sure to remove the dust under the bed and it is best to wash the floors in a squatting position rather than with a mop, as the floor will be much cleaner. When the mop is used, it is not pressed so hard to the floor and there is more opportunity for dirt to be lost.

    The floor can also be treated with some kind of soap, Mr. Proper or Lok from Amway (I know those).

    And of course, you need to change the water often, preferably after washing 1 or 2 rooms. In the kitchen, it is generally advisable to wash it twice, because the floor there is often greasy or sticky.

    Before washing the floors, you need to sweep, then wet the cloth in clean water using washing powder or a special cleaning product. First, manually wipe corners, baseboards, hard to reach places, places of heavy pollution. Then wipe the middle with a mop, rinsing the rag as it gets dirty. Then change the water, rinse the rag and repeat the procedure with clean water.

    You can do it the old fashioned way: armed with a mop, rag, etc., and do wet cleaning, holding pictures before your eyes, for example, from school life- how cleaners wash corridors, or singing vacuum cleaners, thus erasing the experience of past generations

    I have a dog, and I want to clean the floor as much as possible from its fur. That's why I wash the floor with anti-pet odor agent using a washcloth and then a rag.

    In the kitchen, sometimes I need to wipe down with something anti-greasy - my mother is 89 years old, but I ask her to cook something so that she feels needed. She is pleased, and I don’t mind cleaning the apartment once again.

    It is very important when cleaning the floor, washing floors, to start from the farthest corner from the entrance to the room. And gradually move towards the exit. This way you won’t be able to leave a mark, which means the floor will be cleaned efficiently)

    Well, first, of course, sweep so that there is no debris on the floor.

    Then fill a bowl with water at a temperature you like and pour in some detergent. And wash the floor with a mop or by hand. After this, change the water in the basin to clean water, and now wash the floor with clean water.

    You can turn on energetic music to make it more fun. If you are cleaning the floor by hand, here are pictures with instructions.

    Before mopping the floors, you need to sweep to remove anything unnecessary.

    Next, take a rag and wash it to remove anything stuck. It is most effective to wash with your hands rather than with a mop. You can use a mop simply to add freshness, to remove dust, or to carry out wet cleaning. Periodically, the rag should be washed in a bucket of water (rinsed) and wrung out to wash the floor with a clean rag. This is how the floor is usually washed. Sometimes after washing the floors with detergent, they go over with a cloth without using detergents. Especially after renovations, when serious cleaning needs to be done.

    Washing the floors is one of the important actions of a person every week or twice a week. Cleanliness is the key to success in your home. A clean house is always nice to see, some people wash the floors with a mop, and not some people just with their hands, especially better with their hands, the shine of the floors is ensured if you add liquid soap, the more you add, the more you will have to rinse the floors, first the rag is not completely wrung out when washed for the first time, but the second time with a dry wrung out rag,

    In any case, wet cleaning is needed weekly in your apartment or house. And some do it with a mop, while others are used to squatting and using their hands, and of course this method is more effective and everything will be cleaner.

    First, take a vacuum cleaner and go through all the corners thoroughly, and if there is no vacuum cleaner, then with a brush or broom we sweep everything into the middle from all the corners, from under the sofa or bed and collect it in a dustpan.

    You need to take soapy water or use a floor cleaner, it is scented and the aroma will linger.

    The first time I wash the floor in parts and the second time I wipe it with a thoroughly wrung out rag.

    And this is a kind of exercise for our muscles.

    Cleanliness is the key to health. Needs to be done at home once a day general cleaning. Moreover, it is better to carry it out in the evening, as this will allow you to breathe clean air rather than dust at night.

    First you need to sweep from under the sofa, closet, then from the corners, and then the center of the room. Then you can start washing the floors: wash with soapy water, then rinse with clean water and finally wipe with a dry cloth.

    It is definitely better to wash the floor by hand, without using a mop. This way you can efficiently scrub off the most contaminated areas and stains. The rag should be wetted, not wrung out too much, rinse the floor (part of the floor), then rinse the rag in clean water and after squeezing it to the maximum, wipe the floor dry