How to plant and grow an oak tree from an acorn: detailed instructions for a gardener. About oak trees? What grows on oak trees? Acorns

The giant oak tree in France, in the hollow of which there is a room with a bench carved directly into the body of the oak tree, is more than two thousand years old. It is because of their age and gigantic size that many oaks have become relics of cities and nations and are protected. The Tsar Oak, the Kaiser's Oak, the 600-year-old Oak, the Chapel Oak, the Master's Oak have legends about each of them.

Oak is hardy and unpretentious, but despite these properties oak trees don't grow V South America and Australia, in Africa they are found only along the Mediterranean coast.

Growing in Russia English oak with its two varieties, summer oak and winter oak, differing in flowering time. Mongolian oak grows in the Far East and Amur region. Sessile oak grows on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, it was customary to decorate the clearings in front of the landowner's house with oaks; oaks were grown in palace and manor parks. Sometimes oak trees are planted to green cities; recently, gardeners have also begun to pay attention to this wonderful plant. Hence the logical question - how long does an oak tree take to grow? until the moment when he allows you to admire your beauty and grace.

It’s a long time, but if you have the opportunity and space to plant an oak tree, be sure to plant it, and even if you don’t manage to admire the fruits of your labor, you will leave a memory of yourself for many generations.

600 year old oak

At ten years old planted by you oak, will outgrow medium-sized fruit trees your garden - apple and pear trees, at 20 years old may appear on it first acorns, although oaks usually reach fruiting age at 40 years. Don’t be surprised, for an oak tree 450 years is the age, as they would say about a man at the dawn of his strength. The oak bears fruit with acorns approximately once every 4 years., but the oak is grown not because of acorns, but for the strength and wisdom that it gives to its owners and this is not an allegory.

An oak tree in the body of which there is a chapel - France.

Soil for planting oak
may be different, the density and strength of the wood and its durability depend on it. And oak can grow on sand and stones, along river banks, in lowlands in swamps and in elevated places, among bogs. The main thing is that the planted seedling is not burned by the sun, and the roots do not get wet in water in the first years of its life. Usually oak tree grows up to 40 meters high, and in width up to 1.5. The crown of the oak tree is gigantic, matching its height, so take care that in the future it does not damage your home and nearby buildings.

It is better to plant oak trees with acorns; when transplanted, seedlings with bare roots do not take root well. If you are in a hurry to “live”, buy an oak tree from a skating rink, you can save 8 years or add them to your life, if it’s more pleasant for you to think about it that way. Plants with a closed root system take root and grow well, but unfortunately, an oak planted in this way will not be durable. Of course, it will be enough for your lifetime, but no more, this is due to the improper development of the root system of an oak seedling grown in a small vessel in the first years of life. By growing an oak from an acorn, you will lose a couple of years, but an oak grown in this way will grow for a long time and your children, grandchildren and grandchildren of your grandchildren will remember you.

Angel Oak is one of the oldest trees planets.

What about the rhetorical question? how much does an oak tree grow per year in centimeters, there is no direct answer. In the first year of life, the growth of the plant is from 7 to 30 cm, the second from 40 to 80 cm, the third and subsequent years up to 15 years 60-80 cm. In this case, the growth of oak largely depends on natural conditions and plant species characteristics. In the forest, the oak tree has a compact crown; trees growing on open places the crown spreads out like a huge tent, sometimes covering an area of ​​up to a quarter of a hectare. On the contrary, the alpine oak grows stocky and squat.

  1. General description
  2. Botanical classification
  3. Habitat
  4. Useful properties
  5. Main types of mighty oaks
  6. Oaks of Russia
  7. American oak genus
  8. Europe and Mediterranean

Oak family according to data different sources reaches 450...600 species. Representatives grow in different parts of the planet in temperate latitudes, where the climate suits the needs of the tree.

Russia is one of the most favorable countries for oak growth: territories with nutritious soil, open areas without shade, sufficient rainfall and optimal temperature conditions for the plant.

General description

Regardless of the type and variety of wood, oak has common distinctive features, by which membership in the genus is determined:

  • The height of the individual is from 25 to 40 meters;
  • Spreading deciduous or evergreen crown;
  • Leaf near the oak trees different varieties lobed or serrated with pinnate venation;
  • The bark is rough, with age-related cracks;
  • The trunk in young individuals is thin, in older ones it is noticeably thickened and massive.

Many species bloom at the same time the leaves bloom. Female and male flowers are on the same tree:

  • The female ones are located in the leaf axils at the tops of young shoots (as in the photo). Perianth in 3 sections, poorly developed;
  • Male flowers are collected in earrings at the base of the shoots. The perianth is divided into 5-7 sections, up to 12 stamens.

Pollination occurs in the usual ways: by wind or insects.

The fruit of the oak tree is an acorn, ripens in the fall, and after wintering a new tree begins to grow. At the base there is always a hard, flattened cap, by which one can always determine whether it belongs to the oak family. The shape of the fruit is elongated or spherical, from golden to brown in color, depending on the type of plant and its place of growth.

The oak tree propagates by cuttings, planting acorns, and resumption of growth can occur from a living stump.

Botanical classification

Regardless of the variety, the scientific classification of the genus is as follows:

English oak occupies the conventional place of the end of the logical chain; in its place you can safely put the remaining types of wood.


Oak is common in temperate climates and grows naturally in different countries:

  • In Russia ( Far East, Siberia, Central Asia, Vladikavkaz);
  • In Western and Southern Europe;
  • In Canada;

By artificial means different types were transferred to all corners of the world with a climate suitable for oak.

Useful properties

Many types of oak trees are used in construction, medicine, furniture and cooperage industries:

  • Wood has high strength and resistance to various types of influences;
  • The products are durable;
  • The bark and wood contain a lot of tannins that help stop the blood and tone the muscles and cells.

There is a classification of oak wood for the production of finishing or manufacturing products. Sorting is done according to many criteria:

  • Size of the original trunk;
  • Evenness and uniformity of the material;
  • Age of the tree;
  • Chemical and mechanical properties based on test results.

Main types of mighty oaks

The genus includes up to five thousand (and maybe more) varieties of this tree, known to everyone.

Oaks of Russia

Petiolate (Quercus robur) is a traditional representative for Russia and Western European countries.

Distinctive features:

  • Resistance to large temperature changes;
  • Tolerance to prolonged drought;
  • Wind resistant.

Prefers good fertile soil. In field conditions, the plant reaches 50 meters in height. In group plantings, individuals are lower, the crowns are located in the upper part of the trunk, which ensures high light-loving properties. The leaves are large - up to 15 cm in length. English oak is considered a long-liver - the age of individual individuals is 1500 years with an average life expectancy of 300-500 years.

Chestnut-leaved oak is a rare representative of the genus, listed in the Red Book. It was subjected to active felling for use in construction purposes - its wood is characterized by high frost resistance and hardness. The trunk can stretch up to 30 meters, the crown has the shape of a tent. The leaves, with pointed triangular edges, are similar to the foliage from which the species takes its name.

In Russia, the chestnut-leaved plant is found in deciduous forests and in artificial park areas. Active work is underway to restore the population of this species.

Large anther oak grows in the southern mountainous regions of the Caucasus. Artificially planted in park areas.

Distinctive features:

  • Short leaf (up to 8 cm) with blunt blades;
  • Photophilia;
  • Slow growth;
  • Resistance to drought and frost.

Mongolian oak has an attractive decorative appearance, for which landscape designers love him. In Russia, the tree is planted in alleys as an array or tapeworm on plots of land.

The leaves of the representative are elongated, reaching 20 cm. In summer, their color is dark green, at the beginning of falling - bright brown. The tree grows well in light partial shade.

Gartvis oak (Armenian) begins its genus in the Western Caucasus. The leaves are obovate, with up to 12 rounded pairs. Acorns form and develop on long stalks. Due to the characteristics of their origin, they love moderate shade, humidity, warm temperatures, and fertile soil. It does not tolerate winter well, so it cannot grow in colder regions.

American oak genus

The following plant varieties originate on the American continent:

Red is a bright powerful tree up to 30 (sometimes 50) meters high. The trunk diameter reaches 1 meter. Distinctive feature– specific color of the leaves: after blooming they have a reddish base, in summer they are bright green, in autumn they acquire a crimson or bright brown tint. According to other characteristics, the tree is similar to the Russian petiolate representative of the genus.

Its bright color has made it a popular decoration for urban landscapes - the tree is artificially grown in different parts of the world.

Northern (boreal) native to North America, looks like red. Ovoid shape crowns and leaves. The trunk differs from other representatives in its smoothness - it is less susceptible to coarsening and cracking.

The leaf reaches 25 cm in length and turns bright red in autumn.

The tree is common in European countries and grows in forests and parks.

The stone evergreen giant is like a classic from the movies - a wide spreading crown with sparse branches, a large diameter trunk with gray bark and deep cracks.

The leaves of holm oaks are small - up to 8 cm. They are distinguished by a yellowish or white base, sometimes with hairiness.

The tree is unpretentious to living conditions: it grows on any soil under any light conditions. Suitable for floral decoration.

The genus of holm oak includes several decorative subspecies: curly, small- and round-leaved, long-leaved, narrow-leaved, golden-variegated, Ford's form.

Large-fruited oak is distinguished by the presence of enlarged acorns - up to 5 cm in length. The plus occupies about half the length of the fetus. The peduncle is short.

The tree has interesting leaves: elongated with a wedge-shaped base, up to 5 pairs of lobes. When they bloom, they have a silvery color with a sputtering effect, then they turn richly green, acquire shine, and the lower plane turns slightly white.

The tree loves moisture, so it grows in rainy areas or near water bodies.

Willow can be confused with willow due to the similar leaf shape - narrow, oblong, up to 12 cm in length. Crown in autumn period acquires a matte yellow color.

Unlike willow, willow oak is unpretentious to the soil and place of growth: it lives in deciduous forests and looks good in artificial parklands.

Europe and Mediterranean

– an evergreen tree up to 20 meters in height. Small oval leaves up to 6 cm in length with a shiny surface and a pubescent base. The acorns are small, deeply recessed into the plus.

The cork plant loves moisture, but is resistant to drought and grows slowly. It is planted in alleys and squares.

It is a valuable cork plant native to the Mediterranean.

The rocky (sessile-flowered) species is widely used as the main plant in forests and parks. The leaf has a long two-centimeter petiole, while female acorns and flowers have a short stalk.

The tree loves warmth, shade, and moderate humidity. The genus originates in Eastern Europe: in the Carpathians, Moldova, Ukraine, slightly distributed in Western Europe.

A fluffy oak tree often resembles a bush up to 10 meters high (as in the photo). Its leaves, flowers, shoots and acorns have felt pubescence, the fruits are deeply recessed into the plus. It grows on calcareous and dry soils in natural conditions; it is difficult to cultivate (almost never occurs). At the same time, the crown is trimmed and shaped, serving as an excellent background for a higher composition.

Oak has long been considered a symbol of stability, power and longevity. Some people are proud of the huge, perennial oak trees that were planted by their fathers and grandfathers. Maybe you also want to plant a powerful tree that will grow for centuries. Perhaps, in many, many years, your children and grandchildren will also proudly say - my father (grandfather) planted this oak tree.

Growing an oak tree from an acorn is a long process, taking more than one year. However, growing oak trains patience, endurance, and teaches timeliness and regularity. Anyone can grow an oak tree, but to do this you need to know a few subtleties. Involve children in the process - this will not only interest them, but also teach them to be more careful and respectful of nature. So, how to grow an oak tree from an acorn at home.

Choosing acorns

Everyone knows that oak fruits are acorns. For sowing, you need to choose the best, strongest and healthiest samples. When collecting acorns, it is very important to understand that a certain percentage of the fruits will be spoiled, some acorns simply will not sprout, and some of them will die at the stage of planting cuttings. To grow at least a few mature oak trees, you need to collect at least 300 acorns.

Acorns are collected in early autumn, when their cap is easily separated from the fruit itself. By the way, the cap of acorns can be removed when collecting; they do not carry any value, they are simply attached to the branches and protect the fruit.

When you bring the acorns home, you need to sort them out. Wormy, moldy, empty, rotten and other spoiled fruits must be thrown away - nothing will sprout from them. The remaining acorns must be soaked in a container of water. When soaked, acorns unsuitable for growing will float, which means that they are empty inside. They also need to be removed. The remaining fruits at the bottom must be blotted with a towel and left to dry. To do this, lay them out on paper or fabric and then place them in a ventilated place. Dry acorns outdoors sun rays not recommended.


When acorns suitable for cultivation are ready and dried, they need to be stratified. Stratification is an artificial imitation of conditions close to natural. That is, you need to provide humidity and temperature appropriate for this time of year. Since the collection of acorns occurs at the beginning of autumn, autumn conditions need to be stratified.

Stratification can be carried out in two ways. Divide the acorns into two parts. Most of it should be placed in plastic wrap and sawdust, moss or vermiculite added to the bag. These substances retain moisture. Close the bag and place it in a cool place. It could be a basement or just a refrigerator. Leave the acorns on the bottom shelf, the temperature there is usually about 8 degrees. Periodically you need to open the bag so that the seeds have access to oxygen. Monitor the humidity and add water to the bag from time to time. But do not overwater - if there is more moisture than it should be, the acorns will rot.

The rest of the acorns need to be planted in small cups. Fill the containers with peat and place 2-3 acorns in each glass. Place the planted acorns next to the bag. All fruits must grow in the same conditions, simulating natural humidity and temperature.

Within one and a half to two months, the seeds will begin to take root. Some of the acorns will never grow or will rot, but more than half of the planted acorns are usually rewarded with small roots.


The next stage is to plant the sprouted acorns in cups. Carefully remove all contents from the bag. Be careful - the roots of the future oak at this stage are very vulnerable and easily break. Carefully sort the sprouted fruits from rotten and unsprouted acorns. Plant acorns with roots in small plastic cups volume 200 ml. There is no need to plant deeply; it is enough that the root is completely immersed in the ground. For planting, you can choose soil from the area where the parent oak grew. But you can plant seedlings in a regular garden soil with the addition of peat. Don't forget to make holes in the sides of the cup before planting. This is done to remove excess water from irrigation. If this is not done, the young roots rot and die.

Those acorns that were not in the bag, but were placed in glasses, also need to be sorted out. The acorns that have given root must be planted one in each glass.

At first, the seedlings need to be watered quite often. After planting for some time, it may seem to you that nothing is happening and the acorn will not sprout. But that's not true. The fact is that first the oak tree gains strength in its roots and only after that it sprouts. If you notice that the roots are becoming cramped in small cups, they can be transplanted into larger containers. Plant oak trees in open ground It’s not worth it ahead of time - unprotected young roots are a delicacy for rodents, and small leaves attract herbivores.

When can seedlings be planted in the soil?

In order to determine whether a seedling is ready to grow on its own, certain conditions must be met. Pay attention to its leaves - if the seedling has more than five strong, healthy leaves, then it can be planted in open ground. Typically, finished shoots are planted in the soil within two to three weeks after planting. In this case, you need to pay attention to its roots - if they are large and white, then the plant is ready for independent growth.

Place to plant oak

When you plant a tree in a permanent place where it grows, you need to understand that it will grow here not just for one day, but for years, decades and even centuries. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing a landing site.

Oak should be planted in open areas at least two square meters. Oak grows in almost any soil, however, when it is very young, it needs soil rich in vitamins, minerals and fertilizers. Oak loves open sunny areas; it will not be able to grow in the shade.

When planting an oak tree, it is necessary to take into account that in the future root system the tree will be powerful and strong, so you should not plant the tree near water supply and other underground technical systems, near the foundation of a house, near paths and other buildings.

The oak grows large and spreading, and over time it will begin to provide good shade. Plant it on a certain side of the house so that the oak will subsequently cast a shadow on the home.

Before planting an oak tree, the soil needs to be dug up and loosened. No other crops should grow near the seedling. For planting, a depression is made so that the roots of the future tree are immersed in the ground. After this, the soil needs to be slightly compacted and watered abundantly.

The first time after planting an oak tree, it must be watered abundantly. At a distance of 20-30 cm from the sprout, sprinkle the soil with sawdust or crushed bark. This protects the soil from drying out and also prevents weeds from growing near the seedling.

Over time, oak requires less and less care. It grows quite slowly, however, if accepted, it will delight you throughout your life. The tree will produce its first fruits in the form of acorns only after 10-20 years, depending on the type of oak. During the first few years, the oak tree needs periodic enrichment of the soil - it needs to be fed mineral fertilizers. Over the years, the tree will get stronger, the roots will go deep into the ground and the oak will only need regular watering.

Young seedlings, among other things, need mechanical protection from animals. If there are rabbits, rodents or deer on the site, the seedling must be fenced with a small lattice. You can protect the plant from the May beetle and aphids using pesticides. They can be bought at any store for summer residents; they destroy pests, but are absolutely harmless to plants and people.

As you know, every man must build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. The last item on this list is the simplest and most exciting. If every person on earth would plant one tree at least once in their life, life on the planet would become better and it would be easier to breathe. Plant trees, and your descendants will appreciate your efforts!

Video: how an oak tree grew from an acorn

Agree, each of us, especially on a hot summer day, enjoys walking in the shady alleys of a city park. So, have you ever noticed tall oak trees and wondered - how old are they? One cannot help but admire the graceful grandeur of giant oak trees, but not everyone knows about their age.

There is no doubt that oaks are long-lived; it is not for nothing that the oak is considered a symbol of power, wisdom and longevity.

Mysterious and mysterious oak

In the northern hemisphere there are oak groves in almost every country. Oak is a representative of the Beech family. This mighty tree seems to demonstrate extraordinary grandeur and venerable age with its entire appearance. And this is no coincidence, because beneficial properties leaves and oak bark were known to the inhabitants ancient Greece. It was not for nothing that it was believed that Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, lived in oak groves, with whose permission the Greeks began all types of agricultural work.

Traditional medicine recommends using oak bark decoction to heal wounds, get rid of inflammation, diarrhea, etc. Scientists have proven that acorns have no equal in the content of quercetin, certain groups of vitamins, antioxidants and other beneficial substances. Preparations based on them help remove excess fluid from the body, relieve spasms and inflammatory processes. Oak is used in construction, for making furniture, wine barrels, and handicrafts. All oak products are reliable, durable and durable. In addition, oak plays a major role in

To date, scientists have studied about 600 species of oak, among which the most common are pedunculate, serrated or sessile oak. The height of trees depends on the species and natural conditions. On average it is 20-40 meters, the trunk in circumference reaches 9 meters.

Tell us, oak tree, how long do you live?

Looking at the powerful trunks of tall trees, one gets the impression that they are more than a dozen, or even hundreds of years old. And this is true. On average, an oak tree lives 300-400 years, but this figure may vary depending on conditions, species and other factors. But there are also long-livers. Such, for example, as the Mamre Oak, which could be seen when traveling to Palestine. According to legend, he was at least 5000 years old. For Christians all over the world, this tree was considered a shrine, because, according to the Bible, it was under its branches that the conversation between Patriarch Abraham and God took place. Europe can also boast of its attractions; the Stelmuzha oak tree that grew in Lithuania was at least 700 years old.

  • The oak grows in height and width over the years. But growth in height stops after 100-150 years, and in width the oak tree grows until the end of its life.
  • If it were not for pests that crawl under and gnaw the tree from the inside, oak trees would live much longer.
  • Many oak trees die from fires and spontaneous deforestation, which causes irreparable damage to the forest fund.