Interesting facts about Korea and Koreans. Interesting facts about Koreans

South Korea is a state covered in high-rise buildings and narrow-eyed residents. Well, this is it, briefly, without going into details at all.

How Koreans live, how they work and relax - about all this, read on for interesting facts about Korea

Korea is considered one of the safest countries in the world. In any case, you can safely walk alone at night and not be afraid that some parasite will complain about you or your property.

Baseball and golf are the most popular games in Korea. And those whose age no longer allows them to run with a stick - welcome to the mountains. Hiking in the mountains can rightfully be considered the third type of “game”.

Residents of Korea are not only narrow-eyed, they are also in the majority and wear glasses. By the way, absolutely regardless of age. Well, they're not born that way, are they? Although, perhaps they have an altered gene responsible for vision.

The dentist is the most expensive doctor in Korea. Therefore, residents not only constantly chew gum, they also carry toothbrushes with them and can begin to tidy up their oral cavity in any toilet with a sink.

Koreans never rest. And the word “vacation” is generally absent as such in their everyday life.

Maximum - a few days "at your own expense." And then - either study or go to work, please.

Motels in Korea are like ants - at every turn. And all because guys do not have the right to invite a girl to their house.

For Koreans, food is sacred. No one here is interested in how anyone is doing or who has been doing what all day. The first question is always "Have you eaten?" And if the answer is “no,” consider yourself to have committed a crazy sin.

Here are more interesting facts about Korea. Family freedom in the form of male infidelities is like “hello” here. Wives almost never work here, and young girls do not shy away from the geisha profession.

In Korean beer bars, you can't just walk in and order a glass of steamy hops. Beer snacks are a must here.

You will never believe what a park there is in Korea! This is not even a park, but an area “strewn” with male phalluses.

Korea is famous for its cult of small dogs. Porket dogs are everywhere here. And they are also necessarily painted in different colors, and in general they do full “dog fashion”.

The male half of the Korean population is very attracted to alcohol. And every representative knows a lot of “feast” games, the ultimate “goal” of which is to get drunk and forget.

Korean people are very kind and polite to everyone. Both to tourists and to “our own people”. They, just like us, love to visit coffee corners and treat themselves to good coffee.

But, unlike us, they do this several times more often, after almost every meal. For now, we are clearly inferior to them in this.

South Korea is a mysterious Asian country - what is it like? Some people fly there to buy a new car, while others fly there to go skiing. Haven't been there yet? Then our list of interesting facts.

  1. Korea is a paradise for shopaholics: there are stock hypermarkets, shopping areas, and local markets. All Koreans, without exception, buy famous brands. And meeting a granny here wearing Ray Ban glasses and a Prada bag is the standard.
  2. High prices for alcohol do not stop locals from going to a bar after work and having a drink with friends. It is curious that Koreans do not consider themselves a nation prone to drinking, but in the evening you can meet many drunk people on the streets of Seoul.

  3. Koreans are active in sports, but especially love baseball and golf. This is due to the enormous influence of the United States in the early 20th century on Korea.

  4. It was in Korea that LG and Samsung appeared, which greatly affected the lifestyle of local residents. Children, youth, old people constantly hang out on their phones.

  5. In the land of gadgets, phones are sold under contracts: you can buy an iPhone for a hundred dollars and pay $25 every month for communication. But if you don't have a Korean ID, you won't be able to buy anything. These are the cyber security rules: residents are allowed up to 5 smartphones, those with a residence permit - 2, foreign students - 1.

  6. Korea loves nature very much and every piece of land in the concrete jungle of Seoul turns into a green park. In general, there are more than 20 national parks located on the country’s territory of only 100,000 square kilometers.

  7. South Korea has a large concentration of workaholics: every Korean is given 14 days a year to rest, and after 2 years of work, you can accumulate 25 vacation days. Only more than half of the population cancels vacation due to work. Here the most important thing in life is education and career.

  8. Koreans are great dance lovers: they dance in the subway, on the streets, in shopping centers.

  9. Koreans eat a lot and variety, almost not limiting themselves to one dish. At the same time, meeting an overweight Korean is very rare.

  10. There are no stray dogs in Korea. Local residents prefer small pocket dogs and, contrary to myths, do not eat dog meat.

And now is the time to find

We present you a new article about interesting facts about South Korea. As always, the sea awaits you useful facts, interesting materials, little-known and unusual data. It's all listed below!

  1. South Korea is a small country located on the Korean Peninsula in the center of East Asia.
  2. In history South Korea There is a well-known myth about the emergence of the Korean nation. It tells that thousands of years BC the god Hwanung descended to earth and created a woman with a bear. After that, they got married and had a son, Tangun, the future founder of Korea. In 2333 BC. he founded the country of Joseon (the great-grandfather of current Korea). It is interesting to know that the name Joseon translates to “Land of Morning Freshness.”
  3. Seoul is the capital of South Korea. The city's population is about 10.5 million people. According to this indicator, Seoul is on the 9th place in the ranking of the most populated cities in the world. The first place in the ranking is occupied by Shanghai with a population of 18 million people. - interesting fact.
  4. Did you know that the population density of the capital of South Korea is 17,300 people/km2! The first place in the world in this indicator is occupied by the Indian city of Mumbai with a density of 20,700 people/km2! Seoul is only eighth.
  5. In 1910, Korea became a colonial state. The country remained in this status until 1945.
  6. North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950 with the goal of creating a unified communist state. The UN intervened in the course of the war, as a result of which hostilities were stopped in 1953. Today, there are no official ties between the countries, and the border between them is one of the most dangerous and militarized areas in the world. Technically, both states are at war.
  7. The Korean language is considered original. However, it has many elements from Chinese and Japanese. This is due to the fact that both countries have had great influence on Korea throughout history. About 1,300 Chinese characters are actively used in modern Korean.
  8. Long before the advent of the religion of Confucianism, in the territories South Korea Shamanism was widespread, but it never had official status.
  9. According to official estimates by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the population of South Korea has the highest IQ in the world! Also, Korean scientists are world leading experts in the field of mathematics and modern technologies- interesting fact.
  10. This eastern state has the most modern and sophisticated IT infrastructure in the world. Korea can also boast of the world's leading brands in the field information technologies. The most famous companies are Samsung and LG.
  11. The country is in the TOP 5 largest producers cars in the world. The most popular brands are Hyundai and Kia.
  12. Interesting fact about South Korea: Full Gospel Church in Yeouido is the most visited Christian temple in the world! Every week the church has more than 20 thousand parishioners.
  13. The most visited museum in Seoul is the Trick Eye Museum. More information about it and other attractions can be found in ours.
  14. South Korea is the world's largest shipbuilder!
  15. Seoul National University has cloned a dog for the first time!
  16. The Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in South Korea has developed the world's second humanoid robot that can move independently on two "legs."
  17. Scientists from South Korea have created “EveR-1” - the second female android in the world! - interesting fact.
  18. South Korea is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. There are 480 people per 1 km2.
  19. Did you know that a country with a population of 50 million people occupies an area of ​​only 99,392 km 2 .
  20. The dominant religion in South Korea is Christianity (29% of the population). The second religion by the number of professers is Buddhism (23%). More than 46% of the population are agnostics and atheists.
  21. Did you know that GDP per capita in 1963 was only $100, but now it has reached $29,000.
  22. Interesting fact: the extinct Hallasan volcano on Jeju Island is the highest point in the South Korean state. Its height is 1950 m above sea level.
  23. There are more than 20 national parks throughout the country.
  24. The residence of the President of South Korea is called the “Blue House”. This is the largest building on the peninsula.
  25. In 1988, the Summer Olympic Games were held in Seoul, where the South Koreans took 4th place. It is interesting to know that at the 2012 Summer Olympics in , the team South Korea entered the top five teams. Let us remind you that the United States of America took first place at these games.
  26. South Korea's economy ranks 14th in the world, and the country is also the 6th largest exporter and 10th largest importer in the world - an interesting fact.
  27. The South Korean government has provided ultra-fast Internet access to educational institutions at all levels. The first digital textbooks have also been developed here, which children and students will use to study. A complete transition to an e-learning system is planned for 2013.
  28. The word "eSports" and all professional video game competitions first appeared in South Korea! It is worth noting that the game “Starcraft” has gained incredible popularity in the country. Championships of all levels were held here, entire leagues and clans were even created. Official statistics say: more than 500 thousand only licensed copies were sold in the country!
  29. Interesting fact: the martial art of Taekwondo was invented in Korea.
  30. It has been proven that Europeans first appeared in South Korea in the late 1600s. It was the crew of a Dutch merchant ship.
  31. Hangan is the longest river in the country. It has been the main source of water for thousands of years.
  32. For their excellent economic performance and the development of modern technologies, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan are called the “Four Asian Tigers”!

Well, that's all the interesting facts. Stay a little and look

But even far beyond its borders there are those who are in love with Korean cuisine, music, films, and TV shows. In 2013 Boston Consulting Group appropriated South Korea title of the most innovative country in the world. This is quite good, considering that South Korea has existed as a state since 1948. And this country is full of interesting customs and facts.

Well, are you ready to test how much you know about Korea?

1. Seoul - capital South Korea. The city's population is about 10.5 million people. According to this indicator Seoul is on the 9th place in the ranking of the most populated cities in the world. (Read )
2. Most visited museum Seoul is the Trick Eye Museum. And the Bampo Bridge is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest fountain bridge in the world (more details).

3. From 1910 to 1945 Korea was occupied by Japan, but after World War II the country was divided into North Korea and Southern.
4. North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950 with the goal of creating a unified communist state. The UN intervened in the course of the war, as a result of which hostilities were stopped in 1953. Today there are no official ties between the countries, and the border between them is one of the most dangerous and militarized areas in the world. Technically, both states are at war.

5. GDP per capita in 1963 was only $100; in 2015 it reached $27,513. For excellent economic performance and the development of modern technologies South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan are called the "Four Tigers of Asia"!
6. The country is among the TOP 5 largest car manufacturers in the world. The most popular brands are Hyundai and Kia. South Korea is the world's largest shipbuilder. About the company's factories Hyundai read .
7. This eastern state has the most modern and sophisticated IT infrastructure in the world. Also Korea can boast of the world's leading brands in the field of information technology. The most famous companies are Samsung and LG. IN Korea the fastest internet in the world, but cellular communications are quite expensive.
8. Almost all Koreans use Internet Explorer. It seems that they don’t even know about other browsers and, moreover, most don’t even know what a browser is. Korean sites, accordingly, are made only for Explorer, Korean sites may not work correctly in any other browser. Many Koreans, in order to open Google, first open (Korean search system), type into the search " Google" in Korean and then click on the link.

9. There are more than 20 national parks in the country (on Doramakune you can read about ,). There are many theme parks, for example in the city of Suwon there is a “toilet” park (more details).
10. Baseball is the most popular sport in South Korea. Everyone plays it, from young to old; almost everyone has a baseball bat. Baseball games, especially big ones, are always sold out. In second place in popularity is golf. It is played by middle-aged men. And when they reach old age, Koreans go to the mountains.
11. Coffee shops can be found at every step, because Koreans are great coffee lovers. And also, there are a lot of themed cafes (,).

12. Korean girls are confidently ready to show off their legs, but not their bust. Until 1979 in South Korea strictly controlled women's clothing. At that time, not only the length of the skirt was regulated, but also the length of the hair.
13. South Korea- the most drinking country in the world. When drinking in Korean company, you need to follow many rules. For example, if the elder pours a drink, then the younger must hold the glass with both hands. If the younger one pours for the older one, then the bottle should also be held with both hands.

14. The word "esports" and all professional video game competitions first appeared in South Korea. It is worth noting that the game "Starcraft" has gained incredible popularity in the country. Championships of all levels were held here, entire leagues and clans were even created. Official statistics say: more than 500 thousand only licensed copies were sold in the country!
15. Koreans love to take pictures. Shove the camera into the front mobile phones It was they who came up with the idea, and in general it is believed that the fashion for selfies came precisely from South Korea.

16. Despite the fact that trash cans are extremely rare on the streets, South Korea- a clean country.
17. Dentist services are very expensive, so all Koreans carefully monitor their dental hygiene. They brush their teeth after every meal and coffee, often carry a toothbrush with them in their bag, and in some establishments you can find free brushes right in the toilet.
More interesting details about South Korea you can find it in the section. ,

South Korea is one of the most interesting countries in the world. Asia is fascinated by Korean food, music and TV programs. Its influence rivals that of China and Japan. And the Boston Consulting Group even called this country the most innovative in the world. Not bad for a state founded only in 1948! “The Land of Morning Freshness” is just gaining momentum and is full of curious customs and interesting facts.


Drinking is an important part of the culture of South Korean society. There are some serious rules here. If your elder pours you a beer, you should hold the glass with both hands. If you're pouring for an older person, hold the bottle with both hands. Only elderly people or those in power can use one hand. In addition, you should always wait until your elder starts drinking.

Even if you don't drink, you should take the first serving offered. Always leave some alcohol in the glass and never add your own.

Red ink

Every society has its own strange superstitions. Koreans can't stand red ink. It is believed that if you write someone's name with a red pen, the person will soon get into serious trouble. He might even die. Some people believe that red ink wards off demons and protects the dead, but with living people the opposite works.

Proper Handshake

Not long ago, Bill Gates excited the South Korean media at a meeting with President Park Geun-hye. His action was considered inappropriate and even an indecent gesture. What did the billionaire do? When Gates held out right hand to the president for a handshake, he left the left one in his trouser pocket. In South Korea, one hand can be used to shake hands with a friend, peer, or someone younger than you. But a senior person or authority figure should always shake hands with both hands.

South Korean education

South Korean students are extraordinarily bright and intelligent, ranking second in the world in terms of their level of erudition. It's all about special private educational institutions. Children attend these academies from an early age to study subjects ranging from maths and science to taekwondo, ballet and belly dancing. The most best teachers attract huge numbers of students, and some teachers become so popular that they earn several million dollars a year. It should be noted that Korean parents shell out $17 billion a year to educate their children in such academies.

There are also back side education medals in South Korea. Students who do not perform well on the main CSAT test cannot be accepted into prestigious colleges; their dreams can only be achieved by the worst educational establishments. This system has led to the fact that the state is experiencing very high level student suicides.

Korean-Japanese rivalry

In the past, Japan had a "bad habit" of invading the Korean Peninsula. In 1910, the Japanese conquered Korea and ruled the country very harshly, forcing Koreans to practice Shinto and speak Japanese. During World War II, the Japanese military forced nearly 200,000 Korean women to work in brothels throughout China.

According to a 2012 poll about the countries Koreans despise the most, Japan led the rankings by a landslide, with a whopping 44.1% of the votes.

Skirt controversy

Even though South Korea is very conservative, miniskirts and micro shorts are almost always in fashion here. Such clothing is considered the norm even for business women. But it was not always so. From 1963 to 1979, dictator Park Chung-hee ruled here, under whose regime it was considered illegal to wear skirts that ended 20 cm above the knee (or even higher). The regime was so strict that even the length of women's hair was determined by law.

"Toilet" - theme parks

There are plenty of weird theme parks around the world, but South Korea is home to some of the weirdest ones. It's home to the world's first toilet-themed amusement park, which opened in 2012 in honor of beloved ex-mayor Shim Jae-duk, nicknamed "Mr. Toilet." He was obsessed with toilets, and his goal was to provide hygienic toilets to humanity and teach the world how to maintain them.

Plastic surgery

According to a 2009 survey, one in five women in South Korea has undergone plastic surgery. Here this is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon, and many schoolgirls are even given plastic surgery as a gift by their parents at graduation.


There are no bullfights, matadors or red capes in South Korea. Bullfighting is simply bull against bull. Farmers select animals with large horns, thick necks and stocky torsos. Fighting bulls undergo special training programs and are fed special diets consisting of fish, live octopus and snakes.

Terminator jellyfish

The world's oceans have been invaded by hordes of jellyfish, and a team of scientists must develop robots that can fight the deadly creatures. Sounds like a sci-fi movie? But that's not true! This is happening off the coast of South Korea and very soon could become a problem for the entire planet. The number of jellyfish around the world is increasing and this is causing a number of problems, disrupting commercial fishing and also forcing tourists to stay away from beaches. In this regard, scientists from the Korean Institute of Advanced Science and Technology have teamed up to fight the jelly-like horde. They invented special robots JEROS (Jellyfish Elimination Robotic Swarm), which hunt and destroy any “jelly” that gets in their way.

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