Black glaze for wood. Colored antiseptic for wood “Master Lazur. Several different types of azure

How building material Wood has a large list of advantages, but there are also significant disadvantages. Chief among them is porosity, which reduces its strength and durability. Wood glaze is effective remedy, which allows you to correct this shortcoming and strengthen weaknesses wood, performs the following functions:

  • extends the resources of objects that are built of wood and lumber;
  • improves the visual appeal of the tree, gives it noble look.

How does the composition work?

This protective material is a glazing composition that preserves the original texture of the wood and strengthens its surface.

Untreated wood needs protection from the harmful effects of aggressive natural phenomena:

  • atmospheric precipitation;
  • intense ultraviolet radiation;
  • fungi, mold, rot, insect pests.

Azure consists of pigments, binders and a solvent. When applied, it penetrates deeply into the material and closes the pores of the wood - the solvent evaporates from the composition, and the binding elements create a translucent surface on the wood protective film.

With timely processing of lumber with special SAICOS compounds, damage to construction projects or individual structural elements is prevented. The tree does not rot, is not damaged by pests, does not fade in the sun and does not lose its presentable appearance for many years.

Classification by density

On modern market There are 3 types of azure, which are essentially modifications designed for different purposes and requirements:

  1. Thin layer.
  2. Medium layer.
  3. Thick layer.

These types differ in density, consistency and scope of use.

Thin layer

The thin-layer category includes fluid liquid material, designed for deep penetration into the structure of wood fibers. This product is completely absorbed, and as a result, a characteristic thin film remains on the surface of the object. Ideal for:

  • products and structures with complex shapes;
  • structures that involve changing shape.

When using this composition, it is possible to avoid the problem of cracks in a wooden product, as happens when coated with wood varnish. The thin-layer product does not leave a thick film, as varnish does, so when the product dries, the surface does not crack.

Medium layer

It is thicker than thin layer. She doesn't penetrate so well porous structure wood, but at the same time a colorless elastic film with good protective properties remains on the surface of the product. Thanks to this layer, the wood does not suffer from negative impacts coming from outside: sun rays, precipitation, temperature changes.

Using medium-layer, the following types of wood products are processed:

  • frames;
  • beams;
  • any structures and their elements that do not deform during operation and are not subject to excessive mechanical load.

Thick layer

The most thick product with the least fluidity and limited impregnation ability. The protective film from this material is the densest and thickest, so the possibilities for using a thick-layer composition are much wider than those of the other two types. The price of such a product is higher than the cost of more fluid analogues. It is used to treat objects that are constantly outdoors, exposed to atmospheric and other natural factors.

Classification by composition

These wood coatings are made using three main technologies. They mainly differ in the substance on which the product is produced:

  • Oil - multicomponent compositions that effectively prevent damage to wood from the appearance of fungal colonies and blue stains. When processed with them, the tree gets a noble appearance. The texture of the fibers stands out favorably and receives a subtle natural shade.
  • Solvent based - best choice during planned operation wooden structures in bad weather conditions. This category of compositions exhibits increased resistance to precipitation and negative atmospheric phenomena, and also provides maximum protection for wood from ultraviolet radiation.
  • On water based or acrylic - a category of glaze impregnations with the highest penetrating ability among all types protective equipment tree.

Oil impregnations contain natural ingredients and aromatic oils:

  • castor;
  • linen;
  • sunflower;
  • oil orange tree;
  • rosin glycerin ether;
  • drying components;
  • vegetable alcohol.

Oil-based glaze does not contain lead or other components that could be harmful to human health. The intensity and richness of the tone of the product changes by adding certain pigments.

The category of impregnations based on inorganic solvents often has an alkyd varnish as its base with the addition of components with penetrating and antiseptic effects. Also, pigments are added to the composition of such products, emphasizing the noble beauty of wood.

The water-based product is made by combining acrylic dispersions, biocidal additives, light-resistant pigments and distilled water. This cocktail of components enhances the protection of wood and helps preserve its valuable properties and characteristics for a long time.

How to apply?

Application methods are selected depending on the base of the product: oil mixture or solvent.

The procedure for applying the oil composition is as follows:

  • If the wood is damp, it needs to be dried, and areas with oozing resin should be treated with a cloth flap soaked in white spirit. The surface of the lumber should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and sanded. The resulting dust must be removed.
  • To prepare, stir the contents of the jar for 1–2 minutes until a homogeneous impregnation consistency is obtained.
  • A roller or brush is used for application, and a spray bottle is used to treat large areas.

Before applying the next layer (if necessary), wait until the previous layer has dried. Application in 2-3 layers allows you to achieve a more intense, rich shade.

When treating with a solvent-based glazing compound, it is important to clean the lumber from dirt and sand the surface well to open the pores and improve the permeability of the material. Glazing liquids are not applied to surfaces previously coated with wood paint.

The advantage of SAICOS glaze is that it is sold ready-made, with the correct consistency - it does not need to be diluted before application. This product can be used at a temperature of at least +5 °C. It is advisable to choose a cloudy or cloudy day when there are no too bright sun rays.

Advantages of Saikos products

German-made SAICOS azure is a high-quality protective coating that has the following advantages:

  • safety and environmental friendliness;
  • no odor;
  • ease of application;
  • vapor permeability;
  • low consumption;
  • shelf life – from 5 years.
We offer our customers absolutely harmless impregnations made on a plant basis. They fully comply with the principles careful attitude to the environment. The composition does not need to be diluted. Its consumption is 1 liter per 24–36 m2 when applied in a single layer, it has no odor and no components that can harm nature and human health. Wood impregnated with such agents will receive reliable protection from negative factors and will look presentable for many years.

Wood glazes for exterior use are special compositions, transparent coatings designed specifically to protect exterior surfaces. wooden surfaces from negative impact environment: UV rays, insects, fungus, mold high humidity and others.

Such protective materials are used to prepare the surface for subsequent processing: priming, painting. Glaze also prevents cracking of the material, allows you to renew and improve appearance wooden surface.

There are several types of azure for exterior use:

  • Thin layer. The composition has a liquid consistency. This impregnation penetrates deeply into the layers of wood and does not form a film on the surface of the material. Ideal for processing wooden fences, cladding, garden houses, gazebos.
  • Medium layer. This composition is deeply absorbed into the wood and prevents moisture from entering. Suitable for covering frame elements of a house.
  • Thick layer. The composition has a thick, runny consistency. Penetrates deeply into the layers of wood, forming a protective film on the surface. Suitable for processing window frames, door panels.

Lazuli and oils are used to protect wood structures from the appearance of blue stains and fungi, which have a detrimental effect on wood, destroying its structure.

The composition of the glaze usually includes various special components: oils (orange, linseed), rosin, vegetable alcohols, and so on; you can find the detailed composition of each glaze in the technical description.

The manufacturer can add pigment substances that allow you to achieve a certain tone or shade.

Exterior glazes and oils are often used to renew surfaces. A fresh coating can gracefully highlight the texture of natural wood.

Remmers range of exterior glazes

  • Water-based glazes. The coatings are ideal for processing wood (coniferous, deciduous) both outside and indoors.

Allows you to obtain a silky gloss effect on the surface of the structure being processed.

Protecting wood from moisture and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

  • Many glazes and wood oils for exterior use are highly resistant to UV rays and precipitation.

The coatings have dirt-repellent properties, are quickly applied and penetrate deeply into the wood, forming a glossy-silky film.

  • Special soils with increased resistance to moisture to protect coniferous wood from rotting and blue staining.
  • Lazur premium wood oil. The coating is suitable for processing wooden facades, roofs, outbuildings on a personal plot.

Remmers glazes and impregnations protect wood from the appearance of fungus, mold, insects and their larvae.

Wood glaze is a paint and varnish material used to protect wood from external factors and to give the wood the desired shade without forming a film. What to choose - varnish or glaze for wood, what glazes for wood exist and how to apply them - you will learn from this article.

Wood glaze: what is it?

As you know, a tree needs protection. This natural material susceptible to damage by mold, fungi, ultraviolet radiation and moisture. Our task is to extend the life of wood using protective compounds. Essentially, azure is a glaze that can be used for both exterior and interior works. And a nice bonus of such an antiseptic is the ability to give the wood a beautiful matte shine and the desired shade (manufacturers offer many azure colors). Azure may have fungicidal properties, that is, it protects wood from biodestroyers. In addition, wood glaze has a dirt-repellent function, makes the wood surface elastic, resistant to abrasion and is suitable for all types of wood.

What is the main difference between varnishes and glazes? As you know, varnishes are dissolved polymers and resins. After applying varnishes, the volatile solvent evaporates, and due to the polymerization of film-forming agents, a film is formed on the surface. But glazes can either form films on the surface or not - it all depends on the thickness of the layer applied and the glaze itself (thick-layer or thin-layer). When applying glaze, it penetrates the wood, but allows it to breathe to varying degrees.

By the way, azure itself is non-flammable, but rags and sponges soaked in it can spontaneously ignite. Therefore, they are washed and dried over a non-flammable surface.

Wood glaze is a great way to protect wood while maintaining the beauty of its texture. Azure is a worthy alternative to varnishes and paints for wood, and in many cases this product, which performs both decorative and protective functions, is the best option for a site or home.

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmWood. Wood-Industrial Bulletin"

Wood is a natural lumber that is used in construction and finishing works. But, unfortunately, everything wood materials differ in porosity, which reduces their strength. In order to cope with such a natural problem, today you should not put in too much effort. It is only important to study the paint and varnish products market and decide which one is best suited in a particular situation.

One of the most reliable paints and varnishes for treating natural surfaces is wood glaze. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

Characteristics and features of wood glaze

This paint and varnish product acts as a reliable protector of any surface from negative impacts of a mechanical and physical nature. When performing both interior and exterior finishing work, azure acts as an antiseptic, which not only protects the wood, but also gives it a pleasant appearance. The result will give you great pleasure. It is worth noting that glaze for wood also performs a dirt-repellent function.

Please note: glaze, unlike when applied to the surface, does not form a film, which allows the wood to breathe. This factor also affects the durability of the wood, since the likelihood of peeling or cracking is significantly reduced.

Wood glaze composition

Before using any paint and varnish material, it is important to study its composition, since the environmental friendliness of these products is of no small importance, especially when it comes to interior decoration premises.

As a rule, any type of wood glaze consists of the following components:

Based on the given composition of the azure, we can conclude that products of this type are environmentally friendly and can be used for finishing wood in any room, be it a kitchen, bedroom or children's room.

Types of azure

Like everyone else paint and varnish materials, azure has several types, which allows it to be used in finishing work, taking into account the satisfaction of the necessary criteria. Today there are the following types azure:

  1. Thin layer. This type Lazuli is a very liquid solution that penetrates deeply into the wood structure. Most often used for finishing products prone to deformation. For example, a fence or sheathing. This type does not cover the lumber, but only saturates it, which in turn is good protection from the rays of the sun and moisture.
  2. Thick layer. Using this type, you can achieve the appearance of a thin film on the wood. This type of azure is intended for window frames, doorways and others wooden products, which are not prone to deformation.
  3. Medium layer. This type has an average value between the two types listed above and is suitable for protecting lumber, the deformation of which is not very pronounced.

The composition of the glaze base can be oil, water, or solvent based.