Vocal lessons at home. Constant training will help you develop a beautiful and pleasant voice. Mooing correctly should make your lips itch

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They say that every person has hearing and a voice, but some have developed this ability, while others do not. Is this true, and how can I fix it? In this article, Teach It will tell you about exercises aimed at learning to sing and give many useful recommendations.

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First you need to understand that people who have a natural talent for singing learn faster. That is, the learning process is directly dependent on natural data. However, this does not mean that only such people will be able to learn to sing, since vocal technique plays a big role, and everyone can learn to control the voice as an instrument.

Don't believe it if they tell you that learning to sing from scratch is impossible! Everyone can achieve what they want! Even those who were asked not to spoil the sound of a song and to shut up. But prepare for difficulties. You will need a lot of time, patience and effort.

  • The first thing a novice vocalist needs to do is stop being afraid to control his own voice and learn to “present” it.
  • It’s worth learning how to breathe properly with your belly! While singing, do not try to take a deep breath. Imagine that you have a light rod inside you from your stomach to your throat, the base of which is located in your stomach. When you make a sound, the stomach should not retract, it should grow. Don't forget, to learn to sing, you need to breathe correctly! Moreover, if you develop respiratory system, this will help strengthen blood vessels, and this will help you get less colds and your immune system will become stronger.
  • If you have speech therapy problems: incorrect pronunciation of sounds, stuttering, etc., vocals can overcome this effectively and quickly. He copes well with congenital and acquired speech defects and develops diction. The main thing is your desire!
  • Recitative reading of texts and tongue twisters will help develop correct declaration. Golden Rule arts - consonants are pronounced, vowels are sung.
  • In addition to notes, there is also musical notation (musical signs, duration of notes, size of the work - bekar, sharp, grace notes, pauses, notes, tonality, etc.). Mastering all this is quite difficult, but in order to easily read music texts, it is necessary.
  • It’s good if, in addition to the desire to sing, you also have a desire to play a musical instrument. Thanks to this, the question “how to learn to sing beautifully” is solved twice as quickly.


  • To sing beautifully, you don’t have to attend singing schools or even leave home. You can learn this with the help of fairly common and popular distance training and online classes. Especially if you are not going to attend professional classes. Therefore, if you decide to dedicate a song to your beloved or loved one, but at the same time want to look decent, UchiEto has selected some tips:
  • Stand in front of a mirror and do these exercises. Start singing the vowels: e, s, u, o, i, e, a. With “s” - imagine you are painting your lips - your mouth should be half open so that a noticeable smile can be seen. On the “o”, make a bagel with your mouth. On “and” - the corners of your lips begin to reach towards your ears so that it looks like you are smiling. On “e” and “e” - remember opera singers, open mouth with a noticeable smile. On “a” - the mouth needs to be opened wide so that the lower jaw reaches the chest. Now sing all the vowels in a row, taking into account singing on your stomach and how to open your mouth. Do this every day, and when you succeed, you can move on to the works. But remember that there must be a golden mean in everything, do not overdo it.
  • Before you learn to sing beautifully, for yourself or professionally, you should learn a couple of chants. Surely you remember them from your school days. Popular “mi-me-ma-mo-mu” and others. This is necessary to warm up the ligaments and prepare them for prolonged singing. After all, if you are not prepared, your voice may simply wheeze, break, and so on.
  • When choosing a song to sing with a backing track, you need to consider that it is in your key - so that it is comfortable to sing (not high and not low). Even if you learn to sing beautifully, if you choose a piece that is not in your key, it will all be in vain.
  • Don't sing outside, especially when it's cool. Before singing, do not eat cookies, bread, chocolate or drink cold drinks.

Posted On 02/26/2018

Over the past fifteen to twenty years, family song culture has practically disappeared in Russia, and this is a very serious loss.

Previously, the song sounded constantly: adults sang, gathering at the same table; mothers sang as they put their babies to bed.

People sang just like that: going on a hike, digging potatoes, doing spring cleaning.

And yet, song traditions are gradually returning.

Today, a huge number of people dream of not just singing, but doing it correctly and beautifully. Not everyone has the opportunity to study vocals with a professional teacher. In this case, try to learn to sing on your own at home.

Karaoke is a real find for lovers of singing. Many people sing at home, in karaoke clubs, with friends and just for themselves. There are talented people who are given a voice by nature, and then they may well find themselves in the profession of a vocalist.

How to learn to sing at home? First of all, understand that it won’t work out easily and quickly. If you want to achieve a truly good result, you will have to work in three directions:

Develop proper breathing;

Learn to articulate correctly;

Choose a suitable repertoire.

So how to breathe correctly and why is it important for those who want to learn to sing? The problem is that many amateurs sing well, but they do not have the volume and power of sound.

This happens because the layperson exhales the air immediately without holding it in. The air runs out, the muscles relax - the sound is lost.

The biggest mistake is to inhale air into the upper part of the lungs. With such shallow breathing, the shoulders and collarbones rise, and tension in the neck and ligaments occurs. You won’t get a beautiful “flight” sound.

How to understand what correct breathing is? There is a very simple way. You need to lie down, relax and imagine yourself sleeping. During sleep, a person breathes most physiologically. Air is drawn into the lower parts of the lungs. This can be understood by the fact that it is not the chest that rises in a sleeping person, but the stomach.

This is exactly how a person who wants to learn to sing at home, without a teacher, needs to learn to breathe with his stomach. It is not by chance that such breathing is called diaphragmatic. The air-filled lungs in the lower part expand and begin to put pressure on the diaphragm. A good breathing support is created, without which it will not be possible to get a strong, clear sound. The diaphragm is the secret to proper breathing and successful vocal training.

To check whether you are breathing correctly, stand against a wall, straighten your shoulders and inhale, placing your hand or (for clarity) some elongated object on your stomach: a comb, a small umbrella. If you feel that your hand has moved forward or you see how your stomach has “pushed” an object, everything is in order: this is exactly it, breathing with your stomach, or with your diaphragm.

Now you need to train your muscles with special exercises. The more you practice, the faster and better you will learn to sing. In fact, the stronger and longer you pull the sound, the stronger the tension in the muscles should be. This will help you sing the entire musical phrase, or even two, without tension, beautifully and fully.

If you inhale air and immediately exhale, the end of the phrases will simply “smear” or not sound at all. This is why an amateur singer often does not “reach” a line to the end. To avoid a common mistake, you need to learn to hold the breathing support constantly.

Regular abdominal pumping is a good help, but there are also professional exercises.

Exhale as much air as possible, then, without drawing air into the chest, breathe “press”, inhaling and exhaling with effort. This exercise is intended specifically to develop the diaphragm; you cannot breathe this way while singing! Inhalation is done through the nose. As you inhale, the stomach retracts, and as you exhale, it protrudes slightly. The pace of inhalation and exhalation should gradually increase as the diaphragm strengthens.

Classic academic exercise for the diaphragm: imitate a shout. Imagine that you need to call out to a person located at a far distance. Shout “hey!”, feeling your diaphragm tighten. Do 8 - 10 of these “shouts.”

How to breathe correctly when singing? Take in air through your nose, filling it as much as possible bottom part lungs. Inhalation should be silent, free, natural. Chest or clavicular breathing is unacceptable: you will simply become out of breath when singing and overload your ligaments. This is fraught with loss of voice, hoarseness, and sore throat.

You need to train daily. This is the main condition for success: the respiratory and articulatory apparatus must receive a constant load in order to be in good shape and maintain strength. A well-developed diaphragm is elastic and strong. Thanks to it, you can gradually develop your technique and learn to sing well.

How to learn to sing at home: important exercises

Daily exercises must include exercises to strengthen ligaments and articulation. The initial task is to learn how to get rid of tension in the throat and relax the ligaments. You will need to master a “vocal mask” - this is a special facial expression that allows you to sing sounds easier, stronger, and more beautifully.

Exercise “Wide Throat”:

Make a “vocal mask”: smile slightly, feeling the tension in your cheekbones;

Pull out your tongue while maintaining the “smile mask.” To make it easier, you can hold your cheeks with your fingers;

While maintaining this facial expression, breathe like a dog, at different paces. It is important to feel tension in the abs, coolness and relaxation in the neck. You can help yourself by placing a pencil, a sushi stick, or a pen on your tongue;

Maintaining the position of your tongue and cheeks, lower your jaw as low as possible and continue to breathe;

Leave the facial muscles in this position and pronounce the sound “a”, pushing it out with your stomach.

In this position, the ligaments rest.

The most important quality of correct singing is correct articulation, that is, clear pronunciation of vowels and consonants.

Articulation development exercise.

Include the original song. It's good if you remember the words by heart. If not, you need to have the text in front of your eyes.

Take a thick marker or felt-tip pen and hold it between your teeth. The main task is to hold the felt-tip pen while pronouncing words. Make sure that your upper teeth hang over the felt-tip pen: this will make it easier to sing the sound.

You don't need to try to sing at first, it's important to say the words. The tongue at this moment should not be either under or above the felt-tip pen. When pronouncing, he will constantly encounter an obstacle and get tired. This is a serious workout for the muscles.

After doing the exercise two or three times, you can move on to singing the text. Do three repetitions of the chant.

Now you can sing without a felt-tip pen. The point is that the articulatory apparatus remembers the position of the facial muscles, at which it will be easy for him to sing. Thus, the exercise allows you not only to improve articulation, but also to get used to the “vocal mask”.

Certainly, do not ignore tongue twisters - required element developing clear diction for all artists. When pronouncing tongue twisters, pay attention to the endings of words: they cannot be “swallowed”; the phrase must sound clear from beginning to end.

Some breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are excellent for simultaneously training the respiratory organs, vocal cords, and diaphragm. Many singers practice this system, why not beginner vocalists? The basis of this paradoxical system is a special breath through the nose. It should be sharp, short and noisy. But the exhalation should be completely unnoticed, light, it should be done with the mouth. You need to focus on inhalation.

Exercise "Pump".

Make a half-bow, lowering your arms freely. The back is rounded, feet shoulder-width apart.

Make the tilt stronger, as if you were actually working with a pump, and at the same time inhale sharply.

Take the original position along with a silent exhalation.

Repeat. One cycle of exercise - eight breaths. The full exercise is 12 cycles.

Exercise "Hug your shoulders" aims to expand the lower part of the lungs, which is very important for singers. When inhaling, the chest should tighten and all the air will rush down.

Place your arms parallel to the floor, bending your elbows. One hand is placed on top of the other.

Sharply, while inhaling, throw your arms towards each other, hugging yourself by the shoulders and simultaneously squeezing your chest.

As you exhale, release the compression and return to the original position.

The number of repetitions is the same.

Another great exercise should be done in the same way as the Pump.

However, your hands should be placed on your stomach. Simultaneously with the bend, press on the press and pronounce syllables with any consonants and vowels “i”, “u”, “o”, “e”. It will turn out very similar to the classic chant “mi-mu-me-mo”, “ri-ru-re-ro”, etc. The exercise helps develop respiratory support and voice.

How to learn to sing at home: choosing a repertoire

It's time to choose the right repertoire. It's not as simple as it might seem. It is important to catch the tonality (voice pitch) at which the cords will work as comfortably as possible, without tension. If the song is “yours”, the sound will flow freely, without clamps.

First try to sing individual sounds in unison (same sound) to the selected song. This means that two sounds of the same pitch will sound simultaneously: your voice and the music. If there are any at home musical instrument or a tuning fork, it’s easier to make the sound clear. Select the sound with your voice so that it matches and merges with the instrument or tuning fork. To begin with, you can do this without opening your lips, that is, simply hum.

If there are recordings of your favorite song performed by a professional artist, and if the key suits you, start singing. Try to copy the intonation, facial expressions, and movements of the singer - this will help you master the singing technique. Ideally, your voice and the artist's voice should merge completely.

The next stage is to try to sing karaoke or the “backing track” of the chosen song. Be sure to record your performance and listen to it. When a person sings, he does not hear himself. Analysis of the recording will allow you to see errors and work on them. For example, if you are out of tune somewhere, that is, you are not in tune, you need to work on this fragment.

Children's songs are very helpful in learning to sing. They usually have a narrow range and a pleasant and understandable melody. When the children's repertoire is mastered, you can switch to popular music, romances, folk songs that you like.

If you know foreign language- Amazing. Songs by foreign performers will significantly expand your repertoire.

How to learn to sing if you have no voice?

If you don’t know, that’s good: thanks to music you can learn a language. The main thing is that the work should be technically simple, sound within one octave (that is, there should not be too much difference between low and high sounds) and have simple lyrics.

Ask well-meaning relatives or friends who have an ear for music to listen to you sing. Don't take criticism with hostility. After all, you are just learning to sing, so every comment will only help.

How to set your own voice

How to set your voice yourself at home

In this material we will tell you how to set up your voice yourself at home and talk about vocal support.

First you need to understand the basic things of how to set your own voice. The main thing is that the sound must come from deep inside.

Take a deep breath, only then speak. Relax at this time, the sounds will come from inside your body smoothly and easily. Try it!

How to stage your voice and speech yourself

If you only need to figure out how to stage your voice and speech yourself, then everything will be a little easier than if you want to learn to sing.

Let's look at the primary reason why you are not being heard.

Why so quiet

You need to become more confident in yourself and you will immediately begin to speak louder and clearer. In fact, when you're talking, start paying attention and force yourself to speak louder. Over time, this will become a habit.

In addition to external self-confidence, exercise will help, start with several breathing techniques.

Breathing exercises

  • Inhale air quickly through your nose, then slowly release it through your mouth. Repeat for 5 minutes.
  • Growl - this will develop your articulation. Change the volume, tone - from low to high notes.
  • Inhale as much air as possible through your mouth, then gently begin to exhale it. As you exhale, pronounce the letters (a, o, u, i, e, s). Do this so that the sound of the letter is heard as loudly and as long as possible.

Voice training for vocals yourself

When you feel that all the sounds come from inside your body, you feel how it vibrates, filled with air, which is transformed into speech at the output, it’s time to understand how to create a voice for vocals yourself.

Chants for singing

To the accompaniment of a piano (Have you already bought it? You won’t be able to learn to sing without knowing the octaves of the piano and having the instrument itself.) sing the sounds o, e, u, and, combining them with different consonants, for example lo-le-lu-li and so on. You don't have to take piano lessons. You just need to know the notes on the keyboard.

Feel for the lowest note you can sing and the highest one. Sing by raising the notes and then lowering them. This will help you both develop your ear for music and stretch your vocal cords.

In fact, there are a lot of exercises that you can find on YouTube, including on our channel (see the link at the bottom of the page).

How to learn to sing if you have no hearing, or, What to do if “a bear stepped on your ear”?

If you think you don't have data

How to learn to sing on your own if you don’t have a voice? There is no such thing as not having a voice.

If you are ordinary healthy man, then there shouldn't be any problems. As we already wrote, the main thing is training. Through training, you will find vocal support and deliver vocals.

For some it will be an easy path, for others it will be difficult. It is important not to give up on the learning path.

To progress quickly and understand where to start - sign up for your first free lesson with a vocal teacher!

How to learn to sing if you have no voice

Let's start with what the common expression "I don't have the right voice to sing" is. Surely, you have heard similar complaints from people who dreamed about the lives of famous rockers and other pop heroes. Perhaps you think so about yourself, remembering your unsuccessful attempts to cover the creations of your favorite musical groups. Your voice seems too rough, raspy or too quiet, which may lead you to think that vocals are a path reserved for the privileged few who are lucky enough to have naturally developed vocal cords.

About "lack of voice"

Fortunately, all these fears are not as justified as they might seem. Few people are lucky enough in life to be born with an excellent baritone, immediately suitable for performing cult hits. You will be surprised, but even many famous musicians and vocalists at one time went through a difficult path of doubt while developing their style and tone of singing. As in many other areas of life, vocals require long and hard training, which can unlock the potential of even those voices that were previously considered hopeless.

Is it possible to learn to sing if you don't have a voice?

Does it really happen that a voice that is disgusting even to its owner suddenly finds its application in pop art?" The reality is that the lion's share of those songs that you hear on the radio, player and TV are performed by those who, before appropriate exercises and work on with their voices in life would not be allowed to the microphone. If a person has a soul for music, he will find a way to join it. If you consider yourself to be one of those, MuzShock are ready to help with this, giving you guidance on where to start the difficult path. .

On this moment There is a set of trainings for the vocal cords aimed at developing and improving them. If carried out correctly, the first results will become noticeable within a few weeks, depending on your voice type. In addition, the respiratory system and speech apparatus, which are also directly involved in vocals, also need training. These exercises teach a person to “tune” his body to the loads that he experiences while singing, namely:

  • Depending on the genre, the vocal cords may be used to varying degrees of intensity. However, even in such genres as rock or metal, where it seems that the singer is “just screaming,” the performer competently distributes the load on his throat. Remember Bennington's energetic style, often going to high notes in choruses. The final result cannot be called an ordinary “yell into a microphone.” After listening to these moments in the track several times, you will notice how subtly the singer switched between different tones, as if tuning his baritone to required level and rhythm.
  • Of course, it is almost impossible for an inexperienced vocalist to repeat something like this without training, and the reason for this is not at all natural talent, but the untapped potential of the voice and other related “systems” of the body. During the continuous performance of one or several verses of a song, the most important obstacle for beginning vocalists is the inability to breathe correctly. Unlike everyday conversation, where tone of voice plays less of a role, when singing, an inappropriate breath can disrupt the rhythm and “drown the voice.” This is especially audible in the microphone.
  • In addition to the voice, a problem for a beginning singer can also be the lack of a developed ear for music. Another talent related to the professional skills of vocalists, thanks to which they are able to perceive the melody more deeply, distinguishing individual notes and the slightest changes in them. A person who has devoted his life to the musical field inevitably develops, over time, an absolutely accurate ear, useful for both composers and singers.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that vocals are quite multifaceted and technical activities, requiring a serious approach, with which almost any beginner can, over time, learn to sing on the stage in a way that he did not even hope to do at the beginning of his journey. For those who are determined to try their hand in this direction, the next paragraph of this article has been written.

You are probably already wondering how to learn to sing at home if you don’t have a voice and what exercise programs we talked about above. We are talking about a relatively small list of workouts that need to be correctly repeated on a daily basis:

  • Start with the simplest - from working on my pronunciation. Combining singing with correct diction is much more difficult than it might seem from the outside.

    How to sing if you have no voice?

    Old conversational habits inevitably make themselves felt, where it is acceptable to miss a syllable, skip a sound, or even chew a word. In addition, the tempo of our dialogues has little in common with the vocal one, therefore, once behind the microphone, the beginner begins to confuse the text and start talking, simply not keeping up with the rhythm of the song. Resort to folk remedy- tongue twisters. They will allow you to hone your technique for quickly and accurate pronunciation complex sentences and texts.

    In addition, in the process you will probably discover another error...

  • …namely shortness of breath. As mentioned above, vocalists' respiratory system operates at a more "economical" level. It is based on switching breaths to the nose and stomach, instead of the usual breathing through the mouth with a load in the diaphragm. For better results, combine this exercise with the same tongue twisters, getting used to breathing silently while singing. Stand with your back to a wall or other flat surface vertical surface and, to begin with, take calm breaths in and out through your nose, passing the air “through your stomach.” Over time, learn to breathe more energetically and as quietly as possible. This way you can “separate” the respiratory system and the speech apparatus, reducing the effect of shortness of breath on the tone of your voice.
  • Afterwards, go to the basics of singing itself. Find audio recordings with musical notes on the Internet and try to sing each of them. Try to keep your timbre minimally different from the melody being played. Most likely, at first it will seem to you that your voice is completely “wooden” and is not capable of sounding more than a few of the notes presented. Don’t rush to conclusions, because the lion’s share of average people have the same problem, the cause of which lies in undeveloped vocal cords. Repeat this exercise every day, at least for half an hour, and after a month or two you will notice that your voice has an order of magnitude more nuances.
  • At this point the next stage begins, which consists in applying the learned notes in practice. Find any of the songs by the artist that suits you best and try to sing it. You shouldn’t immediately rush to make a cover version in a hurry, without first getting used to the text of the work. Read it several times, carefully studying the performance process on audio (or better yet, on video), and then sing it yourself. For the first time, try to do without musical accompaniment, changing only the tonality and timbre of your voice. At the same time, you can record your workout on a voice recorder and then compare the result with the original, noticing flaws.

Help MuzShock

For those readers who are faced with the acute question of how to learn to sing beautifully if they don’t have a voice and the opportunity to practice at home, you can take the simpler route and sign up for individual vocal lessons at MuzShock. The studio has extensive experience in training men and women of almost all ages in various fields musical sphere. Besides singing, you can learn the basics of drumming, acoustic guitars and keys (the listed options do not apply to vocal singing training and are discussed separately).

Sign up for lessons

Most people mistakenly assume that if they don't naturally have singing talent, then they don't need to try to learn. But, fortunately, there are people who, despite everything, realized that with training and practice you can achieve great results. Not only have they figured it out, but they are sharing their discoveries. So now there are a lot effective methods put on a pretty good voice out of practically nothing. The question of how to learn to sing at home if you don’t have a voice is getting more and more good answers. So what can you do to improve your vocal skills? How to defeat a bear that stepped on your ear?

Voice training with exercises

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The very first and most important thing is voice production. Because if nature has not rewarded you with singing beauty, then it needs to be created and honed, at least at the initial stage. We are talking about special exercises that many vocalists, both little-known and very famous, do. After all, many people understand that even the stars of world show business sometimes made their way into the music world far from talent. A whole crowd of modern singers and singers came to the stage completely without a voice, but through the right approach to the voice and constant efforts they learned to sing well.

So, exercises are the easiest way to learn to sing at home if you don’t have a voice. Many may remember how in school, during physical education lessons, they stood in a pose where their legs were shoulder-width apart and their arms were held along the body. If you smoothly bend forward from this position, pointing your arms straight down, almost reaching the floor with your fingertips, you can perfectly develop your respiratory system. And this is the main criterion in voice production. Just remember that when you bend over, you must take an active breath through your nose, and when you straighten up, silently, passively exhale through your mouth. This exercise not only helps improve your voice, but also overcomes pain in the liver and heart, as well as asthma attacks. Many vocalists do such exercises even when they have a natural talent for singing. The speed of bending and straightening should be the same as the speed of the marching step. It is necessary to do 12 approaches of 8 inclinations.

There is another cool exercise, the essence of which is to hug your own shoulders. Only the arms should be parallel to each other, they should never be crossed. And with every sharp hug, you should take the same sharp breath through your nose. Exhalation, of course, is done along with throwing your arms to the sides. If you do these exercises correctly, and do not change the order of your hands, you will be able to achieve amazing tone of all organs that take part in the formation of sounds. Of course, each activity has its limitations, and if it is difficult for you to do it, or it causes pain, it is better to find an alternative.

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After you have prepared your body for singing, you can start chanting. Now there are many different advice, but it’s better to study according to the old “grandfather’s” method, which you can try to learn from old music teachers. Well, or you can try to remember from school primary classes. In general, to learn how to sing at home, if you don’t have a voice, hum the sounds O, E, U, I, combining them with different vowels.

The most best options, which help to clear and maximize the development of the voice:

  • ri-ru-re-ro;
  • gi-gu-ge-go;
  • kri-kru-kre-kro;
  • shi-shu-she-sho;
  • li-lu-le-lo.

But you shouldn’t stop at just these options. A couple of lessons and these chants will become a habit. Try to make some changes in the sound and pitch of your voice, change the timbre, and then the exercises will be beneficial.

The right choice of training method is the key to success

After your steps in developing and staging your voice, which you can do on your own, we advise you to turn to various techniques. Of course, you don’t have to study with a teacher or attend music courses, because everything you might need is available on the Internet. In most methods developed by eminent experts in the field of vocals and music, there are exercises called “eights”. Its essence is that you need to count out loud to eight 10-15 times, and before that hold your breath. If you find this exercise in a singing training course, then this course is most likely adequate and effective. This means you can learn to sing from it.

Naturally, it is better to work with a professional. He won’t miss anything, he will be able to get at least some semblance of vocal abilities out of a person. And especially if the student really wants to sing. But since most people are shy, they need to study alone. And with due effort, this almost always works out. And if you want to know more information on this topic, you can read the article:. You can also do a lot of other things at home, for example, or

Video lessons

Beautiful singing depends on various factors. First of all, from musical ear. It is a mistaken belief that there may be no hearing at all. Every person has it, but for some it is pronounced, while for others it needs to be developed. He needs constant training. To develop hearing, experts recommend performing the following exercises:

1. The first exercise is called: “Finger to the sky.” It's very simple. Find a constant source of noise in your home. This could be the sound of the refrigerator running. Try to make any sound, such as “ahhhh,” in unison with the sound of the refrigerator. Try to match your tempo and pitch;

2. The second exercise is the opposite. When near a noise source, you should imitate the sound of any household item, creating resonance with the noise of the refrigerator, as in our case.

An important component in the singing process is the ability to breathe correctly. Most people sing well, but they don't have enough lung capacity to gain required amount air. They exhale immediately at the first sound, and then the sound is lost. In order to learn how to properly fill your lungs with air, you need to lie on your back. It is when a person sleeps that he breathes deeply. While lying on your back, inhale deeply. Our goal is to fill the lower part of the lungs with air.

The condition of your stomach will help you understand whether you are doing the right thing or not. When the lung is completely filled, it rises. It is through the stomach that the singer should breathe. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve a strong and clear sound.

What do you need to do to sing beautifully?

The strength of the sound also depends on muscle tension. To sing well, you need to train your muscles. This can be done using simple exercises on pumping up the press. You can use specialized exercises:

  1. Having exhaled all the air without drawing it into the chest, breathe with the press, sharply inhaling and exhaling. This exercise trains the diaphragm;
  2. Imitation of a shout. This is a classic exercise in which you seem to respond to a person who is far away from you. You need to shout “hey” ten times.

To sing correctly, you need to breathe deeply. The lower parts of the lung are filled with air. We inhale silently and freely. Chest breathing is unacceptable. This will lead to rapid loss of voice and hoarseness.

What you need to do to sing well: exercises for home singing

Do articulation classes every day. Their goal is to relieve tension from the ligaments. The following exercises are suitable for this:

  1. Create a vocal mask - smile so that tension is felt in the cheekbones;
  2. Pull your tongue out while maintaining a smile mask;
  3. While maintaining this position, you need to breathe like a dog at different paces;
  4. Maintaining the position of your cheeks and tongue, while continuing to breathe, lower your jaw;
  5. In the same position, pronounce the sound “a”, pushing it out with your stomach.

Pay great attention to articulation. You can say tongue twisters more often. This will be a great workout. Pay attention to the fact that the tongue twister must be pronounced clearly until the very end; you must not swallow the endings.

Feel free to develop your talent and success will be achieved!

There is something creative in every person: some are interested in drawing, dancing, some have found themselves in acting, some sing, and it is singing that we will talk about today. Or more precisely, about how to learn to sing beautifully and not be afraid of your voice.

Of course, every singer will tell you that learning to sing on your own is a very difficult task; you need a teacher, or better yet, a master, who will give you a voice. Difficult - but achievable, therefore, a person who really wants to learn to sing will do it, regardless of all the difficulties.

Singing is one of the most the best ways self-expression of a person, his feelings and thoughts.

From this definition we can conclude that everyone can learn to sing beautifully, because we can convey our thoughts through spoken language, so why not learn to do this through singing? Please note that in order to learn to sing, it is not so important to have some kind of technique, it is much more important to approach this creativity with all your heart and soul.

How to learn to sing

Ear for music

The first thing you need to do is start training your ear. You may ask, why hearing and not voice? – because your voice will improve during training, but many people have problems with hearing from the very first lessons. Let's understand this concept so that we can continue to work with a certain base.

Ear for music– a set of human skills that allow him to fully and objectively evaluate music or some sounds, see its advantages and disadvantages; Hearing is the most important factor for successful human musical activity.

Types of musical hearing

  1. Relative hearing is a person’s ability to find and reproduce pitch relationships in melody and music. intervals, etc. It should be noted that the pitch of the sound is determined by comparison with the reference sound. Relative hearing is necessary tool for every professional musician.
  2. Absolute pitch is a person’s ability to find the absolute pitch of sounds without comparing them with reference sounds. This type of hearing is innate, and as scientists say, cannot be obtained artificially (through various exercises), but development in this activity continues.
  3. Intonation hearing is a person’s ability to hear the “expressiveness” of music.
  4. Inner hearing is a person’s ability to clearly imagine individual sounds, harmonic and melodic structures. This is a type of hearing that allows you to hear and perceive music within yourself, without any external interference.
  5. Modal hearing is a person’s ability to distinguish the modal-tonal functions of each sound separately.
  6. Harmonic hearing is a person’s ability to hear chord combinations of sounds in their correct sequence, and also arpeggiate with your voice.
  7. Polyphonic hearing is the ability of a person to simultaneously hear several separate voices (two or more) in a song.
  8. Rhythmic hearing is the ability to motorly experience music, feel the musical rhythm and copy it exactly.

There are several other types of hearing, but I have drawn your attention only to these six main ones. It would be good if you could distinguish them without any notes or cheat sheets.

How to learn to sing Vocal lesson for beginners No. 1

The nature of musical hearing

An ear for music is specifically related to a person’s musical talent, which is expressed to a greater extent by his emotional experience and perception of the musical image. Various aspects and subtleties of musical hearing are studied in such specialized sciences as psychoacoustics, musical psychology, psychophysiology of hearing, and musical acoustics.

Development of musical ear

The development of hearing is dealt with in such a special discipline as solfeggio. Let me note that everyone has an ear for music, it just needs to be developed. So, let's start developing our hearing, and the first thing we will turn to is unison.

Unison is a phenomenon when sounds from different sources sound at the same pitch. Our task is this: to learn to adjust our voice to any sound that we hear. There are several exercises to achieve this result.

First exercise “finger in the sky”:

You may wonder why it is called that? Because you have to select voices by making different sounds, and it’s almost impossible to do this the first time.

The essence of the exercise is as follows: being near the source of the sound, try to repeat it, making different monotonous sounds (“o-o-o-o!”, “a-a-a-a!”, etc.), After some time, you will definitely be able to repeat the required sound, the main thing is to practice.

Second exercise “Carpet bombing”:

The essence of the exercise: we stand next to the source of a monotonous sound, and begin to make different sounds with our voice, moo, hum, in general, experiment with our voice. We make sounds similar to the noise of a chainsaw, the hum of an accelerating car or a flying airplane, etc. In music, this technique is called glissando, but we will call it “entrance”, with our voice, we, as it were, collect all the sounds in a downward or upward direction.

So how do we now determine when we have reached unison? - you ask. Everything is very simple, in physics there is such a thing as resonance, this is when two sounds merge into one and amplify it twice. It is when this phenomenon occurs that it will mean that you have achieved unison. After this, your imagination will begin to flow, you will become more and more interested in doing this, because... you have already achieved some success.

Well, we talked about such a concept as musical ear, and found out that this is the most important criterion for learning to sing beautifully. After familiarizing ourselves with a certain theory, we discovered 2 exercises to improve hearing. You need to do them regularly to continually improve yourself.

The ability to hear yourself:
Another equally important factor is the feeling when you can objectively hear yourself from the outside. At first you will be very disgusted with your voice, do not be alarmed by this, this is a normal phenomenon. But over time, such a defect should pass, and then you will simply need to record your voice, and then listen to them in order to analyze your mistakes. Let it be a voice recorder or programs on a computer, the main thing is that the sound is clear. By doing such exercises, you will get rid of many mistakes, and your voice will become more and more perfect.

In order to learn to sing well, you need to learn to breathe correctly. You should not breathe haphazardly, suffocating while singing and thereby making unnecessary sounds. Breathing should be as close to normal as possible. Try to inhale sharply and exhale slowly and smoothly. It is very important to control the length of exhalation and the depth of inhalation. The muscles of the diaphragm and ribs are involved in breathing. Please note that oxygen must enter through the nose! In order to learn how to breathe correctly and do it easily, regularly perform the exercises that we will discuss below.

Now let’s figure out exactly how breathing is involved in the singing process. The source of sound that comes from your body is your vocal cords. Sound is produced as a result of the closure of these same vocal cords. A stream of air vibrating them comes from the bronchi, resulting in sound. This is the whole process in a big abbreviation, in fact it is a little more complicated.

Let's look at exercises that develop breathing:

Exercise 1: Very useful exercise with a candle, which develops a smooth and slow exhalation. The essence of the exercise is as follows: place a lit candle in front of you (at a distance of 20 cm), draw a small amount of air through your nose into the lower part of the ribs. After this, exhale air smoothly and without unnecessary jerks in the direction of the candle, while the fire should not go out. This exercise will help you avoid unnecessary jerks and jumps when singing. In addition, the exercise develops the duration of exhalation, which will have a positive effect on your personal data.

Exercise 2: As mentioned earlier, in singing breathing the lower ribs and diaphragm are most involved in the work. This exercise just touches on this group muscles. Lie down on the floor or any other hard surface, then place some weight in your abdominal area (this could be several heavy books). Now you just need to breathe evenly for a short time. This exercise may seem strange to beginners, but in fact, when performed, the diaphragm muscles are strengthened, which promotes proper inhalation.

Vocal lesson. Sound attack. Singing on a support. Jazz techniques


It’s not for nothing that we combined such concepts as breathing and articulation into one group, because personal indicators of this data must be developed in totality, otherwise there will be no result.

Now let's look at a few exercises to develop articulation.

Exercise 1: This exercise develops chewing muscles, joints and ligaments. Open your mouth wide, mentally pronounce the vowel “A” and hold this position for 5 seconds. Do several reps. You can also make the exercise more difficult by pressing on the lower jaw with your fist.

Exercise 2: Exercise strengthens the cheek muscles. Take turns inflating your right and your left cheek, and then retract both. Perform several repetitions.

Exercise 3: Probably a well-known exercise is tongue twisters. Learn and repeat tongue twisters at high speed throughout the day, i.e. If you have a couple of free minutes, you can devote them to this activity. This way you will develop your language, and your words will not be distorted. At first, do not try to pronounce tongue twisters very quickly, let it be slowly, but efficiently. Be sure to pronounce the endings of words rather than chew them. Over time, increase the pace, and soon the results will make themselves felt.

Emotions are a very important factor in singing. Agree, no one will be interested in listening to a person who came out and muttered something to you, and, in fact, such a person will never be able to sing. What I mean is that when anyone goes on stage creative person must present to people his attitude, his views and emotions towards the object of his attention. In this case we are talking about songs. The singer needs to convey all the feelings inherent in the song; these can be experiences or, on the contrary, joyful emotions.

Therefore, before performing a song, be sure to tune in to it, feel its character, harmony, repeat it again and pay attention to all the little things. After all, knowing the song is a natural necessity, without which the performance will not work. After you deal with emotions, dilute them with a variety of gestures. Entire books are devoted to this topic, but I presented to you brief information, which is worth paying attention to.

As I said at the beginning of the article, it is best to hire a voice trainer. He will thoroughly engage in your training, and most importantly, he will constantly point out your mistakes, which is impossible with self-training. Although a voice recorder will come to your aid here. If you still decide to study, then do not give yourself a day off and do not shirk your studies. Another very important factor in your success is constant public speaking. It doesn’t matter who it will be, the main thing is that strangers listen to yours. Don't be afraid of criticism, it is your main teacher.

Group classes are also a big plus. Firstly, you will have more interest in singing and secondly, you will always learn from your partner.

This concludes this article. Good luck!