Svetlana's Angel's Day according to church. Name Svetlana: sexuality, marriage. Svetlana made her name famous in the music industry

Short form of the name Svetlana. Sveta, Svetulya, Svetlanka, Svetunya, Svetusya, Svetukha, Svetusha, Veta, Lana, Svetlanochka, Svetik, Svetachka, Svetka, Svetochka, Svetusik.
Synonyms for the name Svetlana. Svetla, Fotinya, Fotina.
Origin of the name Svetlana. The name Svetlana is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox.

The name Svetlana has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Svetlana was invented and first used by A.Kh. Vostokov in the romance “Svetlana and Mstislav” (1802). It gained wide popularity after the poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky published his ballad “Svetlana”. There is also a version that the name was invented by A.S. Pushkin.

According to the second version, the name Svetlana was used by the Slavs in Rus', and Vostokov was taken from forgotten names. The name Svetlana is Slavic, Russian name. It was formed by combining two concepts “light” and “lan”. “Svet” literally means “light”, “lan” in Old Russian means “earth”. It is the Ukrainian word “lan” that precisely means arable land, and more in a broad sense fertile, fertile land or land of habitation, since people did not settle on infertile lands. It turns out that the name Svetlana means “Light of the Earth,” and her short form of Light is simply “luminous.” Also interpreted as “light”. It can be interpreted as light in appearance, for example, “blonde-haired,” or “pure in soul.” A related and cognate name is Svetla.

According to the third version, the name Svetlana is a tracing of the Greek name Photinia, under which it occurs Orthodox baptism Svetlana. The name Photinia is literally translated from Greek as “light”.

The name Svetlana became widely used after the publication of Vasily Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana”. Previously, this name could not be used for naming, since it was not mentioned in Orthodox calendar, so it could be found in the names of ships and enterprises. They began to actively call this name after the October Revolution, or rather from the late 1930s, and the fact that this was the name of I.V. Stalin’s only daughter played an important role in the popularization of the name Svetlana. In 1943 the Russian Orthodox Church recognized the name Svetlana and made it permitted in the church baptismal rite, and in the 1950-1970s this name became widespread. IN Soviet era The name Svetlana was given an ideological meaning to the name, namely the word “bright” placed a semantic emphasis on the construction of a “bright future”, on the movement of society along the “bright path” to communism.

The name Svetlana has enough analogues in foreign languages with the meaning “light”, “shining”, “clear”, “radiant”, “pure”. For example, Italian Chiara, German and French Klara and Claire, Italian Lucia, Celtic Fiona, Hebrew Liora, ancient Greek Faina, Eulampia (“candle, I shine”), Aglaida ( “brilliance, light”), Tajik Ravshana, Armenian Lusine, Kazakh Saule, Greek names Photina and Photinia, as well as the name Elena (“torch”, “light”). In Persian the name Svetlana corresponds to female name Forug.

In Russia, the name Svetlana is often shortened to the name "Sveta", and in Western Europe and English-speaking countries - to "Lana". The diminutives Veta and Lana are also short forms to other names and independent names.

The character and fate of Svetlana. Svetlana gives the impression of being light, bright and sociable girl. However, in fact, Svetlana is a real commander with a very contradictory character. On the one hand, she is unusually kind to people, but if necessary, she can cause pain in such a way that it doesn’t seem like much. Sveta suffers from manic neatness and high self-esteem, but at the same time she is a very selfless person, persistent and decisive. But at crucial moments in her life, Svetlana for some reason fails to keep events under control.

Sveta is not afraid of work, she has diplomacy, but all this is spoiled by the desire to command. It is always easier for Svetlana in male society, but with women she has difficulty finding common language. Although the girl is kind to her family, she is not used to taking into account gossip and public opinion. On the contrary, the more they talk about her, the better she feels.

Sveta is quite distrustful, especially towards men. She believes that you cannot rely on anyone.

Happiness does not always accompany Svetlana. She is often beautiful, but she cannot get settled in life. Although she has a high opinion of herself, her academic success is very average. Her parents have to take responsibility for Sveta’s fate, since in her youth she is equally likely to lean towards the side of good and the side of evil. Svetlana’s character is shaped by what surrounds her: her parents, the environment and herself. Ultimately, it all depends on the girl’s desire. She is capable of making herself.

In Svetlana, the spiritual principle clearly stands out. Her thoughts and aspirations are pure and light. This is a very artistic and contrasting girl. She happily hurries to where they are waiting for her. Svetlana has a subtle intellect. The most important thing for her is closeness with her family.

Svetlana is a sensitive friend. She has a good influence on those who are close to her. Gives timely advice and is capable of selfless help. After communicating with Sveta, warmth and hope remain in people’s souls. This is a charming mystery woman.

Men can see something in Svetlana that is inaccessible to the prying eye. She always remains unobtrusive, but to the one in whose feelings she is sure, Sveta gives herself without reserve, completely adapting to the chosen one. In a partner, she primarily values ​​his experience and passion; appearance is secondary for her. Sveta cannot imagine her life without men.

Sveta hesitates for a long time to decide on marriage, trying to make sure that the chosen one is really worthy of her. She is diplomatic with her husband and gets along well with all her relatives, which is what their love deserves. Sveta becomes an exemplary mother and housewife. She is devoted to her husband and takes care of the children.

Sveta is a big fashionista, especially in her younger years. However, she does not always have a sense of proportion.

Since Svetlana often manifests herself as a powerful and authoritative person, it is easy for her to work in a leadership position. She's interested various areas activities, and she is good at manipulating people. However, sometimes Svetlana becomes indifferent to everything and weakly floats with the flow. If necessary, Sveta will not hesitate to change her job and environment, and is capable of improving herself.

Svetlana's birthday

Famous people named Svetlana

  • Svetlana Kryuchkova ((born 1950) Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1991), laureate of the Nika Prize.)
  • Svetlana Savitskaya ((born 1948) Soviet cosmonaut, the second female cosmonaut in the world and the first female cosmonaut in the world to go into outer space. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1970). Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (1982). Twice Hero of the Soviet Union .)
  • Svetlana Svetlichnaya ((born 1940) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974))
  • Svetlana Zhiltsova ((born 1936) Russian TV announcer, presenter of KVN programs, “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail”. Honored Artist of the RSFSR.)
  • Svetlana Khorkina ((born 1979) Russian gymnast, two-time Olympic champion in parallel bars (1996, 2000), three-time absolute world champion and three-time absolute European champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1995))
  • Svetlana Surganova ((born 1968) musician, poet and composer, soloist and violinist of the group “Night Snipers” in 1993-2002. Nowadays she is the leader of the group “Surganova and the Orchestra.”)
  • Svetlana Stepchenko (Toporova) ((born 1965) famous violist, soloist of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, actress, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Svetlana Zhurova ((born 1972) Soviet and Russian speed skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1996). Five-time Russian champion in sprint all-around (1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005). World champion in sprint all-around (2006) and distance 500 m (1996). 2006 Olympic champion at a distance of 500 meters (one of three Olympic champions in speed skating in Russian history, along with Svetlana Bazhanova and Alexander Golubev).
  • Svetlana Nemolyaeva ((born 1937) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980))
  • Svetlana Toma ((born 1947) real name is Fomicheva; famous Moldavian actress, Honored Artist of the Moldavian SSR (1979), Honored Artist of Russia (2001), People's Artist of Moldova (2008). The artistic pseudonym Toma is usually pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable. The actress herself, however, points out that originally Toma (with the emphasis on the second syllable) was the surname of her maternal great-grandmother, of French origin.)
  • Svetlana Druzhinina ((born 1936) Soviet and Russian actress, director, screenwriter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1989), academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001).)
  • Svetlana Alexievich ((born 1948) Belarusian writer, author of the books “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face”, “The Last Witnesses”)
  • Svetlana Bestuzheva ((born 1950) Russian scientist, sociologist, journalist, writer, specialist in the field of social demography, social demography and social psychology; candidate of historical sciences, orientalist-Arabist)
  • Svetlana Varganova ((born 1964) Soviet swimmer, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1982))
  • Svetlana Rozhkova ((born 1965) pop artist, Honored Artist of Russia (1996))
  • Svetlana Fedorenko ((1972 - 2009) Russian pilot, aviator, Honored Master of Sports, absolute European champion in aircraft sports)
  • Svetlana Parkhomenko ((born 1962) née Cherneva; Soviet and Russian professional tennis player and tennis coach, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1991). USSR champion in singles (1985), nine-time USSR champion in women's and mixed doubles, winner of eight Virginia Slims/WTA tournaments in women's doubles. European champion among amateurs in women's and mixed doubles (1983), four-time European champion among girls in singles and doubles.)
  • Svetlana Vysokova ((born 1972) Russian speed skater, bronze medalist of the 2006 Winter Olympics, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2006), International Master of Sports)
  • Svetlana Josephy ((born 1963) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2003))
  • Svetlana Kriveleva ((born 1969) Soviet and Russian athlete who competed in the shot put. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1992). World champion 2003, silver (1993) and two-time bronze medalist of the world championships (1991 and 1999). She was a participant in seven world championships athletics. Four times (1992, 1993, 1999 and 2003) Svetlana showed the best season result in the world in the shot put. At the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, ​​Kriveleva won the gold medal, ahead of China's Huang Zhihong and Germany's Katrin Naimke.)
  • Svetlana Loboda (Ukrainian singer, presenter, actress, designer of her own brand, photographer. She represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest 2009. She performs under the stage name LOBODA.)
  • Svetlana Pecherskaya ((born 1968) née Davydova; Soviet and Russian biathlete, silver medalist of the 1992 Olympic Games in the individual race, seven-time world champion, multiple medalist of the world championships, winner of the World Cup of the 1990/1991 season. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1990 ).)
  • Svetlana Alliluyeva ((1926 - 2011) nee Stalin, in exile - Lana Peters; Soviet philologist-translator, candidate of philological sciences; memoirist. She became widely known as the daughter of I.V. Stalin, about whose life she left a number of works in the genre of memoirs. In 1967, she emigrated from the USSR to the USA. The mother of Russian cardiologist I.G. Alliluyev.)
  • Svetlana Svetikova ((born 1983) Russian pop singer, actress, musical artist)
  • Svetlana Sorokina ((born 1957) Russian journalist, member of the Academy of Russian Television, former member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation (2009-2011), teacher at the Higher School of Journalism, presenter (2010) of “Program Guide” on Channel Five and program “In the Circle of Light” on the radio station “Echo of Moscow”)
  • Svetlana Sichkar ((1936 - 2012) Soviet animator. She took part in the creation of more than 80 cartoons, including “Mother for the Baby Mammoth”, “The Adventures of Munchausen”, “The Magnificent Gosha”, “The Adventures of Funtik the Pig”.)
  • Svetlana Kharitonova ((1932 - 2012) Soviet theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Smekhnova-Blagoevich ((born 1950) theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Danilchenko ((born 1938) Soviet actress)
  • Svetlana Kharlap ((born 1940) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, master of voice-over and dubbing)
  • Svetlana Chuikina ((born 1975) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Shevchuk ((born 1967) Ukrainian writer (writes in Russian))
  • Svetlana Koroleva (Russian model, TV presenter, winner of the all-Russian national beauty contest “Miss Russia 2002” and the international beauty contest “Miss Europe 2002”. In 2003, the main Snow Maiden of the country. Since 2008, performer of the song for the charity event “Miss Russia for Children.”)
  • Svetlana Martynchik ((born 1965) modern writer and artist. She is known as the author of literary works, reviews and reviews published under the name Max Fry, and as the host of the radio program “Free Entry”. Some early works published under the name Max Frei were created in collaboration with Igor Stepin.)
  • Svetlana Yakir, Blume Yakir ((1936 - 1971) Russian writer)
  • Svetlana Yusim ((born 1941) Ukrainian artist, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine)
  • Svetlana Bless ((born 1942) Soviet and Latvian actress)
  • Svetlana Okruzhnaya ((born 1947) People's Artist of Belarus (1991), member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus)
  • Svetlana Vilkina (Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus, technical director and senior trainer in the kata section of the Belarusian Shotokan Karate-do Federation. The only owner in Eastern Europe fifth dan of the World Federation of Shotokan Karate-do.)
  • Svetlana Gladysheva ((born 1971) Soviet and Russian alpine skier, vice-champion of the 1994 Olympics in Lillehammer in the super-G. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1994). One of two Olympic medalists in alpine skiing in the entire history of domestic sports. The second is Evgenia Sidorova , who won bronze in 1956 in Cortina d'Ampezzo in slalom. On March 31, 2010, Svetlana Gladysheva became the acting President of the Russian Alpine Skiing and Snowboard Federation. On May 14, 2010, by a unanimous decision of the Presidium of the Russian Alpine Skiing and Snowboard Federation, Svetlana Gladysheva became the President of the FGSSR.)
  • Svetlana Garon, Lana Garon (theatre scholar, theater critic, essayist)

As a child, no one can understand Svetlana. She has a very complex character. You never know what to expect from her. She always looks like her father in appearance, and borrows her character from her mother. He goes to school without any desire. However, she is an average student so as not to upset her parents. Having matured, Sveta becomes stubborn and persistent. He stands his ground to the end and will never give in. Full of energy, but in the most difficult life situations she gives up and is afraid of obstacles.

Svetlana wants to be a leader in everything, she loves to command. But at the same time, he is afraid of public opinion. As soon as she hears something unpleasant for her addressed to her, she immediately gets upset and tries to change everything. However, she is well adapted to life, knows what she wants, is self-sufficient and independent. It is always easier for her to communicate with men, since she does not find like-minded people among women. If Svetlana became someone's wife, she becomes an exemplary housewife and mother.

Fate: It seems fate envies and favors Svetlana at the same time. She often faces difficult ordeals, but she always overcomes them. For the most part, she manages her own life.

Saints: Svetlana Palestinskaya (name day February 26), Svetlana Rimskaya (name day April 2).

Angel Svetlana Day

From the Old Church Slavonic language - light, light cheeks. Svetlana's name day is celebrated twice a year. A very contradictory nature. Neat, hardworking, but poorly adapted to life: kind, sympathetic, but at times she has nervous breakdowns when Svetlana gives too much vent to her emotions. She loves children and likes to boss them around, and not always wisely; she is a lousy teacher. Subsequently, in marriage, Svetlana is like a “mother-commander” in the family. True, she thinks so. The children and husband just play along with her.

Little Svetlana is a gentle, fragile, receptive girl. She fully lives up to her name: clean, neat, pretty, everything seems to glow from within. Svetlana is a trusting and inquisitive child. However, from an early age, the main feature clearly emerges in her character - inconstancy, contradiction. She may claim that the fairy tale she read seemed boring to her, but immediately change her attitude if her mother calls the fairy tale fascinating. And this is how Svetlana manifests herself in everything.

Svetlana's studies at school are uneven. She takes tasks lightly, but at the same time she is endowed with a lively mind, original imagination and excellent memory. All this allows her to easily acquire knowledge, but somehow impulsively, superficially. However, Svetlana usually graduates from school with good results. It happens that she is interested in some particular subject - more often history or biology - and then Svetlana has no equal in knowledge. She reads a lot, draws with enthusiasm, and often writes short stories or draws comics. Svetlana is active, enjoys organizing events, and helping teachers. She is selfless, does not expect praise or encouragement, and keeps an open mind. Classmates usually love Svetlana, and she happily communicates with them.

In the personality of the adult Svetlana, her inconsistency emerges more and more clearly. She amazingly combines strength and weakness, kindness and indifference, gullibility and perseverance, courage and indecision. Svetlana’s soul is torn by tossing: she chooses a profession for herself, gets on her feet quite firmly, and suddenly, obeying an instant decision, gives up her favorite business. She painstakingly begins to rebuild her life.

Svetlana often has high self-esteem. For some reason, she considers herself unique, born for fame, and is sincerely surprised when this is not recognized. Meanwhile, Svetlana is quite independent, hardworking, can show persistence and practicality and achieve a lot in life. She gets along well with her colleagues, enjoys their trust, and is very diplomatic and kind.

The meaning of any name is associated with its origin and the name Svetlana is no exception. The history of the name is very interesting and unusual. The name Svetlana was invented by the author literary work, but became popular and came into use. Authorship is attributed to A.Kh. Vostokov, who wrote a story in four songs “Svetlana and Mstislav”, published in 1802. Other authors borrowed the image and name, and it gained true popularity after the publication of the ballad "Svetlana", written by the poet V. Zhukovsky in 1813. Based on this, it can be stated that the meaning of the name Svetlana cannot be described briefly, since it is a voluminous poetic image. To understand it, it is advisable to read the works of the authors of the name.

In some sources there is an opinion that the name Svetlana means “bright” and dates back to ancient Slavic times. However, historians have refuted this theory. This name does not appear in written sources earlier than the early 19th century. These versions are called folk etymology.

The meaning of the name Svetlana for a girl

Sveta is growing up as a joyful and active girl. He loves active games and loves learning new things. Her curiosity knows no bounds. When you get to a new place, you will definitely run around everything and visit everywhere. She is quite self-confident, although often there is no reason for this. He likes to insist on his own, which periodically turns into tyranny. At the same time, the girl is kind and sympathetic. She often does the right thing, even sacrificing her own interests.

Svetochka doesn’t really find herself in her studies. She would rather be successful in school in a social position than in math. She easily finds a common language with others, and especially with the opposite sex. The girl is hardworking and persistent. If she decides to succeed in something, she will certainly achieve it with her perseverance.

Svetlana is in good health. Problem area in adolescence becomes skin. Proper care, daily routine and diet will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, and are generally good for health.

Short name Svetlana

Sveta, Svetka, Svetusya, Svetusha, Veta, Lana.

Diminutive pet names

Svetik, Svetochka, Svetushka, Svetonka, Svetlanka, Svetlanochka, Svetlanushka, Lanochka, Twig.

Name Svetlana in English

IN English The name Svetlana is spelled Svetlana.

Name Svetlana for international passport- SVETLANA.

Translation of the name Svetlana into other languages

in Arabic - سفيتلانا
in Belarusian - Svyatlana
in Bulgarian - Svetlana
in Chinese - 斯韦特拉娜 (read as Syveitelan)
in Polish - Svetlana
in Serbian, as well as in Russian - Svetlana
in Slovenian - Svetlana
in Slovak - Svetlana
in Ukrainian - Svitlana
in Finnish - Svetlana
in Czech - Světlana
in Swedish - Svetlana
in Japanese - スヴェトラナ(pronounced Suwetorana)

Church name Svetlana(in the Orthodox faith) - Photinia.

Characteristics of the name Svetlana

To give Svetlana a few characteristics is not enough. She is a whole tangle of contradictions that coexist in one person. She can be both kind and harsh at the same time, and with a difference of a few seconds. Be gentle and instantly aggressive. This behavior is typical of choleric people. It should be noted that positive qualities are still more pronounced in her character.

At work, the Light often reaches great success. Often in her life, her hobby becomes her job. It is when she gets carried away with something that she truly discovers her potential and strength of character. Her persistence amazes those around her. Success in leading organizational roles is typical of her name. Maintains smooth relationships with colleagues. Not getting too close, but not moving away from the team either. He cannot stand all kinds of intrigues and whispering behind his back.

TO family relations Sveta approaches very carefully. She is ready to search for a real life partner for a long time. The reliability of her partner and his financial condition are the most important parameters for her. It is their combination that gives the applicant the right to marry. At the same time, there is no sense of commercialism in her, but rather a serious approach to family relationships. And of course, her chosen one must be crazy about her. Sveta is a good, caring mother and wife, as well as a wonderful housewife.

The secret of the name Svetlana

Svetlana's secret can be called her superficiality. Very often, when studying information that is not interesting to her, she remembers it for a day, and then easily forgets it.

The second secret of Svetlana can be called her romanticism. She sometimes gives the impression of being cold and calculating, but this is not the case at all. Sveta is sentimental and romantic to the extreme.

Planet- Neptune.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

Totem animal- White hare.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Birch.

Plant- Lily.

Stone- Rock crystal.

Svetlana (Photinia, Fotina, Fatina)

Name meaning: from glory light- “light”.

Main features: lightness, activity, receptivity.

Character traits. Sveta grows up as an inquisitive and lively child, but at school she studies superficially. Fortunately, she grasps everything on the fly, so there are no problems with her progress. If she becomes interested in something, she will completely immerse herself in this subject. Sveta loves books and films about love, dreams of a handsome prince.

Adult Svetlana is an excellent organizer. She loves to command and believes that she has the right to do so. She is independent and hardworking, adapting well to circumstances. However, Svetlana's character is contradictory. She can, if necessary, dramatically change direction, change beliefs, profession, country.

Name day

From the book Selfishness as a destructive component of the human being author

Svetlana Vasilievna Baranova Selfishness as a destructive component of humanity

From the book The Path of the Warrior of the Spirit. Volume III. Selfish personality author Baranova Svetlana Vasilievna

Svetlana Baranova The Path of the Warrior of the Spirit. Volume III. Selfish

From the book Sacred Ministry author Baranova Svetlana Vasilievna

Svetlana Vasilievna Baranova Sacred Service

From the book The Big Book of Women's Wisdom [collection] author Author unknown

Section I Stars in a straw hat Wise parables for wise women Svetlana Savitskaya 1. Silver Gates People lived on earth, lived carelessly, when suddenly, out of the blue, a black wall grew halfway across the white world. The enemy came to earth from the silver gates. Let's go

From the author's book

Section III Legends of planetary traditions Recorded and processed by Svetlana Savitskaya 1. The wisest of the Wise Isis. Egypt Incomprehensible and mysterious, the wisest of the wisest of antiquity, the goddess Isis became a model for understanding the Egyptian ideal of femininity and

From the author's book

10. Saint Photina and Santa Lucia. Italy Saint Svetlana in Spain, and indeed in the phenomenon of the Catholic faith in general, is not present. Just as there is no name Svetlana in Christianity. In Christianity Svetlana is replaced Greek name Photina (light). And the name Svetlana cannot be pronounced in church. And God forbid

Among many female names there is also the name Slavic origin Svetlana, which means bright and pure. Svetlana's birthday Orthodox calendar are marked twice. February 26 (13) is the day of remembrance of the Venerable Photina (Svetlana of Palestine) and April 2 (March 20) - the Venerable Martyr Photina (Svetlana) Samaritan of Rome.

Svetlana's name day. Lives of the Saints

The life story of these two saints is amazing. According to the Gospel, the Venerable Martyr Photina once talked with Jesus, who she met near Jacob’s well.

When celebrating Svetlana’s name day, it is necessary to know the history of the saints with this name, who dedicated their lives to serving the faith in Christ.

Photina lived in Carthage with her youngest son Josiah, and preached the Word of God there. At the same time, her eldest son Victor was in the Roman troops and fought against the barbarians. For his good service, he was sent as a military commander to Attalia, a city in Asia Minor, where he converted the mayor Saint Sebastian and his servants to his faith.

Venerable Martyr Photina of Rome

These rumors reached the Emperor Nero; at that time there were terrible persecutions against Christians, and then he ordered these Christian preachers to be brought to him in Rome. But the Lord himself appeared to his people and said: “I will not leave you, Nero will be defeated, and all who serve him.”

Saint Photina was also informed by the Savior that they would have to accept martyrdom in the name of faith. She joined the holy preachers and went with them to Rome. There the emperor commanded them to renounce the faith of Christ, but they did not do so. Then it was ordered to crush their hands, but the holy people did not feel pain, and Photina’s hands were not harmed. Next, Nero ordered Saints Sebastian and Josiah to be blinded and thrown into a prison basement. And Saint Photina, together with her sisters, of whom there were five, was sent under the supervision of her daughter Domnina to the imperial palace. Saint Photina converted Domnina and her maids to faith in Christ, as well as the servant who brought them the poisoned drink.

Three years later, Nero remembered the holy martyrs he had blinded and sent servants after them, who, upon returning, said that they were alive and well and even in prison they continued to preach Christ. No matter how much Nero tortured the saints, they remained alive; in the end, their legs were cut off, their skin was torn off while they were alive, and they were thrown into a well. The sisters of Photina were also destined for martyrdom.

Saint Photina was also skinned and thrown into a well, then she was pulled out of there and kept in prison for 20 days. Nero thought that after such terrible torture she would renounce Christ and sacrifice to idols, but she refused, and therefore again ended up in the well, where she died. This was around 1966.

Svetlana's name day according to the church calendar

The story of St. Photina (Svetlana) of Palestine also surprises and delights. It all started with the Monk Martinian, who from the age of 18 lived in the desert near the city of Caesarea in Palestine. For 25 years he lived in ascetic deeds and complete silence, but the enemy sent him all sorts of temptations. One day a woman came to seduce him at night, disguised as a wanderer, but the saint did not succumb to temptation. This woman eventually repented and became a nun at the monastery of St. Paul, her name was Zoya.

Venerable Photina of Palestine

After this incident, Saint Martinian began to live on a rocky uninhabited island. The shipman brought him food. One day, during a storm, the waves carried the wreckage of a ship and the maiden Photinia to the shore. The hermit monk left the girl bread and water and asked her to wait for the shipman, and he himself swam across the sea, and two dolphins helped him swim to land. Since then he began to wander.

But blessed Photinia did not want to leave the island, took upon herself the ascetic feat and lived there for 6 years, where she died. The shipowner who brought her food discovered her. He transported her body to Caesarea in Palestine, where she was buried with honor. The name day of Svetlana (St. Photinia of Palestine) and Zoya are celebrated on the same day - April 2 (March 20).