When will Bill 5709 be adopted? What deputies worked on: the most important bills of the week. Licensing for the manufacture and sale of military equipment

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Between January 23 and 27, 40 legislative initiatives were registered in the Ukrainian parliament. Among them, the editors of Grushevsky 5 selected, in our opinion, the most important ones and analyzed the bills that have a high chance of becoming laws. As a rule, these are initiatives of the Cabinet of Ministers, which almost always have high level support among deputies, as well as bills signed by representatives of the majority of factions of the Ukrainian parliament.

Business on radioactive substances may be forced to pay

The Cabinet of Ministers proposes to change the rules of operation of the Ukrainian nuclear power. The parliament received government bill No. 5703, which provides for amendments to several relevant laws at once: “On the use of nuclear energy and radiation safety”, “On licensing activities in the field of use of nuclear energy”, “On the protection of people from the influence of ionizing radiation”, “ On the extraction and processing of uranium ores." Since the Cabinet of Ministers was the subject of the legislative initiative, the chances of the bill being adopted are high.

The bill involves the reform of several industries related to nuclear energy. This is, firstly, public safety, and, secondly, the market for the extraction and processing of uranium ores.

In particular, licensing of companies “using sources of ionizing radiation” is provided (the cost of a license is 2.17-4.35 minimum wages). Such companies include medical clinics that have X-ray units. From now on, medical institutions will actually have to buy permits in order to use the appropriate equipment.

Also, the bill provides for the introduction of licensing for the processing of uranium ores with an extensive list of requirements for applicants for licenses (compliance with technological conditions, availability of equipment, personnel insurance, etc.). For example, the administrative fee for issuing a license will be 8.7 minimum wages (27.84 thousand UAH), the extension of its validity period will be 4.35 minimum wages (13.92 thousand UAH), making changes will be from 0.17 to 8 ,7 minimum wages depending on the volume of adjustments. Transporters of radioactive materials will be forced to pay 5.49 times the minimum wage for licenses.

Mandatory badges for identification of National Guardsmen

The Ukrainian parliament is proposed to introduce tokens to identify representatives National Guard and organize a unified database that will contain information about the owner of the token.

The corresponding bill No. 5701 “On amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the National Guard” (regarding the identification of military personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine while they perform tasks to protect public order and ensure public safety)” was introduced on January 23. The document was proposed by 23 people’s deputies, the main initiator - People's Deputy from Batkivshchyna Igor Lutsenko.

The law states that each National Guard soldier must have a special badge with an individual number. This number will identify the soldier and confirm the authority assigned to him.

The Cabinet of Ministers must create a single database that will contain all the numbers. It will be possible to access such a database on the official website of the National Guard. The serviceman's badge number will allow you to obtain information about his last name, first name and patronymic, military rank, position and authority. It is noted that access to such information should be provided taking into account the laws “On Access to Public Information” and “On State Secrets”.

It is stipulated that for the absence of a badge during mass actions, National Guard soldiers bear disciplinary responsibility.

Fighting patent trolling

The Ukrainian parliament received bill 5699 “On amendments to certain legislative acts regarding the improvement of the legal protection of intellectual (industrial) property.” The explanatory note notes that “gaps” in the legal regulation of the protection of rights to industrial designs have created conditions for the spread of the phenomenon of so-called “patent trolling” in Ukraine.

We are talking about the activities of business entities that register industrial designs for product forms known to the public, and then demand payment of “royalties” for the use of these objects for commercial purposes. The lack of an effective mechanism to combat “patent trolling” leads to a decrease in the investment attractiveness of Ukraine. The initiator of the project is Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman.

In addition, it is stated that the purpose of the adoption of the draft Law is to harmonize the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine in the field of intellectual property with the directives and regulations of the Council of the EU, the implementation of the relevant provisions of the Association Agreement, including the introduction of institutional and organizational changes for the proper implementation of the provisions of this Agreement regarding the protection of rights to industrial designs and trademarks.

It is proposed to achieve this goal by amending the Civil and Economic Code of Ukraine, as well as the laws of Ukraine “On the protection of rights to marks for goods and services” and “On the protection of rights to industrial designs.”

Licensing for the manufacture and sale of military equipment

The Cabinet of Ministers proposes to the Verkhovna Rada to introduce licensing of production and sale military equipment, military weapons and ammunition for them. This is stated in bill No. 5698.

It is proposed to make corresponding changes to the law "On licensing of species economic activity".

In particular, the development, production, sale, repair, modernization and disposal of weapons, military equipment and weapons, as well as ammunition for them, will be subject to licensing.

The explanatory note states that the purpose of the bill is to prevent the risks of uncontrolled production and distribution of weapons, military equipment, military weapons, as well as to prevent them from falling into the hands of illegal military groups, terrorist groups or individual citizens, which poses a threat to the life and health of people and state security.

The authors of the document argue that the restoration of licensing of economic activities will eliminate the uncontrolled distribution of weapons and military equipment and will allow for effective state supervision (control) over compliance by business entities with the requirements of licensing conditions.

Relocation of the Ukrainian Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

Among the “not passable”, but resonant, is bill No. 5715.

A rather unusual initiative was made by People’s Deputy of Ukraine from the “Will of the People” Alexander Feldman, who with his bill proposes to move the Ukrainian Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

The bill must be considered by the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Budget Committee and the Corruption Prevention Committee.

The deputy notes that since 1950, Jerusalem has been the residence of the President of Israel, the Knesset (parliament) and Supreme Court, numerous ministries and socio-cultural institutions, so the Ukrainian Embassy in Israel should be moved to Jerusalem.

According to him, now in Israel it is immigrants from Ukraine who make up the largest community of immigrants and foreign citizens- more than 200,000. In addition, he noted, thousands of Ukrainian tourists and pilgrims visit Jerusalem every year.

Benefits for military families

Deputies want to support the families of persons who died (missing in action) or died as a result of injury, concussion or injury received while defending the Motherland or performing other military service duties.

Thus, on January 25, 2017, bill No. 5713 “On amendments to Art. 15 of the Law of Ukraine “On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection” regarding the provision of benefits to family members of the deceased without taking into account the average monthly total income of the family.”

The initiators of the bill were people's deputies Alexander Tretyakov, Maxim Burbak, Gleb Zagoriy, Mikhail Gavrilyuk, Yuri Shukhevych, Evgeniy Rybchinsky, Sergei Kunitsyn.

In accordance with the bill, military families are provided with the following benefits:

1) free receipt of medicines, medicines, immunobiological drugs and medical products according to doctor’s prescriptions, free priority dental prosthetics (except for prosthetics made of precious metals);

2) 50% discount on fees for the use of housing (rent) within the limits provided for by current legislation (21 sq. m. total area housing for each person who permanently resides in a residential premises (house) and has the right to a discount on fees, and an additional 10.5 sq. m per family);

3) 50% discount on fees for the use of utilities (gas, electricity and other services) and liquefied bottled gas for domestic needs within the limits of average consumption standards. The area of ​​housing for which a discount is provided when calculating heating fees is 21 square meters. m of heated area for each person who permanently resides in a residential premises (house) and is entitled to a fee discount, and an additional 10.5 sq. m. m per family. Also, for families consisting only of disabled persons, a 50% discount is provided for the use of gas for heating housing for double the size of the standard heating area (42 sq. m for each person who is entitled to a fee discount, and 21 sq. m for a family );

4) 50% discount on fuel costs, incl. liquid, within the limits established for sale to the public, for persons living in houses without central heating;

5) priority use of all communication services and priority installation of preferential terms apartment telephones (payment in the amount of 20% of the tariffs for the cost of basic and 50% of additional work). The subscription fee for using the telephone is set at 50% of the approved tariffs.

Increasing assistance at the birth of a child to 80 thousand UAH

The Verkhovna Rada proposed increasing benefits for the birth of a child. The initiators of the corresponding bill (No. 5709) were deputies representatives of the BPP Ivan Rybak, Vitaly Chepinoga, Igor Shurma and Tatyana Bakhteeva from the Opposition Bloc, as well as Alexander Bilovol and Andrei Shipko from Revival.

To solve the demographic problem in the country, the authors of the bill propose, firstly, to calculate assistance for children under 6 years old in relation to the subsistence level (from January 1, 2017 - 1,544 thousand UAH per month). Secondly, benefits for the birth of a child should be provided in the following amounts:

For the first child - 52 subsistence minimum (80.3 thousand UAH)
- for the second child - 70 subsistence minimums (108 thousand UAH)
- for the third and each subsequent child - 120 subsistence minimums (185.3 thousand UAH)

But one-time, if the document is adopted, they will pay 15-40 subsistence minimums, which is 23.2 thousand - 61.8 thousand UAH. (for the first child - 15, for the second - 25, for the third - 40 minimum).

On this moment, according to current legislation, Ukrainians are paid about 41.3 thousand UAH at the birth of a child: 10.3 thousand UAH. immediately, the rest - within three years.

Cancellation of a fine of 320 thousand UAH for entrepreneurs

The Rada has registered bill 5711, which involves reducing the employer's liability to the employee.

The initiator of the bill “On amendments to certain legislative acts regarding administrative punishment for violation labor legislation" MP from the BPP Oksana Prodan spoke.

The project, in particular, provides for:

  • removal of fines for entrepreneurs in the amount of UAH 320 thousand from the Labor Code;
  • bringing fines for violations of labor laws into line with other administrative offenses. In particular, for unauthorized use of subsoil, illegal deforestation, etc.;
  • abolition of the mandatory payment of the minimum insurance premium entrepreneurs on common system taxation for periods when they did not receive income; cancellation of liability for late submission of a report, if this did not lead to the loss of budgets at various levels or Pension Fund Ukraine, and also provides for the abolition of fines for non-admission to illegal inspections;

As the author of the bill, Oksana Prodan, notes, the size of fines should be comparable to the violation. When entrepreneurs are punished with fines of 96,000 - 320,000 UAH, and for unauthorized use of subsoil the maximum fine is 510 UAH, for theft of someone else's property - 510 UAH, for illegal logging - 170 UAH, this indicates that officials care not about people and the economy, but only about their own interests.

Our projects

  • Robert Garmider

    Strength in weakness.

    Antonina, thanks for the blessing received. After the operation she had this summer, she was never able to recover and recover, so she began to attend services very rarely. And although the church is trying to help her get to services by paying for a taxi, since she does not have her own transport. Still, sometimes she simply does not have the physical ability to sit through an entire service. She was always actively interested in and studying the Word of God, asking many questions and even giving the opportunity to conduct home Scripture studies in her home. But bodily weakness does not allow us to do even this. In the photo, that rare day when she was able to get with God's help to serve and receive, to your surprise, this player as a gift. Now, she is happily mastering the player’s capabilities in finding and listening to books of Scripture that interest her and being inspired by sermons in both languages ​​(Russian and Ukrainian). She wishes God's blessings to everyone involved in this ministry!!! Strength to you and help in a good deed!

    Dec 21, 2019

  • Robert Garmider

    Relief from suffering.

    Galina has a serious and chronic joint disease. Because of this, her fingers are crooked and do not obey her. This makes it particularly difficult to use modern technology with touch screens. Unfortunately, the disease also affects the joints of her legs, so despite the fact that she tries to attend every church service through pain and agony, there are days when she simply cannot do it. But now, on such days and on all others, she is fully provided with God’s Word and the ability to manage this process without outside help. She is very GRATEFUL for you and your ministry, and for the well-balanced Christian teaching that provides strength and relief from her suffering as she waits to meet our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Dec 21, 2019

  • Robert Garmider

    Blessings in old age.

    Ivan Timofeevich, over 80 years old. A few years ago, he believed in Jesus and fell in love with reading God's Word. At his age, he even composed sermons and had the opportunity to share them with his brothers and sisters, but some time ago, he suffered a retinal tear and began to see poorly. He really missed the Word of God and complained about his memory. But now, thanks to your ministry, he can once again hear God's Word and preaching to instruct him in his faith. The big plus is that he can charge, turn on and off this player himself. Moreover, he does not have a smartphone and would not be able to understand its management at his age. Sends a HUGE THANK YOU on my own behalf!

At the beginning of 2017, two bills were registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which propose to increase the amount of assistance paid to parents at the birth of a child. In addition, legislators plan to reintroduce payments for child care up to three years of age, although it is not yet clear in what amount.

The bill № 5709 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On State Assistance to Families with Children” regarding the amount of assistance at the birth of a child and the procedure for its payment in order to increase the birth rate in Ukraine” it is proposed to link the amount of payments at the birth of a child to the amount living wage for a child under 6 years old, established at the time of assistance payments. Moreover, the amount of payments will depend on what kind of child was born in the family. Let us recall that until 2014, assistance for the birth of a child was already paid in a similar way.

Thus, according to the bill, assistance at the birth of a child is provided in the amount of: for the first child - 52 times the subsistence minimum, for the second child - 70 times the subsistence minimum, for the third and each subsequent child - 120 times the subsistence minimum.

Payment of assistance is carried out one-time: at the birth of the first child - in the amount of 15 subsistence minimums, at the birth of the second child - in the amount of 25 subsistence minimums, at the birth of the third and subsequent child - in the amount of 40 subsistence minimums.

The remaining amount of assistance is paid over the next 36 months in equal installments in the manner established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

It is also established that the monthly amount of benefit payment cannot be smaller size the subsistence minimum for children under six years of age, established at the time of payments.

Alternative bill № 5709-1 It is proposed to establish the amount of assistance for the birth of a child depending on the amount of the minimum wage established at the time of payment of assistance. It is proposed to make a one-time payment of assistance in an amount equal to 5 minimum wages. Over the next 36 months, the benefit must be paid monthly in the amount of 1 minimum wage.

Also, both bills propose returning child care benefits until the child reaches three years of age. The corresponding section was excluded from the Law “On State Assistance to Families with Children” in 2014.

The right to child care benefits until the child reaches the age of three will be given to the person (one of the child’s parents, grandparents or other relative) who is actually caring for the child. Or the one who adopted or took custody of the child, one of the adoptive parents and parent-educators.

The child care benefit until the child reaches the age of three will be paid monthly from the date the child care benefit is assigned until the day the child reaches the specified age, inclusive. Adoptive parents and guardians are provided with assistance no earlier than from the date of the decision to adopt or establish guardianship.

For persons dismissed from work due to the liquidation of an enterprise, institution, or organization, before they are employed, assistance in caring for a child until he or she reaches the age of three is assigned on the basis of a certificate from the liquidation commission.

Persons working under conditions employment contract(contract), benefits for caring for a child until he reaches the age of three are assigned on the basis of an extract from the order (instruction) of the employer to grant the person actually caring for the child leave to care for the child until he reaches the age of three.

Persons registered with the state employment service as unemployed will be provided with child care assistance until the child reaches the age of three on the basis of a certificate civil service employment.

Also, in the event that the child’s mother or the person who actually cares for the child is employed or goes to work, before the end of the full-time care period, the specified assistance is paid to the person who continues to care for the child until he reaches the age of three.

The assignment of a child care benefit until the child reaches three years of age to the person who is actually caring for the child is carried out upon a written application from this person and on the basis of a certificate from the child’s mother stating that the payment of the specified benefit to her has been terminated (indicating the date).

Mothers or persons who actually care for a child under three years of age and go to work and work part-time or at home, as confirmed by a certificate from the place of work, or at the same time continue their off-the-job training, child care allowance until he reaches three years of age, he is assigned (paid) in full.

Let us note that the amount of the child care benefit for children under three years of age is not determined by either bill No. 5709 or bill No. 5709-1.

Ekaterina Gutgarts