Vaganova Natalya Mikhailovna weight loss marathon. Weight loss marathon - losing weight easily. Video Marathon of Proper Nutrition from Julianna. What is PP, why?

With the beginning of the new year, each of us has grandiose plans and, to be honest, many want to transform themselves, regain their slim figure, and lose excess weight. But the desire to lose weight is often not enough; you also need strong motivation and the desire to take important steps towards achieving your goal.

If you yourself are not able to maintain your motivation and self-discipline in following new eating habits and nutritional systems, then weight loss marathons can come to the rescue. Today it has become very fashionable to participate in weight loss marathons: as they say, to look at others and show yourself.

But for a weight loss marathon to become truly effective and motivating for you, you need to know some details of such events. Let's talk about them...

What is a weight loss marathon?

A weight loss marathon is a kind of competition between several participants (participants) who want to lose excess weight. The rules and conditions for participation in such a marathon may be different. In general, all weight loss marathons are divided into the following types:

1. Online weight loss marathon

This type of marathon is held online, meaning you do not need to meet face to face with your
a trainer, nutritionist or coach, but you just need to register on a certain website or in a group on a social network, and then follow the given rules of the marathon.

Such marathons can be either paid or free, depending on how long they last and who organizes them. Participating in them is easy, since you can choose any marathon you like, but it is worth remembering that any events that take place online require high self-discipline from participants.

If you are not sure that tomorrow you will turn off your computer while going to a nearby store to buy buns, then it is better to choose an offline weight loss marathon, which involves personal communication with the organizer and other participants in similar weight correction competitions.

2. Offline weight loss marathon

This type of marathon involves personal communication with a nutritionist or nutritionist-coach, as well as with other marathon participants. Most often, such marathons are paid or require the purchase of additional services from the organizer.

For example, if the organizer is a fitness trainer-nutritionist who has completed courses in dietetics and has an appropriate nutritionist certificate, then he can set as a condition for participation in a free weight loss marathon the purchase of a subscription for the required period for training under his leadership. That is, you do not pay for the marathon itself, but you buy a subscription to training within the marathon from its organizer.

An offline marathon motivates better, since you will regularly have to communicate with the organizer, from whom you will no longer be able to hide your real weight. In addition, the organizer will be able to personally check your food diary and give individual recommendations according to your diet without delay, as often happens in large-scale online marathons.

And you will also have to look other participants in the eyes regularly, which means you will be embarrassed to show bad results and will want to brag about your weight loss achievements.

3. Online marathons in closed groups

Thematic forums often hold similar weight loss marathons. Actions also take place in
online mode, except that you know those with whom you are competing, in any case, you have previously communicated with them at least in correspondence on the same forum or in a group.

This gives high motivation, as they say, not to lose face, and the desire not to be worse than your friends. Plus, you get excellent support during the marathon from like-minded women who won’t let you just break down and give up everything. For motivation and control of actions, this is just the thing.

4. Offline marathons for nutritionist clients

Nutritionists can also organize weight loss marathons among their clients. This gives clients good motivation and instills in them a spirit of healthy competition and enthusiasm. The nutritionist, in turn, receives a new round of popularity and loyal customers ready to act to achieve a goal.

Would you agree that losing weight by competing with someone is much more pleasant than rearranging the menu at home alone and regretting the uneaten cake?

5. Weight loss marathons among friends

You can also hold a weight loss marathon with friends who want to lose weight. Such a marathon will definitely be free, the spirit of competition among girlfriends is at the proper level, and the mutual support of loved ones will allow you not to break down in difficult moments.

The main thing is to restrain yourself from envying other people’s results if they turn out to be more significant than yours, and to be sincere in your advice about losing weight and training. As a bonus, participants in the weight loss marathon among their girlfriends receive company for visiting the fitness center and the absence of temptations when eating together (since everyone is losing weight, that means everyone is eating healthy and balanced).

6. Television weight loss marathons

These are real TV shows, which are not so easy to get into. Participants in such marathons immediately find themselves in harsh conditions and are under the guidance of truly professionals in their field.

If you are not afraid of difficulties and publicity, if you are not embarrassed that thousands of television viewers will watch your story, then you can apply.

Features of weight loss marathons

Like any collective event, weight loss marathons also have their positive and negative aspects. Before participating in them, thoroughly weigh all the pros and cons, and then make a decision.

Pros of weight loss marathons:

– You will not be alone in your aspirations and achievements of your goals; like-minded people and reformers of their way of life, just like you, will walk side by side with you;

– You will have additional motivation to take action, because you can openly boast of your achievements among other marathon participants and their organizers, earning the trust of people and the respect of your coach;

– You will have a competitive spirit and the passion to win the marathon or at least show one of the best results, and competitions, as we know, are much more interesting than lonely movement towards the goal;

– Above you will always be the watchful eye of your like-minded people and coach, whom you are unlikely to want to let down and upset with weakness of spirit and intemperance;

– You will have a large support group of other participants who will be able to support you in difficult moments and dissuade you from leaving the distance before the coveted finish;

– You will be able to receive support, advice and professional tips from trainers and nutritionists;

– Your food diaries will be checked on time, and your diet will be adjusted as necessary, the same applies to training – during weight loss marathons, participants are given personal recommendations on how to physical activity;

– You will be given a clear time to achieve the goal, when you will have to present the results obtained, and, therefore, you will not be able to put off actions until later and give yourself delays;

– You will be able to be proud of the results obtained in weight correction, you will be able to find new friends during communication within the marathon and you will learn a lot about dietetics and weight loss;

– Many marathons have a prize fund that is awarded to the winner or several winners of weight correction competitions, and everyone loves to receive gifts (the prize fund consists either of the entry funds of the participants, when the winner takes all the “bets” of the remaining participants, or is formed at the expense of sponsors marathon).

Disadvantages of weight loss marathons:

– In online marathons you should rely only on your own discipline, because you always there is a temptation to disconnect from the Internet and continue the same lifestyle;

– In weight loss marathons there is a risk of meeting non-professionals who pose as experts. In this case, they may impose a restrictive diet on you and give you incorrect recommendations and advice.

Therefore, always be interested and, if possible, check whether the organizer of such a marathon has a nutritionist certificate, whether he has undergone training as a nutritionist, any courses in dietetics, including online courses in dietetics;

– In weight loss marathons, you run the risk of encountering network marketers who pose as experienced nutritionists, but in fact they promote some kind of weight loss products, dietary supplements, sports supplements and dubious weight correction schemes.

It is better not to get involved with such people at all, if you do not want to become a person on whom the effect of some drugs or “miraculous” devices is tested;

– During competitions, you may find that your results are much worse than others. At such moments, it is important not to lose motivation and self-confidence, continuing to pursue the goal without unnecessary envy and anger;

– It is equally important during weight loss marathons not to get proud when you see your good results.

Rejoice in your achievements, but do not reproach those behind you with them, and also make sure that narcissism does not play a cruel joke on you, taking away your motivation and desire for further victories.

Remember, today you may be a winner, but tomorrow you may be left behind by those who did not boast, but confidently moved towards the goal.

It’s up to you to decide whether to participate in weight loss marathons or not. If you have been looking for like-minded people for a long time and need additional support and motivation from the outside, then this is a great opportunity to start taking action.

But if you are not sure that the marathon organizers are professionals in their field, then it is better to look for something more reliable. In such a situation, the support of a personal nutrition coach will be much more effective. Good luck to you!

Did you find this article helpful? Then like us and write in the comments, have you ever participated in weight loss marathons and are you planning to participate?

And if you yourself want to start your own weight loss marathon, then you will probably need the appropriate knowledge, which can be obtained through nutrition courses, see below for more details...

Let's be honest - it's hard enough to maintain good physical shape and an attractive body after having three children.

Especially if you don’t have extra financial resources to visit beauty salons, buy expensive cosmetics and creams, or have plastic surgery. It’s even more difficult if you don’t even have time for the gym, instructors, jogging or fitness.

All that remains is only your own ambitions, the desire to be no worse than others, to learn how to do everything with your own hands.

Not wanting to look bad just because I don’t have high financial income and I have to spend the lion’s share of the family budget on my children and home, I began to collect a variety of information in books, the Internet, and try on myself all sorts of other people’s advice, techniques, and procedures.

Some turned out to be completely ineffective and were eliminated immediately, some I adopted, some had to be refined and improved, and some I generally gleaned from folk wisdom.

At first, I tried almost everything possible: I fasted, I drank laxatives, I took drugs for weight loss and appetite suppression. But in the end, all the lost kilograms came back, and my health clearly suffered. Hair, nails, and skin deteriorated from improper weight loss.

The sedatives caused sudden mood swings and causeless depression. From hunger and poor nutrition I constantly felt sick and had pain in my stomach. I tried not to eat all day, but in the evening the feeling of hunger was so strong that I lost control and began to overeat. Then I fell into despondency, again tried to starve, again broke down, and all this was spinning in a circle from day to day...

I had to discard these ideas and start digging in the opposite direction. However, the most valuable thing in life is experience. And even from such a phenomenon as useless weight loss, I was able to extract it. I realized my mistakes, thought them over carefully, made correct and useful conclusions, and summed up the results.

I was able to find optimal solution, where I didn't have to spend my money or too much time, where I could do without hunger strikes and ridiculous diets. Where I could take care of myself at home, on my own, in a comfortable environment and at a time that was convenient for me.

The lost weight did not return in the end, there were no health problems, I could fully live and do housework, all my chores, without fainting from hunger and without experiencing endless irritation and anger due to an excessive appetite, like most people who lose weight. Tighten the skin, reduce and eliminate sagging, make the contours thinner and slimmer - all this is quite possible, everyone can do it.

The marathon is a program aimed at maximizing healthy weight loss. There are no strict diets or hunger strikes. On the contrary, I always try to emphasize that the basis of proper weight loss is not quick weight loss through banal calorie restriction.

What should you remember during the Two-Week Marathon?

In addition to the diet and list of exercises, you will receive tasks every day - they will be very diverse.

Together we will try to change our view of our own body, of life and of things around us, and we will develop a motivating psychology of consciousness. This is no less important than being thin.

Let's learn to perceive food as necessary and healthy nutrition for your body, but nothing more. Food should not be a source of pleasure; there are other means for this. It’s good if it’s tasty and pleasant to you, but you can’t make a cult out of it.

You should always remember that the more you try during the program, the more you will get in the end. I will give you a ready-made plan for every day and help with advice, but I won’t be able to force you to follow it! First of all, a marathon participant must want it himself, believe in himself, and firmly move toward his goal.

Let it be encouraging to know that others have followed this same path before you, that they have experienced my program on themselves, that their efforts have been crowned with real success.

I wish you to complete every day of the marathon with good mood and leave your extra grams in your past life as the most unnecessary ballast! Share your successes in the comments to this article, I will be happy to give advice or explain unclear points.

The “Forward to Slimness” marathon is not boring lectures that you don’t want to listen to until the end. This is a very powerful cool motivation to become better, lighter, more beautiful...

The marathon completely changed my perception of my body. I was finally able to admit that I didn’t accept myself at this “extra” weight. And all the problems seem to be mine happy family precisely because I was fat. I no longer believe those who say that the fat around them (sorry) is just an individual feature of their body, that they are happy with everything and that they should be loved as they are. Whoever says this is disingenuous. Life without excess weight much brighter and more dynamic. This real LIFE!!! I lost weight without even feeling that I was limiting myself in any way, setting any boundaries. And it was cool! The “Forward to Slimness” marathon is not boring lectures that you don’t want to listen to until the end. This is a very powerful cool motivation to become better, lighter, more beautiful, healthier. If the marathon had been any other way, I’m not sure I would have been able to reach my goal. In 21 days I lost 6 kg!! THIS IS AMAZING!!! I don't want to be fat anymore. NEVER!!!...".

Konkina Alla

The “Forward to Slimness” marathon is a well-thought-out program. Disciplines and provides excellent motivation. Girls, I highly recommend taking this course to anyone who has problems with weight. I give you 1000% confidence in the results, you won’t regret it...

The marathon program was very suitable, I didn’t even expect this myself. Everything is so clear and simply explained that you absorb this information like a sponge and begin to slowly apply it yourself. Now, after completing the “Forward to Slimness” marathon, I look at many things, in particular my psychological attitude, diet, and my figure, completely differently. I’m still in the process of losing weight, I still have a lot to lose, but now it’s no longer a problem for me. I set a goal for myself and am moving towards it at my own pace, without looking at anyone. I feel much calmer, more confident, feminine and sexy. The “Forward to Slimness” marathon is a well-thought-out program. Disciplines and provides excellent motivation. Girls, I highly recommend taking this course to anyone who has problems with weight. I give 1000% about the results, you won’t regret it...

Danilkina Inga

"...thanks to the marathon and Christina, I finally reached my goal and I’m going to stay at this weight for a long time. Thank you very much!... "

Maybe the “Forward to Slimness” marathon is not a panacea, but it is clearly a good start, an incentive, a push. It contains all the knowledge that a person needs to lose weight and then control his weight without any nuclear diets and total starvation. Moreover, everything is well systematized. If there is a question, there is an answer, nothing superfluous or distracting, no fluff or marketing. I didn't have to look additional information on the Internet. More precisely, I was looking for it, out of curiosity, but for someone to offer me the same detailed description all the processes occurring in the body and what to do about it, this did not happen. Only diets and stupid advice, not even supported by facts, given by people who have nothing to do with a healthy body and slimness. And thanks to the marathon and Christina, I finally reached my goal and am going to stay at this weight for a long time. Thanks a lot!...".

Petrukh Lily

From my own experience, I can say that no diet or strength training will give such an effect. Everything is balanced here. And you lose weight naturally, without stress and additional supplement pills. My opinion is that this is the most correct method of losing weight...

My story before joining the “Forward to Slimness” marathon was wildly sad. Losing weight is a fixed idea. I don’t eat, I play sports all the time, and I stupidly gain weight from water. Every extra gram on the scale means hysteria, it means starvation, it means tears, broken dishes. Overall, it was really scary. I came here because my mother simply forced me to. The first 2 days were absolutely zero. With my wild skepticism and unwillingness to perceive anything other than myself, I generally just thought that I would sit through all 21 days. The skepticism ended around the end of the 4th day. I didn’t particularly adhere to the nutrition program, of course, I didn’t expect any effect either. Just out of curiosity, I stepped on the scales and... I was shocked, but my weight became 1 kg less!!! From that moment on, I became a diligent student and decided that I couldn’t lose weight as easily as by running a marathon on any diet. The program was successful, adipose tissue was replaced muscle mass. From my own experience I can say that no diet or strength training will give such an effect. Everything is balanced here. And you lose weight naturally, without stress and additional supplement pills. My opinion is that this is the most correct method of losing weight. The most harmless!..."