Make your own glowing New Year's bottle with your own hands. How to make a garland and much more for the New Year from plastic bottles How to make a stylish night light with your own hands

How to make a night light from glass bottle with your own hands. If you drill a small hole in the lower part of a shaped empty glass bottle, you can construct homemade lamp— night light powered by 220 Volt. To make it we need a glass bottle. Beautiful night lamps are made from dark glass bottles, then the light bulbs inside will add volume to the entire structure. Drilling a bottle with your own hands should not cause problems if you carefully repeat the process presented. The light source in the bottle can be a Christmas tree garland from New Year's supplies with point light sources, otherwise the light bulbs won't fit into the neck :). You will also need a power cord and electrical tape.

If a garland with incandescent lamps is used, then you should not install a garland with more than 25-35 bulbs due to possible overheating of the lamp’s contents. This restriction does not apply to LED garlands.

How to make a stylish night light with your own hands

The assembly instructions are simple and should not cause problems when replicating a lamp from a bottle.

1. Select the glass you like and the hole in it. A hole with a diameter of 6mm is quite enough. The edge of the hole is not sharp and does not pose a danger to the power cord.

2. After drilling, carefully dry the bottle upside down. Moisture inside shouldn't be!.

3. Take the power cord and through drilled hole we put it in the bottle and take it out of the neck.

4. Strip the ends of the power cord. Check that the cord disabled! If these words are not clear, stop working and study the electrical safety rules - this is useful.

5. To prevent the cord from jumping out of the bottle, we make a simple knot at its end with our own hands. Look at the photo.

6. Cut off the plug from the garland and also strip the ends of the wires.

7. We connect the power cord to the garland (twisted, soldered or crimped with lugs) and carefully insulate, for example, with electrical tape each connection point of the wires.

8. Carefully place the garland inside the bottle. If the wires of the garland are soft, then during operation and warming up the air in the bottle, the entire garland may move closer to the bottom of the bottle. To maintain the volume of the system, you can tie black threads to some areas of the garland (do not damage the insulation) and after installing the garland, pull the required areas to the required height and secure the threads to the neck.

9. Turn on the night light you made yourself and adjust the position of the garland. At least some air exchange passes through the neck and there is no need to close it. See photos and videos.

Do you remember catching fireflies as a child? Even from a distance, these tiny creatures look magical, and if you still manage to catch a couple of them in a jar... Agree, there is something magical about the miniature lights sparkling from behind the glass.

Now you hardly have time for these cute children's fun. And the season, to put it mildly, is not very conducive. But you can enjoy the magical light from behind the glass at any time. To do this, you don’t have to look for any special lamp - it’s easy to make it yourself.

Today you will learn how to make a beautiful New Year's lamp from a garland in a jar, bottle, vase or other glass container. We have selected 46 photos of the most beautiful examples and we will tell you in detail how to do this.

You don't need to be a handmade artist to create this beauty. The technology is simple enough that even a beginner can master it. The materials you will also need are the simplest: a glass container of your choice and a New Year's garland.

Important Notes:

1. It is better to give preference to an LED garland - it does not heat up, and, accordingly, is safer for a closed container.

2. Some options do not include a power cable outlet. So look for a short, battery-powered garland.


1. Lamp from a garland in a jar

The best part about this idea is that you probably already have at least one required item. The jar does not have to be beautiful in itself, although interesting models with embossed walls or colored glass are welcome. So sort out the deposits tin cans in the pantry - New Year's magic begins!

Materials and tools:

a glass jar with a neck wide enough for your palm to fit freely (preferably with a small margin), transparent silicone-based glue, a short garland with batteries.

How to make a lamp in a jar with your own hands:

1. Wash the jar thoroughly and remove the labels. Dry.

2. Apply the garland to outer wall to outline the intended contour. When you are ready, apply glue to the necessary parts of the garland and fix it inside the jar.

Ready! Now you have your own “winter firefly trap”. This lamp looks especially impressive in the twilight.

Such lamps look great on their own - for example, in the middle of a table. But, if you want a particularly New Year's mood, place the jars on a tray with other seasonal decor: pine cones, fir branches. Artificial snow will ideally complement the composition. Cover the edges of the jar with it or pour it inside - it will turn out no worse than souvenir snow globes.


2. Light garland under the serving hood

Their main difference is the ability to give special significance to what is hidden under glass. Just imagine: an ordinary garland will look like a museum exhibit!

For this idea, the garland can simply be placed inside, turning the cap over, or glued, as in the previous paragraph - in this case, the composition will look even more impressive.

Most sophisticated option it will work with miniature light bulbs in the shape of flowers - if you manage to find such a garland, it will be just wonderful. The cap can not only be placed on a table or chest of drawers, but also built into a New Year's composition, as in the photo.


3. Decorative lamp made of garland and glass vase

Who said that vases are only suitable for flowers? A simple transparent vase without decoration is an excellent basis for any composition. Especially New Year's - behind the glass the bright lights will look simply magical.

This idea is especially good for its practicality: it does not require gluing or “modifying” the vessel, and after the holidays you will be able to use the vase for its intended purpose again.

Everything here is extremely simple: find a suitable glass vase or flowerpot and beautifully arrange the garland inside. The garland can either fill the entire vase or hang beautifully along the edges if the vase is tall. The composition can be supplemented with any suitable filler: pine cones, fir branches, artificial snow


4. Lanterns for shaped candles + garlands

Lanterns occupy a special place in winter decor. There is something fabulously romantic in its outlines - especially in our time, when many people use flashlights. But this is not a reason to throw such a wonderful item into the closet! Bring out the old ones from the depths of the closet garden lights or buy them at IKEA to feel like a New Year's fairy with a magic light.

Making a lantern magical is not at all difficult: just place the garland beautifully inside, as in the point about vases. Do you want a special touch? Glue the garland to the walls so that it takes an interesting shape (see point 1). The lantern itself can also be decorated with a bright bow or a New Year's wreath made of pine needles.


5. Decorative lamp from a bottle

And this is, perhaps, the most interesting lamp from the garland: in a bottle. It is somewhat more difficult to manufacture than previous options, but the impression more than makes up for all the inconvenience. Just imagine: tiny lights, white or multi-colored, flickering through dark glass... Wine bottles are best suited, but cognac and liqueur bottles look no less impressive.

Materials and tools:

empty glass bottle, drill, glass drill bit (~ 1.25 cm), electrical tape, short garland (preferably battery-powered, not powered).

Precautions: For safety, wear gloves and safety glasses in case the bottle breaks. For the same reason, keep a few spare bottles on hand.

How to make a decorative lamp from a bottle with your own hands:

1. Wash the bottle thoroughly, removing the label, and wipe dry.

2. Mark the place for drilling (3-5 cm from the bottom edge of the bottle) with electrical tape. It is necessary so that the drill does not slip during the process.

3. Secure the bottle (for example, between wooden spacers) and start drilling. Avoid pressing too hard to avoid damaging the glass! Drilling a hole takes about half an hour.

4. Rinse the bottle thoroughly so that no glass chips remain on the walls, and dry. To prevent injury, cover the edges of the hole with sealant.

5. Now let's place the garland. Gradually lower it into the opening of the bottle so that the switch (and power cord, if any) remains outside.

Once it's done, congratulations! You have an exquisite decoration for your table or living room interior.

You can use any bottles, both regular and colored glass. It will look especially festive frosted glass and/or covered with artificial snow. This lamp will look equally good in any color variations, but we recommend playing with contrasts. Light glass + multi-colored garland, dark glass + garland with yellow lights, composition of bottles of different sizes...

For aesthetes, we offer this option: bottles made of colored glass, and inside there is a garland, large decorative filler and grape leaves. Incredibly elegant!

Where can I sell cigarette ashes? The story that cigarette ashes are very valuable, and pharmacies and some enterprises are willing to pay a lot of money for the ashes, has migrated from real life to the network. And the gullible Buratins have no idea that if cigarette ash were worth the money they offer for it, then cigarette manufacturers would simply burn their products! So where did the legend of priceless cigarette ash come from?
It's all because of the ordinary human greed and the desire for easy money. And if there are naive people who believe in wonderful and easy ways to make money, then there are also enterprising people who are ready to make money from naive simpletons. Moreover, the scheme that scammers use is very simple: an advertisement is placed for the purchase of completely useless nonsense such as cigarette ash, or some other tempting offer, in general - the main goal is to interest a person in something.

Surely almost every active RuNet user knows about the online legend about incredibly expensive coins, which, nevertheless, can end up in everyone’s pocket. Of course, I want to write about the legendary 10 kopeck coin from 2001.
As befits a modern legend, despite numerous refutations, a rumor of this kind persists: “Market the cost of a 10 kopeck coin from 2001 is from 29,000 to 40,000 rubles. The price depends on the condition of the coin. For example, 10 kopecks from 2001 sold for 50 thousand rubles at auction! And you just have to imagine how much it will cost in a few years! The number of coins is decreasing, the price of the remaining ones will increase every month, so hurry up!!!"

What if you don’t have a corkscrew at hand, but you need to open a bottle of wine? Eat different ways solutions to this problem, I’ll tell you about them below:
Method number 1. The simplest and most effective. To open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew using this method, you simply need to hold the bottle horizontally with one hand and gently tap the bottom of the bottle with the palm of your other hand.
If possible, wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel. (otherwise the bottle may break!), and lightly tap the wall. With a successful combination of circumstances, in a few minutes the wine will be ready to be poured into glasses. It is extremely rare, but it happens that this method takes too much time, so we move on to the next method. I warn you again! There is no need to use excessive force or hit the bottom of the bottle with hard objects, otherwise the bottle will break.

Method number 2. You can simply push the cork inside the bottle using any object, for example, reverse side forks or spoons, marker, pen, pencil. Attention! Ub...

Excellent New Year's glowing homemade product from an empty wine bottle.

To make a glowing New Year's bottle we will need:

- wine bottle
- drill and glass drill bit
- safety glasses and gloves
- electrical tape
- Christmas tree garland

So, let's start making a homemade product from an empty wine bottle:

1. Wash the wine bottle thoroughly and remove all labels (if you want, of course, you can leave it);

2. In place of the future hole for wiring the garland, you need to stick pieces of electrical tape; it will prevent the drill from slipping off the bottle.

3. Wear gloves and safety glasses before drilling. Do not press hard on the glass, otherwise the bottle will break, which is why this process is very long. I spent about 30 minutes, my advice to you is to be patient before drilling the bottle!
If everything went well, this is what you should get from it:

4. As soon as you drill a hole, the bottle must be thoroughly rinsed from glass shavings and dried thoroughly!

5. Now you need to stuff the New Year's garland into that unfortunate hole that you have been tormenting for dozens of minutes: bully:!

6. Our glowing New Year's bottle with a garland inside - Ready!

An LED strip can turn any fancy wine bottle into an amazing (and useful!) souvenir.

Use these bottle lights to illuminate dark corners, as a night light or as a holiday decoration.

The whole trick to turning glass bottles into lamps is to drill a hole in the wall of the bottle.

The opening must be large enough to allow the LED strip to pass through. This can be done easily with a few special tools.

We will need:

  • LED garland with 3m battery
  • Glass bottle
  • Razor
  • Adhesive remover
  • Diamond Hole Saw
  • Drill
  • Masking tape
  • Gloves
  • Protective glasses
  • Electric engraver with grinding cylinder
  • Stick (optional)

Short LED Strip Light- 3 meters long, about 55 LEDs - will perfectly fill a standard glass bottle. LEDs remain cool to the touch, so you don't have to worry about the glass heating up. Using a battery will allow you to place the bottle-lamp anywhere, regardless of an electrical outlet.

Step 1.

Prepare the bottle by removing all labels from the glass - use a razor to scrape off the paper. Wipe the glass with adhesive remover and wash with warm, soapy water. Let dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 2.

Place masking tape at the bottom of the bottle. This will mark the place where we will drill and will prevent the drill from slipping.

Step 3.

Wear protective gloves and goggles. Put diamond drill at a 45 degree angle to the tape and mark the cut. Then turn the drill 90 degrees and continue drilling until successful. A light pressure is enough for the diamond drill to penetrate right through the glass. This may take a full minute. Watch to see if glass powder appears so you know the process is progressing.

Step 4.

Remove the masking tape and then carefully grind down any chips or sharp edges in the drilled hole with an engraver.

Step 5.

Wash the bottle thoroughly to remove all drilling and sanding residue. Let dry completely before moving on to the next step.