New games and competitions for the anniversary. Compliments in Old Church Slavonic. Game Who We Really Are

Birthday for every girl, girl, woman is of great importance. Despite the fact that it is considered indecent to ask the age of the birthday girl, this holiday always remains very exciting for each of them. An anniversary is considered especially important. When a woman turns 50-55 years old, there comes a period when rethinking comes. On this day, any beauty wants to spend the holiday cheerfully and with family and friends. In order to make your birthday unforgettable, you can invite a toastmaster to the celebration or arrange the fun yourself, the main thing is to find an active guest who likes to “talk.” Table competitions and games are perfect for this.

Game “Who is thinking about what?”

This game is played during the feast period in fun company family and friends.

  • The host brings out a small bag to the guests, containing small pieces of paper with letters. For example, "M", "K", "A" and so on.
  • The task is for the player to draw a card from the bag and name the first word that comes to mind starting with the letter.

Usually, the player gets lost and says the most ridiculous things. The point is to just have fun listening to the guests' varied options. When you play this game, you are guaranteed laughter and fun.

Game "Kiss of the hero of the day"

This table game contains not only enthusiasm and joy, but also a certain team spirit.

  • The presenter must divide those present into two teams. It is best to divide the guests into the right and left halves of the table. The hero of the day is not on any of the teams. It should be in the center of the feast.
  • The guests sitting furthest from the birthday person begin the competition. At the toastmaster's command, the latter drink a glass of wine and kiss the person sitting next to them.
  • The kissed player, like the previous one, must drink a glass of drink and pass the kiss to the next neighbor.
  • This procedure is repeated until the head of the evening is kissed by the players of both teams.
  • The winner is the team whose kiss arrives first.

As a gift to the winning part of the table, you can give a dance with the hero of the day, or give comic prizes as a reward.

Question and answer game

The game will be very interesting and unusual if decent questions and answers are excluded from the rules. It would be better if there were no children in the room.

  • The main ringleader of the event divides all the guests into two camps. You can divide them the same way as in the previous competition, or divide the guests according to their desire to write questions or answers. The main thing is that the number of players is equal.
  • Each person participating in the game is given a pencil or pen, as well as a small sheet of paper.
  • One side writes down questions on a piece of paper, the other side writes down answers. At the same time, none of those present should say what they write out loud.
  • Then everything written is handed over to the toastmaster.
  • The presenter, in turn, puts the sheets of paper into piles: one with questions, the other with answers.
  • Then comes the fun part of the game. The first guest takes a sheet with a question, and the second with an answer. Each of them reads their part in turn.

Game "Cooking"

This competition is more suitable for those who love to cook, or really love to eat. You can play either in a team or alone. For greater interest, you can divide those present into men and women.

  • The toastmaster selects one person from the crowd and assigns him one letter.
  • The participant, in turn, must name the dish starting with this letter or its components. But the whole point is that he takes only those ingredients that are in the plate of the neighbor on the right.
  • To make it even more interesting, you can use a stopwatch. The presenter gives the contestant 30 seconds, during which he must name all the products starting with a given letter.

Game "Three words"

According to this idea, those invited to the holiday need to be smart and show how extensive their vocabulary is.

  • Each of those present takes out of the bag pre-prepared cards with three letters unrelated to each other into words.
  • A person must come up with one compliment for each letter addressed to the host of the evening. Naturally, if the letters are repeated, the following participants should not repeat the previously spoken words.

For example, if you come across the word TAL, you can come up with the following: “Patient, athletic, loving.” It is advisable to select those letters that are poor in terms of compliments. In this way, you can make this game very fun.

Game "Crocodile"

One of the most exciting and fun games, which is popular not only among young people, but also among quite old people, is the game “Crocodile”. The essence of the game is that the central player shows with gestures and facial expressions what was wished for him. He should not use words or improvised objects.

There are several options for playing this exciting game.

First option

  • The guests sitting at the table must be divided into several teams. Can be divided into two, three or four teams. It all depends on your desire and the number of guests.
  • Each team writes on several pieces of paper what the neighboring team should show. The cards are placed in different containers, mixed and given to the other team. You can use a specific topic or think of words and phrases on an arbitrary topic. Movie titles or phrases are popular. For example, you can ask your competitors the phrases “I’ll sing now,” “It’s good to live, but it’s even better to live well!” or the movie “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath,” “Terminator,” “Well, Just You Wait!”
  • After shuffling the notes, the first player draws a sheet and goes to the middle of the room. His task is to convey to his team what is written on the sheet.
  • To prevent the game from dragging on, it is best to set a certain time, after which the participant either drops out or continues to participate. Everything depends on the decision of the toastmaster.
  • Players of the other team can guess the unsolved word; naturally, if a player recognizes his word, he remains silent.
  • The group that guesses the most words or phrases wins.

In order for the game to be understandable to everyone, it is best to choose a specific theme. It's easier for the player to navigate when he knows where to look.

Second option

  • Players play each for themselves.
  • Anyone can start. The presenter or the birthday boy can make a word by saying it in the participant’s ear.
  • The first one to guess the phrase takes the place of the player.
  • For the second participant, the phrase is guessed by the previous player. The game continues like this until you decide to end it.

Choose challenging topics. For example, "cooking". Imagine how a player must twist to show off potato soup or cottage cheese casserole?!

Game "Portrait of the hero of the day"

This competition will reveal true artists and comedians, or the lack thereof.

  • Each competitor is given markers and balloons different colors.
  • On the resulting ball they must draw a portrait of the head of the evening. Among the guests there will definitely be those who will approach the competition creatively and with a sense of humor.
  • The winner can be determined by general voting or by applause. It is best to give the choice to the hostess of the evening.

Competition "Verbal Portrait"

Any girl, despite her age, loves to be admired. This competition will help the heroine of the evening feel special.

  • Collect children's photos of the birthday girl, her family, loved ones and friends in advance.
  • The participant’s task is to guess which photographs our birthday girl is in, and he must describe this photo as interesting as possible.
  • The one who guesses the most pictures wins.

Competition "Battle of the Sexes"

The eternal struggle of the sexes will manifest itself in the game “Battle of the Sexes”. The idea will stir up the guests a little.

The toastmaster asks questions first to women and then to men.

Questions for the weaker sex should be on purely masculine topics, and men will have to answer women's questions.

Questions for ladies:

Questions for the stronger sex:

  • What is the name of the small bag that fits into a larger one, where women put cosmetics and other lady's things? (Cosmetic bag);
  • What is the ingredient for shortcrust pastry: yeast or sand? (None of the above);
  • What is used to remove nail polish from women's nails? (Acetone);
  • How do women dry fresh nail polish? (Blow on nails);
  • How to make sure that the arrow on nylon tights does not go further? (Paint the arrow on both sides with transparent varnish).

Competition for men “All in compliments”

Only representatives of the stronger sex participate in this competition. All women love with their ears and the birthday girl will really like this game.

The essence of the competition is to shower the birthday girl with compliments. The main thing is that the beauty has a sense of humor and is not offended by funny compliments.

  • To make the task more difficult, each participant must name one flattering review beginning with the letter “F” (woman), or with the initial letter of the name of the hostess of the evening. You can't repeat yourself.
  • If a man does not say the words in fifteen seconds, he is eliminated.
  • The last one remaining wins.

Game "Guess the answer"

During this competition, a person must guess a riddle, but not an ordinary one, but a funny one. The question can be asked to everyone at once or to everyone separately. The winner is determined by the most original or funniest answer.

Did he leave both his grandmother and his grandfather?
Answer: sex.
Prize: condom.

What do the parameters mean: 90*60*90?
Answer: speed of the vehicle before the traffic police post, before and after the traffic police post.
Reward: whistle.

And it hangs and stands. Sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's hot?
Answer: shower.
Reward: shower gel.

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Answer: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Reward: napkins

Statistical analysis shows that more than forty million people do this every night.
Answer:“sit” on the World Wide Web.
Reward: computer mouse.

Game "Guess the movie"

This fun is associated with alcohol and cinema.

The toastmaster tells a situation from the film or describes the film itself, where there is a drinking scene. Participants, in turn, must recognize this film from a brief description.

The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

  • Several friends are sitting in a cheerful, slightly tipsy group in the bathhouse on the night before the New Year. (Irony of fate);
  • Three repeat offender friends have a drink with the boss point of sale and decide to take the crooked path again. (Operation “Y”);
  • A man gets his friend drunk in a restaurant " Weeping willow", to a state of complete liberation. (Diamond Arm);
  • A journalist, researching the folklore of the Caucasian people and delving into the local culture, drinks a lot and becomes extremely sensitive. (Caucasian captive).

Game "Princess Nesmeyana"

  • The presenter must divide the invitees into two teams. You can divide people into the right and left halves of the table, at the request of the participants themselves, or by gender.
  • The first team becomes the “Nesmeyan princesses” and their task is to sit with a stern look and not express emotions in response to the second team’s attempts to make them laugh. At the same time, you cannot touch your opponents. Use anecdotes, jokes, funny faces.
  • Anyone who starts laughing or even smiles a little is eliminated from the competition.
  • All this is given a certain period of time. If you fail to make your opponents laugh, then the first team players become winners. If, nevertheless, the comedians manage to catch a note of fun on the faces of all members of the first team, then they win.

Game "YES-NO"

To play this game you need to prepare cards with the words “YES and NO” in advance.

  • Is it true that at the age of three the birthday girl kissed ducks?
  • Did they sing serenades to our beloved (name of the hostess of the evening)?

Do not forget that all questions must be agreed upon with the main character of the holiday. They can be funny and ridiculous, the main thing is that she likes them.

For the game, prepare your masks in advance

The presenter must first prepare masks of approximately the following nature:

  • Hand out masks to guests so that they cannot see which mask it is.
  • Each guest wears a mask.
  • Now, those present need to guess who they are. To do this, you need to ask questions that can only be answered in one word, that is, only “YES” or “NO.”

For example:

  • Am I human?
  • Am I an animal?
  • Am I small?
  • Do I have peel?
  • Am I sweet?
  • Am I big?
  • Am I an orange?

The one who first guessed who he is wins, but the fun continues until all participants guess their characters. Plus, at the end of the competition, you can have a little photo shoot with these fun masks.

Game "Who am I?"

This game is similar to the previous one. The exception is masks.

  • To have fun, all you need is a few sheets of clean paper, pens and good eyesight.
  • Each person present is given a small piece of paper and a pencil. The host can set a specific theme or leave it to the discretion of the players.
  • Participants write any word or character on their sheet, and no one should see the entry.
  • We turn the record over and pass it on to the neighbor on the right.
  • We apply the note received from a neighbor to the forehead so that everyone except the new owner of the piece of paper can highlight the note.
  • Now, following the principle of the previous game, we ask questions, the answers to which can only be “YES” or “NO.”

Game "Who am I"

  • Am I a living being?
  • I live in Russia?
  • Am I a famous person?
  • Am I a singer?

Choose one topic. For example: movie stars, famous personalities or animals.

Modern game “Hands Up”, which even stars play

This game was invented by one very famous American TV presenter, Ellen DeGeneris and her team. More precisely, they did not come up with a game, but an application on the phone, which ranked first in the world in popularity for quite a long time. It allows even strangers to get closer.

Download the application to your phone (there are both Russian and English versions);

Select the desired topic. This could be “travel”, “cinema”, “miscellaneous” and much more.

Follow the instructions:

  • Set the number of players;
  • The first player must touch the phone to his forehead;
  • The rest of the players are trying to explain what word he got.

You can give hints with similar word roots.

For example, the word “chicken” can be characterized as follows - it lays eggs, or so - it is a bird whose name begins with the word SMOKE.

If the player answered correctly, the phone turns its screens down, then the green light turns on and the inscription “Correct” appears. If the answer is incorrect or the participant does not know it, the phone turns the screen up. The light is red, which means the answer is not being read.

Please note that this is not only a game of your general knowledge, but also of speed. A total of 30 seconds are given per player. During this time he must give as many correct answers as possible. At the end of the game, the application displays the game results.

Don’t know how to spend your anniversary or the anniversary of your mother, father, grandmother or grandfather in an interesting way?

Do you want to spend it interesting, fun and a little touching?

Fun competitions and games for the Anniversary in this article will help you with this. They are simple to organize and easy to implement.

Competition "Remember Everything"

For this competition you need to carry out a small preliminary preparation, but it's worth it. Namely, you need to ask all close relatives and friends to bring 1-2 photographs showing them together with the hero of the day.

You need to remember where and when the photo was taken, sign and write the date and place with reverse side and cover it with a sticker.

Thus, at the anniversary there will be many photographs taken in different times, events and with different people. Photos need to be stacked. The presenter or the Jubilee takes each photo in turn and, with the help of the guests, must remember where, when and on what occasion the photo was taken. A sea of ​​pleasant memories and positive emotions guaranteed!

Competition “Good Old Films”

For the competition we need to prepare cards with phrases from our old favorite films in which one or more words are missing. The host or one of the guests reads a phrase from the film out loud, and the teams must continue the phrase and say the name of the film as quickly as possible. For each correct quick answer, the team is awarded a point. The team with the most points wins.

Examples of cards

1) "One is enough..."

Answer: “tablets.” Film "The Diamond Arm"

2) “3 tape recorders were stolen,...”

Answer: “3 tape recorders, 3 movie cameras, 3 suede jackets were stolen.” Film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”

3) “What disgusting thing is this of yours...”

Answer: “Jellied fish.” Film "The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath."

4) “I stole it, drank it...”

Answer: “to prison.” Film "Gentlemen of Fortune".

5) “He who doesn’t work is...”

Answer: “eats.” Film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik.”

6) “The professor, of course, is a mug, but...”

Answer: “he has the equipment with him.” Film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik.”

7) “I’m your aunt from Brazil, where there are many, many in the forests...”

Answer: “wild monkeys.” Film "Hello, I'm your aunt."

8) “Sorry, can’t tell me how to get there...”

Answer: “to the library.” Film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik.”

Game “Describe the hero of the day”

Each person present or each team needs to come up with an adjective that characterizes the hero of the day, starting with the 2nd letter of each subsequent adjective. Any team starts. The first adjective can be made from any letter, for example: beautiful - luxurious - charming - divine, etc. To a man: successful – strong – successful – liberated, etc. If a participant or team cannot come up with a word starting with the required letter, he or she leaves the game, and the next participant or team must name the word. The last participant or team left wins. The winner is given a symbolic gift.

Competition “Favorite songs of the hero of the day”

It is necessary to find out the favorite songs of the hero of the day in advance and write their names on cards, as well as download videos of songs from karaoke or print the words on pieces of paper. During the anniversary celebration, all those present are divided into teams of 2-3 people, including the hero of the day, and each team is given a card. The task is simple: sing from the heart the song written on the card.

Lottery of wishes

Why not host a holiday raffle to win a few pleasant surprises to family and friends! To do this, each guest writes on a piece of paper and puts his signature. After all the wishes are written, they are collected and put into a bag. The hero of the day takes out 3 wishes and reads them out loud. Three lucky winners receive pleasant surprises.

Funny greeting “Happy Birthday to you!”

Guests are divided into teams and each team is given a piece of paper with a simple and fun task: to sing one verse of “Happy Birthday to You!” take turns in the manner indicated on their card: the 1st team sings in a squeaky voice “Happy Birthday to you”, the 2nd team continues in a bass voice “Happy Birthday to you”, the 3rd team sings in a nasal voice, holding their nose with their hand “ Happy Birthday, dear (name of the hero of the day). Happy Birthday to you!

And the final verse “Happy Birthday to you!” all teams sing together in their funny voices. Such a congratulation will be very funny and original!

Touching presentation

And if you want to give a real touching gift to your beloved hero of the day, a photo presentation will help win his heart.

It will need to be done in advance. To do this, you will need photos of the hero of the day, taken at different moments of his life from infancy to the present moment, which will be shown to beautiful and touching music. You can choose your favorite song of the hero of the day.

If you doubt your creative abilities, order a presentation to professionals. The presentation can be launched closer to the end of the holiday.

They will create a relaxed, friendly atmosphere of joy and laughter, good humor and high spirits. These include cool outdoor games, funny songs, and various scenes. When conducting them, the presenter should take into account the age of the guests, as well as some of the character traits of those present.

Mobile good competitions for the anniversary

"Baba Yaga" . The game takes place in the form of a relay race. Two teams are formed. Each team member must parade at a distance with a broom, standing with one foot in a mortar, and pass on the attributes of the game to the next player. An empty bucket will be a mortar, a mop will be a broom.

"Golden Key" . The participants of the game will be pairs (man and woman). Each pair is required to portray scammers - Alice the fox and - from the famous fairy tale. They must walk a given distance in an embrace. At the same time, the cat is blindfolded, and the fox has only one healthy leg, she bends the other at the knee and holds it with her hand. The first couple to limp to the finish line wins. The prize will be a “golden key” from the hands of the hero of the day.

"Diver" . The leader forms two teams. The players of each of them take turns putting on fins, picking up binoculars and, looking through them, walking a given route with the fins, then passing the baton - fins and binoculars - to the next participant. The winning team receives a prize from the hands of the hero of the day.

"Kill the Dragon" . The participant in the game is shown an enemy - a toy dragon. He must be killed with a “mace” (i.e., a stick) while blindfolded. Before the battle begins, the player is turned around several times. If he completes the task, he receives a prize from the hero of the day - a toy weapon.

Fun singing competitions for anniversaries

“Congratulate the hero of the day with a song” . The first verse of the famous birthday song, everyone present has a lisp. The second and all subsequent ones are in the languages ​​of animals or birds. The host tells the teams of each table what language they should sing in. One group sings, for example, like a dog. Another is goat-style, the third is crow-style, etc. The winner is the team that sang louder, more fun and more fervently.

"Creative Duet" . Several couples play. Each of them receives a large sheet of blank paper. One of each pair of players is blindfolded and given a felt-tip pen. On this command, the other player moves the first player’s hand. In this way, together they draw a portrait of the hero of the day. The winner is the couple whose drawing is more similar to the original.

"Birthday Songs" . Everyone present at the table takes turns in pairs and sings a verse from a famous birthday song. The couple who sings the most songs is awarded a prize.

and scenes for the anniversary

"All about the hero of the day" . The host asks questions from the biography of the hero of the day, and the guests answer. The prize will be given to the one who answers the most questions.

"Discover a new planet" . Anyone can participate in the competition. Each participant receives balloon. Everyone is invited to “discover” an extraordinary new planet - inflate a balloon. Then you need to “populate” it with people - draw them with a felt-tip pen. The winner will be the player whose planet turns out to be the most beautiful within the allotted time.

"Sketch-fairy tale" . Several groups of two or three people take part in the game. The presenter gives the players pieces of paper with the names of famous fairy tales. Team assignments are to remake the fairy tale into new way and stage it. The applause of the audience will determine the winning team, which will receive a prize - a cake. These are always welcome. They introduce and bring guests together, discover their talents, creating in the hall

"Eloquence" . Participants of the competition are all present. The presenter announces the task - read the most nice wish for the birthday girl. The winner can be chosen by everyone together.

"Chain" . Two (or more) teams are formed. Each of them must make a chain out of clothes. Players take off their clothes. The team that makes the longest chain wins.

Guests will remember a well-organized holiday for a long time. Moreover, what they ate at the table will soon be forgotten, and fun competitions at anniversaries and other events will be remembered for a long time.

The competition participants are divided into teams, each of which will have three people. The presenter holds three ribbons in each hand. Each participant takes one end of the ribbon, and at the signal from the team leader, they weave a braid from the ribbons. You cannot let go of the ribbon from your hands, so the participants will have to squat, step over each other, etc. The team that braids the hair faster wins.

A woman is universal

Guests are divided into pairs: man-woman. Each couple receives women's tights and a tie. At the “start” command, each woman will try to prove that she is universal, as they say, both for herself and for the man. The woman puts tights on her beautiful legs as quickly as possible and ties a tie for “her” man. The participant who completes the task efficiently faster than others will become the winner.

Women rule the world

Guests gather in teams with the same number of people: a women's team and a men's team. On the “start” command, the teams compose their lists of countries: the men’s team - a list of male countries, and the women’s team - a list of female countries. In theory, women should have a much larger list, because the countries of the world are Greece, Japan, Russia, Italy, Spain, America, Brazil, Bolivia, Jamaica and so on. But there are much fewer male countries. The presenter gives the teams a minute or two to compile lists. But in the end, a team of women proves that women rule the world, because their list should be longer, no matter how you look at it.

By rank and status

Guests take turns calling the birthday girl with noble ranks and compliments denoting her status, for example, duchess, queen, darling, goddess, empress, her majesty, and so on. Naturally, it is not forbidden to show imagination and ingenuity. The game goes to elimination, that is, whoever does not say “compliment” is eliminated. The birthday girl will certainly be pleased, and the smartest ones will be given the title of winners and prizes.

Compliments in Old Church Slavonic

The presenter takes turns reading out compliments for the birthday girl as they would sound in Old Church Slavonic (here you can add a drop of humor), for example, the girl is even kind-hearted ( beautiful woman), there is molded music (like the best music), even the adamant of this Rus' (the diamond of all Mother Russia), the sweet stench (sweet aroma) and so on. The host reads out the compliments, and the guests translate. And whoever translates the most will win.

Forget it

The guests are divided into 2 teams: a team of Women and Men (both have the same number of people). Each participant receives a carnation. Any piece of wood (board) and a hammer are located at a certain distance from each team. At the command “start”, the first participants run to their board and hammer in their nail, return back and pass the baton to the second participants. The team that hammers in all its nails the fastest will win.

Only a woman can do this

Women participate (and if they really want to, men can also take part if the company is too fun). Each participant receives a task: as quickly as possible and, most importantly, to simultaneously apply lipstick and write an SMS, that is, we paint our lips with one hand and write an SMS with the other, for example, “Happy Birthday.” The participant who completes the task efficiently and quickly will become the winner and receive a prize, for example, a diary for creating a schedule so that she does not have to do several things at once.

Darling, give me a dress

All the participants' eyes lit up, because they saw the most amazing dress in the window of a cool store, but it was worth a lot. And each girl, woman, in turn, must go to the center of the hall and come up with her number for her beloved, for example, a poem:
I'll go out into the field naked,
Let the bear eat me.
I'm still poor
Nothing to wear.
It can also be a song, a dance, or any performance that the participants come up with in order to “beg” their favorite dress. Whose performance, in the opinion of the guests, will be the best, that participant will receive a prize, for example, a brooch for a future dress.

Almost all competitions held at the anniversary are dedicated to the hero of the day, a wonderful, famous anniversary date, paying attention to his merits, good and special character traits of the hero of the day, life achievements, hobbies, hobbies, remembering the turbulent past and good wishes for the future.

When we come to an anniversary, we associate this holiday not only with congratulations, gifts, delicious food, dancing, and beautiful people. But we also assume fun and joy. This can be achieved in many ways, including by participating in competitions. The most best selection competitions for anniversaries are collected in this section, and will be replenished in the future. Surely you will find something new and interesting for yourself.

We offer a selection with ready-made details, for example cards with questions; you don’t need to search the Internet for questions for the competition, you just need to print them out.
We also have comic congratulatory medals for winners of competitions, which you can easily print on your printer and glue together.

Enjoy your moments with your loved ones! Happy Anniversary!