Catalog of presentations. Presentations on the topic of the Nativity, free download for class and extracurricular activities Christmas message presentation

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

The presentation can be used in working with children of senior preschool and junior school age to illustrate the story about the holiday of the Nativity of Christ (The first Christmas tree on earth. The author is the youth Maria Solopova, the future abbess Taisiya; or the Nativity of Christ. Children's Bible).

Presentation objectives:

  • introduce children to Orthodox traditions;
  • deepen and expand children's knowledge about the holiday of the Nativity of Christ;
  • cultivate kindness, compassion, empathy.

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is a children's holiday. On this day, many, many years ago, Jesus Christ was born and lay in a manger, as in a cradle (Slide 1.The image appears when clicked).

In the year when the Savior was born, the Roman emperor Augustus wanted to find out how many inhabitants there were in Judea, the country over which he ruled. And all the inhabitants had to return to their cities at the appointed time, i.e. everyone to the city where he was born, so that everyone could be counted and told how many inhabitants there are in each city.

The Mother of God - the Blessed Virgin Mary, together with the elder Joseph, were born in the city of Bethlehem and therefore came there. This town was small, and there was not enough room in the houses for everyone who came, so the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph stopped in a cave in which shepherds kept their cattle in bad weather, at the very entrance to the city.

Night came, the stars lit up in the sky like large lamps; there was complete silence; only in the cave, near a manger full of straw and hay, stood animals, donkeys and cows, quietly chewing their food. When Jesus Christ was born, the Mother of God swaddled him and put him in a manger (feeding trough for livestock), the animals stood aside and meekly, affectionately looked at the Baby ( Slide 2. The image appears with a click, the music turns on automatically, turns off with a click).

At this time, the shepherds, who were tending their flocks far from the city, suddenly saw a bright Angel ( Slide 3. The image appears when clicked). The shepherds were afraid, but the Angel told them to go to Bethlehem, to the cave and worship the Infant Christ who was born there.

At this time a great multitude of other angels appeared, praising God ( Slide 3. The image appears on click, the music turns off automatically).

When the Angels disappeared, the shepherds noticed that a new large star had appeared in the sky ( Slide 4). When the shepherds went and the star walked across the sky, then they realized that the star was leading them, and they boldly set off on their way (Slide 4.Animation and music are activated by clicking). The star led them to Bethlehem and stood over the cave, and the shepherds entered it and, kneeling down, rejoiced and thanked God that the Son of God was born on Earth, who would grow up and teach them to be kind and fair.

Meanwhile, the scientists of the Babylonian country, who were called the Magi, saw a new star in the sky and realized that it was on that night that the Child Christ was born in Bethlehem, and they decided to go and worship Him. The Magi followed the star and it stopped above the cave ( Slide 5. Animation and music are activated by clicking).

Gray-haired old wise men, smart and learned, knelt before the Baby and brought Him their gifts: gold, incense and myrrh ( Slide 6).

Elder Joseph looked at the general worship, his heart was filled with love, and he also wanted to give something to the Infant Christ, but he was a simple carpenter and very poor, he had nothing except the wood from which he worked. He cut trees in the forest and he knew nothing better, more beautiful than the forest. He remembered that he had seen a tree there - forever green, fragrant, like fragrant resin and with branches ending like small candles...

Joseph went into the forest, found a Christmas tree and, entering the cave, placed it in front of the manger ( Slide 6. Animation starts by clicking). Suddenly, a miracle happened: bright stars rolled down from the sky and flashed with lights at the ends of the branches ( Slide 6. Animation starts by clicking). This is how the first Christmas tree on earth was lit.

Since then, all nations have been trying to celebrate Christmas in peace and joy, and for young children they bring a Christmas tree and decorate it ( Slide 7).

Appendix: Presentation.


And there was a miracle on earth. Christmas reading book on literature for students in grades 5-11." Compiled by: Bezborodkina E.S., Korkhova V.O., - M: "Pilgrim", 2005. - 416 pages.

The first Christmas tree on earth. A Christmas story. The author is the youth Maria Solopova, the future abbess Taisiya. (Abridged).

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Slide captions:

For about two thousand years this holiday has been celebrated by millions of people of the same faith. different countries. Orthodox Christmas in Russia is celebrated on the night of January 7th.

The Nativity of Christ is called the “mother of all holidays.” The birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God, begins his earthly life, his suffering and Resurrection. The significance of this holy night is very great for all people on earth. Because he came to save us all!

2000 years ago, in the small town of Bethlehem, an unprecedented event occurred - the Son of God was born. He was born outside the city, in a cave, and was laid in a manger, where animal feed is placed.

The first guests of the divine baby were simple shepherds, to whom the Angel announced the Nativity of Christ: “I proclaim to you the great joy that will be for all people: the Savior, who is Christ the Lord, was born in the city of David! And here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” The shepherds were the first to rush to worship the newborn Savior.

At this time, the Magi from the east came with gifts to the King of Peace (magi are ancient sages). They knew and expected that the great King of the World would soon come to earth, and a wonderful star showed them the way to Jerusalem.

The Magi brought gifts to the Baby. Star And there was a miracle on earth And a miracle in the heavens: Like the sun, a star flashed in the rays in the midnight darkness. She floated over the world of tears And her light shone... And she told the poor shepherds that Christ was born. And the Magi followed her to Bethlehem with their gifts, and on the straw there they found the King of Kings.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation about the Nativity of Christ.

Christmas is the most favorite holiday of children. After all, the hero of the occasion is the baby Jesus Christ. This material will help a teacher or parent tell about the origin of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ....

presentation "Christmas"

Every time we cross the threshold of the New Year, our souls become especially warm, because in a few days the Christmas holiday will come! Christmas is an amazing time...

Olga Berdova
Presentation “The Nativity of Christ”

Presentation« Christmas»

(captions for slides)

Target: introduce the origin Christmas holiday.

Tasks: To stimulate interest in the study of history holiday. Enrich children's vocabulary. Continue to develop a respectful attitude towards Orthodox traditions, national culture, and the culture of other peoples.

Slide number 3

On the occasion of the census, the Roman emperor ordered everyone to come to Bethlehem. The Blessed Virgin Mary also went with Joseph to Bethlehem, she waited birth child and when night came they could not find a rookery anywhere, because all the houses were crowded, and then at the end of the city they saw a cave in which there were shepherds. The son of God Jesus was born in this cave Christ, Mary swaddled him and put him in a manger, because there was no other place.

Slide number 4

At night, the shepherds saw an Angel in front of them in all the splendor of heavenly radiance. They were afraid, but the Angel told them said: “I proclaim to you great joy, in this city Jesus the Savior was born, you will recognize him by finding a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

Slide number 5

The shepherds entered the cave and bowed to the Baby, glorifying and praising God for everything they heard and saw. And Mary kept in her heart everything that was said about the Child.

Slide number 6

Christmas family holiday, at the Divine Child Christians ask for all sorts of blessings for family and friends for a year, to holiday prepare gifts for each other, godparents visit their godchildren and give them gifts.

Slide number 7

The night before Merry Christmas songs are sung, children dress up and go from house to house and congratulate the owners on Merry Christmas, wishing them a fruitful year and all the best.

Slide number 8

Christmas is bright in my soul

Holiday Holy sun has risen

The skies are so clear, white day in the night;

Then the star sends rays to the baby in the manger!

The word became flesh for our troubles;

Christmas Eternal life light!

Publications on the topic:

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Event in elementary school. "Christmas Nativity" EVENT “THE NATIVITY OF CHRIST” Objectives: 1. To acquaint students with the history of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ in Russia. 2. Cultivate feeling.

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Slides: 30 Words: 239 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Christmas. Christmas Kachlavova Olga Vladimirovna, teacher English language highest category, methodologist. Valentine's Day and Easter (Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day and Easter). It's no secret that the most popular holiday all over the world is Christmas. The selection of material and the creation of a script for the holiday are undertaken by the oldest - 7th grade. But everyone else, without exception, participates in the performance, be it a song, a dance or a skit, which are fragments of the overall performance. Fairy tales are taken as the outline of the script: “Alice in Wonderland”, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “. Snow Queen", "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs", etc., but traditional Christmas characters, songs and poems are invariably included in the scene. - Christmas.ppt


Slides: 63 Words: 2045 Sounds: 0 Effects: 82

Wonderful and unusual events are associated with the Birth of Jesus Christ. Massacre of the innocents. Icon of the "Bethlehem Infants". In Rus', Christmas began to be celebrated in the 10th century. Christmas has long been a quiet and peaceful holiday. The last day of Lent was especially difficult. Previously, the long Christmas service began late at night. Christmas Eve, New Year(old style) and Epiphany. Immediately after Christmas, the so-called terrible evenings began. Fortune telling on mirrors. The shepherds and wise men bow to the baby. Fortune telling using a rooster was very common. A story about Christmas for my son. Merry Christmas! - Christmas 1.ppt

Christmas gifts

Slides: 20 Words: 679 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

What is Christmas? Stocking for gifts. Hanging stockings by the fireplace for gifts. The British were the first to decorate the house. Holly, mistletoe, ivy, poinsettia... Holly has become a recognized symbol of Christmas. Mistletoe (Mistletoe). Christmas Carols. The British consider carols to be the most important Christmas tradition. Christmas Candy Candy. Cookies for Santa. The Christmas candy resembles the letter J, which is the beginning of the name Jesus. Candle. Every Sunday a new red candle is lit. Christmas tree. - Christmas 2.ppt

Holiday Christmas

Slides: 16 Words: 383 Sounds: 10 Effects: 10

The carol has arrived - open the gates! Listen to “The Way Kolyada Was Going.” From the east with the wise men the star travels with precious gifts to bestow upon Christ. We came to glorify Christ and congratulate you on the holiday. For fun for you, and for nuts for us. Listen to “Children's Album” by P.I. Tchaikovsky: "Morning Prayer". Listen to the song “Lullaby” performed by the Rainbow ensemble. For the holiday you will need mummers' costumes. Masks were made from paper, some would make a blue nose, some would make a red one. Bring forth, O God, every kind of spring wheat. There is goodness in the house, There is grain in the field. There is pie in the house. In the field it’s spiky. - Holiday Christmas.ppt

Christmas celebration

Slides: 21 Words: 2518 Sounds: 2 Effects: 2

Christmas. Feast of the Nativity of Christ. Exact date of birth. Divine baby. Event. Magi. Selma Lagerlöf. Sheep. Grandmother. Shepherd. Santa Claus. Christmas Eve. New Year. Christmas in Switzerland. Christmas. Classical music. - Celebrating Christmas.ppt

Holiday of Christmas

Slides: 9 Words: 468 Sounds: 0 Effects: 57

Christmas. History of the holiday. The first mention of the celebration of Catholic Christmas is found in chronicles of the 4th century. Christmas. According to tradition, the Christmas Eve fast ends with the appearance of the first evening star in the sky. On the eve of the holiday, Old Testament prophecies and events related to the Nativity of the Savior are remembered. Traditions of the Nativity of Christ. Gifts for Christmas. Symbols of the Nativity of Christ. - Holiday of Christmas.pptx

Orthodox holiday of Christmas

Slides: 26 Words: 1795 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Christmas. Christmas Events. Purpose of the study. Stages of work. Angel. Events of the Nativity of Christ. Gospel of Matthew. Stars. The Savior was born. Magi. Holy Church. King Herod. Christ. Dates of celebration in various churches. Orthodox Christmas. Divine service on the Nativity of Christ. Forefeast. Eve of the Nativity of Christ. Holiday traditions. Christmas Eve. Christmas evening. Yuletide fortune telling. Celebration at school. Traditions of celebrating Christmas. - Orthodox holiday of Christmas.ppt

New Year and Christmas

Slides: 14 Words: 370 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Where did New Year come from? Questions. -When was the New Year celebrated for the first time? -The symbolism of the New Year... Purpose of the study: From ancient origins. New Year's holiday the most ancient of all existing ones. New Year's Eve was the first day of January. The New Year in medieval England began in March. New Year in Russia. History of the Christmas tree. Christmas. It’s gratifying that Advent Lent, Holy Week and Christmas were successfully combined. There was a custom of giving gifts to children before Christmas. Gifts (gingerbreads, sweets) were hung on the Christmas tree as decoration. New Year in my family. New Year is the best, most favorite holiday in our family. - New Year and Christmas.ppt

Christmas story

Slides: 16 Words: 618 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

History of the holiday. Birth of Jesus Christ. Nativity of the Savior. Christmas. Star of the East. Gifts of the Magi. Frankincense, gold and myrrh. Holiday traditions. Christmas time. Caroling. Christmas tree. Legend. - History of Christmas.ppt

The Night Before Christmas Lesson

Slides: 19 Words: 812 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

“The Night Before Christmas” is an encyclopedia of folk traditions, beliefs, and rituals. Lesson objectives. Project typology. Preparatory stage Creation of groups and formulation of problematic issues. Independent work in groups: presentation of terms. Structuring information. Good Evil. Crap. Vakula. Oksana. Solokha. Patsyuk. Discussion of hypotheses for resolving problematic issues. The witch pursues her own selfish goals (to seize Chub’s wealth). Systematization and generalization of the obtained theoretical and practical data in accordance with the problems raised. 2nd group Christmas traditions and rituals. - The Night Before Christmas lesson.ppt

Games for Christmas

Slides: 23 Words: 349 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

Christmas game. Complete several tasks and you will find out who you can meet at Christmas. From which direction did the Magi come? From the north. From the south. From the east. From the west. Right! Which of the animals helped people the most during the Birth of the Savior? Where is the icon of the Nativity of Christ? Collect letters with the following numbers and you will find out the name of the sorcerer: 2, 3, 7, 10, 12, 16. Which piece of the icon is missing? Why did the holy family have to flee soon after their birth? Volcanic eruption. Meteor shower. The wrath of King Herod. Where did the holy family go? To China. To Egypt. To Japan. -

Presentation of "The Nativity of Christ" in musical accompaniment (22.6 Mv, ppt). There is a small quiz and a clip presentation "Christmas Tree".

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All of the author’s works can also be downloaded or transferred to your accounts (selectively or in an archive) at [email protected]

Slide-by-slide comments are indicated in the slide notes (26 slides):

Slide 1. CHRISTMAS is a great Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, celebrated on December 25. This holiday was first mentioned in the East by Clement of Alexandria (III century); it was celebrated there on January 6th under the name Epijaneia, and in the West it was celebrated on December 25th under the name Natalis. In the Eastern Church, the feast of the Nativity of Christ was finally established only after it was combined with the feast of the Epiphany on January 6 into one 12-day Christmas cycle. But since Russian Orthodox Church enjoys Julian calendar, which lags behind the Gregorian by 13 days, in Russia the holiday of the Nativity of Christ has moved to January 7.

Slide 2. During the reign of Herod in Judea, who was under the rule of Rome, the Roman emperor Augustus issued an order to conduct a nationwide census in the land of Judea under his control. Every Jew had to register where his ancestors lived. Joseph and the Virgin Mary came from the family of David and therefore went from Nazareth, where they lived, to the city of David, Bethlehem.

Slide 3. Many people gathered in Bethlehem on the occasion of the census; all the houses were filled with visitors. Joseph sought in vain for refuge for himself and for the Blessed Virgin Mary; They didn’t want to let them in anywhere, both because all the houses were occupied by guests, and because their whole appearance showed the greatest poverty. Maria was expecting the birth of a child. Night fell; they found no shelter. At the very end of the city there was a cave in which shepherds lived; they drove their herds there. In this cave-den, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born. Mary wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger because there was no other place.

Slide 4. That night all of Bethlehem was immersed in deep sleep; Only some shepherds, guarding their flocks in the dust, did not sleep. They were kind people. Their souls were meek and calm, like lambs protected by them; they were simple, like the villagers, innocent and pious, like the young man David, who once tended his sheep here. At night, these shepherds saw an Angel in front of them in all the splendor of heavenly radiance. They were afraid, but the angel said to them: “I bring you good news of great joy for all Israel. That night, Christ the Savior was born in the city of David. You will recognize Him by finding the Child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.” After this, the shepherds saw with the Angel of the Gospel a countless number of Angels glorifying God with sacred singing: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and good will toward men.” The angels disappeared into the sky and the darkness of the night settled again in a place of silence.

Slide 5. “Let's go to Bethlehem,” the shepherds joyfully said to each other. - Let's go. We will see for ourselves what the Lord has announced to us!” They entered a cave familiar to them; there they found Joseph and Mary and, in the weak light of a lamp, they saw the Divine Child lying in a manger. They approached Him and looked at Him with quiet, silent reverence. Mary and Joseph, who believed that no one except them knew about the birth of the Child, were surprised to see that it was announced to the shepherds who came to them. The shepherds told them about the phenomenon that had happened to them. Having bowed to the Child, the shepherds returned to their flock, glorifying and praising God for everything they heard and saw. And Mary kept in her heart everything that was said about the Child.

Slide 6. At this time, King Herod ruled in Judea. And in those very days, the wise men came to Herod in Jerusalem from the east and said: “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and came to worship Him. Hearing this, King Herod became alarmed, and with him all of Jerusalem. Having gathered all the high priests and scribes of Jerusalem, the king asked them: “Where should Christ be born?” The fact was that Herod knew: for a long time the Jews had been awaiting the coming into the world of their king - the Messiah or Christ. And the chief priests and the scribes said to him: “In Bethlehem of Judea, as the prophet declared.” Then Herod secretly called the wise men and sent them to Bethlehem, saying: “Go, carefully investigate the Child, and when you find Him, notify me, so that I too can go and worship Him.” In fact, Herod planned to kill the Child. The Magi, having listened to the king, set off on their journey. And the star they saw in the east walked before them, showing them the way. Finally she came and stood over the place where the Child was. The Magi rejoiced with great joy and, going inside, saw the Child with Mary, His Mother, and Joseph. Falling to the ground, they bowed to Him, and then presented gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. At night, the Magi received a revelation not to return to Herod in Jerusalem, and the next day they set off on a different route to their own country.

Slide 11. Christmas is a family holiday. People attach special significance to it, as they do to any beginning of everything - especially the beginning of the year. Christians ask the Divine Child for blessings for the year and all kinds of benefits for their family and friends. They prepare a gift for each other for the holiday. After returning from church, gifts are given and food is served. festive table. On Christmas, godparents visit their godchildren.

Slide 12. On the Night Before Christmas, Christmas carols are sung. Previously, children, smartly dressed, with burning candles in their hands, went from house to house and wished their owners a Merry Christmas, wishing them a fruitful year and all the best. They sang Christmas songs, and the owners invited them into the house and treated them to sweets. This custom is called "Kolyada". New beautiful Christmas songs are now being composed, which sound wonderful when sung by children.