Why do you dream of chasing someone? The meaning of a dream in which a car is chasing you. A representative of the stronger sex is chasing you

What does Following on the heels symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

Haunt – “I am haunted by... failure, fear, passion, obsessive thought, person....” Dreamed of persecution - Being pursued, hunted by something, the idea of ​​avoiding danger. These ideas contain a hidden desire to be overtaken or are associated with a conflict between the object of desire and the fear of possession. The person or object that haunts the individual may represent a fixed, obsessive idea, reproach, etc., from which the individual cannot free himself.

Pursuer of the opposite sex. Love that pursues an individual and plays a significant role in his mental life. Same-sex stalker. Homosexuality. Pursued by dangerous animals. An attempt to escape one's hostile tendencies and other animal instincts. Someone who stalks an individual. Unconscious indignation and aggression of an individual towards a given person. The individual may project himself onto the pursuer and thus portray his persecution as love for the pursuer. However, stalkers may have aspects of control from dominant parents behind them.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

Persecution – By Evil People – A lot of trouble awaits. Dreamed of being chased - Dreams of being chased indicate anxiety of a more primitive nature, but they are not as unstructured as dreams of falling or dreams of a natural disaster such as an earthquake, or the end of the world. It is important to note here what the dream ego is pursuing. Is this a person (male or female)? Animal, monster or “space alien”? Is the dream ego being pursued by a single “thing” or by a collective such as a crowd?

After a dream about the Persecution, he might think about whether there is anything in it that he finds it difficult to admit to himself. If this is so, then what should be done about it? And it is, to run away during Persecution in a dream - this is the most best way, with the help of which he can now cope with difficult situation? Pursue - Someone yourself - failures, obstacles; the sleeper is haunted by worries, feelings, discomfort, obsessive thoughts, a worthless person.

Why do you dream about being chased in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Have you ever dreamed that something huge, scary, terrible was chasing you? Have you ever run away so fast during a Pursuit that you practically flew into the air? We're willing to bet this has happened to you. “I was walking along a dark corridor and felt that there was someone behind me. I felt his breath. I flew, swam through the air, spreading my arms as if on water, and rose into the sky.

He was still behind me. I was afraid to look at him. I floated through the air, trying to move as quickly as possible. I ran away from him." In this dream of Pursuit, the dreamer is running away (swimming away) from something very scary. Since most dreams are a reflection of our own, the dreamer was running away from some part of himself that he did not like.

The meaning of a dream about Surveillance (Creative Dream Book)

  1. If we are being chased in a dream and we are trying to escape, perhaps the most common. This is how we express the desire to avoid responsibility, fear of failure, fears or emotions that we cannot cope with.
  2. If we are haunted by ghosts, this shows the need to escape something previously suppressed: childhood mental trauma or difficulties. If we are being pursued by an animal, it means that we have not yet come to terms with our own passions.
  3. From a spiritual perspective, stalking or chasing involves fear of someone's actions.

The meaning of the dream about the Chase (Dream Book of the Subconscious)

Persecution. Chases in dreams can seem surprisingly vivid, no matter what your role was. They did not see themselves as a persecutor or a victim. A dream about a chase most often means fear of something in reality or (most often) in the subconscious. Seeing yourself as a pursuer suggests that your consciousness is “pursuing” the part of your soul that you fear. Answers to questions such as “Who was chasing whom?”, “What or who was the chase?”, “Was the chase successful?”, “What happened at the end of the chase?” can help discover the meaning of such a dream.

Positive value. To pursue someone or something means you are working hard and deserve to be rewarded for your efforts.

Negative implications. Feeling persecuted - sometimes associated with missed deadlines, unfinished work, or some kind of threat.

Emotions. Some believe that dreams of being chased reflect uncertainty or anxiety as you are forced to face a situation you would like to avoid. Think about how to get rid of a chase in a dream. If you were the pursuer, did you manage to capture the prey? If you were a victim, were you caught? One and only pursuer. To be pursued by one person in a dream is to be afraid of intimacy in a relationship. Invisible prey. Chasing something unclear, moving aimlessly - perhaps you need to clarify your personal goals. Lots of pursuers. Being persecuted by a group of people - fearing aggression from work colleagues or family members or the inability to express one’s opinion on life important issue.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Miller's Dream Book

Have you ever dreamed that something huge, scary, terrible was chasing you? Have you ever run away so fast during a Pursuit that you practically flew into the air? We're willing to bet this has happened to you.

“I was walking along a dark corridor and felt that there was someone behind me. I felt his breath. I flew, swam through the air, spreading my arms as if on water, and rose into the sky. He was still behind me. I was afraid to look at him. I floated through the air, trying to move as quickly as possible. I ran away from him."

In this dream of Pursuit, the dreamer is running away (swimming away) from something very scary. Since most dreams are a reflection of our own, perhaps the dreamer was running away from some part of himself that he did not like.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Persecution evil people- a lot of trouble awaits.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dream that you have committed a serious crime and are being pursued by the police, this means that you will face failure in business and a deterioration in relationships with others.

Seeing hares chased by a dog in a dream foreshadows troubles and quarrels among your friends, which no one except you can reconcile.

If in a dream you are running away from a mad donkey, this is a sign of a conspiracy that your enemies are preparing to overthrow you from your position.

If you are chased and stung by bees, this portends the envy and hatred of unkind rivals in love.

If in a dream you chase game and overtake it, this portends you successfully overcoming difficulties and fulfilling your desires.

Pursuing thieves who stole your purse with a large amount of money is a desire to improve relationships with partners, which will not give a positive result.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Modern dream book

If you dream that someone is chasing you, pursuing you, in reality the one who wronged you unfairly will seek meetings with you and try to make amends in any way.

Pursuing someone yourself means realizing your own mistake, which, unfortunately, can no longer be corrected.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Pursuing someone yourself means failure, interference; the sleeper is haunted by worries, feelings, discomfort, obsessive thoughts, a worthless person.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

What does Persecution mean in a dream? Chases in dreams can seem surprisingly vivid, no matter what your role was. They did not see themselves as a persecutor or a victim. A dream about a chase most often means fear of something in real life or (most often) in the subconscious. A dream in which you see yourself as a pursuer suggests that your consciousness is “pursuing” the part of your soul that you fear. Answers to questions such as “Who was chasing whom?”, “What or who was the chase?”, “Was the chase successful?”, “What happened at the end of the chase?” can help discover the meaning of such a dream.

Positive value

To pursue someone or something means you are working hard and deserve a reward for your efforts.

Negative implications

Feeling persecuted - sometimes associated with missed deadlines, unfinished work, or some kind of threat.

Some believe that dreams of being chased reflect uncertainty or anxiety as you are forced to face a situation you would like to avoid. Think about how to get rid of a chase in a dream. If you were the pursuer, did you manage to capture the prey? If you were a victim, were you caught?

One and only pursuer. To be pursued by one person in a dream means to be afraid of intimacy in a relationship. Invisible prey. Chasing something incomprehensible in a dream, moving aimlessly - perhaps you need to clarify your personal goals. Lots of pursuers. Being persecuted by a group of people - fearing aggression from work colleagues or family members or the inability to express one's opinion on a vital issue.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Jung's Dream Book

Pursuit dreams indicate anxiety of a more primitive nature, but they are not as unstructured as dreams of falling or dreams of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or the end of the world. It is important to note here what the dream ego is pursuing. Is this a person (male or female)? Animal, monster or “space alien”? Is the dream ego being pursued by a single "thing" or by a collective such as a crowd?

Why do you dream about persecution?

Creative dream book

You dreamed of Persecution, what does it mean? 1. The dream in which we are being chased and we are trying to escape is perhaps the most common. This is how we express the desire to avoid responsibility, fear of failure, fears or emotions that we cannot cope with. 2. If we are haunted by ghosts, it shows a need to escape something previously repressed: childhood trauma or difficulties. If we are being pursued by an animal, it means that we have not yet come to terms with our own passions. 3. From a spiritual perspective, stalking or chasing involves fear of someone's actions.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Idiomatic dream book

“I am haunted by…” - failure, fear, passion, obsessive thought.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Online dream book

The plot is about persecution - suggests that you may encounter the fact that your offender will try to make amends.

To participate in it yourself means to understand your mistake and decide to correct it at all costs.

The dream book interprets the persecution that you are trying to get rid of as a reflection of your lack of self-confidence, lack of clear life guidelines, fear of tomorrow, as well as difficulties in communicating with people around you.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Universal dream book

Most often, a person in a dream is running away from something that he does not want to face - in a dream are you running from some aspect of your life, or from what you used to be and what you no longer want to be?

If you cannot understand what aspect of your life is haunting you, think about what or who you are afraid of? What happens if you get caught? How strong are you so that you cannot be subjugated? What happens if you resist?

Your reaction to what is haunting you is as important as the feelings you experience. Do you stop and confront your opponent, face the situation head on? Or do you keep running, hoping not to get caught?

The main thing to do when you are being pursued is to hide from your pursuer. Who is this man and what are you running from?

It is also possible that a dream in which you are being hunted means that you should be more virtuous and chaste.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

You see the pursuit of a fleeing criminal - fortunately.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

To be pursued, hunted by something is the idea of ​​avoiding danger. These ideas contain a hidden desire to be overtaken or are associated with a conflict between the object of desire and the fear of possession. A person or object that haunts an individual in a dream may represent a fixed, obsession, reproach, etc., from which the individual cannot free himself.

A pursuer of the opposite sex is love that pursues an individual and plays a significant role in his mental life.

Same-sex stalker - homosexuality. Pursued by dangerous animals. An attempt to escape one's hostile tendencies and other animal instincts.

Someone pursuing an individual is the individual’s unconscious indignation and aggression towards this individual. The individual can project himself onto the pursuer and thus portray his persecution, hence love for the pursuer. However, stalkers may have aspects of control from dominant parents behind them.

Why do you dream about persecution?

Dream Interpretation 2012

Pursuit is a reflection of the desire to escape from something (someone). A reminder that you can't run away from yourself. Reflection of the desire to achieve something (“catch up with someone”). A reminder that the goal sought at any cost is a false one.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday

The dream reflects future events of a social and business nature. A vivid dream, which the dreamer remembers in detail, indicates the likelihood of favorable career changes this coming Saturday or Sunday. Unmemorable paintings foreshadow hard, monotonous work.

24 lunar day

The dream directly reflects the sexual energy of the sleeper. It is better not to take into account the details when deciphering it. Pay attention to your impressions: if they are gloomy, you have intimate problems that need to be solved. Pleasant dreams speak of harmony in the sexual sphere.

Waning Moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

February 28

A dream is a mirror reflection of events from the past of the sleeper. Often it contains an assessment of his actions, words, and important decisions. Such dreams have nothing to do with the future.

Every dream is a reflection inner world, as well as the thoughts and experiences of the dreamer. This is why it is so important to interpret your night dreams in a timely manner. Now we will look at what it means to dream of being chased by a man, woman or animals.

A representative of the stronger sex is chasing you

If a stranger stalks you in a dream, then in reality you may be falsely accused. The dream book recommends not to worry, but to calmly understand the current situation.

When several men are pursuing you at once in a dream, it means that you have competitors. And for a young girl such night dreams foreshadow increased attention from the fans.

If an unknown representative of the stronger sex has caught up with you, then you will have contact with envious people or ill-wishers. As the dream book says, such persecution can also mean a loss of physical or moral strength.

What if you managed to escape from the man who was pursuing you? Typically, such dreams characterize the dreamer as a strong, self-confident person. Thanks to your persistence and willpower, you will be able to achieve excellent results in many areas of life.

A dream in which the pursuit ended in a peaceful conversation with the one who was catching up with you, portends unexpected pleasant communication. Perhaps during the conversation your opinion about the interlocutor will radically change.

  • To test is to be unsure of yourself.
  • To stumble or fall is to make a mistake.
  • Constantly look around - play it safe.
  • To escape in an unfamiliar place means to find yourself in an awkward situation.
  • To outsmart the pursuer is to make an extraordinary decision.

As the dream book suggests, being pursued by a man you know often means close communication with him and cooperation. If you trust this person, you can safely take him into your business.

Hiding from persecution in your home - according to the dream book, means finding reliable protection. It is possible that you will soon meet influential person who will not give you offense.

Be sure to pay attention to what the dream book says. If you are being pursued by a man with a sign, this means that your enemies will try to thwart your plans. Experts recommend not to react to provocations, and also not to enter into conflicts.

If a woman was hiding from a naked guy in a dream, then in life she is overwhelmed by sexual fantasies. Share them with your partner. Perhaps after this your intimate life will become brighter and more unpredictable.

After dreaming that a bald man is pursuing him, the dreamer needs to organize his thoughts, compose clear plan actions. Otherwise, misunderstandings may occur due to your carelessness.

I dreamed about something else

Now let's look at other options. For example, what does a dream in which you were pursued mean? In order for the interpretation of the dream to be accurate, it is important to take into account who acts as the dreamer (a guy or a woman).

For a woman, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of a rival. But don't try to panic. If someone likes your man, this does not mean that he will necessarily rush into the arms of another. Surround your loved one with affection and care, and he will not even look in the direction of his rival.

Success with the opposite sex is what a man dreams of being pursued in a dream. If in your night dreams you cannot get rid of a woman, then in reality you will have several worthy fans.

When bandits follow you in a dream, this means that in reality you are afraid of deception. Perhaps others consider you somewhat suspicious. And if the bandits got to you, then you are too suspicious.

As the dream book writes, running away from obsessive persecution by foreigners means becoming a participant in an interesting adventure. Most likely, this will be a journey to places unfamiliar to you.

  • He's chasing you - to difficulties.
  • - hurry up and make a decision.
  • Cat - they are trying to outwit you.
  • Insects - watch your statements.
  • - you have a habit of exaggerating everything.

If you are chased by an angry dog ​​in a dream, then in real life there may be disagreements with friends. And sometimes you have such dreams when you have somehow offended a friend, you realized that you have done something wrong, but you do not dare take a step forward.

What does it mean when children started chasing me in a dream? The dream interpreter interprets such dreams as your desire to escape from routine work and have a carefree time. The dream book believes that such a vacation will benefit you.

If you dreamed of persecution, then you underestimate your capabilities. Don't be afraid to take on new things, try to put your talents into practice. The dream book says that you will succeed.

Sometimes in our dreams we are chased. This often happens when the dreamer is tormented by guilt. To get rid of it, ask for forgiveness from the one who was undeservedly offended.

“What will happen to me if I organized the persecution in my dream?” - you ask. If you happen to just follow a person, then a new acquaintance awaits you. According to the dream book, chasing someone with bandits means looking for profit in everything.

When you dreamed that you were being pursued by a man, woman or animals, be sure to consult a dream book for an interpretation of the dream. This will help you look into the future and also better understand yourself and those around you. Author: Zoya Krupskaya

Pursuit in a dream symbolizes future changes in the life of the sleeper. Such a dream is most often a hint on how to behave in a given situation so that the result is positive. For a more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances and details of the dream - who exactly acted as the pursuer, under what circumstances this happened, and whether the dreamer managed to break away from the chase.

Who was chasing the dreamer

The interpretation of a dream about persecution is related to who exactly was chasing the sleeper - strangers, loved ones, law enforcement agencies or animals:

Who's chasing Interpretation
Stranger If an unfamiliar man chases the dreamer, and the latter manages to break away, then he will be able to spend rationally cash and avoid financial ruin
Police The dream is a reflection of a person’s internal fears, as he communicates with a circle of people who have problems with the law. There is a high probability that the dreamer will encounter law enforcement agencies in real life. Another interpretation is that the sleeper needs to think about his behavior, since his relationships with people may be ruined
Beast Someone is spreading false information about the dreamer
Favorite person The dream symbolizes the disagreements that exist between the dreamer and his other half. Either the person is not completely frank with his chosen one, or they have too much different views for life. As a result of this, the union will disintegrate
Ghost If a ghost catches up with a sleeping person and is going to take his life, in reality the sleeping person will face a difficult life period
Maniac A maniac who pursues the dreamer for a long time, but does not cause him discomfort, symbolizes the latter’s responsibilities. But having completed them, the sleeper will achieve good results, his labors will be rewarded
Woman If a sleeping person is being pursued by a girl or friend he knows, this indicates that the dreamer has caused her a lot of trouble. But if she is a stranger, you should be more selective in your words and actions, otherwise you cannot avoid gossip and gossip.
Bandits If the sleeping person is threatened mortal danger, this means that he feels resentment that has no basis
Murderer If the sleeping person managed to break away from the pursuit of the lawbreaker, then this is a sign of long life
Robbers If robbers are chasing the dreamer within the walls of his house, you should be careful in dealing with strangers, conflicts with ill-wishers may also arise

Surveillance by a familiar person warns that in reality the relationship between the latter and the dreamer will be clarified. The pursuer is offended or dissatisfied with the actions of the sleeper.

The interpretation of a dream about being chased, where the dreamer was being chased by a bear, depends on the gender and age of the dreamer:

  • Young woman. The dream is a symbol that the sleeping woman will soon meet her other half.
  • Man. The dreamer experiences internal contradictions and does not know which side to take - good or evil.
  • Child. If a baby is being chased by a bear, it means he is worried about some situation that happened in reality.

Dream book of the 21st century

If in a dream the sleeper tries to hide from pursuit, this means that in the future events in his life will develop at a fast pace. In order to complete all the tasks, the dreamer will have to change his rhythm of life.

In the case when the dreamer is unable to hide from persecution, he should not be hasty in business, otherwise this will negatively affect the result of his work.

Interpreter of Medea

In Medea's dream book, pursuit symbolizes the anxious internal state of the sleeper. He experiences conflicting feelings that lead him to a dead end. This could be irritation, anger, falling in love and other feelings that the sleeper shows towards a person. The dream warns that despite all the efforts of the sleeper, the problem internal conflict it will remain unresolved for him.

If the dreamer himself is pursuing someone, the dream foretells him painstaking work that will take quite a long time to complete. But the dreamer will successfully cope with the matter.

Why do you dream of being chased by a man? The dream book often gives such a plot a negative assessment: a risky undertaking, disappointment, trouble lies ahead. However, if a person was able to hide from him in a dream, problems can be avoided.

Why did he do this?

In the dream, it was clear why he was pursuing? If he:

  • wants to just talk - you will learn new information, perhaps unpleasant;
  • asks for help - according to the dream book, you will find yourself in difficult circumstances;
  • wants to date - showdown, petty quarrels with husband or lover;
  • with unclear goals - difficulties will soon arise;
  • with a knife - promises a woman changes on the love front.

For a young girl to see someone chasing her with a knife means that her behavior is too frivolous and she will soon be punished.

Miller's Dream Book: Vain Expectations

Why does a woman dream of being pursued by a man who is persistently trying to woo her? In reality, her expectations of marriage proposals will only bring disappointment.

Unfinished business, machinations of enemies

Did you dream of running away from being pursued by a man? The dream book explains: those around you will show increased attention to the dreamer. Unfortunately, ill-wishers are also becoming more active.

Running away from him, feeling danger, means: the sleeper is under great stress due to some unresolved problems, unclear issues. However, the circumstances are not yet critical; the dreamer has the strength to cope with the situation.

Run away from him in a dream and manage to hide - spiteful critics, no matter how much they want, will not be able to stop you.

Risky undertaking, disappointments

Dreaming of being pursued by a man, as the dream book reports, sometimes reflects fear of an upcoming event. The sleeper feels threatened or is afraid of retribution for his action, so he wants to avoid it.

An unfamiliar tipsy young man who is being chased on the street in a dream foretells: you will start a risky venture that will not be profitable.

Why does a girl dream of being harassed by an unpleasant-looking unfamiliar man? They promise: some annoying guy will cause problems and grief.

Troubles are surmountable

Is a guy you don't know constantly following you in your sleep and it's really annoying? In reality, you are haunted by failures and gossip, but these difficulties can be overcome.

Did you dream of seeing a man chasing, persistently trying to catch up? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: in reality, the one who unfairly insulted you will try to make amends.

Aggressive persistent pursuit by a man in a dream, as the dream book indicates, portends big troubles. To overcome them, you need to mobilize all your strength.

Failures in your personal life

Seeing from the outside how someone is being chased - you will not help to a loved one or a friend when he becomes a victim of the machinations of ill-wishers.