Games and fun in ancient Rus'. Ancient games of the Slavs

1. Introduction to the concept of “Slavic games”. Historical reference.

Teacher. It is unlikely that we have ever seriously thought about who and when made the first snowball, who came up with the idea of ​​sledding down a hill; or how old are the “Cossack robbers”. These games have lived with us since childhood and were taken for granted by us. But almost all active children’s games have their own history, which is closely intertwined with the history of our country, we just don’t pay attention to it. If you take a closer look at the emergence, history and development of folk games, you will notice that the games themselves did not originate empty space, and the prototype for them was real events, both everyday and cultural-historical.

Already at the early stage of paganism during the formation of the Eastern Slavic tribes in the 4th - 7th centuries AD. e. there were folk games where tribes and clans met. Deifying the Sun, thunder, lightning, rivers, fire, stones, the Slavs worshiped them. At the games, the Slavs had fun and performed rituals to appease nature. These rituals were accompanied by games, round dances, dancing, singing and spells. The games were timed to coincide with calendar pagan holidays: Semik - a holiday associated with spring agricultural work - sowing; harvesting - the end of the harvest, harvesting; tausen - New Year and etc.

2. Components of games in Rus'.

Teacher. Games in Rus' began with barkers.The gameplay itself is unthinkable without prelude. Pre-game barkers as a method of gathering future participants cooperative game with the help of a special chant, has a long tradition. Barkers were used as a starting point, calling on potential participants to the game: Siskin-fawn sparrow, Jumping along the street, Girls gathering to play and dance, to show themselves….
Or: Tai-tai, come on! Who plays blind man's buff (hide and seek, tag, etc.)? The call to play was accompanied by jumping in place or in a circle
, and the one who pronounced them had to extend his hand forward with his thumb bent. Those who wanted to play had to grab the barker's finger with their fist and, in turn, bend their thumb. All this time, the barker pronounced a sentence indicating the name of the game. When a sufficient number of players were recruited, the barker finished the set: Tai-tai, fly in! Don't accept anyone!

Question: What kind of barkers do you know?

Since most games require a driver, the barker was often used at the same time to determine it: The last one to drive! In cases where the barker did not identify the driver or there was no driver in the game itself (for example, in team games), a lot or counting was used. Counting books Counting books are short rhymed verses used to determine the driver or to distribute roles in the game:
One, two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten The red month has come out And behind it is the moon, lead one. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten The king decided to hang me, but the queen did not give it and hanged the king.

The counting book is an integral part of children's play at all times - “mechanism random distribution roles.”

The barkers and lots are played.

3. teacher. Before the game starts, we need to pass a test to see if you are worthy of being in that historical time, we will prove this with our knowledge. Test - in Ancient Rus', hitting the target with darts, knives, snowballs was considered an important skill. You also have to try to hit the target. Have you noticed our target, there are numbers with tasks, the closer you get to the target, an easy task awaits you on the history of Kievan Rus. The further you go, the more difficult it becomes. We have already chosen the first one ready to go to the test.

4. Test of knowledge (application).

5. Teacher. M Folk games can be divided into several types:
games reflecting the relationship between man and Nature
games reflecting the daily activities and life of our ancestors
games based on religious and cult motives
games for resourcefulness, speed and coordination
games of strength and dexterity
war games.

Let us note that this division is very arbitrary and does not set itself the goal of necessarily driving all games into a certain classification framework. It is quite possible that some of the folk games presented below will fit into several categories at once.

6. Folk games, reflecting the daily activities of our ancestors.

Question . What were the main types of occupations of the ancient Slavs?

Hunting, fishing, crafts, everyday scenes and much more that constituted the daily activities of people in the old days have survived to this day in numerous reflection games. Looking at them, it is not at all difficult to imagine what and how our ancestors lived. As an example below
The peculiar dialogue-sentences in games could be quite long and funny. Moreover, it was not forbidden to change the phrases in them during the game. On the contrary, it added interest and liveliness to the game.
Game "Fishing Rod"

7. Games based on religious and cult motives

Question. What was the name of the religion of the ancient Slavs before the adoption of Christianity? What gods existed? Who guarded the home? What fairy tale characters existed?

Similar motives can be clearly seen in folk pastimes. Mermen, mermaids, brownies, sorcerers, devilry appear not only in fairy tales and rituals, but also appear in the plots of games. In general, childhood is characterized by a certain unique worldview that makes games on similar topics lively and vibrant.

Game "Water"

8.Games for strength and dexterity

The strong and dexterous have been respected at all times and in any society. A game is an activity in which children could demonstrate these qualities to their peers.

Game "Malechina-Kolechina"

"Arc", "Turnip"

9. War games

Military themes, of course, could not help but enter children's games. Over their long history, war games have not undergone any serious modifications, and have come down to us in almost their original form. In its most general form, the game of war is a competition between two teams, in which folk tradition determines the acceptable means and methods of confrontation and the conditions for recognizing the winners.
In Rus', war games have long been the favorite pastime of most boys.

Game "Cockfight"

10. Round dance.

Dance is special kind folk art. It is impossible to count how many different dances and dances existed in Rus' and still exist in modern Russia. They have a wide variety of names: sometimes by the song to which they dance ("Kamarinskaya", "Seni"), sometimes by the number of dancers ("Steam", "Four"), sometimes the name determines the picture of the dance ("Pleten", "Vorotsa" ). But in all these very different dances there is something in common, characteristic of Russian folk dance in general: this is the breadth of movement, prowess, special cheerfulness, poetry, a combination of modesty and simplicity with a great sense of self-esteem.R Russian round dances seem as ancient as our life. Whether our ancestors lived at home, they were engaged in games, dances, round dances; Whether they were at the massacre, they sang of their homeland in their epics. From Vladimir's merry feasts, songs spread throughout Rus' and passed from generation to generation. The history of round dances lies in legends; and all our folk legends speak of the past as of the present time, without indicating days and years; they say what our fathers and grandfathers did, without mentioning either the place of action or the persons themselves.

The original meaning of the round dance seems to be lost forever. We do not have any sources directly pointing to its appearance in Russian soil, and therefore all assumptions remain insignificant. The round dance is known to all tribes and principalities.The Lithuanian-Russian round dance was renamedkorogod. Bohemians, Croats, Carpatho-Russians, Morlaks, Dalmatians turned him intokolo - circle. The Slavic kolo was also accompanied by songs, dances and games, just like the Russian round dance.

"Round dance game"

11. All Slavic games ended with dances and dances. Dance-competitions, dance-wrestling, dance-choosing the bride. The “Barynya” dance is a competition between young men for a bride. In the dance they must show their prowess, skill and attract the girl’s attention. But under no circumstances should you touch the girl or your opponent, you shouldn’t push him away.

But invariably in the spring and summer the games ended with a game of“Rucheek” is a game of unity, friendship and trust.

The players stand in pairs one after another. In front of everyone, at a distance of a couple of steps, stands the driver - the burner. The players chant:

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Stay at your hem
Look at the field
The trumpeters are going there
Yes, they eat rolls.
Look at the sky:
The stars are burning
The cranes shout:
- Gu, gu, I'll run away!
One, two, don't be a crow,
And run like fire!

“Burners” is a game very typical of the Russian mentality. There is nothing for the leisurely and clumsy to do there.

After the last words, those standing in the last pair run from both sides along the column to its beginning. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the running players managed to take each other's hands before the burner stains one of them, then they stand in front of the first pair, and the burner leads again. And the game repeats itself.
If the burner manages to stain one of those running in a pair, then he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a pair burns.

The burner has no right to look back and can only catch up with those running away when they run past him.

The players determine one player who becomes the bird catcher. Those who remain choose the names of birds whose calls they can imitate and become birds. The birds stand in a circle, in the center of which is a blindfolded birder. Birds walk around the bird catcher and chant:

In the forest, in the little forest,
On a green oak tree.
The birds are singing merrily
Ay! The bird catcher is coming!
He will take us into captivity,
Birds, fly away!

The bird catcher claps his hands, the players stop in place, and the driver begins to look for birds. The one he finds imitates the call of the bird he has chosen. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the one caught. After which this player himself becomes a bird catcher. If the birdcatcher makes a mistake, the game continues in the same roles.

Players should not hide behind objects encountered along the way. Players must stop in place exactly when signaled.

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The game takes place on a flat surface. The players are divided into two teams, which line up opposite each other in a chain at a distance of 10-15 meters.
The first team goes forward with the words:

Boyars, we have come to you!

And returns to its original place:

Dear ones, we have come to you!

Another repeats this maneuver with the words:

Boyars, why did they come? Dear ones, why did you come?

The dialogue begins:

Boyars, we need a bride. Dear ones, we need a bride.
- Boyars, which one is dear to you? Dear ones, which one is your favorite?

The first team deliberates and chooses someone:

Boyars, this one is dear to us (pointing to the chosen one).
Dear ones, this one is sweet to us.

The selected player turns around and now walks and stands in a chain, facing the other direction.
The dialogue continues:

Boyars, she is our fool. Dear ones, she is our fool.
- Boyars, and we whip her. Dear ones, we will whip her.
-Boyars, she is afraid of the whip. Dear ones, she is afraid of the whip.
- Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread. Dear ones, we’ll give you some gingerbread.
-Boyars, her teeth hurt. Dear ones, her teeth hurt.
- Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor. Dear ones, we’ll take you to the doctor.
- Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor
The first command completes:

Boyars, don’t play the fool, give us the bride forever!

The one who was chosen as the bride must run up and break the chain of the first team. If he succeeds, then he returns to his team, taking with him any player from the first. If the chain is not broken, then the bride remains in the first team, that is, she gets married. In any case, the losing team starts the second round. The teams' task is to keep more players.

You can change the words of the dialogue, making them up as you go. You can't duck under your arms while running.

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The leader chosen by lot, in this case the grandfather-horn (sorcerer), is assigned a house in which he sits quietly for the time being. The remaining players, divided equally into two groups, move away in different directions from this house - at a distance of 15-25 steps. At the same time, each party draws a line for itself or places a pole, thereby designating each of its houses. The free space between these features, or houses, is called the field.
Grandfather-horn from his house asks:
-Who is afraid of me?
- Nobody! - the players answer, running across the field and teasing the driver:
- Grandfather-horn, he burned a hole on his shoulder!
Tom needs to catch the players and take them to his house. Such players are considered bewitched and cannot leave the house.

A modern version of the game "Sorcerers". Roller skating

While Grandfather Horn is busy catching one of the running players, the players caught by him can be rescued by their comrades. To do this, you need to run up to the sorcerer’s house and touch the captured person with your hand. This player is considered disenchanted. He can leave home and join his old group. If grandpa-horn catches everyone, then take them to next game The one who was caught first starts.

A player caught by a sorcerer who wants to be bewitched must extend his arms to the sides with the words: “Tea-tea, help me out!”

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The merman (driver) sits in a circle with his eyes closed. The players dance around him with the words:

Grandfather of the water,
Why are you sitting under water?
Look out for a little bit
For one minute.

The circle stops and the merman stands up and, without opening his eyes, approaches one of the players.
The merman's task is to determine who is in front of him. If the merman guessed right, he changes role and now the one whose name was named becomes the driver.

The merman can touch the player standing in front of him, but he cannot open his eyes.

Devils in hell
This game is a type of tag. They draw on the ground parallel lines at a distance of 2 meters, and this space is called Hell. Two drivers are running around inside it, holding hands - devils. All other participants stand on different sides of Hell and try to run across it to the other side. Those who are tainted also become devils.

Devils are forbidden to let go of each other's hands.

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To play, you need a rope 1.5-2 meters long.
One of the participants is appointed as a bear, the other as a leader. They take the opposite ends of the rope in their hands, and the rest of the players group 4-6 steps away from them. At the signal given by the leader, the game begins, and everyone rushes at the bear, trying to stain it. The leader, guarding the latter, in turn tries to stain everyone approaching the bear before the bear receives 5-6 light blows.
If the leader succeeds, the player stained by him becomes a bear. And in the same case, if the bear receives the above number of blows, and the leader does not have time to stain anyone, then he himself becomes a bear, and the one who dealt the last blow becomes the leader.

Playing is the most favorite pastime of children and adults. Game is the best and most effective form of acquiring new knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience. In games, a person learns everything he needs in life. That is why in the Slavic tradition the entire process of teaching children was built in the form of a game. However, many adults now do not remember the games they played as children. And remembering them during the holidays, they have fun like children. Remember those games that you and your great-great-great...parents played. Many of them develop abilities: dexterity, attentiveness, endurance, ingenuity, etc. Who, if not you, will pass on these games to your children?

The merman (driver) sits in a circle with his eyes closed. The players dance around him with the words:
Grandfather of the water,
Why are you sitting under water?
Look out for a little bit
For one minute.
One, two, three - the merman don’t sleep!
The round dance stops, the “water man” gets up and, without opening his eyes, approaches one of the players.
The merman's task is to determine who is in front of him. If the merman guessed right, he changes role and now the one whose name was named becomes the driver. The “merman” can touch the player standing in front of him, but his eyes cannot be opened. For greater difficulty, the “mer”, at the last words of the song, spins towards the movement of the round dance.
When they play for a long time, many are already recognized by their clothes, so our guys sometimes change scarves, or take off some piece of clothing to make it more difficult. Squat lower or stand on tiptoes. The game is very fun. As a rule, it is played the longest.

"Blind Man's Bluff" - old game, which has many varieties. Children of all ages play it. The number of participants is usually from 4 to 25 people. In all varieties, the essence is the same: the driver with his eyes closed - “blind man's buff” - must catch other players and guess who he caught.
Blind Man's Bluff WITH VOICE
All players, holding hands, form a circle. The driver (by lot) stands in the middle of the circle. He is blindfolded or has a cap placed on his head to cover his eyes. You can give the driver a stick, or you can play without it.
All players move in a circle in one direction until the driver stops with the command “Stop!” Then everyone stops, and the driver extends his hand forward. It should be taken over by the one playing at whom it is directed. The driver asks him to raise his voice, that is, to say something. The player calls the name of the driver or makes any sound by changing his voice. If the driver guesses who voted, he changes place and role with him. If he doesn’t guess correctly, he continues to drive.
Rules You can ask for a voice up to 3 times, after which the driver must say who is holding his hand (or wand). If the driver fails to guess 3 times, he is replaced by a new driver by lot or choice. When the driver asks for a voice, there must be complete silence.


This game is also a good test of attentiveness. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain. Right hand point to the floor and say: “Floor.” Then point to your nose (it will be better if you touch it), say: “Nose,” and then raise your hand up and say: “Ceiling.” Take your time. Let the guys show with you, and you will call. Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: “Nose,” and at this time point to the ceiling. The guys must listen carefully and show correctly.


The game involves children from 3 to 40 people.
One driver is selected - a “bear”, who stands in the corner of the site (or room). The rest of the players are children. They are located on the other side of the site in their “home”. The space between the “den” of the “bear” and the children is “bor” (“forest”).
Children go to the “pine forest” for “mushrooms” and “berries”, gradually approaching the “bear”. While picking “mushrooms” and “berries”, children chant:
By the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries,
The bear caught a cold
Frozen on the stove!
The last two lines are now often replaced with:
And the bear is sitting
And he growls at us!
After the last words, the “bear”, who had previously pretended to be asleep, stretches and runs towards the children, and they quickly turn and run to their “home” or scatter in different directions, trying not to get caught by the “bear”, who is trying to catch them (touch them with his hand - to make one's face).
Whoever the “bear” catches changes roles with him. If the “bear” fails to catch anyone (all the guys will hide in their “house”), he goes to his “den” and continues to drive.

Rules "Bear" has no right to run out and catch the guys until they say last words recitative. Fishing is only possible within the established limits of the site.
Two circles are drawn, one circle is the “forest” (berries and mushrooms are placed in the middle of it), the other is the “village”. One of the participants in the game, depicting a bear, sits in the “forest”. The rest go from the “village” to the “forest” to pick berries and mushrooms, the guys have a basket in their hands. Everyone sings:
By the bear in the forest
I pick mushrooms and berries.
But the bear doesn't sleep,
Everything is looking at us
And then how he growls
And he will run after us.
The guys walk around the “forest” and tease the Bear:
We're taking berries
But we don’t give it to the bear.
Let's go into the forest with a club -
Hit the bear in the back!
Passing the basket to each other, they try to run into the “forest” and throw berries and mushrooms into the basket. Whoever the Bear catches in the “forest” is eliminated from the game. When someone manages to run into the “forest” and throw berries and mushrooms into the basket, everyone runs to the “village”, and the Bear catches up. If the Bear catches up with the guys and takes the basket, he takes the berries and mushrooms for himself. And if the guys manage to escape from the Bear to the “village,” then a new Bear is chosen and the game continues.

The ancient game "Lapta", often called "Russian Lapta", and in different places it has its own name (for example, in Tajikistan this game is called “Tulufbozi”, in Bashkiria - “Ural Ball”, in Karakalpakstan - “Koshamaran”) and some differences in the rules. The rules of the game below apply mainly in middle lane RSFSR.
“Lapta” is played on a large area, a lawn in the summer. Schoolchildren, youth and adults, from 8 to 30 people, participate in it. The game is played independently. The game's referees are usually the team captains, or "queens" as they are often called in this game.
The game requires a small rag, rubber or tennis ball and lapta - a round stick 70-80 cm long and 3-3.5 cm thick. It is slightly beveled at one end to make it easier to hold in your hands; at the other end it remains round (for beginners, you can make it spade-shaped).
On two sides of the site - “fields” - at a distance of 40-80 m, two lines are drawn or marked with branches or other objects - the horse line and the “city” line. Two captains (“queens”) are chosen and divided into two teams in any way (usually by collusion). By lot, one team stands behind the “city” line; the other is placed randomly in the “field”. The captain of the “field” team sends one player to the “city” to serve the ball.
In turn, the first thrower - the "city" player - takes the shoe and stands at the "city" line, opposite him is the server who throws the ball, and the thrower hits it with the shoe into the "field" as high and far as possible. Fielders try to catch it from the air or grab it from the ground. The one who successfully hits the ball runs to the stake and returns to the “city”, for which he earns 1 point. The field players, having grabbed the ball from the ground, try to throw the ball at those running across. If someone is insulted, they themselves run to the “city”, and the players from the “city” run to the “field” and try to hit the player who did not have time to run to the “city” with the ball (i.e., they strive to “get away”) .
The team, which managed to occupy the “city” in its entirety, remains there and begins to hit the ball into the “field”. If a field player catches him from the air (“candle”), his entire team goes to the “city”, and those who were in the “city” go to the “field”. And so the struggle goes on to take possession of the “city.” Everyone who manages to run to the stake and back earns a point. They play until a certain number of points or for an agreed time. The team with more points wins.
Rules The “city” players hit the ball into the “field” in the order established by the captain. Each player hits the ball 1 time, and the captain has the right to 3 hits. The server must throw the ball so that it is easy to hit it, otherwise he must repeat the toss. And so on up to 3 times. If he throws poorly 3 times, he is replaced. The person running across must leave the lapta in the “city”, otherwise he must return for it. A hit with the ball is only counted if it hits the player directly and does not bounce off something. If a player hits the ball poorly, he may not run to the stake, but wait for a good shot, which is then performed by one of the other players. Therefore, several players who hit the ball unsuccessfully can run at the same time. The server has the right to insult those running across, just like the field players. You can only run as long as the ball is outside the “city”. The player who returns to the “city” has the right to hit the ball again in the “field” in order of rotation.

There are things that remain unchanged over many years and even centuries. And first of all, this includes a person’s love for various kinds of games. Throughout life (and especially in childhood), play activity remains one of the fundamental activities for a person; of course, Ancient Rus' was no exception to this rule.

Almost no ancient Russian holiday took place without fun games. Folk games are a vivid expression of the people playing them, a reflection of the ethnic group as a whole and the history of its development. At the same time, games can be looked at from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology, as a means of education and upbringing. In addition to everything, this is an excellent way to strengthen your spirit, your body, develop the processes of thinking, fantasy, and the emotional component of our life. The Russian people reflected many processes of their life in this way, through play.

Folk games are relevant and interesting even today, despite the fact that there are enough a large number of temptations in our technocratic age. Below we present a number of games that can be used with great pleasure and benefit both in educational process at school, children's health camp, and in free time with the family.


Players sit in pairs, holding hands and forming a column. The driver stands in front. Everyone speaks loudly or chants in chorus:

At the word “run,” those standing in the last pair open their arms and rush to the beginning of the column, running around it from different sides (one on the left, the other on the right), and the driver tries to catch one of them before the couple meets again. will hold hands. If this works out, then together with the caught player the driver stands in the first pair of the column, and the one who was not caught becomes the driver.

"Frost - Red Nose"

Along the edges playground the boundaries of the two “houses” are outlined. Players gather in one of them. The driver (i.e. Frost - Red Nose) stands in the middle of the platform and says:

And then everyone runs to the opposite “house”. Frost is trying to catch up with them and “freeze” them: those whom he manages to touch with his hand freeze in place. At the end of the run, they are either eliminated from the game or remain in a “frozen” position for subsequent rounds. In this case, the winner is the one who remains the last to escape the touch of Frost.


This game has different names (“tag”, “traps”, “dumplings”, etc.) and rules, but the main content remains the same: one or more drivers try to catch other players, touch them with their hand (salt) and, if caught, change roles with them.


This is more than just a game. This is an acquaintance of souls when there are no distractions such as appearance and look. Men stand in the inner circle, facing the center of the circle, hold hands and close their eyes. In the outer circle, girls dance in a round dance. After some time, by whistling, they begin to sort out the guys - any one they like from those who are closer. They take the guy by the hand and lead him in a circle, the guy walks with his eyes closed the whole time. It is advisable that the number of girls and boys coincide so that no one is left alone. At the leader’s signal, the girls carefully line up the guys again in the inner circle, and they themselves move on in a round dance. This is repeated three times. When, after the third time, the guys are again placed in the inner circle, they are allowed to open their eyes. There is a “sharing” going on. The guys describe their feelings, name which of the three girls they liked and whom they would like to see. Usually girls are happy to confess and show themselves. Next, the girls stand in the inner circle with their eyes closed, and the guys form the outer one, and everything is repeated.


This is a game mainly for men. It also has other names - “ryukhi”, “pigs”, “pigs”. And the well-known expression “put the pig down” comes precisely from this game. The rules are as follows: various figures are put on the line from five wooden chocks (“towns”) - about 20 cm long. Then they are broken with a bat about 80 cm long. The party consists of 15 figures: “cannon”, “grandmother in the window”, “envelope” ", etc. As the game progresses, the pieces become more complex, so winning here is not at all easy.

"Strike on the Rope"

To play you need a rope closed in a circle. Players grab the string with both hands outside. One driver is selected, who should be in the center of the circle formed by the rope. The purpose of the driver is to add salt, i.e. hit the hand of one of the players located on the outside of the circle. Those who are on the outside of the circle can only release one hand from the rope during the leader’s attack. If the player releases two hands from the rope or the driver hits one of them, then it is he who stands in the circle and the game continues.


Mostly children played them using a beef coffin bone filled with lead (cast iron). There are a lot of varieties here. For example, law for law. Players place dough out of the blue, one nest at a time (two at a time) on the cue ball. Then the conditional distance is determined - horses. Who should start the game first (beat) and who after - draw lots. To do this, they throw up dough with special tricks - lining. If the grandmother, who has fallen to the ground, lies on her right side, it will be a plock - the eldest in the game; if he lies on his back, there will be a burn - second in the game; if the grandmother lies on her left side, she will be prone, younger than everyone else. Players, standing on the line, hit their cue balls in order of seniority. If they knock down the money at stake, they consider it their winnings. When everyone has hit, then each player moves to his cue ball and shoots from the place where his cue ball lies; Whoever lies further begins to hit first, and the rest finish the game according to the distance of their cue balls.


The first mentions of this game in ancient Russian literature are believed to date back to the 14th century. Lapta is a team competition with a ball and bat, held on a natural court. The goal of the game is to use the bat to send the ball thrown by a player of the opposing team as far as possible and to run alternately to the opposite side and back, without allowing the opponent to embarrass himself with the caught ball. For successful runs, the team is awarded points. The team that scores the most points within the set time wins. Games that resemble lapta (and, according to a number of researchers, copied from lapta) exist in a number of Western countries - baseball, cricket, etc.

"Fist fight"

This is not a fight, but an ancient Russian pastime, popular, for example, during Maslenitsa. Most of these battles were “correct” - carried out according to strict rules. Here are the main points:

  • fight “for love” - that is, have no malice towards the enemy;
  • do not hit someone who is lying down;
  • do not hit from behind;
  • do not hide heavy objects in your fist;v
  • do not trip or grab clothes;
  • don't kick.

Almost the entire male population took part in wall-to-wall battles - from boys (!) to adults. The teenagers “started” the fight, then the men came together, and at the end the strongest “hopeful” fighters joined in. Each “wall” could have two, three, four or more rows. They fought street to street, village to village, settlement to settlement. But they didn’t harbor any grudges towards each other. Such fights in Rus', developing courage, strength, dexterity, character, were considered not only fun, but also a good men's school for both boys and adult men.

 22.02.2011 18:03

A game– the most favorite activity of children and adults. Game is the best and most effective form of acquiring new knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience. In games, a person learns everything he needs in life. That is why in the Slavic tradition the entire process of teaching children was built in the form of a game. However, many adults now do not remember the games they played as children. And remembering them during the holidays, they have fun like children. Remember those games that you and your great-great-great...parents played. Many of them develop abilities: dexterity, attentiveness, endurance, ingenuity, etc. Who, if not you, will pass on these games to your children?


The merman (driver) sits in a circle with his eyes closed. The players dance around him with the words:

Grandfather of the water,
Why are you sitting under water?
Look out for a little bit
For one minute.
One, two, three - the merman don’t sleep!

The round dance stops, the “merman” gets up and, without opening his eyes, approaches one of the players.
The merman's task is to determine who is in front of him. If the merman guessed right, he changes role and now the one whose name was named becomes the driver. The “merman” can touch the player standing in front of him, but his eyes cannot be opened. For greater complexity, the “water one”, at the last words of the song, spins towards the movement of the round dance.

When they play for a long time, many are already recognized by their clothes, so our guys sometimes change scarves, or take off some piece of clothing to make it more difficult. Squat lower or stand on tiptoes. The game is very fun. As a rule, it is played the longest.

Blind Man's Bluff

“Blind Man's Bluff” is an ancient game that has many varieties. Children of all ages play it. The number of participants is usually from 4 to 25 people. In all varieties, the essence is the same: the driver with his eyes closed - “blind man's buff” - must catch other players and guess who he caught.

All players, holding hands, form a circle. The driver (by lot) stands in the middle of the circle. He is blindfolded or has a cap placed on his head to cover his eyes. You can give the driver a stick, or you can play without it.

All players move in a circle in one direction until the driver stops with a command "Stop!". Then everyone stops, and the driver extends his hand forward. It should be taken over by the one playing at whom it is directed. The driver asks him to raise his voice, that is, to say something. The player calls the name of the driver or makes any sound by changing his voice. If the driver guesses who voted, he changes place and role with him. If he doesn’t guess correctly, he continues to drive.


  • You can ask for a voice up to 3 times, after which the driver must say who is holding his hand (or wand).
  • If the driver fails to guess 3 times, he is replaced by a new driver by lot or choice.
  • When the driver asks for a voice, there must be complete silence.


This game is also a good test of attentiveness. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain. With your right hand, point to the floor and say: “Floor.” Then point to your nose (it will be better if you touch it), say: “Nose,” and then raise your hand up and say: “Ceiling.” Take your time. Let the guys show with you, and you will call. Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: “Nose,” and at this time point to the ceiling. The guys must listen carefully and show correctly.


The game involves children from 3 to 40 people.

One driver is selected - a “bear”, who stands in the corner of the site (or room). The rest of the players are children. They are located on the other side of the site in their “home”. The space between the “den” of the “bear” and the children is “bor” (“forest”).

Children go to the “pine forest” for “mushrooms” and “berries”, gradually approaching the “bear”. While picking “mushrooms” and “berries”, children chant:

By the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries,
The bear caught a cold
Frozen on the stove!

The last two lines are now often replaced with:

And the bear is sitting
And he growls at us!

After the last words, the “bear”, who had previously pretended to be asleep, stretches and runs towards the children, and they quickly turn and run to their “home” or scatter in different directions, trying not to get caught by the “bear”, who is trying to catch them (touch them with his hand - to make one's face).

Whoever the “bear” catches changes roles with him. If the “bear” fails to catch anyone (all the guys will hide in their “house”), he goes to his “den” and continues to drive.


  1. “The Bear” has no right to run out and catch the guys until they say the last words of the recitative.
  2. Fishing is only possible within the established limits of the site.


Two circles are drawn, one circle is the “forest” (berries and mushrooms are placed in the middle of it), the other is the “village”. One of the participants in the game, depicting a bear, sits in the “forest”. The rest go from the “village” to the “forest” to pick berries and mushrooms, the guys have a basket in their hands. Everyone sings:

By the bear in the forest
I pick mushrooms and berries.
But the bear doesn't sleep,
Everything is looking at us
And then how he growls
And he will run after us.

The guys walk around the “forest” and tease the Bear:

We're taking berries
But we don’t give it to the bear.
Let's go into the forest with a club -
Hit the bear in the back!

Passing the basket to each other, they try to run into the “forest” and throw berries and mushrooms into the basket. Whoever the Bear catches in the “forest” is eliminated from the game. When someone manages to run into the “forest” and throw berries and mushrooms into the basket, everyone runs to the “village”, and the Bear catches up. If the Bear catches up with the guys and takes the basket, he takes the berries and mushrooms for himself. And if the guys manage to escape from the Bear to the “village,” then a new Bear is chosen and the game continues.


The ancient game “Lapta”, often called “Russian Lapta”, and in different places it has its own name (for example, in Tajikistan this game is called “Tulufbozi”, in Bashkiria - “Ural Ball”, in Karakalpakstan - “Koshamaran”) and some differences in rules. The rules of the game below apply mainly in the central zone of the RSFSR.

“Lapta” is played on a large area, a lawn in the summer. Schoolchildren, youth and adults, from 8 to 30 people, participate in it. The game is played independently. The game's referees are usually the team captains, or "queens" as they are often called in this game.

To play, you need a small rag, rubber or tennis ball and a lapta - a round stick 70-80 cm long and 3-3.5 cm thick. It is slightly bent at one end to make it easier to hold in your hands; at the other end it remains round (for beginners, you can make it spade-shaped).


On two sides of the site - “fields” - at a distance of 40-80 m, two lines are drawn or marked with branches or other objects - the horse line and the “city” line. Two captains (“queens”) are chosen and divided into two teams in any way (usually by collusion). By lot, one team stands behind the “city” line; the other is placed randomly in the “field”. The captain of the “field” team sends one player to the “city” to serve the ball.

In turn, the first thrower - the "city" player - takes the shoe and stands at the "city" line, opposite him is the server who throws the ball, and the thrower hits it with the shoe into the "field" as high and far as possible. Fielders try to catch it from the air or grab it from the ground. The one who successfully hits the ball runs to the stake and returns to the “city”, for which he earns 1 point. The field players, having grabbed the ball from the ground, try to throw the ball at those running across. If someone is insulted, they themselves run to the “city”, and the players from the “city” run to the “field” and try to hit the player who did not have time to run to the “city” with the ball (i.e., they strive to “get away”) .

The team, which managed to occupy the “city” in its entirety, remains there and begins to hit the ball into the “field”. If a field player catches him from the air (“candle”), his entire team goes to the “city”, and those who were in the “city” go to the “field”. And so the struggle goes on to take possession of the “city.” Everyone who manages to run to the stake and back earns a point. They play until a certain number of points or for an agreed time. The team with more points wins.


  1. The “city” players hit the ball into the “field” in a sequence set by the captain.
  2. Each player hits the ball 1 time, and the captain has the right to 3 hits.
  3. The server must throw the ball so that it is easy to hit it, otherwise he must repeat the toss. And so on up to 3 times. If he throws poorly 3 times, he is replaced.
  4. The person running across must leave the lapta in the “city”, otherwise he must return for it.
  5. A hit with the ball is only counted if it hits the player directly and does not bounce off something.
  6. If a player hits the ball poorly, he may not run to the stake, but wait for a good shot, which is then performed by one of the other players. Therefore, several players who hit the ball unsuccessfully can run at the same time.
  7. The server has the right to insult those running across, just like the field players.
  8. You can only run as long as the ball is outside the “city”.
  9. The player who returns to the “city” has the right to hit the ball again in the “field” in order of rotation.