If in a dream you dreamed that a person. What does it mean when you often dream about the same person? Dreaming of a familiar person

Almost every person experiences some kind of “visions” during sleep. We dream of people, places, events, some objects or phenomena. Most often, a person sees a dream in the first person and in the morning forgets most of the dream. Some dreams affect emotions and can be very realistic. Today, scientists cannot say for sure why dreams occur, but there are several good theories that explain this phenomenon.

Why does a person sleep

First, let's figure out why we need sleep at all.

Sleep is a natural state of the body that includes several cycles. During this period, brain activity is reduced, as is the reaction to external stimuli.

For a long time, the mechanism of the sleep state and the reason for dreaming were shrouded in secrecy, and scientists from different times made assumptions based on their conjectures. Modern technologies made it possible to study the human brain during sleep, and people received answers, although only to some questions.

Until now, many people believe that sleep is necessary for the rest of the brain and the body as a whole. But back in the 20th century it became clear that this is not entirely true: During sleep, brain activity is only 10-15% lower than during light sleep, and the muscles can easily rest simply by being at rest. So why do we spend almost a third of our lives in a special state of sleep?

Today, this physiological phenomenon is considered not as just rest, but as a mechanism of self-regulation of the body. In the state of sleep, memories are systematized, the psyche is unloaded, stress levels are reduced, cells are renewed and toxins are removed.

What happens if you don't sleep

It is during the period of REM sleep that a person sees vivid dreams, some of which can be recalled in the morning. Each stage replaces each other several times, while their duration is uneven, and REM sleep gradually takes more and more time.

In ancient times, dreams were perceived as encrypted messages from other world, containing information regarding the future person. “Knowledgeable” people () helped decipher these messages. Over time, dream books appeared, which are still popular today.

However, with the development of psychology and physiology, new views on this phenomenon began to appear, reflected in several theories.

Theory 1: Dreams are images of human desires

The famous psychotherapist Sigmund Freud suggested that in dreams a person sees repressed desires and hidden aspirations. The subconscious seems to communicate with us through dreams. Sometimes this is an exact image, and sometimes it is veiled in some symbols (images).

Freud believed that discussing dreams with a psychotherapist can help resolve a person's internal psychological problems. He even wrote a book, “The Interpretation of Dreams,” where he talks about typical symbols in dreams that may have a similar meaning in different people.

According to Freud, dreams have hidden meaning

Theory 2: Features of the brain

But the eminent psychiatrist John Hobson, on the contrary, said that dreams do not carry any meaning. He studied exactly how dreams arise from a physiological point of view. It turned out that random signals from the brain stem lead to a vision of a plausible reality.

The brain tries to somehow interpret random impulses and puts them into certain plots. He often takes memories as a basis.

Interesting fact! It has been experimentally proven that mammals such as cats and dogs also experience dreams.

Theory 3: Constant activation

Psychiatrist Zhang Jie agrees that nerve impulses lead to dreams. But in her opinion, they are not accidental.

During sleep, the brain systematizes memories, and at the moment they move from short-term memory to long-term memory, they can be partially activated, and we see dreams.

Dreaming may be a consequence of the brain working at night

Theory 4: Threat Modeling

This is a rather unusual explanation for why we dream. It is believed that this ability was inherited by man from ancient ancestors, who, with the help of dreams, could imitate potentially dangerous situations.

In fact, dreams are a protective biological mechanism that allows you to “train” to survive threats. U modern man life is not as dangerous as that of our ancestors, so it is believed that the functions of dreams have changed a little. Hence the next theory.

There was a period when it was believed that sleep was a painful condition arising from accumulated poisons in the human body.

Theory 5: Natural selection of thoughts

Psychologist Mark Blancher suggests that situations that the brain models during sleep, allowing it to choose the best emotional reactions. He remembers them and uses them already in real life.

That is, in this case, we also train, but taking into account what most often happens in our modern life.

Interestingly, a special type of sleep is lucid dreams when a person realizes that he is dreaming, and sometimes even controls the dream. Some researchers are convinced that anyone can master this with proper training.

Be sure to check it out video with interesting information about dreams:


While no theory is generally accepted, they suggest that dreams arise from impulses in the brain and are possibly formed from memories.

We live a significant part of our lives in dreams. Some people dream rarely or not at all, while others dream often. Individual people I have prophetic dreams, and someone can create a dream for themselves to order. You can try to learn how to create dreams for yourself, for example, to see a person.

First of all, you need to learn to remember dreams. Scientists say that dreams visit each of us several times a night. Only some people remember them in detail, while others forget them immediately after waking up. Most effective way To develop your memory for dreams is to write them down. Place a notepad and pen next to your bed before bed. Immediately after waking up, write down everything you saw at night in a notebook, trying to do it in as much detail as possible. Get into the habit of writing down your dreams every day. You can even get up early for this. In the very near future, the first results will appear - there will be more dreams, they will become more colorful and meaningful.

After this preliminary preparation you can start learning how to induce sleep with a certain person. Self-hypnosis is the most effective remedy to achieve your goals. To do this, before going to bed, lying in bed, try to completely relax and free yourself from all extraneous thoughts. Then calmly and clearly imagine the appearance of the person you want to see in your dream. Formulate a program for the brain: “I will see so-and-so in a dream and will completely remember my dream.” For those for whom self-hypnosis is difficult or does not bring the desired results, simply concentrating on the person you need to see in a dream can help. Practice shows that both of these methods are suitable for most people, and they achieve dream vision with the participation of a specific person. There is also a third way to induce dreams with a specific person. This is a method of associating the image of a “called” person with the help of ideas and images associated directly with him. For example, if you want to see in a dream young man, remember the smell of his cologne, remember the sensations of touching him, the sound of his voice, the feelings that he evokes or evoked in you. At the same time, the room in which you are located must completely protect you from all extraneous influences. There should be no foreign smells or sounds that can disturb you or cause completely different associations in your subconscious. Regardless of which of the above methods you choose for yourself, try to fall asleep without stopping thinking about a specific person. This is easy if you are tired during the day and really want to sleep. It is quite possible that the first time you will not be able to “cause” a dream with the participation of the right person. Don't despair, no one succeeds the first time. Be persistent and try various methods separately and in combination with each other, and success is sure to come.

What can a person or people dream about in a dream?

According to Meridian's dream book

People in a dream can symbolize your surroundings in real life. Friendly foreign society is a reflection of collective relationships at work or in other permanent society. Personalities with a neutral position in a dream indicate the presence of disagreements in life with friends and loved ones.

Going against the crowd means having many difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. If you dreamed of a bustling crowd, then you need to be prepared to spend a lot of time deciding everyday problems and hassle.

The dream book of the medium Hasse says that seeing people with a beard in a dream means that there is a lot of anger and anger. A crowd going against you indicates a threatening slander. Generous people dream of receiving help.

Unfamiliar drinking and smoking people - have good income. Seeing cheerful people in a dream means having good health, and seeing sad people means being indifferent to someone else’s misfortune.

According to Maly Veselov's dream book

A crowd of people in a dream indicates the presence of fear in real life. Cheerful people in a dream are a sad state, fellow countrymen are good luck and happiness, older people are a sign of longevity and prosperity. A sad crowd is a sign of warlike relations and conflicts. Exhausted bodies - hunger and poverty, naked - gossip, intrigues. People in chains talk about a possible threat to the lives of friends and loved ones. People in mourning clothes dream of people on the eve of bad news.

The Ukrainian dream book interprets dreams with cheerful people as a sign of sadness. Rural people are an image of happiness and enterprise. Elderly people indicate longevity. Sad people dream of conflicts and clashes, handcuffed - of approaching danger that threatens relatives and friends.

Apostle Simon the Canaanite means by bearded people in a dream anger and emotional impetuosity. Generous people dream of receiving the necessary help. Happy - well-being and wealth; those in a sitting position - pleasant little things in life, cheerful crowd - good health. A large crowd of people in a dream is a sign of one’s own submission and lack of independence.

The Italian dream book interprets a person of a different nationality, people of a different origin, as a symbol of the presence of healthy instincts, which can be regarded as danger and threat.

Dream book of psychoanalysts

It says that a crowd of people is an expression of the individual’s relationship to the social masses. If a person walks through a crowd, then in real life he does not share public opinion and norms. Such a dream may indicate the presence of prerequisites for public protest.

The symbolic dream book considers a person in a dream as a manifestation of a certain feeling or emotion. It can also be a certain dominant character trait, an attitude towards something. The crowd is associated in this case with the loss of individuality and one’s own uniqueness. A dream in which the dreamer is in line for something will indicate stagnation in some important matters.

A person of the opposite sex in a dream indicates the state of affairs and well-being. It is necessary to interpret such a dream based on the character and mood of what was seen. People of exotic and unusual appearance in a dream indicate the individual’s sexual aspirations, readiness for experiments and new approaches to intimate life.

Flying bodies in a dream always reflect the individual’s state of consciousness, his moral and sacred achievements, and victories.

Modern dream book

Interprets strangers in a dream, as a sign of ill will and extreme unresponsiveness of loved ones. A dream of this nature should protect a person from excessive gullibility and a tendency to quickly contact strangers.

Many beautiful people come into dreams when a person is too lenient towards others, not noticing the hardships of his life. Such a dream should make a person think about the sincerity and reciprocity of others. Frequent dreams in which many people are present indicate a feeling of loneliness. Usually, a person with such dreams seeks to get rid of his own loneliness.

In Azar’s dream book, people talk about a sign of loss of their own individuality and a tendency to submissiveness.

Martyn Zadeki explains dreams with people as a sign of fear and apprehension, unhappiness and loss. Unbridled, wild people come to sleep as a sign of trouble or loss in the future. But talking with such people means rejoicing and reconciling with someone in real life.

In the Chinese dream book, a noble and respectful person indicates that the sleeper managed to avoid a great misfortune. People who bow and express respect indicate an approaching happy moment in life. Going somewhere with your life partner means that an unfortunate moment in fate is approaching.

In the dream book from A to Z

a stranger in a dream may indicate threats and fears in real life. Seeing a crowd in a dream means abandoning your own plan to achieve a goal, acting on the instructions of a leadership that is incompetent in these matters.

Naked bodies are a sign of shame and public ridicule. A man with a beard indicates the manifestation of unreasonable anger, and people in mourning clothes indicate bad news in the future.

In the Tarot dream book, people in a dream indicate a dangerous goal in the dreamer’s real life.

By medieval dream book to manage people, to dominate them means to have a serious conversation in real life. But people from the lower social strata of the population dream of unrest.

The esoteric dream book interprets the appearance of a person in a dream as a sign of an upcoming collective conversation. Fussy people in dreams indicate general troubles in the family or at work. A cheerful crowd is dreamed of on the eve of a social event or party.

Why did Man dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • If you dream of a person who died without a head, you will achieve your goal, although you will make many mistakes.
  • Seeing a man without a face– you live in a world of illusions, succumbing to a depressive mood. Seeing yourself faceless means that in reality you will be faced with an unsolvable task.
  • Seeing the person you love without hands means problems in your career and business. You may have to cooperate with an unpleasant, incompetent or dishonest person.
  • A man without legs means difficulties in achieving goals.
  • If I dreamed that you helped a sick person climb the stairs, In reality you will move up the career ladder.
  • The Man in Black is interpreted negatively. In reality, he can “take away” health, wealth, happiness.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

What did People dream about?

Why do you dream about the person you like? It's quite possible appearance, behavior reflect the dreamer’s internal state.

  • Dreaming of a headless man– you can’t lose your head, you need to think through everything in advance, carefully approach the choice of your close circle.
  • If you couldn’t see the person’s face, you need to control your emotions and not give free rein to your feelings.
  • Seeing a man on fire- to cleansing from sins, deliverance from bad habits, unnecessary connections.
  • A drowning man reminds you that you need to engage in spiritual self-development. This is also a sign that you will soon need the help of friends. There is no point in remaining in splendid isolation.

Romantic dream book

Why do people dream?

  • A stranger without a brush means that in reality you will have to part with your soulmate. If hands are completely absent, separation will occur due to mutual dissatisfaction.
  • Seeing a crippled person who suddenly recovered- most likely, you are being deceived. Or perhaps you are being deceived, not wanting to notice negative character traits in your loved one.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of a loved one, boyfriend/husband, drowning, expect trouble. Quarrels and scandals will provoke strong feelings. It is possible that the other half will truly “drown” in some kind of addiction.

The meaning of a dream about Personality (Vanga’s Dream Book)

  • Constantly seeing the same person in a coffin in a dream means that it’s time for you to change something in your life.
  • You dream of a familiar person about whom you think a lot in reality; the dream only reflects your thoughts in reality and does not carry any meaning.
  • Seeing a loved one in a black robe - a dream warns you of a danger that you need to avoid.
  • Seeing a black man chasing you means you will meet your enemies.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Man in a dream?

  • If you dream of a strange person covered in blood, you don’t know whether he is a man or a woman, then in reality you will have to change jobs and find yourself in a new team.
  • A person in a dream stands on some kind of eminence, this means that positive changes are coming in your life.
  • I dreamed of an evil person - the dream predicts grief for you and your loved ones.

The meaning of the dream about the Beggar (according to Nostradamus)

  • Dreaming of a man sitting on a high rock means that in the distant future a grandiose event will happen to the dreamer that will radically change his life.
  • A meeting between a person and a stranger who has an animalistic look means a meeting with the Antichrist.
  • You see an evil, tyrannical man- a tyrant will come to power and bring war, hunger and poverty to the earth.
  • If you dreamed of a beggar, then big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and true friend.
  • If you saw in a dream large number poor people, this means that many nations will face poverty in the future.
  • Why do rich people dream?- a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you.
  • Seeing a lot of wealthy people means happy life peoples all over the world.
  • You saw a wounded person, this means that someone close to you will face a serious test, as a result of which this person will lose not only shelter, material resources, family, but will also receive serious injuries.

Intelligent dream book

Why does Man dream in dreams?

Brown-eyed person - For a loving pastime.

Blue-eyed man - Someone will make fun of you.

Ukrainian dream book

Why does a Man dream according to popular belief:

Blue-eyed man - It’s not enough to say that you will lose, you will give everything with your own hands.

Brown-eyed person - If you dream of a dark-haired person, you will experience humiliation from an unfamiliar person.

Dream interpretation of birthday people

Taking into account the date of birth, what does a person dream about:

In the spring, why do you see a brown-eyed man in a dream - Suspicion will arise. Blue-eyed person - You will really like one person, you will think about him and look for casual meetings, but this person is married.

In the summer, why did you dream about a brown-eyed man? An unpleasant guy will ruin your mood. A blue-eyed person with a dark complexion (dark-haired) dreams of mistrust and surveillance of someone.

In the fall, why did the brown-eyed man dream - A new profitable acquaintance will take place. Blue-eyed man - To the protection and help of a strong person.

In winter, what does a blue-eyed person dream about - headaches, blood pressure. Brown-eyed person - To the falsehood and hypocrisy that you will soon encounter.

The mysterious world of dreams has always captivated people with its understatement, a certain veil of the unknown. Psychologists have found an explanation for the occurrence of dreams, proving the relationship between the events people dreamed of and what is happening at that moment in their reality. However, not everything is so simple. Scientists cannot escape the existence of, for example, prophetic dreams, a rational explanation for which has not yet been found. Interest in the interpretation of dreams is only growing, and even skeptics sometimes try to understand and correctly interpret a particularly intriguing or unexpected dream for them, especially if some people appear in it. This article will tell you what this or that dreamed person means.

If you dreamed of a dark-skinned person, then in life you will encounter hypocrisy and gossip behind your back, you will suspect your loved ones of deceit or hiding something, and if you are blond - you will worry, but if you become blond, take care of your health, you may get sick. It is a very bad sign to see yourself bald, get ready for loss of wealth, bald children will make you experience shame in reality, and a mother without hair will lead to tragedy. A person of an unhealthy appearance, frail - means financial difficulties or a possible illness for the child, but you will be full of strength and determination to fight these adversities. If you have seen a broad-shouldered person, do not ignore or avoid your comrades and friends in life; their help may soon be needed. And a slouched person dreams of sycophancy, be careful, they will want to take advantage of you, and difficulties and disputes at work are also possible. If you see an exhausted person, in reality someone will evoke your sympathy with their misfortune, do not turn away from him. But the dream of an intellectual signifies the appearance of an impudent and boorish person in your life. If a girl dreams of a stocky man, this may mean that she is not happy with her figure, although she is trying to hide it. A dream in which a man dressed in dark robes appears speaks of receiving big money and power in return for happiness, or about the onset of a difficult period in life. If someone you don’t see speaks to you, beware of intrigues in life, he will appear secret enemy. And when you cannot understand in a dream what gender a person is, expect a forced change of job; it will be difficult in a new place. Beggars dream of losing friends, money and good luck, while rich people, on the contrary, dream of a noticeable improvement in life. Evil people in a dream symbolize a change in the usual way of life. If you dreamed that luck was on your heels, then everything in life would work out and your wishes would come true. If you dreamed about a deceased person - expect changes, but not always pleasant ones; if it was your colleague, then you will need to change jobs, and if someone close to you - an unexpected event will happen in the family. And when talking with the deceased in a dream, you should beware of accidents in reality.

If you dreamed that a healthy and familiar person died, do not be alarmed, this is a mirror dream; in life, on the contrary, everything will be fine for him. And if it was a stranger, but he died quickly without suffering, then expect joyful events. A disappearing dead person means good profit, but a crying person dreams of family tragedies, conflicts and divorces. If you dreamed of a murder that you witnessed, beware of setups, you crossed someone’s path. And accusations of murder, to which you have nothing to do, indicate a possible conflict with friends. If you become the culprit of a fatal accident, think about what you are sacrificing in life to achieve your goals. If you saved a stranger, then expect a new meeting and love, as well as cash flow. When in a dream you find yourself in the company of strangers and want to leave quickly, you should be more active and decisive in reality, believe in your strength. And if you are happy and calm with strangers, then in reality, success in your career and family happiness awaits you.

A dream in which your acquaintance moves away, leaves, signals the need for a change in life; if this is your loved one, expect new acquaintances or unexpected meetings. The presence of a famous person in your dream foretells good luck in your endeavors. If there is a sleeping person in the dream, perhaps you need rest, this means that your strength is at its limit. And an attempt to wake him up is a harbinger of radical changes in everything in reality. Dreams in which your lover appears, as a rule, carry positive information. The exception is dreams in which you have dinner together, or one of you cheats.