Cash subsidies to reserve military personnel for the purchase of housing. Military housing subsidy. How to calculate and receive a subsidy. Sample documents and submission procedure

The essence of the question:

For how long should a housing subsidy be provided to a military personnel?

Good afternoon. I have a question about the timing of receiving a subsidy for the purchase of housing. I am an active military personnel of the Western Military District, my service is 25 calendar years, I wrote a report for receiving a subsidy in November 2014, the documents were also completed and handed over to the JO. I have been on the waiting list for housing since 2008. I applied in July 2016, when the funds for the purchase of housing will be transferred to the Voronezh housing estate, they said that there is a waiting list and supposedly they are only closing 2013. Have the deadlines for receiving and paying the subsidy been approved?

Thank you.

Military lawyer's response:


The procedure for providing subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises for military personnel is regulated by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2014 No. 510 “On approval of the Procedure for providing subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises for military personnel - citizens Russian Federation, undergoing military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and citizens of the Russian Federation discharged from military service" (hereinafter referred to as the Order).

According to clause 5 of the said Procedure: “Within ten working days from the date of receipt of information on bringing the limits of budget obligations to the financial support departments (departments) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by the authorized body (structural unit of the authorized body) in order to obtain information from The Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It on the rights of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families to residential premises throughout the Russian Federation, a request is sent to the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography.

The decision to provide housing subsidies to military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families is made by the authorized body (structural unit of the authorized body) no later than ten working days from the date of receipt of the information specified in paragraph one of this paragraph, in the absence of grounds for removing them from the register as those recognized as needing residential premises.”

Thus, the timing of receiving a subsidy for military personnel is not tied to the moment the military personnel writes a report on its receipt, but depends on the allocation of the corresponding budget limits to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, according to clause 1 of Article 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, “Residential premises are provided to citizens registered as needing residential premises, in order of priority, based on the time of registration of such citizens, with the exception of the cases established by part 2 of this article "

Similar provisions are contained in paragraph 11 of Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2010 N 1280 “On the provision of residential premises to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under a social tenancy agreement and service residential premises”, which states that “Residential premises provided under an agreement social rent (hereinafter referred to as residential premises), are distributed by the authorized body to military personnel registered as those in need of residential premises, in order of priority, which is determined by the date of acceptance of military personnel for registration as those in need of residential premises, if the specified dates coincide, the priority is determined taking into account the general duration of military service on the date of registration of those in need of residential premises.”

Taking into account the fact that the provision of a housing subsidy is one of the ways to provide housing to military personnel, the allocation of the subsidy should take into account the order in which a serviceman is recognized as needing to be provided with housing, and not the order in which he writes a report to receive a subsidy.

In connection with the above, we recommend that, in accordance with Federal Law of May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” contact the territorial department of the RUZHO with an application for the provision of anonymized information that does not contain personal data about , military personnel of which year were recognized as needing housing accommodations are currently provided with a subsidy. If the subsidy is provided to military personnel recognized as needy in 2013, then your right to receive a subsidy, as recognized as needy in 2008, has been violated.

In this case, you can appeal the inaction of the housing authorities in court or to the military prosecutor's office. If necessary, you can contact us for help in drawing up necessary documents, as well as representing your interests in court.

According to the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” No. 76-FZ, as amended on December 14, 2015, the state assumes additional responsibility for providing housing for military personnel in the form of a monetary payment (subsidy). Subsidies are not the only way to support housing issue, But housing subsidy for military personnel, according to legislators, should play a major role.

Having a certificate of payment of a cash subsidy in hand, the officer and (or) his family can use it to purchase living space or a house or invest capital in their construction (he can exercise this right, including on the secondary housing market). Thus, it is obvious significant savings time and no need to wait for your turn.

Conditions for providing housing subsidies

According to the order of the Minister of Defense dated July 21, 2010 No. 510, military officers and warrant officers of the following categories established by paragraph. 3 and 12 paragraph 1 art. 15 of the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”:

  • who entered into a contract before 01/01/1998 (with the exception of cadets of military universities and other educational organizations) and their families recognized as in need of housing;
  • those dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit, for health reasons or due to staff reduction, who managed to serve 10 years or more, as well as their family members if they need improved living conditions;
  • military personnel who have served 20 years and are provided with official housing;
  • citizens dismissed after at least 10 years of service due to health, layoffs or age who were provided with official housing.

The subsidy is a one-time non-cash cash payment, introduced as an alternative to the usual queue for the provision of permanent housing to career and retired military personnel. It is a cash social payment, issued by a certificate (certificate) giving the right to preferential purchase of housing, financed from the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that recent changes in legislation (Law 360-FZ dated November 24, 2014) adjust the subject composition of recipients of receiving a one-time cash payment for the purchase of housing. The fact is that for citizens recognized as needing housing before 01/01/2005 or after 01/01/2005, the category “discharged from military service and in need of improved housing conditions” was cancelled. mandatory requirement serve at least 10 years, if this was due to relocation (amendments have been made to clause 2.1 of Article 15 of the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”, regarding the right to choose the type of housing provision). However, changes corresponding to the law have not yet been made to Order No. 510.

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Compared to other methods of targeted support for military personnel, the subsidy has a number of advantages:

  • it gives the right to purchase finished or under construction housing in a private or apartment building;
  • the right to a subsidy appears from the moment the legal basis arises;
  • it gives the right to attract other preferential capital for the purchase of new housing, together with a cash subsidy;
  • The subsidy is progressive.

Some of the benefits listed need some explanation.

In particular, a military serviceman and a retired citizen of the Russian Federation, having additional benefits in the form of his own savings, a bank loan received or maternity capital allocated by the state to his family, can use the entire cash balance to purchase a new home at the same time. By general rule, social payment to military personnel is a right - therefore, they can use it at their discretion if they meet the requirements of Order No. 510 of July 21, 2014 (for example, at the end of their service or after leaving the reserve). Moreover, the size of the subsidy will increase with the duration of service.

However, there are situations when a subsidy is transferred to a military personnel without his consent:

  • in case of refusal of the proposed residential premises at the place of military service or chosen place of residence, which meets the established requirements;
  • if the said person expresses a desire to change his previously chosen place of residence after leaving military service.

The procedure for recognizing a military personnel as needing housing

In accordance with Law No. 76-FZ, military personnel are recognized as needy by the executive authorities at the place of their service on the basis of the provisions of Article 51 of the RF Housing Code in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2011 No. 512).

To do this, you must write an application to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (department) and additionally submit:

  • copies of passports and birth certificates of all family members of the military personnel;
  • certificates confirming the duration of service, an extract from the service record, etc.;
  • copies of marriage or divorce certificate;
  • extract from the house register, financial statements personal accounts for the 5 years preceding the submission of the application;
  • copies of documents confirming rights to other social benefits.

A decision on the request must be made in writing within 30 days.

The procedure for providing housing subsidies to military personnel

Social support in the form of a subsidy for the purchase of housing is calculated on the basis of the rules of resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/03/2014 No. 76 and 10/24/2013 No. 942. Each of them regulates its own aspect of calculation. So, for example, the first resolution establishes the rules for calculating subsidies in accordance with the standard of housing and the standard of total living space; the second - provides for the procedure for calculating subsidies for military personnel in need of housing in excess of the established standard.

Let's look at an example of the procedure for calculating subsidies according to the standard. According to the rules, it should be calculated using the formula P = N x C x Ks, where N is the norm total area residential premises, C - the cost per square meter according to the norm in the Russian Federation, Ks - a correction factor indicating the length of service of the military personnel.

Let’s take a conditional applicant for social assistance, whose family consists of 4 people, the standard cost per square meter is 34,350 rubles (established by order of the State Construction Committee dated July 18, 2013 No. 269), the service life is 18 years. For military personnel with such a term, the coefficient is set at 2.25, and the general norm for each family member is 18 square meters. m. Let's substitute this data into the formula: P = (18 x 4) x 34350 x 2.25 - in the end we get 5,564,700 rubles.

The rules allow an increase in the standard by 15–25 square meters. m, if there is a right to do so established by Law No. 76-FZ:

  • promotion in rank (above colonel);
  • conferment of an honorary title of the Russian Federation;
  • conducting teaching activities;
  • deterioration of health;
  • conducting scientific activity etc.

At the same time, military personnel who have several grounds will be able to use only one.

It also provides for a reduction in the total standard living space in cases where military personnel or members of their families carry out civil transactions during the period of residence in this residential space, aimed at alienating part of it into ownership or transferring part of the area occupied under a social contract. hiring, back to the organization that issued it.

Housing subsidies for military personnel can be calculated taking into account the specifics. So, for example, if in the above example the serviceman dies or dies after reaching the service age limit, the calculated coefficient for his family will be increased to 2.75.

Another example is the case when a serviceman applies for a social benefit for the purchase of living space or a private house, the amount of which goes beyond the standards established in Article 15 of the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel.”

According to the rules approved by Government Resolution No. 942 of October 24, 2013, subsidies are calculated for military personnel according to two formulas:

  • exceeding the size of the total area: P2 = O - H - D - Tk,
  • amount of payment for excess area: P = P2 x C,

where O is the future housing area, H is the standard living area, M is additional maximum area, T - maximum size total area taking into account design features premises or home, C - residual or established by the state. contract price 1 sq. m.

Let's say a serviceman with the rank of colonel wants to increase the future housing area to 100 square meters. m.: the additional maximum area for it is determined by law at 15 square meters. m., the maximum size of the total area, taking into account the design features of the room or house, is 9 square meters. m. We get P2 = 100 - 72 - 15 – 9. Total: 4 sq. m.

Using the formula P = P2 x C, we establish that in excess of the norm you can receive payment of 4 sq. m - taking into account the price of 34,350 rubles per 1 sq. m this gives the amount of 137,400 rubles.

It is very important to understand that the decision to provide a serviceman with housing that exceeds the standards under Law No. 76-FZ is of a notification and voluntary nature. In particular, it involves notifying the applicant in writing about the opportunity available in the region for military service. At the same time, the notice also indicates all calculations of the cost of housing, taking into account the excess.

Having received a notice from the executive authority of the federal district, a serviceman who wishes to obtain this housing at the expense of his own savings is obliged to notify this authority of his decision no later than 3 days. Exactly at the same time official The federal district, having signed the agreement, sends it to the applicant indicating the amount to be paid for the excess square meters, as well as all parameters of future housing, in accordance with paragraphs 5 and 6 of the rules of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2013 No. 942. Payment for the area exceeding the standard must be made by the military personnel within 20 days from the moment he signs this agreement.

Every serviceman in our country who does not have his own home dreams of buying it either with a mortgage or receiving it from the state.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for such a possibility, but few people know about it.

What legal provisions govern it? Is it possible to privatize federal housing?

Let's look at all this in more detail.

Legislative regulation

Today, the issue of providing housing for military personnel is regulated by the following: legislative acts:

Latest news and changes

If we talk about latest news, then according to the last Decree of the President of the Russian Federation military personnel cannot be transferred to the reserve if they do not have their own housing. However, this rule applies to those who have served for 10 years or more.

According to this decree, transfer to the reserve can only occur with voluntary consent the soldier himself.

In addition, the regulatory authorities must, before transferring a serviceman to the reserve, check whether he is provided with housing or subsidies for the construction of residential real estate.

Housing options


In the Order Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 510, as well as Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of Military Personnel”, the conditions under which a subsidy can be provided are clearly stated.

In particular, we are talking about such conditions:

  • if the contract was concluded before January 1998 (with the exception of cadets and university graduates), and the military personnel are recognized as being in dire need of living space;
  • the serviceman was transferred to the reserve due to health reasons or due to staff reduction, but at the same time he managed to serve 10 years or more, and was recognized as in dire need of residential real estate. It is worth noting that this also includes those military personnel who are transferred to the reserve due to age;
  • military personnel who served 20 years or more, while they used official housing.

It is worth noting that the subsidy provided is one-time monetary nature. It was formed as an alternative to the usual queue for housing.

To receive this subsidy, you must be recognized as in dire need of housing. This recognition procedure is clearly prescribed by Federal Law No. 76, as well as Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

For recognition it is necessary contact the executive authority(department) and provide the corresponding list of documents.

The decision is made within one calendar month.

At subsidy calculation for the purchase or construction of housing for a military personnel is based on 3 factors, namely:

  • the very area of ​​housing that a serviceman is entitled to;
  • standard cost per meter of housing (the average price throughout the country is taken into account in the form of a coefficient, which is modified every six months);
  • coefficient, which directly depends on the number of years of service of a serviceman.

If we talk about the required housing area for a military serviceman, then according to the standards approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, they rely on 33 square meters. If the family consists of 2 people, then 42 sq. meters, 3 or more - 18 sq. meters for each family member.

Providing residential premises (federally owned) as property or under a social tenancy agreement

Housing on federal property can be provided to military personnel who have been serving under a contract since 1998, with the exception of cadets of military institutions, including members of their families directly at the place of service. At the same time, it is necessary to be in dire need of housing.

  • officers who signed their first contract after 1998 and live with their families;
  • petty officers, non-commissioned officers, midshipmen and warrant officers, soldiers and sailors who signed a contract after 1998 and live with their families;
  • military personnel who received military education after 1998 and received an officer rank after graduation. It should be noted that at the place of service they live with their families.

It must be remembered that real estate under a social tenancy agreement is provided for the entire period of military service. The real estate itself is provided directly in closed military camps.

Moreover, after receiving such real estate, the serviceman is not removed from the register as one who no longer needs housing.

As with receiving a subsidy, this requires recognition of the need for housing. Thus, it is imperative to contact the Department of Executive Power and draw up a corresponding application together with them.

After this, department employees will enter the serviceman into the unified register as being in dire need of housing.

After this, the department makes a decision on the provision of housing and, if available, sends a notification to the serviceman with the offer. In turn, the serviceman gives his consent to the housing provided and after that, he is informed what documents must be provided within 30 calendar days.

If we talk about ourselves documents that are needed, we are talking about such as:

  • a copy of the passport of the serviceman himself, and of each member of his family with whom he lives. If they have a minor child, they must also include a copy of their birth certificate;
  • a document confirming the fact that you do not have your own living space;
  • bank statement for the last 5 years;
  • if you have any benefits that do not relate to the status of a military personnel, you must attach a copy of the certificate that confirms the availability of benefits.

Allocation of official housing

Service housing can be provided to all contract military personnel, regardless of military rank.

In turn classified as service housing:

  • dormitory premises;
  • living quarters in houses with social services for citizens;
  • residential premises allocated by social protection of the population at the request of the relevant authorities of the military unit where the serviceman is serving;
  • residential premises for orphans or children who for some reason were left without guardianship.

It is worth noting that all residential premises are allocated from the state or municipal fund.

Who is eligible

Get a subsidy Those military personnel who meet certain conditions can, namely:

  • carry out military service under a contract that was signed before 1998, and at the same time be required to be in need of housing;
  • be dismissed from military service for certain reasons, but at the same time have a total military experience of 20 years or more;
  • have been in military service for 20 years or more and at the same time be required to use directly departmental housing;
  • to be dismissed as a military personnel with the provision of departmental housing with a total length of service of at least 10 years.

It is also necessary to take into account that members of the serviceman’s family themselves have the right to use this program.

More specifically, widows of deceased servicemen have the right to submit an appropriate application if they do not have their own living space and they urgently need help with this. When calculating the housing area assigned to them, the share of the deceased spouse will also be taken into account.

List of required documentation

According to the Federal Law on the provision of subsidies for military personnel and Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, in addition to the application itself, it is necessary to provide list of such documentation, How:

  • copies of passports of all family members without exception, as well as birth certificates if there are minor children;
  • a certificate from the military unit of the serviceman (this also applies to widows), which can confirm the number of years of required military experience;
  • a copy of the marriage registration certificate;
  • a copy of a certificate that can confirm the presence of other social benefits (this means, for example, a certificate for a large family, and so on).

If we talk about the period for consideration of the application, the decision is made no later than 30 calendar days from the moment the Department of Executive Power accepts documents from the applicant for the subsidy.

On average, the application review period is up to 20 calendar days.

Possibility of privatization of provided housing

According to the Federal Law “On Military Personnel,” it is possible to privatize housing for those military personnel who have served for more than 20 years.

This right also applies to those military personnel who were were transferred to the reserve for the following reasons, How:

  • due to retirement age;
  • due to poor health;
  • due to the presence of abbreviations.

All of the above military personnel have the full right to privatize real estate that was provided from the municipal fund. A distinctive feature is the fact that privatization can be used for any family member.

In order to privatize such real estate, it is necessary to prepare a list of such documentation, How:

  • originals and copies of passports of all family members, including birth certificates of minor children;
  • consent of all family members to privatization;
  • original certificate of the number of family members registered in the apartment;
  • original rental agreement;
  • copy of personal account;
  • extract from the Unified State Register;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

It is worth noting that during privatization it is necessary to pay state fee in the amount of 2000 rubles.

Privatization itself is carried out in the same way as usual. Any distinctive features this is not the case.

About providing housing for military personnel, see the following video:

One of the measures of state support for the population is subsidies provided to improve housing conditions.

Military personnel can also become recipients of this type of government assistance, but in a special manner.

You will learn about all the changes that occurred in 2017 in this matter from this article.

Legislative regulation of the issue

According to current legislation, a military subsidy is a support program for military personnel, which should help them resolve their housing issue.

The amount received can be spent on:

  • Purchasing housing (both in new buildings and on the secondary market).
  • Mortgage repayment.
  • Construction of a house.

Pay cash is done once - the entire designated amount is transferred at once. To do this, the recipient opens a personal bank account. Financial resources are allocated in accordance with Government Decrees from the federal and municipal budgets.

To receive state support members of the armed forces must register as needing improved living conditions, and also meet certain criteria. Anyone interested must contact the government. the body responsible for accepting documents and issuing subsidies to the military.

Basic provisions on receipt of this state assistance are fixed:

  • Federal Law On the status of military personnel in the Russian Federation – Article 15.
  • In the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - Article 51 (the procedure for joining the queue is indicated).
  • By order of the Ministry of Defense issued in 2014. It approves the procedure for issuing housing subsidies to military personnel on a contract basis and those already dismissed.
  • Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation On approval of the procedure for calculating housing subsidies for members of the Russian Armed Forces. It guarantees the military the opportunity to become a recipient of state support, and also establishes a formula for calculating the amount of payment.
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

According to the law, the service is given the right to check the applicant’s documents and make a decision. 30 days. Once the final decision has been made, it will be three days will be redirected to the Department of Financial Support of the Ministry of Defense (the applicant will receive a copy of the decision).

To transfer funds 30 days are allotted. After the serviceman receives the money in his current account, within three days the financial services must notify the body responsible for providing housing about the accrual of funds.

Military personnel receive the following advantages when applying for a housing subsidy:

  • Waiting times in line to receive assistance are reduced.
  • It is possible to use the money to purchase (either on your own or with a mortgage) or build a home. The choice remains with the recipient - in which region to buy or build living space, use it to purchase housing as personal or shared ownership, what type of residential real estate he prefers (cottage, apartment, private house, townhouse), etc.
  • The payment amount does not increase relative to the time spent in queue (as is done in the usual manner). The amount increases based on service life.
  • The living space for which the payment was spent can be privatized for any family member (provided that the service life of the subsidy recipient is at least 20 years).

Latest changes in this matter

The Military Department together with the Government decided to gradually stop the construction of houses for the military.

Instead, enter housing subsidies for military personnel, as well as providing military mortgage. This change has made it possible to reduce the time it takes to obtain real estate for all those in need.

Previously, a serviceman’s family could wait in line for housing for years, since the Ministry of Defense fund did not have the required number of living quarters. Military subsidies are aimed at helping servicemen purchase housing on their own. It can be used in the military mortgage program. As a result, the waiting period in line was reduced several times.

According to the Presidential Decree, military personnel with at least 10 years of experience cannot be transferred to the reserve (in fact, they can, but only at their own request) without receiving housing benefits. At the same time, he and his family should not have their own housing. Now, if a military man has been dismissed, the competent authorities must check whether he has the opportunity to become a recipient of housing.

General provisions for the provision of state aid

Federal law and Article 51 of the LC establishes exactly what criteria the military man is recognized as in need of updating his living conditions. So, these include the military:

  • Living in living space that does not meet the requirements established by law (square footage, general condition etc.).
  • Living in an office building whose area is smaller than that established in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Those living in the premises without concluding a social tenancy agreement or under a social tenancy agreement. rental, but in a communal apartment.

The following are defined conditions for receiving a subsidy:

  1. The military commission must recognize a soldier serving on a contract basis as in dire need of receiving a subsidy.
  2. Those who have entered into a contract for military service until 1998.
  3. The recipient can also be a military man who has been transferred to the reserve (both for health reasons and upon reaching a certain age). To receive assistance, he must have more than 10 years of service and also be in particular need of improved living space.
  4. Military personnel with at least 20 years of service who live in service housing are also subject to subsidies.

The military man must provide a set of documents to receive a subsidy. He writes statement, which indicates personal information and family members. A serviceman can be refused only if he is deregistered as being in special need.

Applicants for military subsidies there may be not only the military themselves, but also their widows and family members. To receive payment, they must also open a bank account.

Some military personnel may additionally increase the square footage of housing for 15-25 sq.m. These include:

  • Commanders of military units.
  • The highest military leadership is marshals, generals and admirals.
  • Teachers working in higher education educational institutions for military personnel.
  • Colonels.
  • Captains of the 1st rank.

For information on the provision of this state assistance for employees of the Russian Armed Forces, see the following video:

Every serviceman in our country who does not have his own home dreams of having one, either buying it from or receiving it from the state.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for such a possibility, but few people know about it.

What legal provisions govern it? Is it possible to privatize federal housing?

Let's look at all this in more detail.

Legislative regulation

Today, the issue of providing housing for military personnel is regulated by the following: legislative acts:

Latest news and changes

If we talk about the latest news, then according to the latest Decree of the President of the Russian Federation military personnel cannot be transferred to the reserve if they do not have their own housing. However, this rule applies to those who have served for 10 years or more.

According to this decree, transfer to the reserve can only occur with voluntary consent the soldier himself.

In addition, the regulatory authorities must, before transferring a serviceman to the reserve, check whether he is provided with housing or subsidies for the construction of residential real estate.

Housing options


In the Order Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 510, as well as Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of Military Personnel”, the conditions under which a subsidy can be provided are clearly stated.

In particular, we are talking about such conditions:

  • if the contract was concluded before January 1998 (with the exception of cadets and university graduates), and the military personnel are recognized as being in dire need of living space;
  • the serviceman was transferred to the reserve due to health reasons or due to staff reduction, but at the same time he managed to serve 10 years or more, and was recognized as in dire need of residential real estate. It is worth noting that this also includes those military personnel who are transferred to the reserve due to age;
  • military personnel who served 20 years or more, while they used official housing.

It is worth noting that the subsidy provided is one-time monetary nature. It was formed as an alternative to the usual queue for housing.

To receive this subsidy, you must be recognized as in dire need of housing. This recognition procedure is clearly prescribed by Federal Law No. 76, as well as Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

For recognition it is necessary contact the executive authority(department) and provide the corresponding list of documents.

The decision is made within one calendar month.

At subsidy calculation for the purchase or construction of housing for a military personnel is based on 3 factors, namely:

  • the very area of ​​housing that a serviceman is entitled to;
  • standard cost per meter of housing (the average price throughout the country is taken into account in the form of a coefficient, which is modified every six months);
  • coefficient, which directly depends on the number of years of service of a serviceman.

If we talk about the required housing area for a military personnel, then according to the standards approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, they are entitled to 33 square meters per person. If the family consists of 2 people, then 42 sq. meters, 3 or more - 18 sq. meters for each family member.

Providing residential premises (federally owned) as property or under a social tenancy agreement

Housing on federal property can be provided to military personnel who have been serving under a contract since 1998, with the exception of cadets of military institutions, including members of their families directly at the place of service. At the same time, it is necessary to be in dire need of housing.

  • officers who signed their first contract after 1998 and live with their families;
  • petty officers, non-commissioned officers, midshipmen and warrant officers, soldiers and sailors who signed a contract after 1998 and live with their families;
  • military personnel who received military education after 1998 and received an officer rank after graduation. It should be noted that at the place of service they live with their families.

It must be remembered that real estate under a social tenancy agreement is provided for the entire period of military service. The real estate itself is provided directly in closed military camps.

Moreover, after receiving such real estate, the serviceman is not removed from the register as one who no longer needs housing.

As with receiving a subsidy, this requires recognition of the need for housing. Thus, it is imperative to contact the Department of Executive Power and draw up a corresponding application together with them.

After this, department employees will enter the serviceman into the unified register as being in dire need of housing.

After this, the department makes a decision on the provision of housing and, if available, sends a notification to the serviceman with the offer. In turn, the serviceman gives his consent to the housing provided and after that, he is informed what documents must be provided within 30 calendar days.

If we talk about ourselves documents that are needed, we are talking about such as:

  • a copy of the passport of the serviceman himself, and of each member of his family with whom he lives. If they have a minor child, they must also include a copy of their birth certificate;
  • a document confirming the fact that you do not have your own living space;
  • bank statement for the last 5 years;
  • if you have any benefits that do not relate to the status of a military personnel, you must attach a copy of the certificate that confirms the availability of benefits.

Allocation of official housing

Service housing can be provided to all contract military personnel, regardless of military rank.

In turn classified as service housing:

  • dormitory premises;
  • living quarters in houses with social services for citizens;
  • residential premises allocated by social protection of the population at the request of the relevant authorities of the military unit where the serviceman is serving;
  • residential premises for orphans or children who for some reason were left without guardianship.

It is worth noting that all residential premises are allocated from the state or municipal fund.

Who is eligible

Get a subsidy Those military personnel who meet certain conditions can, namely:

It is also necessary to take into account that members of the serviceman’s family themselves have the right to use this program.

More specifically, widows of deceased servicemen have the right to submit an appropriate application if they do not have their own living space and they urgently need help with this. When calculating the housing area assigned to them, the share of the deceased spouse will also be taken into account.

List of required documentation

According to the Federal Law on the provision of subsidies for military personnel and Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, in addition to the application itself, it is necessary to provide list of such documentation, How:

  • copies of passports of all family members without exception, as well as birth certificates if there are minor children;
  • a certificate from the military unit of the serviceman (this also applies to widows), which can confirm the number of years of required military experience;
  • a copy of the marriage registration certificate;
  • a copy of the certificate, which can confirm the presence of other social benefits (this means, for example, a certificate, and so on).

If we talk about the period for consideration of the application, the decision is made no later than 30 calendar days from the moment the Department of Executive Power accepts documents from the applicant for the subsidy.

On average, the application review period is up to 20 calendar days.

Possibility of privatization of provided housing

According to the Federal Law “On Military Personnel,” it is possible to privatize housing for those military personnel who have served for more than 20 years.

This right also applies to those military personnel who were were transferred to the reserve for the following reasons, How:

  • in connection;
  • due to poor health;
  • due to the presence of abbreviations.

All of the above military personnel have the full right to privatize real estate that was provided from the municipal fund. A distinctive feature is the fact that privatization can be used for any family member.

In order to privatize such real estate, it is necessary to prepare a list of such documentation, How:

  • originals and copies of passports of all family members, including birth certificates of minor children;
  • consent of all family members to privatization;
  • original certificate of the number of family members registered in the apartment;
  • original rental agreement;
  • copy of personal account;
  • extract from the Unified State Register;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

It is worth noting that during privatization it is necessary to pay state fee in the amount of 2000 rubles.

Privatization itself is carried out in the same way as usual. There are no distinctive features in this.

About providing housing for military personnel, see the following video:

for the 2nd quarter of 2020

for the 2nd quarter of 2020

This online calculator allows you to calculate for the 1st quarter of 2020 the amount of a one-time cash payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises provided to former military personnel and members of their families who registered housing before January 1, 2005 through military commissariats in local government authorities (OVMSU) at their chosen place of residence, as well as former military personnel of Ukraine and persons equated to them who became citizens of the Russian Federation, after the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 22, 2018 No. 116 “On the provision of residential premises to certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and . Sevastopol".

Online calculator allows you to independently calculate for the 1st quarter of 2020 the amount of a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises to employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service, the State Fire Service and customs authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees Federal service of the Russian Federation for the control of drug trafficking, registered in housing after January 1, 2013, in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2013 No. 369 “On the provision of a one-time social payment...

The online calculator allows you to calculate the amount of monetary compensation for renting (subletting) residential premises paid in 2020 to officers, including generals, warrant officers, as well as other categories of military personnel serving under a contract or discharged from military service, and members of their families in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2004 N 909 (as amended on September 18, 2015) “On the procedure for paying monetary compensation for renting (subletting) residential premises.

The online calculator allows you to calculate the amount of monetary compensation for renting (subletting) residential premises paid in 2019 to officers, including generals, as well as warrant officers undergoing military service under a contract, or dismissed from military service, and members of their families in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2004 N 909 (as amended on September 18, 2015) “On the procedure for paying monetary compensation for renting (subletting) residential premises.

An online calculator allows you to calculate it yourself for the 3rd quarter of 2019 the amount of a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises to employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and customs authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control, registered as housing after January 1, 2013 ., in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2013 No. 369 “On the provision of a one-time social payment...

An online calculator allows you to calculate it yourself for the 4th quarter of 2019 the amount of a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises to employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and customs authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control, registered as housing after January 1, 2013 ., in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2013 No. 369 “On the provision of a one-time social payment...

This online calculator allows you to calculate for the 4th quarter of 2019 the amount of a one-time cash payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises provided to former military personnel and members of their families who registered housing before January 1, 2005 through military commissariats in local government authorities (OVMSU) at their chosen place of residence, in accordance with the resolution.

This online calculator allows you to calculate the amount of social benefits for the purchase of residential premises for the 1st (first) half of 2020, provided under the State Housing Certificate (SHC) to military personnel and citizens discharged from military service, who are registered in housing as at the place of military service , and in local authorities at the chosen place of residence, as well as citizens who have the right to resettle from closed military camps.

This online military disability pension calculator for 2019-2020. for former military personnel allows former military personnel to calculate their disability pension with October 1, 2019 to October 1, 2020 . The specified pension is assigned to those military personnel who have not served the required period for the assignment of a “military pension” for length of service.

This calculator allows you to calculate, taking into account the increase from October 1, 2019, the so-called “mixed pension” for former military personnel with a total work experience of 25 calendar years or more, of which at least 12 years and six months are military service, and (or) service in internal affairs bodies, and (or) service in the State Fire Service, and (or) service in the turnover control authorities narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and (or) service in institutions and bodies of the penal system. The calculator takes into account availability qualification category for flight personnel, regional coefficient.

The housing subsidy calculator allows you to calculate online payment housing subsidy for the 2nd half of 2019

The calculator allows you to make online calculations of housing subsidies for the 1st half of 2020 for the acquisition of residential premises by military personnel, taking into account the number of family members, the right to additional living space and the duration of military service (length of service). This subsidy has been paid to military personnel since January 2014, instead of providing housing in kind. About the cases in which a housing subsidy is paid instead of providing housing in kind.

This military pension calculator for long service allows you to calculate the size of a military pension for long service for the period from 10/01/2019 to 2020. The calculator takes into account the regional coefficient, the qualification bonus of flight personnel (the bonus for class qualifications, class). Using an online calculator, you can understand how a military pension is calculated, how a military pension changes depending on the year the pension was assigned, changes in official salary or salary by military rank, bonuses for length of service, the presence of a regional coefficient, qualification bonuses for flight personnel (class bonuses) ) providing for an increase from 01/01/2019 the minimum length of service required to assign a military pension from 20 to 25 years. This online calculator can calculate military pensions for those military personnel who have already acquired the right to the specified pension. The calculator takes into account the regional coefficient, the qualification allowance of flight personnel (addition for class qualifications, class). Using an online calculator, you can understand how a military pension is calculated, how a military pension changes depending on the year the pension was assigned, changes in official salary or salary by military rank, bonuses for length of service, the presence of a regional coefficient, qualification bonuses for flight personnel (class bonuses) ).

Calculator for a one-time cash payment for the purchase or construction of a residential premises of 2 square meters. 2018, provided to former military personnel and members of their families who registered housing before January 1, 2005 through military registration and enlistment offices in local self-government authorities

An online calculator allows you to calculate it yourself for the 2nd quarter of 2018 the amount of a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises to employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and customs authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control, registered as housing after January 1, 2013 ., in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2013 No. 369 “On the provision of a one-time social payment...

According to federal law“On the status of military personnel” No. 76-FZ, the state took on additional responsibility to provide career military personnel with assistance in the form of cash payments (subsidies). This is not the only method of housing support, however, subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing are of great importance.

Conditions for providing subsidies for military personnel

Having a document confirming the payment of a cash subsidy, a serviceman and his family have the right to use it to purchase living space or invest these funds in construction. Thus, there is a significant saving of time and no need to wait in line.

According to the order of the Minister of Defense dated July 21, 2010 No. 510, warrant officers and officers of the following categories, which are established in paragraph. 3, 12 paragraph 1 art. 15 of the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”:

  • persons who entered into an agreement before January 1, 1998 (with the exception of cadets of military universities and other educational institutions) and their family members who are recognized as in need of housing;
  • military personnel dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit, due to staff reductions and health conditions, who managed to serve ten or more years, their family members in need of improved housing;
  • military personnel who have served twenty years and are provided with a service apartment;
  • citizens dismissed after at least ten years of service due to health, reduction or age who were given official housing.

Important! The subsidy for housing for military personnel is non-cash in nature, is possible only once, and was introduced as an alternative to the usual queue for the provision of residential premises to retired military personnel and career employees.

The subsidy is a social payment, which is issued in the form of a certificate (certificate), giving the right to preferential purchase of housing, financed by funds from the Russian federal budget.

Compared to other methods of supporting this category of citizens, a cash subsidy for the purchase of housing for military personnel has some advantages:

  • it makes it possible to buy housing under construction or ready-made in an apartment building or private building;
  • the right to a subsidy arises from the time the legal basis arises;
  • attracting other preferential funds for the purchase of new housing along with a cash subsidy;
  • subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing are progressive.

Social payment to military personnel is a right; they can use it at their own discretion if they comply with the conditions of order number 510 of 07/21/2014 (for example, after leaving the reserve or at the end of service). At the same time, the size of the subsidy for military personnel for the purchase of housing will increase with the duration of military service.

But there are situations when such payments are accrued without the consent of the serviceman:

  1. in case of refusal of the proposed residential premises at the place of military service or chosen place of residence, which meets the established requirements;
  2. when the said person expresses a desire to change his previously chosen place of residence after leaving military service.

The procedure for recognizing a military personnel as needing housing

In accordance with the law on housing subsidies for military personnel No. 76-FZ, military personnel can be recognized as needy by the authorities at the place of their service on the basis of the provisions of Article 51 of the RF Housing Code in the manner established by the Government of Russia (RF Government Decree No. 512 dated June 29, 2011) .

To do this, you need to write an application to the department (executive body of the constituent entity of Russia) and submit additional documents:

  1. birth certificate and copies of passports of all family members of the military personnel;
  2. certificates confirming the length of service, as well as an extract from the service record, etc.;
  3. copies of the certificate of divorce or conclusion of the marriage union;
  4. an extract from the house register, as well as statements of personal accounts for the five years preceding the submission of the application;
  5. copies of documentation that confirm rights to other social benefits.

Important! A decision on a request for payment of subsidies to military personnel for the purchase of housing must be made in writing within thirty days.

Calculation of subsidies for the construction or purchase of housing for military personnel

A subsidy for the purchase or construction of residential premises for military personnel is calculated as the product of 3 factors:

  1. housing area allocated to a military personnel;
  2. standard cost of square footage of housing (the average size for the country, which is determined every six months);
  3. military service experience coefficient (1.85 for ten to fifteen years of experience, then the coefficient increases).

The living area is calculated according to approved standards depending on the composition of the military personnel’s family, that is, 33 square meters per military man. meters, and for two family members - 42 square meters. m, if there are 3 or more people in a family, each person is entitled to 18 sq. m.

The procedure for receiving housing subsidies for military personnel

What is the procedure for receiving housing subsidies for military personnel? Let's look at an example of the procedure for calculating subsidies according to the standard. According to the rules, it is calculated by the formula:

P = N x C x Ks;

where N is the norm for the total area of ​​housing;

C - price per sq. m according to the norm in Russia;

Kc is a correction factor that indicates the service life of a military man.

Example. Let's take an applicant for social assistance, the number of people in whose family is four, the standard cost of sq. m. meter is equal to 34,350 rubles (established by order of the State Construction Committee dated July 18, 2013 number 269), the duration of service is 18 years. For military personnel with this period, the coefficient is set at 2.25, and the general norm for each family member is 18 square meters. m. Substitute this data into the formula:

P = (18 x 4) x 34350 x 2.25 - the result is 5,564,700 rubles.

Also, receiving a subsidy for the purchase of housing for military personnel provides for a reduction in the total standard living space in cases where the military personnel themselves or members of their families enter into civil transactions during the period of residence in this territory. They are aimed at alienating part of it into ownership or transferring part of the area that is occupied under a social tenancy agreement to the organization that gave it back.

Important! Housing subsidy may be calculated taking into account certain features. So, if in this example the military man dies or dies after reaching the maximum age of service, the coefficient for calculation for his family will be increased to 2.75.

So, in order to purchase housing with a subsidy, a military personnel must do the following:

  • conclude an agreement to open a bank account where the subsidy will be transferred;
  • submit an application to the housing authority for the accrual of a subsidy to an open bank account;
  • conclude an agreement on the construction or purchase of housing - the subsidy can be spent on both the primary and secondary markets.

The funds should be credited to the account within a month after the application is written, so a military man can purchase an apartment with a subsidy fairly quickly.

ATTENTION! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may be out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.