American English according to the doctor's method. American English according to Dr. Pimsleur's method

Course of Study foreign languages according to Dr. Pimsleur's method, is known throughout the world as the most popular among audio courses. It is aimed at modern man, who does not have the opportunity to spend much time on books. However, it is great for learning languages ​​in different levels. Each course consists of 30 lessons of 30 minutes each, because... Dr. Paul Pimsler states that the human brain receives information most effectively within 30 minutes.

All training takes place in a dialogue form, where you will be directly involved, so soon you will be able to ask, explain, communicate, i.e. feel potential person in a foreign country, among foreign citizens.

Ultra-fast mastery of English using Dr. Pimsleur's method

Pimsleur method. Today, this is the only method of learning English based on the author's, patented and internationally recognized memory training technique, the use of which provides a one hundred percent guarantee of deep memorization of everything you study.

Audio course English from Dr. Paul Pimsleur

Ultra-fast mastery of the English language - A course created specifically for Russian-speaking users who are already learning or who have decided to start learning English on their own.
The abstract of the course, which you can listen to for free and without registration, states:
“Now, to master the English language, there is no need to cram textbooks! All you have to do is just listen and repeat, listen and talk!”
Audio course English - super fast!

The entire audio course is designed for 45 hours of self-study, consisting of 90 lessons of 30 minutes each. Your task is to listen carefully and follow everything the announcers say, carefully pronouncing the proposed sounds, words and sentences.
All English lessons are voiced by two speakers - a Russian speaker who explains and gives you tasks, and a native speaker - a native Englishman who pronounces all the educational sounds and dialogues in his native language.

For high-quality mastery of spoken English, it is recommended to complete no more than one lesson per day, but this lesson must be practiced one hundred percent. For more effective studying, it is better to have one lesson twice a day - morning and evening. Only then can you move on to the next lesson.

Upon completion of the training, you will firmly know and, without any hesitation, use about 1,500 words in your speech and easily compose several hundred colloquial constructions of the English language.

Important! This is not an auditory course (listening only), but audiolingual(for speaking)! To communicate with the announcer. Pimsleur course it is forbidden listen in the car, bus, while jogging, etc. To get the effect of learning, only need to be taught at home! During pauses between the speaker’s speech, which are specially timed, YOU NEED TO SPEAK LOUDLY AND CONFIDENTLY answer questions or repeat the speaker's speech. This course is not for relaxed listening, but for concentrated work!

Traditional methods of learning a foreign language have one common drawback - they do not allow the student to overcome the language barrier, which leads to sad consequences: the person seems to have a sufficient amount of knowledge and is well versed in grammar, but does not understand the speech of the interlocutor. Yes, and expressing his thoughts in a voice is a serious problem for him. The Pimsleur method breaks stereotypes and involves the development of speaking skills from the first lesson, which makes it so effective.

Who is Dr. Pimsleur?

Paul Pimsleur is an American linguist with French roots who paid much attention to the psychology of the process of learning and mastering a foreign language. In his works, Pimsleur proved the productivity of the organic way of teaching speaking, not providing mastering reading and writing skills. Pimsleur found confirmation of the effectiveness of this method in the process of studying children's abilities: a preschooler does not experience difficulties in communicating with peers and demonstrates fluency in language, although he has no idea about the structure of language and is not burdened with knowledge of grammar.

While teaching at the University of California, Pimsleur showed a genuine interest in students with language difficulties. He developed a system for testing a student's ability/inability to learn language, which is currently being actively used to identify the student and the prospects for his learning.

Dr. Pimsler formed his own courses for studying French, Spanish, Greek, German, Italian and English, which were widely circulated around the world and gained popularity.

Pimsleur method - the essence

Pimsleur puts the formation of associative thinking at the forefront, consistent training of short and long-term memory, taking into account the specifics of working memory. Four pillars of the Pimsleur method:
  • the expectation principle, or the “request-response” principle, which activates the thought process before constructing a phrase in order to retrieve a vocabulary structure from memory;
  • memorization through spaced repetition, which is based on features short-term and long memory;
  • core vocabulary: 100 words are enough to understand 50%, 500 words are enough to understand 80%, 1200 words are enough to understand 90% of the language, while the grammar is “sewn up” into the vocabulary base and is learned intuitively;
  • functional (organic) acquisition, which is more natural than learning a language in a classroom, because, according to the author, a student learns better with his ears than with his eyes.

English according to Dr. Pimsleur's method

Due to the fact that the student can concentrate and maintain attention for no more than half an hour, as the doctor claims, each of his lessons lasts 30 minutes. One level of study covers approximately 500 words.

Important ! Stick to it rules: 1 day = 1 lesson. Don't force things. Study at home, because without active speaking, the Pimsleur course loses its meaning.

The student listens to enriched phrases in two languages, which are performed by native speakers of the target language. At precise intervals he is asked to repeat these phrases after the speaker. After this, a new cliche is introduced with an explanation of the meaning. Having repeated the new phrase several times, the student returns to the previous construction and introduces new words into it. Next, the process of introducing new phrases is repeated, playback old structures occur at lengthening time intervals.

Pimsleur English for Russian speakers- nuances

English using Dr. Pimsleur's method for Russian speakers was created directly professor for only 30 lessons (first level), which implies a reserve of 500 words and mastery of initial skills. The second and third levels of the Pimsleur course were translated from Italian by an experienced teacher at the FSB Academy.

There are many methods of learning English and each has its own unique approach.

So, in our time, when processes have accelerated and it is sometimes difficult to devote time only to English, advanced teaching methods come to the rescue. So, you can combine business with pleasure - for example, a bike ride or a hike, a subway train with listening to various effective recordings.

From the article you will learn:

English according to Dr. Pimsleur's method

English language according to the method of Dr. Pimsleur is quite popular and is one of the most advanced and effective methods learning English. Thus, the course presented below is designed for Russian speakers.

Everything is quite simple - the classes are structured in the form of a dialogue with questions and answers that cover everyday life and other aspects. So, in the first lessons, language constructions are given, that is, frequently used phrases in English that native speakers use in everyday communication.

It is suitable for both beginners and those continuing to learn English. Thus, Dr. Pimsler, based on research, has found that the brain memorizes and assimilates this or that material within no more than 30 minutes.

So, even if you zero level English, in a couple of months you will be able to place an order in a cafe or restaurant, refuel your car, make purchases in a store, ask the location of a particular object, and much more without any problems.

Purpose of the Pimsleur method

The goal is to quickly learn spoken English, understand foreign everyday speech, and be able to enter into dialogue on various topics with a native English speaker. Learn and apply more than 2000 words in the form of phrases and phrases used in everyday speech.

Description of the study process

As for the learning process, it is quite simple. You need to spend no more than 30 minutes a day studying and take 1-2 lessons. This way you can learn 100 words at a time. If you don’t understand something, you can always go through this or that lesson again, the main thing is to master the material so that as a result of your training you get the result that you expected.

So, the first level includes 30 lessons for self-study. There are levels two and three, but the first one still lays the foundation, so pay special attention to it.

So, as you have already calculated, the course takes only 15 hours. With due diligence and desire, you will definitely improve your level of English proficiency.

The Pimsleur method is also called an ultra-fast method of learning any language. Currently, this method is the only patented research method that is based on the author’s methodology.

First of all, learning English using the Pimsleur method is suitable for those people who want to learn the language as quickly as possible. The program of the entire course is based on 3 levels of 30 lessons each lasting 30 minutes. This length of lessons is not without reason, because Dr. Pimsler believed that the human brain can only perceive information well during the first 30 minutes of work.

By studying using this method, you, of course, will not be able to become a philologist in a month. However, after completing this course, you will be able to feel confident abroad and even maintain a simple dialogue. So what is the Pimsleur method?

What is the Pimsleur method?

Discounts: Discounts for annual subscriptions and for regular users

Training mode: Online

Free lesson: Provided

Teaching method: Gaming

Online testing: Provided

Literature: Online library

Address: 143026, Moscow, Skolkovo, Lugovaya st., 4, building 8, [email protected]

  • lion: 2018-12-25 09:23:09

    you need to try very hard to find objective shortcomings of this school) I have been an active user for a month now, I have gone through almost all the available free materials for beginners and I understand that I have significantly improved my level of English - it has become easier to communicate in games with foreign children, I understand them better and can more or less competently answer, at least in simple sentences. The structure of the lessons, especially in grammar, is simple and unpretentious, at the same time convenient and effective...

  • Elsa Snowflake: 2018-12-21 18:20:22

    I’ve been using this service for a year and a half, leisurely, a couple of hours a week. I’m learning words, going through listening tests - a very interesting activity, however! The benefits are noticeable: I can now easily do simple fiction I can perceive, I can write sentences, the structure is more complex than “may name is Lisa”, but I am still far from free speech, although this was not the original goal. The pricing policy is very loyal - even students can open the way to knowledge without compromising their budget)...

  • Norton: 2018-12-21 18:10:13

    I studied here in my senior year in order to improve my English on the exam, I improved, I passed well, and I lost it for a couple of years. Now I’m back again with a level of knowledge worse than before, I’m starting from an average level of difficulty - this is not good, but thanks to the competent layout of the courses and their content, I don’t have to stall and I quickly remember what I had forgotten, I plan to take the upper intermediate level in six months....


Tuition fee: From 80 rub/hour

Discounts: Bonuses, seasonal discounts

Training mode: Online

Free lesson: Provided

Online testing: Not provided

Customer Feedback: (4/5)

Literature: -

Address: -

Dr. Pimsleur first showed his lessons to the world in 1963. In four years he managed to prepare courses in Greek, Spanish, German and French. It is worth noting that English Pimsleur lessons are aimed at developing only Listening and Speaking skills. However, the effectiveness of this technique is relatively high.

The learning process takes place in several stages:

  1. The student listens to a monologue by a native speaker in English.
  2. The speaker then asks the student to repeat certain phrases to reinforce them. At the same time, a translation and explanation of the phrase is given.
  3. When learning a new phrase, the student is asked to add learned words from the previous one. And then the stages are repeated.

This way you expand your vocabulary and practice your speaking skills. Moreover, you spend about 30 minutes a day to complete the entire lesson. Spoken English using the Pimsleur method for beginners eliminates boring cramming. The student just needs to listen and repeat the phrases, which greatly simplifies the educational process.

Upon completion of the entire course, your English vocabulary will amount to about 1,500 words. In addition, you will learn to understand English speech and build conversational structures in English.

This method is perfect for those who are planning to go on a business trip or travel to an English-speaking country. Also, if you want to focus on phonetics and spoken English, then the Pimsleur method is a great option, especially for beginners.

Benefits of learning English using the Pimsleur method.

Learning English using the Pimsleur method is characterized by both advantages and disadvantages. To figure out whether this method is right for you or not, you should consider all its features in more detail.

  1. Emphasis on Speaking development.

The Pimsleur course is aimed at developing spoken language. This is where all children begin learning a language, and only then they learn to write and read. Therefore, starting with spoken language is usually easier for beginners.

Once you have completed the entire Pimsleur course, you will have a solid foundation for further study of English. At the same time, you will be able to speak and express yourself well in English. But if grammar is important to you, then you should start with more familiar teaching methods.

  1. Cramming is completely eliminated.

Learning English using the Pimsleur method is pleasant because it is as if you are not learning the language, but simply listening and speaking it. Thus, you train your speech apparatus, work actively, but at the same time practically do not feel bored or tired.


Tuition fee: From $35/lesson

Discounts: Not provided

Training mode: Online/Skype

Free lesson: Not provided

Teaching method: Determined by the teacher

Online testing: Provided

Customer Feedback: (4.4/5)

Literature: Determined by the teacher

Address: Mountain View, California

Tuition fee: From 700 rub./lesson

Discounts: Various bonuses and discounts

Training mode: Skype/Vimbox

Free lesson: Provided

Teaching method: Oxford

Online testing: Provided

Literature: Online library

Address: [email protected],, 8 800 555-45-22

  • Fly: 2018-12-24 09:43:03

    the school is good, but choosing a teacher is not easy, there are a lot of them and finding “your” person is not at all easy, despite the fact that the school checks interests, preferences and even compatibility by character type. so don’t hesitate to go through at least 3-4 candidates before settling on one - you won’t have to study with this person for a week or a month, so think ahead so that in the middle of the course you don’t have to change the teacher and redraw the entire program training, schedule...

  • Nord: 2018-12-24 09:39:28

    I never thought that I would engage in self-study) I was looking for some useful leisure, while I’m sitting without work, self-education was recommended from everywhere, and what else to learn if not English? I’ve heard a lot about the Skyeng school for a long time, mostly good, so I chose them. I took a free lesson, figured out what it would look like and what I could get out of it, and started studying on a regular basis. It's nice to work with smart and pretty girl, with whom you can chat about everything and usefully) Ta...

  • Antonina: 2018-12-24 09:31:42

    colleagues from work and I decided to educate ourselves and improve our English - for general development It won’t hurt, and there will be a chance to get business trips abroad, which is a big plus. this school was chosen as the most popular, without looking closely at the price - this was not a second or even a fifth issue, although unlimited communication for one and a half thousand per month is considered almost free. for this money, at any time and from any place, you get into an English-speaking company and discuss various interesting topics. h...

Classes take place at a more natural pace, and the language is learned more easily. But in any case, this technique should be practiced daily. Otherwise, progress will be barely noticeable.

  1. Short lessons of 30 minutes.

You will achieve excellent results in 30 days, spending just 30 minutes daily. This mode is suitable even for those who are often late at work or cannot attend English-language courses. After all, you can listen to Pimsleur language lectures at home.

  1. Expansion of active vocabulary.

Pimsleur English lessons are aimed primarily at expanding your active vocabulary. That is, you will learn those words that are most often used in everyday communication.

Each level offers 500-600 words for consideration. That is, after completing all 3 courses, you will be able to reach the mark of 1500 phrases. This is quite enough to conduct a conversation in English.

  1. English with a native speaker.

This means that there will be no accent in the recording. You learn exclusively correct language structures and hone correct English. It often happens that students cannot get rid of their accent even at the Upper-Intermediate level. And all because they always studied only with Russian-speaking teachers.

  1. The principle of anticipation.

This principle assumes that the student is an active participant educational process. Each time a student is asked to repeat a phrase, they are asked to think and remember the previous phrase from an earlier lesson.

This teaching technique develops the habit of natural communication between student and teacher. Thus, the speaker learns to quickly form phrases, which helps eliminate the language barrier and feel like a confident interlocutor.

Along with the advantages, the following can be highlighted: flaws, which involves Pimsleur learning English from scratch:

  • You study on your own. That is, there is no teacher who would motivate you or correct mistakes.
  • Not everyone can perceive information well by ear.
  • Grammar will have to be taught separately.
  • The course only offers entry level English

The most important advantage of this method is that it allows you to learn English with pleasure. And if you enjoy your lessons, you will always be highly motivated and good mood. This is a very important factor that must be taken into account.

Therefore, always learn English for your own pleasure!

Dr. Pimsleur's Language Learning Course is a patented memory training technique that ensures you remember what you learn. This course was created for Russian speakers learning English. Suitable for beginners or existing learners who decide to start learning English on their own.

Lessons consist of thematic dialogues with translation and explanations. You hear explanations and comments about what is being studied in the lessons in Russian; the material itself is spoken American English. Dr. Pimsleur's audio course uses a natural model of the communication process - questions and answers, statements and objections, receiving and requesting information. Learning begins with words and language structures that are most often used by native speakers in everyday communication with each other. This is the minimum required vocabulary, sufficient to ensure the ability to confidently speak oneself and understand by ear speakers of English. Your task is to listen carefully and follow everything the announcers say, carefully pronouncing the proposed sounds, words and sentences. When speaking, try to copy the intonation and pronunciation of the speakers. If the situation allows, speak in a full voice; if it does not allow, imitate the pronunciation of phrases by mentally pronouncing them, thereby training your speech apparatus with unfamiliar sounds.

To master the English language, you only need to listen and repeat, listen and speak!

The course consists of three levels of 30 lessons. Lessons are 30 minutes each.

It is recommended to complete no more than one lesson per day, but the lesson must be completed one hundred percent. You can take one lesson twice a day - morning and evening. But only after you have fully mastered the lesson (it may take several days) can you move on to the next one. In learning, regularity is more important than time spent on a lesson.

After completing the first level, you will know and use about 500 words in your speech and can easily compose several hundred colloquial structures in the English language.

Audio course English from Dr. Paul Pimsleur in Russia is represented by the official course - Ultra-fast acquisition of English / American English using the method of Dr. Pimsleur (Pimsleur Method for Russian speakers). Publisher: Simon & Schuster. This is the first level, which contains 30 thirty-minute lessons (as well as 21 reading lessons). The second and third levels are reworkings of the American English course for Spanish speakers. Done very professionally. The Spanish comments were translated into Russian and read by Igor Serov.