Glass porch. Glazing of the porch of a house in a cottage or country house: features of materials and technologies. Glazing with wooden frames

In a cottage, private residential building or country house, the porch is one of mandatory elements, which plays an important role in creating a cozy atmosphere. Many people regard it not as an extension of a simple design, but as a real calling card of the home owners - a place suitable for meeting guests and relaxing. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the glazing of the porch to create the most comfortable atmosphere and turn it into an almost full-fledged room in the house. And what a porch glazing might look like and how it works country house, photos and information in our article will tell you in detail.

Glazing of the porch of a modern country house Source

The need for glazing of the porch of a country house

Glazing of the porch of a house is carried out for the following purposes:

  1. Reliable heat conservation, which will also allow you to significantly save on heating the house itself. When entering the building, each person first opens the door from the street to the porch and only then the door to the hallway. If there is a closed porch, the interior space of the home is protected from heat loss, as well as the penetration of gusts of wind, cold air and dampness into the room. In addition, the extension helps reduce heat loss through the wall to which the porch adjoins.
  2. Often, especially in the cold season, this extension serves as a hallway and extra space for storing outerwear and shoes. On glassed porch If desired, you can hang hangers and put a small chest of drawers or a closet.
  3. Cozy place to spend time with relatives and friends. If the porch is large enough, then you can arrange a rather beautiful and comfort zone for relaxation in friendly company.
  4. Glazing the porch of a country house will allow, if necessary, to turn this space into a specific area: for example, a storage room, a children's playroom, a gym. However, this is relevant if the extension is located on the side of the yard. From the facade, such a solution will look sloppy.
  5. Due to the fact that the room is closed from moisture, all building materials that were used for interior decoration porches are protected from the destructive effects of moisture, so they last much longer.


The nuances of glazing a porch in a house or country house

So that the glazing of the porch does not become a reason to regret it design solution, it is necessary to take into account several important nuances:

  • at the stage of planning the parameters of the porch, as well as the dimensions of the door and window openings you should definitely check that the final result is in harmony with the overall design of the facade of the house itself;
  • you should choose windows and doors with glass High Quality to provide high throughput sunlight;
  • care must be taken to ensure that the selected structures protect the residential building from illegal entry.


Types of porch glazing

From a technical point of view, the porch is an external extension through which the entrance directly to the house occurs. By glazing, you can increase the usable area and improve the heat and sound insulation of the structure.


On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of installing windows and doors. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Today there are several various technologies glazing:

  1. The use of PVC windows, which have double-glazed windows with a thickness of approximately 24-52 mm. When choosing this option, you can order windows with special glass that ensures a minimum level of heat loss.
  2. Porch glazing aluminum profile allows you to create openings with sufficient large sizes without installing special additional jumpers - it looks more neat and stylish.
  3. Installation sliding systems, in which the doors are installed on small rollers and then moved apart in the same plane along special guides.
  4. Frameless glazing is not as popular as previous options, because it performs mainly decorative functions, practically not protecting the porch from cold and moisture. However, such a system makes it possible, if necessary, to move the glass packages so that the extension is open along the entire side.


Recently, the method using frames made of PVC has been in quite great demand, because they have such advantages as high strength, durability, aesthetic appearance, practicality and affordable price.

For dachas and cottages built in the traditional Russian style from wooden logs or timber, they most often select wooden frames for glazing the porch. Some people prefer frames that have enough a large number of wooden bindings and small glass. This retro-style option is suitable for decorating an extension in classic style. And for more modern structures, frames with 1-2 glasses with large parameters should be selected.



To get a beautiful and properly glazed porch, work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Nails or self-tapping screws are driven into the frame of the openings to install the window frame along the entire perimeter of the room.
  2. All existing cracks must be filled with a special silicone-based sealant.
  3. First, window frames without glass are attached. To perform this work, hinges are often used, which are the simplest swing structure.
  4. Sheets of glass of pre-selected sizes are installed in the openings. For reliable fixation, glazing beads are used - thin slats that are nailed with small nails to the frame from the outside and inside.
  5. After completing the installation work, the frame with glazing beads must be painted with paint of the most suitable shade. This is required not only to create an aesthetically attractive appearance, but also to ensure protection of the wood from mold, blue stains and rot.
  6. At the end, all seams are carefully coated with sealant to protect the extension from drafts and strong winds.


Despite all the advantages of this glazing method, you need to take into account that it does not provide complete protection of the porch from the cold, so it is best used for glazing during the warm season.

To glaze a porch using this method, you need to purchase double sheets, the thickness of which is 8-10 mm, and for a room with a large area, sheets with a thickness of 14-16 mm are more suitable. This option allows you to make completely glass facades that transmit a large amount of sunlight.


In order for such windows to last for quite a long time, you must follow the instructions:

  1. First, the foundation is created. Such a porch does not require a very strong base, so a strip or column type is perfect.
  2. The frame is made of polycarbonate. Rolled channels, angles and pipes are best suited for this.
  3. The finished frame must be secured to a completely dry foundation.
  4. A sheathing is made from wooden beams, in which the pitch of the elements is 60-80 cm, depending on the area of ​​the extension. Thanks to this, the monolithic polycarbonate structure will be able to withstand the load during heavy snowfall.


When performing glazing work, you should follow a few fairly simple recommendations:

  1. All panel cuts must be covered with thin strips or special tapes.
  2. Small drainage holes are created along the entire perimeter of the window frame, through which moisture will escape from inside the structure to the outside.
  3. All individual panels are connected into a single piece using strips.
  4. Polycarbonate sheets should be securely attached to the sheathing using strips and clear-textured sealant.
  5. Sheets of this material should not be fastened too rigidly so that there are small gaps. Thus, the structure will be able to maintain its integrity after expansion due to a significant increase in air temperature.
Below is a double-glazed porch for a private house, a photo of the classic version:


Double-glazed windows are the most practical option for glazing extensions in dachas or country houses. In addition, manufacturing companies offer a wide range of frames:

  • rotary;
  • tilt-and-turn systems - they make it possible to ventilate the room by only partially opening the window;
  • sliding – these frames do not have a long service life, but they are well suited for a porch that is too small.


Installation work for installing double-glazed windows has several features:

  1. Window sashes must be removed from the frames to prevent damage to the glass.
  2. To fix the frame, dowels with self-tapping screws are used.
  3. Any gaps that may appear after installation must be carefully filled with foam.
  4. At the very end, the sashes with glass are attached back.

Installation of aluminum frames for porch glazing

This glazing method is best suited for fairly large rooms. In this case, preference should be given to sliding frames to create the illusion of an unglazed space.


Basic requirements for installing frames:

  1. When installing window frames, anchor plates are used.
  2. The space created between the frame and the window opening is filled with polyurethane foam to isolate the porch from drafts.
  3. The frames are installed using special runners and locks.

Video description

A story about the types of glazing from the designer and a selection of successful solutions - in this video:


When choosing any method of glazing a porch, it is necessary to take into account the design of the room, as well as its future purpose, so that the result is beautiful and practical. In addition, the purpose of the house itself also plays a role: there is no point in expensive glazing of the porch if you plan to visit the dacha only in the summer.

A properly designed and glazed porch will become not only the calling card of the house, but also an effective barrier to the cold. Modern plastic windows can easily cope with these tasks, reports the OKNA MEDIA portal.

The porch in private housing construction enjoys undiminished popularity. They represent an aesthetic way of connecting the house with the garden, and emphasize its classic style. The porch is also the first place that our guests see, so we should take care of attractive glazing so that from the very threshold they will want to enter the house.

Classic home element with modern glazing

The porch is a traditional decoration of Slavic houses and most of us associate it with estates. Once upon a time, their sign was considered to be the presence of a pitched roof with special dormer windows - lucarnes, supported by two columns.

Currently, there is a large selection of materials and a variety of window designs. A modern porch can be made of wood, brick, and be fully or partially closed. However, today, in addition to its decorative function, more and more homeowners perceive the porch as an additional opportunity to protect the house from excessive heat loss. Therefore, porch glazing is an important part of its comprehensive range of functions.

Porch glazing - guarding home heat

Not many people greet when the front door opens and cold air rushes into the house. In order not to cool down the house, it is worth considering the construction of a porch and methods of glazing it already at the design stage. Its walls will create a barrier from wind and frost, and therefore will help reduce energy losses.

For the porch, the task of which is to protect the house from the cold, it is necessary to select appropriate windows. It is possible to find a large selection of PVC systems for porch glazing on the market. Before making a purchasing decision, it is necessary to compare the heat transfer coefficients of the proposed designs. In order for plastic windows to truly provide guaranteed protection of the room from energy loss, this parameter must reach a maximum level for the entire window Uw = 1.5 W / m² K. Remember, the lower it is, the more heat will remain inside the house.

Energy-efficient PVC windows are available on the domestic market, the designs of which significantly reduce the effect of thermal bridges and condensation of the glass unit. A practical solution, in addition to energy-efficient glazing of the porch, would be to install a heating system. Such a system will distribute comfortable heat throughout the room without taking up valuable space.

Porch glazing - elegance from the threshold

A porch can add charm to a private home and emphasize its traditional character. It should be borne in mind that the design and glazing of the porch must be consistent with the facade and structure of the building. The main rule to follow in this case is moderation.

If you decide to cover the porch with a roof, you should choose the same material as for the roof of the house. If the porch is completely closed, then the glazing should match the color of the other doors and windows of the facade. Ideally, harmonious compositions work well here.

When choosing colored windows for your porch, there is a wide range of shades available. Currently, it is possible to order double-sided PVC profiles. This allows you to match the appearance of the plastic window to the design of the facade, while maintaining the required interior colors inside.

The classic style of porch glazing will be emphasized by the presence of shrouds that imitate the division of windows, which will be an unobtrusive way to decorate the porch. The homeowner can opt for several types of interlocking bars: external (Viennese), which are glued to the glass, or internal, which are installed inside the double-glazed window. Their color can be matched to the color scheme of the window profiles, which will add an additional aesthetic touch to the porch glazing.

Before you start glazing the porch

The presence of a porch can be provided for when designing a private house. However, its subsequent extension will also not be a problem, provided that there is enough space in front of the entrance. In this case, however, you should remember to comply with the necessary formalities and obtain permission from the supervisory authorities.

If you decide to attach a porch to an existing building, you must obtain permission for its construction, and there is one caveat here. Regarding the construction of a porch, the required range of documents should be clarified with the authorized body for issuing construction permits. The construction of a porch does not fall under either construction or major repairs or reconstruction, but refers to reconstruction work. Therefore, to install a porch, a permit for reconstruction work is sufficient.

To do this, you will have to provide a house reconstruction project. It is carried out by an architect who, after familiarizing himself with the existing project of the house and listening to the homeowner’s wishes regarding the construction and glazing of the porch, will make calculations and, in accordance with them, offer the optimal design solution. This will also ensure that the porch is safe.

Regardless of which porch you decide to choose, it is necessary that it rests on a stable surface. When constructing it, it is very important to perform appropriate waterproofing. This will prevent the porch and walls of the house from getting wet. Energy-efficient PVC windows framed with laminated profiles matching the color of the facade will create a complete composition that is resistant to any vagaries of nature, aesthetically pleasing porch glazing.

The porch is designed not only to protect the front door of the house from precipitation. Its equally important purpose is to be the calling card of the facade. A closed porch with window frames perfectly copes with the aesthetic task. Moreover, a well-designed design of a glazed porch provides the opportunity to organize additional non-residential space - for example, to arrange a veranda or winter garden.

Any porch is a capital building that requires pouring a foundation. Next, you can build walls on the finished foundation or install a frame. It is recommended to select the base material to match the color of the house so that the structure does not fall out of the general surroundings. The advantage of the frame base is ease of installation and reasonable price.

The frame comes in two types: panel and frame. In the first case, ready-made panels are sold that just need to be assembled, and in the second, the frames need to be adjusted to size on site. After installing the frame, you can immediately begin the glazing itself. As a result, erecting a porch and glazing it takes a few days.

Porch made of metal-plastic structures

Metal-plastic windows and doors are firmly rooted in the apartments and houses of millions of people. And for good reason, because they constantly prove their superiority over their wooden counterparts. It is not surprising that metal-plastic structures are preferred when designing a glazed porch.

Significant advantages of plastic frames include:

Sound insulation. Double-glazed windows isolate the space from external noise;

Thermal insulation. Such structures retain heat well and do not let in cold air from the street. Therefore, on a glazed porch you can safely organize a corner of wildlife (winter garden) or a summer recreation area;

Durability and reliability;

Versatility. Metal-plastic frames are in harmony with any building materials, be it brick or facade plaster;

Aesthetic appearance.

When glazing a porch, it is important to order a frame, each part of which does not exceed 2 square meters. m.; otherwise, the strength of the entire structure may be compromised. Large fragments of the package are separated by imposts-jumpers. Before installation, it is necessary to connect all parts of the frame using special strips and screws. Finished walls are attached to the floor and ceiling using fasteners or anchor bolts. During installation, you should use a level to avoid distortions that could compromise the reliability of the frame.

Glazed porch with wooden frames

Instead of metal-plastic, the porch frame can be built from wooden frames. Moreover, it does not matter at all what type of wood will be used - cheap or valuable - the external attractiveness of the extension will not suffer from this. Wooden frames provide excellent noise and heat insulation, and also reliably protect the room from precipitation.

Wooden frames for the design of a glazed porch are usually made to order, adjusted to the required dimensions. However, you can buy ready-made designs. When installing, fragments of the frame are sealed with polyurethane foam to avoid cracks. After installation, the wood is coated with a special pest repellent, stain, and after it dries, varnish. After the varnish has dried, it is recommended to sand the surface of the frame. At the final stage, glass is installed.

Aluminum profile structures

Unlike the previous two options, the aluminum profile looks airy and laconic. The metal frame is extremely light and malleable. Some frames have a removable design, allowing you to install and remove parts of the frame yourself. The only disadvantage of aluminum solutions is high thermal conductivity; this means that in the summer the metal will heat up very much, and in the winter it will quickly lose heat.

Porch with frameless glass panels

A porch glazed using the frameless method has been a hit in recent years. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing in the design other than glass; In fact, the frameless panels are mounted on a very thin aluminum profile. The main advantage of this type of glazing is its non-trivial appearance, which creates a feeling of integrity of the main part of the house with the extension.

For the design of the porch, you must choose tempered glass with a thickness of at least 8 mm. Before installation, aluminum guide strips are attached to the base of the porch using self-tapping screws and a level; It is thanks to them that the panels move apart in different directions, which saves usable space. After this, glass is inserted into the guide frames.

If you want a building that lets in maximum light, we suggest glazing the porch with an aluminum profile. With its help, a sliding system is created that saves space. However, such a porch is difficult to make wide. However, it can provide high thermal insulation in different versions, which will require the use of multi-chamber double-glazed windows.

Order porch glazing with aluminum profile

We offer clients to order porch glazing with aluminum profiles at a low price. In this case, there are two options. In the first, a lightweight profile is used, which protects against precipitation and dust, without providing good thermal insulation. In the second - glazing using an aluminum structure with a thermal break. This option is somewhat more expensive, but it will perfectly protect not only from precipitation, but also retain heat.

Glazing the porch will allow the space to acquire additional operational properties. Now you can store outer shoes and clothes in it, relax with friends and other functions. Our company offers a sufficiently large number of options so that the client can choose the right one among them. If you want to offer something new, then call - we will be happy to implement a unique project together!

A porch is an architectural structure that serves to create comfort and a finished look for a private or country house. The article describes how to glaze a porch, basic rules for glazing, safety measures and the materials and tools used.

The glazed porch serves for additional thermal insulation and protects from excessive noise. Also, a glass porch can serve as a winter garden, which is very popular in modern design solutions.

A glazed porch using metal-plastic products is one of the simplest, but at the same time, the most expensive methods. The use of metal-plastic windows makes it possible to arrange a winter garden on the porch.

The advantages of this type of porch glazing:

  • Noise insulation;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • Protection of furniture and flooring from precipitation;
  • Presentable appearance of the glazed porch;
  • Reliability;
  • Durability.

Tools and materials required for installation of metal-plastic structures

You will need:

  • Metal-plastic products;
  • Drill;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Level;
  • Connecting strips (reinforced);
  • Rotary strips (reinforced);
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Rubber hammer;
  • Roulette;
  • Anchor bolts;
  • Special fasteners.

Depending on what kind of glazing is planned (full - from floor to ceiling or partial), it is necessary to measure the dimensions of future structures.

Important! One structure should not exceed 2 sq.m. in area, since its strength is compromised (usually the manufacturer does not recommend using double-glazed windows measuring more than two square meters in area and the warranty does not apply to such products). If the design makes it impossible to make two fragments, then it is necessary to divide the large fragment with an impost (lintel). Typically, such points are taken into account when ordering metal-plastic structures.

Before installation, it is necessary to pull out the double-glazed windows, this is necessary in order to connect the structural fragments together. They are connected using self-tapping screws through a connecting strip. It is also additionally necessary to secure the structure to the floor and ceiling. This can be done using anchor bolts or special fasteners.

Important! All structures must be installed level. Even a small error can lead to stress and cracking of the glass unit.

After installing the metal-plastic frames, you can begin installing double-glazed windows.

Frameless glazing

A porch glazed using a frameless method is more of a decorative element than a functional one. This method of glazing gives a feeling of space (see).

Advantages of this type of glazing:

  • The absence of jumpers, which gives the feeling of a solid, undivided space.
  • Noise insulation;
  • Unusual appearance;
  • Protection from precipitation of floor coverings and furniture.

Tools and materials required for installation of tempered glass sheets

  • Tempered glass 8–10 mm thick;
  • Fastening elements for glass;
  • Guide strips;
  • Suction cups for moving sheet glass;
  • Self-tapping screws, dowels for securing the guides.

Glazing technology

A porch closed in this way must have a solid and level base. Sheets of glass are usually made to order.