Application in Russian: what do we know about it? What is an application in Russian?

1. Application as a type of definition

Application it is a definition that is expressed by a noun. The application characterizes the object in a new way, gives it a different name or indicates the degree of relationship, nationality, rank, profession, etc. The application is always used in the same case as the noun to which it refers.

Master(i.p.), tough guy (i.p.), I was not happy with either the guests or the profit(N. Leskov).

This story belongs to the famous writer - science fiction writer (d.p.).

Please note: if the application and the word it defines are expressed as common nouns, then a hyphen is placed between them. For example:

Butterflies- cabbages fluttered over the flower beds.

If the application or defined word is expressed by a proper name, a hyphen is placed only when the proper name comes before the common noun. Compare the two applications in the following sentence:

Moscow began with a small settlement in the place where small river Yauza flows into Moscow River (A.N. Tolstoy).

Collocation small river Yauza written without a hyphen, since here the proper name comes after the common noun, and the phrase Moscow River is written with a hyphen because in it the proper name comes before the common noun.

2. Segregation of applications

The previous topic was about placing punctuation marks in sentences with definitions. You learned that a definition related to a noun is isolated only if it comes after it, and a definition related to a personal pronoun is always isolated, regardless of its place in the sentence. Compare pairs of sentences:

2) They, wet in the rain, decided to go to the hotel And Wet in the rain, they decided to go to the hotel.

As you can see, the rule for separating definitions consists of two main parts. Now let's look at the application segregation rule, which is a little more complicated: it will have three points that you need to remember. Please note that all points refer to common applications (that is, applications consisting of several words).

1) If the application refers to a common noun, then it is isolated in any case, regardless of its place in the sentence. For example:

My father, Captain of the Border Troops, served on Far East And Captain of the Border Troops, my father served in the Far East.

2) If the application refers to a proper noun, it is isolated only when it comes after it. For example:

Ivanov, Captain of the Border Troops, served in the Far East And Captain of the Border Troops Ivanov served in the Far East.

3) If the application refers to a personal pronoun, then it is isolated in any case, regardless of its place in the sentence. For example:

He, Captain of the Border Troops, served in the Far East And Captain of the Border Troops, he served in the Far East.

This rule has a few notes:

1. Sometimes the application to which is given great importance in a statement and which comes at the end of a sentence can be separated with a dash rather than a comma, for example: August was coming to an end - last month of summer .

2. Sometimes an application may begin with the conjunction HOW. In such cases, you should try to replace this union with the combination IN QUALITY. If such a replacement is possible, then there is no need to put commas. For example: Gas as a fuel is now widely used. The rules for placing commas before the conjunction HOW will be discussed in more detail in a separate part of our course.


    Finally, he could not stand it and reported his suspicions to the clerk of the noble guardianship, Polovinkin (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    You, who just a few minutes ago was shaking for your lousy life, showed us all an example of desperate courage and unprecedented stupidity. Among us there is no equal to You. With our large collective mind, we could not comprehend why You_ the hero_ needed to see Rogue Ant when, when it appears, it is enough to tremble and subside (E. Klyuev).

    By the way, the owner’s family consisted of a wife, mother-in-law and two children_teenagers- boy and girl (F. Iskander).

    In a white cloak with a bloody lining, a shuffling cavalry gait, early in the morning of the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan, the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate (M. Bulgakov), came out into the covered colonnade between the two wings of the palace of Herod the Great.

    The senator, his new owner, did not oppress them at all, he even loved young Tolochanov, but his quarrel with his wife continued; she could not forgive him for his deception and ran away from him with someone else (A. Herzen).

    IN living room_reception_ completely dark (M. Bulgakov).

    Nastya helped her here too: she took measurements from Lisa’s feet, ran to Trofim the shepherd and ordered him a pair of bast shoes according to that measurement (A. Pushkin).

    Among other things, they said that the headman’s wife Mavra was a healthy and not stupid woman in her entire life and had never been anywhere further than her native village... (A. Chekhov).

    Well, it’s not far to look, two months ago a certain Belikov, a teacher of the Greek language, my friend (A. Chekhov), died in our city.

    But on Elena’s face at three o’clock in the afternoon the arrows showed the lowest and most depressed hour of life—half past six (M. Bulgakov).

    My mother-in-law Avdotya Vasilyevna Aksenova, born under serfdom, a simple illiterate “woman from Ryazan”, was distinguished by a deep philosophical turn of mind... (E. Ginzburg).

    ...We learned that our crazy grandfather Pyotr Kirillich was killed in this house by his illegitimate son Gervaska, a friend of our father and cousin of Natalya... (I. Bunin).

    All around there was a kind of sluggish bedlam going on - a pause like that after a stormy Sabbath (V. Shukshin).

    The famous Schiller is a tinsmith on Meshchanskaya Street. Standing next to Schiller was Hoffman - not the writer Hoffman, but a rather good shoemaker from Officers Street - a great friend of Schiller (N. Gogol).

    Some kind of bastard, like Siberian made cat The tramp emerged from behind a drainpipe and, despite the blizzard, smelled the Krakow one (M. Bulgakov).

    ... In the city of Moscow, he_this man_ suddenly received the right to exist, acquired meaning and even significance (M. Bulgakov).

    The best days of the year have arrived - the first days of June (I. Turgenev).

    Only she, this heroic glove, is too much for people to bear. (P. Bazhov).

    Katya_ Danilova, the bride_ remained unmarried (P. Bazhov).

    The fragments of Danilushkova's dope_chalice remained, but Katya took care of them (P. Bazhov).

    She cried and looked - right at her foot the malachite stone appeared, but it was all sitting in the ground (P. Bazhov).

    Gatchina and Pavlovsk - the residences of the grand ducal couple - have remained to this day, despite new plans and reconstructions, monuments of the era of Paul (G. Chulkov).

    But only parent_deceased_ he was not a fool to let such a place, from which all rafting on the river begins, out of his hands (P. Bazhov).

    I suspect that her husband, the peaceful Abkhaz prince, had to endure more crude forms of manifestation of her despotic temperament (F. Iskander).

    There are no troikas, no riding “Kirghiz”, no hounds and greyhounds, no servants and no owner of all this _ landowner_hunter_, like my late brother-in-law Arseny Semenych (I. Bunin).

    “Prince Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin,” he answered with complete and immediate readiness (F. Dostoevsky).

    Moreover, her face was similar to her mother, and her mother, some kind of princess with Eastern blood, suffered from something like black melancholy (I. Bunin).

    Such sleeves disappeared, time flashed like a spark, father_professor_ died, everyone grew up, but the clock remained the same and chimed like a tower (M. Bulgakov).

Subject this lesson- “Appendices”, during which the essence of the concept, its properties, and use in the Russian language are revealed. Being a special type of definition, applications can also be consistent or inconsistent. In addition, you will become familiar with how applications are emphasized in writing.

Topic: Secondary members of a sentence

2. Complete academic reference book edited by Lopatin ().

1. Highlight the words and applications to be defined, add a hyphen where necessary:

Mount Kazbek, Lake Baikal, voivode frost, design engineer, Anika warrior, self-taught artist, old watchman, Ivanushka the Fool, boletus mushroom, portrait artist, rhinoceros beetle, hermit crab, toolmaker, woman doctor, therapist, Moscow River, Mother Rus' , poor peasant, poor peasant, floss threads, skilled cook, skilled cook, hero artilleryman, little orphan, old father, drunkard watchman, drunkard watchman, construction engineer, Moscow city, Moscow city, Dumas son, gentleman officer, bomber plane, bird chaffinch, comrade general, general Ivanov, rooster fighter, newspaper “Teacher”, Lake Ritsa, village of Krutovka, box houses.

1. Application- this is a definition expressed by a noun that gives another name that characterizes an object:

For example: From the regiment, our thanks to you for your brave son
Song, a winged bird, calls the brave to go on a hike

2. Application should be distinguished from inconsistent definition, which can also be expressed as a noun.

Inconsistent definition characterizes a certain attribute of an object and always stands in a certain case. The form of an inconsistent definition does not coincide with the form of the word being defined, and the form of the definition does not change when the word being defined is declension:

For example: a man in a red coat, with a man in a red coat.

The application, together with the defined word, serves to designate the same subject. The appendix may stand with the word being defined in the same case, or retain the nominative case form regardless of the form of the main word.

The application can be expressed:

A) a noun with the conjunction “how”.

For example: As an intelligent person, it was boring for me to listen to these speeches;

B) a noun with the words first name, last name, nickname, etc. etc.

For example: She had a parrot, nicknamed Kesha.

3. Including the second name of the item, app denotes quality, properties of the object (handsome stallion), social affiliation, rank, profession (director of Makarov; guy programmer), age (old pawnbroker), nationality (Uzbek kebab maker) and others.

4. Applications include:

For nouns:

For example: From me, thank you for your beautiful daughter;
to personal pronouns:
For example: This is him, my stranger;
to adjectives, participles, numerals acting as a noun:

For example: The face of the second one, Igor, was familiar to me.

5. Since the main word and application can be expressed by nouns, it is not always easy to determine which of the nouns is the word being defined and which is the application.

To distinguish between the word being defined and the application, the following characteristics should be taken into account:

If one of the nouns is the subject, then the predicate agrees with it, and not with the application:

For example: The magazine “Caprice” has already been sold. – The magazine is sold; The courier guy was delivering pizza. - The guy was delivering;

If, when declined, one of the words retains the form of the nominative case, then this application:

Magazine "Caprice", in the magazine "Caprice";

In non-separate applications, when combining a common noun and a proper name of inanimate objects, the application is the proper name:

For example: Mississippi River, Caprice magazine;

When combining a common noun and a person’s own name (surname), the appendix is ​​the common noun:

For example: director Makarova, sister Tanya;

When combining common nouns and proper nouns, variations are possible, so in this case the meaning of the nouns should be taken into account.

It's time to talk about the application. Application is a special case of definition. An application is a minor member of a sentence that answers questions but is expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case. If my explanation is not very clear to someone, I will try to explain it with examples.
1). The old lady next door had difficulty climbing the stairs. (This appendix indicates age.)
2). The French pilot turned out to be a good friend of my uncle. (This appendix denotes nationality.)
3). Doctor Odintsova was conducting an appointment in room thirty. (This application denotes a profession.)
4). Last year we traveled along the Pechora River. (This application stands for given name rivers.)
A special kind applications are proper names denoting various names: works of art, magazines, newspapers, ships, enterprises, etc. All these names are written in quotation marks and with a capital letter.
For example.
1). The magazine “Seven Days” published a TV program and interesting articles about film actors.
2). Our class had an excursion to the Red October confectionery factory.
3). The novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” was called by V.G. Belinsky “an encyclopedia of Russian life.”
Unlike regular applications, these are inconsistent. This means that if the noun itself changes case, then the application (what is written in quotation marks) remains in nominative case. Compare.
We met a French pilot. A patient left Dr. Odintsova. (Appendices are coordinated, that is, they change together with the noun to which they refer.)
BUT: From the magazine “Seven Days” we learned about the new film. Main character The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a representative of the noble youth. (Appendices remain in the nominative case, regardless of the case of the noun being qualified.)
You have probably already noticed that in two examples the applications are written with a hyphen with qualified nouns. This happens when both the noun and the appendix are common nouns (that is, written with a small letter).
Examples: victorious people, first-grader girl, non-pouring inkwell.
A hyphen is also added in cases where the proper name comes first and the common noun comes second.
Examples: Moscow River, Ivanov-grandson, Odessa-mother.
BUT: Moscow River, grandson Ivanov, mother Odessa.
Another clarification. If the noun clause preceding the noun being defined can be replaced by a cognate adjective, then a hyphen is not placed between these words.
Example. At the races we admired the handsome horses (compare: beautiful horses).
An old gardener slowly approached the children (compare: old gardener).

BUT: If you swap these nouns, then you need to put a hyphen.
At the races we admired the beautiful horses.
An old gardener slowly approached the children.
For the first lesson on the application, I think this is quite enough. But there's more to come complex material, which will talk about segregating applications. Stay tuned for more.

What is an application in Russian?

  1. An application is a definition expressed by a noun in the same case as the word being defined.

    When identifying an item, the application gives it a different name.

    For example: Song, a winged bird, calls the brave to go on a campaign; From the regiment, we thank you for your brave son.

    The application answers the definition questions: which one? which? which? which? It is emphasized, like any definition, with a wavy line.

    Applications stand for:

    The person’s profession, rank, position, social status, occupation, age, family relations gender, etc. (French teacher, novelist, Professor Zimmerman, peasant girl, old father, schoolgirl girl, old janitor, Ossetian cab driver);
    - qualities, properties of an object, figurative characteristics of persons and objects (applications-epithets) (clever girl, giant plant, handsome man, giant rock, villainous fate, mischievous winter);
    - properties or qualities of living beings (singing nightingale, fighting rooster, fishing gulls);
    - purpose of the item (trap car),
    - geographical names(Don River, Taganrog port, Izhevsk city, Sahara Desert);
    - names of plants, birds, animals, etc. (cypress tree, hare hare, lily flower);
    - conventional names of objects (Optics store, Science and Technology magazine, Night Watch film);
    - nicknames (Vladimir the Red Sun, Richard the Lionheart);
    - names of animals and people (the bear Mukha, the dog Druzhok, a citizen nicknamed Kalancha).

    The application can be expressed:

    1) single noun: Brother Ivan, female student;
    2) noun with dependent words: Anton, my cousin, and his wife came;
    3) a noun with the conjunction like: As a curious person, I don’t want to leave the room at all;
    4) nouns with words by name, by surname, by nickname, by birth, etc.: He had a dog, nicknamed Shaitan; The mistress of the house, named Lyusya, timidly looked towards the soldiers. In the absence of intonation of isolation, such phrases are not distinguished by commas: He got himself a bear cub named Yasha;
    5) proper names, which are indicated in writing by quotation marks (names of books, magazines, films; names of enterprises, cinemas, hotels, etc.; names of sweets, drinks, etc.): Izvestia newspaper, Smena cinema, Red Riding Hood candy, Baikal drink.

    Applications are not:

    1) combinations of synonyms or antonyms: path-road, purchase and sale;
    2) combinations of words by association: bread and salt;
    3) complex words: raincoat-tent, sofa-bed;
    4) names, surnames, patronymics, nicknames of people: doctor Petrov (application doctor).
    The exceptions are: a) cases when names, surnames, nicknames of people are entered using the words nickname, surname, nickname;

    Since the main word and application can be expressed by nouns, it is not always easy to determine which of the nouns is the word being defined and which is the application.

  2. This is a definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case
  3. Application is the second name for the subject

  4. Among definitions, a special group is made up of appendices - definitions expressed by a noun, consistent with the word being defined in case.
    When defining an object, applications can indicate its qualities, properties, species characteristics, indicate nationality, and type of activity. Applications include first names, surnames, nicknames, as well as geographical names, names of newspapers, magazines, enterprises, works of art, which act as definitions.
    If a single application and a defined noun are common nouns, then there is a hyphen between them.
    A hyphen is also placed when a common noun comes after a proper name and closely merges with it in meaning.
    Examples: old mother, chaffinch bird, boletus mushroom, cosmonaut pilot, Syrian students, neighbor teacher, girl Olya, boy Petya, dog Sharik, neighbor Petrenko, Kommersant newspaper, Lake Baikal, king bird, uts- giant, Moscow River, Moscow River.
    Applications are separated: if they relate to a personal pronoun, if common applications stand after the defined noun, if the application refers to a proper noun and stands after it, if the application has an additional adverbial meaning.
    Example: Stubborn in everything, Ilya Matveevich remained stubborn in his studies. (V. Kochetov).
    (The application can be replaced: because he was stubborn, being stubborn)
    The separation of applications is associated with the pronunciation side of speech; it is based on live expressive speech. Often they are pronounced casually, but sometimes they are given special meaning and then a dash sign is possible.
    Example: We - pioneers in space - are proud of the achievements of our science and technology.
  5. To the answer “Lidochki:)))))” I will add that the application can also be widespread, that is, an expressed phrase: “Dima Kirichenko, a student of such and such a class at such and such a school, wants to know the Russian language well...” Application, accordingly, STUDENT OF SUCH CLASS OF SUCH SCHOOL - the main word in this phrase is expressed as a noun.
  6. Appendix - a definition expressed by a noun, which gives another name that characterizes the object: Frost - VOYOVDA patrols his possessions. (N. Nekrasov) On the hillock there is a birch CANDLE in silver moon feathers.
    The application can give a description of the object, indicate the degree of relationship, nationality, rank, profession, etc.: White FISHING gulls flew screaming over the sea (M. Sholokhov) And from the night floated GROMADA-city in points of lights. (V. Panova) SISTER Lisa came for spring break. (V. Kaverin)