Vegetable garden on the windowsill in children's design. Vegetable garden on the window in a kindergarten. DIY decoration. Master class with step-by-step photos. Vegetable garden on the window as the founder of a child’s research activity


“There are people making noise at the gate.

Where is the winter garden?

They say it grows there.

Cucumber seedlings.

And dill and onion.

Everyone is looking at the garden,

And they leave with their mouths open."

IN MDOU "Kindergarten No. 9 of a combined type" held a review competition "Vegetable Garden on the Window", in which teachers, children and parents of all age groups took part.

The purpose of the competition: to generalize and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about how to care for plants in room conditions; involving as many children as possible in work; make the project a co-creation of the teacher, children and parents. Growing vegetables and flowers indoors is useful in that it promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life. The teachers thought through the plot of the future garden, the planting scheme, and the feasible participation of children and parents.The children enjoyed making holes, sowing seeds, watering them, and eagerly awaiting the germination. The children watched the plants grow and eagerly helped the teachers care for them. Gradually, the plantings turned into “fairy tales.” Each age group thought about the originality of the name of the garden fairy tale.In all groups you can see a variety of mini-gardens on the windowsill. The imagination of teachers is rich, well, just a sight for sore eyes. It’s not just that seedlings are planted and monitored, but entire stories are developed. There was also a variety of vegetable crops. Fun “vegetable gardens” have everything that a real vegetable garden should have: a house, a fence, garden scarecrow and wind turbines, a pond. And the constant visitors to vegetable beds: insects (made by children from natural material), hedgehogs, pets.

My parents also provided a lot of help in decorating the garden. They helped with soil and pots, brought seeds of various plants, and participated in the aesthetic design of the “gardens.”

Based on the results of the competition, the winners were awarded certificates and gifts.

Irina Shibalina

Hello dear colleagues maamams.

Environmental and labor education are very important sections of the work program kindergarten. Since this problem is very relevant, many preschool educational institutions take them as the main direction of work. Environmental education involves the formation in children of an active life position in relation to the world around them. Simply put, children are taught not only to love nature, but also to see problems, find ways to solve them, take responsibility for their actions, and be a model for others. This can be a great help vegetable garden on the windowsill kindergarten . Labor education should also help develop certain practical skills necessary for the successful implementation of various types activities.

That's what vegetable garden on the windowsill we did it together with the guys.

And now I’ll tell you in more detail how ours was created garden.

First of all on windowsill put down mats with imitation grass. They put up a village house made with their own hands.

On the other side of the house they made a lake and made reeds out of paper.

Grandfather and grandmother were seated next to the house. And there are dandelions in the clearing.

Ducks swim in our lake. And a tractor is driving along the grass and carrying a cart with planted vegetables.

Our We came up with a motto for the vegetable garden.

On your own we planted a vegetable garden: seedlings of cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes. The guys enjoy working here and learn environmental and labor skills. And when is our seedling When she grows up, we will transplant her with the guys to garden, which is available on the territory of our kindergarten. And there we will continue to take care of the planted plants together. Well, when autumn comes we will collect our harvest.

It is not difficult to create a vegetable garden on a window in a kindergarten with your own hands, and the creation of such a unique interior is to the liking of many who love nature and feel like a part of it. And it is simply impossible to refuse such an outlandish and extraordinary offer.

In addition, there is no need to talk about the influence of the surrounding nature on the development of a growing person. From the first days of his life, the baby begins to get acquainted with many processes and phenomena in nature. Everything natural attracts the eyes of children with its brightness, variety and naturalness. A child, observing the living world, forms his worldview, and the deeper he is imbued with sensitivity to nature, the more often this will manifest itself in creativity.

A simple home garden will provide an opportunity not only for children, but also for adults to admire the unobtrusive environment created with the help of familiar plants. From an early age, children will learn how vegetables and herbs are grown, that it is worth making some effort and respecting the work of those who bring tasty and healthy fruits to their plate.

This exciting process will give a lot positive emotions during during care vegetable crops and enrich children's bodies with vitamins.

Vegetables in a mini-garden

Naturally, inquisitive children cannot do it on their own, so the bulk of the work, of course, will fall on the shoulders of educators. Together they will be able to design their small area.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the choice of plants that can be grown “in miniature”. Many of them need land and airspace. They will be uncomfortable in a cramped window, so such crops will not be able to bear fruit. Having spent a lot of time and vain efforts on caring for such vegetables, you most likely will not be able to wait for a positive result; their death is inevitable.

When choosing elements of a vegetable garden on a window in a kindergarten, you can decorate it with your own hands (the pictures are presented below) by combining them into a single “vitamin island.” This can include onions, small varieties of carrots, beans, cucumbers, garlic, peas, lettuce, parsley and many other small but abundant beneficial properties vegetables. It is advisable to choose the least picky crops. It will also be relevant to conduct a preparatory lesson where you can interest the kids. Children will learn about the benefits of each plant, how to properly care for it and how to deliciously prepare ripe fruits.

Equipment and site preparation

The next step in creating a mini-garden will be choosing a suitable location indoors. It is advisable to arrange such a vegetable arrangement on the largest window that faces the sunny side.

It is necessary to devote the most time to the construction of a convenient garden structure. It is assumed that its size should be compatible with, without going beyond the extreme borders and protrusions of the window, either in width or in length. Mostly, for such purposes, conventional wooden boxes made from coniferous boards. Since it is not difficult to build the structure itself, the main effort must be put into its design. appearance. In addition, it is important to make the installation as safe as possible for the children, because they are curious and will touch it with their hands.

By painting an ordinary box with bright, variegated paint, such a vegetable garden will come in handy for a kindergarten. Attractive, cheerful and unusual, it will be the main attribute of the development and education of preschoolers.

If there is no such box, you can use ordinary ones instead. flower pots, old flowerpots, right down to old unnecessary plastic bottles. They can be cut and used as a container for sowing seeds. Each of the proposed options can be decorated with colored stickers, outlined, and decorated using multi-colored sequins and beads. So, decoration versions of various designs are shown in the photo. A garden on the window in a kindergarten, decorated with your own hands, will thus also become a small corner for the embodiment of unique creative ideas.

Of course, you should also remember about caring for the main characters of the plant corner. It is important to provide them with optimal indoor humidity and good, adequate lighting. A well-chosen type of soil with the necessary additives will contribute to the appearance of good-quality fruits. This soil mixture is usually purchased at flower shops.

So, the resulting garden set from the basic structure and planted vegetables, collected in a kindergarten on the window, is ready to give joy to adults and children who will care for the crops and collect well-deserved fruits.

A few tips to help your mini-garden bloom:
1. Seeds should be sown, distributed evenly over the entire surface of the soil.
2. There are usually no difficulties in caring for a kindergarten garden; the most important thing is to water it on time.
3. The ideal room temperature for plant growth and flowering is the mark on the thermometer above 17 degrees
4. If the lighting level in the room is low, you should use additional light (lamp, table lamp).
5. There should be no drafts on the windowsill, so it is advisable to periodically inspect the window where the vegetable garden is located and seal the window cracks.
6. If the choice fell on growing climbing crops, such as cucumbers, then they will require the use of an additional structure. This crop needs special trellises or ladders that influence the direction of the growing plant.
7. Of course, the choice of plants remains with the creators of the mini-garden in the kindergarten, however, by giving priority to vegetables that are not picky and adapted to closed climatic conditions, it will be much easier to cope with the care of the plant corner.

Natalia Medvedeva

In March, according to tradition, we decided to participate in the competition « The best vegetable garden on window» , which takes place annually as part of our kindergarten.

First, we planted seeds of various, most common crops: dill, parsley, watercress, tomatoes, cucumber, pepper and beans. The children took part in this activity with pleasure and great enthusiasm. Then we decided to do for our "beds" cosy mini house.

We took as a basis cardboard box and covered her up "ground"(buckwheat). Then I wanted to arrange "estate" and we added some decorative elements.

They set up a mill made of newspaper tubes and built a pond with geese (cold porcelain). Then they planted our "beds", onion tree and populated the corner with residents, figurines of various domestic animals and people.

The guys and I looked after and watched the growth of the plants every day. All this was recorded in an observation diary. The children happily ate the onion for lunch, adding it to soup. grown up seedlings handed over to the station kindergarten, for further cultivation.)

Our garden turned out to be one of the best! We'll definitely come up with something interesting this year!

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Nadezhda Shcherbakova

I am for my own vegetable garden,first I prepared these fabulous paraphernalia.

This is a goby - a tar barrel.

I made it from these plastic boxes.

The legs were made from old pencils, the tail was made from tree shaving brush, and the spots were cut out from a bag and glued with tape.

The children looked after our pets, giving them names: hedgehog “Puff”, caterpillar.

This is what they became after a while

And now they’re all grown up, you can hold them and stroke them - “not prickly”

And finally decorated the garden itself, where a grain doll became the mistress

Garden divided into two halves, this is on the left

It's on the right

These are the labels of the plants that grow here.

These geese were made for me by Anechka’s mother.

Nikitin's dad built the house and there is a well.

If you look closely, you can see garden scarecrow, and the clouds on window, branches of blossoming trees.

As a result, our garden took first place in kindergarten!

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