DIY table fan from a cooler. We make a USB fan at home with our own hands. How to make a “personal breeze”

Throughout the long winter, we look forward to pleasant summer days, and with the onset of hot weather, for some reason we begin to dream of coolness. How delightfully a light breeze created by a small homemade fan will help restore strength and relieve fatigue. Plus, making it is incredibly fun, right?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with step by step instructions on assembling the simplest effective devices from literally waste raw materials. The article presented to your attention describes in detail how to make a fan with your own hands and what a home craftsman will need for this.

At your disposal detailed description manufacturing options whose effects have been tested in practice. You can make such devices yourself without having any experience at all. For a complete understanding of the information, attached step by step photos and video instructions.

The simplest fan can be made from CD discs. It can be used, for example, for local impact on a user who spends a long time at the computer.

Let's prepare the raw materials to complete the work:

  • CD discs – 2 pcs.;
  • low-power motor;
  • wine bottle cork;
  • cable with USB plug;
  • a tube or rectangle made of thick cardboard;
  • soldering iron;
  • candle or lighter, hot glue;
  • pencil, ruler, squared paper.

For our purposes, you can use a motor from old toy, for example, from a typewriter. A toilet paper roll slightly decorated with decorative finishing paper can be used as a cardboard tube.

The main advantage of this model is that almost any do-it-yourselfer will have all the materials needed for its manufacture.

The assembly process of the mini fan is quite simple.

Let's take one of the CDs and use a marker to divide its surface into eight equal sections. The easiest way to do this is to use a sheet of checkered paper.

Draw a cross on it from a horizontal and vertical line. We divide each of the four resulting right angles in half. Using cells, this is not difficult to do.

Using a very simple method using a checkered piece of paper, we can achieve the ideal layout of the disk into eight equal sectors

We place a disk on our drawing so that the intersecting lines are in the very center of its hole. Alternately applying a ruler to the lines diverging from the center, we make markings on the disk. This way the sections will be the same.

To divide the disk into blades, follow the marking lines with a soldering iron from the transparent part to the edge.

You can also use scissors for cutting, but there is a danger that the workpiece will crack during the process. If you don’t have a soldering iron, you need to use a knife preheated on the stove. When working with a soldering iron, deposited plastic is formed along the edges of the cut, which can be easily removed with a knife.

Cutting a disk with a soldering iron is the most effective method, in which the workpiece will not crack or deform, and the remnants of the deposited plastic can be easily removed with a knife

We heat the surface of the disk over the flame of a burning candle so that the blades can be slightly turned. If you don't have a candle, a lighter or a soldering iron will do.

The central part of the disk should be heated, and all blades should be turned in the same direction. Place in the disc hole wine cork. To fix it better, you need to pre-treat the edges of the hole with hot glue.

The USB cable must be connected to the motor. If we don’t guess the direction of rotation of the propeller, we can swap the reins, that is, change the polarity.

The motor needs to be glued to a cardboard tube, and the tube itself to a second CD, which will act as the base of the stand.

When the plug is installed in the hole, the stand from the second CD and cardboard tube, as well as the connecting device are already assembled, it is very important to correctly fit the propeller onto the motor shaft

Now the propeller needs to be “planted” on the rod of the future fan. We will try to make sure that it is installed strictly in the center. You can secure it in this position using hot glue.

After all work is completed, the fan is ready for use.

Although the construction of this device will not take you much time, the result of the work performed will undoubtedly please you

How to make something similar, but a little more complex design Having included a regulator in the circuit, look at the video posted at the end of this article.

Do you find these homemade instructions complicated? Then you may be interested in information about and rules for choosing them in order to purchase a ready-made device offered by household appliance manufacturers.

Fan based on a plastic bottle

What our craftsmen don’t do from plastic bottles! The time has come to say that they also make a very good fan. It may not ventilate your entire room, but it will definitely help those who have to work at a computer.

We offer two options for creating such a fan model.

Option #1 – hard plastic model

To complete the work we will need:

  • plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters;
  • a motor from an old toy;
  • small switch;
  • Duracell battery;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • candle;
  • hammer and nail;
  • foam;
  • hot glue gun.

So, we take an ordinary 1.5 liter plastic bottle with a stopper. At the level of the label line, cut off its upper part. This is exactly what we need to make the propeller. We divide the surface of the plastic blank into six parts.

We try to mark it out so that we get equal sectors: the quality of operation of the future device depends on this.

We cut the workpiece along the markings almost to the neck. We bend the blades of the future propeller and cut off every second of them. We are left with a blank with three blades equidistant from each other. The edges of each blade must be rounded. We do this carefully.

To remove those parts of the blades that are closer to the neck of the workpiece, it is better to use a utility knife; do not forget to round the edges of the blades

Now we will need a small candle. Let's light it up. We heat each blade at the base on it to turn it in the direction we need. All blades must be turned in the same direction. Remove the lid from the workpiece and punch a hole in the very center using a nail and hammer.

We place the plug on the rod of a small motor. Such motors can remain from old children's toys. As a rule, getting them is not difficult. Secure the cork with glue.

Now you need to make a base on which the motor will rest. For this purpose, we take, for example, a piece of polystyrene foam. We attach a rectangle to it, which can also be cut out of foam packaging.

Our motor, to which the propeller is attached, will be fixed on the upper surface of this rectangle. To do this, you need to make a recess in the foam that corresponds to the parameters of the motor.

Hot melt adhesive is used to secure the elements of the product. If it is unavailable, other adhesives can be used. It is important that the fastening itself is as reliable as possible.

Summer has arrived, which means heat, heat and an eternal lack of coolness. But this problem can be fixed, and quite easily. You only need a few details and a little free time to make your life easier with your own hands, to fill it with the light coolness that you will certainly get by making USB fan Houses. Of course, you can go and buy a fan in a store, but how nice it will be to sit next to the same computer, and a light breeze from the USB fan you created will blow on you. And a thing created with your own hands always pleases not only the eye, but also develops self-love.

We invite you to watch a video of a homemade USB fan:

Tools for usb fan:
- A regular CD (not necessarily new);
- The tube of silicone glue is empty;
- Wooden block;
- Mini disk;
- USB cord;
- Motor;
- Holder;
- Adapter;
- Silicone glue gun.

You need to make three holes in the tube, one in the lid and two on the sides. Holes can be easily made using a regular nail, which must first be heated.

IN wooden block it is also necessary to make a slot or recess. This can be easily done using sandpaper.

The mini disk easily turns into a propeller. To do this, you need to draw it into uniform blades, then heat a stationery knife and cut along pre-drawn lines. And after that, we heat the base of each blade with a lighter and, using our hands, bend each blade a little to make a propeller.

We take the motor, holder and adapter from a non-working CD drive.

Now let's start assembling the USB fan.

Heat up the glue gun. Lubricate the holder along the axis silicone glue from a glue gun. The propeller must be firmly seated on this glue. Press on all sides. Then, on the other side of the holder, add a drop of glue and glue the adapter. We wait until the glue dries well. This usually only takes a couple of minutes.

Now take a tube of silicone glue, remove the lid and coat the inside with silicone glue. And we insert the motor inside so that the part that we will connect sticks out of the hole that we originally made.

Then we insert the USB cord into the side hole of the glue tube and connect the ends of the wires to the motor.

You need to pour silicone glue into the recess in the wooden block, and place the wire from the USB cord tightly there, and glue the tube itself with the motor inside to the base of the block. And on the other side of the block we glue the CD with silicone glue.

Now the propeller needs to be placed on the side of the adapter glued to it onto the sharp edge of the motor, which sticks out of the hole in the tube from under the glue.

And finally, our USB fan can be plugged into the network and get that long-awaited coolness.

If you don’t have an air conditioner or even a household fan at home, and the summer heat doesn’t allow you to live normally, you can use your wits and use old computer parts. Any craftsman can assemble a fan from a cooler, fortunately, the materials for construction are always at hand, and in every home or office you can fish out something useful from computer trash.

Materials for useful crafts

To make this simple device with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • soldering iron and related accessories (solder, rosin);
  • a piece of USB cable of any length;
  • knife, wire cutters, electrical tape;
  • the computer cooler itself (one or more).

The fan will be connected via a USB connector to the computer. This makes it possible to use the fan without third-party power sources.

There are coolers different sizes. Their design includes wires with which you can adjust the number of revolutions depending on the temperature of the central processor. In our case, these wires will not be needed - we will work only with the black (minus) and red (plus) wires, which receive voltage from the computer motherboard. The remaining wires can be cut off using wire cutters so that they do not interfere with assembly. We need to do this carefully so as not to damage the red and black cores we need.

Operating procedure:

  1. Take any unnecessary USB cable you need to connect the cooler to it. It may not be formally working, but here we need to find wires of the same colors as the cooler. For ease of work, the remaining wires are removed using wire cutters.
  2. Remove the outer insulation from the USB cable with a sharp stationery knife: Measure a distance of approximately 3-4 cm from the end of the wire and apply the knife to the wire.
  3. Then, in a circular motion, without pressing, draw the wire in a circle.
  4. Now pull the insulation - it should easily come away and expose the bundle of wires.

If you press too hard, cutting the insulation may damage the insulation of the wires underneath the outer layer of plastic you cut. Then you will have to bite off the entire braid and repeat the procedure due to the fact that a slight violation of the integrity of the insulation usually leads to a short circuit. Now that you have prepared the wires yourself, you can proceed to the next step.

Soldering and insulating wires

Take the wires of the cooler and the USB cable, remove about 10 mm of insulation and twist them so that the red wire is connected to the red, and the black to the black. Next, you will need a soldering iron to tin the twisted ends and thereby give strength to the connection. To do this you need to do this:

  • heat the soldering iron and prepare a piece of rosin or flux;
  • attach the twisted wires to rosin or soak them in flux;
  • melt a piece of solder or tin on the soldering iron tip;
  • run the tip along the twisted wires if they are treated with flux, or apply them to a piece of rosin and press a little with a hot tip.

This process is called tinning the wires or treating the contact points with hot tin with your own hands. Rosin is needed to help the tin bond better to the surface of the bare USB wire.

Now you need to insulate the conductors so that a short circuit does not occur when connecting to the computer’s USB connector. So, unwind a piece of electrical tape about 3-5 cm long and pass it between the soldered wires. Wrap one wire so that the tin-coated contact area is reliably insulated and no pieces of bare conductor are visible through the layers of insulating tape. Next, you need to cut off another piece of electrical tape and do the same with the second wire.


It's time to think about a stand for your DIY fan you just made. You will need a piece of copper or aluminum wire. Take a piece of wire and bend it into a “P” shape. Thread the ends into the bottom two bolt holes of the cooler. Bend the wire and thread the ends through the top holes. Now you can adjust the fan tilt level.

If there are many fans

You can make a whole battery of fans with your own hands. To assemble a fan from four or more coolers, you need to know how to properly connect them to the power source (USB connector of the computer), as well as how to connect these fans to each other.

Connecting cables

From the school physics course we know that there are two types of connections - serial and parallel. With the first type of connection, you need to take the red (positive) wire from the USB cable and connect it to the red wire of the first cooler, and connect the black wire of the first cooler to the red wire of the second cooler, and so on. The last one, black, connects to the core of the USB cable of the same color.

Parallel connection is much simpler: all the red wires are assembled into one twist, just like the black ones. The red wires are connected to the red wire of the USB cable, and the black wires, respectively, to the black wire. To make the contact more reliable, you need to make tinning and wrap the contact points with electrical tape, as described above.


Now you need to think about the design of the fan unit that you made yourself. In order to assemble all the coolers together, you need to decide what shape the structure will be in. You may find it easier to fold them into a square or just line them up.

In any case, for these purposes you will need a glue gun, which is usually used to make DIY products in technical creativity or floristry circles. You can use it to glue the ribs of coolers in in the right places and let cool. But if you don't have a gun and just have wire and tape, you can fasten the coolers through the bolt holes with wire and wrap the edges with black tape.

So, you have managed to make sure that making a simple room air blower with your own hands is simple and accessible even to a person far from technical creativity. Such simple solutions can help out in a situation where you need to keep the room cool in windless weather, but a regular fan is either broken or simply not in the house. In these cases, simple ingenuity comes to the rescue.

The fan is not a complicated device. It consists of a motor, blades, various adjustment buttons and a stand-case. There are additional elements, such as backlighting and a clock, but these are options that are not that important.

It is not at all necessary to buy a fan, because you can easily make one yourself. Moreover, this does not require special skills of a master.

With the proper skill, homemade model It will turn out not as a way to get rid of old things, but as an opportunity to show imagination and, possibly, hidden talents. Some craftsmen quite easily create both functional and extremely attractive options. They harmoniously complement the interior and become the center of attention no worse than any art object.

How to make a fan from a regular electric motor

Probably the simplest and quick way To acquire a homemade fan assembled with your own hands, you need to find a regular motor, which is most often found in toys.

Standard electric motor from a toy

Ordering such a thing is not difficult. Moreover, today, without stopping for a minute, caravans of various trinkets from the Middle Kingdom ply. And if not, then it’s enough to buy an inexpensive one toy car and remove the motor from it.

But you definitely shouldn’t expect the impossible from such a device. Rather, it will only be able to move air slightly. But for a desktop model it will do just fine. He will be able to blow air onto the face of someone sitting at the computer.

For such a fan you can use absolutely anything. The main parts will be:

  • blades;
  • motor;
  • on/off button;
  • stand;
  • power system.

Otherwise, the limit of the idea will only be within the boundaries of imagination.

After the motor is ready for use, it makes sense to take care of the power supply. These could be batteries, just like in the toy for which the motor was intended. But definitely such energy will not last long. However, there is a plus - the device will remain compact and mobile.

The second option is mains power. But in this case you need not to overdo it. Direct connection via a plug is a sure way to burn out the motor. So you shouldn’t experiment, trying to spin the engine to high speeds. On toys, electric motors are usually designed for 3-4.5 Volts, and the desire to provide more rotation due to powerful energy sources, firstly, will quickly drain the source (if it is a battery), and secondly, will seriously reduce the life of the fan, even to the point of failure. The engine will start to heat up and the brushes may melt.

But modern chargers convert the voltage in the network, reducing it to the specified parameters. You can find a power supply, including on sale, that is ideal for the motor.

To create blades, you can take any material. The main thing is that it is light. Due to the weakness of the motor, the less the blades weigh, the faster the rotation will be, and, therefore, the efficiency of the work.

  • The easiest option is to take a stopper from a regular plastic bottle, which will serve as a fastening for the blades. Make a hole in the bottle the size of the rotating axis of the electric motor.
  • The blades can be made from a regular CD. A hole the size of a bottle cap is burned in the center. The circumference of the disk is divided into 8 sectors. They are cut to some distance, but not to the center. Afterwards, the disk needs to be heated with fire to easily bend the blades. A lighter is suitable for this.

Creating blades on a CD

  • You can attach the disk to the cork with glue. The second option is when a hole is burned in the middle for the plug - immediately connect the structure. The melted plastic will harden and hold firmly.
  • After all this, the structure is connected to each other. Wire is suitable for the stand. This is perhaps the simplest option. And for such a lightweight device, you can’t imagine anything better. You can bend the frame in such a way as to hide the batteries there unnoticed. Or carefully run the power supply wire going to the motor.
  • The circuit does not have to be always closed if you use batteries, so you need to secure the button to the case. It's inexpensive. You can use it from a toy from which the motor was removed.

Another option for a propeller design is to use thick paper. The method is even simpler, but less practical.

Advice! When experimenting, remember that the larger the fan blade area, the noisier it will work. On the other hand, small blades do not move air as efficiently.

How to make a fan out of paper

Paper is not the best suitable material for a home fan for the simple reason that it is very impractical. Any ingress of water, even banal humidity, and the device will rapidly begin to lose its hardness.

But even despite all the disadvantages, craftsmen even make quite nice samples from paper. Of course we are talking about thick paper or cardboard. Strong material from boxes works well. You will also need a regular motor or cooler, an on/off button and wires.

The simplest table fan using cardboard

The approximate design plan is that the device can be simplified as much as possible. The impeller is easy to cut and can have many or few blades. Everything is at the master's request. The motor can be mounted on a wooden or cardboard block. The stand will also be made from paper or an old computer disk.

It is only important not to forget that such a fan is very light, which makes it shaky in operation. Therefore, it is necessary to further strengthen the body. Old batteries, bolts or nuts work well.

How to make a fan from a plastic bottle

Crazy Hands' favorite raw material is plastic bottles, which are almost ideal for creating your own fan. The top of a standard round bottle works well for the propeller. You need to cut off the part with the cork just above the pasted label.

  • The part of the bottle with the cork will be the blades. To do this, you need to cut the plastic down to the cork so that you get several different petals. After one, the petals are cut off at the base. The remaining ones are future propeller blades.

Fan blades made from a plastic bottle

  • You can use a candle or lighter to shape the blades and twist them a little. The main thing is not to overdo it, because the plastic is soft and can catch fire. The goal is to warm it up a little, not set it on fire.
  • The plug will be the base of the propeller. A hole is made in it according to the dimensions of the motor axis. To keep the connection firmly, you can put it on glue.
  • Now is the time to think about the foundation. The rest of a plastic bottle will also work for this. A hole is cut in it to rigidly place the plug with the blades at a right angle. You must remember to weigh down the base - with nuts, bolts or any other metal objects.
  • A hole is made on the base for the button and the chain is assembled. There is also enough space for a power supply.

Field for imagination when working with plastic bottle extensively. You can use several bottles at once. One will become a propeller (more precisely, part of it), and the second will become a solid foundation. But then they will need additional materials. For example, ordinary drinking straws.

Simple and lightweight bottle fan

How to make a USB fan

But the most convenient and simple fan is an old cooler, which can also be used. For example, put it on a table, and it will cool, but not the processor or video card, but a person.

The advantages of this design are obvious: the cooler is very reliable, because it is its job to constantly turn the impeller and cool something. And it’s easy to get coolers. It is enough to either find an old computer, or order a new fan or buy it in a store.

The cooler design is simple. This is a ready-made fan in a plastic case. There are two wires coming from it (usually red and black).

Regular computer cooler

Making a USB fan takes just a few minutes:

  1. The wires on the cooler are stripped 1-2 centimeters.
  2. Take a regular USB cable, at the end of which you also need to get rid of the insulation. The standard USB cable has four wires inside. Of these, you should choose black and red. Cut off the rest so as not to get in the way, and clean up the necessary ones.
  3. Connect the red wire of the cord to the red one on the cooler. Black - with black. Carefully insulate areas without winding. Ready.
  4. All that remains is to think about the holding device. Here the already familiar wire, which can take any shape, can come in handy. Even suitable for a fan housing carton, and if you spend a little more effort and time, you can even build a real designer object.

Design approach to fan design

It is very convenient when the fan turns on when the computer starts. In addition, modern units have several USB outputs. It turns out that such a device will not interfere.

Another point is that sometimes you want to turn on the fan regardless of the computer’s operation (especially since a device with a cooler turns out to be quite powerful, good and useful). Then you can use adapters. For example, today they make chargers for phones that easily turn into a USB cable when the connector with the plug is disconnected. Similar equipment can be used for a fan, making it universal: operating from the network and from the USB port of any computer. Another advantage of this design is the simplest electrical circuit. A cooler-based fan can even do without extra buttons: just a wire and a plug.

DIY bladeless fan

But a slightly unusual use of a free cooler (but you can get by with an electric motor) is a bladeless fan. Modern, interesting, with the right skill – no less effective – a solution that definitely attracts the eye. The thing turns out to be completely non-standard, spectacular.

For example, here is the ideal appearance bladeless or duct fan model:

This is roughly how you can make a bladeless fan with your own hands

The most important thing about bladeless models is, of course, their appearance. Therefore, if you make such a device yourself, you need to try to think through the frame in the smallest detail. Uneven edges, roughness - all this will spoil the impression.

Frame bladeless fan is almost entirely a workspace. Don’t think that some kind of space technology is being implemented here.

Air circulation is carried out quite prosaically - with the help of rotating blades. They hide in the base tube. If you take a cooler from a computer, you can make a stand according to its shape. Here, as they say, at the discretion of the author.

The differences from the classics are in the location of the cooler - it is placed horizontally in a bladeless fan.

Cooler location in a bladeless fan

The top ring is made hollow inside, two-layered. There the main redirection of air in the right direction is carried out.

A hollow cavity is visible in the upper ring of the fan, from where the air blows

You can make the frame of a bladeless fan from plastic, wood, or thick cardboard. It is better to use a flexible material so that you can easily give it the shape of a ring. As an option, use a combined structure. For example, the rings are made of cardboard or plastic, and the rigid frame is made of wood.

You need to cut:

  • four sides for a stand;
  • Two circles of the same radius;
  • Twist two rings of different diameters.

Then everything is put together and, if necessary, painted.

Meals can be arranged in different ways. Universal option– a combined wire for the USB connector and a plug for the socket.

The device can also be a little more complicated. For example, make a light strip of diode strip along the edge of the rim. The backlight consumes little energy, but will add beauty to the fan. And the power supply and wiring, if necessary, can easily be hidden in the stand.

How to make a powerful fan with your own hands

When it comes to powerful fans, then you need to understand that they require completely different engines. Starting from old fan motors to others household appliances. Good fit:

The only thing is that you need to get into the voltage corridor that is required to power the motor. For example, drills most often require 18 volts. But for ventilation purposes, it will be enough to supply less than half of this voltage. Even at 12 Volts, the fans are very loud and extremely unstable due to the strong inertia of the rotating blades.

Power for powerful electric motors must be supplied from the mains. Therefore, you need to think about installing a power supply or connecting a charger. The electrical circuit can be complicated by adding stray light bulbs, an electronic clock, a radio, a toggle switch or a board for switching operating modes. But it’s easier, of course, to limit yourself to only a fan with a button, if that’s enough.

In any case, such homemade variations of homemade fans are sometimes much better than even purchased options. With the right skill, you can get a very good thing, a real pride of the owner.

When it gets hot summer days, there may be a problem with your home cooling. Not everyone has their own fan in their room. This is a fairly serious problem, especially since recent years Summer is getting hotter. Today we will tell you how to make a fan from a cooler. There is actually one interesting method way out of a difficult situation. Almost every person in the house has a lot of spare computer parts that can be used for their intended purpose, or you can simply build something useful out of them.

The fan from the cooler is optimal solution room airflow problems.

A fan from a home PC cooler is the optimal solution to the problem of room airflow. Yes, its power is not so great, but for small room it will be quite enough. Making a cooling fan, by the way, is extremely simple. To do this you will need some tools and materials.

Tools and materials

To work, you must have the following:

  • a piece of cable with a USB connector;
  • soldering iron;
  • solder;
  • flux;
  • wire cutters;
  • with a knife;
  • cooler

That's basically all you might need. These tools and materials can be replaced with others if a different type of wire connection technology is used.

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The cooler will create a flow of cold air that will bring coolness into the room.

So, now we have everything we need to carry out the work. A cooler can have many different wires, because today computer elements are made that have their own brain. There are wires here that serve to transmit information to the device, which allows, if necessary, to increase or decrease the speed of its rotation. These elements are not needed for operation. Only the red and black conductors should be left. They are the ones who supply power to the device. All other wires should be cut off using wire cutters. This must be done extremely carefully so as not to damage those that will be used in further work.

Next, take the USB cable. It doesn’t matter whether it will be working or if it will be missing some wires, the most important thing is that the red and black wires are also present here. The rest should be cut off, although they may simply not be used, but for easier subsequent connection to the cooler, it is still better to remove them. This is also done using the most ordinary wire cutters. So, two cables are prepared, which means that you can safely move on to the next stage of work. It is worth remembering that the USB connector is used for power. A standard 220 Volt socket is inappropriate here, since the operating voltage of the cooler is standard for a personal computer and completely coincides with that supplied by USB.

The most important thing in a USB cable is that there are red and black wires needed to make the fan.

The next step is to strip the red and black wires. This can be done using the same wire cutters, or you can use an ordinary knife. Here everyone does the work in the way that seems most convenient to them. The stripped wires must be twisted to form a single wire. Next, each end should be tinned. To do this you will have to use a soldering iron, solder and flux. The device must be preheated. To do this, the soldering iron is plugged into a standard 220 Volt outlet. To fully heat it up, you should wait about 10 minutes, although in this situation everything directly depends on its power. The higher it is, the less time you will have to wait. When the soldering iron has warmed up, it should first be dipped into the flux, which will create the necessary atmosphere for melting the solder. You can use the standard tin-lead version for such work, since you will have to solder ordinary copper. Rosin can be used as a flux, or acid can also be used. It all depends on what a person has in his home.

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Continue the workflow

Next comes the actual tinning; everything needs to be done extremely carefully. Molten metal is applied in a thin layer to the conductors. Moreover, all four wires that are to be connected are subjected to this procedure. Now you can safely connect all the conductors to each other. To do this, they are pressed against each other, and then warmed up using the same soldering iron.

To make a connection, sometimes it is enough to hold the heated device on the wires for a few seconds. Now you need to check the strength of the connection. To do this, pull the soldered wires. If the soldering is good, then they will be tightly connected to each other. At this point the process can be considered complete.

Of course, you should not immediately insert the connector into the USB, because there is a high probability that a short circuit will occur. The conductors must be insulated. For these purposes, in most cases, ordinary electrical tape is suitable. It is best to wind it not in one, but in several layers at once. This will increase the protection level of the device.

Now all that remains is to place the finished fan on the table, then insert the cord into the corresponding connector on the system unit. Surely he will start blowing. In this case, of course, it will not have any adjustment of the rotation speed. For this purpose, additional devices must be included in the chain. For example, you can install a voltage regulator. This device will allow you to reduce the rotation speed of the cooler by changing the resistance.

The regulator is installed in the circuit.

It often looks like a regular mechanical regulator. Of course, you can do without this option.