Nazi flag in Minecraft. Flag in Minecraft: painting and patterns

The flag in Minecraft is presented more as an entourage element of the game; its installation requires both vertical and horizontal installation positions. Beginners may not even be aware of its existence, much less its crafting and correct installation in the game Minecraft 1.9. First of all, flags have their direct purpose and can not only fly proudly over your home, but also be a unique symbol of your clan. Moreover, if you apply some creativity during crafting, then by applying a variety of patterns, the flag can take on the symbols of any state.

If this information has become a discovery for you, then in this article we will try to fully address the question of how craft a flag in minecraft 1.9.

What resources are needed for the flag?

Before you create a flag you will need a stick and 6 blocks of wool. If a stick is a fairly common object, like wool itself, which can be easily obtained by shearing sheep and there are no difficulties with them, then with dyeing wool it is not so simple. To dye the mined wool in various color shades, you need to resort to natural dyes. Flowers and plants are best suited for this operation. Thanks to the diversity flora, you can always choose any color you like by experimenting and combining their combinations. For example, if you want to make an orange fabric for your flag, then you need to use tulips.

Flag crafting

After the preparations have been completed and there is a wooden stick and six painted in the desired color scheme blocks of sheep wool, you can safely start crafting. Open the game panel of the workbench and arrange the collected resources in the following sequence:

  • The top and middle rows will be occupied by blocks of dyed wool;
  • A stick must be placed in the middle cell of the bottom row.

This way we get a flag of a uniform color. As you probably already guessed, you can make a patterned flag using wool blocks of different colors or use any object whose image you would like to see on the canvas.

To use the decor of the flag canvas using other items, you need to open the workbench, place the finished flag there and the desired item in the cell in which you need to change the pattern. In order to correct a mistake or simply erase a failed attempt, all you need is a cauldron filled with water.

Everyone knows that Minecraft is a very interesting game, in which the user is practically not limited in capabilities. He can use large number blocks, resources, weapons and tools to diversify the process. And it really works. It would seem that the concept of the game is quite simple, but it is captivating and addictive for many hours, without getting boring, because you are constantly discovering something new and exciting. However, many people don’t even know that they can make Minecraft even more fun. To do this, they need to install just one plugin that will completely change their understanding of multi-user mode. This is WorldGuard, which you can, of course, install for single player, but it will not be as useful there as in multiplayer. Its most important advantage is the flags; in Minecraft they are of great importance.

Installing the plugin

If we consider all the modifications for the game, then WorldGuard is probably the most popular. It adds flags to Minecraft, giving you many more options when playing than you previously had. You will be able to write a variety of commands that will operate in your world. You can download the plugin from many resources, so installing it will not be a problem. Naturally, you can play without it, but you can take my word for it - with this modification, the gameplay becomes much more multifaceted. Therefore, you should definitely consider installing this plugin, because flags in Minecraft have recently formed an integral part of the gameplay in multiplayer battles.

Many users are surprised by the need for this plugin. After all, multi-colored flags can be placed in Minecraft without installing any add-ons. In fact, those flags that you are used to putting in the game as decorations or marks have nothing in common with those used in the above-mentioned plugin.

Here the flag is a special command that influences the world in a certain way, changes it in some aspect. Therefore, these two concepts should not be confused, because they pursue completely different goals and have different effects on the outside world. But then a completely logical question arises - how to put a flag in Minecraft? If this is an ordinary command, then what needs to be done for this?

Activating command flags

The commands that are added to the game with the installation of the plugin are called "region flags". In Minecraft they do not apply to the whole world, because that would be too much - then each player could become a kind of administrator, since he would have the opportunity to influence absolutely everything. These teams operate exclusively within the region specifically specified by the player, which, by the way, is also marked with its own flags.

To use these commands, you need to remember the basic combination to activate them. In the line you need to write /region flag, after which you need to indicate the name of the region in which the command will operate, then the flag itself and the variable that will be applied to it. At first glance, all this looks quite complicated and tricky, but if you spend a little time, figure it out and practice, you will quickly understand everything. And this will no longer be a problem for you - you will know how to set a flag in Minecraft, what they are, and what kind of variables need to be applied to them.

Variety of flags

The game has a huge number of different flags that are added when installing the plugin. You can do almost everything in your region - allow or prohibit PVP, disable damage, deactivate all mechanisms and actions electric current and so on.

All this can be done by studying the plugin manual - after all, there are several dozen commands in it, and each of them is unique, it changes some specific aspect of virtual reality.

Variables applied to flags

However, specifying one flag will not lead to anything, since it is only the basis of the command. It specifies a parameter that will need to be changed in some way. But the data that needs to be changed is specified precisely by variables. There are also plenty of them in the game, but not as many as the flags themselves.

The most commonly used variables are those that disable or enable a specific feature. But there are also more specific ones that allow you to manage your capabilities more flexibly. For example, in addition to enabling or disabling damage from mobs, you can set double damage or, conversely, half. All this is possible using these commands. You can use variables to set coordinates, specify lists of users, and so on. As you understand, with the help of such a variety of teams you can transform the game beyond recognition, at least within your region, and this is already quite enough.

Flag is a plate the size of two blocks. You can place such a flag either horizontally or vertically, but you need it to improve the interior of your home or to designate your clan. Also, by overlaying patterns, you can create full-fledged flags of almost any country.

In this article we will tell .

Collecting resources for the flag

To create a flag you will need six blocks of wool and one stick. It is very easy to get wool, just kill or shear a sheep, but redying it will be more difficult. To dye wool a different color, for example orange, you will need a dye that is made from different flowers or plants, in our case from a tulip.

Flag crafting

Once the six repainted wool blocks are ready, you can begin creating the flag. To do this, open the workbench panel and place resources in the following sequence:
  1. Place six blocks of wool in the top and middle rows;
  2. Place a stick in the middle of the bottom row.

As a result, the flag of a uniform color will be ready. To make patterns on the flag, you can use wool of other colors or, for example, a creeper head. To do this, open the workbench and place a flag in any cell, and objects to create a pattern in the place you need. In total, six layers of the pattern can be applied; a cauldron filled with water is used to crumple them.


Now you know how to craft a flag in minecraft 1.9. In a pinch, the flag can be used as fuel. By the way, the game developers made it so that the hanging flag sways in the wind and creates even greater beauty for your home.