Accounting account 42. Trade margin in retail trade accounting entries. Trade margin value

Account 42 “Trade margin” is widely used by organizations operating in the retail trade sector to display information about trade margins on products sold, which are recorded at the enterprise at sales prices.

Account 42 in accounting is collective information about the markups established by enterprises on assets sold to consumers when maintaining accounting records of available products at retail prices. Used by trading companies to control differences between the estimated sales value and the purchase price set by suppliers, i.e. information is summarized about the organization’s possible income from retail trade.

Attention! The basis of retail trade is the transfer of assets exclusively to the end consumer.

Account 42 in accounting is one of the components of monitoring a company’s activities in the retail trade sector. The main information is concentrated here:

  1. Amounts set by the company in excess of the purchase price of the goods to make a profit from the activities carried out.
  2. Discounts provided by suppliers to sellers - for possible product losses or reimbursement of transportation costs.

Attention! With each change in selling prices, information should be displayed on account 42.

Account 42 “Trade margin” is passive. The loan displays information about the amount of amounts established by the organization in excess of the purchase price for goods sold when capitalizing purchased assets from suppliers. When selling products or writing them off due to various situations (spoilage, defects, natural loss), the amount of the displayed trade margin is reversed from the credit account. 42 in correspondence with the relevant accounts (for example, 90 “Sales”).

The amount of the approved discount (mark-up) on the balance of products of enterprises operating in the retail trade that were not sold during the period under review can be calculated based on a percentage. The interest, in turn, is defined as the ratio of amounts in excess of the purchase price accrued on the balance of products at the beginning of the month (credit balance of account 42) plus credit turnover of the account. 42, to the total amount of goods sold in the period (accounted for at sales prices) and the final balance of products in the warehouse at the end of the month (Dt account 41).

Analytical monitoring

The main purpose of using the account. 42 - ensuring a separate display of the amounts of markups established by retail organizations for products sold.

Attention! Account 42 is used exclusively in organizations that record purchased goods on account 41 at sales prices.

Normative base

Using the account 42 to display information about the amounts accepted by companies in excess of the purchase price for goods sold in order to benefit from activities, is carried out in accordance with the current Chart of Accounts, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94, PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories » and other legally approved documents.

Basic accounting entries for using account 42

  1. Displaying the established markup by retail companies when posting products received from suppliers in selling prices
  2. Reversing records of approved markups

    Dt 44 Kr 42 - for goods used to cover the organization’s own needs.

    Dt 90.02 Kr 42 - for products sold

    Dt 94 Kr 42 - for assets disposed of due to shortages identified during the inventory, or damage.

Account 42 “Trade margin” is intended to summarize information about trade margins (discounts, markups) on goods in organizations engaged in retail trade, if they are recorded at sales prices.

Account 42 “Trade margin” also takes into account discounts provided by suppliers to organizations engaged in retail trade for possible losses of goods, as well as for reimbursement of additional transportation costs.

Account 42 “Trade margin” is credited when goods are accepted for accounting for the amount of trade margin (discounts, markups).

Amounts of trade margins (discounts, markups) on goods sold, released or written off due to natural loss, defects, damage, shortages, etc., are reversed to the credit of account 42 “Trade margin” in correspondence with the debit bills 90"Sales" and other relevant accounts. The amounts of discounts (mark-ups) relating to unsold goods are clarified on the basis of inventory records by determining the applicable discount (mark-up) on goods in accordance with the established sizes.

The amount of discount (mark-up) on the balance of unsold goods in organizations engaged in retail trade can be determined by a percentage calculated based on the ratio of the amount of discounts (mark-up) on the balance of goods at the beginning of the month and turnover on the credit of account 42 "Trade margin" (excluding reversed amounts) to the amount of goods sold during the month (at sales prices) and the balance of goods at the end of the month (at sales prices).

Analytical accounting for account 42 “Trade margin” should provide separate reflection of the amounts of discounts (mark-ups) and differences in prices related to goods in retail organizations and to goods shipped.

Account 42 "Trade margin"
corresponds with accounts

by debit on loan

41 Products
44 Selling expenses
90 Sales
94 Shortages and losses from damage to valuables

Application of the chart of accounts: account 42

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  • Retail

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    Reverse the amount of the trade margin reflected in account 42 “Trade margin”. This... invoice 42 “Trade margin” for the month); N in - trade margin on disposed goods (debit turnover on account 42 “Trade margin ... account 42 “Trade margin”); N in – trade margin on disposed goods (debit turnover on account 42 “Trade margin”); Nk - trade margin... on the balance of goods at the end of the reporting period (account balance 42 “Trade margin...

  • Taking into account the trade margin, naturally, account 41 “Goods” arose in correspondence with account 42 “Trade margin”. In addition... in relation to account 42 “Trade margin” it was said: “Account 42 “Trade margin” is intended to summarize information on trade margins (discounts... sub-accounts, namely: · 42.1 “Trade margin”; · 42.2 “VAT ". Correspondence of accounts Amount, rubles Contents... transactions Debit Credit 41 "Goods" 42.1 "Trade margin...

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    The structure of the trade margin in the organization Diana LLC under account 42 “Trade margin” the following sub-accounts are opened: 42.1 “Trade margin”; 42 ... balance and credit turnover on account 42 “Trade margin” (amount A). 2. The final sums up... maintains analytical accounting for account 42 “Trade margin” (42.1 “Trade margin” and 42.2 “VAT”), then a similar... “sub-account “Cost of sales” 42.1 “Trade margin” 2048 Trade margin is reversed , attributable to sold products...

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    The amount of the trade margin, then the accountant makes a reversing entry in the debit of account 41 ... in correspondence with the credit of account 42 “Trade margin”. EXAMPLE 2 ... 2 pcs.) - the realized trade margin was reversed; DEBIT 90 subaccount “VAT” ... . If the amount of the markdown exceeds the trade margin (that is, the sales value... the entire amount of the trade margin: DEBIT 41 CREDIT 42 - the trade margin on discounted items is reversed... - the markdown of goods in excess of the trade margin is reflected. If we approach the situation formally...

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    That is, reverse the amount of the trade margin reflected in account 42 “Trade margin”. According to the Instructions for the Plan... of the month and turnover on the credit of account 42 “Trade margin” (without taking into account reversed amounts) by... the period (balance of account 42 “Trade margin” at the beginning of the reporting period); TN p - trade margin on goods...; ТН в – trade margin on disposed goods (turnover in the debit of account 42 “Trade margin”); T – trade turnover... in the amount of 80,000 rubles; For account 42 “Trade margin” - 15,514 rubles; Behind...

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    Retail trade organizations reflect the trade margin on the credit of account 42 “Trade margin” in correspondence with the debit... of account 41 “Goods”. Proceeds from the sale..., that is, reverse the amount of the trade margin reflected in account 42 “Trade margin”. This difference, representing the gross... . All goods have a trade markup of 40%. Correspondence of invoices Amount, rubles Contents of the transaction...

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    Retail trade organizations reflect the trade margin on the credit of account 42 “Trade margin” in correspondence with the debit... of account 41 “Goods”. Proceeds from the sale..., that is, reverse the amount of the trade margin reflected in account 42 “Trade margin”. This difference, representing the gross... . All goods have a trade markup of 40%. Correspondence of invoices Amount, rubles Contents of the transaction...

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    Trade margin. And since it was possible to account for raw materials taking into account the trade margin, naturally, an account arose... 41 “Goods” in correspondence with account 42 “Trade margin”. Entry... or account 41 “Goods”, or at the selling price with the addition of a trade margin and..., respectively, with reflection on account 41 “Goods... adding a trade margin. Let’s assume that at Bogatyr LLC the trade margin is...

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    Then, in the credit of account 42 “Trade margin”, the amounts of trade discounts and markups on... prices are taken into account as accounting prices; the trade margin is a source of income. ... » 42 “Trade margin” - reversed The trade discount (margin) relating to sold products and goods is written off Trade margin, ... in practice there are several ways to determine the trade margin, however, the most common is... (account 41.2) Using the average percentage, you can determine what trade margin is...

Account 42 of accounting is a passive account “Trade margin”, which summarizes information about discounts/mark-ups on goods of retail enterprises, when reflecting the movement of goods at sales value. This account also reflects discounts from retail suppliers, expenses for possible losses of goods or reimbursement of additional transportation costs.

A trade margin is an added value to the purchase price of a product, used by an organization to cover the costs of selling the product, paying indirect taxes and, ultimately, making a profit.

Account 42 “Trade margin” is passive and is credited when goods are accepted for accounting in the amount of a discount (mark-up) or trade margin.

The main subaccounts 42 accounts are presented in the figure:

The purpose of analytical accounting for account 42 is to ensure separate accounting of the amounts of discounts (mark-ups) and price differences:

  • goods for retail trade;
  • goods shipped.

The amount of the discount (mark-up) on the balance of unsold goods can be determined by %, based on the ratio of the amount of the discount/mark-up on the balance of goods at the beginning of the month and the turnover on KT 42 accounts without taking into account reversed amounts to the amount of goods sold and their balance at the end of the month:

Postings to account 42 “Trade margin”

The main transactions for account 42 are shown in the table:

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Dt CT Wiring description A document base
41 42 Reflection of the amount of trade margin on goods received/reflection of write-off of trade margin (markdown of goods) Register of retail prices
44 42 The write-off of the amount of trade margin on goods used for own needs is reflected Accounting information
90.02 42 The amount of the trade margin has been reversed (realized trade margin) Register of retail prices, Accounting certificate
94 42 The write-off of the amount of trade margin on disposed goods as a result of shortage/damage is reflected. Inventory report, Inventory list, Accounting certificate

Examples of transactions and postings on account 42

Example 1. Accrual and write-off of trade margins

Let’s say the Procter store purchased 8 multicookers at a price of 2,360 rubles, incl. VAT – 360 rub. The markup on goods without VAT is 35%.

The accrual of trade margins in the Procter store is reflected in the following transactions:

Dt CT Transaction amount, rub. Wiring description A document base
41 60 16 000 Receipt of goods from the supplier Packing list
19 60 2 880 VAT accepted for accounting Packing list
68 VAT 19 2 880 Received tax deduction Invoice
60 51 18 880 Payment has been made to the supplier for the goods Bank statement/

Payment order

41 42 9 488 The trade margin on goods received is reflected Register of retail prices

Subsequently, the Procter LLC store sold all 8 multicookers at a price of 3,186 rubles, incl. VAT.

The sale of goods and the write-off of trade margins at Procter LLC are reflected in the following transactions:

Dt CT Transaction amount, rub. Wiring description A document base
50 90.01 25 488 Revenue from the sale of goods is reflected PKO (KO-1)
90.02 41 25 488 The book value of goods has been written off Implementation report
90.02 42 9 488 Realized trade margin reversed Register of retail prices, Accounting certificate-calculation
90.03 68 VAT 3 888 VAT accrued for payment to the budget Implementation report
90.09 99 5 600 Financial result from the sale of goods SALT

Example 2. Accounting for trade margins when writing off goods for own needs

Let's assume that LunaM LLC sells construction materials at retail. To renovate the store premises, we used our own building materials in the amount of 31,000 rubles. The trade margin is 30%.

Accounting for trade margins when writing off goods for the own needs of LunaM LLC is reflected in postings.

One of the types of entrepreneurial activity is wholesale and retail trade. In this case, the seller’s profit is considered trade margin, which represents the difference between the starting price and the final price.

Description and characteristics

To obtain the profit planned by entrepreneurs and founders, the seller creates the commodity value through the amount of markup accrued on the cost of production/purchase. The resulting difference should ensure full coverage of all costs:

  • value added tax;
  • indirect tax deductions;
  • sales costs;
  • payment for services of third parties;
  • staff salaries.

At the same time, through the markup, not only expenses are financed, but also profit. At the same time, the value of this parameter should not create serious obstacles to the company’s further competitiveness in the market in comparison with competitors’ products.

As for accounting activities, account 42 is used to summarize information about markups, as well as discounts on product items in companies that conduct retail sales of goods.

This line is credited upon acceptance of products for accounting for the amount of the trade margin. Values ​​for goods sold are subject to reversal according to Kt 42 in combination with Dt 90. Through analytical accounting in this area, it should be ensured separate reflection of discount amounts.

The procedure for forming trade margins

The selling price of a particular product item also includes a markup. It, in turn, is formed from several elements, including the planned profit of the presentation, VAT, if it is subject to mandatory payment.

Subsequently, the retail cost and trade markup are displayed within the register of retail values. Its write-off usually occurs during the sale of commodity items.

In order for the activities of trading companies to generate significant profits, they can formulate price levels independently. But at the same time, market conditions, consumer qualities, and product characteristics should be taken into account.

For the lion's share of product items, the maximum margin does not carry any restrictions. However, representatives of local authorities may well establish some limit.

In addition, there are certain goods that are regulated by the size of markups by the state (catering products, children's product items, medicines). In some situations, the product must be revaluation. To do this, you will have to start compiling an inventory list, which indicates data on the date of change in value, prices, and the difference between the prices of the goods.

Price regulation is a whole complex of levers, which have a direct and indirect impact on the price formation mechanism for goods sold within the country. This event acts as a necessity because it has a mutual connection with the problem of generating income.

Depends on the effectiveness of the implementation social stability within National economy . Prices, providing a stimulating function, influence the development of the production process.

The mechanism by which the state regulates the price level includes several elements:

  • defining targets;
  • studying indicators of demand for goods;
  • estimates based on average production costs;
  • analysis of the conduct of opposing parties;
  • selection of pricing methods;
  • final conclusions regarding government intervention.

State regulation of price levels for commodity items does not exclude freedom of choice for consumers in purchasing the desired set of goods and services. Moreover, all elements imply the achievement of certain goals:

  • ensuring balance between supply and demand;
  • covering the primary needs of the population;
  • financing and cost compensation;
  • maintaining a decent standard of living for citizens;
  • stimulation of integration processes and mutually beneficial division of labor;
  • strengthening the efficiency indicators of foreign economic relations.

Basic postings with examples

If we consider typical transactions and account entries, we can use Several variants. The amount of the trade margin that has been accrued is carried out on the loan. The debit is used to write off the markup associated with the sale of goods, reducing the amount.

  1. Dt 41 Kt 42. This operation characterizes the fact that the accrual of the trade margin has been reflected.
  2. Dt 90-2 Kt 42 implies the fact of writing off the markup amount for product items that were sold.
  3. Dt 91-2 Kt 41– the excess of the markdown amount over the markup amount has been written off.

Now you should pay attention to the real practical example and consider not only the transactions, but also the amounts of transactions.

The organization LLC "Pelican" bought from the company LLC "Panorama" a consignment of 100 washing machines total amount 1,000,000 rubles. VAT amounted to 180,000 rubles, and the trade margin was 35%. Determining the value of this parameter, as well as the cost of goods for sale, the accountant made the following calculation measures:

  1. The trade margin is a value that can be found using the following equation: (1,000,000 – 180,000) * 35% = 287,000 rubles. for the entire consignment.
  2. The selling price of a consignment of goods is (1,000,000 – 180,000 + 287,000) = 1,107,000 rubles.
  3. The retail cost of a commodity unit is 1,107,000 / 100 = 11,070 rubles.

Now you should pay attention to the fundamental entries compiled for the transactions in question. It turns out that when reflecting all transactions in accounting, the accountant made following entries:

  1. Dt 41 Kt 60. This posting reflects the fact that Pelican LLC received a shipment from Panorama LLC in the amount of 8,200,000 rubles.
  2. Dt 19 Kt 60. Here we are talking about a situation where the amount of value added tax on incoming product items was reflected; the amount is 180,000 rubles.
  3. Dt 60 Kt 51. The posting reflects the fact of transfer of funds as payment for the item.
  4. Dt 68 Kt 19. This indicates the fact that value added tax has been deducted.
  5. Dt 41 Kt 42. As part of this posting, the value of the trade margin is reflected.

These postings are directly involved in the framework business transactions and are the most accurate for reflection.

If product items are no longer in circulation, measures are taken to write off the trade margin. For example, in case of sale, damage, free transfer to third parties.

If implemented

The amount is reversed in correspondence with account 90 “Sales”, subaccount “Cost of sales”. The general wiring looks like Dt 90-2 Kt 42.

What to do in case of markdown of goods

In the course of trade-related activities, some product items may lose their consumer properties, as well as their presentation. In this case, it is possible to make a decision to mark down the goods.

The amount for which this occurs is written off by posting: Dt 41 Kt 42. If the value of the markdown is higher than the TN indicator, the posting appears Dt 91-2 Kt 41.

In the process of using goods for personal needs

If product items were used as own elements, it is necessary to write them off to account 44; as a result, the posting will take the form Dt 44 Kt 42.

If there is a disposal of goods due to damage, shortage

If the disposal of commodity items occurred for the specified reasons, their price is written off to account 94 at the realizable value. As a result, the wiring takes the form Dt 94 Kt 42.

Thus, count 42 plays a colossal role in the balance and reflects a large number of operations on trade margins.

Additional information on this account is provided in the instructions.

One of the types of entrepreneurship is trade in products and goods wholesale and retail. In this case, the seller’s profit is considered to be the trade margin, which is the difference between the initial cost of the product and the final selling price. In the article we will analyze the meaning and definition of trade margins, as well as accounting entries count 42.

Trade margin value

In order to obtain the planned profit, the seller, when selling goods, forms the cost using the amount of markup on the original cost. The resulting difference must cover all estimated costs, including the following:

  • VAT and other indirect taxes;
  • sales costs (third-party services, employee salaries);
  • other expenses.

At the same time, the markup ensures not only the covering of expenses, but also the profit of the seller. At the same time, the value of the trade margin should not impede the further competitiveness of the product on the market in comparison with other similar items.

Video lesson. Account 42 in accounting “Trade margin”: examples

Video lesson on accounting for account 42 “Trade margin”. The lesson is taught by the chief accountant, expert, site teacher Gandeva N.V. Typical situations, examples and wiring are considered ⇓

Determination of trade margin

To determine the final cost of goods in wholesale and retail trade, different algorithms are used.

When selling wholesale, the trade margin is the difference between the wholesale selling price and the purchase price.

To account for retail trade, it is allowed to accept goods not only at cost, but also at final selling prices. Such actions are permissible, since sometimes it is impossible to determine the natural value of a unit of goods. The exception is a unit of large products, for example, household appliances. But when selling smaller goods (office supplies, food), detailed accounting is impossible. In retail companies, it is preferable in such cases to account for goods at selling prices.

The selling price of a product consists of the cost price and an added margin. The latter value can be established by organizations independently, with some exceptions indicated below.

It is allowed to set a markup using the Register of Retail Prices, approved by the manager. For any type of product, information is provided about the supplier, the purchase price, the amount of markup in % terms, and the final market price. Each place of subsequent sale can have its own price.

The approved register may look like this:

Product Provider Cost price Markup 1 Retail price 1 Markup 2 Retail price 2
PenLLC "Prestige"45.00 rub.30% 58.50 rub.35% 60.75 rub.
PenLLC "Titan"RUB 54.0030% 70.20 rub.35% RUR 72.90
PencilLLC "Dream"25.00 rub.30% 32.50 rub.35% RUB 33.75

The markup can also be uniform for all types of goods or depend on their type. It is recommended that the chosen method of determining retail prices be fixed in the current accounting policy.

State regulation of pricing

Prices for certain products are controlled by the state. The government determines acceptable prices for individual goods that have special social significance. If a product is on the List of Price-Controlled Products, then their total cost, including markup, must be formed in accordance with current laws and regulations at the federal and local levels.

If there is a steady increase in prices for goods of social importance, the Government has the right to temporarily limit their maximum limit. But this can be done if the price increase level exceeds 30% over a 30-day period. The maximum permissible value of the cost of such goods, established by the Government, can be maintained for up to 90 days.

Socially significant goods include the following: meat, milk, sunflower oil and butter, flour, eggs, sugar, salt, bread, cereals, potatoes, some types of fruits and vegetables. In addition to food products, the list of goods for which control over selling prices can be established includes children's goods, medicines, medical products, goods intended for sale in the Far North and areas equivalent to it.

If cases of overpricing are detected for goods regulated by states, the responsible persons and organizations will face fines. For management, fines of up to 50,000 rubles are provided, for legal entities― double the amount of revenue exceeded as a result of overstatement for the entire period of overstatement, but for a total duration of no more than a year.

Accounting for trade margins (account 42: postings)

In the accounting of trade enterprises, trade margins are accounted for separately. For these purposes, the “Trade margin” account is used. All kinds of discounts and product losses and other data can also be reflected here.

When determining the markup, the following entries can be used:

  1. Dt 41-2 - Kt 42 - the extra charge is reflected.
  2. Dt 90 - Kt 42 - margin amounts reversed as a result of damage or loss of goods.

For the balance of goods, the markup is determined as follows: a percentage consisting of the ratio at the beginning of the month of the amount of the markup on inventory balances and received for the month to the amount of goods sold and final balances. The amount for goods sold is determined based on sales prices.

In organizations that pay VAT, the formation and accounting of markups is different. For example, tax defaulters (organizations using the simplified tax system or exempt from VAT) create a markup on account 42 itself.

If a trading company is a payer of this indirect tax, then it must use 2 subaccounts:

  • 42-1 - accrued markup on the price from the supplier;
  • 42-2 - VAT on the sales price, which is part of the markup.

When selling goods at retail, the tax amount is included in the final price.

Example. A trading company, which is a VAT payer, purchased goods for further sale at a price of 354 rubles per unit, including 18% VAT. Quantity of goods: 80 pieces. The trade margin is 20%. In accounting, the company uses subaccounts 42-1 and 42-2.

The following transactions will be reflected in the accounting:

Dt 41-2 - Kt 60 - 300*80=24,000 rub. - goods received from the supplier.

Dt 19 - Kt 60 - 54*80*=4320 rub. ― reflected input VAT from the supplier.

Dt 68 ― Kt 19 ― 4320 rub. ― the tax amount is accepted for deduction.

Dt 41-2 - Kt 42-1 - 4800 rub. ― trade margin on the price of goods without tax.

Dt 41-2 ― Kt 42-2 ― 864 rub. ― VAT is taken into account as part of the trade margin.

The total amount of the markup is 4800 rubles. + 864 rub. = 5664 rubles for the total batch of goods received. At the same time, the selling price of 1 unit of goods is 424.80 rubles.

In some circumstances, the trading margin may be reduced. This happens due to a sale and the need for a markdown. The operation to reduce the markup is reversed by the following posting:

Dt 41 - Kt 42 - reversal according to the amount of the markup.

Dt 91-2 - Kt 41 - excess of the reduction amount over the markup.