White magician - who is it? Who are witches and warlocks really?

There are still witches. In 1954, Englishman Gerald Gardner introduced a new religion, Wicca, to the public. Essentially, Wiccans are a modernized cult of witches: they worship a horned god and a triune goddess.

Contrary to popular belief, witchcraft has little to do with Satanism. The roots of witches and sorcerers go far into the past and affect pagan beliefs, where the concept of Satan did not exist in principle.

Not all witches are evil. The Middle Ages divided the sorcerers practicing white and black magic. However, the Inquisition happily burned both of them at the stake.

The people of the Indian state of Assam are still known as true practitioners of black magic. It is believed that selected masters are able to transform people into animals.

In the Middle Ages, many innocent women died at European fires. Anyone could be accused of being a witch - out of envy, deceit or unsatisfied lust. This practice put the population of European countries in an unpleasant situation: there was simply no one to give birth to children.

But even more women died in torture chambers. Girls of all classes were persecuted. Being a midwife meant endangering not only your life, but also the lives of your loved ones.

There was even a special guide for identifying black magic. The opus Malleus Maleficarum, the witches' hammer, taught witch hunters the intricacies of the profession: where to shave a woman's hair to see the sign of Satan, how to avoid spells and even ward off the devil himself.

Not only Europe had its witches. India has produced its own black magic practitioners called Daayani, which means a woman with supernatural powers. Throughout the 15th century, the Daayani cult flourished in many Indian states.

There are many amazing things in our world. Not all of them are beautiful, interesting and safe. For example, do you know what sorcerers do? Everyone uses this word to the best of their understanding of the process of magic. And information, as a rule, is drawn from entertaining literature and science fiction films. Let's look at everything related to sorcerers. What is their essence, what do they do, does this word have other meanings, which is also interesting.

Sorcerers - who are they?

Let's start analyzing our concept with dictionaries, as researchers usually do. Interpreters give rather lengthy explanations that boil down to one thing: they mean black magicians. That is, sorcerers are individuals who have magical talent. They have supernatural abilities not recognized by science. What we mean here are not outstanding talents at all. For example, some people know how to operate with multi-digit numbers, instantly multiplying and dividing them in their minds. But this does not apply to the field of sorcery. Witchcraft has a different, unearthly nature, as interpreters explain. This is the ability to communicate with other worlds, including the afterlife. In addition, black sorcerers know how to use the inhabitants of other spaces for their own purposes. But they do things that are displeasing to the Lord, they harm ordinary people, cause damage, impose curses.

Description of sorcerers in Slavic mythology

As children, we are read fairy tales in which Baba Yaga appears. This folk art character is directly related to witchcraft. Granny, who lives far from the people, according to fairy tales, knows how to extract information from space and owns magical things. Its main feature is terrible anger towards the entire world, that is, the common people.

It is believed that almost every village had its own sorcerer or witch. You can acquire such a dubious talent by your own will or by force. Sometimes sorcerers are careless people who accidentally adopted special abilities. So, according to fairy tales and beliefs, a witch will not be allowed into the world of the dead if she does not give a magical gift to the one who remains on earth. Sometimes they select and train students. And it happens that you have to give superpowers to the first person you meet. To do this, you just need to touch a person. Magicians walk among people with their heads down, looking sideways. They are able to communicate with animals and even turn into them.

Where do sorcerers live?

The black sorcerer, if he is real, avoids people. Their laughter, love, joy, that is, energy, causes almost physical pain in this person. That's why sorcerers do harm and try to extinguish positive emotions. People are sure that witches are messengers of the devil. This is probably true.

Sorcerers find it unpleasant to communicate with ordinary citizens. They never start families, although they do have love affairs. Children are rarely born to them. They prefer to pass on their gift not by blood, but by vocation. Sorcerers, as they are described in legends, do not care about external attractiveness. These people have shaggy, unkempt hair, hair that has grown out of proportion, and uncut nails. They don't care what impression they have on others.

Sorcerers live between two worlds: the earthly and the otherworldly. Each has their own black patrons who carry out their wishes and orders.

Is it possible to get rid of dark talent?

They say that some people expel a black gift from their souls. According to beliefs, only individuals who acquired talent by chance can get rid of dark spells. By the way, in the old days, fellow villagers were reluctant to communicate with sorcerers, turning to them only out of necessity, born of passions. For example, magicians were asked to punish the offender, bewitch a guy or girl, and save them from damage. They were especially afraid to approach the bed of a dying magician. It was believed that his dark soul would leave his body only after he gave the gift.

And possessing it is a real punishment. Everything earthly becomes gray and uninteresting, and fierce anger settles in the heart. Sincere repentance helps to get rid of it. However, there are practically no stories about successful cases of overcoming the burden of witchcraft. The evil force draws you in, giving you a feeling of omnipotence. Even a former sorcerer does not lose touch with dark patrons. He is capable of causing damage or placing the evil eye just like that, for the sake of pleasure.

Alternative view

There is another interpretation of witchcraft. Some researchers believe that at all times people have been born who strive to penetrate into the essence of things, unique philosophers. They studied in practice the world around us, carried out experiments. As a rule, they tried to lead a hermit life, since those around them did not understand and did not share their interests.

From this point of view, the essence of sorcerers is to try to gain more knowledge about the laws by which nature lives. Hence the supernatural abilities. They are the result of enormous and hard work on their own development. And all of the above scary stories- just speculation by ordinary citizens who do not understand what the hermit does.

Both legends agree that sometimes contemporaries turn to sorcerers for help and receive it. However, the assistance of a person who has advanced along the path of development does not always benefit the applicant. This theory describes how important a sorcerer is to all of humanity. People have always strived for more. Only the value orientations turned out to be different. Some were attracted by wealth, others by feats of arms, and sorcerers tried to acquire knowledge, thereby enriching civilization as a whole. In general, both theories describe a person who owns magic. The latter refers to skills and abilities that are inexplicable from the point of view of modern science.

Another meaning of the word "sorcerers"

For interest, we will describe another interpretation, culinary. Sorcerers are pies made from potato dough with a spicy meat filling, fried in oil or baked in the oven. This dish is considered to be Belarusian cuisine. They say the dish is incredibly tasty. That is why they are called “sorcerers”. Young ladies use it to “bewitch” a man through the stomach. Once he tastes the beauty's cooking, he will never go to another. Whether this is true or not needs to be checked in practice. And if the sorcerers don’t work out, you shouldn’t be upset either, know that you don’t have magical talents. But it is also for good, enjoy the bright colors of our wonderful world and protect your heart from evil. Good luck!

Few people know who sorcerers are. It is generally accepted that sorcerers are divided into two groups: people who declare themselves to be such, that is, people who write advertisements in newspapers like: “I remove damage,” or true healers who remain only in remote Siberian villages. In fact, the true state of affairs is completely different.

Who are sorcerers

We have quite a lot of nugget talents who did not learn spells from books and did not learn them from masters, but by blood, by birth, by gift, they belong to the great guild of sorcerers. But they either don’t know about it, or use their talent so ineptly that they cause considerable harm to others, and most often to themselves. Elementary ignorance of professional ethics, unfamiliarity with centuries-old rituals make their skill useless and even dangerous.

There is only one way out: you need to study. Read more books, get acquainted with centuries-old traditions and absorb the experience of generations. Only hereditary sorcerers, those whose ancestors practiced magic, do not need this. Moreover, they themselves may not know about it - the transfer of witchcraft talent can occur either through a generation, or after three, seven or even twelve generations and almost always has some subtleties: for example, the gift is received by a child born in a certain month or named by a certain name. ..

In general, the matter is confusing. But the fact is that such people have an instinctive knowledge of ritual, they will never make gross mistakes. Without sometimes knowing thoroughly HOW TO DO IT, they almost always know HOW NOT TO DO IT.

Who are sorcerers by birth?

Sorcerers by birth most often know each other within a particular city. They rarely form strong clans, but they treat each other with respect. From them it is possible to isolate blacks and whites.

It should be noted that this kind of division is very arbitrary these days. Human evil in the decaying human community has almost replaced the evil of the world, evil with a capital E, and it often happens that black magicians act for the common good, ridding society of undoubtedly harmful elements. In this sense, they (in function among people) are equated with whites, but we must remember that they still do their deeds with the help of black forces, thus going against the Lord and dooming their soul to posthumous torment.

In addition, it is difficult for a black magician to refrain from evil deeds. Having refused the patronage of the egregors of good, he is inevitably exposed to all sorts of temptations and attacks from the dark side. He is overcome by selfish considerations. For a considerable fee, to cast a spell on the ordered person, on his property, to cast a death love spell on a frivolous and moneyed lady - what could be simpler?

Seized by greed, spurred on by pride, they often do not notice the first alarms- health gradually deteriorates, dark thoughts creep into the head... Insight comes late, most often along with a fatal illness.

Who are sorcerers: a story about the death of a sorcerer

“My brother, he was a sorcerer. Many people went to him. He stopped the bleeding - he whispered something on a red rag and applied it to the wound, no matter what stream flowed, it would immediately close. Our village is remote, by the time you get to the doctor - a hundred Once you die, you use the cattle, the veterinarians will refuse, but he will take it and put it back on its feet.

He knew how to cast a spell. A neighbor at the time, Marusya Kovalikha, asked him to cast a spell on her son. Her son went to the city to study and did not write letters. So Kovalikha was afraid that she had fallen into bad company. My brother somehow diluted water with salt in a saucer, looked there - he said everything was fine with him, he would arrive soon with his bride, and the replenishment was already ready.

And sure enough: not a week has passed, son Marusin appears with a girl. The wedding was celebrated, and now the granddaughter is on the way. Much more brother good things to people did, but greed brought him down. They began to come, bringing big money. First, a little detail: it will help a girl get rid of her belly. He knew all sorts of herbs, both good and bad.

I ruined one family’s garden at someone else’s request, and they also gave me a lot of money. In that garden, the soil was burned to the seventh layer, and they have small children... Further - more. He cast spells with the dead. I was no longer a girl, I understood something. He turned over the crosses, removed all the icons from the house. I went to the cemetery at night. I don’t know what he was doing, and I didn’t look into it.

Why? I was afraid. He himself has become evil, no one asks him to do it, but he does everything his own way. One day a woman came, still young. Her husband left his family for another. She asked me to return it. So, instead of doing it as before - and he was often asked to do this, and the husbands always returned - he sent a dog's old age to that homewrecker.

In three months, the woman was bent into an arch, and only wrinkles remained on her face. Her husband, of course, turned his back on her. Came to the family. And she suffered and died. From that time on, a bad reputation began to spread about my brother, people shunned him. Then I left for the city and got married there. We lived a little, suddenly a telegram from my mother - come, my brother is dying.

We got ready and let's go. We enter the house - and in the middle of the hut he lies on the bare floor, moaning. Mom says everything was fine, but one morning he got up and said: I have cancer, mom, everything inside is rotten. I don’t need doctors, they won’t help me. And just like he lay down, he lies there, and you can see he’s moving away. And he kept asking me: tell them all to leave, sister, I want to talk to you alone.

As I understand it, he wanted to pass on his skill to me. But my mother and husband didn’t let me in. I was pregnant then. And I myself didn’t want such and such a curse. But he still can’t die. Sometimes you look and you stop breathing, your eyes roll back in your head... And he starts screaming again. Where does it hurt? - we ask. And he: my soul hurts.

Finally, one of the old people came and said: in the old days, if the sorcerer could not die, the roof was opened over him. Mom was even offended at first, and then she said: there’s nothing to do. My husband and the men climbed in, tore up the roof, and my mother and I were standing in the house next to my brother. That’s how I remember: he was lying on bare boards, and he was big, just a giant.

And snow falls on top of it. Snowflakes are flying slowly. He sighed, seemed to even smile, and for the last time quietly said: come closer, sister. But I didn't go. And so he died. We had to sell the house - there was no peace for my brother beyond the grave. Mom complained: it seems like someone walks around at night and moans like he did before his death. Maybe, of course, her nerves were just not right, she was still an old person. But for some reason I believe it."

The events described did not occur in ancient times, but in the 20th century. But over the centuries, the fate of people who undertook to serve the unclean was not much different. And now many young people find a kind of romance in this. Every now and then there are reports about black masses taking place, about devilish Sabbaths, even about human sacrifices!

What awaits them in the near future? God knows. Even excluding the highest retribution for sins - how they undermine their health and psyche! Trying to experimentally find a long-lost recipe for a magical ointment, they try on themselves the effects of various narcotic drugs in the most terrible mixtures. Their future is terrible, their present is bleak.

Who are the white and gray sorcerers

A different fate for white magicians and for a new category, generated, it seems, only by our century - gray magicians, that is, those people who not only turn to the forces of good in their skills, but have enough power and knowledge to subjugate the forces of evil. without taking their side or serving them.

Let us remember that white magicians tend to use exclusively egregors of good in their magic and therefore their circle of influence is quite narrow. Their main weapon is prayer, the main principle in the face of heavenly forces is humility.

Another thing is gray magicians. As already mentioned, this is a new variety that appeared not so long ago. The Babylonian mixture of different faiths, views on the higher powers that govern the world, provides a platform for gray magic. Undoubtedly, now it is the most promising direction. Gray magicians are not limited to reading prayers or using their psychic abilities. All means are good when it comes to the good of man.

Several years ago we had the opportunity to trace the origins of this group. For example, Alan Chumak, a psychic magician, while performing magical passes, depicted something similar to sign of the cross, explaining that this is his appeal to God.

The Volga region healer Mother Varvara, being a Christian, in her treatment methods uses an appeal to the egregors of evil, ordering them to move away from the person. Undoubtedly, such practice requires remarkable abilities from a person and, above all, peace of mind. There is a great danger of confusing light and darkness, good and evil, and who knows what the consequences of such confusion will be?

Concepts such as damage and the evil eye have changed little in our century and are unlikely to change later. As before, you can cast the evil eye not out of malice or envy, but simply by inadvertently expressing encouragement or admiration for something. Still, according to legend, one should be wary of the black eye, the slanting eye and the gypsy eye.

As for damage, the range of its action, unfortunately, has expanded significantly. If previously it mainly concerned health or personal and family life, then now damage to a person’s career and his work is becoming more and more common. This primarily affects people engaged in commerce and trade. There are many types of damage that turn away buyers. So people involved in this area of ​​business should take care of their safety in advance. In this book we provide amulets against such damage.

Who are sorcerers and witches

It should be noted that in our time, mortal damage that brings debilitating illnesses and early old age, eternal celibacy or infertility to a person comes across more and more often. What was previously done only for a mortal enemy is now sent to a scandalous neighbor, to a homewrecker rival.

A cruel age turns hearts to stone. But we must remember about mercy, that nothing passes without a trace. “It is not possible for us to predict how our word will respond...” The partition between the otherworldly world and the everyday has become too thin.

In light of the latter, one cannot help but say something about those naive magic amateurs, of whom there have been so many of them recently. Sixteen-year-old boys, who have read Carlos Castaneda, take sweet “walks” along the astral plane, a kind of politeness on the verge of life and death. And, of course, they die, go crazy, leave reality.

And what about the young witches who so naively and decisively take the side of Evil? They have not yet learned to separate good from evil, wheat from chaff. For the most part, this is in the nature of childish fun, but what happens if one of them turns out to be endowed with psychic abilities? How many broken lives will follow this - God knows.

It is to them that I would like to turn now: study, learn new things, read useful, wise books and do not forget about your immortal souls! In youth, a person often lives for today, without thinking about future health, about his unborn children. There are curses that fall on a family up to the seventh generation, and it is difficult to avoid them, but bringing them upon yourself is a piece of cake. As they say, a bad thing is simple.

In addition, very often teenage fun is not complete without drug use. It is impossible not to admit, hand on heart, that some types of magic, for example shamanism, could not do without the use of intoxicating drugs.

Who are sorcerers: the danger of magic

This is necessary in order to facilitate the transition to the other world and relieve “overloads”. But traditionally magicians were not supposed to use drugs, and even drinking alcohol was frowned upon. And sexual abstinence and even asceticism were even more so the foundation of the fate chosen by the magician.

Black magic, of course, included drug abuse (ointments for flying to the Sabbath, according to some recipes, included belladonna and datura, poppy and hemlock). Orgies of voluptuousness were also integral attributes of the black mass and the Sabbath.

But before you hand over your immortal darling to the evil of the world, think carefully about the following point - since ancient times, a strong magician and sorcerer was considered not the one who gave himself to the darkness (this is easy and, in principle, accessible to anyone), but the one who found in himself the ability and strength not to submit to darkness, but, on the contrary, to subordinate it to oneself, one’s desires, one’s will.

Evil tamed, evil in the service of man - here distinguishing feature magic today. But it is fraught with danger for the human race, and therefore practicing magicians must be especially careful.

And one more thing. In the Middle Ages, and even later, magic was a means of chamber and even, in some ways, illegal. Sorcerers and witches were subjected to all kinds of persecution. At first they burned me at the stake, then they stopped, but they also didn’t pat me on the head. Now witchcraft in our country has actually become legal and participates in public life along with other phenomena.

The time is not far off when it will begin to play a role in politics and other equally important life phenomena. And at the same time, all magicians, starting from a venerable, gray-haired old man to a young witch who has recently discovered her talent, must be aware of their responsibility before the human race, before God and conscience.

The material belongs to the Meridian website. Reprinting or copying of the article in any form is strictly prohibited.

Gossip, rumors, and speculation have become a source of certain knowledge since ancient times. In addition to everything, all the “acquired” knowledge was passed on from generation to generation and was distorted to such an extent that it’s scary to imagine. Naturally true concepts of who they are wizards and witches have lost their meaning, and in some cases simply become equivalent.

Who are witches?

Witch originates from the word “to know”, to have some knowledge. This is a woman who has knowledge of magic and practices witchcraft. Usually the witch is represented as a hunched old woman with gray hair, with crooked noses and a large mouth with pursed bluish lips. Remember the fairy tale about the sleeping princess, where the stepmother was a witch. She could take on an image like beautiful woman, and a terrible old woman. In fact, a young beauty can also be a witch; the gift is especially strong in girls with green eyes.

It is customary to highlight:

In captivity.

A natural witch is born if:

- girls are born seven times in a row, and not a single boy between them;

- or is a child of the third generation of illegitimate children;

- as well as simply being born to a witch mother.

The birth of a natural witch was influenced by a curse pronounced during the pregnancy of a woman carrying a daughter under her heart. Or in the case of the birth of a girl as a result of someone else’s death.

Many natural witches are not even aware of their purpose. This happens if a witch is not born directly from a witch, but as a result of a curse placed on the family.

The gift, in most cases, begins to manifest itself closer to adulthood. The gift will begin to work at full power under conditions of strong emotional agitation and physical violence. For a young witch to be initiated, she must be subjected to forced sexual intercourse. As a result of this, her powers will come out, and she will then be able to learn to control them. This can also happen by accident if the girl is not looked after by other witches. After all, a witch has bewitching beauty, and can easily attract a rapist, who will not only turn the girl into a witch, but also find himself in death. The witch's punishment will be cruel.

Scientists witches themselves choose the witchcraft path and therefore are more cruel. They become apprentices to a natural witch or sell their soul to the devil and feed on energy from evil spirits.

Sometimes you can gain supernatural abilities against your will or through deception. This can happen when a witch, dying in agony, is looking for someone to give her gift to. By taking her hand, you can take away her power. Therefore, be careful with those whom you suspect of witchcraft, so as not to inadvertently receive a cursed gift!

Are there any similarities between sorcerers and witches?

A sorcerer is a person with supernatural powers acquired at birth or by selling his soul to the devil.
Outwardly, the sorcerer looks like an adult or even an elderly man with frowning eyebrows. The smile on his face is almost impossible to see. To become a strong sorcerer, you need to study for more than one year with your mentor in case the person was not born a magician or with his father, a sorcerer.

Sorcerers, like witches, are divided into natural and learned, as well as forced ones. Sometimes sorcerers are divided into “black” and “white”. “Whites” are capable of helping people, but they cannot constantly do good deeds, since demons will force them to do evil. Most often, sorcerers practice black magic: they inflict damage and pestilence on livestock.

Wizards and witches usually settle on the outskirts of villages and towns. People know what they are doing and avoid the “unclean” house. But, unlike in ancient times, they try to honor the sorcerer or witch or simply avoid meeting them again.

In moments of despair, some turn to sorcerers for help. And since they act by inducing damage, you should beware of the reverse effect of the induced damage. The sorcerer can take the blow himself, or he can transfer it to you.

The sorcerer's assistants can cultivate a devil within himself who will carry out “unclean” orders. A little imp can be raised from chicken egg without yolk. The sorcerer wears it under his armpit for 40 days and only after that the devil hatches.

Like witches, sorcerers die a long and painful death if they cannot pass on their gift. They can even go to all sorts of tricks to transfer their abilities and leave the earthly world. If they still fail, then after death they rise strong wind, rain, thunderstorm. A witch's howl can be heard in the whistle of the wind. According to legends, it is demons who carry the soul of a witch or sorcerer to hell.

A certain evil entity or, in rare cases, the soul of a deceased person takes possession of witches or sorcerers. It gives a person paranormal abilities, the ability to perform actions beyond the control of an ordinary person. Sometimes magicians could choose their faithful servant in the kingdom of the dead. It is known that witches and warlocks are able to penetrate afterlife and in the corridor leading there, you can find small animals (in fact, these are not animals, but demons). These animals will serve their owners faithfully in gratitude for taking them from the other world.

Witchcraft power is practically invisible to the human eye. So damage is quite difficult to identify and many treat it with medication. While the rot of evil sent by the witcher devours them from the inside. If damage is not detected in time, the person will die. Therefore, sometimes it is worth thinking about such sudden illnesses and checking for the presence of a spell.

Difference between sorcerers and witches

It would seem that the concepts of a sorcerer and a witch are almost the same. The differences between them have blurred to such an extent that many believe that they are one and the same and the difference lies in the feminine or masculine gender. But knowledgeable people clearly know how they differ.
Firstly, both have the ability to transform into various animals. But witches most often choose black cats for their reincarnation. Sorcerers prefer to turn into a black raven.

Secondly, witches tend to control natural elements to a greater extent (causing thunderstorms, squally winds, hail, etc.), casting spells and hexes. Of course, a witch can perform certain ritual actions, but trained witches are prone to this, because they are not able to carry out magical actions intuitively, but act according to a learned plan.

Sorcerers have certain practices. Their actions are technical and most often based on witchcraft literature. The movie “Warlock” comes to mind, where the image of a sorcerer is presented.

Thirdly, there is a difference in the initiation procedure. Women and men who independently make the choice to become a witch or sorcerer sign a contract with the devil. The contract stipulates that the soul after death will belong to Satan, and in exchange for this, he undertakes to patronize the witch or sorcerer. The contract is signed in blood. But it is worth remembering that the initiation procedure for natural witches occurs through violence against an innocent witch girl. Sorcerers perform other ritual actions.
Of course, not everyone knows that ordinary people exist wizards and witches. And that's probably a good thing. As they say: “The less you know, the better you sleep!”

from the vastness of Tyrnet
In mid-February 2016, the spirit of the earth finally survived the extreme point and began to recover.

Nowadays, everything that is built on a ski must collapse, if it does not collapse with peace, it will collapse with violence. So everyone needs the truth, so that those who stand for the truth will know that they will be saved.

We don't love a good prince, we love a mutual, equal relationship...
The fact that Christianity or Islam forces us to be a king from God, you are a slave, creates disharmony among us. Teaches the wolf to become a dog, he will not become one.

If you look at the number of plant species, the number of species of organisms and insects. According to shamanism (magician) according to the Avesta, organisms and insects were born from the plant with its first fruit.

The question is - how and why? , - if you remove all organisms of people, animals insects, plants will exhale oxygen (oxygen) and from the fact that oxygen is a cold gas it will cover the vegetation and freeze itself and the vegetation will die - this is the conclusion - the plant was forced to create an organism and insects so that they process oxygen (oxygen), - therefore the plants feeds us like a mother and the oxygen that we breathe and the food that we eat can be produced by plants - that’s why, according to the belief of shamanism, trees (plants) are revered as a mother!

I would like to add that Ahuramazda or Avesta is a fake of the Persians, also Vedism or a sorcerer. Vedism is also a fake to divide the people of Tartari.

There are plants that, when crossed with other plants, produce a fruit, but do not give the duration of the genus, this means evolution and also the origin of man from one “Adam” is a lie. Also, a dog crossed with wolves, the first offspring are born into wolf-dogs, and after generations the genius of the wolf takes over and the offspring are born as wolves and go into the forest.

If observed, we want to live in an equal society. Volkhva is a wolf. Sometimes they mix the sorcerer with Vedism, Vedism is a fake, where are the Greeks where is Tartaria and in these religions are different universes).

Wolves are the only social animal and shamanic system, the only socially equal system.
He is a shaman, a comrade leader! We need to move in this direction, Vedism or Orthodoxy is a failure and the religion of the spirit is shamanism, and that it will come from Siberia. everything is predicted, or the Vatican must open an archive to show how they composed the Bible, or the people must take courage.

The fact that people like Kirill Gunday know the prophecy... they can delay the prophecy until the people are exhausted. And what Cyril Gundai said when entering: - we were barbarians, the Greco-Romans came from barbarians and made us humans and we will not return to the barbarians again, we don’t even know their language!, this suggests that Gundai knows the prophecy and takes care that it does not come true .

And this will end with all Christian peoples dying out on their own! So, whoever loves his people should never fold his hands! When the people know the lies of Christianity, all their prayers will turn into darkness and threaten them, so I suggest that in order to avoid danger, pray what is true.

Any religion has light because we treat it with bright thoughts, and when we need help, these bright thoughts help us, it’s simple magic.
Therefore, it is inappropriate to cling to the fact that Christianity has a fragment of a miracle and to help curl the sense of what is TRUE! Gorbachev raised religion, supposedly the people drink because there is no spiritual harmony. Nowadays there is religion, but there is absolutely no harmony, and people have begun to drink even more.

By the collapse of the USSR, the number of Russians was 150 million, and now there are almost 75 million left. All Christian peoples are dying out on their own, which means religion is to blame.

Because religion says: whoever believes, Jesus (Allah) will not revive him, so going against faith is considered an attempt on eternal life.

Christianity Islam Judaism (and Buddhism they think “I” means nothing, the richer you are born, it means the closer you are to God; - the same thing; - “king from God”) they believe; - “God will reward everyone according to his faith,” according to Therefore, infringements of religion are associated with infringements on life.

But in fact; - people are observed who have suffered clinical death to come back to life, or shamans (psychics) when communicating with spirits, everyone says; - a person is judged by his deeds, and not by his faith, this means that everyone will be rewarded according to his faith , but according to his affairs.

If we have such faith, we will all try to help each other, and peace and union and harmony will awaken!

Here is the stone of prophecy of the Indians (in fact, they are not Indians, but Tatars (Turkic Russian German Bulgarian Hungarian and beyond)) Another stone of prophecy, the Avesta rock, is located in Iran. Just as all the “hanging” books came after the Avesta, their forecasts were taken from the Avesta and forged to suit themselves.

The meaning of life is to live in harmony; - plant trees, raise children, learn, invent, create your own world. Help others to protect your spirit from sin.