Choosing a mattress: which one is better? Which mattress to choose so as not to make a mistake? Which mattress is better to buy for an adult?

Every day we spend about 8 hours sleeping. Not only morning mood and performance, but also health depend on how well the sleeping place is arranged. - this is only half the battle. You also need to choose a suitable mattress, because if you make a mistake, you will experience muscle and back pain, insomnia and even allergies. Making the right purchase is not as easy as it might seem. Externally, all mattresses are very similar, but they can differ significantly in the type of filler, the presence of springs and other parameters. Let's try to figure out how to choose a mattress for a bed to ensure healthy sleep and comfortable rest.

No. 1. Mattress size

The simplest thing is choice suitable size. It is enough to measure the inner perimeter of the bed by removing the old mattress:

The least problems arise when the bed and mattress are of the same brand, and even purchased at the same time.

No. 2. Mattress design: spring or springless

The key characteristic of any mattress is the presence or absence of a spring block. Looking ahead, we note that both options can be used for permanent rest.

Spring mattresses

Mattresses with a spring block are divided into two types:

Mattresses with dependent spring block have been produced for over 60 years. Their peculiarity is that all the springs are interconnected. Springs are made from cold drawn steel wire, they can be shaped like a cone or a cylinder. To the main ones benefits include low price and high strength. Disadvantages the design has more. Since all the springs are connected, pressure on some of them causes an instant “response” in others. This effect is especially noticeable in double mattresses, when the difference in the weight of the sleepers is more or less significant: one spouse will certainly roll towards the middle of the bed. A similar effect will be inevitable even for a single mattress. It turns out that the human spine will adapt to the bends of the mattress, and not vice versa.

In addition, Bonnell-type mattresses are pressed down in the middle part over time, and as a result, instead of a comfortable sleeping place is formed. If you want to choose an orthopedic mattress for healthy sleep, then a model with a dependent spring block is clearly not suitable. This is an option for rare use, for example, for a country house.

Independent spring block means that the individual springs are not only not connected to each other, but are also in their own fabric cover. Insulated springs perfectly adapt to the sleeping person, and the presence of a cover means there are no squeaks. When one of the sleepers gets up or turns over, the springs of the mattress under the other sleeper will remain motionless. No one will slide anywhere, nothing will sag over time.

This design allows you to provide excellent support to the spine and take its shape. The durability of such mattresses is excellent, as is the price. Orthopedic mattresses are mainly equipped with an independent spring block.

Depending on the number of springs There are the following types of mattresses:

The more springs and the smaller their diameter, the better the mattress will adapt to the sleeper’s body. If you need to choose a good orthopedic mattress, then it is better to take S-1000 or S-2000.

In addition to the traditional design of an independent spring block, there are also Dual Spring mattresses. One spring is contained within the other, providing optimal support for people of different weights – good option for a couple in which the weight of the partners is very different. Designed for overweight people mattresses with reinforced block: the springs in them are made of thicker wire and are located in checkerboard pattern. There are mattresses in which different zones ah used springs with different degrees of stiffness. Due to this, maximum ergonomics is achieved, because the pressure exerted by the head and pelvis is different.

Springless mattresses

Such products consist of one or more layers of natural or artificial materials, the rigidity of which can vary greatly. The simplest and cheap option– foam rubber mattress. At first it will be comfortable, but very soon it will begin to sag. Mattresses perform better where foam rubber mixed with additives other materials, for example, with coconut fabric or latex. Mattresses made of latex foam rubber have high elasticity and a long service life, but the most durable mattresses will be those made entirely of natural latex or coconut fiber. These are elastic, elastic and hypoallergenic products. Depending on combinations of certain materials the required level of rigidity is achieved.

A high-quality springless mattress will not be cheap, but in terms of performance it is almost no different from a product with an independent spring block. Since there are no springs in it, no one will roll down anywhere, and the problem of squeaking will be, in principle, impossible. This is an ideal option for. Let's also add ease of transportation, since the springless product can be twisted. True, such a mattress requires an orthopedic lattice made of flexible slats - most modern beds have such a base.

No. 3. Mattress fillers

No. 8. Mattress manufacturers

The name of the manufacturer is a guarantee of quality. Few people dare to risk their reputation in an era when information on the Internet spreads instantly. You can trust the products of the following brands:

When choosing a mattress, do not forget to test it personally, checking the quality of workmanship and firmness. If the product is uncomfortable, it will be clear almost immediately. And one more thing. A mattress is one of the few things on which it is better not to skimp, since too much depends on the quality of sleep.

Finding a good mattress is not so easy. Not only comfortable sleep, but also health depends on its quality. If you choose the right mattress, it will guarantee relief from pain in the muscles and spine, as well as an excellent treatment for insomnia.

Before you make a purchase, you need to decide which mattress is best to choose. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the dimensions of the sleeping place, but also many other factors.

Criteria for choosing a mattress for a bed

To choose the right mattress, you need to take into account parameters such as hardness, filler characteristics and dimensions.

When choosing a product, you should decide on the following criteria:

  • The degree of rigidity is selected to suit individual needs. Manufacturers offer mattresses with different hardness: standard, soft or reinforced.
  • It is important to measure the internal dimensions of the bed. It is better if the mattress is a little smaller, then it will easily form the basis. The length of the mattress should be at least 20 cm greater than your height.
  • Mattress fillers. There are spring and springless options.
  • Safety, hypoallergenic and hygienic have important for health. Some fillers can cause allergies, and certain synthetic materials release toxic components.
  • Weight is an important criterion. Overweight people should choose stiffer designs, while thin people should choose soft ones.

When deciding which mattress to choose, you should listen to the opinion of doctors. Elderly people are not recommended to sleep on too hard a base, as this can cause poor circulation and pain in the spine. If you have lower back pain, it is better to choose softer options, and if you have problems in the upper back, then you should opt for hard products. Children's mattresses must be durable, as children will definitely play and jump on the bed.

It is better to choose a mattress for a double bed of medium hardness with independent springs.

Natural materials durable and environmentally friendly, but can be dangerous for allergy sufferers. Therefore, in this case, it is worth choosing products made from synthetic materials.

Particular attention should be paid when choosing a mattress for a child. A good option is a mattress with separate springs. It is better not to purchase one with a dependent spring block; they do not have the necessary orthopedic properties, which affects the child’s spine.

Rules for choosing a mattress size

Before you go to the store, you should measure the dimensions of the bed. If you are buying a new mattress to replace an old one, then measurements can be taken using the old mattress.

If the dimensions differ slightly from the standard, then an error of up to 1 cm does not matter. But if the difference is greater, then the product must be purchased on an individual order.

The following recommendations will help you choose the right size:

  • It is better to purchase a bed and mattress from the same manufacturer.
  • The mattress can be ordered according to your individual sizes.

Types of bed mattresses

Before purchasing, you need to find out what types of bed mattresses there are. There are only two main types - spring and springless products. It is important to understand how they differ and what characteristics they have.

Types of mattresses with spring filling

Spring types of bed mattresses are equipped with metal spirals of varying degrees of elasticity. Products can be either with a dependent spring block or with an independent one.

Most often, such structures contain the following components:

  • mattress pad or cover;
  • rigid layer or volumetric flooring;
  • spring block of dependent or independent type.

To orthopedic mattresses had the necessary rigidity, and all kinds of fillers are used to cover the spring layer.

Here are the main types of fillers for spring products:

  • The latex version is characterized by hygiene. Latex is obtained from the sap of the rubber tree. Using special technology, the material acquires porous structure, which ensures elasticity, moisture resistance of the product, as well as excellent self-ventilation. Thanks to these qualities, the mattress perfectly follows the contours of the body.
  • Natural wool is used as a filler, which is not subject to additional processing. Woolen fabric is most often located on one side of the mattress.
  • Coconut coir is wear-resistant, hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. In orthopedic products it is used in the form of a latex plate or canvas. Last option considered softer.
  • Felt is an environmentally friendly filler. Made from felted wool and synthetic fiber. Gives wear resistance to the product.
  • Spunbond is a polypropylene synthetic fiber. Remarkably repels moisture and is characterized by high performance properties.

Mattresses with dependent spring block

Mattresses with a dependent bonnell spring block consist of springs connected to each other. The dependent block is a network of intertwined springs connected by a rigid frame. In this case, the product has the same rigidity throughout the entire canvas. On square meter There are about 100-150 large spirals in a similar fabric.

Design advantages:

  • Ease of manufacture.
  • Low cost.
  • Withstands significant loads.

This type of mattress cannot be called durable, since the springs quickly deform and creaking appears.

Bed mattresses with independent spring block

Under the upholstery material of a product with an independent spring block there is a large number of springs that are not connected to each other. Such mattresses can have different firmness, as well as several different firmness zones. For example, a hard area in the shoulder girdle and a softer area in the lumbar area.

The independent pulley design provides excellent spine support. For greater comfort, there should be at least 256 springs per square meter.

For good products, this number reaches 512. And elite models can contain up to 2000 miniature springs.

The advantages of products with an independent block include:

  • Health benefits, since such designs have the necessary orthopedic effect, which allows you to keep your spine in correct position and also relieves back fatigue.
  • Silence of models. Each spring is placed in a special bag, which protects the elements from friction.

There are also certain disadvantages:

  • High-quality products are very expensive.
  • It is better not to jump on such mattresses, as they are sensitive to such loads.

For a mattress to last a long time, it must be turned over up to 4 times a year. This approach will prevent product deformation.

Springless mattresses for beds

Mattresses without springs are characterized by simple device. Such designs consist of a layer of latex, a layer of coconut bark and a cover. Products differ in the type of filler. Higher quality ones include models made from natural materials.

Such mattresses can also be quite hard. To make the structure more luxurious, mixed fibers of different lengths are used.

Springless models do not have metal parts. They are made from a single monoblock or from several types of materials, which are laid in sections or layers.

Such designs have the following advantages:

  • Comfort.
  • Full body support over the entire surface.
  • Low allergenicity. Withstands weight up to 140 kg.
  • They are quiet, durable and do not accumulate static electricity.

It is also worth noting some disadvantages:

  • Low degree of elasticity.
  • High cost.
  • Deformations may occur depending on the shape of the body.

Springless mattresses can be made with the following fillings:

  • Latex products are characterized by remarkable elasticity and also perfectly follow the contours of the human body.
  • Polyurethane foam, artificial latex and foam rubber are used to produce rigid products that are well ventilated and can withstand increased loads.
  • Coconut structures are a suitable solution for back pain. They are often chosen for young children.
  • Coconut-latex models are characterized by optimal rigidity and elasticity. But they are not designed for heavy loads.

Coverings made of wear-resistant fabric are used as mattress covers. Above all, they must withstand everyday stress, weight and friction. Wool, linen and cotton are often used to make covers. Double-sided covers that can be used at any time of the year are also popular.

Structures with the bonnell system are suitable for temporary use. They can be used for guests or as an option for a summer residence. For problems with the spine, springless models or with an independent block are more suitable.

Rules for choosing mattress hardness

Choosing a mattress based on its firmness level is not so easy. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only your preferences, but also the characteristics of the body. There are different degrees of hardness: low, below medium, medium, above medium and high. This indicator depends on the quality and characteristics of the fillers. The softest paddings include foam rubber and cotton wool. But such options do not provide the necessary support for the spine. A soft base contributes to the curvature of the spine. Orthopedic structures are made from latex, polyurethane foam, struttofiber and other materials. The level of rigidity depends on the presence of additional components in the structure of the material.

For soft orthopedic products natural latex is used, which has a low level of rigidity.

According to the degree of hardness, mattresses come in the following types:

  • Soft models easily adapt to the curves of the body and also exert minimal pressure on the tissues without complicating the functioning of the circulatory system. This option is suitable for people over 50 years of age, as well as for light weight buyers. This bed is also recommended for pregnant women and people with back pain.
  • Moderately soft options are suitable for middle-aged people and normal build. They are made from latex with spring blocks and thin layers of coconut coir.
  • Mattresses with medium hardness fix the vertebrae well in the desired position and relax the muscles. Such options can be either spring or springless.
  • Rigid products are designed for high loads. These models are recommended for children and adolescents, as they help form the correct curve of the spine. Sleeping on such a bed is useful for people with poor posture, neck pain and intervertebral hernia. The structures are made from blocks of independent springs, and with layers of coconut coir.
  • Very rigid products are recommended for heavy weights and problems in the upper spine.

A mattress is a durable item that is purchased for many years. That's why it's so important to choose best option on stiffness, materials and elasticity.

To get a good night's rest, you need to go to bed on a comfortable bed. First of all, there should be a good mattress on it. Customer reviews indicate that this is not easy to do. The product does not belong to the category of frequently purchased products, so a mistake in selection can be costly.

What are the dangers of choosing the wrong mattress?

In addition to morning stiffness and insomnia, owners of an incorrectly selected mattress can expect chronic diseases such as arthritis, osteochondrosis, and asthma.

Sometimes people suffering from spinal diseases lie down without a mattress at all. But in this case, the body is bent in one direction for a long time. This is harmful and inconvenient. A universal mattress should first and foremost be comfortable.

Manufacturers call their products anatomical, or orthopedic, therapeutic. They indicate that they bend according to the curves of the human body. But the same product is not anatomical for people of different weights and heights. And it should be anatomical only for you.

Functions performed by the mattress

What are the requirements for this desired product?

  • The mattress should support your back strictly horizontally during sleep. The base is responsible for this function. It can be spring blocks or latex.
  • The comfort of sleep provided by the filling and covering.

What mattress to look for

This largely depends on the person's weight. If you are not overweight, soft and medium-soft mattresses are suitable for you. If you can be considered overweight, then hard or medium-hard is more suitable. If you are looking for a children's mattress, reviews advise buying a firmer model.

When shopping for a mattress, carefully measure your bed. The mattress should not be wider than it. The optimal width would be a couple of centimeters less.

Look for a mattress with jacquard upholstery. The cover must have a synthetic padding lining. You can buy a mattress with a cover with a zipper. But customer reviews say that they quickly lose their shape.

If you don't find a suitable one, you can order it.

Mattresses without springs

All mattresses without springs are divided into hard, medium-hard and medium-soft. They usually consist of several layers. The characteristics of each of them determine the quality of the entire product.

Non-spring mattresses can be made from solid latex, which is in vacuum packaging. Latex can be natural or artificial.

Reviews of mattresses indicate that latex mattresses are softer than polyurethane foam ones, although both types are quite comfortable and have the necessary elasticity. True, a product made from natural latex is much more expensive.

Natural sheets of coir - coconut fiber - are used. But they are quite rigid, so they are not suitable for people weighing over 100 kg.

Liquid and air can be used as filler.

You should not think that such products are worse than spring mattresses. Reviews from many customers indicate that they like this unusual filler much more. Some people don't like the way springs act.

Spring mattresses

In a mattress, the springs are usually connected in blocks. If they are interconnected and intertwined, such springs are called dependent. An example is the Bonnel mattress. It can withstand heavy loads, has low price. And yet, reviews of mattresses of this type say that these are the most uncomfortable models. That is why medical experts do not advise people with spinal problems to purchase them.

Disadvantages include the accumulation of dust inside the mattress, the appearance of rust on the springs, and sagging. Insects can live there and various microorganisms and even electromagnetic radiation can accumulate there.

In products with independent blocks, each spring is located in its own fabric compartment. Therefore, each of the springs bends under the influence of a specific part of the owner’s body, without dragging the neighboring ones along with it. They, in turn, also bend to a certain depth. Therefore, when resting, the vertebrae do not experience unusual static loads.

The standard number is 256 independent springs per 1 m2. The price of such a mattress is about 10 thousand rubles.

However, not all mattresses are the same. In expensive and quality models there may be several elastic zones intended for various parts bodies.

Expensive models, the price of which reaches 70 thousand rubles, have up to a thousand springs per square meter. Models with 500 springs. per m2 can be bought for 30 thousand rubles. This mattress allows you to rest and protects your spine from curvature. It is considered optimal for sleep.

The quality is also affected by what types of blocks spring mattresses have. Reviews say that the most comfortable and high-quality blocks are called “honeycomb”, “spring in a spring” and multi-zone. These are the ones that people weighing more than 100 kg need to pay attention to. They are also convenient for double beds.

Springs are usually not felt when using an innerspring mattress. This is due to the presence of layers that help regulate its rigidity and elasticity. Expensive models use Nasa technologies and the viscous and at the same time elastic material created with their help - “tempur”. It not only bends to the shape of the body, but also remembers it.

Assembling such a mattress and adjusting it is not an easy task, requiring certain skills and craftsmanship. Therefore, the price of such high-tech products is usually more than a thousand dollars.

Unfortunately, they are also susceptible to corrosion, collect dust and have the same disadvantages as previous models.


The filling can be such traditional natural materials as felt, wool, horsehair, and artificial ones (foam rubber, synthetic winterizer). More modern latex and coir are also used to fill mattresses. Which one to choose? Reviews say that the mattress will be soft if it is made of layers of latex 3 cm high. If there is a layer of coir on the block, then its surface will be quite hard. And if you have 3 cm of latex, one of coir, and then springs, you will get a mattress of medium hardness.

In order for air to move freely throughout the entire volume of the mattress, many models have ventilation holes.

When purchasing products made from such materials, you need to ask for certificates of conformity.

Mattress base

A high-quality base for a mattress consists of a frame to which wooden slats are attached - elastic planks about 1 cm thick. In cheaper models it is made of plywood.

The slatted base is springy, making it more comfortable to sleep on the bed than on a hard surface (like plywood). Air flows better underneath it.

Still thinking about which one to choose? Consumer reviews advise trying to lie on it in the sales area. Therefore, you need to go there in clothes that are comfortable for this.

But lying on one model is clearly not enough to decide which mattresses are better. Customer reviews say that you need to try at least three models. Only then will you be able to choose the best one or look for more.

The mattress should not be too soft, because your spine will sag while you sleep on it, and in the morning your back and head will hurt.

Maybe you need to choose very hard mattresses? Customer reviews say that they do not get enough sleep on them and do not rest during the night.

You need to determine how long you will have to toss and turn on the mattress in order to lie comfortably. Quality product It doesn't require too many movements.

You need to pay attention to how much mattresses cost. Customer reviews suggest that the cheapest one worth buying should not be less than 12 thousand rubles. Otherwise, you risk getting a thin product made from low-quality materials that will not be able to provide support to your spine.

A high-quality mattress will serve you for at least 10 years and will fully justify itself. A cheap one will soon become unusable, and you will need to spend money again.


Which mattress is better to choose? Consumer reviews advise paying attention to the following manufacturers:

  • Vegast is a Belarusian brand, one of the most popular. Produces mainly budget models. Many people like them. But there are reviews that the quality of the products does not match the price. The main complaints are that the mattress quickly loses its shape and all its characteristics.
  • "Ascona" - Russian manufacturer. Engaged in the production of orthopedic mattresses. Consumer reviews indicate that company representatives are often negligent in their work, and products are defective.
  • "Ormatek" - produces high-quality springless latex mattresses, cheaper than Askonov's. In addition to products of regular shape, it offers models for round beds.
  • Atmosphere is an English manufacturer of expensive but high-quality orthopedic mattresses.

Where to buy

Modern people are making more and more purchases through online stores, and they also buy mattresses. Customer reviews say that it is fast and convenient. No need to spend a lot of time traveling to the shops. Sitting at home, you can choose the model you like, and even save money.

The only, but very significant, drawback may be that you will not be able to test it before purchasing. And what to do after your mattress turns out to be uncomfortable?

Such purchases may be justified if you already have a mattress from such a company, but you decide to purchase another one or have tested it with relatives or friends.