Bedtime horror stories, scary bedtime stories for children. A scary fairy tale with a good ending: true stories A funny fairy tale with a scary ending

From Yesterday, 10:58

September 20.
The fine rain beats mournfully on the glass, bringing more and more despondency. The last echoes of warm September are over - now only slush and autumn depression have replaced it.
This kind of weather, in theory, should help make you sleepy, but not in my case. It's all due to... how should I write it more correctly... rustling under the bed. Perhaps to some it would seem stupid, an insignificant incident, or just a fantasy running wild. Don't rush to laugh! Although whoever I’m telling, only I can read the text, which is why I started taking notes on my laptop. I remember doing the same thing at school and college - formulating all my thoughts, events, incomprehensible cases... what if it helps now? It will help you not to go crazy...

The rustling started a few days ago. I myself am a fearless person by nature - I like to watch horror stories at night or read creepy horror stories before bed. And it’s quite normal to feel afterwards. No, of course, horror films get on your nerves and calm a little, I lied a little here. Going to the toilet in the middle of the night, lying down looking into the darkness, or with your eyes closed feeling goosebumps from fantasies about a terrible, hungry creature lurking behind the curtain - all this, albeit in small form, but gives a boost of adrenaline and fear. It makes you believe for an hour or two that the otherworldly is present nearby. That maybe there is something incomprehensible to our minds and not amenable to logic. And then the fear disappears and everything again becomes ordinary and boring.

Wed, 23/04/2014 - 15:54

Children whose childhood was in the USSR era and the early 90s loved to scare each other with these ridiculous and absolutely absurd horror stories. While in the pioneer camps, sitting around the fire late at night, everyone took turns telling stories that were supposedly true stories that made the children's hair stand on end! And re-reading them now it becomes simply funny! We invite you to return to your childhood and remember the most popular ridiculous horror stories of pioneer camps.

Abandoned house

There was an abandoned house near the village. Every night the light was on in this house. The village boys and girls decided to check why the light was on there. One night they got together: three boys and three girls. And then we went to this house. They saw a large empty room, and only a picture with a plan of their village hung on the wall. Suddenly the guys noticed that the door had disappeared and a voice was heard:

You will never leave this house again.

The guys were scared, but they entered next door. This room was smaller than the first. And suddenly water poured out of the walls, gradually flooding the room. But everyone knew how to swim, but someone from the water began to reach out and grab the children. Two children (a boy and a girl) drowned. The other guys got into the next room. In this room, the floor split, and two more (a boy and a girl) disappeared. There are two people left. They escaped and ended up in the third room. Knives came out of the walls, floor, and ceiling of this room. The girl injured her leg and could not go further. And the boy went on alone. He wanted to stay, but the girl told him to save himself and then try to save the others. The boy managed to get out of this house. The next morning he gathered people, but there were no rooms in this house, and there were no children. The house was burned down.


One day 4 girls were sitting in front of an abandoned house. Suddenly they saw a large scarecrow that was moving, but there was no wind. It ran towards them, the girls got scared and ran away.

The next day they walked past the scarecrow, it was not there. The girls got ready to go back. They turned and saw a huge scarecrow in front of them, it hit them with a scythe and they were dead.

Black Cat Spirit

Once upon a time there lived a girl with her parents. The girl's name was Alice. And for her birthday, her parents bought her a black cat.

The next day Alice went to a party. Came back late. She was very tired and went to bed without undressing. A cat was sleeping next to the bed. Alice did not notice the cat and crushed its head. In the morning, Alice saw the body of a cat.

The next night, the spirit of the cat killed Alice's parents, and then Alice herself.

Hands from a painting

Daughter and dad decided to give mom a painting for her birthday. They came to the store and asked:

Do you have any paintings?

No, we're finished.

We went to another store - it wasn’t there either. We went to the third and asked:

Are there any pictures?

No, we just finished.

They got upset and got ready to leave. But the cashier tells them:

Wait! I have another one in the back room. I left it for myself. Let's go and have a look, maybe you'll like it and take it for yourself.

They liked the picture. They took it and carried it, hanging it on the wall. At night, the mother, who was sleeping in the room where the painting hung, felt someone’s touch. She, frightened, screamed and turned on the light in the room. Seeing the hands sticking out of the painting, the mother called her husband, and together they cut off the hands from the painting. The next day they went to grandma and told her everything. She tells them:

Give the painting to the person who sold it to you and cross that person.

My father went to that store and saw that the cashier’s hands were bandaged. Her father threw a picture at her and crossed her. The cashier screamed and ran into the back room. That was the end of it.

Black piano

Once upon a time there lived a family: mother, father and girl. The girl really wanted to learn to play the piano, and her parents decided to buy it for her. They also had an old grandmother who told them not to buy a black piano under any circumstances. Mom and Dad went to the store, but they only sold black pianos, so they bought a black one.

The next day, when all the adults had gone to work, the girl decided to play the piano. As soon as she pressed the first key, a skeleton crawled out of the piano and demanded a bank of blood from her. The girl gave him blood, the skeleton drank it and climbed back into the piano. This went on for three days. On the fourth day the girl fell ill. The doctors could not help, because every day, when everyone went to work, the skeleton came out of the piano and drank the girl’s blood.

Then the grandmother advised me to break the black piano. Dad took an ax and began to chop and chopped up the skeleton along with the piano. After this, the girl immediately recovered.

Bloody numbers

One school had an old courtyard. One day a 4th “A” class came there for a walk. The teacher did not allow him to go far from him without explaining the reason. But two girls and two boys were able to escape deeper into the yard. Since the yard was huge, the teacher did not notice anything.

The guys slipped into the darkest corner of the yard and saw black door. The bloody numbers 485 and 656 were written on the door. The children tried to open the door and it gave way. They entered the terrible room and saw a terrible sight. There were bones and skulls everywhere in the room. Suddenly the door slammed. And the numbers 487 and 658 appeared on the door, from which blood flowed.

Drummer statue

About 20 years ago, when the Friendship camp was just built, two sculptures were placed at the central gate - a stone drummer and a bugler.

One day, lightning struck the bugler at night and destroyed it. The drummer began to miss her bugler friend. Since then, she has been walking around the Friendship camp looking for a similar boy, and if she finds one similar, she will turn him into stone and place him next to her, and will guard the entrance with him.

And if the wrong boy comes along, she will catch him and rip out his heart.

Disco at the cemetery

A disco was built on the site of the old cemetery. Dancing continued there all night long and music was heard. One young man met a girl there. They met every day, but she never allowed herself to be seen off.

But one day he began to sneak behind her to find out where she lived. He saw a girl getting into a black car, all the windows in it were curtained with black cloth. The young man followed the car on his motorcycle.

The car was driving at high speed towards the forest - to where there were still old graves. At this time, a black sheet flew out of the car and rushed towards young man, she covered his face, and he could not tear it off. He couldn't see the road, fell into a ditch and crashed.

A few days later they began to search for him and found several broken and smashed motorcycles in the forest, but no bodies were found. Then the disco in the cemetery was closed, and the place became cursed.

Old basement

In one house there was an old basement that no one was allowed to enter. One day a boy went there and saw that there, in the corner, a scary, overgrown woman was sitting in a cage.

Then they found out that during the war the Germans caught her and fed her only human meat. She got used to it and every night she found a new victim.

red spot

One family received new apartment. And there was a red spot on the wall. They didn't have time to cover it up. And then in the morning the girl sees that her mother has died. And the spot became even brighter.

The next day at night the girl sleeps and feels that she is very scared. And suddenly she sees a hand sticking out of the red spot and reaching towards her. The girl got scared, wrote a note and died.

Camp "Zarya"

Camp “Zarya” was very good, but strange things were happening there: children were disappearing there. The boy Vasya, since he was very curious, decided to ask the director what was happening, he came to his house and saw: he was sitting and gnawing bones, Vasya was scared and wanted to run away, but the director caught him and cut off Vasya’s tongue, and the next morning all the missing children returned, but they behaved strangely: they did not play with anyone and were silent.

One day Vasya managed to escape from the camp, he went to the police and wrote on a piece of paper about everything that happened in the camp. The police arrived at the camp, interrogated the director, but found out nothing and left. And then Vasya also disappeared: he went for a walk in the forest near the camp and saw an old destroyed building, went there and saw his missing comrades, but they were transparent and moaned all the time. Noticing Vasya, they pounced on him and killed him, and then the director came and devoured his legs, because ghosts have no use for them, they fly anyway...

Coffin on wheels

Once upon a time there lived a girl with her mother. One day she was left alone. And suddenly they broadcast on the radio:

Girl, girl, the Coffin on Wheels has left the cemetery and is looking for your street. Hide.

The girl was scared and didn’t know what to do. He rushes around the apartment, wants to call his mother on the phone. And they say on the phone:

Girl, girl, the Coffin on Wheels has found your street, it is looking for your house.

The girl is terribly scared, locks all the locks, but does not run away from the house. Trembling. The radio broadcasts again:

Girl, girl, the Coffin on Wheels has found your home. On his way to the apartment!

Then the police came and found nothing. One policeman shot at the red spot and it disappeared. And then the policeman came home and saw that a red spot had appeared on the wall above his bed. He sleeps at night and feels that someone wants to strangle him. He started shooting.

The neighbors came running. They see the policeman lying strangled and there is no stain.

Black coffin

One boy had an older sister who was a Komsomol member. And then one day he wakes up at night and sees: his sister gets up from the bed, stretches her arms forward and goes out the window with her eyes closed. The boy thinks: where is she going? and went out after him, and my sister walked through the trash heap, without turning, and then she entered the black forest. The boy is behind her. Then he looks - and in this black forest there is a black house. And in this black house there is a door, and behind it - black room, in which there is a black coffin with a white pillow. My sister lay down in it, lay there for about eight minutes, then got up and, as if nothing had happened, went out and returned home to sleep. And the boy also wanted to try how it lay in the coffin, so he stayed. He lay down in the coffin, but couldn’t get up. He lay like that for a day, and then - night came, and his older sister, a Komsomol member, came into the room: her eyes were closed, her arms were outstretched, and her registration card was in her teeth. The boy asks from the coffin: “Sister! Little sister! Take me away from here!” - but she didn’t hear anything, closed the coffin, nailed the lid with silver nails, then took it underground and buried a large shovel straight into the ground. Here. After all these things, my sister, of course, didn’t remember anything and married a black man, and the boy probably died.

Vanya and Masha considered themselves completely adults. It is completely unclear why dad was worried when they went outside on their own. And mom started repeating the same thing over and over again. Don’t talk to strangers, don’t take candy and toys from strangers, don’t get into cars, and everything in the same spirit.

This time the children went to the store. Mom ran out of milk, and pancakes were planned for breakfast. Dad, as always, began to tell the rules. Vanya thought: “Well, how long can you repeat the same thing? Parents are so boring sometimes.”

The children took the money and left the house.

“Phew,” Vanya sighed, “by the time mom and dad give you all the instructions, you’ll forget why you went to the store.”

- Oh, I’m not listening. “It’s still the same words every time,” Masha agreed.

The children saw that on the road a woman had dropped bags of groceries and was holding a small kitten in her hands.

- Poor cat, what should I do with you? – the woman wailed, “how can I bring you to me?” Look how many packages I have. Are you probably hungry? Of course, I would feed you at home.

Vanya and Masha stopped. They felt so sorry for the kitten. He was so small and meowed so much. He must be very hungry.

- Children, hold the kitten. I'll try to take all the food, and you give me the cat. I already have one cat at home, I hope they will become friends,” the woman gave the cat to Masha.

Vanya for a second remembered all his mother’s words. What you can't talk to strangers. But the woman was so beautiful and the kitten was so small that all thoughts disappeared. This is not some scary guy in a dark jacket and evil eyes.

Finally all the packages were collected. But it turned out that it was impossible to take the kitten along with the food.

- What should we do? Maybe you can help me bring it home? “There’s my entrance,” the aunt pointed to the neighboring house.

- Of course we will help! – Vanya headed towards the house.

“Vanya, mom said not to go anywhere with strangers,” Masha remembered.

- Well then, put the kitten on the ground. “I’ll come back for him later,” the woman looked upset, “unless, of course, he runs away and the dogs don’t eat him.”

“Okay, come on, we’ll help you,” Masha agreed. It’s a shame to leave such a little one alone on the street.

With the baby in their arms, the children reached the apartment. The woman opened the door. And then a terrible thing happened - not a kind and sweet aunt was nearby, but a terrible, evil old woman.

- Gotcha, darlings! – she pushed them into the house, closed the huge lock and roughly dragged the children into the room.

- My old man will rejoice! “We have new kids for dinner,” the witch laughed.

The kitten meowed pitifully and turned into a huge green toad. There were two more boys and one girl sitting in the room. Everyone was chained to large iron rings on the wall. It was dark and dirty. And very scary. The girl was crying. The boys were silent and quietly wiped away their tears.

The old woman chained Masha and Vanya. She stroked the toad and, grinning contentedly, left the room.

“Did you also believe that she would give you beautiful toys?” – asked one of the boys.

“We helped carry the kitten,” Vanya answered.

The children met. The boys - Misha and Sasha - came for toys, and the girl - Marina - for candy.

- How scary! “I told you not to go,” Masha was ready to burst into tears.

“Don’t cry, we’ll figure something out,” Vanya tried to reassure his sister. But the chains were strong, and the rings were firmly driven into the wall.

The toad watched the children carefully. She was nasty and huge. Suddenly she spoke:

- The owner will come soon. And then there will be a delicious dinner. And I'll enjoy it too. I love little girls.

The children were silent. Masha and Vanya thought that they shouldn’t have listened to mom and dad. And the toad was having fun:

- But dad told you - don’t talk to strangers, don’t go anywhere with strangers, don’t believe touching stories. Run away and scream if someone approaches you. How badly we deceived you. Quack!

Masha so wanted to turn back time and run away from her pleasant auntie. Vanya remembered how dad told him that even if someone says that they know their parents, don’t believe them and call them!

- Masha, do you remember daddy’s phone number? Let's call him, he will save us! – Vanya was delighted.

“The phones in our house don’t work,” the toad croaked.

Masha started screaming:

- Help! Fire! Save! We're on fire! - this is what mom and dad taught if someone attacked you at the entrance. They said that the neighbors would definitely look out at such a cry.

The old woman entered the room. She was very angry.

- You're disturbing me from sleeping! I'll punish you if you make noise. No one will hear you anyway. It’s late, my dear,” and rattling the big keys from the chains, she left again.

It began to get dark outside the window. The toad dozed off. Evening was approaching, and the old man was soon to return. The children were cold and hungry.

Suddenly there was a terrible noise outside the door. Everyone raised their heads. It seemed like someone was breaking down the door. Then there was thunder, lightning flashed, and the door slammed. The children heard loud screams. Something fell, someone knocked. Finally everything became quiet. The light came on in the room. The toad jumped out of the open window.

- Masha, Vanya! - Mom and Dad ran into the room, - We found you!

Mom was sobbing, dad was hugging the children tightly. The parents of Misha, Sasha and Marina were also here. Everyone cried with joy and hugged.

- Mommy, where are the old woman and the old man? - asked Masha when everyone calmed down a little.

“The police took them,” my mother answered.

- But how did you find us? - Vanya spoke guiltily.

“We realized that something happened when you were gone for a long time.” Dad and I went outside to look for you. We noticed that all the birds were restless. They were flying towards us. And all the time it was as if they were showing the way somewhere.

Marina’s mother told her story:

- And the cats brought us here. I was looking for Marina, and the cats around me meowed, rubbed against my legs and pulled me here.

Misha's mother said that they were brought to the witch's house by puppies. And Sasha’s parents saw ants that lined up in an arrow pointing to the house.

Everyone went home. Masha and Vanya remembered the lesson well. And they never broke the rules again. They understood perfectly well that not every child could be saved by birds, animals or ants. And it’s better to listen to mom and dad in such serious matters.

Boy Vova and candy

The boy Vova at school sat at the same desk with the girl Lena. One day the boy Vova stole candy from the girl Lena.

Since then, Vova began to have a terrible dream every night. As if Lena comes to him. Comes close to the bed. Makes scary eyes and shouts in a creepy voice: “Give me back my candy!!!...”.

The boy Vova began to carry the girl Lena’s briefcase to school and home. And still he had this terrible dream every night!

The boy Vova began to give his apples to the girl Lena. His parents gave him these apples for breakfast at school. And still he had this terrible dream every night!
When the boy Vova graduated from school, he married a girl, Lena. At home I cooked lunches for the girl Lena and washed the floors. And still he had this terrible dream every night!

And when they had children, the boy Vova strictly repeated to them every day: “Don’t take someone else’s property, don’t take it!!!...”

And still he had this terrible dream every night!

It’s as if Lena comes to him. Comes close to the bed. Makes scary eyes and shouts in a creepy voice: “Give me back my candy!!!...”.

Athlete boy Petya

Walking in an abandoned garden, the boy Petya saw old well. Petya became curious. He walked up to the well and looked into it. He leaned heavily over the edge of the well and fell.

The well was very deep. There was water up to my chest. The water was infested with leeches and other nasty things. The boy Petya felt terrible.

It’s good that there was a rope hanging into the well. The boy Petya climbed up this rope.

The next day, the boy Petya received an “A” in physical education for the first time. Because the boy Petya was the fastest to climb the rope.

Girl Katya and frogs

The girl Katya really did not like frogs. Because they were very unpleasant.

Katya was a very obedient girl. Went to bed at 9 pm. Suddenly, exactly at midnight, frogs began to appear under the blanket of the little girl Katya.

The girl Katya is tired of putting up with this. She decided not to go to bed. I climbed into the closet. I began to wait patiently for midnight.

When the clock struck midnight, the door to the bedroom began to open quietly. Through the crack of the closet door she saw her younger brother, the boy Misha.

The boy Misha tiptoed up to her bed. In his hands he held three nasty frogs.

The girl Katya tore off her brother Mishka by the ears.

Since then, frogs have not appeared in bed again.

Mark and the computer

The boy Mark loved to play computer games. Don’t feed Mark bread, just let him play computer games.

He especially liked the game “Alien Invasion.”

There, an earthling soldier had to run through the basements and look for aliens. To kill them.

The aliens were terribly ugly. They looked like octopuses and flew through the air. They could appear in an unexpected place from underground.

The game consisted of ten levels. The boy Mark really wanted to go through them all.

He didn't succeed for a long time. Every now and then he was eaten by aliens with their beaks. Everything had to start over.

When he finally reached the last level, something terrible happened.

A tired and wounded soldier emerged from the computer. The soldier gave him his machine gun and pushed the boy Mark into the computer.

Now the boy Mark himself runs around the basements and looks for aliens. He wants to get to the last level in order to get out of the computer.

But every now and then the aliens eat him with their beaks. Everything has to start all over again.

Ignat and the snake

When the boy Ignat was sleeping, a meter-long snake crawled into his intestines through his open mouth.

She had no intention of getting out of there.

In the tummy of the boy Ignat the snake was warm and satisfying. All the food that the boy Ignat swallowed was eaten by the snake itself.

There is a make-believe story about the snake. In fact it was like this
The boy Ignat never washed his hands before eating. I ate with dirty hands. One day, along with food, the boy Ignat swallowed a small egg.

The testicle was small. The testicle could only be seen under a microscope. This is the egg the boy Ignat brought to dirty hands from the street.

The boy Ignat did not notice how this testicle got into the intestines along with the food.

The tapeworm hatched from the egg. Tapeworm is a worm.

The tapeworm has grown up. Became a meter long. Ignat has no intention of getting out of the boy’s tummy.

Ignat’s tummy is warm and satisfying.

The boy Kolya was once walking in the yard. I saw a dog in the yard. The dog was small.

Therefore, Kolya was not afraid to throw a stick at her. The dog got angry, ran up to Kolya and bit him. Made a hole in my pant leg. She bit her leg until it bled.

Quietly Kolya came home. I didn't say anything to my mom. He was afraid that she would scold him. I went into my bedroom.

He hid the torn pants under the bed. He wrapped a handkerchief around his bitten leg. And I went to bed earlier than usual.

At night he suffered from blood poisoning. The leg was swollen and very painful.

I had to call my mother. Tell mom everything.

Now Kolya is in the hospital. Three times a day he is given very painful injections.

This is a joke.

The boy Kolya is not in the hospital. The dog didn’t bite Kolya. Kolya did not throw a stick at the dog.

Because there was no suitable stick in the yard.

His grandfather once told one boy that by the reflection in the glass you can learn a lot about the room you are in. The boy didn't understand. Grandfather began to explain:
- Well, you came to visit someone. Come to the window. Try to see the reflection of the room. It's difficult, especially during the day. If you don't see anything, then turn on the light. And - remember - the reflection of the room must be seen in the window. Not in the mirror. Not in the closet. Only in the window. Well, when you see the reflection, look for something strange. Maybe there is something that isn't actually in the room. Or vice versa: in reality it is, but in reflection it is not.
And this boy was a little stupid. So he asks his grandfather:
- There’s something I don’t understand. What is there? What's missing?
- Well, for example, there is no cat in the room. And in the reflection it is! Also black! This is a bad sign - it means that some kind of crime has recently been committed in this room. Or vice versa - there is a picture hanging on the wall, but it is not in the reflection. Or - it also happens - it’s not a painting hanging on the wall, but someone’s photograph.
- And what does this mean?
- If this is a photograph of a dead person, it means that this dead person wants to talk to you.
- What if in the reflection I see some living person, well... our teacher?
- It will be bad. The teacher secretly came for your soul. Every time you cry, she will collect your tears. When he takes a teaspoon of them, he splashes his tears into the fire. And then all your relatives will die. You will be left alone.
The boy became really scared. He said that he would never, ever look for the reflection of the room in the window. Grandfather laughed and said:
"Nothing... We'll wait and see."
The boy's eyes looked at the window of their own accord. It was dark behind him, but the room was light. Therefore, the reflection was very good. Everything in this reflection was as it should be: he (the boy), his grandfather, the walls, the door, the closet, the table, the bed, the trash on the floor and on the table, the computer, cell phone and other little things. Only something did not give the boy peace. He soon noticed that in the reflection on the table among the junk he could see a pack of cigarettes, so blue. The boy looked at the table - there were no cigarettes. I looked in the reflection - they were there. So I moved my eyes several times. Grandfather noticed this and began to laugh. Asked:
- Did you see what?
- Cigarettes.
- Here you go. That's how it is. This means that you will die from them.
- But I don’t smoke.
- Then you grow up, you smoke, and you’ll fall off from smoking...
The boy went to bed very bad mood. He decided that he would never look out the window again, and he would never smoke. The next day, a drunk stops a boy on the street and asks:
- Eh, boy! Is there smoking?
- No. I don't smoke and never will.
The drunk was very angry at these words. He threw an empty bottle at the boy. She hit the boy in the head and killed him.