Walkthrough of Dark Souls III - Firelink Shrine - Fire Temple. Items for exchange crow

So, your journey has begun and the next stop will be Firelink Shrine/ Fire Temple.

This location will become your home, and even though when you look at it, you will have associations with a grave, you will appear here often. On the right you can find a knight named Hawkwood the Deserter. Talk to him and your character will learn the gesture Collapse Emote. In the center you will light a fire near Fire Keeper, which will allow you to spend souls on character upgrades. You will receive these souls by killing enemies and bosses, or by using special items from your backpack. The distribution of statistics points will allow you to enhance the advantages of your character by adjusting his parameters to the build you choose. The Keeper of the Flame will tell you about the Lightning Lords and how they left their thrones, and you will have to find and fight them. It looks like one of the thrones is occupied.

Talk to the corpse of the man who sits on the throne to the right of the one in the center. His name is Ludleth of Courland, one of the immortal lords. For now he will be stingy with words, but later you will return to him and he will help you.

Below the main entrance you will find a corridor that leads to two more people. One of these people - Handmaid, from which you can buy various items. The second name is Andre the Blacksmith. At this blacksmith you can enhance your weapons and flasks with various special materials such as titanite shards and Estut Shard"ami. He can insert all kinds of stones into weapons. If your equipment, be it weapons or armor, is broken, he will repair it for a fee. Talk to him and after a few phrases he will teach you the gesture Hurrah Emote.

More in Firelink Shrine there is nothing to do for now, so if you want to go further, place Coiled Sword in the center of the room and you will create a bonfire that will allow you to teleport to The Figh Wall of Lothric. But if you can collect the various items that can be found in this location, read further this description.

Take the stairs on the left when you stand in front of the entrance. By left side from the passage you will see a path that leads to the clock tower, you can open the passage to it after you receive Tower Key. Buy it for 20,000 souls you can have Handmaid. To the left of the gate you can pick up Soul of a Deserted Corpse. When you start going down, examine the strangely shaped tree, you will find a curious message on it. Jump over the row of coffins and jump down, where you will find a corpse with Homeward Bone and you will see a path leading to the entrance to Firelink Shrine. To the right of the entrance you will see another body with Ember. To the left you can jump onto another path, which is guarded by Bone Hound. If you go left after entering, you will return to where you dropped off before. Two hollow ones are waiting for you there, and after climbing the stairs you will pick up East-West Shield.

Even further to the left, danger awaits you. There will be a lot of evil enemy with powerful weapons. Do not think that if he looks poor, he is not capable of annoying you. With his katana, he is capable of causing you to bleed, which, in addition to considerable damage, will take away your life for some time. Wait until he gets into a ready position - at this point he looks like he's about to draw his katana. Don't let him get too close, or he'll hit you with a swing of his blade. But after his reception he hesitates for some time. Take advantage of the moment and strike. Try to lure him to where there is more space. If you're lucky, you can lead him to the edge and throw him into the abyss. Kill him and you will get Master's Attire, Master's Gloves And Uchigatana- an excellent sword with good damage and speed parameters. The passage further will be blocked, so all you have to do is return to the fire and cross to High Wall of Lothric.


When you accumulate 20,000 souls, buy Tower Key, go up to the top floor and exit through the door on the right. Go up the steps that will lead you to the door. Unlock it with the key. Climb the spiral staircase to the very top. You will find yourself quite high, try not to fall. Enter the tower without falling into the hole in the floor. Enter the elevator and go to the very top, where you will find the remains of the ancient keeper of the flame. you will pick up Fire Keeper Soul. This item will be very useful to you late in the game.

Take the elevator down and look through the gap that was mentioned earlier. On one of the walls you will see a coffin - jump on it. On the opposite wall you will see another smaller coffin with a body on it. It won't be easy to climb and may take you several tries. You should try a running jump, aiming at the left side of one of the coffins - not the one on which the corpse lies. When you finally land, you'll pick up the Flamekeeper Set. It includes Fire Keeper Robe, Fire Keeper Gloves And Fire Keeper Skirt. Heal yourself and jump to the very bottom, where you will find a mountain of corpses. Among them you will find Estus Ring. Don't be afraid - you won't find yourself locked at the bottom of the well. On the side you will find a door that will lead you to the place where you fought with the guy armed with a katana.

The last thing left for you to do in this bell tower is to return to the wide passage that leads to the tower. Approach the place where the bridge began to crumble. Look at the pillar below and you will see a safe place to land. Look towards the lantern, you will find a ladder that you will need to throw down. You can also jump down on the other side of the bridge and you will find a small lizard there that you need to kill before it runs away. As a reward you will receive Twinkling Titanite- this resource is one of the main ones intended for strengthening weapons and armor.

On the roof you will find a nest. Approach it and you will hear a creature speak to you in strange phrases. You can put different objects in the nest and the birds will exchange them for others. Try putting it in the nest Firebomb or Homeward Bone and see what they bring you in return.

Finally, all you have to do is jump down to the lower level of the roof above the entrance to the source. There you will find another corpse clutching 2 Homeward Bones. Look around and you will find rafters along which you can go to the center and get to the corpse, after searching which you will receive Estus Shard. Look around. Have you noticed how these narrow beams end on all sides except one? Walk along one of them to the wall and hit it with your weapon - you will open a secret passage that leads to a secret area. Go to the end and you will find yourself behind the thrones, from where you can jump to the balcony where the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring. Now you've definitely collected everything here!

Exchange between Players occurs by throwing items on the ground during a network session. Be careful, because there is no direct transfer of items in the game; other players may give you the wrong item or will not fulfill their part of the deal.

There were cases when players were given hacked items, for which innocent players were banned from accessing servers. If you want an organized exchange, it is better to use the Write Exchange forum.

What can be exchanged?

The sheet is still in development!

    • Souls can be exchanged, except for boss souls
    • Armor can be transferred without restrictions
    • Rings can be transferred without any restriction on ring level.
    • Weapons and Shields can be transferred, but only if the player has a weapon of the same level or better than the one being transferred*.
    • Upgrade materials cannot be transferred
    • Covenant offerings cannot be transferred
    • Key items cannot be transferred
    • Spells cannot be transferred

*Even if you no longer have your best weapon, the game "remembers" the upgrade level you had. The level of special weapons from boss souls should be doubled compared to normal ones (+4 special = +8 normal)

Items that cannot be transferred can be thrown away, but the player will not see them

It is very difficult to join a "completely new" character on the High Wall of Lothric; it is best to use the second bonfire in the Undead Settlement.

A quick way to get +10 weapons

If you want to transfer equipment to a new character, with the help of a friend, you may want to transfer weapons or shields as well, but due to the upgrade level cap, you need to have a +10 weapon on the "new" character in order to receive another +10 weapon/shield (or +5 if it's a special/boss weapon).

This is the most quick way weapon upgrades up to +10:

  • Pick up 5 Titanite Shards from the High Wall of Lothric and 6 from the Undead Settlement
  • Help Siegward of Katarina with the fire demon in the Undead Settlement
  • Pick up another shard on the Path of Sacrifices, you will have enough for +3 weapons.

*Alternatively, you can reach Farron Citadel and pick up the Dreamer's Ashes near the Old Wolf. The maid at the Temple will sell Titanite Shards.

  • Take the elevator near the Old Wolf and kill the 2 crystal lizards near the dead wyvern to get 2 Large Titanite Shards.
  • Kill 2 giants in the Temple of the Depths to receive 2 more Large Shards. Kill the boss and open the main gate of the Temple. Go to the previous bonfire, find the well outside and talk to Siegward.
  • Return to the Firelink Shrine, buy the Tower Key and pick up the Fire Keeper's Soul at the top of the tower; on the way back, Patchwork will lock you inside. Use the Bone or jump down. Buy the Katarina Set and the Black Fire Bomb. Exchange the Black Fire Bomb from the chick for a Titanite Fragment. Return to the Temple of the Deep and give Siegward his armor.*
  • Kill the Void Guardians in Farron Citadel and head to the Catacombs. Take 3 Large Shards from the Catacombs and go to the Smoldering Lake, there you can find 6 large shards and a Crystal Lizard, from which you will receive 1 Shard. Upgrade your weapon to +6.
  • Kill Wolnir and head to Irithyll of the Cold Valley. Find Siegward in the kitchen and talk to him. Then head to the first bonfire of the Irithyll Dungeon.
  • In the dungeon, pick up the Cell Key in the place in front of 2 huge rats. Go to the Defiled Capital and free Siegward, he will give you a Titanite Piece.
  • Killing a giant in the Dungeon will give you a Titanite Fragment, and in the same place there is a Lizard that will give you another Fragment.
  • Return to High Wall Lothric, go to Emma and kill her to begin the battle with Cold Valley Dancer. Kill her.
  • Go up and then left, enter the Garden of the Consumed King. Jump off the elevator in the middle of the ride onto the small platform, pick up the Fragment from the broken stairs and jump down. Pick up the Shard next to the mutated Hollow and another one next to the slice.
  • Return to the fork in front of the Garden, but now go forward and right, to the fire.
  • You can either kill the knights near the bonfire until you get the required Debris, or move on. Between this bonfire and the next one there are 4 pieces, then under the bridge with the Wyverns there are 4 more. With these Pieces and the Piece, you can get +10 weapons and receive fully upgraded equipment from other characters.

*After patch 1.04, some players reported that Patchworker does not appear if you skip the encounter with the Temple of the Depths. Just in case, open the main gate of the Temple and talk to Siegward in the well. Return to the main gate, but do not go down the stairs, but go forward. You will see Patchwork as Siegward. Fall for his trap and move back to the fire. Then go to the Covenant of Rosaria's Fingers, you will find Patchwork not far from the grub near the lever. Talk to Patchwork and buy Armor and a Black Fire Bomb. Then the meeting with Patchwork in the Temple will proceed as expected.

A quick way to get +10 weapons if you have good friends

If you have a network of friends (Best of all, those who are on NI++ and beyond) who can help you, then it is safer and faster to go straight to the Dancer.

Now we have reached the Fire Temple - essentially this is our home, base or fortress, as you like. First of all, we activate the fire, this is where the twisted sword comes in handy. This is our main fire, we will pump it up during the game by burning a burning bone fragment. The more the fire is pumped, the more health the flask with Estus restores.

Near the bonfire you can meet the Fire Keeper ( Anastasia from Astora), you can talk to her before activating the bonfire. You can buy various things from her: torches, weapons, keys, armor, etc. It is important that in the temple you can meet characters similar to enemies, it is better not to touch them!

You can also find a blacksmith in this location Andre. It is logical to assume that we turn to him to repair iron and armor, pump up iron and armor, and we can also redistribute flasks with Estus.

What can you find in the Fire Temple?

This location is very small, but here you can find a lot of interesting things, for example:

A small digression - in the Fire Temple location there is a tower, in which and near which you can find a bunch of all kinds of loot. You can get into the Tower by purchasing a key from the keeper of the fire - 20,000 souls. Or, if so many are not available, then you can find Irina from Karim in the Undead Settlement. By killing her we will get the key to the Tower.

Loot in the tower:

  • Ring of Estus- increases the amount of health restored. You can find it at the very bottom of the tower.

  • Soul of the Firekeeper- by giving your soul to the guardian, we will be able to remove black marks with her help. You can find the soul of the fire keeper at the very top of the tower.

  • Keeper's Set- jump onto the ledge shown in the picture below.

  • crow's nest- located at the very top of the tower. There you can find an invisible character Snuggly. He can exchange items.

What can exchange Snuggly in the Crow's Nest:

  • Rainbow Stone - Shimmering Titanite
  • Sigbrow - Sun Armor
  • Lightning Urn - Iron Helm
  • Giant Tree Seed - Iron Leggings
  • Bone of Return - Iron Bracers
  • Fire Bomb - Large Titanite Shard
  • Black Fire Bomb - Titanite Fragment
  • Blacksmith's Hammer - Titanite Scale
  • Burning Bone Shard - Twisted Shield
  • Crossbow - Titanite Scale
  • Large Leather Shield - Shimmering Titanite
  • Prism Stone - Shimmering Titanite
  • Twisted Sword Fragment - Titanite Piece
  • Crown of Xanthous - Thunder Jewel
  • Moaning Shield - Illuminated Jewel
  • Ax Eleanor - Devastated Gem
  • Beautiful Skull - Hello Sign
  • Blessing in Hidden - Thank You Sign
  • Heavenly Blessing - Excellent Mark
  • Stone of Loss – Sign of “Sorry”
  • Any sacred bell is a “Help” sign
  • Bone Shackles - Lucatiel Mask
  • Lorreta's Bone - Ring of Sacrifice
  • Beggar's Staff - Sunlight Shield

Loot near the tower (passage to the tower is not required):

  • Silver Ring of the Greedy Serpent- increases the number of souls received by 10%. You can and should get it at the beginning of the game. To do this, we go to a secret location. We leave the temple through the waterfall to the tower. We don’t go into the tower, we turn around and see a tree and a roof. We run up, jump first onto the tree, then onto the roof. We run to the first passage to the right. Inside, straight through the passages. Let's hit an illusory wall. We hit it - the wall disappears, we go a little further, jump down and to the right of us there will be a chest with a snake ring. In the pictures below I tried to show where to run.

  • Estus Shard- before you reach the illusory wall (in the hunt for the ring of the greedy serpent), you can turn left at the intersection and get an estus fragment.

  • Crystal Lizard- by killing her we get shimmering titanite. These creatures are very quick, so catching them is not easy. One of the lizards can be found near the Fire Temple. We have already gone for the silver ring of the greedy serpent. If you climb onto the roof and run to the passage into the tower, but do not turn right but run straight, then through the narrow passage, you can meet a crystal lizard.

  • Uchigatana- powerful weapon on initial stage games. In addition to the damage, it causes bleeding. The weapon is good, but not without its shortcomings. Often you will have to repair it. You can get it by killing one half-dead undead, shown in the picture.

  • Imperial shield- Having received Uchigatana, we approach the tree nearby and take away the imperial shield.

An interesting point - after the death of your character, his souls will remain at the place of death, they will need to be picked up, otherwise there may not be an opportunity to return them.

Something like this, we went through the Fire Temple.)

Picklepum Raven- hidden trader in Dark Souls 3. His nest can be found next to Fire Temple. By leaving some items with him, you can get others in exchange. The problem is that the game doesn't give any clues as to what items he needs. In this guide we will show you where to find a crow's nest and required list items to trade with the raven in Dark Souls 3.

Location of Picklepum the Crow

His nest is on the roof of the Firelink Shrine. To get there, you need to buy the tower key from the Handmaiden for 20,000 souls. Climb the stairs to the right, then go outside. There is a tower in front of you, use the key to get there, go up. Walk to the middle of the bridge and jump onto the pillar below, then lower onto the roof.

There is an alternative, free way up; you can do this by climbing a tree next to the roof. With some skill, you can make the jump to get there.

The nest is located in the middle, on the round part of the roof. When you're done exchanging items, hit the stairs to create a shortcut.

Items for exchange to Raven

Items to exchange for Raven on the roof of the Fire Temple:

Throw away Get
Fire Bomb Large Titanite Shard
Black fire bomb Titanite fragment
Rainbow stone Shimmering Titanite
Loretta's bone Thunder Jewel / Ring of Sacrifice
Aveline Titanite Scale 3x
Tempered Sword Fragment Titanite piece
Urn of Lightning Iron helmet
Bone of Return Iron bracelets and Call
Giant Seed Iron blasphemies
Sigbrow Armor of the sun
Damaged vertebra Lucatiel Mask
Heavenly blessing "Very Good" sign
Blessing in Hidden "Thank you" sign
Beautiful skull Hello sign
Burning Bone Shard Shield Snout
Any cleric's bell "Help!" sign
Stone of Loss "Sorry" sign
Crown of Jeremiah Thunder Jewel
Medicine Staff Solar Shield
Blacksmith's Hammer Titanite piece
Large Leather Shield Shimmering Titanite
Moaning Shield Blessed Gem
Elinora Devastated Jewel

Additional information

  • A similar character, performs the same function as in the game Dark Souls 1-2.
  • You can exchange with Picklepum both on the roof and on the cross under the roof, where you can find .

First dialogue meeting

"You! You give me Pickle Pee! Pump-a-Rum!

This phrase is from a children's poem called "The Ceremonial Band" by James Reeves. In the poem, "Pickle Pee" is the sound of a pipe, and "Pump-a-Rum" is the sound of a drum.