Paladins Neverwinter. Review of the Righteous Paladin class in Neverwinter Online

A short excursion into module 6 of Neverwinter, installed on the Lurker test server, introduces paladins.

The class turned out to be quite interesting. There is no need to be afraid that paladins will supplant tanks and healers in the game. The mechanics of the class are completely different. He can heal himself and everyone nearby (that is, they are caught in a glowing circle that appears around the paladin by Shift), and also cast auras.

Paladins have very good melee damage. And a number of daily skills allow you to kill mobs in dungeons with the first hit.

The Paladin's main stat is stamina, with two additional stats being wisdom and charm. The mechanics of the game, as well as the story missions, have not changed up to level 60 in the updated Neverwinter.

Neverwinter won't surprise you with anything new until level 60

Every ten character levels, the character receives points for characteristics; at level 30, the path of the ideal is chosen. With each up, points for skills and abilities appear.

There are two development options, like other classes: Oath of Protection and Oath of Service. However, in both cases, paladins can cast all kinds of enhancing auras on others and, as already mentioned, heal those who are nearby.

It’s probably too early to talk about specific Paladin builds. At the leveling stage, in general, hero points up to level 30 can be distributed in the standard way. Let's say take strong build to increase maximum health and weapon ownership for crits. For damage, Furious Strikes are suitable.

Paladins are armed with huge shields and maces

It will allow you to increase the distance of auras Overwhelming presence, and speed up energy recovery for divine summoning (class skill is usually tied to Tab) - Passionate plea. Willpower, in addition, slightly increases crit, for this, however, do not forget to throw points into charm.

To get acquainted with the paths of the ideals, the Oath of Service option was selected. Then you can move along one of three ideal paths. Justice is the way paladins “stop their enemies from fighting.” Stronghold - protection of comrades. Light - healing and restoration of strength of comrades.

What’s interesting is that in all three paths there is no ideal of skills for increasing damage, with rare exceptions - this class is still not quite a damage dealer.

Oath of Service, Paladins protect, heal, and empower in Neverwinter

But skills are available to reduce the recovery periods of skills, increase resistance to damage, absorb damage, impose certain auras on those being healed, etc. However, I would still like to note that the paladins’ damage output is quite good.

By Shift, paladins activate healing mode. Everyone who is inside the circle is treated, including Companions

Impact of radiation A paladin hits enemies like a warrior, a valiant strike is a shield strike that deals damage to all enemies at once. A very interesting skill: Scorching Light deals little damage and at the same time blocks a strong blow from the enemy (that is, a blow that causes a red area to appear on the ground). The ability to Defeat Evil, in addition to damage upon impact, also sets the enemy on fire - he burns for 15 seconds. Daily skill Divine Justice deals damage to a group of enemies, and Heroism doubles the number of hit points for 5 seconds and provides immunity to damage.

Various paladin skills up to level 30 are shown in a short video.

Paladins can rush towards the enemy and quickly cover distances of several meters, are quite resistant to blows, deal damage to a group of enemies with a shield at once and, of course, use Shift for healing. Finally, a couple of thoughts about which companion to choose for paladins. Since they have healing skills in their arsenal, it is perhaps preferable to take an attacking companion, for example, a dog or a wizard. Such a companion will help you defeat your opponents faster.

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What happens if you cross a tank and a healer? The result will be an impenetrable killing machine that is capable of self-healing. Greetings to all fans of role-playing games, today we are discussing the Neverwinter paladin guide.

Of course, it is impossible to say that a Righteous Paladin can displace a Guardian Warrior and a Devoted Cleric, because they are good in their own areas, and if everything is more or less clear with them, then our case requires careful preparation and a correctly chosen development strategy.

Even when creating a character, be sure to pay attention to, because this is one of the first steps to creating a cool fighter. Having correctly assembled your hero on initial stage In the future you will experience a more comfortable game.

Healer or tank?

Even though the Paladin wears heavy armor, can hide behind a shield and use different healing auras, you still have to choose a priority direction.

We will choose it upon reaching level 30, when the ideal skill becomes available to us. There are only two paths of the ideal - these are the oaths of Service and Protection, they contain special skills that determine your abilities in battle, either you are a healer or a tank.

Oath of Service is a decent choice for healers, adds 100% to your loved one's healing and increases allies' stats by 5% if you heal their wounds.

Oath of Protection - speaks for itself, you get bonuses from damage resistance by 10% and some other goodies in the form of increased hatred and power.

In addition to bonuses, you will discover the ideal skills of your chosen path, which over time will make you a strong defender or an unparalleled healer.

Skill tree

But the ideal path is only part of the overall picture. The game also has a skill system, which also affects the hero and allows you to pump him up in one of three directions, thereby strengthening any aspect of him.

  1. Justice - sharpening for damage. It may be far from an ideal DD class, but it will still be useful for tanking paladins.
  2. The stronghold is team support. Every now and then you will apply buffs to your allies, increasing their performance.
  3. Light - healing allies. The effects of healing spells will be more effective if you have the skills of this branch.

It is worth noting that the distribution of points across branches does not tie you to a specific path, and you can choose the skills you need that are available at the time of leveling them up; of course, it would be a good idea to be guided by the style of play that suits you.

For example, if you are a healer, then download restorative skills and enhancing effects for the team; if you are a tank, then it may be worth focusing on increasing damage, crits and control.

Build for PvP

Build for PvE


The Righteous Paladin is an interesting and self-sufficient class; with the right build-up, you can easily visit labyrinths and dungeons alone, because you are your own tank and healer, and the damage for PvE is quite tolerable.

As for PvP, remember not only about yourself, but also about your allies, because your presence in the arena means that in addition to swinging your sword, you will also help the team.

Thank you for reading to the end, I hope you get the essence of the potential of Paladins and make an excellent warrior who will blow off the heads of your enemies.

Righteous Paladin- This class is a mixture of the Guardian Warrior and the Devoted Cleric. This is a tank-healer class. Taking powerful protection from the guardian warrior, and healing the lives of yourself and your allies from the Devout Cleric. Like all Paladins, he has weapons, heavy shining armor, a shield and a one-handed sword. The arsenal of spells includes combat magic, bringing down the wrath of God on opponents, and healing spells and auras. From my point of view, it will now be difficult for Guardian Warriors and Devoted Clerics in the Neverwinter game, because all their chips are in one class, namely the Righteous Paladin. And instead of looking for two classes in a party, a tank and a healer, you can take one class and share less treasures. Main parameterEndurance, A minor parametersWisdom and Strength.

Races suitable for the Righteous Paladin:
So far one race is known: Halfling. Why is that? I answer because the Righteous Paladin is new class and there is very little information. As soon as more appears you will be the first to know, Sorry for the inconvenience.

According to the developers, the Righteous Paladin will also have two ideal development paths. The first one will be called Pledge to Service, and the second way Oath to Defense.

We will take a closer look at the skills of the Righteous Paladin and the characteristics of the class; there is no such information yet, Sorry.

The picture is the same with the skills of the Righteous Paladin and the arrangement of builds for PvP and PvE. But don’t worry, you will be the first to know about all this as soon as more information becomes available.