Intolerant of others. Paronyms intolerable - intolerant. Intolerance in interethnic relations

Intolerant... Spelling dictionary-reference book

Fanatical, unacceptable, intolerable, impossible, unbearable, tough, fanatical, irreconcilable, intolerable, harsh, heavy, intolerable Dictionary of Russian synonyms. intolerable 1. see intolerable. 2. cm... Synonym dictionary

INTOLERANT, intolerant, intolerant; intolerant, intolerant, intolerant (book). 1. Inadmissible, one whose existence cannot be reconciled, which cannot be tolerated. Such behavior is intolerable. He is intolerant in society. 2. Lack of tolerance,… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Adj. 1. One that cannot be tolerated; unacceptable. 2. One that is characterized by intolerance [intolerance 2.]. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant, intolerant,... ... Forms of words

intolerant- to whom? [Uvadyev] was especially intolerant of management employees (Leonov). He had a domineering, jealous nature, and this made him intolerant of other people's success (Shchepkina Kupernik) ... Control Dictionary

intolerant- intolerant... Russian spelling dictionary

intolerant - … Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

intolerant- *impatient/my... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

intolerant- Syn: unbearable... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


  • Vereshchagin Vasily Vasilievich. Painting. Graphic arts , . An independent artist, intolerant of any kind of falsehood - in life and in art. According to I.E. Repin, “proud and not a hypocrite.” His canvases have gone through fire and water, explosions and military bombings...
  • Vereshchagin Vasily Vasilievich, Melnichuk O.. An independent artist, intolerant of all kinds of falsehood - in life and in art. According to I.E. Repin, “proud and not a hypocrite.” His canvases have gone through fire and water, explosions and military bombings...

/ O.V. Vishnyakova “Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language” / Paronyms starting with the letter N


Make up a nest of pairs with paronyms intolerable // intolerable, intolerable // intolerance.

INTOLERABLE.Exceeding patience, difficult to bear. Synonyms: unbearable, intolerable.

Intolerable:~th cold; ~th heat; ~ shine, roar, scream, noise, din, hunger; ~ pain, heaviness, melancholy; ~ grief, suffering, desire. ABOUT At first the pain in my legs was unbearable, but the fear was stronger than the pain. E. Shilgo. According to the crust. Wandering around aimlessly

streets, he experienced unbearable melancholy. K. Paustovsky. Late spring.

INTOLERANT. 1.One that cannot be tolerated, unacceptable. 2. Not taking into account other people's opinions, devoid of tolerance.

Intolerant:1) custom, ritual; ~ conditions; ~th position; ~ wardship; ~ treatment of someone, behavior; ~th action; ~habit; 2) character, disposition; ~th nature; ~th person, subject, debater.

ABOUTThe atmosphere in the house became intolerable, and Nikolai Afanasyevich left for Moscow, leaving temporarily family at the Polotnyany Factory. I. Obodovskaya, M. Dementyev. Around Pushkin. But he immediately reined himself in: “What kind of person am I?

intolerant". I. Grekov. Department.

Intolerable - difficult to bear.
Examples of use: unbearable stuffiness, pain, heat, thirst.

Impatient - 1) having difficulty enduring something, 2) expressing impatience.
Examples of use: impatient person, look; impatient movement, tapping, impatient posture.

Intolerant - one that is impossible to put up with.
Examples of use: intolerant attitude, intolerant act, intolerant behavior, intolerant behavior.

Accused - Accused

Accused - participle from ch. accuse, one who is found guilty.
Examples of use: accused of theft, accused of lying, accused of embezzlement Money, accused of a crime, innocently accused, accused of murder.

Accusatory - containing an accusation.
Examples of use: indictment, indictment, indictment, indictment.

To become weak - to become weak

Exhaust- exhaust, deprive, weaken, exhaust, bleed Dictionary of Russian synonyms. to weaken see to exhaust

Exhaust -Become powerless. The patient became weak.

Snippet - excerpt

Scrap - 1) a torn piece, 2) a part.
Examples of use: a piece of paper, a piece of newspaper, scraps of thread, fragments of phrases, fragments of conversation.

Paronym word

Excerpt - a small part of a work, a fragment.
Examples of use: an excerpt of a poem, an excerpt of a story, an excerpt of music, an excerpt of a play.

To embrace - to embrace

Grasp - embrace from different sides, hug.
Examples of use: clasp your head in your hands, sit with your hands clasped around your knees.

Cover - 1) to embrace, embrace, 2) to position themselves around, nearby, to encircle, 3) to spread over the entire surface, throughout the entire space, 4) to outflank the enemy, 5) to involve someone in some activity, 6) to take complete possession .
Examples of use: my grandmother engulfed (synonymously: clasped) my head with her hands, the forest engulfed the dacha on three sides, the steppe engulfed the village on all sides, the fire engulfed the entire building, I was seized with trembling, she was seized with fear, the election campaign covered the entire region, the population census covered the entire country , we surrounded the Germans from three sides.

Limitation - limitation

Limitation - boundaries, boundaries in any activity.
Examples of use: job restrictions, limited capabilities, limited rights, seasonal restrictions, age restrictions.

Limitation- 1) small opportunities, 2) a property of a person, group of people, society.
Examples of use: limited in money, limited in opportunities, limited in time, limited in mind, limited in possessive psychology, limited in authority; her, his, their limitations.

limit - limit - limit

Limit. Put in some borders, frames; embarrass smb. conditions. Restrict movement around the country.

Delimit . 1) Having drawn and established a boundary, separate one from the other. Bound with a ditch. 2) Having established differences between something, separate, isolate.

Delimit. Divide, define, set boundaries; demarcate. Delimit areas. Delimit lands.

2. transfer Having defined, isolated, separated from each other. Distinguish between concepts. Separate responsibilities.

Single – single – single

Single - consisting of one part, not double.
Examples of use: single door, frame; single thread.

Lonely - 1) existing separately from others, 2) having no family or relatives, 3) occurring alone.
Examples of use: lonely pine, lonely house, lonely person, lonely life, lonely old age, lonely walk, lonely meditation.

Single - 1) alone, 2) without the help of anyone.
Examples of use: single shot, leopards are characterized by a solitary lifestyle, solitary hunting.

Call - response

Hail - exclamation, shout.
Examples of use: a quiet call, an unexpected call, a sharp call, a call “Stop!” Who goes?"

Response - 1) a response to an appeal, 2) a state of mind that appears as a result of some influence, 3) a review, article, letter.
Examples of use: there was no response, a quiet response, no response came, I heard an inaudible response, evoke a response in the soul, awaken a response, responses in the newspaper, responses on the Internet, responses to the film.

Wary – dangerous

Cautious - fearful, fearful, cautious.
Examples of use: apprehensive thought, apprehensive reaction, apprehensive old lady.

Paronym word

Dangerous - representing a danger.
Examples of use: dangerous zone, dangerous criminal, dangerous state of affairs, dangerous situation.

Organic – organic

Organic - 1) adj. to noun organism; characterized by life processes, alive; formed as a result of the decomposition of animal and plant organisms.
Examples of use: organic world, organic nature, organic matter, organic life; organic residues.

2) adj. to noun limited; touching internal structure; relating to the foundations, the very essence of something.
Examples of use: organic heart damage; organic unity of theory and practice, organic aversion to lies.

Organic - conditioned by the very essence of something, organically inherent in someone or something.
Examples of use: an organic fusion of the best human qualities, strong and organic relationships, an organic process, a single organic ensemble, an organic actor, an organic performance on stage; truthful, reliable, organic transmission of the most subtle movements of the soul.

Selective – qualifying

Selected - 1) selected from others as the best, 2) obscene.
Examples of use: selected grain, selected cast, selected berries; selective swearing, selective swearing.

Paronym word

Qualifying - for selection purposes.
Examples of use: qualifying competitions, selection committee

Deviation - evasion

Deviation move to the side

Evasion- 1) deviation 2) abstaining from something, 3) change from the original direction.

deviate - evade

Deviate - move to the side.
Examples of use: The compass needle deviates for a split second and returns to correct position, the speedometer needle is deviating to the right, we are deviating from our goal, you are deviating from the topic.

Dodge - 1) deviate, move away, 2) refrain from doing something, 3) change the original direction.
Examples of use: avoid blows, shirk responsibilities, avoid conversation, deviate from the original course.

Distinguish (s) – distinguish (s)

Differ - 1) to recognize something among other things, 2) to reward, to highlight (obsolete).
Examples of use: he doesn’t know rye from wheat, he was distinguished by a promotion.

Distinguish - 1) to recognize by sight or other senses, 2) to distinguish.
Examples of use: it is difficult to distinguish in the dark, to distinguish her voice, to distinguish shades of color, to distinguish the manner of performance.

Difference - difference

Difference - 1) a sign that creates a difference, 2) merit (obsolete), 3) sign, title, diploma, etc. indicators of recognition of someone's merits.
Examples of use: understand the difference, grasp the difference, combat differences, graduate from the university with honors.

Difference - 1) difference, dissimilarity.
Examples of use: the difference between us, the difference between the lyrical hero and the author, the difference between a photograph and a painting.

Shake off - Shake off

Shake off - shake off (remove something by moving your hand or using something).
Examples of use: shake off crumbs, dust, shake off snow from your feet, shake off your feet with a broom, shake off a dusty magazine.

Shake off - 1) remove something with a characteristic movement, 2) get rid of something.
Examples of use: shake off the snow from your hat, shake off drops of water from your umbrella, shake off fear, shake off unpleasant memories.

Memorable – memorable

Retentive. Having a good memory, being able to remember easily, having a special tendency to remember. Memorable person, student, interlocutor, storyteller.

Memorable. 1. Preserved in memory, unforgettable. Memorable day

2. only full. f. Serving for references, records, for storing something in memory. Commemorative list

Endure - endure

Endure it - to survive, to endure something unpleasant, difficult.
Examples of use: endure difficulties, endure cold, thirst, heat.

Endure - 1) experience, endure something unpleasant, difficult, 2) undergo a change.
Examples of use: endure all difficulties and hardships, endure punishment; undergo change, undergo deformation, undergo transformation.