How to construct a straight line on the coordinate plane. Construction of lines and areas on the coordinate plane. Area between lines

Let us show how lines are transformed if the modulus sign is introduced into the equation for specifying the line.

Let us have the equation F(x;y)=0(*)

· The equation F(|x|;y)=0 specifies a line symmetrical relative to the ordinate. If this line, given by equation (*), has already been constructed, then we leave part of the line to the right of the ordinate axis, and then symmetrically complete it to the left.

· The equation F(x;|y|)=0 specifies a line symmetrical with respect to the abscissa axis. If this line, given by equation (*), has already been constructed, then we leave part of the line above the x-axis, and then symmetrically complete it from below.

· The equation F(|x|;|y|)=0 specifies a line symmetrical with respect to the coordinate axes. If the line given by the equation (*) has already been constructed, then we leave part of the line in the first quarter, and then complete it in a symmetrical manner.

Consider the following examples

Example 1.

Let us have a straight line given by the equation:

(1), where a>0, b>0.

Construct lines given by the equations:


First, we will build the original line, and then, using the recommendations, we will build the remaining lines.




Example 5

Draw on the coordinate plane the area defined by the inequality:


First we construct the boundary of the region, given by the equation:

| (5)

In the previous example, we got two parallel lines that divide the coordinate plane into two areas:

Area between lines

The area outside the lines.

To select our area, let’s take a control point, for example, (0;0) and substitute it into this inequality: 0≤1 (correct)®the area between the lines, including the border.

Please note that if the inequality is strict, then the boundary is not included in the region.

Let's save this circle and construct one that is symmetrical with respect to the ordinate axis. Let's save this circle and construct one that is symmetrical with respect to the abscissa axis. Let's save this circle and construct one that is symmetrical with respect to the abscissa axis. and ordinate axes. As a result, we get 4 circles. Note that the center of the circle is in the first quarter (3;3), and the radius is R=3.

  • Two mutually perpendicular coordinate lines intersecting at point O - the origin of reference, form rectangular coordinate system, also called the Cartesian coordinate system.
  • The plane on which the coordinate system is chosen is called coordinate plane. The coordinate lines are called coordinate axes. The horizontal axis is the abscissa axis (Ox), the vertical axis is the ordinate axis (Oy).
  • Coordinate axes divide the coordinate plane into four parts - quarters. The serial numbers of the quarters are usually counted counterclockwise.
  • Any point in the coordinate plane is specified by its coordinates - abscissa and ordinate. For example, A(3; 4). Read: point A with coordinates 3 and 4. Here 3 is the abscissa, 4 is the ordinate.

I. Construction of point A(3; 4).

Abscissa 3 shows that from the beginning of the countdown - points O need to be moved to the right 3 unit segment, and then put it up 4 unit segment and put a point.

This is the point A(3; 4).

Construction of point B(-2; 5).

From zero we move to the left 2 single segment and then up 5 single segments.

Let's put an end to it IN.

Usually a unit segment is taken 1 cell.

II. Construct points in the xOy coordinate plane:

A (-3; 1);B(-1;-2);

C(-2:4);D (2; 3);

F(6:4);K(4; 0)

III. Determine the coordinates of the constructed points: A, B, C, D, F, K.

A(-4; 3);B(-2; 0);

C(3; 4);D (6; 5);

F (0; -3);K (5; -2).

Sections: Mathematics

Class: 6

Lesson type: lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Methods: verbal, visual, paired, independent work, frontal survey, control and evaluation

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, cards for independent work

Target: consolidate the skills of finding the coordinates of marked points and constructing points according to given coordinates.

Lesson objectives:


  • generalization of students’ knowledge and skills on the topic “Coordinate plane”;
  • intermediate control of students' knowledge and skills.


  • development of students' computing skills;
  • development logical thinking;
  • development of mathematically literate speech and outlook of students;
  • development of independent work skills.


  • instilling discipline in organizing work in the classroom;
  • fostering accuracy when performing constructions.

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Checking homework.
  3. Updating basic knowledge.
  4. Diagnostics of students' knowledge and skills acquisition.
  5. Summing up the lesson.
  6. Homework.


1. Organizational moment

Today we will repeat what we have covered over the course of several lessons. Remember what we did in class, what topics we studied, what interested you most, what you remember, what remained incomprehensible on the topic “Coordinate plane. Constructing a point from its coordinates." Our task: to repeat, generalize, systematize knowledge on the topic “Coordinate plane”.

2. Checking homework

Now let's check how you did homework. Using the given coordinates, you had to build a figure, connecting adjacent points to each other as you built. As a result of completing the work, you should have a figure:

3. Updating basic knowledge

The “Solve the crossword” task will help you remember the basic concepts on the topic “Coordinate plane.”
On the screen interactive whiteboard A crossword puzzle appears and students are asked to solve it.

1. Two coordinate lines form a coordinate ... (plane)
2. Coordinate lines are coordinate... (axes)
3. What angle is formed when the coordinate lines intersect? (direct)
4. What is the name of a pair of numbers that determine the position of a point on a plane? (coordinate)
5. What is the name of the first coordinate? (abscissa)
6. What is the second coordinate called? (ordinate)
7. What is the name of the segment from 0 to 1? (unit)
8. How many parts is the coordinate plane divided into by coordinate lines? (four)

4. Diagnostics of students’ assimilation of knowledge and skills

Mark the points on the coordinate plane:

A(-3; 0); B(2; -3); C(-4; 2); D(0; 4); E(1; 3); O(0; 0)

Now let's move on to constructing a figure using points on the coordinate plane. The coordinates of the points are given. Construct a figure, connecting adjacent points to each other as you build.

Independent work.
(verification by mutual verification)

Option 1.

  1. (2; 9),
  2. (3; 8),
  3. (4; 9),
  4. (5; 7),
  5. (7; 6),
  6. (6; 5),
  7. (8; 3),
  8. (8; 4),
  9. (9; 4),
  10. (9; -1),
  11. (5; -2),
  12. (5; -1),
  13. (2; 2),
  14. (4; -6),
  15. (1; -6),
  16. (0; -3),
  17. (-4; -2),
  18. (-4; -6),
  19. (-7; -6),
  20. (-7; 2),
  21. (-8; 5),
  22. (-5; 2),
  23. (0; 2),
  24. (2; 9).

Eye: (3; 5).

Option 2.

  1. (2; 4),
  2. (2; 6),
  3. (0; 6),
  4. (-1; 7),
  5. (-1; 9),
  6. (1; 11),
  7. (2; 11),
  8. (2,5; 12),
  9. (3; 11),
  10. (3,5; 12),
  11. (5; 10),
  12. (5; 9),
  13. (8; 8),
  14. (6; 8),
  15. (4; 7),
  16. (4; 5),
  17. (5; 5),
  18. (7; 3),
  19. (7; -1),
  20. (5; -3),
  21. (0; -4),
  22. (-3; -4),
  23. (-9; -1),
  24. (-9; 7),
  25. (-6; 2),
  26. (0; 2),
  27. (2; 4).

(2; 2),
(2; -2),
(-4; 0),

(2; 9).

5. Summing up the lesson

Questions for students:

1) What is a coordinate plane?
2) What are the coordinate axes OX and OU called?
3) What angle is formed when the coordinate lines intersect?
4) What is the name of a pair of numbers that determine the position of a point on a plane?
5) What is the name of the first number?
6) What is the second number called?

6. Homework

  1. P(-1.5; 10),
  2. (-1,5; 11),
  3. (-2; 12),
  4. (-3; 12),
  5. (-3,5; 11),
  6. (-3,5; 10),
  7. (-5; 12),
  8. (-9; 14),
  9. (-14; 15),
  10. (-12; 10),
  11. (-10; 8),
  12. (-8; 7),
  13. (-4; 6),
  14. (-6; 6),
  15. (-9; 5),
  16. (-12; 3),
  17. (-14; 0),
  18. (-14; -2),
  19. (-12; -2),
  20. (-7; -1),
  21. (-3; 3),
  22. (-4; 1),
  23. (-3; 0),
  24. (-4; -1),
  25. (-2,5; -2),
  26. (-1; -1),
  27. (-2; 0),
  28. (-1; 1),

  1. (-2; 3),
  2. (2; -1),
  3. (7; -2),
  4. (9; -2),
  5. (9; 0),
  6. (7; 3),
  7. (4; 5),
  8. (1; 6),
  9. (-1; 6),
  10. (3; 7),
  11. (5; 8),
  12. (7; 10),
  13. (9; 15),
  14. (4; 14),
  15. (0; 12),
  16. (-1,5; 10).
  17. P (-3.5; 10),
  18. (-4; 6),
  19. (-3; 3),
  20. P (-1.5; 10),
  21. (-1; 6),
  22. (-2; 3).
  1. (-2; 11),
  2. (-3; 11)

§ 1 Coordinate system: definition and method of construction

In this lesson we will get acquainted with the concepts of “coordinate system”, “coordinate plane”, “coordinate axes”, and learn how to construct points on a plane using coordinates.

Let's take a coordinate line x with the origin point O, a positive direction and a unit segment.

Through the origin of coordinates, point O of the coordinate line x, we draw another coordinate line y, perpendicular to x, set the positive direction upward, the unit segment is the same. Thus, we have built a coordinate system.

Let's give a definition:

Two mutually perpendicular coordinate lines intersecting at a point, which is the origin of coordinates of each of them, form a coordinate system.

§ 2 Coordinate axis and coordinate plane

The straight lines that form a coordinate system are called coordinate axes, each of which has its own name: the coordinate line x is the abscissa axis, the coordinate line y is the ordinate axis.

The plane on which the coordinate system is selected is called the coordinate plane.

The described coordinate system is called rectangular. It is often called the Cartesian coordinate system in honor of the French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes.

Each point on the coordinate plane has two coordinates, which can be determined by dropping perpendiculars from the point on the coordinate axis. The coordinates of a point on a plane are a pair of numbers, of which the first number is the abscissa, the second number is the ordinate. The abscissa is perpendicular to the x-axis, the ordinate is perpendicular to the y-axis.

Let's mark point A on the coordinate plane and draw perpendiculars from it to the axes of the coordinate system.

Along the perpendicular to the abscissa axis (x-axis), we determine the abscissa of point A, it is equal to 4, the ordinate of point A - along the perpendicular to the ordinate axis (y-axis) is 3. The coordinates of our point are 4 and 3. A (4;3). Thus, coordinates can be found for any point on the coordinate plane.

§ 3 Construction of a point on a plane

How to construct a point on a plane with given coordinates, i.e. Using the coordinates of a point on the plane, determine its position? In this case, we perform the actions in reverse order. On the coordinate axes we find points corresponding to the given coordinates, through which we draw straight lines perpendicular to the x and y axes. The point of intersection of the perpendiculars will be the desired one, i.e. a point with given coordinates.

Let's complete the task: construct point M (2;-3) on the coordinate plane.

To do this, find a point with coordinate 2 on the x-axis and draw through this point straight perpendicular to the x axis. On the ordinate axis we find a point with coordinate -3, through it we draw a straight line perpendicular to the y axis. The point of intersection of perpendicular lines will be the given point M.

Now let's look at a few special cases.

Let us mark points A (0; 2), B (0; -3), C (0; 4) on the coordinate plane.

The abscissas of these points are equal to 0. The figure shows that all points are on the ordinate axis.

Consequently, points whose abscissas are equal to zero lie on the ordinate axis.

Let's swap the coordinates of these points.

The result will be A (2;0), B (-3;0) C (4; 0). In this case, all ordinates are equal to 0 and the points are on the x-axis.

This means that points whose ordinates are equal to zero lie on the abscissa axis.

Let's look at two more cases.

On the coordinate plane, mark the points M (3; 2), N (3; -1), P (3; -4).

It is easy to notice that all the abscissas of the points are the same. If these points are connected, you get a straight line parallel to the ordinate axis and perpendicular to the abscissa axis.

The conclusion suggests itself: points that have the same abscissa lie on the same straight line, which is parallel to the ordinate axis and perpendicular to the abscissa axis.

If you swap the coordinates of the points M, N, P, you get M (2; 3), N (-1; 3), P (-4; 3). The ordinates of the points will be the same. In this case, if you connect these points, you get a straight line parallel to the abscissa axis and perpendicular to the ordinate axis.

Thus, points having the same ordinate lie on the same straight line parallel to the abscissa axis and perpendicular to the ordinate axis.

In this lesson you became acquainted with the concepts of “coordinate system”, “coordinate plane”, “coordinate axes - abscissa axis and ordinate axis”. We learned how to find the coordinates of a point on a coordinate plane and learned how to construct points on the plane using its coordinates.

List of used literature:

  1. Mathematics. 6th grade: lesson plans for the textbook by I.I. Zubareva, A.G. Mordkovich // author-compiler L.A. Topilina. – Mnemosyne, 2009.
  2. Mathematics. 6th grade: textbook for students of general education institutions. I.I. Zubareva, A.G. Mordkovich. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2013.
  3. Mathematics. 6th grade: textbook for general education institutions/G.V. Dorofeev, I.F. Sharygin, S.B. Suvorov and others/edited by G.V. Dorofeeva, I.F. Sharygina; Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2010
  4. Handbook of mathematics -
  5. Student's Guide to high school

A rectangular coordinate system is a pair of perpendicular coordinate lines, called coordinate axes, that are placed so that they intersect at their origin.

The designation of coordinate axes by the letters x and y is generally accepted, but the letters can be any. If the letters x and y are used, then the plane is called xy-plane. Different applications may use letters other than x and y, and as shown in the figures below, there are uv plane And ts-plane.

Ordered pair

By ordered pair of real numbers, we mean two real numbers in a certain order. Each point P in the coordinate plane can be associated with a unique ordered pair of real numbers by drawing two lines through P: one perpendicular to the x-axis and the other perpendicular to the y-axis.

For example, if we take (a,b)=(4,3), then on the coordinate strip

To construct a point P(a,b) means to determine a point with coordinates (a,b) on the coordinate plane. For example, various points are plotted in the figure below.

In a rectangular coordinate system, the coordinate axes divide the plane into four regions called quadrants. They are numbered counterclockwise in Roman numerals, as shown in the figure.

Definition of a graph

Schedule equation with two variables x and y, is the set of points on the xy-plane whose coordinates are members of the set of solutions to this equation

Example: draw a graph of y = x 2

Because 1/x is undefined when x=0, we can only plot points for which x ≠0

Example: Find all intersections with axes
(a) 3x + 2y = 6
(b) x = y 2 -2y
(c) y = 1/x

Let y = 0, then 3x = 6 or x = 2

is the desired x-intercept.

Having established that x=0, we find that the point of intersection of the y-axis is the point y=3.

This way you can solve equation (b) and the solution for (c) is given below


Let y = 0

1/x = 0 => x cannot be determined, i.e. there is no intersection with the y-axis

Let x = 0

y = 1/0 => y is also undefined, => no intersection with the y axis

In the figure below, the points (x,y), (-x,y), (x,-y) and (-x,-y) represent the corners of the rectangle.

A graph is symmetrical about the x-axis if for every point (x,y) on the graph, point (x,-y) is also a point on the graph.

A graph is symmetrical about the y-axis if for each point on the graph (x,y), point (-x,y) also belongs to the graph.

A graph is symmetrical about the center of coordinates if for each point (x,y) on the graph, point (-x,-y) also belongs to this graph.


Schedule functions on the coordinate plane is defined as the graph of the equation y = f(x)

Plot f(x) = x + 2

Example 2. Plot a graph of f(x) = |x|

The graph coincides with the line y = x for x > 0 and with line y = -x

for x< 0 .

graph of f(x) = -x

Combining these two graphs we get

graph f(x) = |x|

Example 3: Plot a graph

t(x) = (x 2 - 4)/(x - 2) =

= ((x - 2)(x + 2)/(x - 2)) =

= (x + 2) x ≠ 2

Therefore, this function can be written as

y = x + 2 x ≠ 2

Graph h(x)= x 2 - 4 Or x - 2

graph y = x + 2 x ≠ 2

Example 4: Plot a graph

Graphs of functions with displacement

Let us assume that the graph of the function f(x) is known

Then we can find the graphs

y = f(x) + c - graph of the function f(x), moved

UP c values

y = f(x) - c - graph of function f(x), moved

DOWN by c values

y = f(x + c) - graph of function f(x), moved

LEFT by c values

y = f(x - c) - graph of function f(x), moved

Right by c values

Example 5: Build

graph y = f(x) = |x - 3| + 2

Let's move the graph y = |x| 3 values ​​to the RIGHT to get the graph

Let's move the graph y = |x - 3| UP 2 values ​​to get the graph y = |x - 3| + 2

Plot a graph

y = x 2 - 4x + 5

Let's transform the given equation as follows, adding 4 to both sides:

y + 4 = (x 2 - 4x + 5) + 4 y = (x 2 - 4x + 4) + 5 - 4

y = (x - 2) 2 + 1

Here we see that this graph can be obtained by moving the graph of y = x 2 to the right by 2 values, because x - 2, and up by 1 value, because +1.

y = x 2 - 4x + 5


(-x, y) is a reflection of (x, y) about the y axis

(x, -y) is a reflection of (x, y) about the x axis

The graphs y = f(x) and y = f(-x) are reflections of each other relative to the y axis

The graphs y = f(x) and y = -f(x) are reflections of each other relative to the x-axis

The graph can be obtained by reflecting and moving:

Draw a graph

Let's find its reflection relative to the y-axis and get a graph

Let's move this graph right by 2 values ​​and we get a graph

Here is the graph you are looking for

If f(x) is multiplied by a positive constant c, then

the graph f(x) is compressed vertically if 0< c < 1

the graph f(x) is stretched vertically if c > 1

The curve is not a graph of y = f(x) for any function f