Vial of the Sands: where to get the recipe and how much the Sandstone Dragon animal costs at auction. Vial of Sands: where to get and how to make Sand Dragon

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Unfortunately, this was the only knowledge Theo received from his meeting with Paracelsus. Even though Theodore had read the Book of Fairies, the creator of Paragranum did not recognize the young magician's qualifications. Since Paracelsus was a famous alchemist of the Age of Myth, modern wizards of the 7th Circle were no more significant to him than insects.

However, Theodore decided to end the conversation with Paracelsus without any fuss. Be that as it may, his goal was to find out what was happening to Mithra. Knowledge from the Age of Myths, even in his case, was like pearls thrown before swine.

Sooner or later he would have another chance to talk to Paracelsus.

One way or another, the night ended and morning came. The first rays of the sun peeked through the window, and tired Theodore sat up in bed. His slow movements were quite natural. He spent a lot of time reading the Book of Fairies, and the meeting with Paracelsus only contributed to the accumulation of fatigue.

Theodore was very sleepy, but he needed to have breakfast with his group.

- Let's go.

Even if Theo was tired, that was no reason to remain idle. He got out of bed and, taking hold of the doorknob, easily opened it. Like everything else, the door was also made of some unknown material. Walking out into the corridor, Theodore immediately came across William, who had also just left the room.

- Good morning, William.

- Oh, captain! Good morning…

A similar reaction was caused by dark circles under Theodore's eyes, which he had not seen before.

William looked at him with concern and asked:

- Sorry, captain. Was there something wrong with your bed?

- No, everything is fine. Why are you asking?

-You look like you haven't slept well.

Hearing these alarmed words, Theodore could only smile bitterly. Obviously he appearance was much worse than he expected.

– It’s not that I didn’t sleep well. I just had to do something tonight.

- Clear. Well, I will remain silent...

Talking about all sorts of trifles, the two men came to the dining room, where the rest of the members of their group were already sitting. Veronica, chewing bread, raised her hand and greeted Theodore:

-Are you awake yet, baby? You look tired. If you haven't gotten enough sleep, you can still rest.

- Everything is fine. Besides, I was very hungry.

- Glad to hear.

The two men sat down at the table.

– The restaurant is activated. Enter the name of the dish you want or select it from the catalog.

Yesterday Theodore had to choose food almost blindly. However, now they also had many unfamiliar dishes to choose from, but the magicians were ready for this challenge.

- Fried chicken? Oh, this is real fried chicken!

- Curry rice. It was difficult to guess from the name what it is, but it has a really rich taste.

– Raw fish and... rice? A strange combination, but quite appetizing.

- Wow! Why is this noodle dish so spicy!?

However, some did not cope with the task. William had to drink several cups of water to cool his burning mouth.

Theodore did safe choice and ate a pork cutlet. Tender pork, coated in breadcrumbs, and then fried, reminded him of what he ate as a child, but the difference in taste was like heaven and earth.

“Compared to this, even expensive restaurants in the capital will be put to shame. Is there any way to transfer this cooking tool to the Tower of Magic?” - Theodore thought. As soon as a person made his choice, a most appetizing dish immediately appeared in front of him. There were no such amenities even in Meltor, which was considered the center of magical civilization. No, if this culinary technology gains popularity, Meltor’s cooks will simply be left without work.

Thinking about this, Theo shook his head.

“From that point of view, it could do more harm than good...”

After all, he didn't want to increase the unemployment rate. Setting aside the empty plate, Theodore smiled. Such a relic was, of course, simply excellent, but it could lead to certain problems if civilization was not ready for it.

And the next moment...

Wee-ee! Wee-ee!

There was a sharp sound and red lights flashed in the restaurant, signaling to all the people present that some kind of emergency had occurred.

And so, it is not surprising that the emergency voice of the laboratory control system was immediately heard in the restaurant:

- Attention! A creature has been detected approaching and may threaten the safety of the laboratory. Move the entire group, including the sub-master, to the control room. You will be moved from area D-8 to area C-1.

At the same time, the research group disappeared from the dining room. They could not ignore the message about a creature capable of threatening the laboratory, which even the sword master could not open.

* * *

As always, the spatial movement occurred instantly.

- Uh? What?! Where did all my food go?

William was hungry because he only had time to drink a couple of glasses of water, but in such a situation he could not go back to the restaurant.

The magicians were in something like a control room. It was the first time they had been transported here, and therefore, naturally, they began to look around. However, before any of them could say anything, Paragranum moved forward and hurriedly shouted:

– Identification code PRGRN-3681214! Open the omnidirectional monitor!

The Couple's order was carried out instantly, and the walls surrounding them instantly filled with a variety of colors, revealing a picture of what was happening outside.

It couldn't be compared to the view from the window. What was happening was not filtered by the transparent glass, but the magicians immediately understood what was happening.

A sandstorm swirled around them.

- Wow!

William immediately pulled back, but the storm did not even think of causing him any harm. It was perfect illusory magic.

- Khamsin...! – Mujak suddenly muttered, looking at the scale of this sandstorm.

As everyone's eyes turned to him, the sword master explained:

“Sometimes a storm of unprecedented power is born in the desert. Normal storms increase in strength until they disappear after reaching their limits, but Khamsin has no limits. The nomads say that Khamsin is the wrath of God and, according to the history of Austin, he once wiped out an entire castle from the face of the earth.

- So? - Veronica said, stepping towards the Couple, - This sandstorm can threaten an object that even a sword master could not damage?

It was some kind of nonsense. Theodore remembered well what Paragranum had said. The outer walls of the ruins would not fall even from several super-powerful blows. They could even withstand the breath of a dragon. It was a fortress built by Paracelsus himself, the peak alchemist of the Age of Myth.

However, instead of answering, the Couple poked index finger aside and announced:

- This is not Khamsin. Look over there.

Five pairs of eyes followed in the indicated direction. Visibility was poor due to the storm. However, Mujak was used to this kind of thing, and therefore, without much difficulty, he discovered what was being discussed.

-... Andras's camp?

- Yes, look carefully. Soon you will understand.

“What are you talking about...” Mujak muttered, and then suddenly closed his mouth. His remarkable vision finally saw this “phenomenon.” Soon after, the rest of the research team saw everything. The barracks left behind by the archaeological team from Andras were destroyed without a trace. The sight of metal chips swirling in the air like sand was clearly not natural.

It was something more transcendental than mere destruction.

“Complete erosion,” said a harsh and at the same time gloomy voice.

Paragranum rarely spoke about something with such seriousness.

– And what brought Pustynio to the outskirts of the desert? This old man must remain at its center...

“Girl from the Yellow Tower, please stop talking in riddles and explain what’s going on.”

- Oh, exactly. You don’t know,” Paragranum responded belatedly, “The Meuse Desert is not a natural desert.” This area was created by a sand dragon.

- Sand dragon?

- Yes, and his name is Pustynio. This is a dragon who has lived for many millennia, and his death is already near. No one in this era can afford to go against him... Yes, and one more thing.

Perhaps Paragranum should not have said this, but he could have provided this information using his alter ego as a student of the Master of the Yellow Tower as a cover. After all, it was the Master of the Yellow Tower who was the most mysterious person in Meltor.

“It is he who is the cause of the Great Drought, one of the most terrible disasters of the central continent.

- What!? - Mujak exclaimed.

Even his mustache began to shake with excitement.

“Young lady from Meltor, can you take responsibility for these words?” Swear it's true!

The overwhelming pressure coming from the sword master caused the others to involuntarily take a step back. However, the couple only nodded calmly:

“Yes, I swear by both my name and the name of my master.”

- … Damn it! Great sun! The catastrophe that Austin has been fighting for centuries is some old lizard!

Mujak's anger was understandable. The Janissaries valued patriotism and loyalty more than their own own life. How many people died directly or indirectly from this drought? One hundred thousand? Million? It lasted for centuries, and therefore the number of victims could easily exceed even ten million. Mujak could not be angry with God's providence or nature, but now he found out that the dragon was to blame for everything...

“I swear by the Sultan and the great sun, I will tear out his heart, even if I have to sacrifice my life!” Mujak growled, his eyes filled with anger.

The sword master's rage knew no bounds. He was indeed ready to sacrifice himself to destroy the root of all the troubles of his people. If the sand dragon were standing in front of him, he would rush straight at him without hesitation.

However, there was one person who did not support his courageous endeavor. It was Veronica, who had already encountered a dragon before.

- Stop. It would be a useless death,” she said.

Unfortunately, cold-blooded advice is often counterproductive.

– How can you say that, Veronica!?

– Listen here, brave desert warrior. I am a dragon slayer, and I know better than anyone that dragons are a race that only gets stronger over time. This same individual is almost a million years old. To cope with it, you need to gather all the masters of the continent... And rely on luck.

- Th-this...

Mujak understood how serious Veronica was. They had never fought against each other in direct confrontation, but it was obvious that Veronica was much stronger than the other masters. Besides, she already had experience fighting a dragon, and therefore there was no logical reason to dispute her words.

Having cooled the sword master's ardor, Veronica turned to the Couple.

“Do these ruins have any defense mechanisms?”

“Yes, but they won’t last long if the dragon decides to attack in earnest.”

– Tsk-tsk, that’s what I thought. An ancient dragon in the current era... It looks like we've been checkmated. But... What does this lizard want?

And the next moment...

“Isn’t it rude to say that?”

It was like an echo in a deep valley... Or thunder crashing from the heavens. One way or another, this voice froze the blood right in my veins.

- Oh, there you are.

"Who does he mean?" – Theodore thought, swallowing.

The atmosphere began to heat up.

It was an ancient dragon from the Age of Myth, the original reason for the existence of the Meuse Desert.

And the next moment the sand dragon turned straight to Theodore.

- A magician with the blood of a sea dragon. I found you.

☰ Chapter 400. Happy End (Part 3) Chapter 399. Happy End (Part 2) Chapter 398. Happy End (Part 1) Chapter 397. Farewell My Friend (Part 3) Chapter 396. Farewell My Friend (Part 2) Chapter 395: Farewell My Friend (Part 1) Chapter 394: Armageddon (Part 6) Chapter 393: Armageddon (Part 5) Chapter 392: Armageddon (Part 4) Chapter 391: Armageddon (Part 3) Chapter 390: Armageddon (Part 2) ) Chapter 389. Armageddon (Part 1) Chapter 388. The Forest Leading to the Future (Part 3) Chapter 387. The Forest Leading to the Future (Part 2) Chapter 386. The Forest Leading to the Future (Part 1) Chapter 385. The Wedding of the Century (Part 6) Chapter 384. Wedding of the Century (Part 5) Chapter 383. Wedding of the Century (Part 4) Chapter 382. Wedding of the Century (Part 3) Chapter 381. Wedding of the Century (Part 2) Chapter 380. Wedding of the Century (Part 1) Chapter 379. Through Hardships to the Stars (Part 3) Chapter 378. Through Hardships to the Stars (Part 2) Chapter 377. Through Hardships to the Stars (Part 1) Chapter 376. Descent of the Demon of Heaven (Part 6) Chapter 375. Descent of the Demon of Heaven (Part 5) Chapter 374. Descent of the Demon of Heaven (Part 4) Chapter 373.2. Descent of the Demon of Heaven (Part 3) Chapter 373.1. Descent of the Demon of Heaven (Part 3) Chapter 372. Descent of the Demon of Heaven (Part 2) Chapter 371. Descent of the Demon of Heaven (Part 1) Chapter 370. Choice and Responsibility (Part 3) Chapter 369. Choice and Responsibility (Part 2) Chapter 368. Choice and Responsibility (Part 1) Chapter 367. The Ultimate Fruit of Evolution (Part 4) Chapter 366. The Ultimate Fruit of Evolution (Part 3) Phew! Chapter 365. The Ultimate Fruit of Evolution (Part 2) Chapter 364. The Ultimate Fruit of Evolution (Part 1) Chapter 363. Seimei's Legacy (Part 4) Chapter 362. Seimei's Legacy (Part 3) Chapter 361. Seimei's Legacy (Part 2) Chapter 360. Seimei's Legacy (Part 1) Chapter 359. Apocalypse Lust (Part 3) Chapter 358. Apocalypse Lust (Part 2) Chapter 357. Apocalypse Lust (Part 1) Chapter 356. Pandemonium (Part 3) Chapter 355. Pandemonium (Part 2) Chapter 354. Pandemonium (part 1) Chapter 353. Overload (part 3) Chapter 352. Overload (part 2) Chapter 351. Overload (part 1) Chapter 350. Prometheus's Plan (part 4) Chapter 349. Prometheus's Plan (part 3) Chapter 348. Prometheus's Design (Part 2) Chapter 347. Prometheus's Design (Part 1) Chapter 346. The Dragon Lord (Part 3) Chapter 345. The Dragon Lord (Part 2) Chapter 344. The Dragon Lord (Part 1) Chapter 343. Uncharted Lands (Part 4) Chapter 342. Uncharted Lands (Part 3) Chapter 341. Uncharted Lands (Part 2) Chapter 340. Uncharted Lands (Part 1) Chapter 339. Five Years Later (Part 4) Chapter 338. Five Years Later ( part 3) Chapter 337. Five Years Later (Part 2) Chapter 336. Five Years Later (Part 1) Chapter 335. The Promised Night (Part 2) Chapter 334. The Promised Night (Part 1) Chapter 333. Dmitra (Part 4) Chapter 332. Dmitra (Part 3) ) Chapter 331. Dmitra (part 2) Chapter 330. Dmitra (part 1) Chapter 329. The night that swallowed the sun (part 5) Chapter 328. The night that swallowed the sun (part 4) Chapter 327. The night that swallowed the sun (part 3) Chapter 326. The Night That Swallowed the Sun (Part 2) Chapter 325. The Night That Swallowed the Sun (Part 1) Chapter 324. The Rise of the Storm (Part 3) Chapter 323. The Rise of the Storm (Part 2) Chapter 322. The Rise of the Storm (Part 1) Chapter 321. The one who inherits and the one who hides behind the scenes (part 4) Chapter 320. The one who inherits and the one who hides behind the scenes (part 3) Chapter 319. The one who inherits and the one who hides behind the scenes (part 2) Chapter 318. The one who inherits and the one who hides behind the scenes (part 1) Chapter 317. To the World Tree (part 4) Chapter 316. To the World Tree (part 3) Chapter 315. To the World Tree (part 2) Chapter 314. To the World Tree (part 1) Chapter 313. Demon King Nastronda (part 3) Chapter 312. Demon King Nastronda (part 2) Chapter 311. Demon King Nastronda (part 1) Chapter 310. Lairon's Last Day (Part 5) Chapter 309. Layron's Last Day (Part 4) Chapter 308. Layron's Last Day (Part 3) Chapter 307. Layron's Last Day (Part 2) Chapter 306. Layron's Last Day (Part 1) Chapter 305. Ending Agreement war (part 3) Chapter 304. Agreement to end the war (part 2) Chapter 303. Agreement to end the war (part 1) Chapter 302. Hall of Fame (part 2) Chapter 301. Hall of Fame (part 1) Chapter 300. Scars of victory (Part 4) Chapter 299. Scars of Victory (Part 3) Chapter 298. Scars of Victory (Part 2) Chapter 297. Scars of Victory (Part 1) Chapter 296. Revival of Myths (Part 4) Chapter 295. Revival of Myths (Part 3) Chapter 294. Revival of myths (part 2) Chapter 293. Revival of myths (part 1) Chapter 292. I N V I D I A (part 4) Chapter 291. I N V I D I A (part 3) Chapter 290. I N V I D I A (part 2) Chapter 289. I N V I D I A (part 1) Chapter 288. Exit of the Emperor (part 3) Chapter 287. Exit of the Emperor (part 2) Chapter 286. Exit of the Emperor (part 1) Chapter 285. Followers of the end (part 4) Chapter 284. Followers of the end (part 3) Chapter 283. Followers of the end ( part 2) Chapter 282. Followers of the end (part 1) Chapter 281. Revenge (part 5) Chapter 280. Revenge (part 4) Chapter 279. Revenge (part 3) Chapter 278. Revenge (part 2) Chapter 277. Revenge (part 1) Chapter 276. Great War(part 3) Chapter 275. The Great War (part 2) Chapter 274. The Great War (part 1) Chapter 273. Karula Plains (part 4) Chapter 272. Karula Plains (part 3) Chapter 271. Karula Plains (part 2) Chapter 270. Karula Plains (part 1) Chapter 269. Three-day vacation (part 3) Chapter 268. Three-day vacation (part 2) Chapter 267. Three-day vacation (part 1) Chapter 266. The die is cast (part 4) Chapter 265. The die is cast ( part 3) Chapter 264. The die is cast (part 2) Chapter 263. The die is cast (part 1) Chapter 262. An unexpected reunion (part 3) Chapter 261. An unexpected reunion (part 2) Chapter 260. An unexpected reunion (part 1) Chapter 259 . Container of the One (part 4). Chapter 258. Container of the One (part 3) Chapter 257. Container of the One (part 2) Chapter 256. Container of the One (part 1) Chapter 255. Bekun Mountains (part 4) Chapter 254. Bekun Mountains (part 3) Chapter 253. Bekun Mountains (Part 2) Chapter 252. Bekun Mountains (Part 1) Chapter 251. Sinister Entity (Part 4) Chapter 250. Sinister Entity (Part 3) Chapter 249. Sinister Entity (Part 2) Chapter 248. Sinister Entity (Part 1) Chapter 247. Legitimate Heir (Part 3) Chapter 246. Legitimate Heir (Part 2) Chapter 245. Legitimate Heir (Part 1) Chapter 244. Where Am I (Part 4)? Chapter 243. Where am I (part 3)? Chapter 242. Where am I (part 2)? Chapter 241. Where am I (part 1)? Chapter 240. The Second (Part 4) Chapter 239. The Second (Part 3) Chapter 238. The Second (Part 2) Chapter 237. The Second (Part 1) Chapter 236. The Old Book Maniac Heinrich (Part 4) Chapter 235. The Old Book Maniac Heinrich (part 3) Chapter 234. Old book maniac Heinrich (part 2) Chapter 233. Old book maniac Heinrich (part 1) Chapter 232. Gifts of Elsid (part 4) Chapter 231. Gifts of Elsid (part 3) Chapter 230. Gifts of Elsid ( part 2) Chapter 229. Gifts of Elsid (part 1) Chapter 228. The Great Battle (part 4) Chapter 227. The Great Battle (part 3) Chapter 226. The Great Battle (part 2) Chapter 225. The Great Battle (part 1) Chapter 224 . Babarinsky plains (part 3) Chapter 223. Babarinsky plains (part 2) Chapter 222. Babarinsky plains (part 1) Chapter 221. Total war (part 5) Chapter 220. Total war (part 4) Chapter 219. Total war (part 3) Chapter 218. Total War (Part 2) Chapter 217. Total War (Part 1) Chapter 216. Vortex civil war (Part 3) Chapter 215. The Whirlwind of Civil War (Part 2) Chapter 214. The Whirlwind of Civil War (Part 1) Chapter 213. The Coming Battle (Part 4) Chapter 212. The Coming Battle (Part 3) Chapter 211. The Coming Battle (Part 2) ) Chapter 210. The Coming Battle (Part 1) Chapter 209. The Library (Part 3) Chapter 208. The Library (Part 2) Chapter 207. The Library (Part 1) Chapter 206. Together with the Dragon (Part 3) Chapter 205. Together with the Dragon (part 2) Chapter 204. Together with the dragon (part 1) Chapter 203. Sand dragon Pustynio (part 3) Chapter 202. Sand dragon Pustynio (part 2) Chapter 201. Sand dragon Pustynio (part 1) Chapter 200. Traces of the Age of Myths (part 3) Chapter 199. Traces of the Age of Myth (part 2) Chapter 198. Traces of the Age of Myth (part 1) Chapter 197. Mercury (part 4) Chapter 196. Mercury (part 3) Chapter 195. Mercury (part 2) Chapter 194 . Mercury (part 1) Chapter 193. In the desert (part 3) Chapter 193. In the desert (part 3) Chapter 192. In the desert (part 2) Chapter 191. In the desert (part 1) Chapter 190. Uninvited guests (part 3) ) Chapter 189. Uninvited Guests (Part 2) Chapter 188. Uninvited Guests (Part 1) Chapter 187. Activation of the Northern Continent (Part 5) Chapter 186. Activation of the Northern Continent (Part 4) Chapter 185. Activation of the Northern Continent (Part 3) Chapter 184. Activation of the northern continent (part 2). Chapter 183. Revitalization of the Northern Continent (Part 1) Chapter 182. Legacy of Paracelsus (Part 2) Chapter 181. Legacy of Paracelsus (Part 1) Chapter 180. Eye of the Storm (Part 4) Chapter 179. Eye of the Storm (Part 3) Chapter 178. Eye Storms (part 2) Chapter 177. Eye of the Storm (part 1) Chapter 176. Return to the Tower of Magic (part 3) Chapter 175. Return to the Tower of Magic (part 2) Chapter 174. Return to the Tower of Magic (part 1) Chapter 173. Clym Solice (part 4) Chapter 172. Clym Solice (part 3) Chapter 171. Clym Solice (part 2) Chapter 170. Clym Solice (part 1) Chapter 169. The Way Home (Part 4) Chapter 168. The Way Home (Part 3) ) Chapter 167. The Road Home (Part 2) Chapter 166. The Road Home (Part 1) Chapter 165. The Heaven, Earth and Man Challenge (Part 3) Chapter 164. The Heaven, Earth and Man Challenge (Part 2) Chapter 163. The Challenge of Heaven, Earth and Man (Part 1) Chapter 162. A Delicacy from the East (Part 3) Chapter 161. A Delicacy from the East (Part 2) Chapter 160. A Delicacy from the East (Part 1) Chapter 159. One Year Later ( part 5) Chapter 158. One Year Later (Part 4) Chapter 157. One Year Later (Part 3) Chapter 156. One Year Later (Part 2) Chapter 155. One Year Later (Part 1) Chapter 154. Tell Me Your Wish (Part 2) Chapter 153. Tell Me Your Wish (Part 1) Chapter 152. With the Dragon (Part 5) Chapter 151. With the Dragon (Part 4) Chapter 150. With the Dragon (Part 3) Chapter 149. With the Dragon (Part 2) Chapter 148 . Together with the dragon (part 1) Chapter 147. Sea dragon Aquilo (part 3) Chapter 146. Sea dragon Aquilo (part 2) Chapter 145. Sea dragon Aquilo (part 1) Chapter 144. Pirate Archipelago (part 4). Chapter 143. Pirate Archipelago (part 3) Chapter 142. Pirate Archipelago (part 2). Chapter 141. Pirate Archipelago (part 1). Chapter 140. Unusual passenger ship (part 3). Chapter 139. An unusual passenger ship (part 2) Chapter 138. An unusual passenger ship (part 1) Chapter 137. To the port (part 3) Chapter 136. To the port (part 2) Chapter 135. To the port (part 1) Chapter 134. Bid Duel (Part 4) Chapter 133. Bid Duel (Part 3) Chapter 132. Bid Duel (Part 2) Chapter 131. Bid Duel (Part 1) Chapter 130. Kargas Underground Auction (Part 3) Chapter 129. Kargas Underground Auction ( part 2) Chapter 128. Kargas' underground auction (part 1) Chapter 127. Time is life (part 3) Chapter 126. Time is life (part 2) Chapter 125. Time is life (part 1). Chapter 124. Crossing the Wasteland (Part 4) Chapter 123. Crossing the Wasteland (Part 3) Chapter 122. Crossing the Wasteland (Part 2) Chapter 121. Crossing the Wasteland (Part 1) Chapter 120. The Book-Eating Magician (Part 3). Chapter 119. The magician eating books (part 2) Chapter 118. The magician eating books (part 1) Chapter 117. Mystery (part 3). Chapter 116. Mystery (part 2). Chapter 115. Mystery (part 1) Chapter 114. Reward of the World Tree (part 3). Chapter 113. Reward of the World Tree (part 2) Chapter 112. Reward of the World Tree (part 1) Chapter 111. Towards the storm (part 5). Chapter 110. Into the storm (part 4). Chapter 109. Into the storm (part 3) Chapter 108. Into the storm (part 2). Chapter 107. Into the storm (part 1). Chapter 106. Exotic guests (part 4). Chapter 105. Exotic guests (part 3). Chapter 104. Exotic guests (part 2). Chapter 103. Exotic guests (part 1). Chapter 102. The Great Forest (part 5). Chapter 101. The Great Forest (part 4). Chapter 100. The Great Forest (part 3). Chapter 99. The Great Forest (part 2). Chapter 98. The Great Forest (part 1). Chapter 97. State guests of Elfheim (part 4). Chapter 96. State guests of Elfheim (part 3). Chapter 95. State guests of Elfheim (part 2). Chapter 94. State guests of Elfheim (part 1). Chapter 93. Leap in sensitivity (part 3). Chapter 92. A Leap in Sensitivity (Part 2). Chapter 91. Leap in sensitivity (part 1). Chapter 90. Confrontation between sword and magic (part 4). Chapter 89. Confrontation between sword and magic (part 3). Chapter 88. Confrontation between sword and magic (part 2). Chapter 87. Confrontation between sword and magic (part 1). Chapter 86. Delegation (part 3). Chapter 85. Delegation (part 2). Chapter 84. Delegation (part 1). Chapter 83. National Treasure Umbra (Part 2). Chapter 82. National Treasure Umbra (Part 1). Chapter 81. Silver Medal of Merit (Part 3). Chapter 80. Silver Medal of Merit (Part 2). Chapter 79. Silver Medal of Merit (Part 1). Chapter 78. Traditional hero (part 4). Chapter 77. Traditional hero (part 3). Chapter 76. Traditional hero (part 2). Chapter 75. Traditional hero (part 1). Chapter 74. Superbia. Chapter 73. Convoy from the capital (part 3). Chapter 72. Convoy from the capital (part 2). Chapter 71. Convoy from the capital (part 1). Chapter 70. High Elf Ellenoi (part 4). Chapter 69. High Elf Ellenoi (part 3). Chapter 68. High Elf Ellenoi (part 2). Chapter 67. High Elf Ellenoi (part 1). Chapter 66. Raid to the slave traders (part 3). Chapter 65. Raid to the slave traders (part 2). Chapter 64. Raid to the slave traders (part 1). Chapter 63. Second mission (part 3). Chapter 62. Second mission (part 2). Chapter 61. Second mission (part 1). Chapter 60. Veronica's special training (part 2). Chapter 59. Veronica's special training (part 1). Chapter 58. Zero Library (part 4). Chapter 57. Zero Library (part 3). Chapter 56. Zero Library (part 2). Chapter 55. Zero Library (part 1). Chapter 54. Voices calling him (part 3). Chapter 53. Voices calling him (part 2). Chapter 52. Voices calling him (part 1). Chapter 51. Um, is it edible (part 3)? Chapter 50. Um, is it edible (part 2)? Chapter 49. Um, is this edible (part 1)? Chapter 48. Trinity's counterattack (part 2). Chapter 47. Trinity's counterattack (part 1). Chapter 46. I ask you (part 3). Chapter 45. I ask you (part 2). Chapter 44. I ask you (part 1). Chapter 43. Returning home five years later (part 4). Chapter 42. Returning home five years later (part 3). Chapter 41. Returning home five years later (part 2). Chapter 40. Returning home five years later (part 1). Chapter 39. Question and answer (part 2). Chapter 38. Question and answer (part 1). Chapter 37. Award ceremony. Chapter 36. Tournament final (part 4). Chapter 35. Tournament final (part 3). Chapter 34. Tournament final (part 2). Chapter 33. Tournament final (part 1). Chapter 32. In pursuit of genius (part 3). Chapter 31. In pursuit of genius (part 2). Chapter 30. In pursuit of genius (part 1). Chapter 29. Capital Mana-ville (part 4). Chapter 28. Capital Mana-ville (part 3). Chapter 27. Capital Mana-ville (part 2). Chapter 26. Capital Mana-ville (part 1). Chapter 25. Night on a mountain pass (part 3). Chapter 24. Night on a mountain pass (part 2). Chapter 23. Night on a mountain pass (part 1). Chapter 22. Outside the Academy (part 4). Chapter 21. Outside the Academy (part 3). Chapter 20. Outside the Academy (part 2). Chapter 19. Outside the Academy (part 1). Chapter 18. At the crossroads of trust (part 2). Chapter 17. At the crossroads of trust (part 1). Chapter 16. Coup (part 4). Chapter 15. Coup (part 3). Chapter 14. Coup (part 2). Chapter 13. Coup (part 1). Chapter 12. Deals with the Black Trader (part 4). Chapter 11. Transactions with the Black Trader (part 3). Chapter 10. Transactions with the Black Trader (part 2). Chapter 9. Deals with the Black Trader (part 1). Chapter 8. What do books taste like (part 4)? Chapter 7. What do books taste like (part 3)? Chapter 6. What do books taste like (part 2)? Chapter 5. What do books taste like (part 1)? Chapter 4. Greedy Grimoire (part 4). Chapter 3. Greedy Grimoire (part 3). Chapter 2. Greedy Grimoire (part 2). Chapter 1. Greedy Grimoire (part 1).

Hello friends, today I will tell you about the mount – Vial of the Sands, this dragon was added to wow from patch 4.0.1 on the cataclysm. The sandstone dragon has two places, but the trick is in another, the player who uses the mount transforms into a dragon, but the second player goes as a passenger. Cool, isn't it?

Where to get the recipe – Fial Peskov

Now let's talk about where to get the recipe - Vial of Sands in wow, because that's why you visited our website. In order for you to be able to get the recipe, you need to level up the Archeology profession to at least skill 450 and have leveled up Alchemy. After you complete the steps above, you can, with professional Archeology, find an item in Uldum - Canopy, which has a 9% chance of dropping for our long-awaited recipe. But keep in mind that you must be an alchemist.

You may ask how to make a vial of sands using other methods? I answer, you can simply buy the recipe at auction. Or ask alchemists to make you a dragon, not for free of course, since regs are quite expensive.

By the way, here is a list of regs for crafting:

  • Pyrium-lined crystalline flask, which can be purchased from Yasmine in Uldum, which will cost 5k gold;
  • From the same Yasmina we buy 8 pieces - Sand of Time 3k for each, total 24k;
  • Next we purchase on auction:
    1) Oil of petrification (8pcs);
    2) Infusion of winds (8pcs);
    3) True gold (12pcs);
    4) Flask of the power of the titans (8 pcs).

Therefore, buying a vial is quite an expensive matter, but if you have extra gold, then you can easily afford to buy a mount, so as not to waste time searching for a recipe and crafting the animal.

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Where to get Grinning Reaver

Vial of the Sands is a mount (dragon), added to World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.1 (WoW Cataclysm) and slightly changed in 4.3.4.

Vial of the Sands is a two-seater mount: the player who uses it turns into a dragon and can carry one more passenger. How to get the Vial of Sands?

How to get the Vial of the Sands Recipe

To obtain a recipe for the Vial of Sands, you must have a skill of at least 450 and studied. After this, the player will have the opportunity, using archeology, to find a Canopic item in the Uldum location, from which, with a 9% probability (for alchemists only), the Recipe: Vial of the Sands can fall.

Tips for getting a recipe for Vial of the Sands in WWII:

  1. If you have collected all the artifacts of other races that can be excavated on Kalimdor, then excavations of uncollected races will appear more often.
  2. Be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time to dig. We recommend combining excavations with trips to battlefields/random dungeons to pass the time while waiting for a summon.

The comments on Wowhead indicate that you can accumulate Canopic stones in advance (even without alchemy). If you later study Alchemy and open them, you will still be able to get the recipe for the vial.

Where to get and how to make Vial of Sands

If you are not an alchemist or do not want to diligently dig for a recipe for a dragon, you can simply buy the Vial of Sands at an auction (price about 40-50 thousand gold). It’s even better to personally negotiate the crafting of the Vial of Sands with an alchemist who knows the recipe: you can count on at least a five percent reduction in price (standard auction commission), which at a price of 40k will save you 2000 gold.

If you decide to craft the Vial of Sands yourself, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Travel to Uldum and buy one Pyria-Celled Crystalline Flask (5,000 gold) and eight Sands of Time (3,000 gold each = 24,000 gold) from Yasmine.
  2. Buy at auction or make your own the following reagents: