Christophe colomb. Christopher Columbus - seedlings of hybrid tea roses - roses - rose seedlings. grape seedlings. sale of rose and grape seedlings. delivery of rose and grape seedlings throughout Ukraine. Hybrid tea rose Christopher Columbus (Christophe Colomb) - “Beautiful

Flowering - abundant, continuous;

The height of the bush is about 120 m;

Flower diameter - 11 - 13 cm;

Resistance to diseases and frosts - high;

The aroma is light.

In 1992 the companyMeilandOn the occasion of the five hundredth anniversary of Christopher Columbus's voyage to America, a beautiful hybrid tea rose was presented to the world, which was named in honor of the great traveler and discoverer. This rose causes a huge amount positive feedback among rose growers in many countries. For example, Z. Klimenko and V. Zykova, in their book “French roses of the Mayan selection,” do not skimp on praise for this variety, calling it “the very embodiment of strength and health,” characterizing the shape of its flower as “so ideal that they (the flowers) even seem unreal - the petals are dense, slightly pointed, very closely packed and seem to unwind in a spiral, forming a high center of the flower,” and then they emphasize that “this perfection is achieved with only 27 petals. In the same book, a little earlier, in the chapter “Overwintering Roses,” Christophe Colomb is positioned as one of the most winter-hardy hybrid tea roses selections from Meian. This is also evidenced by reviews from rose growers who grow Christopher Columbus, who confirm that even in zone 5 the variety overwinters well with light shelter.

It is difficult to talk about the color of this rose, and therefore, everyone characterizes it with different words: someone calls its color salmon-orange, someone bright orange, someone sees in it a scarlet color with a yellow tint, and someone bright orange marks a yellow backlight, but no matter what words we choose, the beauty and rich color of a seemingly luminous rose can only be appreciated by seeing it in bloom with your own eyes. I would like to add that its petals are not only dense, but also wider than usual, and upon careful examination you can notice darker veins against their background. In addition, Christopher Columbus's petals have interesting, rather deep cuts that are somewhat similar to clover leaves.

Speaking about the size of the flower, we note that the diameter can vary from 11 to 13 cm . With an average bush height of 120 cm there may be jumps up or down (within forty centimeters). Disease resistance is assessed at a high level.

In conclusion, we will supplement the description with information about the origin of the Christophe Colomb rose, namely that it was obtained by crossing Coppélia "76 XX MEInaregi in 1992 by the rose growing company Meilland. The working name of this variety is MEIronsse, but it can also be found under the synonymous names Christoph Columbus, Christopher Columbus, Cristobal Colon, Cristoforo Colombo. IN biographies of this variety have serious rewards such as Court of Show/Honor (Contra Costa Rose Society, 2001), King of Show (Greater Rochester Rose Society Show, 2001), Queen of Show (Tropical Rose Society Show, 2000).

Lafazan N.D., 2011

Gardener 24

This tea-hybrid variety of rose was bred at the end of the last century and was first shown to the public at a celebration dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's voyage to America. And in honor of this great navigator the hybrid was named.

Extraordinary beautiful color This rose is difficult to describe in a few words. Interior petals gently yellow, and as you move towards the edge, the yellow smoothly flows into orange, then into salmon. The rose's petals are quite dense, slightly curling outward.

The bushes may not be too tall, although good feeding and with watering, the rose can grow up to 1.2 m in height. Erect, medium-branched bushes are covered with dark green dense foliage. The leaves of this variety are large. The shoots are powerful, tall, covered with large thorns.

This rose looks most impressive when in full bloom. The tall, goblet-shaped shape of the bud beginning to bloom is very beautiful. Moreover, the speed of flower opening depends on the quantity sunlight and air temperature. The hotter the weather, the faster Christopher Columbus roses bloom.

The flowers are medium double (up to 35 petals in a bud); when blooming, the width of the rose can be up to 12 cm. At the moment of full bloom, you can see the center of the flower. You can often observe that several buds appear on one peduncle.

Typically, this hybrid tea variety blooms at least three times during the season. However, flowering does not last long. However, due to large quantity When the buds appear at the same time, the Christopher Columbus bush always looks elegant and bright.

In order for re-blooming to begin faster, fading buds should be removed in a timely manner.

The hybrid tea rose Christopher Columbus was bred in 1992 and shown by the Meiland nursery at the celebration of the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus' voyage to America. It got its name in honor of this great traveler.

This rose is one of the youngest in my garden, she is only 2 years old. I love it for its extraordinary color and delicate aroma. The color is unusually good. It's hard to describe, but I would call it salmon-orange with a yellow undertone, as if glowing from within the flower. The petals are very wide, dense and slightly pointed.

My bush is not very tall, but in the description they write that growth up to 120 cm is possible. The bush is well leafy. The foliage is dense, large, dark green in color. The bush is quite prickly with large thorns.

This rose is most perfect when in full bloom. In this state, the bud has an ideal goblet shape and is mesmerizingly beautiful. Opening speed depends on temperature environment and the presence of sun. I noticed that in the heat and scorching sun the rose blooms very quickly.

The open flower is quite large, on average about 12 cm. Before flowering, the middle often shows slightly. Often several buds are observed on one shoot (for example, a group of 3-4 flowers).

This rose blooms 3 times a summer for me. The flower is amazing, but it doesn't last long. The saving grace is that it does not produce one flower at a time, so the wave of flowering of the bush stretches over time. And during the summer there are 3 such waves. To stimulate re-blooming, I prune faded flowers.

Winters well in the Moscow region under cover. For two years, apart from aphids, no misfortunes in terms of diseases were observed. Three times a season I feed it with a special granular fertilizer for roses.

Conclusion:Beautiful rose With beautiful shape flower of amazing luminous color. It gave me absolutely no trouble growing it, so I certainly recommend it!

Rose Christophe Colomb (Christopher Columbus) I just couldn't get another name. Only a traveler plying the oceans could see a dawn of such beauty, the color of which this rose has.

This is a anniversary rose, which was first presented at the celebration dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the voyage of Christopher Columbus. This wonderful variety combines a lot of advantages, the main one of which is color. It is bright, but not harsh, but soft, salmon-coral with a yellow glow in the center. The average diameter of an opened bud is 13 cm. A glass of her classic hybrid tea roses, however, flowers do not appear singly, more often in 3-5 pieces. Repeated flowering southern regions quite long.

As noted, the bush is 120-150 cm high, but it can also be much lower. This depends on the climate and the nutritional status of the soil. Doesn't like it very much rose Christophe Colomb rain and dampness, the flowers deteriorate. Winter hardiness, as well as disease resistance, is average; the variety requires care. It is complicated by the fact that the stems are very prickly. But believe me, it’s worth all the trouble! Good in combination with climbing rose, purple delphiniums and.

Root system rose seedlingChristophe Colomb (Christopher Columbus) To be sent to the customer, it is packaged in an individual package of peat mixture, wrapped in film, thanks to which your seedling will arrive alive and full of energy.

Buy rose seedlingsChristophe Colomb (Christopher Columbus) You can click the “Add to Cart” button and place your order.

Type of packaging: Rose roots are packed in a moist nutrient substrate, tightly wrapped in film, and have a label indicating the variety. The permissible shelf life in packaging without loss of quality, subject to storage conditions, is up to 3 months. Orders with rose seedlings are sent during the autumn and spring planting seasons (shipment restrictions in accordance with the customer’s climate zone).

Hint for assessing rose variety (click to see)

Decorative flowering and flower beauty

This is a complex, purely subjective assessment, reflecting exclusively the personal preferences of the rose grower. After all, both a lush, densely doubled beauty and a simple, shy one with five leaves can “get you hooked” and “fall in love with yourself” with equal success. The assessment includes a general attitude towards the color of the rose, the composition and quality of the flower, the abundance and continuity of flowering.
★ very low. Completely dissatisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of flowering (looseness, inconspicuousness, weak rapid flowering)
★★ low. Not satisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of the flowering (the flower is not impressive, there are few of them, the flowering duration is normal)
★★★ average. Satisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of the flowering, but expected more, although the flower and flowering are normal
★★★★ high. I like both the flower and the bloom. The flower is interesting, flowering in abundance and duration corresponds to the species
★★★★★ very high. Delight from a flower and blooming, beautiful, abundant, long


★ no or barely perceptible aroma of freshness
★★ weak light, thin, barely perceptible
★★★ average, moderate, with different notes
★★★★ strong, intense, with certain notes
★★★★★ very strong, outstanding, with a complex aroma that can be heard from a distance

Resistance to diseases (various spots, powdery mildew, rust, etc.)

★ very low (constantly sick, despite preventive measures)
★★ low (gets sick only in unfavorable summers, prevention does not help)
★★★ average (it only gets sick when there is a massive disease of all plants in a very unfavorable summer, prevention and treatment help)
★★★★ high (if observed initial signs diseases, then everything went away with prevention and treatment)
★★★★★ very high (no diseases observed)

Winter hardiness

★ very low (requires strong shelter, but can freeze despite a favorable winter without recovery)
★★ low (requires proper winter shelter, optimal conditions, but may freeze in unfavorable winters)
★★★ average (overwinters well, but requires proper winter protection, recovers when frozen)
★★★★ high (overwinters well, with virtually no losses under winter protection appropriate for the region)
★★★★★ very high (overwinters without or under light shelter, without losses)

Rain resistance

★ very low (the decorative effect is completely lost, the buds rot, the flower falls off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorative effect, the buds slightly rot, the flower quickly falls off)
★★★ average (slight loss of decorativeness, buds and open flowers deteriorate a little or wither)
★★★★ high (slightly reacts, for example, hemp appears, without loss of decorativeness)
★★★★★ very high (does not respond to rain)

Sun resistance

★ very low (complete loss of decorativeness, buds and flowers bake and fall off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorativeness, edges of buds and flowers are baked, color is lost)
★★★ average (slight loss of decorativeness, buds are intact, edges of open flowers are baked, color may change uncritically)
★★★★ high (no effect on decorative effect, flowering without loss, color does not change)
★★★★★ very high (no effect on decorative effect, on the contrary, the color will improve, the abundance of flowering will increase)

Foliage and bush shape

★ unattractive foliage and bush shape
★★ low attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★ Average attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★★ tall attractive foliage and bush shape
★★★★★ very high foliage attractiveness and bush shape