Types of locks for plastic doors and working with them. Selection and installation of locks for plastic doors Lock for a plastic balcony door

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In order to choose the right locks for plastic doors, you need to know about their features and distinctive features. The fact is that the design of plastic doors differs from the design of doors made using other materials, which determines a different method of inserting locking mechanisms and different selection criteria. The different types of locks, their design features and selection criteria will be discussed in our article.

Features of locks for PVC doors

It is impossible to embed a locking mechanism designed for a metal, wooden, or any other door into plastic; such an operation is guaranteed to damage the door leaf. In this regard, there are special locks on the market for doors made of plastic. Such devices have a special body size that matches the width of the profile, which allows the locking mechanism not to rest against the glass unit or filler.

As a rule, mortise locks are installed in plastic panels, which allows you to maintain the attractive and aesthetic appearance of the entire structure. However, if there is a need to provide additional protection against burglary, rim locks can also be installed.

Types of locks installed on PVC doors

There are many types of locking mechanisms on the market. When choosing them, it is necessary to proceed from where the blade is installed, what requirements are imposed on the reliability of the lock and many other factors.

As already noted, the lock on a plastic door can be either mortise or padded. Locking devices may differ in various design features that determine their functionality. Let's look at the main types of locking mechanisms installed on plastic doors.

Depending on the number of locking points, single-locking or multi-locking options are distinguished.

Single-point locks have only one locking point and do not provide reliable protection and a tight fit of the door to the leaf. The door does not fit tightly, since the single-point lock presses it only at the insertion point, that is, exactly in the middle of the structure.

Multi-point locks are a locking mechanism used to securely lock plastic doors with two or more points to achieve the greatest burglary protection. The locks have two or more points of contact with the box (two or more locks), which ensures the reliability of the structure, as well as the tight fit of the canvas to the box.

The locking devices are separated from each other and are driven by a special movable tire. Thanks to this design and the tight fit of the canvas to the frame, excellent sound insulation is achieved. In addition, heat does not escape from the room.

The locking mechanism does not allow the canvas to sag and the structure does not become loose. The considered locks for plastic doors are equipped with a standard type cylinder or levers.

Depending on the material of manufacture, locks for plastic doors can be partially plastic or completely metal. Metal options are the most widespread because they have greater strength and improved consumer qualities. It is recommended to choose metal.

Depending on the type of locking mechanism (single-lock or multi-lock), the options for locks and latches differ. The single-locking mechanism is equipped with a latch and a bolt, a latch and a roller, or a separate bolt and a latch.

Multi-locking mechanisms are divided into two main types: driven by a handle or driven by a cylinder.

The first option works as follows: when you turn the handle, the trunnions enter the corresponding strips and the canvas is pressed against the box. The key extends the bolt and locks the lock.

The second option simultaneously extends the trunnions and closes the bolt when turning the key.

There are also lever and cylinder locks.

The lever lock contains steel plates that are moved using protrusions on the key. Such locking mechanisms are more reliable than cylinder ones.

The cylinder lock works on a different principle. A larva is installed inside it, in which the pins are located. When you turn the key, the required combination is formed and the mechanism opens. A cylinder lock is easier and cheaper to replace, since only the cylinder needs to be replaced, while a lever lock requires replacing the entire mechanism.

There are also electronic and electromagnetic locking mechanisms. A distinctive feature of such locks is a special opening and locking mechanism. In order to open the lock, an electromagnetic pulse is required, which will turn off the magnet. Such options are used in sports clubs and office premises. When opening and closing, the mechanism does not wear out, which ensures its long-lasting operation.

An interesting feature of some electronic locks for plastic doors is that they can transmit information to a computer device about who, when and how many times entered the room. For this purpose, special electronic keys are programmed, the use of which is monitored by the system. This function can be used to find out if an organization's employees are late.

This locking mechanism is compact and is an excellent replacement for the conventional mechanical version. A special feature of an electromechanical lock for a plastic door is that it can be opened using an electronic key, a control panel, or a regular key.

What type of lock should I choose?

The choice of a lock for plastic doors is made depending on what goals the consumer is pursuing. The first selection criterion is the size of the lock, which is determined by the type of door into which it will be built. Once the size is determined, you can decide which lock is needed - single-point or multi-point.

A single-point lock for a plastic door is installed in those leaves that separate rooms inside a building where burglary protection is not required and there are no temperature changes. In a situation where a closer is not installed, you should install a door with a latch, additionally selecting a push mechanism.

When installing a closer, you should choose a latch with a roller mechanism so that you do not have to set the closer to make a strong bang when closing the door. With this arrangement, you won’t need a push handle; a regular one will do. The door will be locked in the closed position thanks to the closer, and not the roller.

A multi-point lock on plastic doors is installed if the door is located between a cold and warm room, and also when it serves as an external door. If the door is not properly pressed, drafts cannot be avoided.

If the door is installed as an external door, it will not be able to withstand sub-zero temperatures when using a single-locking device. Ice will accumulate on the lower and upper corners, the pressure at the edges will worsen, but in the center it will remain the same, as a result the canvas will be subject to deformation. With the help of additional trunnions, the multi-locking mechanism will much better press the blade along its entire height.

Installation of locks

It is important not only to choose the right lock for a plastic door, but also to install it correctly. If the installation technology is not followed, problems with the operation of the mechanism will begin and the lock will not perform its main function.

The best solution is to entrust the work to a professional who is well versed in the process, knows the technology for installing locks and the design of a specific mechanism. An ordinary consumer is unlikely to be able to quickly and without practical training master the process of installing a lock for a plastic door, so it is better not to waste energy and nerves and entrust the work to a professional.

As an important nuance, it should be noted that replacing a lock is not difficult, unlike its installation, which is due to the design features. The procedure can be easily performed independently using a regular screwdriver.

To summarize, it should be noted that the correct choice of a lock for a plastic door depends on the conditions under which it will be used. If the choice is made correctly and the installation is done efficiently, the mechanism will serve for many years without breakdowns.

Door structures made of plastic generally do not have locking mechanisms. And all because these types of doors are most often not interior doors, but are installed at the entrance to a balcony or loggia. That is, they are located indoors and do not require additional protection.

Balcony door equipped with a lock

Attention! But due to the fact that crime in our world has become so high, installing a locking element on a plastic door is sometimes extremely necessary. This is how you can protect the premises from unwanted guests.

Why is a lock installed on a balcony door used?

Initially, we will consider several options in which the installation of additional fittings is simply necessary:

  • When there are small children in the room. This is done in order to prevent them from accidentally going out onto the balcony without adult supervision.
  • The apartment is located on the first or last floor. The fact that protective grilles have not been installed is also taken into account. The device will be used to prevent uninvited guests from entering the premises.
  • When there are large animals in the room. Thanks to their mass and strength, they can open the door with their paw.

Protection against criminal intrusion

Therefore, in order to protect not only yourself, but also your loved ones, it makes sense to replace a regular door handle with one that has a built-in locking mechanism. If we compare it with a latch, it should be noted that opening will also occur unhindered, but there will be additional protection.

There are many such locking mechanisms, and therefore you can not only choose, but also install the device yourself, avoiding the extra costs of hiring workers.

Main varieties

At present, mechanisms that have a cylinder type of device are considered popular. This type of mechanism can be installed not only in a balcony door, but also in an interior door, and thanks to the development of modern technologies, it has become possible to install them on entrance structures. Such a device has a unique level of complexity and high secrecy.

Attention! The cylinder mechanism is the most popular for plastic balcony doors.

If we delve deeper into the operating principle, we need to pay attention to the inner drum with locking mechanisms that accept the key only in a certain position. In addition, all keys will be individual.

As for the level of protection, it will be quite difficult to find a key for such a device or open it with a master key. To open it, you will need to open the entire lock, and this, of course, will take additional time and can attract the attention of others.

Cylinder lock

You can also note the lever-type lock. As for the principle of its operation, it is very different from the first option. The main locking element here is a latch, which is activated using a special key.

This type of lock differs from others in its massive size. As for installation, it is carried out only in the canvas itself. That is, if, for example, a key is lost, then it will simply be impossible to do without compromising the integrity of the door. But as for the plastic door, a mechanism of this type is used extremely rarely, because, as you know, plastic is a fragile material.

Level mechanism

Attention! If you pay attention to the degree of fixation, you can distinguish single locking type locks, which do not have any barrier for intruders. Or multi-point ones - with a significant level of security.

Where is it preferable to install?

Locking devices can be located separately, that is, not related to the overall door locking system. Or, on the contrary, combined, and then there will be no need to make additional changes to the canvas.

If you pay attention to the first option, you can say that it is rarely used due to the fact that the design itself must be changed, and this is undesirable for plastic doors. As for the second option, it is widespread, and, in addition, many countries around the world are currently engaged in production, which have proven themselves to be of quality in the construction market.

Attention! The locking mechanism can be installed from the inside or outside. Installation is mainly done from the side of the room.

If you pay attention to cylinder locks, they are installed exclusively inside and thereby exclude the possibility of unwanted guests entering the premises. It should be recalled that opening will only occur using an individual key. Quite rarely, a structure of this type is equipped with a lock on one and the other side of the canvas, since this is simply unnecessary, but extra costs in this case are inevitable.

In addition to equipping the balcony with such a door installation, today there is a tendency to use a plastic door with a lock, for example, for vestibules that are located behind iron doors. Of course, they won’t provide much safety, but they will provide additional sound and thermal insulation.

Installation process of the lock mechanism

Installing a lock with your own hands will not be difficult for anyone. As for the time spent, it is identical to that which would be spent replacing, for example, a broken handle.

To begin the work process, you need, of course, to select a handle that will already have a built-in lock in its design.

When the necessary components are available, you need to remove the old structure from the door leaf. You can use a special screwdriver for this. That is, you need to unscrew the screws and pull out the lock. Insert a new handle with a lock into the hole and screw it using self-tapping screws. At the end of installation, replace the existing decorative plugs.

Decorative plugs

Of course, with such an installation there is a special condition - the coincidence of the holes for the screws. It is best, before you go shopping, to unscrew the old handle and take it with you to the store so as not to make a mistake. But most often the lock models are standard, so it will be difficult to make a mistake.

Let's sum it up

Some options for installing a lock on balcony doors can increase not only the level of security, but also comfort, that is, the door leaf will not open accidentally due to a draft. This aspect plays an important role for those people who are very tense due to external stimuli. Of course, thieves have become sophisticated and can break into any mechanism, but a good lock will at least keep them out for a while.

The video shows how to install the lock.


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The ZamkiTut online store offers everyone who wants to buy locks for plastic (PVC) doors at affordable prices. Here you will find reliable locking mechanisms that differ in functionality and manufacturer, but are of equally high quality.

Metal-plastic doors are used everywhere today. This material is used in the manufacture of both entrance and interior doors. Residential buildings, offices, shops, public institutions and even industrial premises - they are everywhere.

Before buying a lock for a plastic (PVC) door, familiarize yourself with the basic selection criteria. The lock should be:

  • convenient and practical;
  • easily replaceable (in case of failure, there should be no problems with its replacement);
  • durable (provided that the technology for installing it on the door is fully followed);
  • reliable and high quality (the design of the lock must meet all safety standards).

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The price of the proposed models depends on where exactly the lock will be used. The lock for plastic doors includes a mechanism of one of two types: lever and cylindrical. The level of secrecy of the first type of lock is largely related to the number of levers. The lock is opened using a serrated key. Cylinder locks use a cylinder, and the level of security depends on a spring with pins.

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A fundamental element of PVC structures, on the correct installation of which the safety of housing and its inhabitants depends.

How to install a lock on a plastic balcony door

Many people are interested in how embed locking plastic doors and can this be done without the help of others? Metal-plastic products installed on the balcony are usually not equipped with special locks. This is due to the fact that such doors are considered interior doors that do not require locking systems. But practice has shown that this is necessary in order to block the entrance or exit to the balcony. Such devices can protect the apartment from intruders.

Need for a castle

The question arises, is there a need to install a lock for the balcony door? Installation of a locking system is necessary in the following cases:

  • so that small children cannot go out onto the balcony without the help of others without the accompaniment of their parents;
  • when the balcony does not have additional equipment with bars or glazing, and the apartment is located on the lower floors;
  • There are large pets in the apartment that can open the door themselves.

For the safety of your own relatives and “little brothers,” it makes sense to install a handle with a lock. They differ from latches in that they completely prevent the door from opening freely. Craftsmen can open a balcony in less than 7 minutes. Naturally, if desired, a lock for a balcony door will not stop them, but purchasing and installing such a system will not be unnecessary.

Design of locking devices

For a door installed on a balcony, the best option would be a cylinder lock. It has a smaller size than others, which means the locking device can be made in small sizes. Such a lock is not difficult to insert between reinforced parts or directly into the handle.

The lock system cylinder contains special pins. The rule is this: the more of them there are inside, the higher the secrecy of the castle itself. Cylinder systems are excellent at withstanding manipulative hacking, but it is difficult for them to withstand brute force.

Replacing the mask is painfully simple, and dismantling is similarly simple. You just need to remove the small fastening element that is located at the end of the blade.

All available design options are suitable for installation on metal-plastic balcony sashes. They allow you to change the handle, which has a lock, with your own hands. The differences between them are minor, partly in technical details.

In order to choose the right lock for plastic doors, you should be well aware of their features and distinctive properties.

The design of the plastic door itself differs from products made from other materials. This is due to various ways of inserting lock systems.

Features of a lock for PVC sashes

It is simply unrealistic to insert a lock, which is intended for iron or wood structures, into a PVC door leaf. In this case, the leaf on the plastic door may be damaged. Therefore, in stores or on the market it is better to get special locks designed for plastic products. The body of such locks has a certain size corresponding to the width of the profile. This prevents the locking system from hitting the fillers or the glazing.

Installing a lock on a plastic door

Let's cut it in lock to the established plastic door. VKontakte group for your questions

Installing a double-sided handle on a plastic door with your own hands. Without removing the drive

Mortise-type locks are usually installed in plastic panels. They help maintain the aesthetics of the entire structure as a whole. But if you need additional protection against penetration, you can use expensive locks.

Types of castles

There is a wide range of different types of locking devices. They should be chosen based on where the canvas will be located, how reliable the lock should be, and many other reasons.

On plastic The design can be installed as a padlock or a mortise lock. They may differ in functionality, practicality, and design features. The main types of locking devices that are installed in plastic doors are single-locking and multi-locking.

The first type does not provide much protection because it has only one locking point, which is why the door does not fit very tightly to the door leaf. This is explained by the fact that the product is pressed exclusively at the point where the lock hit, exactly in the middle of the door. This lock has a halyard latch and a crossbar. For details on selecting locks for plastic structures, watch the video below:

The second type is used for more reliable protection from intruders, because it has several locking points. They come into contact with the box in several places, so the seal is good. The locking devices are driven by a special bus. Thanks to this, sound insulation is improved, and heat is firmly retained inside the room. The doors do not sag or become loose.

Locks, due to different production materials, can be made entirely of metal, and also partly of plastic. The first option, compared to the other, is more widely used, has higher strength, and also improved consumer properties.

Multi-locking mechanisms are divided into two types. Some of them has drive from the cylinder, and the second from the handle. When using the first option, when the key is turned, the eccentrics extend and immediately close the bolt. Using the 2nd option, the handle turns, drives the eccentrics into special strips and presses them tightly against the box. The existing key locks the lock with a retractable bolt.

Other mechanisms

There is also a lever lock containing plates made of steel. They move with the help of the protrusions on the key. Locking systems of this type are very reliable. But if you need to change it, you will have to take 100% of the entire mechanism.

The cylinder mechanism works on a completely different principle. It has a rod inside with pins in it. When the key is turned, a certain composition is created and the lock can be opened.

Changing such a system is easier and cheaper, since only the rod will need to be updated.

Electric locks can transmit important information to a computer

Electric, also electric locks, are distinguished by mechanisms that open the structure. Operation requires the supply of electrical impulses that turn off the magnet. During operation, the mechanisms do not wear out and, moreover, ensure long-term and high-quality operation.

Such locks for doors made of plastic have one feature. They are able to transmit important information to the computer, how many times and who used the keys to enter the room. For this purpose, there are special programmed keys, the use of which is monitored by the system.

Lock installation

Installing the handle on plastic structures does not take much time, and is no different in complexity. To install, you should first select a handle that has a cylinder system, and keys or an ordinary latch of good quality. It is important that the handles and other parts of the fittings should be from the same manufacturer. To learn how to install a lock on a plastic balcony door, see the following video:

Then you need to first dismantle the handle without the locking system using a Phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the screws, pull out the handle with the pin, and put a new mechanism in its place. You can fasten it with the same screws or use the new ones that come with the kit. Close them with decorative caps. The main thing is that the diameter of the holes matches the fasteners.

Installing locks on balcony doors increases comfort and prevents unauthorized entry and accidental opening of the door. In addition, the appearance and functionality of the system is improved.

A plastic door is a design that is noticeably different from a regular door. Firstly, it is a combination of different materials - metal profile and PVC plastic. Secondly, this combination is multi-layered and varies in different areas. The installation of a locking mechanism on this product should be left to professionals: this design has too many nuances.

Door structures made of plastic

The lock on the plastic entrance door should obviously be different from the device for locking the balcony or interior doors. Moreover, this difference is significant and is explained by the design of each model.

The basis of the door leaf is a sandwich panel and a double-glazed window. In essence, this is a variant of a window structure, but more rigid, with a heavier frame and not fully glazed, although such options are also available. Repairing the product is difficult due to the multi-layer structure, and repairing the fittings requires special skills. But do-it-yourself adjustment is quite possible.

  • The entrance structure is larger in width and weight. The sandwich panel here is much thicker, the frame includes stiffeners, and the double-glazed window is installed in triple glazing to achieve good thermal insulation. Glass can be impact-resistant, which increases the overall level of safety.

This model has limited functions: the sash can be opened in opening or ventilation mode. The advantage of the product is that the design can be unusual and decorative.

  • Interior - the sandwich panel here is much thinner, and the double-glazed window is installed as a single unit. This option is often completely glazed. The operating mode is only opening, since no other functions of the interior model are needed. The fittings are handles, hinges, a lock, and special ones are selected here, despite the lightness and thinness of the fabric.

  • Balcony – this design is multifunctional. The sash can be opened in ventilation, micro-ventilation, opening, and position fixing modes. It must be equipped with a handle on the balcony side. The design is close to the entrance, since it must provide heat and sound insulation of the home, so the sandwich panel here is thick and the glass unit is triple glazed. In the photo there is a door to the balcony.

In addition, there are sliding, hinged and folding models, for each of which special hinges, handles and locks must be selected.

Locks for plastic doors

Most of the mechanisms are of the mortise type, although there are also overhead models. Their installation is quite complicated, and repairs are also not easy. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the purpose and weight of the sash.

The following mortise locks are most often installed.

  • Level - closing is ensured by extending several plates. This method of locking is the most reliable and safe, although it cannot be compared with a multi-point locking method. It is almost impossible to open a plastic door lock with such a device - the secret part is very reliable.

  • Cylindrical - devices with a cylinder. When locked, the pins are arranged in a certain order in height. Opening is possible only if the pins coincide with the relief of the key. A mortise lock with a cylinder is quite suitable for the entrance structure, although it is not so reliable. But repairing plastic door locks in this case is very simple: you just need to replace the secret mechanism.
  • Electric - in this case there is no key, nor is there a handle. You can open the entrance door using a card or key fob. The reliability of the devices is very high, hacking is almost impossible, but without power supply it turns the door into an insurmountable barrier.

  • Electromagnetic – the sash is held down by magnets. This is a fairly new mortise device, but it is also reliable. Without power supply the mechanism does not work. Installation is only possible by specialists.
    Multi-point - 2 and 4 points. A multi-point lock for plastic doors includes several elements, allowing you to achieve maximum pressing of the door to the frame, burglary resistance, and durability. Multi-point mechanisms are made of durable stainless steel. Repairing them is very difficult. However, this modification is more durable. The photo shows a 4-point multi-locking device.

Lock for a plastic balcony door

Its difference is its size. The door to the balcony performs the function of a street door, but at the same time, it enters the living space, and is usually located at a sufficient height, so that, in fact, it does not perform security functions.